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Where or what are the improvements?

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In the first half of 2015:

Two DSC increases

New service charge at specialty dining

Increase in bar drink prices plus 20% increase in gratuity from 15% to 18%

Loss of Illusionarium from dining packages

Kids no longer half priced in specialty


DSC is not the only increase. NCL are charging ALL cruisers more money now. Are we getting more service for our money? By the sounds of the rustling pom poms here it seems the answer is NO. Not one brand defender has pointed to a single improvement made for the guests satisfaction. Even I threw out a bone that the noodle bar is now free; no one else can point to anything given to the guest for the higher prices being charged now.


Can you?


Cheerleader? That's quite a stretch. I don't think those of us that aren't bothered need to justify to you why we are still happy with the overall value of our cruise experience. We all see it differently and that is certainly your right. It's your demand for additional value that I don't understand.


Your cost increase examples on gratuities and DSC I'd categorise as inflationary or customary. There is no increase in service level implied by raising either, in my mind.


Specialty dining and Illusionarium? Both are optional and you may vote with your wallet by not purchasing when the value is no longer there for you. If you are getting free UDP, you lost nothing that isn't more valuable than what you actually paid for in the first place.


As a consumer, your option is to speak with your wallet and choose to do business elsewhere when it's in YOUR best interests and the value of an NCL cruise no longer suits you. Demanding an explanation that never comes is probably very frustrating if you stick around waiting for it.

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On my last NCL trip on the Breakaway ... We are going in October so Frank, you got your money, WERE IS THE BEEF?

How funny, thankfully - we missed that, not a big fan of the buffet as I tried to avoid our HQ's basement "cafeteria" if I could when on-site (that's with the DIF food tray) It was probably the same meatloaf served in O'Sheehans daily. But, equally not impressed in March was the meatball & spaghetti in the MDR as one of the few entree specials for that day ... WTH as I whispered to DW.


Many, many years ago - I swear NCL had chicken and pork meatballs in addition to beef, so at least there're some varities in offering choices. The cost-cutting measures in place were pretty clear in the MDR's and Blue Lagoon/OSH's "simplified" menu over the years. Between FDR & Andy, neither has done anything difference despite the pledges - and, we are now in the middle of July, all of the new / improved menus should be 100% rolled out by now ... will keep looking for those reviews, pictures & feedbacks.


And, for those who continued to point to rising food costs - yes, we shopped at our local markets & do price checking; and, the lines have contracts & leverages in bulk purchasing agreements, etc. to stay within budgets. Fuel prices dropped & staying low - and, they certainly aren't passing on any savings ... we are supposed to be :eek: grateful for not seeing a fuel supplement being imposed ??


Next week, NCL's quarterly earning will be out - will be an interesting one. Just read the CCL results - revenues & profits up, nicely, bookings doing well - thanks to lower fuel prices and despite their overall prices being "lowered" - and, oh, stockholders getting a higher dividends. (Yay, full disclosure - that's us too) NCLH - what's up "your" sleeves :D


I don't buy the notion for a second that the extra money are going to the crew at all, and, if they do - they would be the trend-setters :D for these extra bonuses, incentives & tips ... wait, they don't have a profit-sharing scheme in place with their employees, do they ? (I think not)


A more likely scheme, purely speculative on my part - without facts & numbers - is that their own financial analysts came up short in projecting what's needed to cover the crew's pool of service charges & tips, so one way to close the gap is to revise the formula again by raising the amount higher. Pretty simple accounting, IMO. Someone's got to pay for the all those freebies given away earlier this Spring - so, open those wallets :p

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Cheerleader? That's quite a stretch. I don't think those of us that aren't bothered need to justify to you why we are still happy with the overall value of our cruise experience. We all see it differently and that is certainly your right. It's your demand for additional value that I don't understand.


Your cost increase examples on gratuities and DSC I'd categorise as inflationary or customary. There is no increase in service level implied by raising either, in my mind.


Specialty dining and Illusionarium? Both are optional and you may vote with your wallet by not purchasing when the value is no longer there for you. If you are getting free UDP, you lost nothing that isn't more valuable than what you actually paid for in the first place.


As a consumer, your option is to speak with your wallet and choose to do business elsewhere when it's in YOUR best interests and the value of an NCL cruise no longer suits you. Demanding an explanation that never comes is probably very frustrating if you stick around waiting for it.

