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OT - Please help the Animals - The silent victims of Katrina


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The people they are bringing in on the buses to Houston are not being allowed to bring their pets on the buses--they are being forced to leave the pets behind there at the Superdome or not be allowed on the bus. I do hope that there is someone there at the Superdome who is taking these animals to a safe location, but I fear that they are just being left on their on.


If they would just let the animals come on the bus to Houston, there are many of us that would be willing to foster the animals. But then we found that the people on the buses weren't being allowed to bring them. I wish there was some way that we could get the authorities to revaluate this policy.

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The people on this thread are a wonderful bunch of compassionate people.


I hope the authorities will reconsider too. I just donated to the HSUS and then followed up with an e-mail asking if they will be assisting in rescuing animals left behind in the Superdome and attempting to re-unite them with their families who went to Houston. Maybe they can make arrangements or the authorities have a plan.


The Internet is a great tool for posting pictures along with location & contact information, attempting to reunite separated family members, and putting families in touch with one another.


Thanks again, Michele, for starting this thread and to all of you for caring.

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My sister helps with a local animal shelter here in West Texas. It is after midnight here and she along with other volunteers are still setting up facilities in preparation for receiving animals that have been evacuated. I think she said that many, many local shelters are taking in animals so don't forget to check your local shelter to see if they need supplies (if you live in the states surrounding the areas affected by Katrina).

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I love animals as much as anyone here. I have donated to both the humane society and the red cross. My cats are my children also so I know how it is.


That being said I understand not letting them on the bus. The more pets on the bus the less people that can fit. There are SO many people stranded there they need all the space they can get.


I pray these animals are taken care of and are tracked so they can be reunited with their owners. This is truly a devestating situation. :(


When this situation gets more under control I hope they do start letting animals on the bus.


I know everyone wants to flame me but there are 2 sides of the coin.


Remember their are sick children getting med evaced out of the gulf WITHOUT their parents. There is not enough room for the parents with everyone that is sick. It is so sad.

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Actually, they could put the animals on the bus with their owners without taking room from people. For safety reasons, they only put as many people on the bus as there are seats, because if there was an accident, people sitting in aisles could be injured. There are people bringing their luggage on the bus and holding it in their laps and putting it in the aisles. They could let the people with pets bring those and put them on their laps and in the aisles.


I agree that they should not take any space away from letting people on the bus, but as long as they are allowing luggage and letting people hold it and put it in the aisles, they should let people bring their pet if that is the "luggage" that the people want to bring.


I'm glad to hear there there are some shelters being set up for the animals. The real shame is that some of the people as the Astrodome who were forced to leave their pets behind in order to get on the bus weren't told what would happen to their pets--they didn't know if anything would be done to take care of their pets they were being forced to leave. I hope that there will be a listing/way to get the animals back together again with their owners when everything is stabilized.

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.....that there are wonderful, wonderful kind hearted people who visit this web site. I, too, have been moved to tears - yes, obviously for the humans - but, oh how hard it must be for the small, furry family members left behind to fend for themselves.


Yes, people's needs must be met - but there must be room in our hearts for GOD's other creatures who are just as helpless, frightened and abandoned at this time.


Thank you so much Michele for starting this thread.

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Thanks everyone for donating at this time of need. My heart is so filled with your graciousness.


I thank goodness that the help that is so desperately needed has finally begun to arrive. Hopefully both man and animal all will be rescued from what is literally a pit from hell.


We have a saying in down here...it's the Spirit of South Florida with Neighbors helping Neighbors. We learned that from Andrew and we remember it at every disaster...be it here in South Florida, our Great Country, or anywhere else in the world.


I'm glad to know that the Spirit lives throughout our Cruise Critic Community! :)


God Bless you All!



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Micheleg, Thank you for making it so easy. I just made my contribution.


I hadn't forgotten about the pets by any means but didn't realize that the Humane Society was actually doing a rescue mission. I normally prefer to donate locally but the HS deserves all of our support. I just wish I lived closer because I would definately be a HS volunteer.


Just because our hearts go out to victims of this awful tragedy doesn't mean the animals should be forgotten. As someone said earlier, the animals weren't given the option to evacuate.

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The national breed club for Labradors is already running in high gear. I am sure other breed clubs and rescue groups are too. I have volunteered to foster 2 Labs in the comfort of my home. If you are interested in something specific to your breed....or say, cats or wildlife, try doing a search on Google. It is possible that I will be making a trip to the area to bring back as many as I can fit in my van to be cared for in Ohio. If I can help anyone in searching for something regarding a specific breed, just let me know. If you would like more information about Labradors try.... http://www.thelabradorclub.com/rescue/katrina/katrina2.html. I am sure the Goldens, Boxers and the more popular groups have the motions in place as well. On behalf of he animals....thanks for your kindness.

