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Luggage Dropped in Ocean... Anyone else had this issue?


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We were on the Breeze on the Jan 25th sailing. We had a great cruise and loved the ship! However, as we leaving the ship we went to baggage claim to get our four bags. Three of them were found right away, but we stood there for 30 minutes looking for the fourth when we were treated by a gentleman in a sport coat and slacks asking if we were looking for something. We told him, we couldn't find our last bag and told him our name. He brought us in to an office, where my bag was and told me their was an issue getting it from the boat to the port. It fell off the forklift into the ocean and had to be "rescued" by divers.


He gave us a claim form and told us to call when we got home with what was damaged, knowing that the bag itself was destroyed. So, that is what we did but had to pay an overweight charge for our airline ($100) because of all the soaking wet clothes. After we got home I found hell... The dye of the suitcase thread, had ruined over half the clothes, a pair of orthotic leather dress shoes, suit pants and jacket, both bottles of tequila was shattered, nearly all of our souvenirs was broken or destroyed by the water, and most important my iPad was not broken but now infuncational due to the water damage.


I called last night to talk about what had happened and what we needed to do from here... I was told that department was closed for the weekend, but the maximum compensation they would even offer was $50. Thats not even enough to cover the overweight baggage fee from the airline due to wet clothes, littleless the $250 Samsonite Spinner Luggage, $500 iPad, $500 in shoes and clothes, $400 suit, $100 in liquor, and priceless souvenirs I can't just walk down and buy at Walmart.


So, I am seeking others this might have happened to and how this was taken care of. I am not searching for free things or cruise, I am solely searching for compensation for the belongings that were destroyed/ruined by the cruise line.

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We were on the Breeze on the Jan 25th sailing. We had a great cruise and loved the ship! However, as we leaving the ship we went to baggage claim to get our four bags. Three of them were found right away, but we stood there for 30 minutes looking for the fourth when we were treated by a gentleman in a sport coat and slacks asking if we were looking for something. We told him, we couldn't find our last bag and told him our name. He brought us in to an office, where my bag was and told me their was an issue getting it from the boat to the port. It fell off the forklift into the ocean and had to be "rescued" by divers.


He gave us a claim form and told us to call when we got home with what was damaged, knowing that the bag itself was destroyed. So, that is what we did but had to pay an overweight charge for our airline ($100) because of all the soaking wet clothes. After we got home I found hell... The dye of the suitcase thread, had ruined over half the clothes, a pair of orthotic leather dress shoes, suit pants and jacket, both bottles of tequila was shattered, nearly all of our souvenirs was broken or destroyed by the water, and most important my iPad was not broken but now infuncational due to the water damage.


I called last night to talk about what had happened and what we needed to do from here... I was told that department was closed for the weekend, but the maximum compensation they would even offer was $50. Thats not even enough to cover the overweight baggage fee from the airline due to wet clothes, littleless the $250 Samsonite Spinner Luggage, $500 iPad, $500 in shoes and clothes, $400 suit, $100 in liquor, and priceless souvenirs I can't just walk down and buy at Walmart.


So, I am seeking others this might have happened to and how this was taken care of. I am not searching for free things or cruise, I am solely searching for compensation for the belongings that were destroyed/ruined by the cruise line.





You packed an iPad in a suitcase along with glass bottles of tequila? That's a recipe for problems even without the bag going for a swim.


Travel insurance may, or may not help, but given that the longshoreman's Union handles the bags, it's out of Carnival's hands.

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The iPad was placed in their by accident by someone in our party, I understand that one.. But please explain where else glass bottles of tequila should be placed? They can't be in any carry on item, therefore checked luggage is the only placed allowed for it remain. If the tequila was the only things busted and ruined the item that is on me.. The fact that well over $1,500 of my belongings were ruined by the mishandling of my luggage, is not my fault. Passing the blame to someone else that is contracted through them is just an excuse.


I am looking for assistance in how to handle my issue, not be ridiculed for how the bags were packed which played NO PART in how all items were destroyed.

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Wow. What an experience! Sorry to hear that.


I remember reading a post here some time ago about a similar incident.


I agree with the last post though. There is no way I would place valuables in a bag outside the cabin the last night of the cruise. That is really risky. It could very well be that the liquor bottles were smashed before the bag dropped in the water considering bags are stacked in bins overnight.


