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Room service and to go food


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Just about anyone that has sailed Oceania or Regent in the past few years and has had the chance to meet and speak with FDR considers him a friend. When Regent was purchased by PCH (Prestige Cruise Holdings) and changes began, I felt the same way that many of you do.


Yes, I have met him and know a few things about him. He has been known to pick up passengers and take them to their ship in Miami in his own vehicle. He has lunch with passengers frequently and does sail on the ships. When ships are refurbished, he is there working along side of the crew and contractors (and stays on the ship - even when electricity has been turned off). His biggest passion is his family followed by the crew of his ships and passengers. He definitely has strong opinions and I do not agree with all of them. However, he is one of the most successful people in the business. His successes cannot be denied.


Obviously, no matter what I or anyone else supportive of Mr. Del Rio or the new policies say, it seems that your minds are set. However, I do not feel that anyone deserves the attacks that have been made on these threads.


If FDR said that NCL will be a "different cruise line", he no doubt meant a better one in all ways.


Why can't people that are unhappy with the policies put it in writing and send it to the President of NCL or even to Frank Del Rio? While they probably cannot respond to everyone, they will at least hear your concerns. I do feel that all of you deserve to see a clear, concise and correct policy spelled out.


On my side, I will attempt (no promises) to not post on these threads but will read them. And, contrary to what someone posted, my DH is interested in sailing on NCL - on a west coast itinerary if it is offered. I'll certainly be reading reviews to see how this all plays out.


First let me say this is public message board. If you want to make a comment, then make a comment. If you believe fdr to be an upstanding person then, by all means please continue to post from your perspective. Don't be so easily run off if someone disagrees or doesn't see eye to eye with you. Heck it's why we are here, to discuss and gain understanding.


With that being said, it appears that fdr has hung his friends out to dry. They come on these threads in his defense repeating what he is telling them. For the most part they are saying the rumors are not true because FDR told me so. Then to find out a few weeks later, that it was true. It makes the friends to be appear to be puppets. Unfortunately, these fdr friends don't have any credibility at this point because fdr is pretty much lying to you all.


Quite frankly if I was his friend, I wouldnt be saying nothing Especially after he refered to us folks commenting on theses sites as "just social media flack" not realizing we are his paying customers. WTH Type of CEO make these type of comments about his Customer base publically? Lol


Maybe he is use to dealing with the elite client base for so long some of us common folk is beneath him, therefore he wants to "upgrade us".


He may be the nicest man as you said Im disputing that. But I provided you with facts in the what he said regarding NCL. Those words are the image he is showing us. That is not a positive look.


Again, this is just my perspective and soley my opinion only. Yours will be different because you know him to be a jolly good guy along with your cruise experience on Regent/oceania, that is OK too.


Agreed. In time we will see how this will play out.


NCL has a great product overall. I would try them now before the line changes to something" different" that way you can judge for yourself.






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:confused: (scratching head over this one) If Oceania and Regent are so all fired fantastic, then why would any of us want to sail NCL, right?


Well, those of us who have sailed NCL have NOT chosen to sail Oceania and Regent. Since O and R exist, why do we need NCL to turn into a clone of these?


With the JC Penney brands, there was a niche that was being filled by the JC Penney offerings...yet someone thought it should be "modernized" and "made more slick, more hip, more expensive."


The customers who wanted and yes, needed ,the offerings of the previous JCP were not going to take it sitting down, so they walked. The bottom line went up in smoke.


Sometimes when leaders try to be so forcefully innovative, they tend to seek answers to problems that really don't exist. Such as the so-called problem of food removed from the buffet. We all see it for what it is, a manipulation to control and force folks into paying the RS fee if they wish to eat in their cabins. The talk about dirty halls is just added hyperbole to try to further rationalize said fee.


If people have repeatedly sailed NCL, perhaps it is because they enjoyed it? Perhaps, these same folks will prefer not to sail NCL when FDR turns it into the Oceania/Regent triplet.


As I said, why force us out of the store, when we were enjoying the brand?

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If we all just accept this new idea of putting corporate profits before customers first how do you see impacting is the consumer long term?