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They haven't actually allowed any animal rescue groups in at this time. We got the call yesterday, and are hoping to be allowed to move out to Gulfport Sunday or Monday. No telling when or if animal groups will be allowed in New Orleans. I'm part of the group that combs the neighborhoods and roof tops looking for animals, but I would imagine that someone is set up in places like Houston, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, etc. to help care for the sick animals that evacuees have brought with them. The local SPCA's and Humane Societies in those areas will probably need financial help as well, as I'm sure that's who's coordinating that. They are probably already overrun.


We have to take all our own food, water, shelter, etc., along with all the vet supplies and cages we'll need to house animals, so we'll be taking a convoy. We're currently worried about the gas to get there, as most of the pumps in our area have bags on the handles:(


Also, when considering contributions for people-related charities, please remember The Salvation Army. They have been on the scene since day 1, and are often overlooked when the call goes out to support The Red Cross. The Salvation Army does tremendous work.

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Thank you so much for being part of the group to go out and retreive all those poor animals. I just pray the owners can be reunited w/their animals and not all is lost.


This really is a wonderful thread and I am sorry if I made comments on it that were not what the thread was intended for. I am glad that the people of cruisecritic have such big hearts to give what they can in time of need.



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The Today Show this morning interviewed Noah's Wish who are in Slidell. Here in San Antonio, we have several thousand evacuees (by plane and bus)both human and pets. Our two major animal organizations, San Antonio Humane Society and the Animal Defense League are providing free boarding for as long as neccessary for Katrina pets. San Antonio has gotten a very bad rap for the care of its stray dogs-well deserved I might add, so its nice to see these two organziations stepping up to the plate.


Mortypro: we have a rescued greyhound, Walker, Texas Greyhound, who is a joy. He's the biggest of our 3 dogs and the most gentle.


God bless all living things in the ravaged areas.


Dave and Elaine

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thank you so much for helping

i am going to paraphrase ghandi

you judge a society by how they treat there animals



greyhounds are wonderful we are very active in greyhound rescue in new york

we are trying to organize to help the greys in adoption center etc down there

we have morty, saul and just lost our beloved chester in march

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Has anyone read what happened to the little white dog that did not get on

the bus with the little boy? I read the little boy was so heartbroken he

cried until he vomited. I hope someone was able to come up with a solution that would insure this little boy would get his dog back.

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[font=Arial][color=black]As of today, I am beginning to hear much with respect to rescue of animals in New Orleans. Mississippi rescues continue too, but this post will only deal with New Orleans. I want to share some of what I have heard. Space will only permit snippets. Included are updates on:[/color][/font][indent][color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]Ban lifted on taking pets on bus[/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]Snowball campaign to find the young boy’s white dog ([/font][font=Verdana]lesharona: the search is on!)[/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]Animal rescue & plans for more rescue[/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]What to do if you know of stranded animals[/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]HSUS Update[/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]Update from Baton Rouge shelter[/font][/color]
[color=black][font=Symbol]· [/font][font=Arial]Arubalisa’s website on animal resources for the hurricane (at end of post)[/font][/color][font=Arial][/font]
[font=Arial][size=3][color=black]Thanks, amyr, for your work on animal rescue![/color][/size][/font]

[/indent][b][u][font=Arial][color=black]Best Friends Update on Ban Lifted, Snowball, & Animal Rescue[/color][/font][/u][/b]

[font=Arial][color=black]Here are some snippets from Best Friends; for more go to this website:[/color][/font]
[url="http://news.bestfriends.org/index.cfm?page=specialreports&mode=cat&catid=04061773-BDB9-396E-9001EF6EC01318A4"][font=Times New Roman][color=black]http://news.bestfriends.org/index.cfm?page=specialreports&mode=cat&catid=04061773-BDB9-396E-9001EF6EC01318A4[/color][/font][/url]

[font=Arial][color=black]“Pets now declared “family members! As stranded people in New Orleans continue to be evacuated . . . they are now allowed to take their pets with them on the buses. The ban on pets was lifted Saturday. . . . The change in policy comes too late for all of the people who have already had to give up their pets as they were evacuated, but it will help animal control officials to concentrate on rescuing those pets who were left behind.” Best Friends “took to the streets of New Orleans last night and picked up approximately 100 dogs. These animals were taken to be temporarily housed at Smith’s Westbank shelter in New Orleans.” Rescuing “animals found on the city streets, particularly in those areas where the buses have been loading.” The North Shore Animal League “is also working on mobilizing trucks to help evacuate animals from New Orleans.”[/color][/font]

