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More CCL agreed: FTTF Going to $59.95


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I dont do anything that affects other people's cruises Mother Hen, no worries


You just don't get it and I suspect you never will. It matter's not whether it affects others or not (and it very well may affect others, just in ways that you can't fathom), what matters is that in a civilized society, ones follows the rules of that society (or in this case, business) whether they like them or not. If you don't like the rules, take your business elsewhere. But what is truly sad is that you will never understand that point. :(


Carry on.

Edited by Out to sea!
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You just don't get it and I suspect you never will. It matter's not whether it affects others or not (and it very well may affect others, just in ways that you can't fathom), what matters is that in a civilized society, ones follows the rules of that society (or in this case, business) whether they like them or not. If you don't like the rules, take your business elsewhere. But what is truly sad is that you will never understand that point. :(


Carry on.


Yup you are correct, I do stretch or break some rules in life, sometimes drive 51 in a 50mph, change lanes w/o using a blinker, save a chair for my wife is she is not out to the pool yet, and yes pack a case of water in a checked bag. Guilty as charged, you continue living your perfect life

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I honestly cannot see why everyone thinks it's so wonderful. If I weren't Platinum, there's no way I'd waste that money just to board early. And I certainly wouldn't pay extra just on the chance that I might need to go to the service and and didn't want to have to stand in line.


I just have so many other things I can spend $60 on when I cruise!


Also in agreement. I'm baffled as to why anyone would pay $60 for a service (boarding the ship) that they're going to get for free. Want to get to your cabin as soon as you board? Then board around 1:00 or 1:30 when the cabins are ready. You MIGHT get to your cabin earlier with FTTF...but if you get there at 12:30, was that hour really worth $60? Not to me.


But it might just be me...I don't understand self-assist disembarkation either. Especially now that so many people do it, the luggage areas in the terminal have a lot fewer bags than they used to so it's easier to find mine, and self-assist doesn't guarantee that you'll get off the ship any earlier than you would otherwise.


OK...we now return your board to the FTTF topic. :)

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it amazes me that people feel unsafe leaving a bag at a table on lido to go get more food, but will let their luggage sit in the hall for hours while it is being delivered.



I may be wrong, but you sound like someone who hasn't cruised much or hasn't seen posts about putting down a camera, i-pad etc and how it disappeared within a minute or two.


I know in my carryon are all the things that are important to me. My meds, my camera, my cruise docs, my plane reservation info, jewelry etc. I wouldn't put those out overnight, so why would I just leave them and go up to get something from the buffet? I'm happy you feel that all people are honest, but I know that isn't the case.

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If you were prevent from getting the full value, I can see where that might entitle you to a partial refund

I was going to see about just cancelling, but we did have a tender port and our luggage was waiting when we finally were allowed in to our cabins.


curious, did you find out why?

Heard several stories. The ship came in late and the crew had to go thru some type of customs. Never really found out.


We enjoyed our cruise and that is what counts. :D

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My wife and I purchased FTTF a year or so ago. I'd say it was worth it for us. It was nice to drop off our carry ons, as we were meeting some people on board. We got through the port pretty quick once things got going, but we arrived pretty early so we did wait for a few minutes.


When we got through, one of our first stops was guy's burgers..we were pretty exited about that, so it was nice to not have to wait in line. 1/2 hour later the ship was swamped...lines everywhere.


we had a couple tender ports where we were able to utilize priority boarding. One in Belize got us there pretty quick, and we didn't have to wait around in port too long to get going to our excursion....especially since it was not purchased through the ship-if we had to wait too long, I wonder if we would've missed the bus?


I think we had to go to guest services once or twice . Seems like waiting in the FTTF line didn't help much. They just kept helping people in the regular line.


As far as debarkation, I don't remember if we got off earlier or not. I think we did though, but lines, customs were pretty busy by then, so whatever.



Overall I think it's a decent program if you feel like paying for it. If you don't, you're really not going to miss much. All it does is buy you a little more time here and there and add little convenience..If you feel it's for you, then great! If not, well that's cool too!

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I was going to see about just cancelling, but we did have a tender port and our luggage was waiting when we finally were allowed in to our cabins.



Heard several stories. The ship came in late and the crew had to go thru some type of customs. Never really found out.


We enjoyed our cruise and that is what counts. :D


nice to see somebody project a positive attitude:)

Edited by keishashadow
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Yup you are correct, I do stretch or break some rules in life, sometimes drive 51 in a 50mph, change lanes w/o using a blinker, save a chair for my wife is she is not out to the pool yet, and yes pack a case of water in a checked bag. Guilty as charged, you continue living your perfect life


I shall. :cool:

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Also in agreement. I'm baffled as to why anyone would pay $60 for a service (boarding the ship) that they're going to get for free. Want to get to your cabin as soon as you board? Then board around 1:00 or 1:30 when the cabins are ready. You MIGHT get to your cabin earlier with FTTF...but if you get there at 12:30, was that hour really worth $60? Not to me.


