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School Excuse Letter


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I agree with those that say be honest and just tell the truth.


First off , from what I gather it is only one day absent from school.


second. Is this day going to be the last day before vacation? I am sure it won't be a chockfull full of learning day anyway.


Explain to the teacher you booked this cruise when you thought he would have the day off, it wasn't your fault that THEY decided to make it a make up day.


Any little trinket he will get for perfect attendance will pale in comparison to time spent with family.


Why does one need an excuse form on Uncle Walt's personal stationary to take their kid out of school ?

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Anyone remember this?




Cameron: [disguised] Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, it's been a tough morning and we got a lot of family business to take care of, so if you wouldn't mind excusing Sloane, I'd appreciate it.

Ed Rooney: Uh, yeah, sure, no I'd be happy to, yeah you, uh, you you just produce a corpse, and uh, I'll release Sloane. I wanna see this dead grandmother first hand.

Grace: Ed?

Ed Rooney: It's alright, Grace, it's Ferris Bueller the little twerp. I'm gonna set a trap and let him fall right in it.

Grace: Ooh!

Cameron: [disguised] I'm sorry, Ed, did you say you wanted to see a body?

Ed Rooney: Yeah, that's right, just, uh, roll her old bones on over here, and I'll dig up your daughter. You know that's school policy.




ex techie

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Anyone remember this?




Cameron: [disguised] Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, it's been a tough morning and we got a lot of family business to take care of, so if you wouldn't mind excusing Sloane, I'd appreciate it.

Ed Rooney: Uh, yeah, sure, no I'd be happy to, yeah you, uh, you you just produce a corpse, and uh, I'll release Sloane. I wanna see this dead grandmother first hand.

Grace: Ed?

Ed Rooney: It's alright, Grace, it's Ferris Bueller the little twerp. I'm gonna set a trap and let him fall right in it.

Grace: Ooh!

Cameron: [disguised] I'm sorry, Ed, did you say you wanted to see a body?

Ed Rooney: Yeah, that's right, just, uh, roll her old bones on over here, and I'll dig up your daughter. You know that's school policy.




ex techie





*LOL* I almost wish we had a policy like that where I work regarding funeral leave .


We have a few people that must have had 12 sets of grandparents , because one has died every year for the past 15 -20 years .


Another stretches the boundaries of the word "relative" to new heights just to get a few days off *LOL*

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Here's another side of the coin:

If Disney World or a Disney Cruise is such wealth of educational resources, I think all teachers should request at least a week of professional development time, or an entire sabbatical (during school time of course), to immerse themselves in the learning environment. They might also be able to claim the cost on their taxes!

I'm sure school boards would approve and the parents won't mind at all.

Edited by sippican
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Here's another side of the coin:

If Disney World or a Disney Cruise is such wealth of educational resources, I think all teachers should request at least a week of professional development time, or an entire sabbatical (during school time of course), to immerse themselves in the learning environment. They might also be able to claim the cost on their taxes!

I'm sure school boards would approve and the parents won't mind at all.


Love it!!!!! As I'm going through wet gloomy days and working hard to meet all the Common Core State Standards in preparation for the big state testing, I could totally go for this idea!



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Just be honest with the school!


We booked a cruise you changed dates when my son was not able to attend and therefore I made arrangements for him to be cared for, that also fitted in with a family vacation.


Trying to tell the teacher the educational value of a cruise is like telling them to suck eggs. They know they are going on vacation, you will probably spend 10 minutes a day explaining where you are geographically, what language they speak etc.


Just say we have many shore excursions planned to explore the local areas in each port of each country, explain to him about the different cultures, history and local wildlife.


A pre written letter will get seen through in a second if that teacher googles the words you say.


Be honest with them. I'm sure you wan't them to be honest with you.


ex techie


I was planning to be honest. My kid just asked if he could get around his perfect attendance situation. I told him I would try.

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Perfect attendance is difficult to achieve. Hence the reason it is rewarded. It requires self-sacrifice. not every child achieves this. Taking a cruise is absolutely nothing like attending a day of school. there is certainly no sacrifice involved. It sounds like you should give your child a choice, achieve perfect attendance or go on a cruise. trying to navigate the system in order to get him an award for something he did not achieve does little in teaching him life lessons.



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Edited by Mbrthelegend
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Oh, I see you have a dolphin excursion planned.


I would not mention that.


Interacting with captive mammals caught and exploited for the tourist's pleasure can be a a hot topic for a lot of people.

No educational value that YouTube cannot provide, and some see it as pure torture of them.


