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Whats the nicest thing that ever happened


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the photographer and I became friends after that and he let me HAVE all my photos from the 2nd cruise also. He went above and beyond that by developing ALL of my film for me too for free!;)

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Hello. I've been a long time lurker but never posted anything. I wanted to share my nice cruise moment.


I went on my first cruise with my best friend an her boyfriend this past May. One of our shore excursions was to the Mayan Ruins in Mexico. My friend and I sat together and her boyfriend sat across the aisle from us. An older lady (probably late 70's/early 80's) asked Mike (my friend's boyfriend) if she could sit next to him for the ride as she was traveling by herself. He said of course. We were all excited because we had a long bus ride ahead of us and were looking forward to sneaking a little bit more sleep. However, this lady was just so excited to have someone to chat to. Mike, being the polite guy he is engaged the woman and they chit chatted about everything under the sun for the entire ride.


We finally get to the ruins, check them out and got back on the bus. The lady again asked Mike if she could sit with him. He gladly said yes. One the way back we all talked to her. She told us about her life back in Missouri (we're from California), asked us about computers, and how our cruise was going (she was actually on a different ship than us). A bit later they came by offering the pictures they make you take in front of the ruins. The woman selling them showed us ours and we couldn't decide if we wanted it. We had already bought quite a few pictures so we passed on it. However, the sweet lady Mike was sitting next to bought our picture and gave it to us on the way off the bus. She told us that we were some of the nicest young people she's ever met (us girls are 22, and Mike is 25) and she wanted us to remember people from Missouri are nice too. We were so appreciative. Those pictures were $25! Just last week the three of us were in a parking lot and spotted a Missouri license plate. All I could think of is people from Missouri are nice.

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Hello. I've been a long time lurker but never posted anything. I wanted to share my nice cruise moment.


I went on my first cruise with my best friend an her boyfriend this past May. One of our shore excursions was to the Mayan Ruins in Mexico. My friend and I sat together and her boyfriend sat across the aisle from us. An older lady (probably late 70's/early 80's) asked Mike (my friend's boyfriend) if she could sit next to him for the ride as she was traveling by herself. He said of course. We were all excited because we had a long bus ride ahead of us and were looking forward to sneaking a little bit more sleep. However, this lady was just so excited to have someone to chat to. Mike, being the polite guy he is engaged the woman and they chit chatted about everything under the sun for the entire ride.


We finally get to the ruins, check them out and got back on the bus. The lady again asked Mike if she could sit with him. He gladly said yes. One the way back we all talked to her. She told us about her life back in Missouri (we're from California), asked us about computers, and how our cruise was going (she was actually on a different ship than us). A bit later they came by offering the pictures they make you take in front of the ruins. The woman selling them showed us ours and we couldn't decide if we wanted it. We had already bought quite a few pictures so we passed on it. However, the sweet lady Mike was sitting next to bought our picture and gave it to us on the way off the bus. She told us that we were some of the nicest young people she's ever met (us girls are 22, and Mike is 25) and she wanted us to remember people from Missouri are nice too. We were so appreciative. Those pictures were $25! Just last week the three of us were in a parking lot and spotted a Missouri license plate. All I could think of is people from Missouri are nice.


That is so nice! Welcome lurker. Thanks for finally posting.

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On our 1st cruise, (11th, Island Princess 11/13/07) we won Jackpot Bingo. It was on the old Dawn Princess, in the the late 80's. We were in our twenties, had just bought our 1st home, money was tight, but we decide to go anyway. All we could afford was bottom line inside cabin. My wife thought she had lost her camera, half way through the bingo session and went to look for it. So, I was by myself when my last number, O69, was called. I nearly jumped to the ceiling yelling BINGO!! $2100. Later I was walking around and was passing an elderly lady using a walker, I smiled and gave her a friendly HELLO, to my surprise, her awnser was, SOB. I hadn't noticed they had places a cpl. of stickers on me, saying Big Bingo Winner.

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I'm posting this for my DBF because we'll never get on here and do it. I took him on a cruise for his birthday this past July. I had ordered the room decorations and a cake. He was so shocked when we walked in the room and saw the huge banner and things hanging from the roof. I think it was a bit expensive but well worth it.