People are not looking at the bigger picture, it's not about fees and rules. It's about the changing climate when we as the consumer set the market. NCL can not survive without customers. This is a luxury service. We are not talking about the power company where we are at their mercy because we NEED power, gas and water.


It's about pushing back when a company begins taken liberties just because they can. It's about being vocal when companies that rely on you the consumer to buy their product and services to survive and make big profits. So whether the changes effect you personally or not, is neither here nor there because it's the manner in which we are accepting these businesses practices should be everyone's concern as a consumer. You give someone an inch they will take a mile. I mean. Why not?


Just because I'm not disable and the rules and regulations don't affect me doesn't mean that I should not fight or speak out for the cause to get a corporate to change or improve certain practices that could negatively affect them if I see it happening.



Because eventually the head of these business and corporations will start to feel arrogant enough to think they can impose and do what they want regardless because we say, I'm OK with it, because it does not affect me. Or, Oh I'm in agreement with it although I don't like how they did it, but they get pass.


Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have your right to agree with it and I have my right to disagree. To each his own.


I get it . to some, It ain't that serious, it's just a cruise. *shrugs*



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Del Rio is already arrogant enough and he doesn't particularly care that some might be upset with the changes.

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Just about anyone that has sailed Oceania or Regent in the past few years and has had the chance to meet and speak with FDR considers him a friend. When Regent was purchased by PCH (Prestige Cruise Holdings) and changes began, I felt the same way that many of you do.


Yes, I have met him and know a few things about him. He has been known to pick up passengers and take them to their ship in Miami in his own vehicle. He has lunch with passengers frequently and does sail on the ships. When ships are refurbished, he is there working along side of the crew and contractors (and stays on the ship - even when electricity has been turned off). His biggest passion is his family followed by the crew of his ships and passengers. He definitely has strong opinions and I do not agree with all of them. However, he is one of the most successful people in the business. His successes cannot be denied.


Obviously, no matter what I or anyone else supportive of Mr. Del Rio or the new policies say, it seems that your minds are set. However, I do not feel that anyone deserves the attacks that have been made on these threads.


If FDR said that NCL will be a "different cruise line", he no doubt meant a better one in all ways.


Why can't people that are unhappy with the policies put it in writing and send it to the President of NCL or even to Frank Del Rio? While they probably cannot respond to everyone, they will at least hear your concerns. I do feel that all of you deserve to see a clear, concise and correct policy spelled out.


On my side, I will attempt (no promises) to not post on these threads but will read them. And, contrary to what someone posted, my DH is interested in sailing on NCL - on a west coast itinerary if it is offered. I'll certainly be reading reviews to see how this all plays out.


I promise that I would be his new best buddy if only he would stop screwing around with my vacation.

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Just about anyone that has sailed Oceania or Regent in the past few years and has had the chance to meet and speak with FDR considers him a friend. When Regent was purchased by PCH (Prestige Cruise Holdings) and changes began, I felt the same way that many of you do.


Yes, I have met him and know a few things about him. He has been known to pick up passengers and take them to their ship in Miami in his own vehicle. He has lunch with passengers frequently and does sail on the ships. When ships are refurbished, he is there working along side of the crew and contractors (and stays on the ship - even when electricity has been turned off). His biggest passion is his family followed by the crew of his ships and passengers. He definitely has strong opinions and I do not agree with all of them. However, he is one of the most successful people in the business. His successes cannot be denied.


Obviously, no matter what I or anyone else supportive of Mr. Del Rio or the new policies say, it seems that your minds are set. However, I do not feel that anyone deserves the attacks that have been made on these threads.


If FDR said that NCL will be a "different cruise line", he no doubt meant a better one in all ways.


Why can't people that are unhappy with the policies put it in writing and send it to the President of NCL or even to Frank Del Rio? While they probably cannot respond to everyone, they will at least hear your concerns. I do feel that all of you deserve to see a clear, concise and correct policy spelled out.


