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Email about Legionnaires


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But it was found in the water samples on that ship. You don't find this at least something to take into consideration.:confused:


As I said before... it´s been found in water samples taken in my condo building... Am I scared? No, it´s not above the critical number.


Do you have to test your water at home on a regular basis as we have to here in Germany (ever 3 years)?? Are you sure that you don´t have any Legionella in your home?



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Posts from another thread complaining about the delayed boarding of the Majesty reported that the reason was that the ship was "flushing the system", which means that they were running chlorinated water through the shower heads to kill the bacteria.

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But it was found in the water samples on that ship. You don't find this at least something to take into consideration.:confused:


Yes, we had many cases here in NYC and no-not any reason to not come here but I would stay away from the buildings that tested positive for it!!:eek:


It's one thing to take it into consideration... it's something else entirely to be paralyzed with fear or engaging in fear-mongering as some folks are wont to do.




Exactly!! It was found in the water from the showers clearly after the ship returned yesterday or no email would have been sent out. They knew before they sailed that there was a potential issue. And to answer the above question if If I knew that there potential issues in a place that I was about to visit I would have considered my options. Very different between visiting New York and being isolated on a ship where all the water was potentially at risk.


Again, over 35,000 people were "potentially exposed" (keep in mind, it's still not yet known if the ship was actually the source of the infection in these two people) and we don't have hordes of people dropping dead right and left. It's not nearly as big a deal as you are imagining.


RCI also sends out notices when it's doing a deep-cleaning due to noro -- this isn't any different. They discovered the possible situation, they took the necessary action, and they notified those involved. We're not talking about an ebola outbreak here, people.

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Think my post was mid under stood in awful at writings what I mean basically legionnaires is spread in water more people would be sick and things like viruses are spread from person to person ie more lightly to catch it that's why I used noro virus though sars and influenza would fall into that category also


I know I'm still not making my self clear

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Exactly!! It was found in the water from the showers clearly after the ship returned yesterday or no email would have been sent out. They knew before they sailed that there was a potential issue. And to answer the above question if If I knew that there potential issues in a place that I was about to visit I would have considered my options. Very different between visiting New York and being isolated on a ship where all the water was potentially at risk.


The symptoms of motion sickness and Legionella aren't even remotely close as you indicated in a previous post.


Cruising isn't for everyone and perhaps you fall into that category.

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Where does it say that???


From the RCI e-mail:


"This testing confirmed that bacteria are present in samples taken from the water used for showering."


Testing would have been done on showers, sink taps, drink dispensers, and all over the ship where potable water comes out. If it had been found in any place other than showers, it would have said it was in the drinking water supply. This is a case of a legal person, or PR person, writing about a technical issue, and saying that it affected the "shower water system", when there is only one system.


As I stated very early in this thread, legionella growing in either a water tank or a pipe system, where the water is constantly circulating, at the temperatures that domestic water is maintained is exceedingly rare, if not virtually impossible, particularly in the presence of chlorine.


Unlike a municipal water system, or your private well system, where the water is pressurized in the pipes, but sits stagnant until you open a valve to get a drink or take a shower (and stagnant water is where legionella breeds), the ship's system is constantly recirculating the water from the storage tanks throughout the ship and back to the tanks. Why? To keep the chlorine levels up. Your municipality may chlorinate or fluoridate your water at it's treatment plant, but then the water flows through miles of pipes and spends plenty of time in the pipes before it comes out your taps. By this time, the chlorine has naturally depleted, and you have no way of knowing what contaminants are in your water. This is why they always recommend boiling water when there has been a water main break. Conversely, because the ship continually recirculates the water, there is a chlorine monitor at the farthest point from the engine room. This monitor must see a residual chlorine of 0.5ppm, or it will send a signal to the chlorine injection equipment to increase the dose of chlorine it is continually adding to the water to make up for the natural decay of chlorine. This is why the ship's water tastes funny to many folks.


Legionella grows in hot tub piping because of the temperature of the water, which approaches the prime breeding temperature for legionella.


Stagnant water in air, like what remains in the bottom of a shower head, which is then aerosolized by the shower nozzles is where the bacteria breeds, not in the water supply. This is why the shower heads are sanitized monthly on cruise ships, and also why there is a backflow preventer on each shower, as I mentioned before.