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On our first cruise there was a giant chessboard on one of the decks. My seven year old son loved to play and grabbed every kid that he could find to play with him. Not bragging :p :p but he was pretty good and would usually beat the kids his age and older quite easily. An elderly man was watching him and challenged him to a game. They had a great battle with the man being quite easy on him but never quite letting him win. At the end of the game he would shake my son's hand and say "same time tomorrow?" My son would race to be on the deck in time for his game every day and the man would never fail to turn up.

My husband and I sat back on deck and watched the games quietly in the background.

On the last day of the cruise my son was ecstatic because he won the game. He shook the man's hand and they said goodbye to each other.


So often people on vacation find children annoying, but this gentleman really made my son's holiday. Everytime I think about how proud my boy looked when he "won" I get a lumpy throat! What a nice man:)

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  • 4 months later...

Our second cruise and our daughter's first cruise, we had as dinner mates an older couple who had cruises almost to the 100 mark. Boy, did they know lots and gav eus lots of info about crusing as we were such novices back then!


They were very sweet to our daughter and they actually bought her an ankle bracelet made out of sea shells. This was back in 99 but every cruise 9except for the Alaska one) she brings that bracelet and wears it!

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  • 3 months later...

I remember we were on a shore excursion in Antigua. It was a dolphin swim. An old lady was on the tour as well. She told everyone that this is something that she'd wanted to do all of her life. I felt happy to see the moment, as it really touched my heart. :o


On the other hand, one of the dolphins that they said didn't like anyone, and always stayed away from most people, had some sort of crush on me! All the time I was there, she would hang around me. The trainers said (if I remember correctly) that they really hadn't seen her come around someone as much as me! I felt special. :p

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The nicest thing that happened to us was our wonderful dining room steward and assistant back in 2003 on the Zuiderdam, they went looking for an avacado each for my 2 one year olds. It was the only thing they'd eat. It took them half of dinner, but they brought us two avacados:)

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I'm so glad I discovered this thread and happy that I can add my "moment." I was on an Alaskan cruise with DH and our 3 kids on Celebrity's Infinity. The day's schedule one sea day included a tour of the theatre. We always loved the big shows and never missed one, so we all wanted to take the tour. Showed up at the designated hour and apparently nobody else was interested! We were the only passengers there, no staff person either....finally we found a guy who worked the lights for the shows who felt bad that we were all disappointed, so he gave us a private tour :) . We got a really indepth backstage tour of the dressing rooms, costumes, tech areas, the stage, you-name-it. Made us feel special LOL :p

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October 2000 we cruised on the Enchantment of the Seas. While waiting in the check-in line we struck up a conversation with some other people around our age. They were from Indiana and we are from Ohio. We kept running into them all week on the ship and on land. We ate lunch together once and had drinks one night. The wife was in the slot tournament and won 2nd prize. i took her picture next to her slot machine and told her I would e-mail it to her. Got her e-mail address, sent the picture to her after the cruise. We started chatting on-line sometimes 3-4 times per week. We came to realize how many similarities there are in our lives and marriages. It has gotten kind of freaky actually. Our kids have the same names. We even ended up painting and decorating rooms the same. We have become good friends and vacationed with them once in Las Vegas. Another passion we share.


It is a friendship I cherish and am greatful we met them.


I think its called SERENDIPITY. Finding a fortunate and unexpected discovery. Or something like that.

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I really enjoy reading about all the nice things people have experienced or done on their trips. What I remember as such a nice gesture was actually on my first cruise. I went with my parents, and would wander through the gift shops on the sea days. One of the workers there, named Kim, was just so friendly and I would talk to her about where she was from (Trinidad) and how she had just gotten engaged but was doing a 9 month tour on the Carnival Glory. Anyway, towards the end of the cruise, the jewelry shop was having one of their sales. I went over to talk to her, and told her I really enjoyed her friendliness throughout the trip and thanked her. She said she really enjoyed me being friendly right back to her. Then she handed me two bracelets (for me and my mother) and said they were a gift from her! This was on top of the already fabulous service from everyone on this trip. I told her I wouldn't forget how much fun I had talking to her.

