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Mitsugirly's extensive back to belly sun & sky review


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So on to about the furries, since everyone is asking about them.


I had no clue what they were until this cruise. Since then I have done extensive research to find out about this phenomenon and culture of critters.


There are several sites out there that you can read up on them. They have been around for several years, since 1980 and it's just another social group of people that like to express their feelings and visual arts and create these characters, usually being a character that represents their "inner-self". Some people are shy in real life and become the person they want to be when they are in suit. Kind of like that techie guy you may know at work that is shy and doesn't talk to others because of fear that has a whole other life outside of work...they put on the suit and they come to life being the goofy fun person they always wanted to be. Of course this is not all of the furries. They love to express themselves with their furs, love the arts, animals, comics and so on. Well, you can read up on it if you like.



They participate in parades, go to conventions, do fund-raising charity events and so on. I even read where they do childrens events for hospitals and such. It seems as though the community had a bad perception of them early on, but now the community have become more inviting and of course curious about this population. (I guess I've been hiding under a rock and hadn't really noticed, but now after reading about it, I do remember it being on a tv show I watch-Greys anatomy).


The furries have been doing cruise get togethers since 2005, with the last 2 cruises being on NCL and RCL prior to that I believe.


They do have strict guidelines for the furries to cruise and I do know that after finding out what they were, I was talking to a crew member about them and they told me that they go threw extensive screening and regulations. They have to get added permission from the cruise line itself as well and several other things.


From the furries cruise website:


The Furry Cruise by nature is a public furry / fursuiting event held onboard one of many cruise ships each year since 2005. Unlike any other con we are only a small number of people on a very large moving hotel and in so much we represent the furry community as a whole and should place our best foot forward.


General behavior and rules are first and foremost dictated by the ship's code of conduct; please review this information on the appropriate cruise line's web page. Above and beyond that though we ask that any attendee whether it be in costume or not should maintain a proper respectful attitude to all members of not only the group but other guests onboard the ship. We also request common sense be used in both talking about the event and the furry / fursuiting community in general. If you are in doubt please refer questions to the Furry Cruise Coordinator.



Unfortunately we CAN NOT allow any copyrighted characters for suits onboard the ship, for legal reasons.




We request that once on board the first day of the cruise, please allow time for the Furry Cruise Coordinator to approach the ship staff and secure proper permission and give the group an 'all clear' before any suiting activities begin. We request and very much recommend that you not fursuit without there being at least two of our group present and preferably one person who is not in a suit (handler). Traversing the ship and operating doors, buttons, elevators and other obstacles can prove to be more difficult than normal on a cruise ship due to limited space and close quarters. In addition, we have always attracted a lot of attention and the small walkways can easily become extremely crowded.




Dealing with the public on board requires a level of tact and patience; unlike other events, suiters are not to approach people unless invited to do so by those people. We are not to solicit or demand attention but rather welcome it only when given freely. The Furry Cruise is a G-rated event and all activities, actions and appearances should remain as such. Please be mindful, in everything you do, that a large portion of the ship's two to three thousand other guests are families including every age imaginable. We have put smiles on the faces of everyone from children to the elderly and we want to continue doing so. Use common sense and, when in doubt, ask the Furry Cruise Coordinator.




Fursuiting is to be onboard only due to uncertainty regarding local laws and customs; it is neither in NCL's or the Furry Cruise Coordinator ability, nor responsibility to confirm or deny whether fursuiting at any port of call is permissible or legal.




Please ensure that your fursuit is fresh and clean, observe general etiquette for public fursuit performance, etc. Most of all, relax and enjoy the cruise.



This cruise I believe there were around 16 furries on the cruise, but 18 fur suits total (some have 2). The fur suits can run thousands of dollars to have made.



Here's a video of a reporter that did a report on the furries.










I myself thought that them being on the cruise was interesting and everyone loved them. At one point I stopped a group of them walking by and told them how much fun they made the cruise and I would much rather see them on every cruise than Sponge Bob.

