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LEGEND March 20-30,2015 REVIEW w/lots of photos

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Claudio great review. Hardly seems that it happen two weeks ago. It was great meeting you and Liza and we kicked butt at trivia.


Hey neighbor! ;) Great meeting you guys too. Still a little bitter we missed out on that luggage tag on the 70's songs by 1 point :rolleyes: lol

Keep in touch, likely see you around somewhere/sometime :)

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Capt Nordmo was up to his same consistent trick... pulling in to port about an hour early! As per my usual body clock, I woke around 7am and headed up top deck with my Machiatto. We were just getting close to land





As I got to the bow of the ship on deck 10 to view our sail-in, I was very surprised to see that the pier (if you can call it that!) is so tiny! But yes, we're pulling up to this little, from a distance seemingly rickety, small pier





And here is where I witnessed something I had never seen before... the crane within the bow of the ship being used to lower the gangway onto that pier. So with Legend gently slowing down, the crane was already lifting the gangway up and over to side even before Legend had stopped.... as Legend got to the very edge of the pier ever so gently, she continued to move forward. I suspect the plan was to lower the gangway, have the dock worker disconnect while still moving, then Legend can continue forward to tie down. That didn't happen! The crane motor jammed and the workers tried frantically to raise/lower/raise/lower with the controls to no avail, then frantically waving up to bridge deck to stop the ship!!! lol. Yes the ship stopped. The workers on the bow no matter what they tried couldn't get the darn thing to work, and after about 1/2 hour a white jump suit (engineer) came out to the bow and I saw him taking off the housing of the motor. I thought "ok, this is going to be a while" as the entire time Legend just sat there in basically the position of this picture although she did back up a bit off the pier. I went to my room to get ready for our excursion... and I noticed very quickly that we were moving again so obviously the problem was fixed quickly after I had left for my cabin





After breakfast, we were ready to roll! And just out on the gangway by the towel station the 9 of us who had booked our private tour for today all met, and off we went into town to find our driver.







My instructions was to find our tour giuide across the street from the pier. Upon exiting, as per all Caribbean ports, there were many others soliciting for tourism services. Very different though, in a real friendly way I found.... not only that, the very first guy when I said "no" said "are you looking for someone". I said yes, Sheppee Tours. Him and another guy said he's just up the street, I thanked him and he said no problem. Very friendly and helpful. And sure enough, as promised, one of the company's reps was there with the sign flagging us down. We were booked on Sheppee's Tours, specifically the "Pirates of the Caribbean Fun Tour"... and we got Sheppee himself as our guide, more on this as we go. So we gathered into the van and off we went.



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We were able to get a good feel of this town as it's mostly one way small little streets with very little room to turn and squeeze through traffic and double parked vehicles. Sheppee was an awesome driver! Obviously used to the chaos. Because of the heavy rains and lack of drainage, the drain ditches curbside are about a foot deep from what I can tell, so a driver can't get too close to the curb as we do in America to manouver a vehicle.


Driving through town and finally out of the "downtown core" our first stop today would be to Champagne Reef in the morning, to beat all the cruise excursions.







Most of us gathered to get our snorkel gear (extra $, not part of the tour) as a few hung out shoreside to beachcomb and enjoy the view rather than snorkel. There was plenty of animal life hanging around and the shore/beach is just gorgeous







It's here that a few of our group hung ashore, on the beach while the rest of us snorkeled, checking out the beach and more animal life in and around the rocks and foliage. There are a ton of different species of Iguana and geckos. There was even an old tortoise shell (deceased) washed up ashore. I left my camera with my gf, and here are a couple of pics taken while I swas in the water.... hmmmm, maybe I should let her do all the photography from now on?!?!?!? lol





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As a summary to this segment, 2 things:

  1. This was one of the best snorkeling sites I have been to in the Caribbean!
  2. The night before I discovered my underwater camera was no longer working!!! GRRRRRRRR. So I have to give major props to Roger for supplying the snorkeling pics below. He's got a great camera it turns out, a Canon D10... newer models D15 or D20. I am for sure buying one of these