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nice thread! I have only cruised once, in 2006 (2nd is booked for Jan 09). We were on Explorer in Aug/Sept and had some family friends as tablemates, and 2 other couples. My 2 kids and I were on a pretty strict budget for the trip, but we were having fun. A couple who was at our table brought back things from one of the ports. Annette said she'd bought a dress at one of the vendors but it didn't fit, and she gave it to me - and also the earrings that went with it. I believe they also gave my daughter a pair of earrings they had bought ashore. It was extremely sweet of them and one of the high points of our trip. I hope we can do a 'random act of kindness' for someone on our Jan 09 trip (just my significant other and I this time).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was 9 years old when I went on Explorer of the Seas and the ship was one of the biggest in the world at the time (and quite new). The size was different from Monarch and Majesty which were the cruises I had went on previously to that, but I was used to cruise ship exploring, so while my grandmother and my mom were checking in onboard (the 1st day mind you), I was granted permission to look around as long as I stayed in sight...well, I got overwhelmed and bored easily. So I decided to test out the elevators..which led to checking out each deck, the pool etc. When I returned back to the Promenade area, my mom and grandma had left...so I tried to find our room, I failed and got even more lost. For an hour I searched the ship before I ran into my older brother who led me to my room... I was scolded for quite a while needless to say. Anyway, while I was missing, my mom had told one of the crew members that I had disappeared, the crew member told other crew members...which led to quite a few people on board to look for me. Crew members and vacationers alike showed care and concern for my family, and the missing disobedient child that I was.


I think that was polite, to take time out of their own vacations to look for a missing stranger. I felt slightly better when I found that out.

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back on xmas day 2000 we recieved a card under our cabin door,at first we thought it was a xmas card but once opened we realized different.it was an invitation to dine on the captains table that evening.us and six other passengers the captain his host and the ships doctor.was dreading it all day,thinking we would feel awkward but after a few pre dinner drinks [on the house]we had the most wonderful night.we were just randomly picked but will never forget the day or date.:)

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On our first cruise I took a very small cd/clock radio. I'm a light sleeper and was warned of the noise since we were on the bottom floor.


When we were trying to unpack our room steward came by, introduced himself as we were trying to get the radio/cd player set and get it working. I couldn't for the life of me get it set, it was brand new. So we just left it to explore the ship and decided to fix it later.


MUch later when we returned to the cabin after dinner and the show there was soft steel drum music playing. I was ooing and ahhing saying oh my they have piped in music how wonder.


In fact our steward had set my clock put in my cd and hit repeat.


I instantly feel in love with cruising. It didn't take much for me. AND I did make sure the steward knew how special that was to me!

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Ok I haven't actually cruised yet, I have to wait until July for my first cruise. However, Christmas of 2007 is one that I will never forget. A gift mysteriously turned up at my house everyday for the 12 days of Christmas. I was so touched that someone would do something like this for me. I was in tears more than once and everyday looked forward to seeing what would mysteriously appear that day.


I was so touched by this that I put together several small decorative boxes of assorted gifts (little angels, friendship magnets, lapel pins, ornaments, etc) and started to randomly leave them on doorsteps, mailboxes, etc. along with a note asking the recipient to choose a gift, replace it with another small token and pass the box on to someone else. I carry a box in my car at all times just in case I feel the urge to leave one somewhere.


I have also paid for the persons coffee behind me in the Tim Horton's drive thru.


It is such a good feeling when you can make someone else smile and feel special. It doesn't have to be a large expensive gift and when it is done annonimously it means so much more. The best part is that it leaves the other person wondering who dunnit;)

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Ok I haven't actually cruised yet, I have to wait until July for my first cruise. However, Christmas of 2007 is one that I will never forget. A gift mysteriously turned up at my house everyday for the 12 days of Christmas. I was so touched that someone would do something like this for me. I was in tears more than once and everyday looked forward to seeing what would mysteriously appear that day.