I get the feeling that people on here are a little concerned about them by a few of the responses. Furries are male and female. Some are married, some gay/lesbians/bi, straight...you know, just like the rest of the world. One of the furries that interacted with Sakari a lot was marriage and his wife was with him on the cruise.

Their code of conduct doesn't allow interaction unless they are approached or they know it's ok. I completely watched this take place every time we were around them. They never once approached anyone and only interacted if they were approached first or instructed to do so. They were very gentle, in a nice and shy kind of way. Sometimes I felt sorry for them because people flock to them and in reality, they are just there trying to enjoy their vacation as well. They treated us and Sakari with the utmost respect and never stepped out of line.



Think about this...do you have concern when Sponge Bob and Dora come out? Do you have concern when either of the characters hug your child for a picture? Did you never allow you child to sit on Santa's lap at the mall for a picture or the Easter Bunny? Have they never been to Walt Disney and hugged the characters? Have you never dressed up at Halloween as a character with a mask? Don't you become a different person and play the part? There are many more instances I could name. If you can say that this has never happened, then I'm sorry, you must live in a bubble. This is no different. I am there with my child the entire time. I had no reason for concern. If I'm missing something...please let me know.


I can remember when I first started at the hospital and we had a Halloween party. I dressed up as a mummy...wrapped from head to toe. I played the part. I didn't talk to anyone and it took all morning for them to figure out who I was. I starred at my co-workers, I tilted my head, they laughed, the patients laughed and I put a smile on their face. I won for the best costume that year. It was a lot of fun. Maybe I'm a furry at heart? :p


I am a very open person. I think that's why I love cruising so much. I get to experience different cultures and people. I don't judge unless you give me a reason to...meaning you crossed me in some way that was not right. I realize not everyone is the same or equal...that applies even to your neighbor. I hear people say things on here about how they won't get off the ship because of....some type of information regarding the people that live in that country and what they might do or how they act or whatever. Well it's your prerogative whether or not you want to experience different cultures, but do you realize that those "other" cultures are right beside you on the ship? Do you realize how many different cultures are sailing with you? I go with an open mind. I live life. I chose to make it a happy one and live it to the fullest while not stereotyping and judging others. I try to see the best in everyone. That's just me.


Lastly, I would absolutely LOVE to sail with the furries again!


A few pictures taken of them by people that was with them. These are not my pictures. This shows others that I did not get pictures of. They looked like they were having the time of their lives...just like I was.












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After the White Hot party around 11pm, we headed to the garden cafe for food. One thing that I noticed about this cruise...there was NEVER any pizza anywhere! What the heck??? Well tonight would be different. They had pizza at the buffet and people were grabbing it like there was never going to be pizza again...and they were right.


I managed to get 2 slices after waiting forever on it.




But hey, at least I got my pizza fix for the cruise I guess.


We ran into Sakari's favorite Sun dancer and we talked for a little bit. She told Sakari and me "She is the prettiest little girl on this ship!" I told her about Sakari seeing her at the first show and sitting up in the balcony waving and she was so flattered and extremely nice. She said it was past her bed time and she had to be up early in the morning and we headed to the room ourselves.


We got on the elevator and there was another couple in it. My hubby looked at the guy and the guy looked at him and my hubby goes "There IS really another young buck on this cruise! I thought I was the only one!" They both laughed and the other "young buck" agreed. LOL


It was around midnight when we arrived back to the room and found something monkeying around in our room.





We also found that dreaded time change. Sigh. That meant we were going to lose a whole hour tonight. Yucky!





Sakari took her shower and headed to the bed with her pen and pad.


There was a horse furrie that she seen today...his name was cloudchaser pony. I think she might have been trying to draw him.





Then she came up with this...I'm really not sure what it is supposed to be, but in the mind of a child, I'm thinking it's the "bad guy" that bit her leg at Passion Island today.





We headed off to bed and I had high hopes that I would NOT wake up before the alarm went off the next night...we would see.


