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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Not to start of war of words or imply any kind of judgment at all! I just find it interesting that a woman's message is sometimes lost when the delivery is deemed to be snarky or attention-seeking whereas if delivered by a man, he might be nominated for president. Odd that! :)


Hello mysty!

Interesting point you make there, and it could well be that some of those who are anti KH are so because she's a woman, but her gender isn't the issue with me. I'd have the same opinion about a man, although it should be pointed out that KH regularly targets other women for her vitriol, and I don't recall any of her comments being directed at men as a group.


I don't agree with probably 75% of what she says. Her targets for her controversial remarks have included people with dementia and disabled people. For me, there's something very wrong in targetting those groups in order to increase your own fame by making obnoxious comments about them.



She's not a pollitician, but if she were, I'd tolerate her much better even though I still wouldn't agree with a huge amount of what she says. At least she would have an actual career.


I touched on this earlier, but IMO she's wasting her talents. I just can't see the point of what she does. It's not productive.

She has a good degree from a decent university. She went to Sandhurst.

I think she's found herself caught up in the need for fame.

She describes herself as "the biggest (insert word for female dog here as CC will censor it out!) in Britain".

Is that what she'll be putting on her CV when the media grows tired of giving her shouting space and she needs to find an actual job?

What waste of her education, intelligence, and business acumen.




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Oh dear,Christmas is coming round too quickly as usual.


Nigella - I wonder if you are a 'Cheshire' girl (like Sophia and me) or just spend some time there?


jp - reading your latest post made me realise that soon you will be on your Christmas trip to Barcelona - about which some of us gave lots of probably unhelpful advice. I wonder where you will be staying (appreciate you may not want to say here), and what your plans are?


Grey and windy here today, and lots of leaves falling all over the lawn and drive. Bother!





Good morning lincslady.


No I'm actually a southerner, but my brother married a Cheshire girl and when they were first married we spent a lot of time here, so I got to know and fell in love with Cheshire.

They moved to Lancashire several years ago. I spend a lot of time in England for work, and had been given free bed and board by them at their home in Lancs whenever I needed to be in the north west.

In the summer I decided that I'd exploited their hospitality for too long, so I took out a long term rent on a cottage here. I can come and go as I please and it's not too far from Manchester airport. It's very close to Bunbury, a lovely foody place and suits me perfectly. Do you know it?


Agree about Christmas, I think as soon as Bonfire Night is over we all realise that it really is just around the corner.

Same weather here too, grey, wet, very windy. Garden full of leaves and the last thing I want to do today is get out there and start sweeping!

Edited by Nigella
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Morning Nigella! Thanks for your response to my post. I understand the points you made and your well-reasoned dislike for abuse in any form. A number of people these days are in the business of "getting noticed" (think reality TV) and they don't particularly care if they look like idiots in the process. Maybe for the woman under discussion, her "style", for lack of a better word, is her attempt to stand out. Believe me, I am not supporting her approach. However, it does seem to be working for her if she is getting the attention she wants. I don't think she cares about being liked. I think she wants to be noticed. And maybe that is more important to her than being recognized for her intelligence. Her education is probably not a waste to her mind.

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Morning Nigella! Thanks for your response to my post. I understand the points you made and your well-reasoned dislike for abuse in any form. A number of people these days are in the business of "getting noticed" (think reality TV) and they don't particularly care if they look like idiots in the process. Maybe for the woman under discussion, her "style", for lack of a better word, is her attempt to stand out. Believe me, I am not supporting her approach. However, it does seem to be working for her if she is getting the attention she wants. I don't think she cares about being liked. I think she wants to be noticed. And maybe that is more important to her than being recognized for her intelligence. Her education is probably not a waste to her mind.


I think you're right, her "style" is her attempt to stand out.


She first came to notice during a series of the British version of the tv programme "The Apprentice" about 10 years ago.

In many ways she was the best candidate to win, but my goodness her personality was grating, she was nasty about the other candidates and so on. But there was no need for her to be that way.

She had all of the other qualities needed to win - which she did - without being hurtful and mean to others.


