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Packing Rituals/Habits


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So what order do you pack your stuff? When it is time to start packing, what is the first thing you go after?


In my case, you always know a cruise is coming up because my closet has exploded all of its dress clothes onto my bed. Then I have to try everything on and make sure it still fits. After that I weed out the pile to what I am actually going to take. As a SAH homeschooling mom, having a reason to get dressed up is a good thing. The very last thing I pack up is my bathroom stuff. I need all of that until we take off so it goes in at the end. Today is one week out for me so I have started my packing process. I swear I am packing light this time (just like I promised the last 4 cruises :rolleyes: ).

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We found we only used 1/2 or less of what we brought with us. We go for 30 days or more and only use a carry-on each. Here is a YouTube Video. We didn't believe it until we tired it, only way to go now for us. Hate lugging extra suitcases around.




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I like you, try on everything first before it goes in the suitcase. But I make a list and I really try to keep the list as short as I can because I have learned that I really overpack. And most of what I bring is completely unnecessary. I really try to pick just a few pairs of shorts that I can make several outfits out of and then go from there. I pack one sweatshirt because we do travel in the winter and it is cold when we leave and it's cold when we come home. So sometimes I can coordinate what I wear on the plane and just wear it home too and not have to bring a bunch of winter clothes too.

Once I get that stuff tried on that stuff goes first, then dresses usually get laid on the bed next to the suitcase. (I usually pack on our guest bed so I can lay stuff out and not have to pack it right away. But I still have the luxury of having it out of the closet.)

I also try to go to the grocery store and buy my favorite toiletries in travel size that way I can just toss them out when they're gone instead of brining them back home. If I have a bunch of those I just go ahead and pack them and make note of whatever I still need. I like the travel size method best. Even if I have to buy 2-3 shampoos/conditioners because I always come home with a bunch of stuff and my luggage always seems to be so heavy. And yes, I have gotten the dreaded heavy tag on my luggage. Last cruise I was pulling stuff out at the check in desk and putting it in my carry on.

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This may not be just what you meant, but . . . I've never been seasick, yet I ALWAYS pack meds. I have an irrational fear or superstition that if I don't pack it, I will be seasick.



Don't feel bad, I do the same thing. I always fear that the next cruise will be the one with the boat just a rockin and a rollin. I've actually withstood some pretty rough seas without getting sick so you would think I would get over this fear.


Then again, maybe I should try taking them. I get reverse motion sick and feel like poop while off the boat in ports. Once it was so bad we had to hurry back on the boat so I wouldn't get sicker.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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No "ritual"...I pack as I do for any trip. I never take "travel" size anything....most of my stuff isn't made in travel sizes! I'll take a 1/2 full bottle...weighs less. I do NOT try and do only "carry-on"...I bring what I want and like! Full sized bottles go in the checked bags (if flying)....my makeup stays with me...


Of course, toiletries are last....you have to use them prior to leaving!!!


I do try on things that I may not have worn for a while...but most of my stuff is my usual wardrobe...I know what goes with what...and what fits! I don't do a "vacation" wardrobe....it's normal clothes!

Edited by cb at sea
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I don't actually pack until the day before we leave; pretty sure I'd forget what was packed otherwise.


I too try on a lot of the things I'm taking, especially formal wear, and different combinations of outfits and shoes and then I hang everything I'm thinking of taking in one section of the closet. I add or subtract things as I change my mind or find new things. I start this about two weeks ahead.


I also go through my now huge collection of travel stuff to see if I am short of anything, like travel size hair spray, toothpaste, etc. I separate out what I'm planning on taking on a seldom used counter in the laundry room (that's also where I keep our travel toiletries, etc. ) If I'm low on something I buy it and add to the pile.


The day before I do the final packing; I don't take everything that was separated out. Everything gets packed except the last-minute toiletries that I will need the day we travel, to get ready. I tend to pack bigger items first, then small items and shoes where they fit, last formal wear that might need to lay out flatter.

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I use travel sizes or 3 oz bottles of my shampoo, conditioner, etc. I also have duplicates or travel sizes of my must have makeup. I pack or set this aside about 10 days before. I also plan my & my DH's wardrobe and set hanging items to one side of our closets and use a bin for things I will pack folded. I actually pack the morning before we fly. Then it is off for Mani's & Pedi's for both of us, and dinner out at Red Lobster. The one time we deviated from this ritual my DH got sick in San Diego and laid in the emergency room as the ship pulled out. He then spent 3 days in the hospital there so you better believe we will not deviate again.