Great job Roger!! Some of the above shots are in water at 20-30feet depth, but with 100% visibility. Just beautiful. Besides the variety of fish, I saw an eel. The guide pointed out various features and fish along the way, including one species of fish that was attacking him as he was pointing out it's nesting/egg site. Quite interesting to see the fish going at him over and over. Champagne Reef is known for it's volcanic bubbles! It looks like Champagne bubbles... and you can swim through them and feel their heat to the touch. I'm a good snorkeler, so I free dove a few times, once checking out at the bubble's entry point.... very hot! Really neat to hover within the bubble stream and feel it hit your hand/arm/body. I was very sad not to have my camera, but you know I would've been snapping a photo every 2 seconds rather than taking the experience in, so I'll take it as a blessing. I want to 100% come back here again someday





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Totally satisfied, we exited the water meeting up with our entire group, and headed up the board walk to return our snorkel gear. I had time to grab my camera back and take a few shots of the surroundings.







Sheppee had mentioned that later in the morning as the sun comes out we would see even more wildlife hanging about... literally! There were plenty of Iguana's hanging around and climbing about





And this particular guy tried tree jumping but almost missed! He precariously hung by only two limbs, and tried and tried to wave his forearm to grab a limb and pull himself up as we routed for him. Sure enough after about 10 tries he was successful and up he went. I'm guessing he was at least 3 feet long





And now after a good workout in the water, it time to gather and head off to our next stop. and also to replenish with a local brew... all supplied by Sheppee all day long whenever you wished, also rum punch, soda and water.



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Titou Gorge was a hilite to see, as I've viewed videos and pictures. Google "youtube titou gorge" and you'll see plenty.... it's totally awesome!!!! As we parked, Sheppee was already saying "oh no" as the water line and huge speed of the water was way more than normal. It had rained all last week, and specifically heavily last night, so it seems that the flow of water was super high.


So we went up to get ready. I had to put my non-water camera away after taking a few non-inspiring shots of the entry of the gorge and the pool, and as it turns out Roger's water camera ran out of batteries when entering the water!!! Oh no, seriously, no pics at all of any of this!!! What a bummer.


Sheppee dove 15 feet from the rocks into the gorge. we all assembled in the absolutely freezing pool of water to enter the gorge and started. The current was super strong and we really had to swim strongly. We made it to an inner cavern that was shielded by the current but it was obvious that we weren't going any farther, unable to reach the actual first part of the lower falls that you can see many people climbing in the youtube vidoes. The water was just too high and strong today. This place is utterly and eerily gorgeous! Again, another place I have to come back to someday. Sheppee allowed me and Lisa's son to try to swim into the current to the lower falls and we made it to the final recessed rock area that was sheltered from the current, and we can clearly see the utter strength and speak of the water... non one was in there and I am 100% positive it was a real drowning risk fro anyone. I think pictures/video would've spoken a thousand words as to the beauty and strength of what I was looking at. We re-entered the current and quickly floated back to the area that everyone else was waiting for us at, and we all slowly made our way back out. So extremely cool... an excellent and vivid memory that I just have to go do again when I'm ever in Dominica again!


Here's the gang!!! Stan, Noelle, Lisa, me, Tony, Cathy, Sharon & Roger at back, Dustin & Sheppee in the front





We had stopped roadside at a viewpoint where this guy has had his shop for years. What a super nice and personable guy, many of us got to ask him questions. Of course I just had to buy something`... in fact that "face" in his hand is what I brought home, made out of a dead fern that you only find on Dominica







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We were all having a great time, and now we were off the Hot Springs and some chill out time. This place was simply gorgeous and a really nice stop over. No one else was there! Our timing was perfect.







