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Compensation for Riviera Nurovirus Cruise


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Having also been onboard last week, let me clarify one point. There was a smiling young staff member at the entrance of Terrace suggesting - not insisting or demanding - all guests entering to sanitize. The staff member was placed there days after the outbreak was evident during our days at sea. Salt & pepper shakers remained until the last day.


Never once at any time during the 14 days were we or others in line asked at the GDR or the specialties to sanitize. The goop stands were moved into a more prominent position but it was voluntary to apply. In line, I saw many who did not use the sanitizer before being seated.


Terrace staff theoretically is to obliged to serve items directly on to your plate. However, as posters noted, passengers can and did repeatedly touch/grab rolls, soup pot ladle, yogurts cannisters, jam bottles etc or point and touch food items, then replace the items back "on the shelf" for others to later consume.


As for insisting, I have been on several ships where a GI disorder arose. You were not allowed to be seated in a dining venue unless the maître'd personally sprayed sanitizer on the hands of each guest. That was not the case on Riviera last week. I personally saw any number (as others note here) pax walk into the GDR, Polo, Waves etc. without sanitizing...and there was no admonition for them to do so by staff.


This is indeed a collaborative effort between the crew and passengers. Many play their part and try to do the right thing by hand washing routinely and applying sanitizer. Unfortunately, I repeatedly witnessed poor hygienic behavior in the men's room and careless disregard for the need to sanitize before entering a dining venue...well after the Noro outbreak was announced & guests were urged to take precautions.

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I just have to add (in addition to agreeing with you) that the lack of any type of sanitation enforcement in the gym was beyond shocking to me. I didn't want to give up my exercise so spent a long time sanitizing the bike that I used. I went there every day and only once or twice saw the gym attendant come through. People walked into the gym without using the gel sanitizer, used various machines and equipment and made no attempt to clean afterwards. Of course, there were many who were already familiar with gym etiquette and those folks did the right thing. Seems to me, the gym would have been a good breeding ground for the virus. Thankfully, I didn't get sick but I really only did cardio and mat work in the other room...no machines or weights. This was my first Oceania cruise and it had the worst sanitation of any cruise line I've ever been on.

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I just have to add (in addition to agreeing with you) that the lack of any type of sanitation enforcement in the gym was beyond shocking to me. I didn't want to give up my exercise so spent a long time sanitizing the bike that I used. I went there every day and only once or twice saw the gym attendant come through. People walked into the gym without using the gel sanitizer, used various machines and equipment and made no attempt to clean afterwards. Of course, there were many who were already familiar with gym etiquette and those folks did the right thing. Seems to me, the gym would have been a good breeding ground for the virus. Thankfully, I didn't get sick but I really only did cardio and mat work in the other room...no machines or weights. This was my first Oceania cruise and it had the worst sanitation of any cruise line I've ever been on.


I've been on too many cruises to count and I do not recall ever seeing an "enforcer" in any gym. Isn't it up to the individual to gym clean equipment or keypads before using?

I don't recall seeing an enforcer at my local gym either.

The gel sanitizer will not kill Noro or common cold virus.

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I just have to add (in addition to agreeing with you) that the lack of any type of sanitation enforcement in the gym was beyond shocking to me. I didn't want to give up my exercise so spent a long time sanitizing the bike that I used. I went there every day and only once or twice saw the gym attendant come through. People walked into the gym without using the gel sanitizer, used various machines and equipment and made no attempt to clean afterwards. Of course, there were many who were already familiar with gym etiquette and those folks did the right thing. Seems to me, the gym would have been a good breeding ground for the virus. Thankfully, I didn't get sick but I really only did cardio and mat work in the other room...no machines or weights. This was my first Oceania cruise and it had the worst sanitation of any cruise line I've ever been on.






I've been on too many cruises to count and I do not recall ever seeing an "enforcer" in any gym. Isn't it up to the individual to gym clean equipment or keypads before using?

I don't recall seeing an enforcer at my local gym either.

The gel sanitizer will not kill Noro or common cold virus.


In normal circumstances you are right. When there is a Noro outbreak, assuming the gym stays open, they do work at enforcing and cleaning equipment - at least on the other cruises I have been on when we had an outbreak.

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The original posting of this blog was regarding compensation which I have steered clear of in my postings as I was assured by the management that they would be making a gesture to the 85 B2B people on this cruise.

