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The Alaskan Jewel! Welcome Aboard….You don’t Exist!


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We made our way to the Outlet store and there was a rack of coats outside. They were only 19.99 for the basic sizes and if you went for the bigger ones it was just a few dollars more. They were perfect for the Alaskan weather as they weren’t too heavy, had hoods and were waterproof. We browsed them but Skip decided a hat would work better. I really liked the jackets, but didn’t need one for today so I said I would come back after the tour and possibly buy one for myself.

We went in and browsed around while Skip searched for a hat.

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Skip found a hat right away and it was pretty cheap too.

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Perfect for the weather as it was waterproof. Like I said, it was raining, but it was more of a drizzle most of the time and surely didn’t dampen our spirits.

We headed back out and found the person holding our tour sign and they pointed to another guy further down and told us to go to him…so we did.

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If course I took pictures along the way.

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There were a lot of ships in port today, including 3 Princess ships. 2 were docked and 1 was tendering to shore using their life boats as tenders.

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The person in the yellow to the left of this next picture is the guy we were going to.

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He directed us to a floating dock where we would board the ship. We passed some of the Princess life boats arriving.

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You can see the water level changes a lot here by the way this pole looked.

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I hadn’t noticed till after I got home that there was a starfish on it.

We later learned that the tide goes in and out 4 times a day in many parts of Alaska and the water levels change quite drastically. That was interesting to learn.

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Another really neat thing to see is all the float planes. We saw so many taking off and landing. It’s just not something you see every day and we were really impressed with it.

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Another misty mountain shot.

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And our Crab boat!

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The Aleutian Ballad was only on 1 season of the Deadliest Catch I believe…and that was season 2. I don’t think Skip actually had started watching it at that point (the show has been going on for many more years than I was aware of).

They of course had to convert it to carry people on it and it has stadium seating.

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We boarded and the bottom looked pretty full so we headed upstairs. I was kind of surprised how full it was as we hadn’t shopped for very long at all and were told it would be another half hour before we could board and that ½ hour was not even up yet. I do know they were carrying people from several ships though too.

We found a seat next to another family right along the railing on top and watched as a few more people boarded.

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That was our Captain….Terry.

This gal does all the booking and organizing. She doesn’t come on the boat with us. They teased that she gets sea sick and told a story of how sick she got once….but then in fairness they said they were out in the open ocean, a place the tour does not go to.

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I did spot this starfish and took a shot.

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And a random shot as we got ready to go.

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Captain Terry talked to us a bit about the tour and how things would work and also a bit about the ship and how it was converted, etc. Sorry, the point and shoot camera would not focus past the net.

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Chief gave us a demonstration on how to use the life jacket and of course were told where they were and what to do in an emergency.

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Chief doesn’t normally do these tours…though I think he did in the past. I am not sure why he doesn’t anymore, but he was filling in for a guy who had to go to a funeral. He said he got the call and was immediately on a plane to help out. He was such a nice guy and very passionate about fishing. He also told us he is not married…..been engaged a few times, but in reality he is married to the sea.

They had some college girls helping out too. They offered coats to anyone who needed an extra coat. Skip grabbed one, but Claire and I didn’t. The gal did tell us that being up top was much colder once we started moving. I later realized those downstairs were blocked from wind and had heaters. We had a heater too, but because we weren’t blocked from the wind it was a little chillier….but not too bad.

Some more Princess tenders coming in.

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What an even smaller world!!!


Further west. I live between Metamora and Swanton. I bet I would recognize the last names. Did your family go to Evergreen? I actually went to Notre Dame.....many many years ago....But I lived in Evergreen district and most of my friends went there and I hung out with them rather than the the city girls for ND. LOL.


Since your husband farms, I know you will know my last name - Ott. My mom's is Barba - she went to St. Mary's and my dad to Metamora, he was in the last graduating class from the high school before they closed it. Sadly, my parents dragged me up north and I grew up in Hillsdale MI. I have tons of family in the area though. Most of my cousins are in Sylvania, so they went to Northview, but I have a few that went to Evergreen too. :-) I'm going to be home the last week of September for our county fair and I am excited to get down to the old homeland to visit family while I am there.