On my side, I will attempt (no promises) to not post on these threads but will read them. And, contrary to what someone posted, my DH is interested in sailing on NCL - on a west coast itinerary if it is offered. I'll certainly be reading reviews to see how this all plays out.


That is the problem- Del Rio thinks NCL needs to change, we don't think it does. It really is as simple as that. Del Rio is changing the cruise line that many of us love and in our view it's not for the better. Yes, NCL will probably be able to attract new customers to replace the ones being lost and NCL will offer a good product, but it won't be the same.

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Add me to that list.


Me too!


Nobody spends as much time and energy on a board with a cruise line they've NEVER sailed on. Arguing constantly for the NCL brand and now FDR. You now come off as you're insulted. hahahahaha ..now that's funny. Nope..you have no dog in this fight..wink wink.

Edited by janpo
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well actually that is not true, he is being blasted by his own words...We were introduced to mr FDR with this interview with the thestreet.com in late february.http://www.thestreet.com/story/13054496/3/how-norwegian-cruise-lines-new-ceo-plans-to-shake-up-the-cruise-industry.html


it went like this

Del Rio: The industry has been fixated that the only lever it has to stimulate demand are lower prices. We think it's a losing proposition over the long term and short term. One thing that has worked well at the Prestige brands, and which we are testing at the Norwegian brand, is the idea of the deal.


I'm not asking for the moon, but an extra $3 or $4 per person. There are two people per room, for a seven-day cruise that is an extra $50. Can I get $50 from you and your wife to come aboard my ships versus someone else's ships, and how do I get you to do that? I think I have a lot of different levers to pull.


then you just got to love the 'confidence'....as he said in this interview on march 20 http://www.worldcruiseindustryreview.com/features/featurethe-big-interview-frank-del-rio-4536927/


"There might have been some doubts following the acquisition, but, since my appointment, bookings for Oceania and Regent are up; the customers know me and trust that I'll protect the brands. On the Norwegian side, the message we're really trying to get across is that every effort will be made to make the product even better, but that does not mean more expensive."


but the above statement is false because he said in February he didn't want to lower prices to fill ships, but offer incentives as you do with Regent.


Then FDR said on May 7 at the share holders meeting that his goal was to "drive demand to obtain the highest possible revenue". translation higher prices.


Then FDR said in that same called where He coined it the" FDR New Deal "which he found ways to increase profits by increasing beverage cost, implement the room service fee, and increasing the price of shore excursions. and by doing these 3 things FDR said "for every $1 in yield is $15 million to the bottom line".


So why lie and do a pretend test (GETAWAY AND BREAKAWAY), when he knew DAMN WELL that they were going to implement that charge from the start (FDR new Deal) and further lie and say the fee was added for our convenience when specifically it was done for no other reason to increase profits. we would fall for the oky doke that's why..."its just a test, not confirmed...blah, blah,blah" was the words from a lot of folks on these boards. he also knew some will continue to defend to say it is to discourage ordering more food, blah, blah, blah....but that isn't so...Franky told you why he did it.


just soon after that call there was the new for profit rule and not bring food out of dining area for the cleanliness of the ship. coincidence? no not hardly


it has been one change after another. Nothing mentioned about improving the customer experience on board. just focusing on how to increase profits from the 'captive audience' as he refers to his customers. REALLY?


FDR is coming off to be an arrogant SOB by his own words and deeds. So yea, we blast with reason and make no apologizes. He may want to think that he does not need his loyal repeat customers right now, but karma has a way of revealing itself and kicking you in the ass at the same time


NCL does not corner the market for mass market cruise lines. Folks will take their money and go else where.


It was bad enough that he did not feel the need to give us prior warning of any changes which says how he thinks about his customers,due to a lack of respect. but the fact that he does not have time to care about what his customers think or doesn't want to know is ok with you???


side note. the problem i have is not ncl the product, but the new head of the company.



I don't know you..but i like you!!

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That is the problem- Del Rio thinks NCL needs to change, we don't think it does. It really is as simple as that. Del Rio is changing the cruise line that many of us love and in our view it's not for the better. Yes, NCL will probably be able to attract new customers to replace the ones being lost and NCL will offer a good product, but it won't be the same.


