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Ebola making a difference in your next cruise?


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Apparently so, they are part of the NIH.gov website, and that is how I found this publication.






I don't think it's that far fetched at all. We already know the timing, if they REALLY wanted to get themselves sick, I would imagine it wouldn't be that hard. With dead bodies piling up over there, they would have access to the live virus. If doctors and care givers are getting it wearing full protection, it should be pretty easy for them to pick it up as well. They also would know the incubation period, I mean, we all know it by now. Once they start feeling sick, all they have to do is put some of their bodily fluids in something that would allow for easy disbursement. If they are really set on spreading it, they WILL get up, no matter how sick they are.


I think it is entirely likely it could happen.



DON'T mention it !!

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Apparently so, they are part of the NIH.gov website, and that is how I found this publication.






I don't think it's that far fetched at all. We already know the timing, if they REALLY wanted to get themselves sick, I would imagine it wouldn't be that hard. With dead bodies piling up over there, they would have access to the live virus. If doctors and care givers are getting it wearing full protection, it should be pretty easy for them to pick it up as well. They also would know the incubation period, I mean, we all know it by now. Once they start feeling sick, all they have to do is put some of their bodily fluids in something that would allow for easy disbursement. If they are really set on spreading it, they WILL get up, no matter how sick they are.


I think it is entirely likely it could happen.

And who thought a few thugs with box cutters could over take 3-jets and crash 2 of them into a office building? Not me, the airlines, the people in the 3-jets or our government apparently.


While I am not suggesting we panic, I don't understand why we don't embrace all possibilities?


For those that say "life is too short". Yea, you are probably correct and I would suggest that you consider.... "and it is getting shorter".

Edited by Sam.Seattle
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If doctors wearing full protective gear got it, what does that say for the way it spreads?

That those who have been in direct contact with the infected person's body fluids need to be especially careful when removing the protective gear.

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And who thought a few thugs with box cutters could over take 3-jets and crash 2 of them into a office building? Not me, the airlines, the people in the 3-jets or our government apparently.


While I am not suggesting we panic, I don't understand why we don't embrace all possibilities?


For those that say "life is too short". Yea, you are probably correct and I would suggest that you consider.... "and it is getting shorter".



I'm sure we all have those sort of thoughts in the middle of a sleepless night - I know I've wondered about germ warfare/terrorism, amongst other nasty things, BUT most sane rational people give themselves a good talking to and dismiss those scary thoughts so that they can get on with their lives

- we certainly shouldn't "embrace all possibilities" and we should encourage other frightened people to get on with their lives too.

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I believe that infection can occur when people are taking off their protective clothing or by using incomplete protective clothing.


One article showed a photo with two German soldiers practicing decontamination procedure. One is dressed in proper protective clothing. The other one is holding the spray nozzle with the disinfectant. He is dressed in a short sleeved t-shirt, an apron, gloves and googles; hair, mouth and lots of skin are not covered. If you have ever held a strong spray nozzle, you know that sooner or later you get wet. So, does the disinfectant work instantly or will the unprotected person get sprayed with the still viable virus?


I am not worried that infection occurs with casual contact like using the same subway car as an infected person who does not yet show symptoms or only mild symptoms.

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Which authorities? People like George Will have tried to push that argument using data that the sources have denied comes to the conclusion he is claiming.


The thing is that nobody really seems to know for sure. The amount of contagion in sneeze droplets will vary from patient to patient as his/her disease progresses. The real "wild card" here is mutation. It may become much easier to spread as time goes on.


I vote for an abundance of caution, but not panic. YMMV.

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At my workplace, we have been taking it very seriously and even have people whose only job is to monitor the status and will jump into action if it happens to become more easily transmittable. As you said, one of my concerns is that some facilities only have a limited number of beds for those getting this virus. What happens if they run out of beds? I know in Africa, they are actively turning away those infected from the hospitals there.


I also agree if those wearing all the personal protective equipment are getting sick, that doesn't reassure me that it isn't as hard to spread as they say it is.


Additionally, I am not letting it keep me from my cruise. I'm more worried about getting Norovirus than Ebola on my cruise.


I don't disagree with this at all. But I believe it also proves that Ebola is a lot more transmittable than what I believe the government is telling us.




If doctors wearing full protective gear got it, what does that say for the way it spreads?




The thing is that nobody really seems to know for sure. The amount of contagion in sneeze droplets will vary from patient to patient as his/her disease progresses. The real "wild card" here is mutation. It may become much easier to spread as time goes on.


