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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Good Evening all .....:)

Many thanks for those comments about my brussels sprouts .... we've been eating them for a week or two and to be honest the meal didn't look good on the piccy and I wasn't going to post it because I thought you might think I was dropping standards! :eek:

The lamb was Welsh and I like to roast it, rest it and cut it very thinly. And I made a really lovely Rosso gravy with parsley and other things including just the hint of 5 spice which I knew would add something and it did. It was there but you wouldn't know what it was if I didn't say if you get my drift. I'm doing meals with fresh veg a couple of times a week for wifey at her request.

Tonight in Blighty we celebrated Guy Fawks night. I was never certain whether we are celebrating them [I]not[/I] blowing up Parliament or [I]nearly[/I] blowing up Parliament. Anyway, we didn't go to the village playing field because it was wet. Instead, I saved £14 and opened the window and watched from our upstairs bedroom window to see the fireworks and felt smug and not in the slightest mean at our canniness. £14 is after all a whole heap of chicken wings isn't it JP! ;)

Tonight I made her a tradtional British Meal of Bratwurst, Paulaner Munchner Hell, Dijon mustard, toasted bagel and muffins .... and she at this minute is microwaving spotted dick and custard.

Us Brits know how to celebrate people trying to blow up our elected representatives!



ps. the Bratties weren't really as dark as this but our dining room only has one center light ...

[IMG]http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt210/sparkyguts/Food/6E827509-23D5-45CB-A8BB-E38094BAC93F.jpg[/IMG] Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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That meal looks yummy! Did the bonfire proceed even in the wet? Wonderful that you could see the firework action from the comfort of your cozy home! Bonus that you saved the money and got to stay dry in the bargain!
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Hi all,

I use to do all that stuff with brussels, but as I have cooked more and seem to worship good ingredients more I really now feel that they should always when possible "let them speak for themsleves" and let their voices be heard! :)

So I look forward to the first frosts here, and then the sweetest brussels hit the stores and markets and I like to steam them, and once steamed just let the excess water evaporate off and they are perfect. Pure unmollested brussels speaking for themselves and treated lovingly and respectfully. I feel the same about most veg. Those carrots were steamed, and I also steam a whole head of cauliflower and just section it. I think I am starting of a new fashion of unmollested veg al-reasonably-dente.

I know it is bold but I will share a picture of my spotted dick. Many people like to use a cream, but to us it is [I]Crème Anglaise.



[IMG]http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt210/sparkyguts/Food/F9E60400-A2F9-4959-B0DB-3016B6C4329B.jpg[/IMG] Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Kate Hopkins, giving whinging Brits all barrels in today's Daily Mail for those that might not otherwise benefit from her wit .....;)


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[quote name='UKCruiseJeff']Kate Hopkins, giving whinging Brits all barrels in today's Daily Mail for those that might not otherwise benefit from her wit .....;)


WOW! I love Kate Hopkins! She doesn't pull any punches!
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Another yay for the brussels sprouts. I feel young again when I say "yay" ;)

There's nothing like a stew with dumplings on a grey, damp, British November evening.

Yesterday evening my husband was able to join me here in deepest Cheshire and I'd decided it was the right time to cook our English style Christmas lunch. We'll be on a cruise as usual over Christmas, so I try to do a full one with all the trimmings before our hols.
Unable to source a goose locally, too early apparently, so free range turkey was the meat. Everything made from scratch except the cranberry sauce and the bread sauce. M&S used to offer a fabulous one, but they've changed the recipe and it was somewhat uninspiring.
If anyone (Jeff?) has tried the Waitrose bread sauce, is it good?
Back to Burgundy on Sunday, definitely no bread sauce to be found there. We all just spend our time getting sozzled.[URL="http://boards.cruisecritic.com//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/"][/URL]
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[quote name='UKCruiseJeff']Kate Hopkins, giving whinging Brits all barrels in today's Daily Mail for those that might not otherwise benefit from her wit .....;)



Can't stand her opinions usually.
I think she's rude, sneery, condescending, not at all witty and it seems that she's an intelligent person who has found her niche taking advantage of social media in order to gain notoriety. Being controversial for the sake of it.
I'd prefer to see her doing something more productive with her talents, but hey ho.

However, I do agree with parts of what's been written here.

But, at this time of year our wet little island can be a grey, grim place and it's unfair to be judgemental towards people who want an autumn holiday and find Sharm El Sheikh affordable. We can't all jet off first class to an Aman resort in Thailand. Oh wait, Thailand's not so safe as it used to be. Nor is Bali. Oh and India's had it's problems too. So has Paris....

I must take her up on this point :
"You are fortunate to live in a country which cares for you, under a government determined to keep you safe. Your security is being put first –above all else."