I agree with this 100%. I love NCL. I sail on Carnival also, but NCL is my favorite. If it turns into a "luxury" line it will no longer be enjoyable to my family.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Forums mobile app

Edited by dna529
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Hmmm, trying to connect some of dots between the new Room Service fees and Wednesday's 4.4% drop in NCLH's stock price (down by $2.52 per share) on a single day, and at 5 times the average/normal trading volume. Maybe it was Sheehan selling his insider's shares and laughing all the way to his own bank, or could be someone else capitalizing on the recent wave of news, some good & others not so cool. Just dunno - are these making a difference already on earnings & outlook by themselves ?


Thankfully, we don't own any NCLH stocks but find it a little strange for yesterday's plunge in stock price to happen - as they're holding their annual shareholder's meeting ... on top of all the other negative news this week. Maybe, it's just all coincidence but the timing couldn't possibly be any worst. The smart move would be to tell these friends, insiders, supporters and outside "affiliates" to cool it and take a rest - the gravel pits just keeping on sinking, day by day. Take a look at the latest revamped NCL Future Cruise Rewards as being reported, apparently - looking like another "tests" being runned on select ships this month - to promote & increase bookings again. The new rules modified so that you can only make one change after booking ... while sweetening (masking, really) it with extra perks again. Changes are coming, so what's next - embarkation fees for priority boarding, or luggage express, or a manatory daily environmental fee :confused:


I get it ... a business is a business, except I do not like nor trust those engaged in or give the appearance of running a monkey business. Even 5 of the largest banks got caught for rate-rigging for their own profit & agreed to pay a total of $5 billion USD.


Do anyone really want to believe it's a better upscale product when the line is serving items like meatballs & spaghetti in the MDR - nothing upscale about it. No way, Jose - not for us. It might be fine for others, please feel free to go ahead with the pom poms.

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Take a look at the latest revamped NCL Future Cruise Rewards as being reported, apparently - looking like another "tests" being runned on select ships this month - to promote & increase bookings again. The new rules modified so that you can only make one change after booking ... while sweetening (masking, really) it with extra perks again. <snip>


I looked at the T&Cs on both UK and US websites for the FCR and couldn't see any difference. Any link? - enquiring (nosy) minds would like to know.

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I get it ... a business is a business, except I do not like nor trust those engaged in or give the appearance of running a monkey business. Even 5 of the largest banks got caught for rate-rigging for their own profit & agreed to pay a total of $5 billion USD.


Two questions, if I may, if you don't like or trust, as you say, those engaged in or give the appearance of running a monkey business, why not take your business elsewhere? Also, are you saying that NCL is rate-rigging (doing something illegal) for their own profit? If the answer is no on the second question, then what does that kind of statement have to do with NCL?


I certainly understand that some want NCL to stay the same as it has always been, but things change and companies/products evolve. I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, unless they end up pricing themselves to where their value doesn't equal their cost (if they ever do that, that is when I'll say goodbye to them - no fanfare, no complaining, just stop doing business with them). I already sail on a luxury line (Crystal) and a premium line (Celebrity), I don't need another one of those, because that is not why I added NCL to the my mix of cruise lines, but I wouldn't mind if NCL's product was improved somewhat.

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T I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, unless they end up pricing themselves to where their value doesn't equal their cost (if they ever do that, that is when I'll say goodbye to them - no fanfare, no complaining, just stop doing business with them). I already sail on a luxury line (Crystal) and a premium line (Celebrity), I don't need another one of those, because that is not why I added NCL to the my mix of cruise lines, but I wouldn't mind if NCL's product was improved somewhat.


I think, that is the quintessential problem. What has FDR done to "upgrade" their product (NCL)?


What has FDR done to downgrade NCL?


Currently, They want more money but are delivering less.


FDR was explicit and detailed how he was going to make the NCLH more money. he had a solid plan. but when it came the customer experience all he had to say was he has to find " levers to pull". *blank stare*


One of his levers is to restrict food from the dining rooms to keep the ship clean. oh yea that enhances the passengers on board experience! really?? He is not a stupid man. and Neither are we.