I vote for an abundance of caution, but not panic. YMMV.




I agree with all these statements and am not the only one.

I was out last night and like at many gatherings of friends and acquaintances this subject arose. We had those who were on both sides. Some think there are those of us over-reacting and some were in agreement with those of us who are more concerned.


I did not see one post in this thread I would qualify as hysterical and panic. I think use of those words is gross overstatement and in itself 'hysteria producing'. There is such a thing as over reaction to what one sees as over reaction.

Edited by sail7seas
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:confused: How would you know if the man or woman sitting beside you at the evening show had just returned from being a health care worker in West Africa? Perhaps this was the 'gift' their friends or family surprised them with upon their return........ a cruise.





I just don't see it being a genuine cause for worry, compared to other more common worries like norovirus etc. People infected with ebola are generally incapacitated or dead within three weeks, further limiting the spread of infection. As for sitting down beside someone at the show, I think it far more likely they'd have a cold or the flu than ebola.


It seems to me that the fear of ebola is more dangerous than the chances of contracting the actual disease itself. More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than infected with ebola!

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I can't believe the number of posts about Ebola & the scaremongering ! :eek:


To answer the OP's question: No, The fear of Ebola will not be a factor for us to book a cruise or travel! IMO it's much ado about nothing.:)


Statistically speaking, I think you are safe from that happening. In all my life that has never happened to me. You have a better chance of being struck by lightening or being abducted by aliens.


Never as you have described it. It was like one of those dramatic Seinfeld sequences. I really laughed out loud.


I agree with you & also have never had anyone sneeze or cough in my face, with the exception of my Grandbabies! LOL:):) But, have seen people sneeze & cough into their hands & shake another's hand after that..YUK:eek:

Edited by serendipity1499
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:confused: How would you know if the man or woman sitting beside you at the evening show had just returned from being a health care worker in West Africa? Perhaps this was the 'gift' their friends or family surprised them with upon their return........ a cruise.





I just don't see it being a genuine cause for worry, compared to other more common worries like norovirus etc. People infected with ebola are generally incapacitated or dead within three weeks, further limiting the spread of infection. As for sitting down beside someone at the show, I think it far more likely they'd have a cold or the flu than ebola.


It seems to me that the fear of ebola is more dangerous than the chances of contracting the actual disease itself. More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than infected with ebola!




I am sure I stated the chances of such are very low but nevertheless not impossible.


I also agree the chances are far higher a stranger seated beside any of us could have a cold or common flu.


Not a one of us can see into the future and know for sure the health authorities, U.S. government is taking all the best steps and can assure there will be no U.S. outbreak. I do not predict that happening and don't expect it to happen but I do believe it is in the realm of possible. The more mistakes and missteps various health officials make the more the opportunity.


What I don't understand is the vehemence with which some feel they need to tell others how wrong they are? What do they care if one or more people here or in general decide to not travel at the moment? What is it to them if they decide they'd rather stay away from airport stress and unpleasantness and stay off a cruise ship? No one is telling them to not go so why do they feel the need to tell someone they should go?



What would they tell us is a viable reason to cancel a cruise or choose to not travel outside of the obvious reasons such a sudden illness, accident, death in the family, work considerations? What do they see as 'good enough' reasons? ISIS? Major Flu outbreak? Major Noro on ships? What is a decent enough explanation for cancelling or not booking?


I likely will cancel my cruise as this is so to speak 'the last straw' on top of other factors which are private to me. Were this the only reason, I'm not sure but it is likely it is the one that will be the final factor in my decision making. Of course, no one gives a hoot if I cancel nor should they. But they also should not be so intolerant and demanding about others' opinions.




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I can't believe the number of posts about Ebola & the scaremongering ! :eek:






Unfortunately, the thread seems a bit lopsided with regarded to opinions at the moment as some posts appear to be missing. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Having said that, I don't think there is any persuading either side of this argument, everyone will believe what they want to believe. I just think it's a shame to live with such fear.

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More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than infected with ebola!


Do you have some sort of special Kardashian wedding inside scoop? Even if you are wearing mittens, and counting all your fingers together, I'm pretty sure this isn't right.

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Sail, I had a feeling you would not go and here's hoping many nice cruises are in your future.


It remains to be seen how far this spreads. I mean we really just don't know at this point. What I have seen is not very reassuring.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Sail, I had a feeling you would not go and here's hoping many nice cruises are in your future.