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So, were all of the furries male?


Were these sanctioned Furriers? Or where these furries of the fetish group furries? The only ones I have come across were very weird, and even for NOLA French Quarter late night standards.



Okay, question answered, I should have read on.

My experence wasn't really negative.. Just not something I would want kids to see. But after reading their rules of conduct, I wouldn't mind being around them. I'll be honest though I never really understood it. But nothing really wrong with it, as long as they aren't being sexual in public around the kids.





Edited by NolaZach
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Its a furry convention, those suits must stink:eek:


The term “Furry” is used to describe the Furry Fandom or an individual “Furry” fan, also referred to as “Furries”.

The Furry Fandom grew out of the science fiction and fantasy communities as a unique group focused on anthropomorphic animals and creatures. Anthropomorphic animals are animals with human characteristics such as the familiar cartoon characters Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse or popular mascots like the Philadelphia Eagle or San Diego Chicken.

The Furry Fandom is a broad community of people that come from all ranges of socioeconomic and political backgrounds. Different people count themselves as “Furries” for equally broad reasons. Some are fans or artists of visual, written or theatrical arts such as animated cartoons and fantasy stories. Some are mascot and character fans or performers such as professional theme park and corporate mascots or volunteer character performers. Some are Therians or people with strong personal or spiritual connections to animals similar to some Native American cultures.

Because the Furry Fandom encompasses such a wide range of people and interests, to term someone as a “Furry” is similar to calling someone a “Sports Fan”. The term “Sports Fan” itself does not identify the sport in which a person is interested, at what level or even which teams or regions in which they take an interest. Similarly a Furry could be a costumed performer with no interest in cartoons or an artist or animator with no interest in or familiarity with costuming.

You are encouraged not to judge this very broad group of proud and individually unique people, but rather to learn what is important to each. Although some can be shy, and many will not speak while in costume, most Furries are generally very friendly and willing to share their individual interest in the community with those who show genuine curiosity.

Edited by Laszlo
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Thank you Zaszlo for you excellent explanation. My son who has a Masters degree, works for a government contractor and is married with a child is a Furry. They do a lot of conventions and children's charity events. He is neither a deviant or a weird character that come out a night to do sexual things. They have helped raise loads of money for the charities causes, mostly children's hospitals and such. Thank you so much.

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Its a furry convention, those suits must stink:eek:


The term “Furry” is used to describe the Furry Fandom or an individual “Furry” fan, also referred to as “Furries”.

The Furry Fandom grew out of the science fiction and fantasy communities as a unique group focused on anthropomorphic animals and creatures. Anthropomorphic animals are animals with human characteristics such as the familiar cartoon characters Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse or popular mascots like the Philadelphia Eagle or San Diego Chicken.

The Furry Fandom is a broad community of people that come from all ranges of socioeconomic and political backgrounds. Different people count themselves as “Furries” for equally broad reasons. Some are fans or artists of visual, written or theatrical arts such as animated cartoons and fantasy stories. Some are mascot and character fans or performers such as professional theme park and corporate mascots or volunteer character performers. Some are Therians or people with strong personal or spiritual connections to animals similar to some Native American cultures.

Because the Furry Fandom encompasses such a wide range of people and interests, to term someone as a “Furry” is similar to calling someone a “Sports Fan”. The term “Sports Fan” itself does not identify the sport in which a person is interested, at what level or even which teams or regions in which they take an interest. Similarly a Furry could be a costumed performer with no interest in cartoons or an artist or animator with no interest in or familiarity with costuming.

You are encouraged not to judge this very broad group of proud and individually unique people, but rather to learn what is important to each. Although some can be shy, and many will not speak while in costume, most Furries are generally very friendly and willing to share their individual interest in the community with those who show genuine curiosity.


Thank you for that explaination as well. I have read several online and this is a great description.