Edited by tiffygirl
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unless they end up pricing themselves to where their value doesn't equal their cost


From where I sit they've already done that, at least for our cruise next year since they were $800 more than the competition (now $1000 more). And yes, I voted with my $$$.

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So who decides if your plate is a snack or a full meal? Slippery slope folks.:eek:


It's quite possible that customer pushback has altered the "original" "no food taken from restaurants" policy. But to me it seems obvious that NCL's INTENT was that NO PLATES (and possibly no dishes at all) would be taken from the buffet. That statement from the VP of PR mentions two example snacks -- a piece of fruit or a box of cereal. Both are easily transported by hand, both are actually more difficult to carry on a plate than in the hand. That same statement from the VP of PR says "no full plates of food." Given the difficulty of deciding what constitutes a snack and/or what constitutes a "full" plate, I think the most valid conclusion we can draw is that the intent was no plates (and by extension other dishes) would be taken from the buffet. This "explanation" by VP of PR was accompanied by a lot of hooey about dirty plates in the hallways, too -- another sign that enforcement of the policy would revolve around dishes.



Really? Then why do you spend so much time arguing or attempting to educate these NCL cruisers?


I read the last 2 pages of various threads about every other day and your posts with the above mentioned theme are everywhere! You're looking to cruise NCL? BALONEY!


When I visit "new" sites looking for info and I post anything (it's most reading and researching) it sure as heck isn't posting ad nauseam on controversial threads.


Hear hear! It's got to be embarrassing to the native NCL "cheerleaders" to have these ringers parachuting in.




I do feel that all of you deserve to see a clear, concise and correct policy spelled out.


Not going to happen. NCL is incapable of putting two words together and have them make sense. The line added to the menu is a case in point: it clearly says that if you order room service, and the order includes a non-complimentary drink, you don't pay the "convenience charge." We all know that's incorrect and completely illogical. Anybody writing it and/or signing off on it would know in a second the text is the OPPOSITE of the desired policy.


While this problem obviously pre-dates Del Rio, it for sure has shown no improvement while he's been in charge.


Finally, firing a bunch of your PR people RIGHT BEFORE you're going to be rolling out a number of significant changes with the clear possibility of angering passengers (including those already booked and/or beyond final payment) has to rank as IDIOCY of the first order. I'm sure that you'll make excuses for Del Rio -- he's too busy with his new ships, etc. -- but that was an unforced error and is a sign of a "fly by the seat of your pants" decision making.



Hmmm, trying to connect some of dots between the new Room Service fees and Wednesday's 4.4% drop in NCLH's stock price (down by $2.52 per share) on a single day, and at 5 times the average/normal trading volume. Maybe it was Sheehan selling his insider's shares and laughing all the way to his own bank, or could be someone else capitalizing on the recent wave of news, some good & others not so cool. Just dunno - are these making a difference already on earnings & outlook by themselves ?


I'm assuming that the big drop yesterday (pushing NCLH back to its previous high of early April, right as they were rolling out the new "pay" RS menu) was due to the Dawn going aground off Bermuda. If so that seems like an overreaction, so the price should go back up today. If it doesn't that suggests something else is probably at work.

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I looked at the T&Cs on both UK and US websites for the FCR and couldn't see any difference. Any link? - enquiring (nosy) minds would like to know.

He he, you won't find anything about that in those T&C's (I was checking them myselves, again, last night as BIL/SIL is flying Saturday westbound to SEA to catch the Pearl for Alaska, trying to sort out another - unrelated - matter, nothing revised in general since 2014)


Good news, I think current/existing/old FCR or FCC purchased would not be affected - I say, should not & assuming - it's all in good faith :D - and grandfathered in. Make one more change too many, it might be a different story. And, we should think about the "legal" protection or status of the "instrument" if any, on NCLH honoring them should company finances go downhill later on & they file for bankruptcy - it's not as if these "deposits" are held in a "trust" fund as escrows, with full legal protection ;) - I ain't no legal expert on this off-topic matter.