Probably won't help your case and may go against it.




ex techie



Ex-Techie -


Actually the opposite is true. Zoos, Petting Zoos, Farms, Aquariums, the schools eat that crap up. And don't forget the circus. When that comes to town they have a special school day down at the minor league baseball field.


Heck- It might actually help my situation!

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What is the perfect attendance award? From my experience they are highly overrated. Our high school each year had under the rules that if you went all 4 years with perfect attendance you'd get $50.


So I make it all 4 years with perfect attendance and they give me a $50 savings bond (worth $25 at the time).


So thanks for reminding me I should check the value of it to see if it is worth $50 yet.


It's a certificate and extra recess. There's no value to it since you can get hit by a bus and miss .... well the rest of your life at any time... so ... no value.

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If only this was a joke and not one of those letters they do have online..... edu-vacation. Really? :rolleyes:


ex techie


PERFECT!!!! But could you please translate that into common core language to give the letter that extra POP? Thanks so much!

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Thanks for your insight. My son seemed to pick up everything under the sun when he was younger and that has been helpful in keeping him healthy when he started school. His perfect attendance award, I think, is a certificate and extra recess time. He asked me if this would count against that award for this year and I simply said I would check. So I’m checking. His teacher already knows of our plans to go during that weekend as my son most likely told her. So, it’s not a big deal, I’m just seeing if I can bend the rules a bit.. If I can’t, I’ll totally get over it. (so will my son!)


Absolutely not. I had no intention of planning a cruise to be educational… but if I can get away with it… I’m a big fan of toe-ing lines.

Moki’s Mommy - You rock! Believe it… my son has been sick once in his school career….and that was an anxiety stomachache. When he got that award last year and extra recess, he endeavored to pull that off every year since recess is the most valuable form of currency in his elementary school. He was also a daycare kid, so all those crazy viruses that fly around at schools… he’s been there done that. Trust me, I have no problem keeping him home when he’s sick. I work at home… it’s not a big issue. It just so happens that he is very healthy (knock on wood)


Thank you for your insight! Teachers Rock!

I’m certainly not planning to pull one over on his teachers. Quite the opposite. Either way I’m going to tell them that we are going on this cruise and that he won’t be in school that day. I would put money on it that his teacher already knows of our plans. Since this was originally an inservice day for the teachers and now it is a snow make-up day, there would be no reason for him not to mention it as he is excited to go.

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I spoke with his teacher (who is beyond awesome). She already knew about the trip and approved the excused absence since it was originally an inservice day. I will not be arrested for truancy, the common core police will not come and make me answer questions about how many miles roger had to walk if his hovercraft malfunctions in australia. (or so i'm told)


i hope this calms everyone so i can stop yelling.

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I spoke with his teacher (who is beyond awesome). She already knew about the trip and approved the excused absence since it was originally an inservice day. I will not be arrested for truancy, the common core police will not come and make me answer questions about how many miles roger had to walk if his hovercraft malfunctions in australia. (or so i'm told)


i hope this calms everyone so i can stop yelling.



I wrote the above post in all caps... but CC changed it... blast my lack of inflection.... :eek:

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Slightlysilly - Glad everything worked out for you. I appreciate your sense of humor about all of the posts in reply. Have a wonderful trip!

(I still think I'm on to something regarding these vacations serving as professional development for teachers! ;) )

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I spoke with his teacher (who is beyond awesome). She already knew about the trip and approved the excused absence since it was originally an inservice day. I will not be arrested for truancy, the common core police will not come and make me answer questions about how many miles roger had to walk if his hovercraft malfunctions in australia. (or so i'm told)


i hope this calms everyone so i can stop yelling.


Wooohooooo! Go enjoy your time of hedonistic frivolity with clear conscience and the promise of an extra recess to look forward to for your son! :P


Seriously though, Disney cruises are awesome and it's totally the right choice - school or cruise? Duh! :D

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Slightlysilly - Glad everything worked out for you. I appreciate your sense of humor about all of the posts in reply. Have a wonderful trip!

(I still think I'm on to something regarding these vacations serving as professional development for teachers! ;) )


Agreed! Teachers rock!

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Those sample letters are hilarious! But if I was a teacher and got one of those, I would think you were insane.


You could ask that it be excused based on them adding the date but in our district they tell you up front what days will be the snow day makeups so you know that you will be potentially missing school if you plan a vacation on those days.


My son is missing a day for our next cruise. Now maybe I will write a letter about how he's learning about aviation because we are flying to Florida. Hahahhahahaha!

