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It's Hard to be a Canadian

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I booked a one week Caribbean cruise for my son and I for June. One week in a hot area of the globe during Canada's hottest months. How expensive can that be? Well, let's start adding it all up. We're from Toronto, so let's start with over $600 EACH in airfare. Let's take a cheap cruise... after all, it's basically just a father/bonding time, so no need to pay a premium to go anyplace really special. Then there's the Canadian dollar, now valued at about 72 cents U.S. By the time you add it all up, it comes out at $4700 Cdn with taxes, etc added in. What the heck happened to cheap cruising?

Anyway... RCCL better make it worth my time. First time sailing with Royal Caribbean. Have been spoiled on X and Holland America. However, I've got to admit, I've never been nickel and dimed to death by any of the other lines like I have been with RCCL. On the other hand, I've never had a bad cruise. First, and possibly, ONLY time sailing on Royal. One chance only... too many other good cruise lines to choose from out there for the same money.

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One thing that I like about RCL us that you can book in Canadian...so what you book with is what you pay. If you look ay Disney for example, you book with their inflated price AND THEN need to convert to Canadian when you pay it off.




Also, there is a thread about buying OBC at a 1.1 exchange rate.




Enjoy your cruise. My first cruise was with my dad when I graduated university. Was special father daughter time I'll always cherish.

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I'm the most easy-going, most easily-pleased guy in the world. Hell, I've sailed on a converted Greek freighter and had one of the best times of my life. We're experienced cruisers... This is my third this year and, like I said, I've never been on a bad cruise.

What I AM saying is this: cruising has become more and more expensive over the past few years, so I feel the cruise lines should be making every effort to make our cruises exceptional. Instead of nickel and diming us to death with ever-increasing charges (like $5 for luggage tags) just add all that minor stuff into the initial cost. We wouldn't even notice. But it ticks me off no end to be asked for piddly money when I've already spent $4700.

None the less, don't judge me or my motives. I am sure we will have a great time on the cruise. Like I said... bonding time with the Caribbean thrown in for good measure.

But, with so many cruise lines available, I have to make a judgment call as to where I want to spend my money, so each and every cruise has to make the grade. I was concerned when I sailed X for the first time in March because I had never sailed that line before. We loved it. I'm hoping to say the same about RCCL after our June cruise.

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You booked it for THIS June? I am sure you could have found some last minute fares for MUCH cheaper by looking on other lines or other destinations. There are Alaskan cruises going for dirt cheap leaving in the next week or two. Maybe that's too cool for you and you want warmth and Caribbean waters but I would think there is cheaper out there since that seems to be your biggest complaint.


How else is RCCL nickel and diming you? I am genuinely curious as I have never sailed on them but will next summer. I want to be prepared so I am not upset when I get on board and find out this costs money and that costs money, etc.

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I'm the most easy-going, most easily-pleased guy in the world. Hell, I've sailed on a converted Greek freighter and had one of the best times of my life. We're experienced cruisers... This is my third this year and, like I said, I've never been on a bad cruise.

What I AM saying is this: cruising has become more and more expensive over the past few years, so I feel the cruise lines should be making every effort to make our cruises exceptional. Instead of nickel and diming us to death with ever-increasing charges (like $5 for luggage tags) just add all that minor stuff into the initial cost. We wouldn't even notice. But it ticks me off no end to be asked for piddly money when I've already spent $4700.

None the less, don't judge me or my motives. I am sure we will have a great time on the cruise. Like I said... bonding time with the Caribbean thrown in for good measure.

But, with so many cruise lines available, I have to make a judgment call as to where I want to spend my money, so each and every cruise has to make the grade. I was concerned when I sailed X for the first time in March because I had never sailed that line before. We loved it. I'm hoping to say the same about RCCL after our June cruise.


Luggage tags do not cost $5, they cost $35 dollars if you order them. Most just print them or get them at the port.


As far as your "easily-pleased guy" comment, having just read some of your other posts, you complained about Celebrity too and the food on NCL before that.


If you have such a bad attitude towards Royal Caribbean before you even leave, you are setting yourself up for a bad cruise. You seem to like HAL the best, so why not stick to what you like instead of getting all worked up before you even take your cruise?