[color=black][font=Arial]“A campaign has begun on the Internet to find "Snowball, the dog a little boy had to leave behind as he was evacuated from the Superdome.[/font][font=Arial][size=3] . . . [/size][/font][font=Arial]a growing outcry has mounted to find Snowball, who is reportedly a Bichon Frise. . . . a reward fund has begun for anyone who can find the dog. . . .help locate the dog and reunite him with his young owner. “ Best Friends said they will keep us up-to-date on the Snowball search.[/font][/color]

[font=Arial][color=black]“Hundreds of animals find refuge on LSU campus.”[/color][/font]

[b][font=Arial][color=black][b]“If you have an animal that has been left behind or know of one that has been left behind:[/b][/color][/font][/b][font=Arial]
[email="hurricane@bestfriends.org"][color=black]hurricane@bestfriends.org[/color][/email][color=black] (435) 644-2001 ext. 398. Please include the following information:[/color]
[color=black]Name and contact information, Address where the pet was left, Pet’s name, Description of pet – species, breed or special markings”[/color][/font]

[b][u][font=Arial][color=black]HSUS Update – snippet from their e-mail when I donated: [/color][/font][/u][/b]
[font=Arial][color=black]“[b][font=Arial][b]In Louisiana[/b][/font][/b], we’re helping to set up an emergency facility at the Coliseum in Baton Rouge where strays will be brought, evaluated, and then transported to safety. While thousands of people are being evacuated from the New Orleans Superdome and relocated to Houston to be sheltered in the Astrodome, HSUS volunteers are helping transport animals from evacuees arriving at the Astrodome and ferrying them to the temporary shelter, which will be fully operational today.”[/color][/font]

[color=black][b][u][font=Arial]Houston[/font][/u][/b][b][u][font=Arial] SPCA Update[/font][/u][/b][/color]
[color=black][font=Verdana]Snippet from Houston SPCA’s website; for more see [/font][font=Arial][url="http://www.spcahouston.org/spcahouston/"][url="http://www.spcahouston.org/spcahouston/"]http://www.spcahouston.org/spcahouston/[/url] [/url][/font][/color]
[font=Verdana][color=black]“Since Sunday, the Houston SPCA has received more than 600 animal victims of Hurricane Katrina. . . . offering free temporary board, shelter, and care to the pets of people streaming out of those states hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. To make room for the anticipated flood of refugees, we are working with our dedicated adoption partners throughout the area, state, and United States to place our adoptable animals in other shelters. All owned animals will remain with the Houston SPCA to offer a central place for their families to reclaim them.”[/color][/font]

[b][u][font=Arial][color=black]Update from Baton Rouge shelter forwarded from a friend of mine:[/color][/font][/u][/b]
[color=black][font=Arial]A friend of mine forwarded me an e-mail from someone who works in a Baton Rouge animal shelter; here is just a small part of it: “[/font][font=Arial]I worked late into the night and the stories I heard from survivors was the stuff of nightmares.[/font][font=Arial] . . . [/font][font=Arial]One survivor brought four cats in a rabbit cage, the water was rising so fast. . . .Another woman climbed into her attic with her little dog in one hand and an axe in the other, she chopped a hole in the roof and was rescued by helicopter, along with the dog. . . .[/font][font=Arial]Both the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) are definitely in need and doing great work through out the region[/font][font=Arial]. . . .[/font][font=Arial] Those wanting to donate to help relief efforts directly here in Baton Rouge, at the local emergency shelter at Louisiana State University, can donate to the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association's charitable foundation, which is the WJE Foundation. Visit their website at:[/font][font=Arial] [url="file://www.lvma.org/"][font=Courier New]www.lvma.org[/font][/url] [/font][font=Arial]or, call their hotline at 1-800-928-LVMA[/font][font=Arial] . . . .[/font][font=Arial]You can also send a check directly to[/font][font=Arial]Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association[/font][font=Arial], [/font][font=Arial]8550 United Plaza Boulevard[/font][font=Arial], [/font][font=Arial]Suite 1001[/font][font=Arial],[/font][font=Arial]Baton Rouge[/font][font=Arial], LA 70809[/font][font=Arial]. Please write "HURRICANE RELIEF FUND" on the "for" line on the check.”[/font][/color]
[b][u][font=Arial][color=black]Fox News[/color][/font][/u][/b]
[font=Arial][color=black]Tonight Fox News also confirmed that animal rescues are taking place and mentioned the Best Friends rescue of 100 dogs and another rescue of more animals. They also showed a clip of a soaking-wet dog standing on a flooded car while rescuers were rescuing him.”[/color][/font]