I was so touched by this that I put together several small decorative boxes of assorted gifts (little angels, friendship magnets, lapel pins, ornaments, etc) and started to randomly leave them on doorsteps, mailboxes, etc. along with a note asking the recipient to choose a gift, replace it with another small token and pass the box on to someone else. I carry a box in my car at all times just in case I feel the urge to leave one somewhere.


I have also paid for the persons coffee behind me in the Tim Horton's drive thru.


It is such a good feeling when you can make someone else smile and feel special. It doesn't have to be a large expensive gift and when it is done annonimously it means so much more. The best part is that it leaves the other person wondering who dunnit;)


My dear mother was from Weyburn Sask, and she would have been so proud to read your post. My father was always,,,,,When I retire we will do this>>> well he died very soon after retiring. Thank you for everyones posts!

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The nicest thing that's happened to me was my boyfirend of a gazillion years (now fiance) finally proposed to me during our December cruise. We were in Barbados at Accra Beach and he made it seem as though he "found" a ring in the sand. lol.. he was really nervous, I laughed...and laughed--thought he was joking. But it was very sweet!!


Anyways...this has got to be one of the best threads yet.


Thanks for all of your wonderful stories....Wow!!

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This is a nice thread, I have to share my engagement story.

We were sailing on the Carnival Legend. On Feb 3, 2006 we arrived into the dinning room for dinner, it was the 2nd formal night on the cruise so we were dressed up nice. After we get to our table he tells me he needs to use the rest room, I told him we just left the cabin. While sitting there alone, here comes a guy with a dozen of red roses and gives them to me. I was shocked. So after dinner and dessert we went to have our pictures taken at the many different back drops. While one photographer finished taking single shots of me, my boyfriend was at the next back drop talking to that photographer about what he wanted to do. So on to the next back drop, we take pictures and my back was toward my boyfriend, so the photographer says OK. So I turn to walk away thinking we are done, well after I turned toward my boyfriend, there he is down on one knee with a little black box opened and a beautiful ring in it. As this is happening the photographer takes pics of everything, even him putting the ring on and us kissing. Wow I was surprised. We went to the final back drop and told the photographer what just happened. So this guy takes our formal engagment pics for us.

The next day we went to look at the 100s of photos they took of us, it was soooooooo hard to pick a couple out, I wanted all of them but it would cost soooooo much $$$$$. That day they had a canvas deal going on, so the sales guy who took our engagement pics said pick a photo for the canvas and we can have all of the photos that we want. So in the end we paid $75.00 for the canvas package and then got all of our pics. It was a great deal, and they did a great job helping my now husband with his plan and capturing the special moment in pics.

We were married May 12, 2007 back at home in the Hudson Valley of NY, and this Mother's Day May 11th we will sail on NCL Spirit for our 1 year wedding ann.

I have attached a pic from the actually engagement.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest nancndon

A December Miracle in Hawaii

My husband and I looked forward to a 3 week vacation to Hawaii for a year. Finally the much awaited trip was at hand and we set off on our journey to the beautiful islands.

Being seasoned cruise goers, my husband and I rarely find ourselves at the buffet for any meal but for some reason on this cruise the first day my hubby and I found ourselves at the buffet and eating our first breakfast of a 3 week cruise on the back open deck of the ship attached to the buffet area.

While eating breakfast that morning I noticed an asian looking man talking briefly with an older gentleman. I surmised to myself that the two must be father and son or father and son-in-law. I thought to myself that he looked like a nice man and then quickly focused myself on some more people watching.

A few minutes later I excused myself so that I might go down to the cruise office to check in with the activities director of the ship as I was a lecture speaker on the cruise and I needed to get my schedule.

Later that day – my husband told me that he had met a gentleman after I had left the buffet and that they had talked sports. My husband is an avid Redskins Football Fan and the gentleman he spoke with was a fan of their rival Dallas Cowboys. I really didn’t think much more about it….I thought it was nice that he had someone to talk to while I was taking care of business.