Mary Lou

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I have clothes exclusively just for cruising, so its a matter of making sure their clean before putting back in the duffel bag. Then its the matter of making sure I have all my toiletries in the bag - I usually buy some replacements a week or month in advance or buy them the same day of embarkment since the drugstores are close to the port (NYC) or along the way. Finally it the matter of making sure my hair is done or not before the trip, going to try to cruise while my hair is in box braids - makes for easy drying and less frizz plus no melodrama. lol.

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I don't start packing the suitcase till a few days before, but I do have a basket in my walk in closet where I toss things that I pick up before next cruise depending on location. My next cruise is to Indonesia where toilet paper and western style toilets are hard to find so I saw a nice pack of personal wipes in the travel section so I picked up a pack to throw in my case. I also tossed in all my sunscreen that needs to be used up prior to next summer. If I don't use it all on my cruise it will likely be tossed in favor of souvenirs. As the weather gets cooler I will also toss in other things into the basket if I know I want it on vacation but won't be using it till then.

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Years ago I made up computer lists to exactly what goes into each suitcase.

When it is time to cruise -- we leave on Friday for the airport hotel before flying out early Saturday morning -- like today I am running off the lists and DH will bring the suitcases down from the attic. In a few hours we will start to pack.

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I also have a packing list that I have honed over the years. My motto now is if it is NOT on the packing list, then I do NOT need it. Makes my life easier to just go down and check off things and not have to worry if I have forgotten anything.


Not really a ritual, but one time I got deathly sick off a salad bar the night before we left on our cruise!! Let me tell you.....that was one long car trip.....:eek:.....but thankfully it was all out of my system and I was fine by cruise day.


So now we have a strict rule....."No Eating Out The Night Before The Cruise"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I also have a packing list that I have honed over the years. My motto now is if it is NOT on the packing list, then I do NOT need it. Makes my life easier to just go down and check off things and not have to worry if I have forgotten anything.


Not really a ritual, but one time I got deathly sick off a salad bar the night before we left on our cruise!! Let me tell you.....that was one long car trip.....:eek:.....but thankfully it was all out of my system and I was fine by cruise day.


So now we have a strict rule....."No Eating Out The Night Before The Cruise"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Its funny that you said this because this was my exact thought when I read the reply about going to Red Lobster the night before leaving :p


I do the "set aside" routine and wait until the night before to actually pack. This time I have done a trial packing because we are traveling with carry-on only. The only "hard" thing so far was planning for 3-1-1 compliance with just carry-on. We will buy most liquids when we get there and pitch them when we leave. Since this is new for us, I needed the encouragement of a trial packing. Flying to SJU in 62 days :D

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I just HAD to jump in here because the planning and packing is what gets me through the long wait till the sail date! Sometimes I'll go through 4 lists before settling on what I bring along. I love planning my wardrobe and always write out what I'm wearing on what day/for what occasion, starting with the flight to the port. I plan morning, afternoon and evening, and inlclude a complete outfit. I find that I don't overpack and what I'm wearing is one less decision I have to make each morning on my vacation.


I'm sailing in 4 days :) and although I've been setting things aside for several weeks, it's only this past weekend that I opened the suitcase up to air out and started putting some things in it yesterday. Such as shoes, a few swimsuits, extension plug, bungee, duck tape, shampoo (I bring full size), sunscreen, etc. I always make a copy of the documents including passport and stick it in the suitcase. I also scan these items and email them to myself and a family member for quick reference. Next, I will roll up my shorts, casual tops and pack them in. Then I put in a bag containing my toiletry items. Last in is my dressy outfits -which are packed the moring we leave - then close the suitcase up, and we're off!


Jewelry and makeup comes with me in carry-on, always. BTW, I use WEN shampoo for my thick, wavy hair and it fights the humidity and holds a style like nothing else. Also, no need to pack conditioner or styling creme either.


There's no packing like cruise packing! So excited to be leaving for San Juan & the Summit in just a few days!

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I'm one of those wait till the last minute to pack kind of guys. If I'm leaving out of SFO, I'll catch the 10:00 a.m. train into The City. I'll be up about 6 a.m. (my normal time) to pack and I'll finish about 9.