As for attention, I normally try to avoid any tv programme she's on, ditto radio.

Harder to avoid her online activity as someone is always going to quote it or link to it (looking at our Jeff here :D).

She's certainly capitalised on the use of social media. If does seem to make her happy, I just wish it was easier to put her on ignore!

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Hello Coolers,


Lovely foodie pics Jeffers....not very keen on spotted dick but yours does look good! Sprouts l adore...boiled with a touch of bicarbonate to keep em green and then served with a bit of butter and black pepper.


KH is very clever....I think she enjoys being the female dog and plays on that image....it keeps her in the frame l guess even though l cringe at some of her comments.....having said that I did totally agree with her latest splurge in the DM.


It's been a busy week...another birthday down so I've been treated to lunches out and various visits.......just enjoying a wee glass of Veuve today and basically chilling out....


Happy Weekend

Sophia [emoji4]



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I raise my glass to toast you and your birthday Sophia! Many happy more.


Almost finished packing for cruise. Again, too much, so unpacked and put some things back.

Still the duffles are heavy.


Option for Antarctica cruise came through, but airfare cost prohibitive. We are disappointed, it will have to stay on bucket list.


Hope all enjoy the fall Saturday.

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Good Morning all ...... rainy and horrible day here. Been up all night ..... didn't seem to need any sleep!


N, pleased you got your chicken ..... we use that often partly because i am a dab hand at forcing Ocado into flash sale prices and we have on of those once a week or so at 40% off.:eek: The Bratties are the best bratties I have had anywhere including Germany and Austria and I keep some emergency bratties in .... the last one to replace some Chicago style hot dogs that were in date but slimey when I opened them - so Bratty to the rescue on November 5th!


I personally never read KH's column unless wifey tells me to ie she has read something she wants me to read. I agree pretty much with everything N has said about her with the exception of a single caveat. N has said she doesn't read her and wishes she could take her off her radar completely with something like a global "ignore" button. This implies to me that she is only on her radar when there is a press item about her when highlighting her having said something that has caused offense to some group or other and that therefore further implies that means that her impression about KH would be formed more by that stuff without ever having the balance of other more sensible stuff she has said. Not in any way criticising N's conclusion about KH, only stating that it is a shame that this results in missing some stuff that is thought provoking. And opnly idiots don't wnat to have their thought provoked, don't they?


As it happens I also disagree (only a little ....) with the comment about a lack of warning on the Foreign Office website, I simply agree with KH more with the principle that people are far to keen to almost delegate their safety to others and are to easy to hold others responsible when things go wrong. Life is imprecise and things happen quickly, but I for example have not felt like going to Egypt for a long time on safety grounds (terrorism and hygiene ....) and that is irrespective of what the government can say I can do or not. To be blunt, I agree with her that I am tired of people constantly shouting at others in authority as though they everyone else is at fault and we have no oblgation to look after ourselves and be more intelligent and instead of looking after ourselves feel others carry that primary rather than secondary obligation. It has led to our compensation society.


As a totally side issue, I also have an issue with the use or more often claimed use of "ignore" buttons often by people (NOT you N!) simply being nasty about other people and when people genuinely use it they need not say and only ever talk about in when trying to orchestrate hate-fests. I am if you believe the posts of others going back the most ignored person on FT! :D It also in my view implies people take stuff that others say far too seriously and are immunising themselves from the important opportunity of hearing contraversial and opposing ideas which I feel is at the heart of many of our woes and is essnetial if as a human you wish to learn and improve your mind. :)


M, as a general thing about how mouthy women are seen I think you are right in the generlisation in some situations, but in this case I don't think it true. It is my instinct that most of her readers are more likely to be female than male and I think she irritates more females than males as a result of that. We are having generally a back lash against free speech over here which is quite saddening. The most recent manifestations of this is the banning of several really interesting, cultured and influential speakers simply because they speak their mind and students have decided to ban them from speaking. They don't make students like they use to. The other point ... in a way is that your point might actually be contradictory. If her type of behaviour results in her not being taken seriously whop can then claim that they have been offended by it? You lose the right to "claim" you are offended by someone who whatever they say you think is unowrthy of respect? No?