This morning they came up with a insulting and derisory offer of $ 200 OBC this amounts to $5 per person per day for the 20 days that I will have had to endure Goopy surfaces everywhere missing Bermuda, having to wait 4 hrs in the Miami Terminal with no food and drinks also the constant stench on my hands from touching all surfaces on the ship.

This is not my idea of a holiday!!

When OC overbooked on this cruise they offered passengers $1000 to move to a different cruise + OBC.

So what works for them does not for loyal customers like myself.They are pushing people like myself away and I do not understand why??

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The original posting of this blog was regarding compensation which I have steered clear of in my postings as I was assured by the management that they would be making a gesture to the 85 B2B people on this cruise.

This morning they came up with a insulting and derisory offer of $ 200 OBC this amounts to $5 per person per day for the 20 days that I will have had to endure Goopy surfaces everywhere missing Bermuda, having to wait 4 hrs in the Miami Terminal with no food and drinks also the constant stench on my hands from touching all surfaces on the ship.

This is not my idea of a holiday!!

When OC overbooked on this cruise they offered passengers $1000 to move to a different cruise + OBC.

So what works for them does not for loyal customers like myself.They are pushing people like myself away and I do not understand why??


On the up side, at least they offered you something.


On the down side, I hear you. They might have been better to offer you nothing than to offer you that. A portion of that would have been eaten up by laundry charges!


Have you heard any reactions from the other B2B's?


Sorry to hear that their offer didn't even "make it right".

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The original posting of this blog was regarding compensation which I have steered clear of in my postings as I was assured by the management that they would be making a gesture to the 85 B2B people on this cruise.

This morning they came up with a insulting and derisory offer of $ 200 OBC this amounts to $5 per person per day for the 20 days that I will have had to endure Goopy surfaces everywhere missing Bermuda, having to wait 4 hrs in the Miami Terminal with no food and drinks also the constant stench on my hands from touching all surfaces on the ship.

This is not my idea of a holiday!!

When OC overbooked on this cruise they offered passengers $1000 to move to a different cruise + OBC.

So what works for them does not for loyal customers like myself.They are pushing people like myself away and I do not understand why??


Further to this post The ship is now clear of infections ,but we will remain under level 2 of sanitation until we reach Miami,when a another deep cleaning will begin.

Since the current outbreak on this cruise the Captain has not been sighted anywhere on the ship,maybe he is frighted to appear because of the abuse he might receive ???




I this not the same type event but Princess cruises stepped up to the plate for there customers !!!

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quote not working

<<< Never once at any time during the 14 days were we or others in line asked at the GDR or the specialties to sanitize. The goop stands were moved into a more prominent position but it was voluntary to apply. In line, I saw many who did not use the sanitizer before being seated.


Terrace staff theoretically is to obliged to serve items directly on to your plate. However, as posters noted, passengers can and did repeatedly touch/grab rolls, soup pot ladle, yogurts cannisters, jam bottles etc or point and touch food items, then replace the items back "on the shelf" for others to later consume. >>>>


They need to have zero tolerance for those that do not gel before going into the dining venues ..if they do not then confined to their cabin & off at the next port at their expense just like the smoking



The glass at the Terrace stations should go right to the counter no room for fingers to get at the food


Edited by LHT28
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I'm disappointed to see the most recent posts in this thread. I've been keeping up with this, as we are scheduled to board Riviera on Jan. 3rd. Of course I'm terrified that it will still be going on by then...and can only hope they get it under control.


I feel really awful for all of you whose vacations have been impacted by this. You have my sincere sympathies. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. :(


I'm also severely disappointed to hear of the ship's less than stellar responses to this infection.


I stated earlier that I am not a believer in the cruise line being expected to shell out big money as compensation - these infections are NOT their fault. Passengers bring them on. They don't want them any more than we do, and should not be expected to pay compensation for illnesses that they didn't' cause. And I stand by that.


However...that being said, it does sound like they could/should have done more in terms of sanitation, enforcing proper hygiene, protecting the food better, and communicating better. I'm very concerned and disappointed. I have yet to even take my first O cruise, and I've been super-excited about it, but now I'm worried. It sounds like things got at least a bit better as the infection dragged on, but not good enough.