We spent a good 40 minutes here. Holy smokes... It was really really hot getting your body into the water! But you accustomed quickly and the you can just feel how therapeutic it was, just awesome. Totally recommended stop if you have the time. Note that any white bathing suit material will turn brown, and I was thankful I brought a darker blue swim trunks with me. Nonetheless the inner liner did brown and I have not been able to get it all out.... Fair warning!





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Our final destinations was a drive through the Botanical gardens and a stop at a viewpoint above the city of Rouseau, looking down at the city and the port. The Botanical Gardens are not large, and not what I normally would call gardens. Driving through with a short narration of a couple of things over 5 minutes was actually enough... definitely not somewhere to spend any amount of time compared to what we have done so far on this day. There were a couple of points of interest including this huge Baobab tree which fell onto this unoccupied school bus during an earthquake some 40-50 years ago, as well the huge Banian Tree







And finally to end our afternoon up to the viewpoint of Rouseau and the Legend moored below.







This was the end of our tour and Sheppee was dropping us off in town within 10 minutes of driving down from the viewpoint. We truly had so much fun with this guy, 1st class all the way. One of the best moments was when Noelle ("juliegarland" on these forums) sang in the bus as he didn't believe she could actually sing... fyi, Noelle won the passenger Karaoke Star on the final night by performing one of Julie Garland's songs.... yes, she has major pipes!!! It was so cool, Sheppee was grinning ear to ear, he could not believe what he was hearing in his bus, lol!! He was floored. Between all the joking, the great company, laughing, singing, and of course the sites.... this was by far and away the best day of the cruise with the very best of friends I could share this day with.... and all just from posting on our roll call so that random people could join me on a private group tour... gotta love Cruise Critic roll calls!



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All aboard was due within about 1/2 hour of us arriving. We looked around the tented shops for 10-15 minutes just to see if there was anything that caught our eye, then headed onboard and to our cabin to drop our stuff off. I headed top deck to take some final shots of the town and soon enough the ropes were loosened from the pier and were we off







Once away from port it was time to get ready for dinner and I took this shot from my balcony. Thank you for this fantastic day Dominica!





After MTD dinner and the 2nd of 3 RCL production shows, tonight's event was a late pool party and dance top deck. Surprise surprise, it was well attended! It was scheduled relatively early (10pm I believe, right after the last show) so there were plenty of "non-partiers" sitting on the sides at the tables and loungers watching the action as well as those who wished to dance. Also they had the regular bar-tender juggling show that always happens at these pool parties.




The Activity Staff stayed for a while after, but not overly long and the dance music was taken over by the 2-piece caribbean band that normally plays poolside during the day. At that point, the crowd immediately thinned out and the party died off almost immediately with not many people left over. We decided to head off as well as we have yet another full day awaiting for us in Dominica tomorrow. We came home to this sexy bunny. See you in Antigua



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Hey neighbor! ;) Great meeting you guys too. Still a little bitter we missed out on that luggage tag on the 70's songs by 1 point :rolleyes: lol

Keep in touch, likely see you around somewhere/sometime :)


Yes those Luggage tags were on my Bucket list. But I will live with the shirt.

Keep up the good work.

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We hit the sack pretty early last night after a super cool eventful day in Dominica, let alone 2 full days prior as well... we knew we had another early and full day coming up in Antigua. I was up early enough this morning to get up to top deck to take photos as we sailed in to the bay. We were the first ship to get into port this morning (yes, Capt. Nordmo was an hour early again!!)





As we got into position, I needed to get back to the cabin to get ready for the day as we had an early excursion booked. As we were getting ready another ship was entering the bay behind us and I shot her coming into port from my balcony... it's the Costa Magica







Way off in the distance in the second photo above you can the spec of another cruise ship. I couldn't tell what is was in the distance. We continued to finish getting ready for the day and headed up for a quick breakfast. Finishing breakfast, I went top deck to check out if I can see what ship was coming in and luckily I was just in time to watch the Adventure coming in right beside us





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The ship once again was cleared very early and we were one of the first off. Today we are booked on another private tour with Gordon Antigua Tours. Like the Dominica tour yesterday, I had asked our roll call for any takers to form a group but no one wanted to join us. As far as I knew, and from experience, I assumed that we would end up finding Gordon (or one of his reps) at the designated meeting spot and then joining in with others from other ships perhaps.