Later that day as we were preparing for dinner in our cabin the dreaded NEWS came on. Always a point of contention between my husband and I….I hated listening to the constant barrage of doom and gloom that the news had to offer. He on the other hand was addicted to the horrible litany of evil and would often take in on in the form of anger and rage against anyone over situations he had little control over. He often could not understand God and God’s role in the world in conjunction with the evil state of things that my husband could not stand. It often led to many non-helpful battles between him and I – battles that I just could not seem to get around so that I could get through to him – the beauty of God’s love, his forgiveness, and his strength in the face of evil.

I was secretly praying under my breath for God to help Don to understand….for God to find a friend who could help him understand God and the world and all of the confusion that the devil will try to throw at us during a lifetime. It was a simple prayer, a prayer from the heart of frustration that just wanted to live peacefully…just wanted to have a little vacation time without fighting over the evils of the world.

The next morning – Day two of the cruise – Don and I were exploring Kauai and we ran into the gentleman that Don had talked to at Breakfast the morning before. We teamed up with him and explored a Botanical Garden together and spent time just talking, walking and getting to know each other. We took some pictures and made plans to meet up the next day to do some sightseeing in Hilo with him and his wife and young son.

Later that day, although surprised by Don’s willingness to team up with another couple to do sightseeing – I found myself looking forward to doing something fun. We were planning a trip to the volcanic park in Hilo. This was certainly not something typical for us, as we would normally never do something with a couple we did not know. But I was certainly game for it if Don was.

The next morning, Don and I met Joseph at the outdoor Breakfast Café and made plans to meet at the pier to go rent the car for the day. Once at the pier we found Joseph and his wife, Lourdes and their young son Jordan. We rented the car and began a day of getting to know each other and sightseeing. Lourdes was a delight to get to know and Jordan was a wonderful young man who was polite and sweet. We went up to the Vocanoe National Park and took pictures and spent the day enjoying Hawaii like a family who had known each other for years. Lourdes and I spent our time in the back of the car with Jordan and Don and Joseph spent their time in the front talking away. It was a very enjoyable day and I think I was surprised at Don’s willingness to spend one of our vacation days with strangers….that wasn’t his typical style and it made me wonder but I let it pass as I was caught up in having a nice time.

The next day Don and I once again met Joseph in the morning for breakfast and we all spent the day doing things on our own that day but we made plans to see each other sometime before the end of the week. Joseph had plans on Friday with a couple and so we were planning on going on our own on Friday when we arrived in Maui.

Again the next day we saw both Joseph and Lourdes for breakfast. Again – we were in the buffet area…typically not a place Don would gravitate. I hadn’t even got it that Don was going there on purpose to see Joseph….I had been appreciating the simple pleasure of morning spent on the back of the ship in the fresh air.

Come Friday morning we were once again at the open air breakfast buffet area. We ran into Joseph and he asked us if we were up to renting a car again and exploring Maui. He said the couple they had planned to sight see with was unavailable for some reason and he wanted to know if we would like to go. Don agreed and we readily made plans and got ready to meet up on the pier for the day of sightseeing.

We rented the car and proceeded on our journey up to the House of the Sun on the Haleakala Crater in Maui. The ride was a journey of time, space and joy. Lourdes had started the day with a pounding headache and I offered to do Reflexology on her feet to help her to feel better. As I rubbed her feet and hoped I was doing her some benefit – our car full of mixed matched friends talked and shared and oohed and awed over the scenery, the beauty and the majesty of our journey up the mountain. We went over a multitude of subjects and we seemed to have a common understanding of goodness and kindness between us.


As we marveled at the beautiful ascent to the summit – Joseph, philosopher that he was quoted us with the beautiful “In life it’s not how many breaths you take….but rather how many moments take your breath away.” We were all agreeing, laughing and teasing – because that was a perfect sentiment and it was really cute of Joseph to have come up with it. I think Don was impressed.

We took beautiful pictures once we were at the top and we took it all in – the sight, the journey…the fun. It had been truly one of the most wonderful vacation experiences that Don and I had ever experienced in all of our journeys.

We proceeded to go on to the North Shore and to Lahina in Maui for more sightseeing. We got back late to the ship and quickly cleaned up and went to the nearest dining room for dinner. Soon after being served our bread – Joseph and Lourdes walked in. We invited them to sit with us and we all proceeded to order and start dinner.