I'm also REALLY grossed out to hear so many talk about the poor hygiene habits of so many passengers. Knowing full well that they were on a cruise dealing with a Noro infection, and they still wouldn't even practice the most basic hygiene, touched food and put it back, etc? WOW. Rude. Kudos to those of you who brought that to the attention of the crew...and I was glad to hear that the crew responded quickly in certain cases (e.g. removing and replacing the rolls).


At the very least, this has ensured that I myself will be FAR more vigilant about my own hygiene habits...and I will be more aware of those around me, and will bring things like this to the attention of the crew myself.

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I'm disappointed to see the most recent posts in this thread. I've been keeping up with this, as we are scheduled to board Riviera on Jan. 3rd. Of course I'm terrified that it will still be going on by then...and can only hope they get it under control.




I feel really awful for all of you whose vacations have been impacted by this. You have my sincere sympathies. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. :(




I'm also severely disappointed to hear of the ship's less than stellar responses to this infection.




I stated earlier that I am not a believer in the cruise line being expected to shell out big money as compensation - these infections are NOT their fault. Passengers bring them on. They don't want them any more than we do, and should not be expected to pay compensation for illnesses that they didn't' cause. And I stand by that.




However...that being said, it does sound like they could/should have done more in terms of sanitation, enforcing proper hygiene, protecting the food better, and communicating better. I'm very concerned and disappointed. I have yet to even take my first O cruise, and I've been super-excited about it, but now I'm worried. It sounds like things got at least a bit better as the infection dragged on, but not good enough.




I'm also REALLY grossed out to hear so many talk about the poor hygiene habits of so many passengers. Knowing full well that they were on a cruise dealing with a Noro infection, and they still wouldn't even practice the most basic hygiene, touched food and put it back, etc? WOW. Rude. Kudos to those of you who brought that to the attention of the crew...and I was glad to hear that the crew responded quickly in certain cases (e.g. removing and replacing the rolls).




At the very least, this has ensured that I myself will be FAR more vigilant about my own hygiene habits...and I will be more aware of those around me, and will bring things like this to the attention of the crew myself.



Terrified? Really??


Even the last cruise with on the Death Ship from Hell (as the reviewers portrayed it) had folks who, according to other accounts, couldn't believe they were on the same trip. Even the aggrieved parties who have unendingly emphasized Oceania's shortcomings and failings, and who are demanding compensation were not themselves sick. They were able to do everything they planned, outside of the one missed port, with relative comfort (except for all the failures which do not occur on other lines).


You can only be responsible for yourself, and it sounds like you are prepared for that. People on these cruises are having a pretty nice time in spite of everything (witness the poolside photos of folks having lots of fun, photos of busy dining rooms, etc...) and you just might have a nice time too!!!!


I wish you well and I would give anything to be getting onto an O cruise right now, period. Even one with Noro.


I think the hysteria around here has reached a fever pitch.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I'm a bit surprised by all this. One part of the USPH boarding team's inspection protocol when investigating an outbreak like this is to interview crew and passengers who have been ill about the conditions onboard. If it was brought out that hygiene practices were not stepped up, and "code red" protocols not implemented (no self service, etc.), then that should have been included in the report given to the ship for implementation on the present cruise. The ship had to come forward with a plan for remediation, and have that approved by the USPH. I'm wondering if USPH will board again in Miami, and whether the ship will get a full inspection if the inspectors feel that the ship did not live up to the remediation plan.


I'm not real familiar with the Riviera, is it going to continue to call at US ports, or is it going on to other destinations?

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I am just shocked that people over the age of 10 would think it is OK to pick up food especially rolls & replace it in the pile

Also not to wash their hands after the washroom :eek:


just makes you wonder :rolleyes:

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Lee Ann,


Let's hope that the ship gets fully cleared before your cruise...not fun to have your first cruise on O ruined by illness. It was my first too and although far from perfect, I can't say it was a total bust.


It seems to me that O focused so much on being politically correct and not offending/alarming passengers that an opportunity was missed to get the Noro contained earlier. While we can debate whether the hand gels work or not, I believe what O SHOULD have done was to get in front of the issue by being much stricter and vigilant with the passenger hygiene. I recall thinking that putting a "separate" sheet of paper in the rooms fully describing the situation might have alerted those who seemed oblivious to the virus being on ship. I swear there were people who had no idea there was a problem given what I saw.