We made our way out to the gangway and were stopped by port staff right in front the bow of the ship. The Adventure still hadn't completed tying down her ropes yet as they were laying lose down on the pier... I've never seen the ropes ever crossing the actual pier before. Once they were winched up, they allowed us to walk under and outside of the security gate.









It was super easy to find Gordon, a 2 minute walk from the ship to a designated storefront, where he introduced us to our driver and guide for the day, Leon.... yes, "our" driver. This turned out to be a private tour for the 3 of us!!! Awesome! No extra charge, nothing. He didn't wait for other cruisers, nor solicit anyone else. I find that rare, and totally excellent as I knew we'd have free reign of when to stop, where to go, and how much tome to spend wherever we were.


First part of the tour was a full island drive, stopping at various photo stops and view points. Leon was somewhat quiet/introverted at first but opened up quickly after getting comfortable with us. Very easy to ask him tons of questions and get a narrative of the sites and locations.





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Continuing through inland, we passed through the various parishes and out to the beaches. Having been to Antigua the year after a major hurricane 10 years ago, I remember very little beach left at all with mist of it washed away. The beaches are being reclaimed per Leon and things are very much coming back to normal as pre-hurricane levels. We again had beautiful hot weather today, as it's been the entire week, at 80 degrees or hotter with a little cloud here and there





There were quite a few crops growing all over the island, and we saw plenty of banana trees for example as well as pineapple. I tell ya, there's nothing like stopping by a fresh fruit stand and getting a taste of fresh cut produce right there in front of you... de-lish!!!







Soon after this, we had entered the Nelson Dockyard National Park and headed up to Shirley Heights as our first stop within the park. At the parking lot we headed in to the presentation center where they have a Disney-like 15 minute movie 'clay-mation" type of room with stools for about 100 people in the middle and you look around as the history of Antigua as played before you. We beat all the cruise ship traffic as we were the only 3 people in this room. Once done, we had some time to spend at the top, and of course get that requisite famous money-shot of the Dockyard below that you see in travel brochures. Gorgeous!







There's a viewing platform up there with a few areas of ruins if the old fort, as well as a gift ship and so forth.



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Leaving Shirley heights, about 5 tour buses had showed up and people were pouring out... superb timing! we headed down to the Dockyard area itself. It was already getting very busy. The tickets to the National Park we had bought up at Shirley Heights are also valid here, so we entered right away. There a very large flee market type area, then it opens up to the old sailors halls, living quarters, court houses, etc of the day which were now refurbished as museums and restaurants. The dockyard itself is still being used for moorage of some beautiful private sailing boats and yachts









Finished at Nelson's Dockyards, it was here that we were supposed to head to the Stingray City Adventure, but a phone call from Leon to the Stingray City Center let Leon know that they were sold out on the early 11am tome slot, so we were to show up at 1pm. So instead of heading to the Stingrays, we went to the beach... and what a totally awesome beach it was!!!





This was LongBay Beach. I did not see many RCL beach towels here, although they were many tourists. We had a little over an hour here to enjoy the crystal clear blue water, snorkel, sun tan, and have a couple of inexpensive local brew. This is definitely and easily a great place to stay for a few hours, not just one hour. I would come here again.





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It was time to leave LongBay beach and head to Stingray City. Leon dropped us off at the ticket window where we entered. There's a very large area where everyone gathers... they have caged birds, Iguanas, a small shopping area, and a rest/bench area. This company gathers what I think looks like about 200 people and then forms various groups to take out in boats all at the same time. They do a safety presentation then off you go.