My thoughts exactly. The only person I have to justify my feelings, as far as cost versus value, is myself.
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NCL haven't said we get more. If we pay more why wouldn't we deserve more? No one needs a cruise. This is not basic living


Why do you think that simply paying more means that you automatically deserve more? Again...you completely gloss over the price-value-reward aspect. It hasn't been shown that the increased pricing is out of line with the value of services rendered.


Or to put it simply. . .


Let's say that a company offers a service and that service is worth $5.


And let's say that the company charges $4 for the service.


It would be a good value because the service received is equal to or better than the value paid. (You pay $4 and you get $5).


Now...the company comes along and raises the price to $4.50...without changing the service that you receive.


This is still a good value because the service received is STILL equal to or better than the value paid. (You pay $4.50 and you get $5). Since the value is tilted in the consumer's favor, there is no need for the company to increase the value of the service.



Likewise, it hasn't been shown that the service received from NCL isn't worth the value received.

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The only person I have to justify my feelings, as far as cost versus value, is myself.


Ding - Ding - Ding - Ding! 100% correct! That is really the whole point in a nutshell.



Which just goes to show how pointless it is to even have threads on these types of topics.

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Ding - Ding - Ding - Ding! 100% correct! That is really the whole point in a nutshell.



Which just goes to show how pointless it is to even have threads on these types of topics.

I asked if service or amenities improved to go along with increased costs. It looks like the answer is no. Some people mind. Some people do not mind. We are all having a nice debate about it.


NCL set certain expectations when they accepted my money. Now they are raising expectations but will fail to deliver. I think sharing various points of view is valid. That does not make this a pointless thread at all. I disagree with some of your viewpoints but I am not dismissing your point of view.

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NCL haven't said we get more. If we pay more why wouldn't we deserve more? No one needs a cruise. This is not basic living


Exactly so, & if it doesn't fit the budget, none of us will be cruising. :eek:


For me personally, I like the new FCC program, might enjoy the SDP on our Escape cruise. I'm also one of the light eaters that love the idea of the A la Carte pricing & may try some of the specialty restaurants maybe even for just an appetizer & dessert. The idea of espresso & tiramisu a La Cucina just before heading to Howl at the moon sits very well with me


As for the DSC increases, NCL has given those of us with a booked cruise to pay at the old rate. Understand that costs have gone up. To borrow from another thread, have you checked the price of eggs? NCL buys them by the pallet full. Also they have to recruit & train enough workers to staff a new ship. I imagine that it is like most industries. Those companies paying good wages & treating their employees well will attract & retain the best workers. Hopefully we will all benefit from this.

I wonder why NCL just didn't raise fares. We wouldn't be having this discussion since prices vary so much anyhow.

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I asked if service or amenities improved to go along with increased costs. It looks like the answer is no. Some people mind. Some people do not mind. We are all having a nice debate about it.


NCL set certain expectations when they accepted my money. Now they are raising expectations but will fail to deliver. I think sharing various points of view is valid. That does not make this a pointless thread at all. I disagree with some of your viewpoints but I am not dismissing your point of view.


I don't see where NCL has raised expectations but failed to deliver. No evidence has been presented that they promised something that was not delivered. If people take it upon themselves to set their own level of expectations, then it is their issue, not NCL's, if those expectations are not met.


Sharing points of view is valid...when everyone involved has skin in the game. It is actually very valid. However, as was pointed out earlier, value is a personal thing....what has value to one person may have no value to another.


Without a common frame of reference, value on a personal level is like comparing apples to rocks...and that is what makes the thread pointless. It isn't the topic of value that is pointless, it is the thread since each and every person involved has a different frame of reference and a different perspective on what qualifies as "value".

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I hope they keep increasing the DSC this way they keep the fares low and I will save even more money when I have the discretionary charges removed. It's a wonderful win!


Because of people like yourself I truly expect that in the not to distant future the DSC will be madatory and non-removable or will be incorporated into the price of the cruise.

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People keep talking about how these great perk packages have to be paid for somehow. I booked a cruise to Bermuda the week before the new CEO implemented the UPB, UBP, 3rd guest sails free and OBC promo. The cruise fare itself went up commensurately. I did rebook under the package as I did save some money, I can't remember how much but it was just under $100, than if I had purchased those perks seperately, including the 3rd person. I didn't make out like a bandit, and neither did anyone else who took advantage of these offers.


