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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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But the speculation about googles often causes more bad than good .... as does using people's real names simply because you happen to know their names, but they haven't posted them for a reason. So using their real name might be taken as being untrustworthy. So my advise is never use another posters name simply because you want to show off that you know them personally. Jeff


Agree 100% with Jeff on the need to be very careful about what you find from Google searches. Some is true. Some false. Some half-true. In my book, you ideally should rely much more on the source from which the information comes, what any final outcomes might have been with certain battles and controversies, etc. Like with news articles, I found that not all newspapers and/or reporters are created equally with 100% perfection and/or ideal standards.


My only reference to a full name was about a U.S. Congressman, representing New York for almost 30 years from 1959 to 1989 who died in 1990. Pretty straight and factual information, background on a respected and honored individual. Am I missing something?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 55,471 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!


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Agree 100% with Jeff on the need to be very careful about what you find from Google searches. Some is true. Some false. Some half-true. In my book, you ideally should rely much more on the source from which the information comes, what any final outcomes might have been with certain battles and controversies, etc. Like with news articles, I found that not all newspapers and/or reporters are created equally with 100% perfection and/or ideal standards.


My only reference to a full name was about a U.S. Congressman, representing New York for almost 30 years from 1959 to 1989 who died in 1990. Pretty straight and factual information, background on a respected and honored individual. Am I missing something?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 55,471 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!



Thanks Terry,


Yes, I believe you are missing something.


This thread, and in my view ... all threads on the Net if they are to be safe and inviting depends on an intelligent and thoughtful and considerate review about what one discloses about others who equally respect such considerations. I will be direct, I always respect others who show respect to others but also do not if they do not. That means I guess if you so choose that I am defective.


Where you speculate where someone (JP) works and extropolate from that I think it is a degree of uninvited personal unecessary attention. If you use a name for a poster that doesn;t appear to have been used it is uninvited attention. I haven't checked back on all posts, but to be honest I don't think I should. If it feels like it may be wrong it shouldn't be posted ...... imho.


I think caution shoulkd win over over-exuberance. I mean no disprespect and I do not know whether I answered your question but I tried.





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Where you speculate where someone (JP) works and extropolate from that I think it is a degree of uninvited personal unecessary attention. If you use a name for a poster that doesn;t appear to have been used it is uninvited attention. I think caution shoulkd win over over-exuberance. I mean no disprespect and I do not know whether I answered your question but I tried. Jeff


Maybe my brain is a little slow and/or dense this morning, but I did not speculate and/or Google about where JP's excellent wife works. I just responded to what JP freely shared and openly stated for how an individual on a cruise got carried away on a tangent about her employer.


Hopefully this clarifies what I said, my sourcing, etc. If I am mis-understanding, plus help educated my mind on those details, what I am missing, etc. All of us need as much help as possible.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 127,981 views for this posting.

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We use to have a prolific poster who showed off quite a lot, and had basically bought a decent car and lived in a decent two bedroomed flat, and chauffered people around in the car. That was his job. Nothing wrong with that. He heard stuff from those in the back, whilst he was in the front, and then posted it vicariously as though "he" were "they". Those with a nose for these things eventualy see through it. He even had coincidentally an identical but common name that happened to be the same as a real "lord". So the combination of a decent car resources for curises and a name gave him a new fantasy. He often advertised the car hire business as though he were a customer and not the owner if you get my drift. But googling killed the deception for many reasons and to a degree due to an unaccountable decades difference in ages between Lord and Car Owner. So the deception was dropped.






:eek: I took it all in. :mad: Silly, gullible, moi.



As an aside, nobody on CC knows my actual name. I'm nicknamed Nigella because my pre-marriage surname was Lawson (no relation at all) and it actually took me years to learn how to cook properly. Once, when I presented my husband with some awful kitchen concoction, he quipped "well you may be a Lawson, but you're no Nigella!" And the name has stuck.


Jeff, I don't know if you saw it, or even remember, but I did comment pages ago about how lovely my Waitrose chicken had been. I'm doing another one on Sunday. Well, that's if there's any power on to cook it with as there's quite a storm brewing already (I'm at my little bolt hole in Cheshire). Trees are bound to come down and along with them the power cables. I use gas to cook but refuse to strike a match to get a burner going so it's cold/raw food only if the electricity goes off.