I don't see any inappropriate photos. :confused:
Nor did I.
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Thank you Zaszlo for you excellent explanation. My son who has a Masters degree, works for a government contractor and is married with a child is a Furry. They do a lot of conventions and children's charity events. He is neither a deviant or a weird character that come out a night to do sexual things. They have helped raise loads of money for the charities causes, mostly children's hospitals and such. Thank you so much.


Thank your son for doing such great things in the community and helping raise money for the children's hospital. I'm sure he brightened their day.


Mitsigurly, I know my son will be happy to know that you and your daughter enjoyed the presence of the group that was on you sailing. Thanks for you kind and understanding nature. Unlike others.


No need to thank me. Thank the furries for giving us such a wonderful experience with them. Sakari was just so excited about it and had the time of her life. If I could book every year the cruise they were on, I would do it. They were such a gentle and caring group that put a lot of smiles on the faces of the children AND adults. :)

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Ok, I'm going to try to continue on with getting this review done. It's dragging on...or at least it seems like it to me. LOL



Saturday: our day at sea. You know, the one that is supposed to be smooth sailing all the way home? Well, when we were still on the deck after the White Hot party last night, I forgot to post the video that I took of the pool. It got a little "rocky" during the night and it would continue for the rest of the cruise.




So much for a "smooth ride" right? There would be no alcoholic drinks needed the rest of the cruise. Everyone appeared drunk anyhow. There were some really big waves in that pool that night. It didn't dawn on me to get a video at first and of course when I did, I never did "catch the big one."


When I had picked up Sakari from the kids club the night before, they reminded me that the Circus was the next day. Sakari has been doing the circus for years now and absolutely loves it. It's the cutest thing to see the kids get on stage and perform. Some are shy and then some...are like Sakari and want to steal the show when possible. She's definitely not a "stage freight" type of girl.


On our last cruise she "moved up" to the next age category and gets to actually do something (versus having her face painted like a tiger and jump through a hoop). On the Getaway this year she did the "feather balancing" ooohhhh ahhhh. The skills involved. hehe


So they tell me that she HAS to be at the kids club by 9am in the morning otherwise she does not get to participate in the show. YIKES! Ok, I had totally planned on sleeping in today....not. I did inform them that she has been doing these shows for years and just got off the Getaway 5 months ago and "knows her routine" well. That didn't matter...she HAD to be there to practice...just in case she became stage frightened and didn't know what to do. (I guess having my kid for 1 week wasn't enough time to show them she's not that kinda girl).


I set the alarm to 7:30am and I ACTUALLY SLEPT UNTIL THEN. Whatdayaknow???







I decided that the rest of the family didn't need to suffer just because of this and I got dressed and headed up to breakfast. I got Sakari some waffles & bacon to bring back to the room to eat while I was taking my shower. Hey, at least she got to sleep in some right?


Today was a bit of a colder day out and it was very windy. I knew right then and there that it was NOT going to be a pool day.


I dropped Sakari off at the kids club for her "practice routine" (which would be from 9-12). This is her favorite counselor this time around. It's kind of funny that she picked this person because all of the other counselors knew Sakari/Shakira pretty well, but this particular counselor couldn't even remember Sakari's name...or either when we would pick her up, they would ask who we were there to pick up. I have never had this happen before. Usually all the counselors knew us by name and face by the second night.





I headed back to the room to start packing for our disembarkation the following day and then the hubby woke up...oops, did I make too much noise or throw too much on the bed while I was packing? (smiles).


We headed back upstairs so that he could get some breakfast...and that bacon just looked SO tempting. I just had to have more.


After breakfast we decided to do a little shopping and get the items I still wanted from the ship. I usually try to get things toward the end of the cruise because it seems like they have more stuff pulled out at that time. More stuff=better choices...or so I thought.


There was a small store that I didn't really see opened too much during the cruise (or at least not when we were passing by). I tried to get in but there were just too many people in and out and a few people movers blocking the way, so I decided it just wasn't an option.




In the atrium they had several tables set up for all those gotta have cheap watches that will break a week after you get off the ship (at least mine did on a previous cruise)...