She's admonishing people for taking a holiday in Sharm El Sheikh.
Well, as far as I know, that caring government hasn't discouraged travel there until now. Actually they're still saying the resort is safe, just not the airport.
If someone can point me to FCO advice pre this event, that may or may not be a bomb, advising against travel there please do.
So why have a go at people for choosing it for their holidays? Our caring government felt it was safe for us to travel there. Can't help feeling she's sneering at 'package holiday' tourists from her middle-class pedestal.
[URL="http://boards.cruisecritic.com//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/"][/URL][URL="http://boards.cruisecritic.com//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/"][/URL][URL="http://boards.cruisecritic.com//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/"][/URL] Edited by Nigella
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Good Morning Nigella,

Some time ago I realised that no one here actually enjoyed Turkey that much if you really looked at it .... and we realised that during "the season" the prices being charged for what for many often turns out to be a fairly dry and boring bird ... wasn't worth the effort. So our attention turned to large lovely corn-fed organic chickens instead. Turkey looking on the plate but succulent and tasty and costs much less. And usable sizes. One hot meal and one meal with pickles and fries.

But now we are more likely to slowly roast a pork belly. By the way ...... duck is half-price in Ocado for their big bird at the moment. I nearly ordered one for next week for our Nussdorf meal but wifey prevailed on me to get pork belly instead. So one of our meals next week is slow roast belly of pork, red cabbage and large knodel (dumplings) with a deep rich gravy of some sort. Next Tuesday I believe! We bring the outskirts of Vienna to Hampshire!

Kate Hopkins is all those things. Mouthey, irritating, attention seeking etc. But she also brings out a trait in many that I find interesting because it pervades and taint's social exchange and even places like here and harms us. We too easilly dislike everything someone says because we have decided we don't like them. Not you .... you have been clear she hits a note on some of what she says. I just mean "generally".

What I mean is that once we decide we do not like someone we then find it easier to disagree with everything they then say irrespective of content. Katy is a perfect example. But if we overcome that and take each set of opinions seperately she does say many things that are terribly sensible even if said in a very confrontational way. Those people I think are terribly important ot nurture and read. It is better to say "Katy ... you're barmy on this one ...." if for every three you disagree with she fires off on one and hits the tarket. She is provocative and forces you to think if one is capapble of such things and ... not all are.

I remember her diatribe on fat people making excuses. She basically said "Look you are fat because you eat too much and take insufficient exercise .... stop making excuses and trying to find a magic formula. Eat less and exercise".

I was pleased to learn early on in life that I learn more from people who hold different views to me and nothing from those that share my views. A failing of many is to always seek reassurance and validation from those that agree with us and ignore and attempt to rubbish those that don't .. which forces us to never learn. I like her because she brings out the worst and best in people and is challenging. I think that many of the ills we currently have is due to insufficient numbers of people challenging and offending others.

I am rather begrudgingly at some times a real and growing fan of hers although I started off disliking her intensely. It is a strength to change one's mind ...


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Jeff just a quick question, where do you source those chickens from?
I'm wanting to do something tasty for lunch on Sunday before I go back to France.
In France I use the Bresse chickens, which are excellent, but when I'm in England I never know where to get a decent chicken from.

I'm just on my way out, so I'll reply to some of your other points when I return.
While I'm out, I can drive over to a large Waitrose if they have the corn fed organic chickens? If not I'll see if they have any of the ducks you've mentioned.
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You aren't going to get anything close to a Bresse chicken but Waitrose have as good as you will probably find over here. Obviously have a close look at the label of anything too yellow in appearance. In Waitorse I'd avoid Black Farmer and Jimmy's chickens but I've found their own brand corn fed pretty decent. If you are patient enough then boning and restuffing them pays off if you can be bothered with the palaver and stuffed and tied.

They are currently getting in their Christmas stuffings and if they still don't have chestnut stuffing then my tip would be to buy a bag of their frozen chestnuts and chop them and mix them with a pork stuffing. This inside a lovely deboned corn fed chicken and then served in pretty slices ...... with SPROUTS ... is a dream.

Hope this nudges in the right direction.

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[quote name='UKCruiseJeff']Nigella,

You aren't going to get anything close to a Bresse chicken but Waitrose have as good as you will probably find over here. Obviously have a close look at the label of anything too yellow in appearance. In Waitorse I'd avoid Black Farmer and Jimmy's chickens but I've found their own brand corn fed pretty decent. If you are patient enough then boning and restuffing them pays off if you can be bothered with the palaver and stuffed and tied.

They are currently getting in their Christmas stuffings and if they still don't have chestnut stuffing then my tip would be to buy a bag of their frozen chestnuts and chop them and mix them with a pork stuffing. This inside a lovely deboned corn fed chicken and then served in pretty slices ...... with SPROUTS ... is a dream.