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fellow canadian here and i feel your pain! we have always cruised disney and have our first ever rcl cruise booked for 2016 and it may be a game changer. first being able to pay in canadian is a big plus. we will be saving about $2000 from what a dcl cruise would cost us. thats not a small amount.


even with the u.s. dollar being so high we find it cheaper to fly out of the u.s. than it is to fly out of canada. have you looked at that option? that might save a bit.

also, as a p.p. mentioned, you can pre purchase obc's at a rate of $1.10 cnd per $1.00 u.s., that for sure helps.


have a great cruise and enjoy your time with your child.

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I'm confused. How are you being nickel & dimed to death before you even cruised? You may want to adjust your attitude before you board. If you board expecting to be unhappy, you probably will be!


You don't say how old your son is, or what ship but chances are he'll enjoy RCL. They have a lot to offer kids of all ages.

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I'm confused. How are you being nickel & dimed to death before you even cruised? You may want to adjust your attitude before you board. If you board expecting to be unhappy, you probably will be!


You don't say how old your son is, or what ship but chances are he'll enjoy RCL. They have a lot to offer kids of all ages.


I'm glad that I wasn't the only one that was confused!

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I chose the Caribbean because my son has already been to Alaska. I love the Caribbean and have been to almost all the islands, so I want him to experience some of this. I did look around at various cruise lines and will admit RCCL was a little more expensive, but their itinerary was the best, so I didn't mind the extra price.

I think I'm more shocked by their customer service attitude that their $5 for luggage tags, for example. By the way, I've cruised four different cruise lines and never been charged for luggage tags or cruise documents. This was a first. Anyway, back to customer service...... I had bladder cancer and had it removed, replaced with an internal pouch. In order to urinate (sorry if I'm getting to graphic) I need to insert a catheter. After use, the catheter is placed in a vinegar-water solution to sterilize them. I have always had a gallon of vinegar delivered to my room in order to do this. Not with Royal! Not only will they not provide it, they won't do it even if I pay for it. They suggested I buy a gallon and bring it on board with me. Yep, I'll do that. Fly down from Toronto the morning of the cruise, drop into some grocery store, the location of which I have no knowledge, get the taxi to find one for me on the way to the ship, pay the extra time for the taxi to sit waiting for me to purchase the vinegar, then head to the ship. My, how convenient! It's a lousy bottle of white vinegar and I'll pay for it for gods sake, you cheapskates!

So, yes, I know I will enjoy the cruise immensely with my boy, but this incident has really put a burr under my saddle.

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Yes, RCL has poor/bad customer service reps but please tell me you weren't speaking with their special needs staff. I don't know their phone info but I'm sure someone here will provide it. I have no personal experience but many other on this board have given them high marks. You may be speaking to the wrong peoplle.

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To answer the other question, my son will be 28 in July. This cruise is a bit of a birthday gift for him as he's only cruised once before, and never the Caribbean. We used to go to myrtle beach every year for a week of golfing, but my health won't allow me to do that any longer. He's had sort of a disappointing year at work, so this will just give him a week of enjoyment where he can forget his problems for a little while. Fortunately his work life is getting better by the month and he's beginning to see a future with the company. We'll have a ball.

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Congratulations on your cancer survivorship. I am also a recent survivor. It's difficult, sometimes, to understand things - why something is the way it is or it isn't, or what have you. But I think you've made up your mind about this before you've even set foot on the ship. My hope is that when you get onboard and hear that "ding" that says your vacation has started, all of this will just melt away and you can celebrate that you are alive and able to cruise.


Having said that, have you contacted RCI's Special Needs department? This is separate from the regular phone lines that many people call just to get a few questions answered. You might be pleasantly surprised at what they will say. And if by chance, the vinegar from the cruise line is a no-go, I hope you will just consider it a necessary part of life now and let it go... it's part of your "new normal", budisal. Try not to let it get you down.


All the best and God bless.


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I know it sounds like I complain a lot, but I think the complaints are valid. The interesting thing is, you'd think I hate cruising by my various comment. Truth is, I can't think of any other way I'd like to vacation. I absolutely love crusing! I mean, who wouldn't want to be fed every minute of everyday and be waited on hand and foot?