Today and tommorow is light eating because I am getting that extra pound or two. So it is a lamburger and a glass of red.



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Hello Coolers,


Lovely foodie pics Jeffers....not very keen on spotted dick but yours does look good! Sprouts l adore...boiled with a touch of bicarbonate to keep em green and then served with a bit of butter and black pepper.


KH is very clever....I think she enjoys being the female dog and plays on that image....it keeps her in the frame l guess even though l cringe at some of her comments.....having said that I did totally agree with her latest splurge in the DM.


It's been a busy week...another birthday down so I've been treated to lunches out and various visits.......just enjoying a wee glass of Veuve today and basically chilling out....


Happy Weekend

Sophia [emoji4]



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Happy Birthday S!


We should have a bit of a birthday bash for our members' birthdays. A large glass raised by wifey and me from the box otay!



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I raise my glass to toast you and your birthday Sophia! Many happy more.


Almost finished packing for cruise. Again, too much, so unpacked and put some things back.

Still the duffles are heavy.


Option for Antarctica cruise came through, but airfare cost prohibitive. We are disappointed, it will have to stay on bucket list.


Hope all enjoy the fall Saturday.


Hi Spins,


Remember to split everything between those bags .... no nast suprises!


Bad news that the airfares are preventing your adventure.




ps ... I am so much looking ofrward to hearing about Chris and JP's Christmas Barcelona adventures .... and secretly hoping for some food ones. And want to see the first car piccies ...

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Thank you for the good wishes.....always remember the Beatles song...When I'm 64......it sounded sooo old and many moons away back then......how time flies as the monkey said when he threw the clock at the vicar...[emoji15][emoji6]


On the subject of the latest events in Egypt......our PM can't do right for wrong....the folk who are currently still waiting to get home are complaining.....two on this mornings news spring to mind.....one couple who have left their 8 month old baby back home while they have a break which is fine as long as things go to plan....another couple who have a three year old with a heart murmur......not something that l would have even considered.....but then l also wouldn't have considered a cheap holiday to that region either..and that's what is happening here so basically these people are on their own yet still looking for someone else to blame. One guy who landed in Gatwick earlier today blasted Cameron for stopping flights......well at least he got home safe......


Ah well.....best get off me soap box!!!





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M, as a general thing about how mouthy women are seen I think you are right in the generlisation in some situations, but in this case I don't think it true. It is my instinct that most of her readers are more likely to be female than male and I think she irritates more females than males as a result of that. We are having generally a back lash against free speech over here which is quite saddening. The most recent manifestations of this is the banning of several really interesting, cultured and influential speakers simply because they speak their mind and students have decided to ban them from speaking. They don't make students like they use to. The other point ... in a way is that your point might actually be contradictory. If her type of behaviour results in her not being taken seriously whop can then claim that they have been offended by it? You lose the right to "claim" you are offended by someone who whatever they say you think is unowrthy of respect? No?




Hi J!

The point I was trying to make was that sometimes the "style" of the delivery affects whether or not the message is even heard. I wasn't saying anything about the validity of the message. And I wasn't saying that the "style" was adversely affecting the message for only the men. I was saying that men often use that "style" to great advantage but it doesn't seem to work as well for women.

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Thank you for the good wishes.....always remember the Beatles song...When I'm 64......it sounded sooo old and many moons away back then......how time flies as the monkey said when he threw the clock at the vicar...[emoji15][emoji6]


On the subject of the latest events in Egypt......our PM can't do right for wrong....the folk who are currently still waiting to get home are complaining.....two on this mornings news spring to mind.....one couple who have left their 8 month old baby back home while they have a break which is fine as long as things go to plan....another couple who have a three year old with a heart murmur......not something that l would have even considered.....but then l also wouldn't have considered a cheap holiday to that region either..and that's what is happening here so basically these people are on their own yet still looking for someone else to blame. One guy who landed in Gatwick earlier today blasted Cameron for stopping flights......well at least he got home safe......


Ah well.....best get off me soap box!!!