Back to the new enhanced FCR - I heard about it first from the GA people, no written backup as they threw away all the papers from the cruise. Then, a new Breakaway reviewer - SliceofLife - uploaded it as part of the overall review, saw it & asked, confirmed - see post #2 and response, post #16 - link here http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2210737


There is a new Getaway review with the Dailies (3rd. PDF below) - that also mentioned it - I will look for that, threads are disappearing left & right, so not easy to track & find them, some got locked or moved & mereged. I'm also attaching the PDF document again here - read & decide for yourself if it's deal or no deal, very appealing to some - but, it does come with more restrictions, and you do get some "extras" as added perks & incentives to do it on the ship. (Hence, the pom poms :rolleyes:) Maybe, maybe - we should have its own thread and/or move further discussions to not go off-topic/hijack the original topic.


Now, back to recent CC'ers "subjective" review & feedback of the new Room Service Menu - at least one person wasn't impressed, not suprisingly - here, see post #15 - http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2210635

Cruise Rewards.pdf

Next Cruise Deal.pdf

Day 1 to 3 NCL Getaway.pdf

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I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product...


I don't know how these new policies "upgrade" NCL, especially when premium and luxury lines don't even operate with this mentality.

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I don't know how these new policies "upgrade" NCL, especially when premium and luxury lines don't even operate with this mentality.


Exactly. The idea that the "more affluent" cruisers will be attracted to a more "a la carte" experience totally flies in the face of the reality that the more upscale or premium the line, generally the more "all inclusive" it is.


While Del Rio may SAY he wants to take NCL "higher," the changes his management team are implementing indicate the exact opposite.

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well actually that is not true, he is being blasted by his own words...We were introduced to mr FDR with this interview with the thestreet.com in late february.http://www.thestreet.com/story/13054496/3/how-norwegian-cruise-lines-new-ceo-plans-to-shake-up-the-cruise-industry.html


it went like this

Del Rio: The industry has been fixated that the only lever it has to stimulate demand are lower prices. We think it's a losing proposition over the long term and short term. One thing that has worked well at the Prestige brands, and which we are testing at the Norwegian brand, is the idea of the deal.


I'm not asking for the moon, but an extra $3 or $4 per person. There are two people per room, for a seven-day cruise that is an extra $50. Can I get $50 from you and your wife to come aboard my ships versus someone else's ships, and how do I get you to do that? I think I have a lot of different levers to pull.


then you just got to love the 'confidence'....as he said in this interview on march 20 http://www.worldcruiseindustryreview.com/features/featurethe-big-interview-frank-del-rio-4536927/


"There might have been some doubts following the acquisition, but, since my appointment, bookings for Oceania and Regent are up; the customers know me and trust that I'll protect the brands. On the Norwegian side, the message we're really trying to get across is that every effort will be made to make the product even better, but that does not mean more expensive."


but the above statement is false because he said in February he didn't want to lower prices to fill ships, but offer incentives as you do with Regent.


Then FDR said on May 7 at the share holders meeting that his goal was to "drive demand to obtain the highest possible revenue". translation higher prices.


Then FDR said in that same called where He coined it the" FDR New Deal "which he found ways to increase profits by increasing beverage cost, implement the room service fee, and increasing the price of shore excursions. and by doing these 3 things FDR said "for every $1 in yield is $15 million to the bottom line".


So why lie and do a pretend test (GETAWAY AND BREAKAWAY), when he knew DAMN WELL that they were going to implement that charge from the start (FDR new Deal) and further lie and say the fee was added for our convenience when specifically it was done for no other reason to increase profits. we would fall for the oky doke that's why..."its just a test, not confirmed...blah, blah,blah" was the words from a lot of folks on these boards. he also knew some will continue to defend to say it is to discourage ordering more food, blah, blah, blah....but that isn't so...Franky told you why he did it.


just soon after that call there was the new for profit rule and not bring food out of dining area for the cleanliness of the ship. coincidence? no not hardly


it has been one change after another. Nothing mentioned about improving the customer experience on board. just focusing on how to increase profits from the 'captive audience' as he refers to his customers. REALLY?