It remains to be seen how far this spreads. I mean we really just don't know at this point. What I have seen is not very reassuring.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Agree...what we have seen up to now is not reassuring...Mollie Hemingway wrote a great article today or yesterday about the media and Ebola...


There seems to be two definitive camps in this discussion...I certainly hope the camp who is naysaying EVERYTHING is the right one...but I have my doubts....


I will say...Sail...IMHO...right decision made...I always trust my gut...and if you had doubts what ever they might have been...there will be more cruises in your future...I can only imagine how hard it must be to contemplate doing a cruise without a spouse...hugs to you!!

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Do you have some sort of special Kardashian wedding inside scoop? Even if you are wearing mittens, and counting all your fingers together, I'm pretty sure this isn't right.


It's from an internet MEME, and it got a little mixed up in translation.




"More Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian, than have died from Ebola"



that IS accurate.

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http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/ebola-crash-fear-hurts-us-26404659 is a source on the "More Americans have married Kim Kardashian than died from Ebola". In fact, as of two days ago, zero Americans were infected in America with Ebola. Two American nurses and an aid worker were infected overseas, and no deaths yet.


The fear is more dangerous than the disease, here in the USA and Canada. Of course, people are free to make their choices as they wish. Airplanes crash, yet most people still fly.






Edited by MaxThrusters
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http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/ebola-crash-fear-hurts-us-26404659 is a source on the "More Americans have married Kim Kardashian than died from Ebola". In fact, as of two days ago, zero Americans were infected in America with Ebola. Two American nurses and an aid worker were infected overseas, and no deaths yet.


The highlighted part in your post is completely wrong. Both of the American nurses were infected in a Dallas hospital. Dallas, Texas is not "overseas," even by Ottawa standards. :p

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The highlighted part in your post is completely wrong. Both of the American nurses were infected in a Dallas hospital. Dallas, Texas is not "overseas," even by Ottawa standards. :p


I tried to correct it, but the 20 min limit passed :/


Still, tied with Kardashian marriages for infection, and still 3-0 for deaths.

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I agree with all these statements and am not the only one.

I was out last night and like at many gatherings of friends and acquaintances this subject arose. We had those who were on both sides. Some think there are those of us over-reacting and some were in agreement with those of us who are more concerned.


I did not see one post in this thread I would qualify as hysterical and panic. I think use of those words is gross overstatement and in itself 'hysteria producing'. There is such a thing as over reaction to what one sees as over reaction.



I don't see any posts either that would qualify as hysterical and/or panic posts. I see a discussion on differing viewpoints of the Ebola situation.


Here is the definition of scaremonger from Merriam Webster online, since it seems to be dropped as a label so frequently on this thread.


Scaremonger: one inclined to raise or excite alarms especially needlessly


And I still don't see any posts matching that definition.

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The thing is that nobody really seems to know for sure. The amount of contagion in sneeze droplets will vary from patient to patient as his/her disease progresses. The real "wild card" here is mutation. It may become much easier to spread as time goes on.




I vote for an abundance of caution, but not panic. YMMV.



Ebola has been around for a few decades and they know pretty well how it is transmitted and how it is not transmitted.


There will always be a few outliers throwing out doubt based on very little research.

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I don't see any posts either that would qualify as hysterical and/or panic posts. I see a discussion on differing viewpoints of the Ebola situation.


Here is the definition of scaremonger from Merriam Webster online, since it seems to be dropped as a label so frequently on this thread.


Scaremonger: one inclined to raise or excite alarms especially needlessly


And I still don't see any posts matching that definition.

That's because well over 15 posts were removed earlier because they were not conforming to Cruise Critic posting guidelines.

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The "scaremongering," to me, comes from the confluence of a media (NY Times, CNN and others) who are all interested in a "big story" and a clear lack of planning and understanding by our national health administrations (CDC, NIH, DHHS WHO, etc.) who are uncoordinated and constantly changing their, so-called, "protocols." And a politician with no medical training of any kind has been put in charge? YICKS!


How can we, the general public, have any confidence that we're nor at risk with that miserable track record of those who are supposed to help us deal with Ebola?


The good news is that many of the precautions already being taken will help reduce the incidence of tuberculosis and other terrible contagious diseases and hopefully are also reducing the possibility that Ebola will spread in the USA as it has been for the last few years in west Africa.

Edited by Sow There
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