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Mitsugirly's extensive back to belly sun & sky review


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They were playing music and welcoming everyone back. Sakari was having her own party and dancing on the deck by herself with not a care in the world.





All she could do was point at the Epic and say she wanted to go on that ship and THOSE slides mommy.





When I told her that daddy and I had been on that ship, she wanted to know why she didn't remember it. I told her we went without her and the look that I got was priceless. She just can't understand there was a time before "Sakari". LOL





As you can see, there was never very many people on the front of the ship.


The clouds were beautiful that day.




It was almost time to leave and WHAT'S THIS??? There are 4 people missing!!! How can this be?


They were making announcements for the missing people and Sakari goes "Are they saying my name?" She was completely convinced they were calling her name over the loud speaker and she said she heard them say Shakira. She is now convinced that Shakira is part of her name. For some reason one of the counselors in the kids club could not say her name so they just called her Shakira. She got use to it all week. When we would pick her up, they would call "Shakira Sakari, your mommy is here to pick you up." LOL

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Wow, thanks for that info. I think that's exactly what it was looking at that video. Thank you. :)


I knew you were a little freaked out about the sweat lodge and figured if you knew what it was, you would feel better about it. I'm looking forward to more of your review today! Thanks for doing such a good one!

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I knew you were a little freaked out about the sweat lodge and figured if you knew what it was, you would feel better about it. I'm looking forward to more of your review today! Thanks for doing such a good one!



Yea thanks. It was just a little creepy being over there by myself and then the whole you have to crawl in just to get inside was a little nerving. I just didn't want the gods to come down on me and curse me for the rest of the cruise. :D I feel much better now.

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You have a few pictures of our balcony on the aft and I always check to see if we are out. LOL We haven't been in any of them so far. We enjoyed the 'party' the crew puts on at Cozumel from the balcony and spent sail away there that day.


You got some great family pictures! With Sakari's artistic eye, maybe she needs her own camera now.


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It's been a VERY long day and I know this days review has been super long. Sorry about that, but I REALLY loved this place and wanted to share as much as I could with everyone in hopes that if anyone tries it out, they will be satisfied with it and have a good perception of what it's like before going to know whether or not it's the right place for you.


I will continue tomorrow if I can (I have to work twice tomorrow lol), with our walk along the malecon and our trip back to the ship.


I hope everyone is still enjoying the review. :)


What long? No need to apologize! We all just went on a very nice (although virtual) mini vacation! Thanks soooo much! :D


Always love reading (and sharing in) your reviews!

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Mitsugirly, could you kindly send me an email. I have some specific questions to ask and always love your reviews. I hope I'm not out of line or doing anything wrong by asking for you to email. ashley.m.allison@gmail.com Thank you a ton!


Absolutely. :)


You have a few pictures of our balcony on the aft and I always check to see if we are out. LOL We haven't been in any of them so far. We enjoyed the 'party' the crew puts on at Cozumel from the balcony and spent sail away there that day.


You got some great family pictures! With Sakari's artistic eye' date=' maybe she needs her own camera now.




Actually I did buy her a camera for Christmas about 2 years ago. But it was one of those "kid" cameras...you know the big and bulky ones like a little tikes type of contraption. It didn't work worth a crap. She usually just uses mine most of the time. She LOVES taking pictures. She had a NABI that I got her several years back and it was loaded with pictures. She was so sad when she broke the screen on it and has begged for one since. She will have a brand new NABI 2 this Christmas. She will be back in business again with taking pictures. :) (This is one little munchkin that loves taking selfies). :p

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What long? No need to apologize! We all just went on a very nice (although virtual) mini vacation! Thanks soooo much! :D


Always love reading (and sharing in) your reviews!



Well thank you very much. Sometimes I just feel like I go on a little too much to the point that I lose some people. But I just get so excited when I look at all the wonderful pictures that it's so hard to decide which ones to share. :p

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We are sitting up on the deck and patiently waiting for sailaway to happen. Daddy decides he's going to take a short nap.





But it didn't last for long. (BTW this is by far my favorite thing to do at sailaway from the ports...I try to get Sakari every time only this time she knew what was coming LOL...but daddy didn't).









As you can see at the end of the video, we pulled away from the Epic, everyone waving and then it was exposed....the SUN!!! It was the absolutely brightest and most beautiful sun I think I have ever seen.


I also love when the ships blow their horns at each other and go back and forth. I really feel like I'm on a cruise when they do this. hehe (Did you see and hear the crew worker stacking the chairs laughing at Sakari when the horn went off? He got a kick out of it).