In any event, I believe O subscribes to the idea of "Never let them see you sweat." Honesty and transparency would have been gone a long way. It's too bad so many have been impacted and certainly, not good for O's reputation.

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I'm not real familiar with the Riviera, is it going to continue to call at US ports, or is it going on to other destinations?

I beleive she is doing r/t from Miami to Caribbean & central America for the next few months

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Lee Ann,


Let's hope that the ship gets fully cleared before your cruise...not fun to have your first cruise on O ruined by illness. It was my first too and although far from perfect, I can't say it was a total bust.


It seems to me that O focused so much on being politically correct and not offending/alarming passengers that an opportunity was missed to get the Noro contained earlier. While we can debate whether the hand gels work or not, I believe what O SHOULD have done was to get in front of the issue by being much stricter and vigilant with the passenger hygiene. I recall thinking that putting a "separate" sheet of paper in the rooms fully describing the situation might have alerted those who seemed oblivious to the virus being on ship. I swear there were people who had no idea there was a problem given what I saw.

In any event, I believe O subscribes to the idea of "Never let them see you sweat." Honesty and transparency would have been gone a long way. It's too bad so many have been impacted and certainly, not good for O's reputation.


There was a separate sheet put in the rooms with the evening papers one night. While not completely outlining what was going on it did have intensive information on what to do to protect yourself.


You didn't get one? Hmm. Maybe Kazu still has hers and can scan it and post it. I throw all my stuff away.

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Terrified? Really??


Even the last cruise with on the Death Ship from Hell (as the reviewers portrayed it) had folks who, according to other accounts, couldn't believe they were on the same trip. Even the aggrieved parties who have unendingly emphasized Oceania's shortcomings and failings, and who are demanding compensation were not themselves sick. They were able to do everything they planned, outside of the one missed port, with relative comfort (except for all the failures which do not occur on other lines).


You can only be responsible for yourself, and it sounds like you are prepared for that. People on these cruises are having a pretty nice time in spite of everything (witness the poolside photos of folks having lots of fun, photos of busy dining rooms, etc...) and you just might have a nice time too!!!!


I wish you well and I would give anything to be getting onto an O cruise right now, period. Even one with Noro.


I think the hysteria around here has reached a fever pitch.


Um...excuse me, but...YES! I am most DEFINITELY terrified of getting sick!


Do I think my cruise will be ruined if I don't get sick? No, duh. But boarding a ship with a KNOWN noro infection, that apparently is NOT practicing appropriate sanitation or enforcing hygiene, means that I have a much higher likelihood of getting sick...no matter HOW well I watch my own behavior. We had people posting how they got sick in spite of constantly washing their hands and being vigilant.


So yeah...I'm scared. Look, I just came out of the worst 7 months of my life. I injured my shoulder in May, and have had two major surgeries since then...one only a few weeks ago. I'm having to go to physical therapy 3 times a week to get my shoulder abused to the point of tears just to get it moving again. And I still have another six months of intense therapy to go. I've been working hard to get my arm working enough so that I can scuba dive, which is my whole reason for taking this cruise.


Fortunately today I was able to get myself into my scuba gear and test out how my arm is working in it, and it looks like I'll be able to dive. This has been all I've been focused on for months.


So to know that I'm boarding a ship that cannot seem to get rid of its noro infestation, putting me at far greater risk of getting sick myself no matter how vigilant I am...that is definitely terrifying to me. Especially given this is NOT a cheap cruise.


I don't particularly appreciate your inference that I am being hysterical. :rolleyes:


Just to be clear: I have every expectation that if I am able to avoid getting sick, I will have a fabulous time. I'd prefer to NOT be on a ship that is dripping with disinfectant all over the place, or has the laundry closed down, or has limited sea-day activities, or any of the other issues resulting from an active outbreak...but that is not my concern. My concern is GETTING SICK. Does that help clarify?


Lee Ann,


Let's hope that the ship gets fully cleared before your cruise...not fun to have your first cruise on O ruined by illness. It was my first too and although far from perfect, I can't say it was a total bust.


It seems to me that O focused so much on being politically correct and not offending/alarming passengers that an opportunity was missed to get the Noro contained earlier. While we can debate whether the hand gels work or not, I believe what O SHOULD have done was to get in front of the issue by being much stricter and vigilant with the passenger hygiene. I recall thinking that putting a "separate" sheet of paper in the rooms fully describing the situation might have alerted those who seemed oblivious to the virus being on ship. I swear there were people who had no idea there was a problem given what I saw.