The forum is part of Cruise Critic and, I'm afraid I'm a critic. I come by it honestly as I was once a critic for a magazine. But please don't get me wrong. I DO love cruising and am looking very much forward to this cruise and to seeing how RCCL operates. What ever little niggling things bother me prior to a cruise, I set them aside when I sail. If, however, there are problems on the cruise, I feel it's my duty to point them out for future cruisers. The rah, rah defenders are on every cruise board and they have their place too.

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One thing I meant to mention...we fly from Toronto too and have also noticed the crazy airline ticket price. Once our flights opened up, I checked flight prices every morning. One time, a flight popped up that was quite cheap (and the timing that we wanted to go and return). So we jumped on it. By 5pm of the same day, the price was up again.


So...i'd check flights daily to see if any special sales. You never know.

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Langley... Welcome to the cancer survivor club. It's been a rough couple of years. Lost the bladder and prostrate in 2012 and my right kidney to cancer in October of this year. However, I'm healthy now and happy as a clam. However, I now understand how fragile life is. This is the reason my wife and are are travelling so much now. I almost lost her last year when she had a minor surgery. She actually died for four minutes.

So now we're trying all the different cruise lines to see which ones we like best. We've sailed twice with HAL, once each with NCL and X. Enjoyed the 'freedom' aspects of NCL, the luxury of X and the old world ambiance of HAL. I found the food a little disappointing on X as I'd read so much about how good it was. I found it good, but lacking in taste. Hey, one man's opinion, right? Doesn't mean the cruise stunk. The cruise was great. Too many islands in too few days, but fun (and tiring).

You're right. As soon as the ship leaves shore, all the world will be right. Cruising is one of the greatest joys in my life - despite my criticisms.

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Luggage tags do not cost $5, they cost $35 dollars if you order them. Most just print them or get them at the port.



The $35.00 is For Cruise Documents Booklet

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LuCruise... I have a bad habit of buying my cruise and paying for it and then forgetting about it. With prices getting out of control (especially flights), I think I'm going to have to start thinking about flying out of Buffalo. It's not that I can't afford it, it just bothers the hell out of me to always be paying top price for everything just because I want to support our national airline, Air Canada.

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Fellow Canadian here..

think you have it bad? Try living in Halifax! Add min $150 onto the airfare, plus an extra stop usually in Toronto or Montreal.


When the US$ and CAD$ were the same, the prices were much more reasonable. Since the Canadian $ has tanked, the CAD prices have been going up. As much as 25-30%. The problem with that? I don't make 30% more now than I did back in 2013...which means, not as many cruises for me. :(

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LuCruise... I have a bad habit of buying my cruise and paying for it and then forgetting about it. With prices getting out of control (especially flights), I think I'm going to have to start thinking about flying out of Buffalo. It's not that I can't afford it, it just bothers the hell out of me to always be paying top price for everything just because I want to support our national airline, Air Canada.


My husband suggested too driving to Buffalo and flying from there. We have q major airport in our city, but yet it's sometimes cheaper to drive to the U.S. sad, isn't it?

I often wish we lived near a cruise port (or near Orlando for Disney). Would make these kind of trips do much more affordable, and thus we'd travel more often.


Hope you can get a good price on the airline, where ever you end up flying out of.

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..You're right. As soon as the ship leaves shore, all the world will be right. Cruising is one of the greatest joys in my life - despite my criticisms.


There you go. ;)


...With prices getting out of control (especially flights), I think I'm going to have to start thinking about flying out of Buffalo. It's not that I can't afford it, it just bothers the hell out of me to always be paying top price for everything just because I want to support our national airline, Air Canada.


We cross the border and fly out of Bellingham or Seattle, Washington often because of the cheaper flights. We would like to fly AC too but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Jet Blue is tugging at our pockets lately - first bag free. :D:p



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To answer the other question, my son will be 28 in July. This cruise is a bit of a birthday gift for him as he's only cruised once before, and never the Caribbean. We used to go to myrtle beach every year for a week of golfing, but my health won't allow me to do that any longer. He's had sort of a disappointing year at work, so this will just give him a week of enjoyment where he can forget his problems for a little while. Fortunately his work life is getting better by the month and he's beginning to see a future with the company. We'll have a ball.


You are investing in your relationship, this is a great way to celebrate each other. The money situation always gets figured out and in the end you will be glad that you made this investment in time and dollars to create memories for your Son.

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