Have baked 3 loaves and will live on tuna mayo sarnies if need be. May throw in the the odd tomato or lettuce leaf for extra sustenance.


Have a lovely weekend everyone, and to the UK coolers, batten down the hatches! I do love nautical terminology.


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No problem Terry, I absolutely mean no disrepsect and can do no additional service by repeating previous posts -- so no offence either side ... let's leave it there.





I took it all in. Silly, gullible, moi.



As an aside, nobody on CC knows my actual name. I'm nicknamed Nigella because my pre-marriage surname was Lawson (no relation at all) and it actually took me years to learn how to cook properly. Once, when I presented my husband with some awful kitchen concoction, he quipped "well you may be a Lawson, but you're no Nigella!" And the name has stuck.


Jeff, I don't know if you saw it, or even remember, but I did comment pages ago about how lovely my Waitrose chicken had been. I'm doing another one on Sunday. Well, that's if there's any power on to cook it with as there's quite a storm brewing already (I'm at my little bolt hole in Cheshire). Trees are bound to come down and along with them the power cables. I use gas to cook but refuse to strike a match to get a burner going so it's cold/raw food only if the electricity goes off.

Have baked 3 loaves and will live on tuna mayo sarnies if need be. May throw in the the odd tomato or lettuce leaf for extra sustenance.


Have a lovely weekend everyone, and to the UK coolers, batten down the hatches! I do love nautical terminology.



For some reason, I did se the Lawson Link but now realise I had no viable reason to do so. Other than you being a frogophile cook.


Waitroise Chucks are good.


Today I was playing around in the kitchen because I didn't have the coconut milk I thought I had to make my rendang so did something I had been thinking about. I use blended baked beans in tomato sauce for several different things. A cunning invention. So today I added a touch of celerey salt, chilli, an intsy wintsy five spice and some sweetening and tomato and it became almost when added to my meat balls a nutty satay sauce with some Thai fragrant coconut rice. It would be a good sauce for someone with a nut allergy because it is nutty. Don't ask me to explain.


Today's and previous recent and meals. Lamb shanks in mint gravy and meat pie etc.










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The lamb shank and the pie both look absolutely yummy.

I don't have any Asian dishes in my repertoire. I need to learn how to do a simple one and master it. May start with something like a Thai Green Chicken curry or similar.....


'frogophile cook'. I quite like that and would consider changing my CC name to it ;)

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The lamb shank and the pie both look absolutely yummy.

I don't have any Asian dishes in my repertoire. I need to learn how to do a simple one and master it. May start with something like a Thai Green Chicken curry or similar.....


'frogophile cook'. I quite like that and would consider changing my CC name to it ;)





A bit of slef-disclosure however incriminating is called for. Ocado (and possible Waitose are selling Kings of Low Lamb Shank in Minted Gravy. They are at fully price £5 each or currently half price. They are prepared sous vide and ae perfect. Ignore instructions. Open the pouch and wrap two into foil and warm up. The sent me three instead of two last shop so worked out at £1.67 each. I couldn't scratch cook it to sous vide quality.








If you make your way down Thai way have a look at









... and if you are going to give it a go let me know. This is only a starting point. This is a paste made in Thailand and beats anything you know.



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Thanks for thinking of me J! I am slowly whittling away at the mountain of items on my To Do List. Mostly concentrating on arranging things on the home front for our absence. I spent the last couple months buying things in dribs and drabs to avoid huge credit card bills just before we leave. We tried to notify banks' credit card and access card offices of our itinerary. All said we didn't need to inform them of our travel plans since they all have state of the art fraud detection software in place. Ha! Pardon my scepticism! I am not really comfortable with this approach and if our cards get frozen part way along I swear I will spit fire! Doting i's and crossing t's is not always easy.

Edited by mysty
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Lamb shanks are going on my next Ocado delivery!


Is that rendang business very hot? I can't do hot food. Spicy yes but not so hot it blows your head off hot. Is it only available in Thailand? No trips planned that way for the major foreseeable.


Mysty, I agree that Jeff's sprouts do look very delicious.

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Lamb shanks are going on my next Ocado delivery!


Is that rendang business very hot? I can't do hot food. Spicy yes but not so hot it blows your head off hot. Is it only available in Thailand? No trips planned that way for the major foreseeable.


Mysty, I agree that Jeff's sprouts do look very delicious.