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What about the people they knowingly sent on a contaminated ship? I wouldn't trust a company that did that. health is where I draw the line. This is very messed up. Negligent and almost criminal if u ask me. They have a responsibly to let me and my family know pre boarding. I'll never take another cruise again.
Do a bit of research about the subject and the subject matter and maybe just maybe you won't embarrass yourself when posting....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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But it was found in the water samples on that ship. You don't find this at least something to take into consideration.:confused:


Yes, we had many cases here in NYC and no-not any reason to not come here but I would stay away from the buildings that tested positive for it!!:eek:

So do you test yourself or look up every building you enter for bacteria, please.....:rolleyes:
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Of course not....please......:rolleyes:

We're only talking about this ship-because it did.


And the real question is, how many tests came back positive, and how many came back negative on the same day? No one here will ever know that, but the USPH will.

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My family is schedule to set sail on 11/20. I just read the message about the Legionella Virus this morning. I was immediately alarm when I read that they found traces of it from the showering system and that investigation is still ongoing. I was further alarm when I learned that it's a severe type of Pneumonia and that most everyone in my party are at high risk. I then contacted a consulting nurse and asked her if there was a vaccine or vitamins (to boost our immune system) or anything we could do to reduce our risk. Unfortunately there isn't any and she highly suggested that we don't take the cruise given that the issue is not completely resolve and that we're at a high risk. We've been excitedly looking forward to taking this cruise and cancelling it is the last thing we want to do. I called Royal Caribbean hoping they would assure me that the ship is free of Legionella and everything is good to go, but instead I was given the run around. After spending couple hours on the phone I was told that they are looking into alternatives such as giving refunds and considering putting us into another ship (this prompted me to think that the problem is more serious and that no further actio is being taken). I was happy to hear the latter. I told them that most likely there are others who feel the same way because people don't book cruises only to cancel. In addition, I think it'd be more ideal to just board the passengers in another ship and not take the chance, because if anybody is to get really sick or worst die then it'll be a bigger problem for them. They were already negligent in not informing us in a timely manner so I hope that they would look into a more accommodating approach to make their customers happy and to compensate for the stress that they're putting on us. I don't think that simply giving a refund will leave a good impression.

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My family is schedule to set sail on 11/20. I just read the message about the Legionella Virus this morning. I was immediately alarm when I read that they found traces of it from the showering system and that investigation is still ongoing. I was further alarm when I learned that it's a severe type of Pneumonia and that most everyone in my party are at high risk. I then contacted a consulting nurse and asked her if there was a vaccine or vitamins (to boost our immune system) or anything we could do to reduce our risk. Unfortunately there isn't any and she highly suggested that we don't take the cruise given that the issue is not completely resolve and that we're at a high risk. We've been excitedly looking forward to taking this cruise and cancelling it is the last thing we want to do. I called Royal Caribbean hoping they would assure me that the ship is free of Legionella and everything is good to go, but instead I was given the run around. After spending couple hours on the phone I was told that they are looking into alternatives such as giving refunds and considering putting us into another ship (this prompted me to think that the problem is more serious and that no further actio is being taken). I was happy to hear the latter. I told them that most likely there are others who feel the same way because people don't book cruises only to cancel. In addition, I think it'd be more ideal to just board the passengers in another ship and not take the chance, because if anybody is to get really sick or worst die then it'll be a bigger problem for them. They were already negligent in not informing us in a timely manner so I hope that they would look into a more accommodating approach to make their customers happy and to compensate for the stress that they're putting on us. I don't think that simply giving a refund will leave a good impression.


Again, I'll state that it is not RCI's call as to whether or not "further action is being taken". The situation has been reported to the USPH, and it is up to them to decide whether or not RCI's remediation methods are effective or not, and whether to revoke the ship's ability to embark passengers in a US port. USPH could care less about RCI's money problems if the ship is delayed or cruises are cancelled.


Also, I would recommend contacting the USPH/CDC with your party's risk factors and see whether or not there would be a recommended remediation that could be done, such as allowing the shower to run before getting in.