The minute we had the Epic out of the way, you could hear everyone on the ship say "Awwwwww" and what a shocker it was to see the sun in that way. It was like a big revealing. No seriously, you had to be there in person to know what I'm talking about. Seriously! The absolute BIGGEST and BRIGHTEST colorful sun ever!!!









Edited by mitsugirly
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The captain came on and announced that we would have smoothe sailings back to the port of Tampa. It was 5:10 when we pulled out and I'm not sure if they ever found the 4 missing people.


We headed back down to the room to shower and get ready for the night.


Sakari wanted to head to the kids club, but I figured we had better eat something first. We ended up at the Garden cafe on the back and they had some wonderful and "interesting" sandwiches that night.









After taking Shakira, I mean Sakari to the kids club, they finally decided it was time for a new one of these....after hanging off of her wrist for days...I guess so.





We signed her up for the after hours sitting services since we knew that the white hot party was tonight. The staff said she was the first child that was signed up "so far". I told them I would sign her up and we were off to the casino for awhile and then we would come back and check on her. At that time we would probably take her for a snack and then bring her back for the after hours sitting. They said that was fine and they would see us later.


Off to the Casino we went and I managed to play the machine that had been treating me well all week. $10 went in it and I played for a straight 2 hours only having to get up long enough for the hubby to sit and guard my machine while I went to the restroom. No joke...my "arse" was falling asleep but I was too scared to get up for fear of missing out on a big win.


All in all, I did ok and had a lot of fun.


We headed back to the kids club to check on Sakari and she said she wanted to stay longer. At that point there were 3 kids signed up for the after hours sitting. Woo hoo...not. I guess I couldn't expect too much since this wasn't a cruise with a bunch of kids or younger families.


We headed up to the pool deck and seen they were setting up things for the White Hot party.


There was already people up there and finding "a spot". Some of the furries were up there too hanging out and walking around.






Fondy was just so cute with the little balloon with a drawing on it of what I assume was supposed to be Fondy.






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Now I believe that the white hot party was to start at 10:30 or 10:45pm, but there were a lot of people starting to gather at 9pm already, which is weird and I have never experienced everyone arriving so early. The seats were starting to fill up quickly and by 9:45pm they were already playing the music loud and people were dancing. YIKES!


Ok, so what to do??? Both the hubby and I looked at each other and said "you know Sakari would want to be here...it should be alright to just bring her. She would have more fun here than at some kids club with only 2 other kids in there!"


I agreed to go down and get her and get her ready for the party...gosh, did I bring anything white for her??? I'd have to find something....and I did.


When I picked her up from the kids club, they said "bye Shakira, we'll see you tomorrow" and acted as if they were happy they weren't going to have the sitting services open. Maybe the other families cancelled too? I'm not sure. I never once mentioned that we weren't coming back. If you remember correctly, I had said we would be picking her up to eat and bringing her back for the sitting services while we went to the White Hot party. I guess they didn't want to bring it up and hoped that they wouldn't have to stay. No problem I guess.


So I got her ready, did her hair and she wanted to model for me.


"Take my picture mommy"













We headed back upstairs to join the party and she was super excited when she heard the music playing.

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Yea thanks. It was just a little creepy being over there by myself and then the whole you have to crawl in just to get inside was a little nerving. I just didn't want the gods to come down on me and curse me for the rest of the cruise. :D I feel much better now.


Out of curiosity, I went to the Blue Kay Beach Club's website and found a photo of the sweat lodge and what they had to say about it:


"We take care of even the most intimate part of you by offering yoga classes at dawn and rejuvenating baths of Temazcal."



Temazcal is another word for sweat lodge.



Sure enough, there is a photo of the inside of the sweat lodge (temazcal) on the Blue Kay website under Gallery.


At any rate, Blue Kay seems to be a great place for a beach day. I am learning a lot from your review about new places I'd like to visit in the future.

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Out of curiosity, I went to the Blue Kay Beach Club's website and found a photo of the sweat lodge and what they had to say about it:


"We take care of even the most intimate part of you by offering yoga classes at dawn and rejuvenating baths of Temazcal."



Temazcal is another word for sweat lodge.



Sure enough, there is a photo of the inside of the sweat lodge (temazcal) on the Blue Kay website under Gallery.


At any rate, Blue Kay seems to be a great place for a beach day. I am learning a lot from your review about new places I'd like to visit in the future.