It's about 10-15 minute ride by powerboat out to the shallow sandbar where they have quite a large pontoon type of pier where all the boats can tie down to at one time. Each individual group follows their group leader out.





The guides first wanted everyone to stay in a very ling line in order to get professional photos done. Considering how little time you have in the water, that was a little bit of a pain, but truthfully they did try to appease at the end as less and less people wanted extra time with the rays, so there was more time for 2nd and 3rd opportunities to hold them





The staff gives out plenty of squid for you to feed these rays... man are they ever beautiful animals. just beautiful. But when they're hungry they're aggressive! I've been to Stingray City in Grand Cayman twice but these guys in Antigua must've been hungrier. They say they don't bite... one of them broke a little bit of skin on my finger, and also snapped a little bit on my gf's hand. I learned really quick in Grand Cayman by watching and copying some of the guides on how they coax (or call if you will) a ray so that they can be held. I tried early on but obviously they were excited and hungry, not calm at all. At the very end, and just before coming out of the water, I was able to hold one on my own for a little bit without the help of one of the guides. Of course I had to give her a kiss (hope it was a her!!!).






Coming off the little boats and back to shore, they served a free rum-punch... W O W ! ! ! ! That first sip blew my socks off. The bar tender at the booth showed me the bottle and I wish I took a pic of it... 151 proof! And he was being very generous with his pour.


The first pic above is one of the pro photos, and obviously expensive, they sell per photo (I think $10 each) and then some package pricing also. All in all a decent value & less expensive than a Cayman excursion, but set up much more like an amusement park/line-ups/photo store... the Cayman experience feels more natural and in the wild, less amusement park'ish, I liked that better

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The day wasn't done... we still had a couple of more hours with Leon! So he gave us the choice of going back to LongBay Beach (and then having 1/2 hour drive back) or heading back now as there is a beach only about 5 minutes from the port, Fort James Beach





When we got there, there were several taxis heading away as people were leaving, and the little shops were closing down. We were definitely getting there super late. Truthfully, we weren't that into it as now we were really tired. But we did find a few friend's to visit with and enjoy their company







We decided not to stay long and end our day about an hour'ish early. Leon took us back to town and dropped us off a couple blocks up from the port entrance so that we can go through the shops/streets on our way back to the ship. We tipped him handsomely for a great day and off we went through the streets on our way back to the ship,





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All aboard was coming up fast and the streets were clearing out quickly also, so we started to head back as well







We went straight up to our cabin to clean up after a long day. We hung out in order cabin and enjoyed the aft balcony right through until. Shortly after we returned to the cabin, the Adventure was getting ready to depart and I shot some great photos of her as she backed up, spun 180 and headed off into the sunset











Tonight, we enjoyed sailaway from our dinner table at MTD with another great meal and again excellent service. Truthfully, I forget the events of this evening, but I believe tonight was the second of three productions shows, of course trivia, a couple of drinks and enjoying some company up at the CL, and then the events of the evening. What is 100% certain is that I decided to leave my camera in the stateroom as I felt like being cameraless for once! Ah the freedom lol.


Tomorrow will be our final port of call, St. Maarten.... Planes, planes planes!!!! Stay tuned

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Thanks so much for taking the time to post this review, especially with the photos!


I am considering taking a cruise on the Legend of the Seas in December to the South Pacific with my boyfriend so this has provided some invaluable insight and information.

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And for the last time on this cruise, I woke seemingly early enough to watch Legend sailing into port, but for the 5th time in a row we were super early, and as I got up to top deck was able to snap a couple of shots of Legend already tied down to the pier and the Oceana Riviera edging to the the pier beside us (Carnival Liberty just coming in as well). As you can see, we continued with the glorious weather.... unlike the last cruise which had a few days of rain and which for the first time in CD Paul Rutter's memory they actually had to cancel one of their production shows (40 ft waves at one point)... yikes!