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Here's another side of the coin:

If Disney World or a Disney Cruise is such wealth of educational resources, I think all teachers should request at least a week of professional development time, or an entire sabbatical (during school time of course), to immerse themselves in the learning environment. They might also be able to claim the cost on their taxes!

I'm sure school boards would approve and the parents won't mind at all.



My darling who just happens to be a chalkie [and really doesn't want to go back next week after 6 weeks off] agrees 10000000% n fact she says all cruises are highly educational and the school should pay for one a year

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Those sample letters are hilarious! But if I was a teacher and got one of those, I would think you were insane.


If I was a teacher and got one of those, I would be calling the parent in to discuss the difference between a theme park and the real world! ;)


ex techie

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My son will be missing a week of kindergarten. I've already spoken with his teacher and she's fine with it, and she's offered to make up a little packet to work on during the trip. The week will be unexcused and it's okay with me and his teacher.


I have thought about drafting a campy excuse letter from Doc McStuffins - but just to give his teachers a chuckle, not because I think it should actually be excused.

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If I was a teacher and got one of those, I would be calling the parent in to discuss the difference between a theme park and the real world! ;)


ex techie





Yeah, and how much of a dent do you think you would be making there ?*LOL*

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My son will be missing a week of kindergarten. I've already spoken with his teacher and she's fine with it, and she's offered to make up a little packet to work on during the trip. The week will be unexcused and it's okay with me and his teacher.


What would you expect a teacher to say? Any negative reply would impact your future relationship. In my 30+ years in education I never told a parent I was not ok with their plans, nor am I aware that any of my peers did so. Trust me though, it is a frequent pet peeve topic in teacher's lounges and administrative offices.

It is very kind of her to offer a packet of work (which I'm sure she will prepare during her own time so she won't take class time from other students).

As i've said before, I approve of taking kids out for a vacation. Just don't try to pass if off as an education trip or expect a teacher to supply make-up work, or catch up your student when they return. Either be willing to miss the work or schedule vacations during school breaks.

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Okay, so I realize most of the people up here feel like this educational trip stuff is complete bs, but what about schools who actually support families taking trips with educational aspects to it?


When we took our girls out of school last May (they were in pre-K and kindergarten at the time) for their first cruise, I purposefully wanted to create educational experiences for them. Not just to get some absences excused, but because I couldn't imagine traveling to different countries and NOT doing something educational. Our school system has a form you complete to get pre-approval for an educational trip. You just have to write a few sentences describing how your trip will be educational for your child. And if approved, the school also states the child should keep a journal, write a brief report, and complete any work assigned by the teacher. On our cruise, we went to the Butterfly Conservatory in Key West, the Turtle Farm and bird aviary in Grand Cayman, and Playa Mia in Cozumel - so I felt it was a nice balance of some educational time, as well as some just fun time. I encouraged the girls to ask many of the cruise staff we encountered what countries they were from, and we kept a list and found them on maps when we got home. Even at Playa Mia, the girls got to keep parts of a pinata, with real Mexican candy and I tried to pick out some Spanish words I knew in the newspaper from the inside of the pinata! My kindergartener put together a picture journal and I helped her write sentences about her experiences, including one thing each she learned about turtles and butterflies. Her teacher loved it.


We're looking at a possible Disney cruise the week before Christmas break this year, when they'll be in 1st and 2nd grade. And this time I'm looking into some cultural things to do in Cozumel, because we've only done beaches in Cozumel and "I" want to do some more cultural experiences. And they can learn some things along the way too! :) I want to do some more in-depth activities involving the countries staff are from, I had thought about creating an autograph book for people to sign, write their country, and write something in their native language, because that seems like it would be a cool keepsake to have. Again, our school system seems to value these experiences. Of course it's not the same as being in class! I'm not saying it is. But I guess I'm glad that our school system at least sees some value in these, by giving you a specific way to request pre-approval for an educational trip.


I always said (before I had kids) I would never take my kids out of school for vacation. And I probably won't once they get a bit older and work is a lot harder to make up, at least by middle school. But that was before I started cruising! I guess it's just opened my eyes to a lot of the cultural and educational aspects there are in cruising. It IS possible for schools to recognize that and appreciate that some families actually like doing educational things on vacation. I will admit, I contacted their principal about possibly taking the girls out of school for a WDW trip (which we've decided not to do). And even though she was fine with it, it just felt like I was trying too hard to make it educational, which bothered me. So yeah, I do feel like some of those letters are stretching it a bit, lol. But I just don't feel that way with cruising, or at least the way we cruise. Just my opinion.

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