But it might just be me...I don't understand self-assist disembarkation either. Especially now that so many people do it, the luggage areas in the terminal have a lot fewer bags than they used to so it's easier to find mine, and self-assist doesn't guarantee that you'll get off the ship any earlier than you would otherwise.


OK...we now return your board to the FTTF topic. :)


Let's see, do you get priority tendering, do you get priority guest service line, do you get getting you luggage sooner? Not asking if you care about or like any of those other services that come with FTTF, just asking if you "get" why someone else may wish to spend their hard earned cash on such a service.

Edited by Out to sea!
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Some continue to debate whether FTTF should have been introduced . I don't know BUTthat is an old issue. The topic here is the price being raised .

Here I have an opinion - Hell Yes ! They should grab whatever the market will bear .


And then I think , well if CCL starts to make real $'s on it and decides to increase the amount sold then Hell No !

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I've noticed something interesting...many people who purchase FTTF are merciless in their defense of the product, and they insist on trying to convince others that they are spending their money wisely...and they use the word "get" a lot (ie: I get to board early, I get on a tender first). When the truth is they don't "get" anything...they paid to board early and they are paying to tender first.


A "service" purchase has no intrinsic value. Everyone eventually gets on the ship, everyone who wants eventually gets on a tender, everyone's room is ready for them at the advertised boarding time, anyone can talk to customer service, and anyone can choose to do self-disembark and lug their suitcases around when disembarking, and I have never heard of any passenger having to give up their specialty dining time because FTTF lists that it's users have priority in making reservations.


The best analogy of FTTF is the difference between self-parking and using a valet...neither makes a difference to the quality of a restaurant or how a customer is treated once inside the restaurant. Like Valet service FTTF is strictly a convenience that you pay for. And Carnival will continue to raise the price as long as people want the service...I can remember when tipping a valet meant $2...now their are signs that suggest $10 to $20.

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I've noticed something interesting...many people who purchase FTTF are merciless in their defense of the product, and they insist on trying to convince others that they are spending their money wisely...and they use the word "get" a lot (ie: I get to board early, I get on a tender first). When the truth is they don't "get" anything...they paid to board early and they are paying to tender first.


A "service" purchase has no intrinsic value. Everyone eventually gets on the ship, everyone who wants eventually gets on a tender, everyone's room is ready for them at the advertised boarding time, anyone can talk to customer service, and anyone can choose to do self-disembark and lug their suitcases around when disembarking, and I have never heard of any passenger having to give up their specialty dining time because FTTF lists that it's users have priority in making reservations.


The best analogy of FTTF is the difference between self-parking and using a valet...neither makes a difference to the quality of a restaurant or how a customer is treated once inside the restaurant. Like Valet service FTTF is strictly a convenience that you pay for. And Carnival will continue to raise the price as long as people want the service...I can remember when tipping a valet meant $2...now their are signs that suggest $10 to $20.


Have you read ALL the posts? The people against it are just as merciless...lol. I truly do not understand why people care whether or not people use it. People who bought or are planning to buy fttf have been called silly and are wasting their money. Why does anyone care? If it helps people have a better vacation..what is the big issue????

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Why does it matter how I spend my money that I worked for? Should I go "tsk tsk tsk" every time I pass through the casino and see people playing the slot machines or putting down money for Bingo games? Of course not. It doesn't matter to me how someone spends their money so why should it matter to anyone how I spend mine? If the Carnival CEO created a Go Fund Me account to buy herself a new Maserati and you wanted to contribute to it, that would be your prerogative.


If you want to blow it all on casinos and booze and other carnal pleasures, go for it! It's your money. You won't see me criticizing you for it.


In fact, next time you go on a cruise, when they call boarding for FTTF, please go up to those people in line and explain to them how they have wasted their money.

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it amazes me that people feel unsafe leaving a bag at a table on lido to go get more food, but will let their luggage sit in the hall for hours while it is being delivered. Do people go to their cabins and wait for the thud of luggage arrive at their cabin all afternoon?


Next cruise I may set up shop poolside on lido with a 'bag watcher' sign...$3 a bag. I'll watch your bag while you explore the ship or eat with all the bag stealers that are also eating. It may get warm in the sun, but I promise it will be there when it returns.


May be a good way to get some extra casino cash.


The difference is that I don't store valuables in my checked bags, but I do carry them in my carry-on luggage. I don't care if someone takes my extra clothes that are in my checked bags, since I usually have my toiletries, swimsuit, and a change of clothes in my carry-on. I would very much care if someone took my phone, camera, computer/tablet, etc., out of my carry-on luggage or purse. So yeah, I feel a lot safer with leaving my checked bags in the hallway, since there's nothing worth stealing in them.


I'm not sure why I should feel any safer leaving my valuables at a table in a busy area on a cruise ship than I would leaving it in a busy area of another business (a mall food court, for example). Paying for a cruise doesn't make people honest, you know.

Edited by ldlewis45
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Still worth every penny of it. I did not like FTTF. I was platinum. Annoyed me that others could buy early boarding.


Then my small grandchild sailed with me. I ate humble pie. Getting her on that ship quickly and easily was worth a lot to me.


I am a great fan of them.