Just steamed sprouts.


It isn't hot at all ..I add a load of chilli. The good news is that it is sold by Ocado. :eek: I am so scared they will stop selling it I have a cupboard full. It is a pouch of perfectly blended mix that is to all purposes




Order it with a can of the Waitrose coconut milk (the expensive one), some onions to slowly braise (or some ezy onion cans if you can find it ... blitzed to a cream) , some coconut powder, some ground almond, splenda, and perhaps some diced lamb shoulder of lamb and some sweet potato? I also add fresh (tubed) ginger, garlic, chilli and some fresh blitzed banana which I allow to go squidgy. Buy a big bag of kafir lime leaves from Amazon where they are at a proper price. This will produce the most loveliest and authentic meal ever.


I do go on .....:D



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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A lot of new posts! Too much to take in just yet, especially the food.


Regarding telling the world who you are; I did think I was maybe being paranoid about being a bit secretive about my not very interesting self. But on reflection, I think it is wise - if you make untrue claims (as someone to our knowledge has) you end up looking a bit silly, and on the other hand there are some not very nice people who might be looking in and would love to know more about you for nefarious reasons. I did think at the time that jp was very upfront about his job etc., and felt it might not be a good idea.


I have already told everyone that I am quite ancient, also I think that I live in a small house, so hopefully am not of any interest to any 'scammers', burglars or similar. And I am definitely not called



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Just steamed sprouts.


It isn't hot at all ..I add a load of chilli. The good news is that it is sold by Ocado. :eek: I am so scared they will stop selling it I have a cupboard full. It is a pouch of perfectly blended mix that is to all purposes




Order it with a can of the Waitrose coconut milk (the expensive one), some onions to slowly braise (or some ezy onion cans if you can find it ... blitzed to a cream) , some coconut powder, some ground almond, splenda, and perhaps some diced lamb shoulder of lamb and some sweet potato? I also add fresh (tubed) ginger, garlic, chilli and some fresh blitzed banana which I allow to go squidgy. Buy a big bag of kafir lime leaves from Amazon where they are at a proper price. This will produce the most loveliest and authentic meal ever.


I do go on .....:D




I'll try it next time I'm here, adding it to my order along with lamb shanks.

It will be probably mid February though.

I'm going back to France tomorrow evening, then we fly to Miami next week. Will be away on Seabourn doing the Panama Canal until early January. So I won't be back in England for just over 2 months.

Your recipe sounds lovely!


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Good morning , Lincslady.

I'm very cautious about having any personal information online. I do use Facebook but it's locked down as tightly as possible and I use it more to catch up with what my friends are up to than to post about what I'm doing/where I am. I don't post pictures of myself or my family online. I don't post any professional information at all, I'm not on Linkedin etc.


Sometimes I think it's generational. My niece is in her early 20s and my god-daughter is a decade older. Both of them post all manner of personal information online, photos, current location, work issues :eek:, you name it. All public for anyone to view.

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Morning All! Relating to the topic of security online, I think it depends on the individual's assessment of risk. My daughter is in her 30's and does not allow any pictures of her kids to be posted anywhere on the net. There may be some basic precautions that most people take and it is still up to the individual to decide what their comfort level is. And Lola I share your concern about posting too much info myself. The question is how much is too much?


Enjoy your cruise Nigella!


Have a great weekend all!

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Morning All! Relating to the topic of security online, I think it depends on the individual's assessment of risk. My daughter is in her 30's and does not allow any pictures of her kids to be posted anywhere on the net. There may be some basic precautions that most people take and it is still up to the individual to decide what their comfort level is. And Lola I share your concern about posting too much info myself. The question is how much is too much?


Enjoy your cruise Nigella!


Have a great weekend all!


I'll definitely enjoy my cruise, thank you!

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morning all.


i am still reeling from this latest shooting terror event.

the new york times had an editorial on its front page that expresses much of what i am thinking.


i am numb.


lap of love has been called for the old dog and will be coming to our home to put her to sleep. brom is falling a lot now and seems miserable about getting upright. her breathing seems labored at times and i wonder if she is going into cardiac failure. the other dog runs away to hide when brom coughs.


daughter made the decision and i agree with it. son is having trouble with it, husband is too. but one cannot let her suffer anymore.


the time has finally come to let her go.

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I'll try it next time I'm here, adding it to my order along with lamb shanks.