FDR is coming off to be an arrogant SOB by his own words and deeds. So yea, we blast with reason and make no apologizes. He may want to think that he does not need his loyal repeat customers right now, but karma has a way of revealing itself and kicking you in the ass at the same time


NCL does not corner the market for mass market cruise lines. Folks will take their money and go else where.


It was bad enough that he did not feel the need to give us prior warning of any changes which says how he thinks about his customers,due to a lack of respect. but the fact that he does not have time to care about what his customers think or doesn't want to know is ok with you???


side note. the problem i have is not ncl the product, but the new head of the company.


Well said!

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I think, that is the quintessential problem. What has FDR done to "upgrade" their product (NCL)?


What has FDR done to downgrade NCL?


Currently, They want more money but are delivering less.


FDR was explicit and detailed how he was going to make the NCLH more money. he had a solid plan. but when it came the customer experience all he had to say was he has to find " levers to pull". *blank stare*


One of his levers is to restrict food from the dining rooms to keep the ship clean. oh yea that enhances the passengers on board experience! really?? He is not a stupid man. and Neither are we.

I didn't say he did anything to upgrade his product, I said I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, in response to some that say he is trying to make it a luxury line.


In my estimation, he hasn't done anything that has downgrade the product, you might disagree. I still feel that I get the same value for my cruises as I have in the past.


Every company wants more money and one way to achieve it is to cut costs, the other way is to raise the price of their goods, in this instance fares...I personally don't prefer the latter. Others might have a differing opinion, but no matter what our opinions are, NCL has the last say on what they will be doing. We either accept it or move along to another cruise line which more fits our wants and needs. As I said, when I think NCL's value costs more than I think it should, I'll just not sail with them again.


I don't know why some are so upset because he said he has to find levers to pull, it simply means he is looking for ways to either cutback or raise revenue. Every business does this. Would it have been more acceptable if he would have said, I'll find more "ways".


I guess I don't see how not taking food out of the dining room diminishes ones sailing experience, I my opinion, probably because I would never think of taking a doggy bag back to my cabin, but that is me. There is so much food on the ship and so many places to get it.


I never said that consumers are stupid, I think just the opposite nor do I think Mr. Del Rio or Mr. Stuart are stupid, but since they run the company, they make the decisions and we as consumer decide if we want a customer of their company. We can shout, call them names, etc., but in the end we don't have to give them one dime of our hard earned money....in other words we hold all the power.


I have no idea if the these changes will stick or stay, either way I've got not issues, but time will tell if any further changes will become an issue for me, but those changes that are an issue to me, might not be an issue for you, since we all have different wants, needs and expectations.

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From where I sit they've already done that, at least for our cruise next year since they were $800 more than the competition (now $1000 more). And yes, I voted with my $$$.
For you they have already done that, but not for others. Do you think that everyone should have your cost versus value benchmark? I applaud you for voting with your $'s, because I think that is the most effective way to get one's point across.
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I don't know how these new policies "upgrade" NCL, especially when premium and luxury lines don't even operate with this mentality.
I didn't say that any changes so far has upgraded the product, what I said was: I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, because there has been a lot of chatter about Mr. Del Rio making NCL a luxury line.
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I didn't say that any changes so far has upgraded the product, what I said was: I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, because there has been a lot of chatter about Mr. Del Rio making NCL a luxury line.


In your opinion, what are some upgrades NCL could do to its product to boost the value proposition for guests?

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I didn't say that any changes so far has upgraded the product, what I said was: I don't think NCL would ever become a luxury line, but I don't think there is anything wrong with upgrading the product, because there has been a lot of chatter about Mr. Del Rio making NCL a luxury line.



No win situation here NLH. I agree with you that the policy is a good policy but you are going to keep getting attacked and telling you that you are a cheerleader and or rolling over to NCL executives. Let them decide what they want to do and figure out when they get on board if they will even cruise NCL how the new policy is. To me it's a Non issue except I believe it will help clean up the ship a bit but not completely.

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