I am incredibly unsettled by what appears to me the spaghetti against the wall approach to increasing revenue. Oh lets' try this, wait what about that, oh you don't like that, we'll take it back (the whole no food in your room thing). There ought to be some benefit for the increase in charges, and reduction of value in other areas. I'm not booking another cruise until this settles out and I know what product I'm going to get when I set foot on the ship.

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Because of people like yourself I truly expect that in the not to distant future the DSC will be madatory and non-removable or will be incorporated into the price of the cruise.



Of course then they would have to advertise the true cost of the cruise and not something less. Why do you think it is discretionary? Certainly not to benefit the consumer.

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I don't see where NCL has raised expectations but failed to deliver. No evidence has been presented that they promised something that was not delivered. If people take it upon themselves to set their own level of expectations, then it is their issue, not NCL's, if those expectations are not met.


Sharing points of view is valid...when everyone involved has skin in the game. It is actually very valid. However, as was pointed out earlier, value is a personal thing....what has value to one person may have no value to another.


Without a common frame of reference, value on a personal level is like comparing apples to rocks...and that is what makes the thread pointless. It isn't the topic of value that is pointless, it is the thread since each and every person involved has a different frame of reference and a different perspective on what qualifies as "value".

That's right value is personal. NCL told me the service and amenities I'd receive for the price paid. Now they keep stacking increase in increase but with no additional service or amentities, to me and my personal value system, this is a net decrease in value. You perceive things differently. That does not make this topic pointless and it does not make me wrong and you right. It means we are expressing our perspectives. We have different expectations. If NCL told me service was worth $12 it was worth $12. If they want to say it is now worth $13.50 I say okay well what am I getting? If it's $12 service it is worth 12.

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Cheerleader? That's quite a stretch. I don't think those of us that aren't bothered need to justify to you why we are still happy with the overall value of our cruise experience. We all see it differently and that is certainly your right. It's your demand for additional value that I don't understand.


Your cost increase examples on gratuities and DSC I'd categorise as inflationary or customary. There is no increase in service level implied by raising either, in my mind.


Specialty dining and Illusionarium? Both are optional and you may vote with your wallet by not purchasing when the value is no longer there for you. If you are getting free UDP, you lost nothing that isn't more valuable than what you actually paid for in the first place.


As a consumer, your option is to speak with your wallet and choose to do business elsewhere when it's in YOUR best interests and the value of an NCL cruise no longer suits you. Demanding an explanation that never comes is probably very frustrating if you stick around waiting for it.


Very well said. Now if only those so vocal about their dissatisfaction would act on it appropriately it would be a win-win for everyone.

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That's right value is personal. NCL told me the service and amenities I'd receive for the price paid. Now they keep stacking increase in increase but with no additional service or amentities, to me and my personal value system, this is a net decrease in value. You perceive things differently. That does not make this topic pointless and it does not make me wrong and you right. It means we are expressing our perspectives. We have different expectations. If NCL told me service was worth $12 it was worth $12. If they want to say it is now worth $13.50 I say okay well what am I getting? If it's $12 service it is worth 12.


Yes...we perceive things differently. We should...we are different people. What I think of when it comes to value is not pointless...to me. What you think of when it comes to value is not pointless...to you. What I'm calling pointless is this setting of personal values on other people. What I consider or don't consider when it comes to value is POINTLESS to YOU. Likewise, what you consider or don't consider when it comes to value is POINTLESS to ME.


We can both make our own determination, based on our personal value systems, on our own. What other people think, fee, and do has no bearing on it.


What NCL is telling you is that they think the service is worth $13.50 and now the price is going to increase to also be $13.50. What I'm telling you is that I haven't seen a price-value-benefit breakdown to specifically say different.


If you, me, or anyone else doesn't feel like it is "worth it", then the answer is to go get something that IS "worth it".

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Yes...we perceive things differently. We should...we are different people. What I think of when it comes to value is not pointless...to me. What you think of when it comes to value is not pointless...to you. What I'm calling pointless is this setting of personal values on other people. What I consider or don't consider when it comes to value is POINTLESS to YOU. Likewise, what you consider or don't consider when it comes to value is POINTLESS to ME.