I sure hope you had insurance.

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I should assess the actual cost of your losses and present a claim to your insurance company as a first step. This should be a good basis for reparation. Next step is to work out any costs not borne by your insurers and seek redress from whosoever you hold responsible.


Regards John

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I feel for you! That's an awful way to end your vacation! I would bet that Carnival's contract is iron clad. I would see what they might do just as a good will gesture, but otherwise, travel insurance might be your best bet.



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Ticket contract




© Carnival shall not be liable for: (1) Guest’s failure to comply with the requirements set forth in Clauses 4(a) and 4(b); (2) any loss or damage before baggage comes into Carnival’s actual custody on board or after baggage leaves Carnival’s actual custody on board, including, but not limited to, loss or damage by airlines or other transportation services; (3) any loss or damage of baggage while not in the actual possession, custody and control of Carnival; (4) damage due to wear, tear or normal usage; (5) any loss or damage of perishable items, medicine, liquor, cash, securities or other financial instruments, or (6) any loss or damage while in the custody and control of stevedores.


(d) It is stipulated and agreed that the aggregate value of Guest’s property, does not exceed $50 USD per guest or bag with a maximum value of $100 USD per stateroom regardless of the number of occupants or bags and any liability of Carnival for any cause whatsoever with respect to said property shall not exceed such sum, unless the Guest shall in writing, delivered to Carnival, prior to embarkation, declare the true value thereof and pay to Carnival prior to embarkation a sum equal to 5% of the excess of such value. If Carnival shall be held liable for the loss of or damage to Guest’s baggage or property it is agreed that such liability shall not exceed the lesser of: (1) the actual cash value, or (2) value declared in the manner above provided (up to U.S. $100 USD if no such declaration has been made). Declared value amounts to be proportionately reduced in any case where less than all of Guest’s baggage or property is lost, delayed or rendered unusable due to damage. In no event shall Carnival be liable to pay any compensation if the nature or value of the property has been misrepresented.

Edited by TwizzlersAddict
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This is in no way your fault and you are not to be blamed for WHATEVER was in your suitcase. I don't care what you had in there or why you put it there (tequilla or ipad). Carnival (or whoever was driving the forklift) is responsible for what happened and they need to make financial compensation for your loss. This kind of crap gives them a really bad name. I bet that when someone asks what your favorite cruise line is, you won't say Carnival. :mad:

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Yes, I understand their contract. However, like posters above have mentioned.. My suitcase alone was worth more than that and the overweight fee paid was 2X this cost. They can certainly play this "game" with me leaving me to purchase all these items out of pocket.


However, there is no way in my right mind I will sail with them again after four cruises and will make sure it is escalated to the highest power I can possibly get ahold of.


I am not looking to do that however, I am just hoping they will take care of was damaged during their care as its not just a broken wheel or something. This is a much larger issues and with a lot more damages. So, I am seeking advice from others who have had issues similar.

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I guess I am missing something here.......

Carnival dropped the bag in the ocean.

Not the insurance company.

Carnival should be responsible.

What am I missing here?:confused:


It becomes a sticky wicket because port employees, not Carnival, dropped the bag in the ocean, even though they are working on behalf of Carnival (or whatever cruise line is there that day). Carnival operates a cruise ship, all those other employees at the port, security, check-in agents, baggage handlers, etc., are employees of the port and are paid directly by the port, not by Carnival. Carnival just pays the port fees to dock there, which in turn you pay for under your port fees and taxes in the cruise fare.

Edited by ZJ13820
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Your lucky your were offered anything. I bought 2 bottles of kahalua on a cruise and packed them one in each bag. TSA opened them both and didn't screw the lid tight on one. It leaked out everywhere, and ruined the bag. I filed a claim and was denied. Totally TSA fault. They are a nightmare beauracy to deal with.

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Your best bet is to post on johns page and hope you can shame carnival into providing more compensation.


This is becoming an overrated practice. It probably won't get anything more than a pass-by because EVERYONE is doing this now.


Someone did this a couple of weeks ago demanding compensation because at one of the port of call, the ship arrived 30 minutes later than advertised (7:30 instead of 7:00).

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Might not work,but its probably the best option. In the past carnival has stuck to its guns on this issue.


Between the constant requests for champagne, strawberries because it's Fido's 4th birthday, ****s on a stick, table requests, stuff like this will just fall through.