In any event, I believe O subscribes to the idea of "Never let them see you sweat." Honesty and transparency would have been gone a long way. It's too bad so many have been impacted and certainly, not good for O's reputation.


I'm glad to hear that you did not feel your cruise was a total bust. As for O's response, your assessment sounds accurate to me. I hope that they have been reading these threads and listening to their passengers, and have learned that transparency and MORE communication is better than hiding their heads in the sand.

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I just heard a physician speak about Norwalk Virus (aka Noro) on the local news radio station.


First off, it's flu season. Possible that people are transmitting flu/gastroenteritis too. The only way to determine Noro is if a stool sample is sent to the lab. A virus can be transmitted in an area the size of a pinhead. People who are in small spaces (ie a ship) can transmit more easily.


So all the sanitizer, all the deep cleaning and sterilization may mean nothing. You need to keep yourself healthy and avoid touching sufaces.


Does Oceania have a responsibility to reimburse you for your situation? I don't think so really People are getting sick on land. It's a risk you take. Anywhere you go. Is it the right thing for them to do? Absolutely. Your vacation with 1199 others has been compromised. I don't think they need to refund anything but they would be doing the right thing to make the loss more palatable.

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There was a separate sheet put in the rooms with the evening papers one night. While not completely outlining what was going on it did have intensive information on what to do to protect yourself.


You didn't get one? Hmm. Maybe Kazu still has hers and can scan it and post it. I throw all my stuff away.


Sorry Orv, I didn't keep it and meant to take a pic but I do believe I forgot to do it.


We certainly did get it and it did outline the risk of not fully cooked shell fish, meat, etc. as well.


the only thing it was missing was information on how bad the outbreak was.

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I just heard a physician speak about Norwalk Virus (aka Noro) on the local news radio station.


First off, it's flu season. Possible that people are transmitting flu/gastroenteritis too. The only way to determine Noro is if a stool sample is sent to the lab. A virus can be transmitted in an area the size of a pinhead. People who are in small spaces (ie a ship) can transmit more easily.


So all the sanitizer, all the deep cleaning and sterilization may mean nothing. You need to keep yourself healthy and avoid touching sufaces.


Does Oceania have a responsibility to reimburse you for your situation? I don't think so really People are getting sick on land. It's a risk you take. Anywhere you go. Is it the right thing for them to do? Absolutely. Your vacation with 1199 others has been compromised. I don't think they need to refund anything but they would be doing the right thing to make the loss more palatable.


There were stool samples taken and that is how Noro was confirmed. Kudos to O for that one. No question about that and the CDC report confirms it.


along with Noro, there was a cruise crud cough going around which the crew had originally from what I could see. the medical centre was plenty busy between the two as for some the cough went straight to the chest and needed antibiotics.

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I'm a bit surprised by all this. One part of the USPH boarding team's inspection protocol when investigating an outbreak like this is to interview crew and passengers who have been ill about the conditions onboard. If it was brought out that hygiene practices were not stepped up, and "code red" protocols not implemented (no self service, etc.), then that should have been included in the report given to the ship for implementation on the present cruise. The ship had to come forward with a plan for remediation, and have that approved by the USPH. I'm wondering if USPH will board again in Miami, and whether the ship will get a full inspection if the inspectors feel that the ship did not live up to the remediation plan.


I'm not real familiar with the Riviera, is it going to continue to call at US ports, or is it going on to other destinations?


Maybe the team should have talked to some passengers that were NOT quarantined and out and about.


On any Noro ship I have been on the salt and peppers are taken away as well as the creamers and sugar cube holders in the GDR and replaced by the packets which are passed to the passenger with tongs. (yes, I am serious).


Cutlery, glasses, etc. are NOT out all night to be touched, coughed on, etc.


Pastries, fruits, etc. are not put out unless they are covered at the very least


Casinos, libraries, pools, hot tubs, computer rooms are closed to avoid the touch contagion on other ships I have been on.


the counters are all saran wrapped, etc. It's a long list but maybe this isn't necessary? Maybe this was a protocol that other ships followed that O chose not to. I don't know, but having done two other Noro outbreaks, I certainly understood why we might not lick it. There is no point in dripping goop everywhere when cutlery, cups, glasses, food is out well in advance and unprotected. Just my thoughts and it's ok I have my flame proof suit on.;}

Edited by kazu
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Um...excuse me, but...YES! I am most DEFINITELY terrified of getting sick!