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[quote name=jenn-;44564347. Then again' date=' maybe I should try taking them. I get reverse motion sick and feel like poop while off the boat in ports. Once it was so bad we had to hurry back on the boat so I wouldn't get sicker.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote]



I used to get seasick on the ferry going over from Sausalito to San Francisco! And on a curvy road? Forget it! All sorts of motion sickness for me! And the land/leg/world shifting under your feet on shore excursions & after cruise was a great reason to not cruise much! Then I discovered the miracle solution: Meclazine 25 mg (Bonine, Verticalm, etc.) Take 1 each night beginning two nights before, continue during & through 2 nights after. No sea or land sickness! But, just in case, I also take along Hylands Motion Sickness tabs & dissolve 2-3 under tongue if rough seas or tender.

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I travel for business a lot. So I have packing practice and still when I go on vacation it seems more of a production. I use my spare bedroom as Packing Staging Center. So as I remember I want to take stuff I put it into the room. I have a small 'crate' that I put smaller items in.


I do use travel size items when I can so I can toss as they empty and replace that space and weight with stuff I get on vacation. I do not do the carry-on only thing -- I respect and envy those who do, but I am and shall always be a "what if" packer... what if I want to wear this, what if we decide to do the formal night, what if I spill coffee on my shirt. I always pack sunscreen and meds, even seasickness meds even if I have never gotten sick. I am a pack for what if person - remember. I did finally start using packing cubes and the layering/folding method so I could fit more and get less wrinkles.

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My husband started his list about a month before the cruise ;) me - much of my free time in the days leading up to the cruise involved last minute shopping, etc. (We were on a Friday to Friday cruise)... so about Sunday night I had the suitcase open on the bedroom floor and would pack a bit each day... finishing with the last of my toiletries and half a dozen last minute items I was convinced I couldn't cruise without (and probably didn't even wear!) I personally find the shopping/preparation/packing SO much fun and such a cool part of the experience:)


Edited: one of the things I love about cruising from a port close to home- I don't have to worry about 3 oz containers and quart sized ziploc baggies! I love being able to throw my full size shampoo, conditioner, and face wash right in the bag!!

Edited by welove2cruise2014
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I have a firm idea of what I am taking for casual clothing. Laundry is done so I can now grab out the suitcase and start loading it in. My goal this time is only the large suitcase and garment bag for all of our clothing.


I used to get seasick on the ferry going over from Sausalito to San Francisco! And on a curvy road? Forget it! All sorts of motion sickness for me! And the land/leg/world shifting under your feet on shore excursions & after cruise was a great reason to not cruise much! Then I discovered the miracle solution: Meclazine 25 mg (Bonine, Verticalm, etc.) Take 1 each night beginning two nights before, continue during & through 2 nights after. No sea or land sickness! But, just in case, I also take along Hylands Motion Sickness tabs & dissolve 2-3 under tongue if rough seas or tender.


I carry Bonine and ginger pills with me in my just in case pile. This time I think I am going to try taking them for non seadays.

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One of the blessings of an off-season cruise is that I collected, washed, and pre-packed swimsuits, cover ups, and water shoes two months ago. The clothes we bought for the cruise are hanging waiting to be packed.


I use packing cubes, and try to cross pack a bit JUST IN CASE. Since we drive to the port, there is also a small suitcase that is used for the trip down, that will be checked at the port. With four of us and two pre-cruise nights, there will probably be one cube per person in the small suitcase.

I usually pack one day of clothes per cube; it helps me be sure I've packed enough.


I almost always take the day we leave off, so I can have that last minute flurry of being sure I have everything on my list. The list helps. I would be a basket case if I had to fly to a cruise!!

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My packing habit/ritual is to wait until the night before for 90% of the decision on what to take and to pack it up. The other 10% is usually destination-specific stuff that I'll pick up as I think of it (or am provided a list from the trip leader). Things like binoculars for some trips, walking sticks for some trips (always on hiking trips after shattering a leg in Italy on a hiking trip through Tuscany), mask, fins, and the appropriate rash guard/neoprene top for snorkeling. I don't have a need for the full clown face of makeup on vacation, so it's pretty easy to just pack the moisturizer, neutral eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. My everyday wardrobe is also my cruise and vacation wardrobe. I just pick what is "tickling my fancy" at the time that will work for my destinations. Oh - I have a very small sports car, so I really am limited to what luggage I can take; good thing I can pack in a 25" at most and have it fit in the front passenger seat - the daypack goes in the tiny trunk...

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