I had some time this morning to not be in a rush as we had no excursion plan, so I decided to take several random shots of Legend deck 10 as I walked around. There's likely some things here even I hadn't noticed that you may have a questions about, ie. the jogging track, masts, windows/glass, etc. incl a shot from the useless top stairs/deck that lead to the old Viking Crown that is now a service entrance to Chops on both sides.







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Here's a few more pics from top deck & my cabin, including a shot aft overtop of Riviera's bow as the CCL Liberty prepares for docking









Heading off the gangway, today we were to meet cruise buddies Noelle & Stan for the day. we were doing our own thing, so we headed for they ferry to take us over to town. I took these photos along the way, with the bottom one below looking back at the 4 ships in port... as you can see in the 2nd photo, Adventure had followed us from Antigua and had already pulled in.







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Today turned out to be a super fun day, as good as Dominica, had a total blast. The plan for the day was to hang out around town for a coupe of hours, shopping and checking things out before heading out to Maho Beach to watch the planes landing at Princess Julianna Airport. I had headed up to the CL this morning to look at the SXM airport website for arrivals


.... the KLM747 was coming in today!!!!!!! I am stoked... been here 2 other times but no 747, today I get one. YES!


But first it was a walk around town. many of the shops were just in the process of opening up, so we checked out a few stores and enjoyed the first 1/2 hour just poking around basically through the streets







Stan had a plan... 1st to "Juggies Place", a store secretly hidden in the first alleyway after you turn right from the center entry to the main street from the ferry. It's basically at the location of the clock photo above. Go down the alley between the main road and the beach, and you'll find this store... hilarious!







Stan knows the owner over several visits here, and buys liquor etc. I got to meet Juggie as well. GF bought a couple of dresses, Stan bought a few things incl cigars, and Juggie fed us a couple of beers and a shot of rum on the house. This is a really cool place. I honestly cannot remember if his bra collection was for breast cancer, but for a donation he'll pin your bra up for all to see at his store for charity. Look this place up, he has all sorts of souvenirs, dresses & t-shirts, cigars, guavaberry liquor, etc





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Next stop was "Stan's" jewelers. Unlike the first 10 stores we walked in to that morning, These guys left us alone... none of the pressure that's the norm the millisecond you get one foot inside. Was it because Stan had walked in first and the owner saw him right away I don't know. Nonetheless I had no bloody intention of buying anything!!! I like watches, but not obsessive as I know some guys have 30 of them (I have 5).... well now I have 6 lol! These Rougois really caught my eye and I couldn't walk away without having one. GF also found the best ear rings she had seen anywhere, including from her shopping in St Thomas. I am so not an ear ring/necklace/bracelet guy, but I have to admit these ear rings were surprisingly super nice. So GF walked away with the ear rings and I walked away with the white Rougois. A very surprisingly good experience, non intrusive nor pressure filled. Maybe if you're looking to shop, check them out. They're right on the main street very close to Juggies there in the center of town on the main street.









Time was ticking and according to the SXM arrival schedule I knew we had to get going quick as I didn't want to miss the big planes. I've never taken the local bus to Maho, but it was so super easy and only $2 I will do this every time. The jitney with the "Maho" sign on the front window was right there as we got to the back street, so we flagged him down and got on. I'd say in maybe 25-30min were we being dropped off in the round about right beside the runway and beach







And as we got there, everyone wanted a drink at the bar... I walked immediately to the beach as according to the time one of the big planes was supposed to be coming in. As I got to the beach camera in hand, I shot this plane coming in with a nice view of the iconic beach you see in so many youtube videos and pictures



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And sure enough just like the schedule I had printed out, right after the photo above, off in the distance I can see the lights of a much larger plane.....











My video is so much better. As I take video, I'm able to take stills, but obviously there's a slight delay between shots so I can't time the exact moment the plane is over the beach with the capture images as I'm pressing the shutter. Nonetheless, some very cool shots. Here is a shot of the beach without video, and of course these small planes flying so much slower than the jet airliners easier to get a feel for how close they are to the ground.



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