Do I think my cruise will be ruined if I don't get sick? No, duh. But boarding a ship with a KNOWN noro infection, that apparently is NOT practicing appropriate sanitation or enforcing hygiene, means that I have a much higher likelihood of getting sick...no matter HOW well I watch my own behavior. We had people posting how they got sick in spite of constantly washing their hands and being vigilant.




So yeah...I'm scared. Look, I just came out of the worst 7 months of my life. I injured my shoulder in May, and have had two major surgeries since then...one only a few weeks ago. I'm having to go to physical therapy 3 times a week to get my shoulder abused to the point of tears just to get it moving again. And I still have another six months of intense therapy to go. I've been working hard to get my arm working enough so that I can scuba dive, which is my whole reason for taking this cruise.




Fortunately today I was able to get myself into my scuba gear and test out how my arm is working in it, and it looks like I'll be able to dive. This has been all I've been focused on for months.




So to know that I'm boarding a ship that cannot seem to get rid of its noro infestation, putting me at far greater risk of getting sick myself no matter how vigilant I am...that is definitely terrifying to me. Especially given this is NOT a cheap cruise.




I don't particularly appreciate your inference that I am being hysterical. :rolleyes:




Just to be clear: I have every expectation that if I am able to avoid getting sick, I will have a fabulous time. I'd prefer to NOT be on a ship that is dripping with disinfectant all over the place, or has the laundry closed down, or has limited sea-day activities, or any of the other issues resulting from an active outbreak...but that is not my concern. My concern is GETTING SICK. Does that help clarify?








I'm glad to hear that you did not feel your cruise was a total bust. As for O's response, your assessment sounds accurate to me. I hope that they have been reading these threads and listening to their passengers, and have learned that transparency and MORE communication is better than hiding their heads in the sand.



I wasn't implying that you were hysterical. I implied that others have blown things out of proportion. You have my apologies and I am sorry to have so offended you.


It sounds like you might want to explore availing yourself of your trip cancellation insurance or discovering under what circumstances your coverage kicks in.


I believe I shall take a Cruise Critic hiatus. Happy Holidays all.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Casinos, libraries, pools, hot tubs, computer rooms are closed to avoid the touch contagion on other ships I have been on.

the counters are all saran wrapped, etc. It's a long list but maybe this isn't necessary? Maybe this was a protocol that other ships followed that O chose not to.

Now that would be a reason to complain if all services were closed :eek:

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I wasn't implying that you were hysterical. I implied that others have blown things out of proportion.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Who? Where? I think those that were and are on board have a bit more insight that those sitting back reading about it.


My personal feeling is that while up to a point it was a good cruise it was no where near the regular Oceania experience. Did it ruin my cruise? No, but it was no fun having the constant feeling that anytime you had a stomach rumble or maybe a headache, which could be brought on by many other things on a cruise, is that you might be infected. Constantly being on edge certainly takes away a lot of the enjoyment of what is usually a relaxing vacation.

Edited by ORV
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The original posting of this blog was regarding compensation which I have steered clear of in my postings as I was assured by the management that they would be making a gesture to the 85 B2B people on this cruise.

This morning they came up with a insulting and derisory offer of $ 200 OBC this amounts to $5 per person per day for the 20 days that I will have had to endure Goopy surfaces everywhere missing Bermuda, having to wait 4 hrs in the Miami Terminal with no food and drinks also the constant stench on my hands from touching all surfaces on the ship.

This is not my idea of a holiday!!

When OC overbooked on this cruise they offered passengers $1000 to move to a different cruise + OBC.

So what works for them does not for loyal customers like myself.They are pushing people like myself away and I do not understand why??

Wow , I began this post and got quite a few nasty reply's about why I thought that anyone deserved anything for their trouble. I guess after reading all the answers it is clear why the customers deserved to be taken car of. A few even tried to make fun of this post as if it was a joke. Some joke. Look at what everyone on these two cruises have been going thru. There are a few who say that Oceania can do no wrong no matter what. Lets tell it kike it is and do not let anyone try to keep the truth from us.

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