Hope this nudges in the right direction.


Very helpful, I'll look out for their own brand.
Funnily enough I didn't like Black Farmer sausages, but I do like Prince Charles' chipolatas ;)

back later after shopping.
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[quote name='Nigella']Very helpful, I'll look out for their own brand.
Funnily enough I didn't like Black Farmer sausages, but I do like Prince Charles' chipolatas ;)

back later after shopping.[/quote]

Hi N,

An uderated but lovely plain pork sausage is the Waitrose tender and juicy. They are our favourite of the unflavoured. They are only £2.39 for a pound ... but don't be deceived by the low price.

The bratties are also authentic and from Germany.

Enjoy your shopping.



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[quote name='mysty']Love that one Mark! :)[/QUOTE]

If we calculated our weight the way politicians calculate budgets, it would say I reached my goal of losing ten pounds (because without the diet I would have gained 25).
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Not to start of war of words or imply any kind of judgment at all! I just find it interesting that a woman's message is sometimes lost when the delivery is deemed to be snarky or attention-seeking whereas if delivered by a man, he might be nominated for president. Odd that! :)
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[quote name='UKCruiseJeff']Good Morning Nigella,

Some time ago I realised that no one here actually enjoyed Turkey that much if you really looked at it .... and we realised that during "the season" the prices being charged for what for many often turns out to be a fairly dry and boring bird ... wasn't worth the effort. So our attention turned to large lovely corn-fed organic chickens instead. Turkey looking on the plate but succulent and tasty and costs much less. And usable sizes. One hot meal and one meal with pickles and fries.

But now we are more likely to slowly roast a pork belly. By the way ...... duck is half-price in Ocado for their big bird at the moment. I nearly ordered one for next week for our Nussdorf meal but wifey prevailed on me to get pork belly instead. So one of our meals next week is slow roast belly of pork, red cabbage and large knodel (dumplings) with a deep rich gravy of some sort. Next Tuesday I believe! We bring the outskirts of Vienna to Hampshire!

Kate Hopkins is all those things. Mouthey, irritating, attention seeking etc. But she also brings out a trait in many that I find interesting because it pervades and taint's social exchange and even places like here and harms us. We too easilly dislike everything someone says because we have decided we don't like them. Not you .... you have been clear she hits a note on some of what she says. I just mean "generally".

What I mean is that once we decide we do not like someone we then find it easier to disagree with everything they then say irrespective of content. Katy is a perfect example. But if we overcome that and take each set of opinions seperately she does say many things that are terribly sensible even if said in a very confrontational way. Those people I think are terribly important ot nurture and read. It is better to say "Katy ... you're barmy on this one ...." if for every three you disagree with she fires off on one and hits the tarket. She is provocative and forces you to think if one is capapble of such things and ... not all are.

I remember her diatribe on fat people making excuses. She basically said "Look you are fat because you eat too much and take insufficient exercise .... stop making excuses and trying to find a magic formula. Eat less and exercise".

I was pleased to learn early on in life that I learn more from people who hold different views to me and nothing from those that share my views. A failing of many is to always seek reassurance and validation from those that agree with us and ignore and attempt to rubbish those that don't .. which forces us to never learn. I like her because she brings out the worst and best in people and is challenging. I think that many of the ills we currently have is due to insufficient numbers of people challenging and offending others.

I am rather begrudgingly at some times a real and growing fan of hers although I started off disliking her intensely. It is a strength to change one's mind ...



Morning Jeff. I have a lovely chicken from Waitrose, it's an organic free-range one. There were no corn-fed ones on the shelf, apparently they're currently on offer and had 'flown' off the shelves ;)
Your pork belly, red cabbage, knopel and rich gravy sounds divine, can't wait for the photos of it.
Next time I'm back here I'll give those Waitrose sausages a try.
And Bratwurst in Waitrose too! Reminds me of when I was much younger and I'd go to the Christmas market in Frankfurt. gluhwein (which I act.ually dont like very much) and wurst to sustain whilst walking round the stalls, it was marvellous. I seem to remember that the local one was a white wurst of some type, its name escapes me.

About KH, I can't see me ever becoming a "real and growing fan" of her but I know enough about her to not automatically dismiss everything she says without giving it some consideration. I'll write a bit more on her in my reply to Mysty's point.

What's on the menu chez Jeff today?

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Oh dear,Christmas is coming round too quickly as usual.

Nigella - I wonder if you are a 'Cheshire' girl (like Sophia and me) or just spend some time there?

jp - reading your latest post made me realise that soon you will be on your Christmas trip to Barcelona - about which some of us gave lots of probably unhelpful advice. I wonder where you will be staying (appreciate you may not want to say here), and what your plans are?

Grey and windy here today, and lots of leaves falling all over the lawn and drive. Bother!

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