Almost toward the end of dinner somehow the conversation turned to the world and God and the state of the world at the time. I had been acutely listening to Joseph as he talked to us about his view on God and a little on his belief in Jesus. I too believe in Jesus and we spent some time going over different gospels that we had studied, belief systems that we had, etc.

At one point I stopped the conversation and said,

“Joseph”, “Tell Don why it is that God would allow war, evil, etc. in the world cause he doesn’t understand and we fight about it and I just don’t know how to explain it to him to make him understand.”

Joseph thought for a moment and then turned to Don and explained to him simply that because of the Devil in the world that sin still existed. I am sure his explanation was a little more eloquent than that but it was just that simple…just that short. Yet, I believe Don understood for the first time….God and faith.

Right after his explanation Don sheepishly admitted to Joseph that I had prayed that Don would meet a friend on this trip….someone who could help Don to understand.

Joseph put his face in his napkin and lifted it back up again to the three of us. He looked up at Don and smiled and told him, “And you thought we were going to talk about football.” We all laughed at the irony as it is true – Don had reached out to talk to Joseph first because Joseph just happened to have on a Dallas Cowboy T-Shirt, Don’s beloved Washington Redskin rivals….Don had just thought they were going to talk about football. It was funny….and it was exciting.

We talked a little further and Joseph commented that my studies had served me well and Lourdes commented that I had some pretty powerful prayers….prayers that had led Don and Joseph together.

And then it hit me….I was in the middle of a Miracle. My deepest prayer for Don was unfolding before my eyes and it had taken me literally all week to even notice.

Something changed in Don that night. Something had changed in Don all week and I was just seeing it. Suddenly – this friendship Don had struck up meant so much more and they were leaving in two days.

Saturday evening came and we went to the Kids Zone to tell Joseph goodbye as they were disembarking the next morning.

As we said good bye and all, Joseph asked if we wanted to go with them to church in Honolulu the next morning and then to the Aloha Stadium for the big swap meet. We said sure….we didn’t want it to end with them….so we were delighted to do this with them.

The next morning we found ourselves driving in a rental car to the little church in Honolulu where Joseph and Lourdes’s congregation met. At the church we were embrace with friendship and loving attitudes. Being exposed to church, this did not surprise me – but Don was not so familiar with the church experience.

After church which was a delightful service of singing and praise and reading of the Bible verses we visited with the congregation outside and had a great time. Everyone was so nice and it felt as if we had been their friends forever.

The Aloha Stadium was great and I spent a lot of time talking with Lourdes and Joseph about the blessed events while we walked through the endless maze of vendors….and GREAT DEALS.

The next Sunday, sadly our journey came to an end and we were packed up and leaving after 21 wonderful life-changing days in Hawaii on the journey of a lifetime.

We waited again outside of the Aloha Towers with all of our bags and soon we were picked up by our Host from the church. We once again enjoyed a delightful and spiritual service with this wonderful church. After the service, the Minister invited us to his office and we were gifted with a private Bible Lesson. This church and this Minister did everything possible to reach out in a non-intimidating loving way to Don and I on the love and the belief system that they had for God and Jesus and the word of the Bible.

The Minister and his wife apologized to us after the little Bible lesson that they had to leave to go visit some sick people from the congregation and could not have us for lunch like they had the week prior….but they wanted us to know that they had arranged for us to go to a local Phillipino Restaurant with some of the members before they dropped us off at the Airport for our flights.

We thanked them for everything and said our goodbyes. Our host driver took us to meet the other members at the restaurant where they had already ordered a feast of specialty foods that they thought that we might all enjoy.

The food was great, the company was delightful and the love was so real – the miracle so strong – that I know both Don and I were in a state neither of us has ever known.

Our hosts ended our dinner with a great ice cream and black bean and shaved ice desert that was truly unique and tasty. Soon they were dropping us off at the airport and the last thing we saw after we took off toward home is the flyover of the Diamond Head Waikiki Crater….what a sight….what a journey.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

We had experienced a miracle that we needed, that I had prayed and prayed for. God was there even when you least expect it. I was grateful and I was touched in a way I thought never would happen.