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Hi S,


You have your finger on it. For once he was spot on. The only thing is that I wish he had said something slightly different. His (almost) exactly said "it is an odds on chance that this was an attack". I'd have preferred him to say that "Even if this was just a 5% chance of this having been an attack, we take the safety of Brits very seriously and I will take the flak personally for inconveniencing them ... but would never have lived with myself if I had overlooked this risk for an "easier life". That would have bought a tear to my eye and would have been the politics I prefer.


Political cartoon of the day, just for Jeff ...




Thanks Mark! I thought you lived at Stonhenge! :eek:


Todays lamb ... it is wonderful to have flame and bbq indoors when it is terrible outside .... and I bought too many flowers for wifey.













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Those lamb burgers look amazing! Too many flowers? Not possible! The roses are stunning!


I think I am going all "Elton" ..... I really like flowers in the house. I buy them for her .... but I love them too. Do many other blokes admit to loving flowers!


I had meant to lead JP astray with respect to his wings ... but so far failed.


JP, this is a picture of the wings I put into my award winning (in my mind) marinade yesterday morning and gave them a good massage ... for Sunfay night snackies.








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Lots to catch up on today at the cooler! Chris is on call this weekend so we're sticking around home, though she'll have to go in later this morning to read whatever films are pending from overnight. Just as well; looks grey and unpleasant out.


We had planned a quick overnight trip to New York Tuesday night (we have Wednesday off) but we're reconsidering. It will be a pain to drive there, and the train leaves Albany a little earlier than we could get out of work Tuesday afternoon. So we may just scrap that idea and do a hike or something locally. Off to the library later to pick up a guidebook!


I don't have any new pictures of the S6 yet! Sorry... It's a gorgeous car but I haven't had it anywhere terribly photogenic yet. The parking lot at work is really a poor substitute for the Lake Geneva shot from that beautiful sunny day. Maybe if we go somewhere nice Wednesday, or next weekend? It's almost time to put the snow tires on... Yuck!


spinnaker2, Antarctica is awesome - definitely a trip of a lifetime and one that you should absolutely take. A shame that airfare is being a pain. I would go again tomorrow, if we had enough vacation time. Keep up the good work removing stuff from your luggage! ;)


Lola, we're staying at Casa Camper in Barcelona. Looks like a good location, within walking distance of most places in the center city and good access to public transport. We'll hop the airport bus to Placa Catalunya, and it's an easy walk from there. Our goal is to fit all of our clothes into a small duffel bag and my laptop case - but we'll realistically probably manage with a small rollaboard and my laptop case instead.


Your excitement over our Barcelona trip is contagious! Just under 7 weeks to go... We have a week in Florida in early December before that to tide us over. Chris found a conference in Orlando so we'll hang out there, enjoy some great restaurants on and off Disney property, and spend one of the days wandering around the International Pavilion at Epcot. We don't need to do the other parks again I don't think, so maybe we'll try Universal Studios instead. Then we'll stop by my Dad's in Fort Pierce for a day or two, on our way back to FLL to fly home.


Later today I have to read the link that Jeff posted and the rest of the discussion that followed. Maybe later after a few glasses of wine!

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Hi J!

The point I was trying to make was that sometimes the "style" of the delivery affects whether or not the message is even heard. I wasn't saying anything about the validity of the message. And I wasn't saying that the "style" was adversely affecting the message for only the men. I was saying that men often use that "style" to great advantage but it doesn't seem to work as well for women.


I think you are right. I am possibly blinder to it for various reasons.



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You are all pretty active today! While I was typing the reply above about 5 more posts popped up!


Mmm... Burgers... Wings... The flowers do look pretty but they probably don't taste as good!


No worries Jeff; I'll make some wings when they go on sale cheaper. I'm an inveterate cheapskate. We bought a bunch of thighs at .88 a pound so we'll be good for now.

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I think you are right. I am possibly blinder to it for various reasons.



And that is a good thing J! Being able to hear the message regardless of the delivery would improve communication greatly! And to consider the validity of the message apart from the delivery is even better! Sometimes Theodore Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick" advice just doesn't cut it! :)

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What a lot of topics here today!