It sucks, but I agree. OP will get whatever compensation is in the policy, maybe with a little extra for "pain and suffering", nothing more than $150 maximum total.

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OP- I would totally try to escalate this come Monday. I mean I completely feel for you. That's horrible. I have samsonite luggage as well and that stuff isn't cheap. If it went to the bottom of the ocean $50 would't even come close to covering the cost of it, and then to think of what's in it...OMG!

Now, I wouldn't have put my iPad in it, but that's hindsight. I also travel with liquor in my luggage and have successfully flown home with it (knock on wood). I mean what other choice do you have when flying? But I really think Carnival needs to help you out here. I really feel horrible and think you should be compensated for the belongings you lost due to the negligence of the people they hire to entrust your belongings with.

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I guess I am missing something here.......

Carnival dropped the bag in the ocean.

Not the insurance company.

Carnival should be responsible.

What am I missing here?:confused:

What you are missing is Carnival's cruise contract that every passenger must agree to as a condition of boarding. It clearly states that Carnival's limit of liability for luggage is $50 per passenger and $100 per cabin for "any reason whatsoever."

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The iPad was placed in their by accident by someone in our party, I understand that one.. But please explain where else glass bottles of tequila should be placed? They can't be in any carry on item, therefore checked luggage is the only placed allowed for it remain. If the tequila was the only things busted and ruined the item that is on me.. The fact that well over $1,500 of my belongings were ruined by the mishandling of my luggage, is not my fault. Passing the blame to someone else that is contracted through them is just an excuse.


I am looking for assistance in how to handle my issue, not be ridiculed for how the bags were packed which played NO PART in how all items were destroyed.





With the way the bags are placed into bins and basically squashed, I wouldn't risk placing any glass bottles in my bags. They are none to gentle when it comes to placing the top bags on the bins. I avoid buying bottles when we fly after cruises simply because of the way the bags are handled, but I have bought them when we drive to ports and I carry them off. None of my experiences are of any benefit now though...:o


The reason Carnival has limited liability in this case is that they don't handle your bags on and off the ship; the Longshoreman's Union does and holding them responsible for anything would be futile.


Longshoremen have mishandled my bags in the past and ruined both bags and contents; Carnival offered to repair my bags, but to me it wasn't worth the hassle of shipping to them.


I now buy quality bags at discount prices one bag at a time; granted none of our luggage matches anymore, but paying $$$ and having bags damaged is less fun than paying $ and having damage.


Good luck with your issue, but personally I think you'll have more luck posting on John Heald's FB page than going thru guest relations.

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I guess I am missing something here.......

Carnival dropped the bag in the ocean.

Not the insurance company.

Carnival should be responsible.

What am I missing here?:confused:


While it is the dock workers' fault (not Carnival's) fault, you will have a fight to get them to pay. You agreed to Carnival's cruise contract before you sailed, so you have no legal grounds to get more; however for PR reasons they may up that some.

We put our cruise on our Carnival CC and have luggage insurance through that. Most CC have something similar. If you put your cruise on a CC check there. if you purchased private travel insurance, they also have luggage insurance. You could claim on your homeowners insurance, but you would have your deductible and most people have $500-$1000 deductibles these days. I would also take pictures of everything to verify any claims you can make. Take close ups of labels on clothing if they are expensive brands..


You might also email all the details to cclsupport@carnival.com. Attn: Mary or Mishelle


Good luck! Hope you get someone to cover the accident which obviously was not your fault.

Edited by kteachcruiser52
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Try your credit card you booked the cruise fare with. They might have offered extra insurance you don't know about. .......





That's a good idea; I had a friend who bought some expensive electronics and they were stolen right after he purchased them and his CC covered the replacement cost. I have a rider (sp?) on my camera gear thru my home owners insurance which covers just about everything.

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When I went to Europe last summer, I took several bags of Cheetos for my English BFF, since she can't get them there. I put the Cheetos bags in a hard-sided plastic cat carrier, one of the small ones that would fit under an airline seat, and stuck that in the checked bag. On the return trip, I put a bottle of wine, wrapped in plastic bags and clothing, in the carrier, and put it in the checked bag. Worked great!


I suppose the carrier could still have gotten crushed if too many heavy bags were tossed on top of my bag, but those little cat carriers are pretty darned sturdy.

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