I think a lot of the grousing is by people who still resent that Carnival even offers FTTF and trying to discourage people from purchasing.

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Why does it matter how I spend my money that I worked for? Should I go "tsk tsk tsk" every time I pass through the casino and see people playing the slot machines or putting down money for Bingo games? Of course not. It doesn't matter to me how someone spends their money so why should it matter to anyone how I spend mine? If the Carnival CEO created a Go Fund Me account to buy herself a new Maserati and you wanted to contribute to it, that would be your prerogative.


If you want to blow it all on casinos and booze and other carnal pleasures, go for it! It's your money. You won't see me criticizing you for it.


In fact, next time you go on a cruise, when they call boarding for FTTF, please go up to those people in line and explain to them how they have wasted their money.


I was really enjoying your post until your last paragraph. You contradicted everything you said. So, go up and tell them how they wasted their money by buying FTTF, but you won't criticize people for doing what they do with their money, you just did.

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Why does it matter how I spend my money that I worked for? Should I go "tsk tsk tsk" every time I pass through the casino and see people playing the slot machines or putting down money for Bingo games? Of course not. It doesn't matter to me how someone spends their money so why should it matter to anyone how I spend mine? If the Carnival CEO created a Go Fund Me account to buy herself a new Maserati and you wanted to contribute to it, that would be your prerogative.


If you want to blow it all on casinos and booze and other carnal pleasures, go for it! It's your money. You won't see me criticizing you for it.


In fact, next time you go on a cruise, when they call boarding for FTTF, please go up to those people in line and explain to them how they have wasted their money.


Gambling, drinking, paying for food is different....everyone can partake. Now when you cruise you don't just have to wait behind "loyalty" and suite customers but behind another tier in the perceived hierarchy of travelers. People who plan ahead, get up early and make their way to the tender lines are now shoved further behind, people who get to the terminal for boarding now need to wait longer to board as all the perk and "pay for Perk" peeps get to board ahead of them, people wait longer for the luggage because the cruise line has to ensure that the perk people get their stuff first (they paid for it one way or another).


Its like waiting to be seated at a restaurant and someone walks in hands the hostess a twenty and gets seated first...kind of rubs others the wrong way.


People don't care how anybody spends their money but when it impacts them it does become a concern...and when you've been on a cruise where there are lots of "perk" customers it does become slightly aggravating.

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$60 is a drop in the bucket compared to the price of a cruise.


I wonder what is the max amount people are willing to pay for FTTF.


I don’t understand why platinum passengers are bothered by people who spend money to get in line behind them.


I don’t care how other people spend their money.

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I got it because have a long drive home and wanted to get off as soon as we could. The rest I didn't care about but ended up with a problem getting an excursion refunded to a gift card which took MULTIPLE trips to guest services. It was worth every penny to be able to use the short line. I may now be a ncl to Carnival convert because of it lol.

Edited by taymiss2
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$60 is a drop in the bucket compared to the price of a cruise.


I wonder what is the max amount people are willing to pay for FTTF.


I don’t understand why platinum passengers are bothered by people who spend money to get in line behind them.


I don’t care how other people spend their money.


I have said it over and over...If Carnival sees how much people are willing to pay any price for FTTF, then why would they continue to give it to Platinum/Diamond as a free loyalty reward. My fear is they will take it away from the Platinum/Diamond and make everyone that wants the benefits to pay for them.


^^This is why it bothers me.^^

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I was really enjoying your post until your last paragraph. You contradicted everything you said. So, go up and tell them how they wasted their money by buying FTTF, but you won't criticize people for doing what they do with their money, you just did.


Thanks. I see your point, however, I was challenging people to actually say something to someone in person instead of being keyboard tough guys. -- because they won't. But I do see your point.

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Gambling, drinking, paying for food is different....everyone can partake. Now when you cruise you don't just have to wait behind "loyalty" and suite customers but behind another tier in the perceived hierarchy of travelers. People who plan ahead, get up early and make their way to the tender lines are now shoved further behind, people who get to the terminal for boarding now need to wait longer to board as all the perk and "pay for Perk" peeps get to board ahead of them, people wait longer for the luggage because the cruise line has to ensure that the perk people get their stuff first (they paid for it one way or another).


Its like waiting to be seated at a restaurant and someone walks in hands the hostess a twenty and gets seated first...kind of rubs others the wrong way.


People don't care how anybody spends their money but when it impacts them it does become a concern...and when you've been on a cruise where there are lots of "perk" customers it does become slightly aggravating.


So buy FTTF then and you too could be one of those people that roll out of bed in the morning with no plans at all and stroll up at your leisure and sail to the front of the line of those people that planned and woke up early and stood in line all day.

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I have said it over and over...If Carnival sees how much people are willing to pay any price for FTTF, then why would they continue to give it to Platinum/Diamond as a free loyalty reward. My fear is they will take it away from the Platinum/Diamond and make everyone that wants the benefits to pay for them.


^^This is why it bothers me.^^


I understand your concern. Carnival is know for taking away perks.


They will call it "brilliant".

Edited by Rottweiler Puppy
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