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Don't forget those chains purchased by the inch...









I tell ya the shopping on this day was a little ridiculous. You would think everyone on the ship waits until the last day to shop. Oops, that would be me pretty much.


So I'm at the main shopping area and I'm looking for a tee shirt with the "sun" on it. I get a tee with the ships name on every ship I sail. I couldn't seem to find them anywhere. I know around Tuesday I had seen a few of the styles I have been buying (the ones that have the tee shirt and a ball cap wrapped up in a rubber band), but I haven't seen any since then. I knew that they had more because before they were closing up that night I seen a huge cart full of them (like the huge push laundry baskets you see the staff pushing). So they had to be hiding somewhere.


I ask one of the staff members about it and they told me they were all sold out. WHAT??? Don't tell me this would be the first ship that I was not able to get one! I was devastated. I was shown another type of shirt and it was a shirt that is compressed into the shape of a ship with a picture on the front and instructions to "just add water" and it turns into a beautiful tee shirt. Well duh, it's not magic.




I specifically ask the person as I was checking out if this tee had the Sun on it, or what was on the front is the picture, or at least the name of the Sun on it. The reply was "yes, it has the Suns name on it and that picture" while pointing to the picture on the front. "Ok, I'll take it!"


After I checked out, something told me to ask another sales associate. They said "oh no, that's not on the shirt. I don't think that the word Sun is even on it. Go check the mannequin on the display in the glass case outside the store and it will show you the shirt" Sigh...nope, the cashier had lied to me about it.


I went back in and started asking about the shirt I wanted in the first place. This time around I was told there were some in the back and they would check for me and I should return around 3pm and they would have one for me.


Just in case they couldn't find one, I decided that I HAD to have this shirt...diva!!!!





I now wished that I would have gotten my daughter one to go along with a cruise certificate that I bought her for Christmas. Darnit, what was I thinking with?


We did a little more shopping and then headed back up to the kids club to pick up Sakari hoping that she had enough time (4 hours and 1 previous cruise doing this routine) to learn how to balance her peacock feather on her hand, chin and so on. :p

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My son is still wearing on of those $19 watches from 3 years ago LOL



Lucky him. I bought one last year and a week after I got off the ship the wrist band broke and it stopped working. I was so bummed because I had purchased it for my nursing clinicals, had to have one with a big face on it and a nice sized second hand. Darnit. :(

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After picking up Sakari at noon, we headed to the buffet to grab some lunch and then back to the room to do a little more packing and to get her ready for the "big show".


She wanted to wear, what she has named, her "pretty dress" for the show. I warned her she would have to sit like a lady at the show if they made them sit on the stage at any point. (Made this mistake once by putting her in a dress on stage).





She really loved her face painting with feathers on each side of her cheeks.











It was 2pm and time to drop her off for the show in the Stardust Lounge.




We decided to head to the casino to kill a little time before going to the show. Of course I was doing well on the same machine, but the hubby had to drag me off of it to head to the show. I just knew this would happen. LOL



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The show started and we were in the front row.


Can you spot her in her "pretty dress" that now has a circus vest over it that doesn't match? LOL




Look at that skill. Make momma proud. You go girl and show them your skills that you have been practicing for 4 solid hours this morning.




Would you look at the concentration?








The sad part is when she came out she somehow managed to bend the end of the feather. So, she had a floppy feather. The show must go on and she balanced that floppy feather anyhow. Show'em who's boss! The couselor noticed what had happened and did walk over and give her a new one. She was good to go now. Balancing on the hand, finger, the back of the hand, the elbow and then the chin. I think Sakari has an advantage over most kids since she comes equipped with her own chin holder (what I like to call the butt chin, which she gets from me). LOL




Well, I have waited and waited on the above video to download and it's taking forever to process. It's been at 95% for awhile, but should show up. Fingers crossed. I'm tired of waiting...so...moving on



The rest of the show consisted of rolling these sticks (I can't remember the names of them)







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