Edited by Mibele
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Since your husband farms, I know you will know my last name - Ott. My mom's is Barba - she went to St. Mary's and my dad to Metamora, he was in the last graduating class from the high school before they closed it. Sadly, my parents dragged me up north and I grew up in Hillsdale MI. I have tons of family in the area though. Most of my cousins are in Sylvania, so they went to Northview, but I have a few that went to Evergreen too. :-) I'm going to be home the last week of September for our county fair and I am excited to get down to the old homeland to visit family while I am there.


I know both those last names!

We have gone to the Hillsdale fair a few times to watch tractor pulls too!



Been reading your review all morning and now I have read everything you have posted. (23 pages) Can't wait for the next installment. Very much enjoying your review!


Thanks for reading. I hope to get another update up this weekend. It's been a busy few days so not much time to work on pictures or writing.

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I know both those last names!

We have gone to the Hillsdale fair a few times to watch tractor pulls too!


I figured you would as the area is so small!! If you are going up to the Hillsdale fair at all this year, let me know - I'll be there all week.

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I figured you would as the area is so small!! If you are going up to the Hillsdale fair at all this year, let me know - I'll be there all week.


It's one of those areas were everyone seems to know everyone....and everyone's business whether it's true or not. LOL! :D

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The travel time to the first destination was going to be about 30-40 minutes. We were invited to look around the boat as they had pots and other fishing equipment for us to look at. They also have a smoking section for those that need to know that…it’s on the very back of the ship.

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The scenery we went by was beautiful as well.

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I believe this guy’s name was Andy.

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More scenery.

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Chief was such a friendly guy. He talked to anyone who asked a question.

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And then I saw it….a jumping salmon!

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They said the pink salmon were the ones running up currently.

There also was a ton of floating logs we sailed by.

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Another plane!!!

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Captain Terry was just chilling as he drove us along.

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They had us sit back down and talked to us about some of the things we would be seeing.

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Chief was bating this pot.

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We also were given the history of this boat and how it was almost lost at sea…twice. This little boat has gone through a lot and was still salvageable both times.

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We going to be heading into protected waters. I believe this was a tribe’s area and you have to have permission to go here (or at least fish) and this tour group has permission. It was a very peaceful ride.

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Up next….. Let’s do some fishing!

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I am actually booked for the same room you were in. I also upgraded from the mini to the full suite....and it's our honeymoon...so scared the same thing is going to happen to us.


Did you enjoy having the butler? Did you ever get dinner served to the room?

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In picture "Catch 28". Your hubby looks a lot like Bill Murray.



Thats so funny! I told him that and he had a good laugh.


Thank you. I am enjoying your pictures and posts. Did Alaska cruise in 93 and always talking about doing land/cruise. I imagine the ports, although the same ones, will have changed quite a bit.


I bet they have a bit too. Especially with all the Alaskan TV shows on I noticed many ports trying to get in on that action.

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I am actually booked for the same room you were in. I also upgraded from the mini to the full suite....and it's our honeymoon...so scared the same thing is going to happen to us.


Did you enjoy having the butler? Did you ever get dinner served to the room?



Chances are you will be fine. My problem was not a normal one at all.


The butler was fine but we rarely used her. I think only once did I call her for something other than what she normally did, which was basically bring treats to the room each day. No we never at dinner in the room either. It's not really our thing. We actually never officially ordered room service of any kind but one night we did get some fries for Claire. That was the only time I called Melany for anything extra.

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We continued on our way to the area where the first fishing spot was located.

I took pictures of the scenery and parts of the boat as I listened to the stories that Andy and Chief were telling.

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Pictures just do not do justice. The scenery was stunning and every which way you looked there was something amazing.

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Chief told us about the hooks they use. In the old days they used one like this.

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They now use one that is more of a swirl which tends to catch more fish and if they do get away they are not permanently damaged.

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