Now, when my husband struggling to assume his role as head of our spiritual household grabs my little hand and mutters his sweet and loving prayers to OUR God, I am truly in awe. I have always have believed in Miracles….and I always will.

I have always told others of God’s goodness and I wanted to share this miracle – as it was the sweetest – most powerful thing I have ever witnessed.

I couldn't hardly get over all of the things that had happened...the things that Don had done to lead his steps to this day. It had been Don that morning who wanted to go to the buffet when normally he would never have done that - we always eat in the dining room for our meals....Don hates the buffets. But for some reason (God's divine plan) he went there and went there happily all week. It was Don who had reached out and spoke to Joseph first because of that Dallas Cowboy shirt Joseph was wearing....it was Don who wanted to go with Joseph and his wife to sightsee - when Don never wanted to mingle with strangers...we had been on lots of cruises...this type of activity had never happened before. It was Don who had jumped on the idea of going to church with Joseph, Don who wanted to go back, Don who called to go back again, Don who grabbed my hand and prayed "God is Good, God is Great" with me on the cruise....It was Don who God reached out to and loved...and I think Don felt that. I was so happy....so touched - I felt like God had given me the sweetest gift....my husband in his care.

Soon our day had to end and Joseph and Lourdes drove us back to the Pier so that we could catch our cruise for week number two of our journey.

At the pier I quickly sat in the front seat so that I could tell Joseph goodbye and thank you. I looked into his eyes and told him that we had shared a miracle. I had prayed for him to find and help my beloved husband, and he had listened to God’s word and he was there when I needed him to deliver God’s miracle to our lives.

I was in awe and in God’s glory. I don’t know if Joseph truly knows what it meant to us. It meant so much. We will always thank God for sending such a gentle spirited messenger – such a great representative of his love. It had been just what we needed.

Before we left the pier that night, Don went out and called the church to set up with them a ride so that we could go back to church the next Sunday when we were back in Honolulu. I just sat back in awe. I just sat back in awe.

We proceeded to have week number two of a glorious vacation to Hawaii. Relaxation was truly on the plate and it was so fun to just chill.

We missed Joseph and Lourdes and we looked forward to going to the church together again. I was still kind of shocked by everything….this was all very un-typical for Don…..I really could hardly believe it.

Come Sunday, we were dressed in our nice clothes and standing outside of the Aloha Towers waiting for our ride to pick us up. And there they came, on time and friendly and full of God’s love…setting an example for Don – showing him a different side of the world in our existence.

Church was priceless. Full of simple songs of praise, words of encouragement, and the tears were not strangers to our eyes, mine or Don’s. It was truly wonderful and monumental to us both. After church we proceeded to the Minister’s home for an afternoon lunch. Here we visited with other visiting guests to Hawaii and we had the most marvelous and spirit filled loving time. I was in awe. I knew by now that I was experience my miracle for Don and I was speechless by the wonder of it….the joy.

After our lovely lunch that was prepared by the minister’s wife our lovely hosts drove us back to the pier and dropped us to our ship. We made arrangements for them to pick us up on the next Sunday which would be our last day in town, the day we disembarked from the cruise.

The third week of our cruise we spent time having a lovely Vow Renewal Service in Kauai at a wonderful waterfall. The day was beautiful and the service was simple and sweet and spiritual. As we walked away from the site when the service was over – there was a fine mist of rain that came down but barely in wet our skin….I told Don and the Minister who had performed our service that it was the Angels crying for joy for our Vow Renewal Service….and then before we even got into the car the light mist had stopped. A few minutes later we stopped down the road to get a picture of the sunset…and later when we had those pictures developed we realized that we had captured a fish in the cloud pattern in the sky of that sunset picture….we took that to be a sign from God.

All of the pictures from that day turned out so beautiful, somehow the light of sunset and the day made us both look young and surrounded by God’s love. There is something truly special about these photos.

The next Sunday, sadly our journey came to an end and we were packed up and leaving after 21 wonderful life-changing days in Hawaii on the journey of a lifetime.