Edited by chengkp75
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My family is schedule to set sail on 11/20. I just read the message about the Legionella Virus this morning. I was immediately alarm when I read that they found traces of it from the showering system and that investigation is still ongoing. I was further alarm when I learned that it's a severe type of Pneumonia and that most everyone in my party are at high risk. I then contacted a consulting nurse and asked her if there was a vaccine or vitamins (to boost our immune system) or anything we could do to reduce our risk. Unfortunately there isn't any and she highly suggested that we don't take the cruise given that the issue is not completely resolve and that we're at a high risk. We've been excitedly looking forward to taking this cruise and cancelling it is the last thing we want to do. I called Royal Caribbean hoping they would assure me that the ship is free of Legionella and everything is good to go, but instead I was given the run around. After spending couple hours on the phone I was told that they are looking into alternatives such as giving refunds and considering putting us into another ship (this prompted me to think that the problem is more serious and that no further actio is being taken). I was happy to hear the latter. I told them that most likely there are others who feel the same way because people don't book cruises only to cancel. In addition, I think it'd be more ideal to just board the passengers in another ship and not take the chance, because if anybody is to get really sick or worst die then it'll be a bigger problem for them. They were already negligent in not informing us in a timely manner so I hope that they would look into a more accommodating approach to make their customers happy and to compensate for the stress that they're putting on us. I don't think that simply giving a refund will leave a good impression.


Welcome to Cruise Critic! Interesting response that you received. Please let us know what ultimately decide to do. I hope the cruise line will accommodate you. :)

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Another case of give me something for nothing scam.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


The cruise line put the following quote in the email it sent out:


Your individual risk may be elevated if you have any of the risk factors listed on the attachment. Unfortunately, we cannot estimate your individual risk. If you have any risk factors, you may want to consider rescheduling your cruise for a later date.


The poster is not trying to scam anyone, they are just trying to do what is best for their situation. I know that is very hard for many on this thread to see, but not everyone is going to feel comfortable sailing on this ship. I know my family would not be going on the Majesty anytime in the near future.

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I hope that they would look into a more accommodating approach to make their customers happy and to compensate for the stress that they're putting on us. I don't think that simply giving a refund will leave a good impression.


OK, what do you want?

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Also, I would recommend contacting the USPH/CDC with your party's risk factors and see whether or not there would be a recommended remediation that could be done, such as allowing the shower to run before getting in.


I guess for me, what my family Dr. would recommend would be enough for me and I personally would feel no need to contact the CDC. It sure would be the icing on the cake as far as all precautionary measures taken and educating ones self on the situation though!! All grey area's would be gone then... one would hope!! :)

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Do a bit of research about the subject and the subject matter and maybe just maybe you won't embarrass yourself when posting....:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Thanks for suggesting I do research. Why didn't I think of that. :rolleyes:As someone who has respitory issues and have had them my entire life I can tell you that this is down right negligence.


Now we hear that Royal is now offering to change ships for people? Are you kidding me? I want to also know how many were confirmed and why they didn't notify us before the trip on the 9th when clearly this was being investigated. Hot tubs were close before boarding AND I saw a man testing them during our trip.


And I think u are the one who is embarrassing urself with your lack of compassion for individuals medical conditions. Plenty of seniors on this ship as well Captain. Email clearly states this has been as issue for months. All I'm saying is that I would hope a huge company like Royal would have contacted me and let me know there was a possible medical threat onboard so I could have determined the action I needed to take for me and my family. Obviously I'm not alone here.

Edited by Ablitz
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I guess for me, what my family Dr. would recommend would be enough for me and I personally would feel no need to contact the CDC. It sure would be the icing on the cake as far as all precautionary measures taken and educating ones self on the situation though!! All grey area's would be gone then... one would hope!! :)


Frankly, I would suspect that your family doctor is not entirely conversant with epidemiology, or the methods to control contagious diseases, particularly on a cruise ship, which is why you make the best use of the best resource. As one simple method I've mentioned before, would your doctor know that just running chlorinated water through a shower would be sufficient to remediate the bacteria?

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Frankly, I would suspect that your family doctor is not entirely conversant with epidemiology, or the methods to control contagious diseases, particularly on a cruise ship, which is why you make the best use of the best resource. As one simple method I've mentioned before, would your doctor know that just running chlorinated water through a shower would be sufficient to remediate the bacteria?


Yes, we do agree to make the best use of resources for education.


I have never had to have this conversation, thank god, with my family Dr. so I am not quite sure how much knowledge he has on this subject. He may or may not have the ability to drop as much knowledge on me as you have!!! :)

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