It will be probably mid February though.

I'm going back to France tomorrow evening, then we fly to Miami next week. Will be away on Seabourn doing the Panama Canal until early January. So I won't be back in England for just over 2 months.

Your recipe sounds lovely!



You have a great time Froggy.


Not as exciting as you, but I am releived wifey prevailed on me to cancel Salzburg day. We should have been drinking lunch at this moment but instead the fire is blazing.


I hope you keep us in touch with your travels and have a great Christmas and New Year.



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lap of love has been called for the old dog and will be coming to our home to put her to sleep. brom is falling a lot now and seems miserable about getting upright. her breathing seems labored at times and i wonder if she is going into cardiac failure. the other dog runs away to hide when brom coughs. daughter made the decision and i agree with it. son is having trouble with it, husband is too. but one cannot let her suffer anymore. the time has finally come to let her go.


So sorry, Candy, to hear on your challenging decision with your dog. We have had to do that in the past and it is not fun or easy. Fortunately now on a sunny day in Central Ohio, we have our two labs nearby and are enjoying their company. Will be thinking of your and your family today.


Now to get some Christmas lights up today and tomorrow while the weather is still fairly good. Lots of good football on today, but no games involving either Ohio State or Michigan.


Loved Jeff's lamb shanks, sprouts, etc. Keep 'em coming!!


THANKS! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 189,609 views.


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Foody articles that caught my eye this afternoon ... may be of interest to some .... if so ... say so ... and I'll post links sometimes to other trivial foody stuff ....






We tried New York City's newest slice — a deep-fried pizza

Business Insider

Sarah Schmalbruch, Ben Nigh Dec 5, 2015 | 12:30 PM ET New York City has no shortage of options when it comes to pizza, but fried pizza remains a rarity. We took a trip to Service Station, a pizza restaurant that just opened on New York City's Upper East Side that serves the crispy slice. One of the restaurant's specialties is the Montanara, a Neapolitan pizza that's made with fried dough. Despite being fried, the dough is unexpectedly airy and light, which allows the toppings - marinara sauce .........



The Art of Flatbread

Local Milk

I don’t always feel up to cooking a full dinner on weeknights, so I’m constantly trying to come up with what I call “blank slate” recipes that I can plug seasonal produce into at any time of year that allow me to put a meal on the table without having to think too much. Flatbread is one the best of these “blank slates.” The rolled-out dough becomes an empty canvas, for you to top with any combination of flavor and color that can be scooped out of the palette of your pantry. The dough can be ......


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Hi All....well I'm really late to the party l see.....so much going on here on the cooler which is lovely of course.


Spins.....my heart goes out to you but you know you have made the right decision even though it doesn't make it any easier. Bromley will be running across the Rainbow Bridge like a young puppy.


Jeffers....haven't tried the Waitrose lamb shanks but the Marks ones are pretty good.....got yet another whole leg for lunch tomorrow..on offer from Tesco, so a good Sunday lunch to look forward to!


Nigella...have a fabulous holiday...paid for my April cruise today..[emoji15] seems to bring it closer though!!


Agree with all about Internet security....I'm on FB but also have it tightly wrapped up with only 30 close friends.....sometimes it's quite useful for when l want to know what the kids are up to...[emoji6]


It's been a busy week here in Wales...Christmas decs are all up and I'm now helping DD with all her plans as she has the outlaws staying with her over the festive season so is in slight panic mode!


Storm Desmond is bearing down on us here with gales and driving rain...I have torches on standby in case of power failure but so far so good!


Sophia [emoji4]







Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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morning all.




i am still reeling from this latest shooting terror event.


the new york times had an editorial on its front page that expresses much of what i am thinking.




i am numb.




lap of love has been called for the old dog and will be coming to our home to put her to sleep. brom is falling a lot now and seems miserable about getting upright. her breathing seems labored at times and i wonder if she is going into cardiac failure. the other dog runs away to hide when brom coughs.




daughter made the decision and i agree with it. son is having trouble with it, husband is too. but one cannot let her suffer anymore.




the time has finally come to let her go.



So sorry, but I'm sure it's the right decision. There was an article in a recent Readers Digest by a woman who went to great lengths (and expense) to keep her cat alive before finally letting her go. Reflecting on it, she realized that it was selfish of her, and not fair to the cat, to not let her go when it really was time.

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