We waited again outside of the Aloha Towers with all of our bags and soon we were picked up by our Host from the church. We once again enjoyed a delightful and spiritual service with this wonderful church. After the service, the Minister invited us to his office and we were gifted with a private Bible Lesson. This church and this Minister did everything possible to reach out in a non-intimidating loving way to Don and I on the love and the belief system that they had for God and Jesus and the word of the Bible.

The Minister and his wife apologized to us after the little Bible lesson that they had to leave to go visit some sick people from the congregation and could not have us for lunch like they had the week prior….but they wanted us to know that they had arranged for us to go to a local Phillipino Restaurant with some of the members before they dropped us off at the Airport for our flights.

We thanked them for everything and said our goodbyes. Our host driver took us to meet the other members at the restaurant where they had already ordered a feast of specialty foods that they thought that we might all enjoy.

The food was great, the company was delightful and the love was so real – the miracle so strong – that I know both Don and I were in a state neither of us has ever known.

Our hosts ended our dinner with a great ice cream and black bean and shaved ice desert that was truly unique and tasty. Soon they were dropping us off at the airport and the last thing we saw after we took off toward home is the flyover of the Diamond Head Waikiki Crater….what a sight….what a journey.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.


We had experienced a miracle that we needed, that I had prayed and prayed for. God was there even when you least expect it. I was grateful and I was touched in a way I thought never would happen.

Now, when my husband struggling to assume his role as head of our spiritual household grabs my little hand and mutters his sweet and loving prayers to OUR God, I am truly in awe. I have always have believed in Miracles….and I always will.

I have always told others of God’s goodness and I wanted to share this miracle – as it was the sweetest – most powerful thing I have ever witnessed.

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I'm so glad I discovered this thread and happy that I can add my "moment."


My wife and I took my Mom on her first cruise to Jamaica among other places..on a now defunct cruiseline (Dolphin). My Mom was getting up there in age and her health had seen better days...she was still sharp as a tack and a very proud woman, that new what she liked.


Well one day, mom had a rough day and wasn't feeling up to much of anything but we had convinced her to come to the dining room. Upon seeing the menu she seemed to get her appetite back....she ordered the roast beef, baked potato and milk.


Dennis (our waiter)...must have heard us talking about mom...thats the only way I can explain it...unless he was psychic. Upon bringing my mom's food he set it in front of her and declared that "this woman is a queen and should be treated as such" and with that pronouncement he began to cut up her food. He spared my Mother her dignity that day and I will always be grateful. My mom passed away not ever getting to take another cruise; But remembered that cruise (and the kindness that Dennis showed to her) with great fondness. Below are pics of Dennis and one of my mom


Thank you Dennis





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On our very first cruise (it was a Disney cruise October 2001) we were invited by the bride-to-be and groom-to-be to their wedding. It was their second marriage each and sadly their teenage and adult children were seasick in their staterooms unable to attend. The couple invited fellow passengers to attend in lieu of their kids. It was quite beautiful and it made DH and I tear up a bit. I hope they're still happily married. :rolleyes:

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This is more of a pay it forward story, but I believe that karma works. It was the last night of our cruise and after dinner when we got back to our room there was a prayer book and some religious medalions sitting on my side of the bed. I knew it wasn't mine and figured that someone who had been in our room previously had accidently left it behind. Knowing how devistated I would be, I wanted it to get back to the person. I thought about giving it to our room steward, but at the last minute decided I would take it upon myself to find it's owner. I didn't want it to just get put in the lost and found and knew I had the necessary information to get it back to the owner. I looked in it and found a post it with someone's phone numbers on it. When we got back into port the next morning I called and only got an answering machine so I left a very detailed message so they wouldn't think it was a prank and left them my cell phone number to call me back. We were sitting at the airport getting ready to fly home when that person called me back. She hadn't been on the cruise, but her parents and their friends had been. The book belonged to her mom's friend and she thought she would never see it again. I assured her that as soon as I got home I would put it in the mail and to please tell the owner of the book not to worry anymore. About 3 weeks after I mailed it, I received a package with some unexpected gifts and a beautiful card thanking me for doing that. She was amazed that someone these days would take the time to do this. My thought was it was the right thing to do and I would hope that if something like that ever happened to me that someone would do that too.

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