I remember seeing pictures of this dome before and after they painted it, but I think it was on TA. But I just don't remember reading anything about it prior to being there. Thanks for the info.



I just wanted to chime in and say that you couldn't ramble too long for me!! I LOVE your reviews and have read every one of them. I look forward to them to be honest!


Aww shucks, thanks so much. :)

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Who knew if "Shakira" had been Sharing her royalties on her albums with you, she could have saved you all those college tuition fees :)




I know right. She came on the radio the other day and I told Sakari who it was and she said "She has the same name as me?" LOL


Thank you so much for your review of Passion Island! You provided such a detailed review that it was really like being there. What a shame that Sakari was injured. She is such a little trooper! :)


You are very welcome. She is really a big trooper. I'm usually the one getting hurt on cruises (and breaking things). I felt so bad for her but I'm so glad that it cleared up quickly like Jorge had said. Otherwise it would have been a total flop of a day all around.

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So on to the white hot party. Daddy was saving us a seat when we got there and the party was going full force. Sakari was excited and we headed out to the dance floor to join in.


Immediately she found her furry friends and was having a great time.


This is Fondy, who was carrying a balloon that had a picture of Fondy the Fox on it. (Story about this later...yikes).






This is Aiden Shywolf and Sakari made her rounds dancing with each of them.





I think they must have some type of "paw" signal. They always put their paws out and Sakari would put her hands up to the paws and dance. It was cute.


Then she found RC Fox, which is one that danced with her for awhile the other night and she loved him. He was quite a character and was so funny to watch.








In this video you could just tell she was so fascinated by RC Fox...her mouth hanging open in a huge smile.




Sakari dancing with Wiesel



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So back to Fondy...and the balloon. Fondy was nice enough to let Sakari hold the balloon and she obviously thought it would be like any other balloon, you throw it up in the air and it floats back down for you to hit it. What she didn't know was when you are on a ship, there's a lot of wind up there in the air...Oops!!! She threw it up and away it flew. YIKES! Oh my gosh!! I felt so bad.


Me and another guy went chasing the balloon that went over toward the back of the pool and he was able to retrieve it...thank goodness!


Moments before the incident:





I almost envisioned it coming at this point...





So now it was time to actually get the party started and the Sun dancers came out on the deck. Sakari spotted her favorite and waved the entire time.





Then everyone joined in on the fun.




They were handing out lights to everyone in the audience. I don't know how, but Sakari ended up with 4 of them. She was glowing all night.








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They had a few ice sculptures over in an area roped off. They were selling wine over there.





Upstairs dancing on their own are RC Fox, Nightclaw and the Boat (Bunny/Goat) get it? haha





Sakari dancing with Wiesel again. Paw to paw. lol




The furries headed up on the stage to dance.


Boat, Nightclaw and Archai dancing with one of the ladies that was always at every function and getting the party going. I'm not sure who she was. You would have thought she was the cruise director because we seen more of her than the cruise director himself. She is also the lady that caught me yawning at a show and told me there's time to sleep when I'm dead. LOL




Sakari with Wiesel and Gearpaw





Sakari and a new furrie we hadn't seen until tonight: Scooby.






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Everyone headed up on the stage to dance. Sakari was too shy at first and then a lady that was getting a little wild and crazy came over and grabbed her hand, helped her up the steps and started dancing with her. Archai dancing behind her.





Crazy lady with Sakari dancing...lol You could tell she was having the best time ever.




f8w-2SNkUUUSakari with Gearpaw, Aiden Shywolf, Fondy, Scooby (can you see that Scobbys eyes light up?), and Boat.





Tek Otter made it in the picture to the left.








Dancing with Tek Otter




I think Fondy forgave her for the balloon incident.



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More dancing fun




Sakari decided to come down and dance with daddy for awhile.





Then when things died down a little bit (you can always tell when the party dies down...the kids hit the stage), Sakari was up on the stage dancing with the kids:





When we were almost ready to leave, the furries were on the stage and taking pictures with everyone. This is only a few of them. The others were wondering around the deck or up a floor still dancing.


From left to righ on the bottom: Scooby, Tek Otter, Gearpaw, Boat, Aiden Shywolf, Keet Collie, Wiesel.

On the top from left to right: RC Fox, Fondy and Archai.





The ship photographer took pictures that night as well and we were able to locate some of them at the photo gallery the following day.











So that was pretty much the end of the White Hot party. It was a great party and just like I like it...plenty of people, plenty of dancing, great weather and good times.



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