A very Happy Birthday, Sophia. Hope you are being taken out for a great meal today or this evening.


jp - just looked up your hotel in Barcelona; it looks lovely, and gets top reviews. A very short walk from Catalunya. I guess has not been there as a hotel for long.


Nigella - your bit of Cheshire is lovely; I know it a bit but actually come from a bit north of Chester. Used to be taken out to pubs as an 18 year old by various chaps in the different villages, like Tarporley etc. A very very long time ago, alas.


Re Sharm - I did read the article. My feeling is that most people are not thoughtful enough to think about the dangers when they book a cheap holiday- understandably to some extent. The travel companies are not going to mention them, are they? However, their behaviour at the airport when the poor old Ambassador and everyone else from the UK is simply trying to make sure they get home safely is pretty unforgivable - I had the same thought about the couple moaning about not getting back to the baby they had left at home!!


Enough for now -DH wants to get on to the computer to see how his football team are getting on.



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Lots to catch up on today at the cooler! I don't have any new pictures of the S6 yet! Sorry... It's a gorgeous car but I haven't had it anywhere terribly photogenic yet. spinnaker2, Antarctica is awesome - definitely a trip of a lifetime and one that you should absolutely take. Lola, we're staying at Casa Camper in Barcelona. Looks like a good location, within walking distance of most places in the center city and good access to public transport. Your excitement over our Barcelona trip is contagious! Just under 7 weeks to go.


YES!! Lots of catching up to do. Been busy this past week with lots of election things (that was on Tuesday here in Ohio), doing a couple of TV shows this week, work projects, getting things ready for visitors from Arizona for this weekend, etc.


For JP and Chris, the ratings for Casa Camper in Barcelona are super excellent, plus a great location. Below are just a couple of my Barcelona visuals to help build up the excitement for doing the holiday trip. This includes for your location being handy and nearby to the Las Ramblas.


Agree on Antarctica being wonderful for Candy. Loved the lamb burger from Jeff. I'll some fun food pictures shortly.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 125,492 views for this posting.



We first visited Barcelona in 1998 and loved the Las Ramblas. It is always busy with lots of tourists and locals, around the clock, participating in the spectacle that is Barcelona. Las Ramblas runs from the start of Placa de Catalunya and ends to the south at Port Vell at the Christopher Columbus statue. Las Ramblas runs through Barcelona’s center, with the Gothic Quarter and El Raval neighborhoods to either side. There are colorful street performers and vendors selling everything imaginable from flowers to caged birds. The architecture is such an interesting mix. Here are two of many examples for what is interesting with its buildings along this great walking place, including one of the many theatre in this area. Plus, one of the many stands with nice, fresh flowers, plants, etc.:








Overlooking the Barcelona harbor is this old warehouse building that is now a museum for this area with many water-front dining places in the area.:





For Barcelona’s 1929 World Exposition, many buildings were constructed, including this museum with its classical design touches.:





At night, this is one of the famous squares in Barcelona with a welcoming and interesting water fountain.:



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Monday evening in our Clintonville neighborhood, there was a special dinner at the "Seasoned Farmhouse" cooking school where our long-time friends Rich and Steve were putting on a multi-course dinner program for fall enjoyment. Need proof? See my visual evidence below!!


Both Steve and Rich have done lots of local media programs doing reviews on various dining places in town, hosting national chefs visiting Columbus, doing books for Zagat, etc. We have shared travel tips, including my help for them doing in 2014 a trip visiting St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc.


Steve is really encouraging me to do more cooking in the kitchen, including preparing this type of meal. Sounds good and possible??!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 188,647 views.




Started out with a nice French wine and then a roasted beet salad with walnut gorgonzola dressing. Plus, some carrot and sweet potato soup! Look good?:








Preparing the beef and sharing the various tips, secrets and ideas with braising, making the sauce great? YES!! Here are two visual samples as Rich and Steve are doing their kitchen magic. These braised short ribs were served with great sauce and Rich's rich polenta that all blended together so well. Yes, I got some more sauce!! Wonderful!!:








For dessert, it was apple pecan tart! How does this treat seem? Yes, it was fun and very good!:






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