We can both make our own determination, based on our personal value systems, on our own. What other people think, fee, and do has no bearing on it.


What NCL is telling you is that they think the service is worth $13.50 and now the price is going to increase to also be $13.50. What I'm telling you is that I haven't seen a price-value-benefit breakdown to specifically say different.


If you, me, or anyone else doesn't feel like it is "worth it", then the answer is to go get something that IS "worth it".

Fair enough. I appreciate your perspective and it is nice to have an opposing debate in here without name calling and insults

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People keep talking about how these great perk packages have to be paid for somehow. I booked a cruise to Bermuda the week before the new CEO implemented the UPB, UBP, 3rd guest sails free and OBC promo. The cruise fare itself went up commensurately. I did rebook under the package as I did save some money, I can't remember how much but it was just under $100, than if I had purchased those perks seperately, including the 3rd person. I didn't make out like a bandit, and neither did anyone else who took advantage of these offers.


I am incredibly unsettled by what appears to me the spaghetti against the wall approach to increasing revenue. Oh lets' try this, wait what about that, oh you don't like that, we'll take it back (the whole no food in your room thing). There ought to be some benefit for the increase in charges, and reduction of value in other areas. I'm not booking another cruise until this settles out and I know what product I'm going to get when I set foot on the ship.

To your second passage I feel similarly.

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Very well said. Now if only those so vocal about their dissatisfaction would act on it appropriately it would be a win-win for everyone.

I think we are ALL acting in it by voicing our displeasure. What is it you want exactly? That anyone not enthralled go away and leave the sandbox to you only? What if they raised DSC to $16 in 3 months and then $20 3 month later and then $25 6 months after that? At some point one must evaluate the value. My money is as good as yours so my voice shall be equal, the only difference being by not giving anyone a free pass I am really helping you out even if you do not realize. Another viewpoint to consider

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Of course then they would have to advertise the true cost of the cruise and not something less. Why do you think it is discretionary? Certainly not to benefit the consumer.


Where have you seen that the DSC is discretionary? DSC does not mean Discretionary Service Charge it is DAILY SERVICE CHARGE. In the FAQ of the NCL web site it indicates that if you have had a service problem that was not resolved on board you may if you chose reduce the DSC.


Here is the exact quote: “in the event a service issue should arise during your cruise please let our on-board guest services desk staff know right away, so that we can address these in a timely manner. It is our goal to reach a satisfactory solution to any issue when it happens and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise. Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges.”


Since you have indicted you are going to remove the DSC even before you sail it makes think you are just plain CHEAP and not willing to pay for any type of service, good or bad!

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Because of people like yourself I truly expect that in the not to distant future the DSC will be madatory and non-removable or will be incorporated into the price of the cruise.


Me too, but until then, feel free to adjust to your hearts content. NCL allows it, why not exercise your freedom of choice to use it.

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Where have you seen that the DSC is discretionary? DSC does not mean Discretionary Service Charge it is DAILY SERVICE CHARGE. In the FAQ of the NCL web site it indicates that if you have had a service problem that was not resolved on board you may if you chose reduce the DSC.


Here is the exact quote: “in the event a service issue should arise during your cruise please let our on-board guest services desk staff know right away, so that we can address these in a timely manner. It is our goal to reach a satisfactory solution to any issue when it happens and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise. Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges.”


Since you have indicted you are going to remove the DSC even before you sail it makes think you are just plain CHEAP and not willing to pay for any type of service, good or bad!


Poor, poor soul. It is most definitely discretionary. NCL has it in print in many places. Don't believe me, on the last night of your cruise adjust the Discretionary Service Charge to what ever you wish. Your request will be granted quickly and easily.


P.S. If you are relying on FAQ's to prove your side, you have already lost.

Edited by Love my butler
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Maybe the DSC price went up to provide the extra new hires to collect plates and silverware from those who carry back their food to their cabins because from the sound of it there are LOTS of pax who do it.

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Me too, but until then, feel free to adjust to your hearts content. NCL allows it, why not exercise your freedom of choice to use it.


It is a freedom of choice but is also being CHEAP! If you feel so strongly against the DSC why do you cruise NCL?

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