[b][u][font=Arial][color=black]Arubalisa’s website:[/color][/font][/u][/b]
[font=Arial][color=black]Here is the link to Arubalisa’s website. She posted on this thread earlier with the website, but I’m posting it again since it is on a previous page: (Thanks and good work, Lisa!)[/color][/font]

[font=Arial][color=black]In addition to donating to HSUS, I plan to donate directly to some local shelters caring for the animals and other organizations rescuing the animals. It does my heart good to know most survivors now have been evacuated from New Orleans, that rescue and evacuation continues, and now they are helping the animals to a much larger degree. I would love to see the story of Snowball being reunited with the boy. Let’s pray it happens.[/color][/font]
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It's a disgrace that pet's have to be left behind at all. I know people take preference but in an emergency, there is room for the pets also. On the bus out of town, the cat and the dog could have been housed under the seat. If the regulations stated that you couldn't bring your pet, a very bad move. How dare they say that you have to leave your pet.

If the nice people left their pets behind, shame on them. They shouldn't have been pet owners to begin with. How dare they leave these animals to fend for themselves. These pets are dependant on their owners. They have no options. The owners on the otherhand have options.
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Hi All...

Just to let you know...yesterday we went to our local Humane Society and adopted "Poncho", so there would be room for another animal in need. We pick him up today and as soon as we get him home and settled, I'll post pics.

He's a 4 yr. old Rottie/Shepard mix and as sweet as anything you've ever seen. We fell in love as soon as we saw him. So...we add a new son today and the blue ribbon is outside our front door! :)

Keep the Love Coming!!!
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Tour De Cruise,

Thank you so much for posting that information. I feel better now that I
know there is a movement started to find Snowball for that little guy.
This has been the worst thing in my lifetime, it has really made me realize
how precious the things are we take for granted.
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Thanks for starting this thread. An animal organization in Charlotte NC is leaving Tuesday with a bus to go to the affected areas and bring back as many animals as they have commited foster homes for. They are working in conjuction with organizations in LA, MS, and AL. I have commited to fostering as well as a girlfriend of mine. This is in no way changing what I or others can do to help financially for the human victims of Katrina. Fostering some animals and sending some of my unused carriers, collars, veterinary supplies can help some precious animals. Our volunteers are taking polaroid pictures of the animals and leaving them with the local shelter people so that there could someday possibly be a reunion of owner and pet. This project is Project Halo in Charlotte NC, they do have a web page.
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lesharona: I'm having a hard time getting into the Hurricane Katrina updates on the Best Friends website because of excess traffic on their site. They are trying to increase the website capacity to eliminate this problem. I wasn't able to access the following article, but at least I saw the headline. Sounds promising. I can't wait to read the article!

[url="http://news.bestfriends.org/index.cfm?page=news&catid=04061773-BDB9-396E-9001EF6EC01318A4&mode=entry&entry=240889CA-BDB9-396E-99310168DCEC2EF1&stid=1"][color=#800080]Snowball found?[/color][/url]
[url="http://news.bestfriends.org/index.cfm?page=news&catid=04061773-BDB9-396E-9001EF6EC01318A4&mode=entry&entry=240889CA-BDB9-396E-99310168DCEC2EF1&stid=1"][color=#800080]LA SPCA reports that they may have found Snowball, as they evacuated animals from the Superdome Sunday. Sept. 5, 10 p.m. EST[/color][/url]

Here is the Best Friends Special Reports for the hurricane where I saw the headline:

I'll let you know what I find out, but you might want to try to get in to read the article too -- maybe you'll have better luck accessing it than I. Let's hope the dog they found is Snowball and they can reunite the dog with the boy.
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Aargh! I just typed a very lengthy post telling you all about the week I just spent in Mississippi deployed with my Disaster Animal Response Team, and when I hit "Post Reply" that hideous white screen popped up. We drove all night home with critical care animals in tow, so I won't attempt to retell my story until I've had a full day's sleep.

13 of us joined up with another 10 or so to open a shelter using the horse stalls at a large fairgrounds area to house and care for animals being retreived from the Gulf Coast. We only slept 10-12 hours in six days, and the whole event was pretty horrific. I've worked other disasters, but nothing like this.

After all I saw, I can tell you with certainty that the best thing you can do is either donate to your local shelter, adopt an animal, or both.

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