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Do NOT fly Air France if you can help it!!


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Smeyer418 - Thanks for explaining the shuttle situation. I now have a better feel for it. I think we will be okay with our time if are flight from Boston to CDG is on time.


Nancy - I think I will also pack a carryon with a few days clothes and things I cannot live without. I do have insurance and think I get $100 after 24 hours and I understand there is a fairly large department store right near where we are staying. Not that I want to shop for clothes.


You are also right on how fortunate we are to be able to go on such a fabulous trip.

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SMeyer 318,


Our Air France flight doesn't actually leave until 9:35 pm. out of Atlanta. We get into Atlanta at 7:00 p.m. so I guess the 9:35 p.m. is our only option.


There is a 7:04 p.m. Air France flight to CDG but we obviously can't make that unless it is delayed.


The good news it we are traveling 3 days prior to our cruise, so we do have some "wiggle room".


Thanks again,



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We flew Air France from Atlanta to CDG then on to Copenhagen.


Upon arriving at CDG we were surprised to find that there was a steep staircase to an awaiting bus rather than being at the gate. I was traveling with my mother who has limited mobility. We were flying 1ST class. After such a nice flight, I was amazed at the attitude of the crew, "just climb down the stairs and climb into the bus". Easier said than done for someone with limited mobility! Why not do a back flip too! We did get on the bus and thankfully someone allowed "mom" a seat. It took 20 minutes to get to the terminal. I was so hot in the bus it felt like an oven. We finally made it to the drop off point but there was another problem, 2 large set of stairs with no elevator. She did manage to get up the stairs. Then there was the wait for the wheelchair. We were told to wait and did so for over 1.5 hrs. Thankfully we had plenty of time.


We were taken to the biz-class lounge and dumped off. Mind you the bathrooms were down a flight of stairs. Then on to the CDG to Copenhagen segment. They stopped the flight and demanded "papers for your wheelchair". Heck, we got this far and made plans in advance, now they want papers? They even inquired whether the wheelchair was "necessary"?! Finally, after holding up the flight for 20+minutes, we were on our way.


All bags and wheelchair were in CPH. Thankfully. I completely feel that the fact that we were flying 1ST Class helped the already dire situation. I wonder how others managed.


Needless to say, this is my last trip through CDG.

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I am beginning to think I not only made a terrible choice for an airline but also wasted my money upgrading to business class. It sounds like you receive awful service regardless.


Nancy, I would like to ease your mind. It looks there is a need of a more balanced view to make you happy with your choice. Many people who fly regulary with Air France praise their service. My own recent experience with Air France was unexpected and quite a positive surprise. My flight with another Airline from Rome to Germany was cancelled on the last minute. I finally got a connection over Paris with Air France. Knowing the limited service and catering on most short haul flights these days, Air France was a delight. Even in economy class on a flight of less than an hour we got champagne and shrimps and cheese and so on. All with smile and care. Easy transfer at CDG. I hope and would say there is a high probability that you will have a good experience.


BTW: If I would not fly with any airline who lost my luggage I had a big problem. The worst was United Airlines on a flight to San Francisco. I had to spent my whole vacation without luggage. The customer service was rude and lousy. It took serveral telephone calls with supervisors to get even a small allowance of $50 to buy bare essentials which I had to pick up at the airport. At least that was what I was told. At the airport I was denied any compensation or help. The luggage finally arrived several weeks after my return back to Germany and I took another series of letters and calls to get even a small compensation. Very annoying and unfriendly.

Thus: Do not fly United Airlines if you can help it! ??? No, of course not. On other occasions they took me and my luggage safely and friendly where I needed to go.

For a while I was regular customer of the company who distributes delayed luggage in our area. Almost every other week my weekend started without luggage. Maybe there was some problem in getting everything in time on the connections to our rather small local airport. Well, most of the time it took just one day, sometimes more before I got my luggage. No reason not to fly anymore with British Airways, Lufthansa, Delta, KLM, Eurwings, Alitalia or any other of the involved airlines.

Maybe you just get used to it if it happens more often to you.

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Josiem, would you know if the problem affecting luggage passing through CDG has been resolved? We are flying to Paris on Cathay Pacific next week, spending 2 days there then onto Barcelona for our cruise. I was so relieved we chose not to fly AirFrance but if the other airlines are also affected I will try to stuff as much as I can in my carryon and pray!


Happy to say that I received the last of my three pieces of luggage on Tuesday evening. The whole situation was caused by a baggage handlers strike at CDG (my least favorite airport) and affected many airlines (not just Air France). As to whether it has been resolved - yes, that particular strike is over, but there are no guarantees that another strike won't hit again. All of Europe is noted for strikes, to include trains and buses. Hard to guess when the next strike (for whatever reason) will occur. Although I hate carryon luggage, my packing will definitely be altered for my next trip. Have a great vacation. Euroope is fantastic and we refused to let CDG keep us from having a good time!!!!

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Wow, how things change in a year. When we flew Air France in June 2004 for our Millie flight everything was very smooth. We left CVG (Delta checked us in in Cinn.-short lines) and arrived at CDG about 15 minutes late. Someone was waiting for us as we got off the plane-with a sign saying our name-barcelona and for another woman going somewhere else. He whisked us down to a van, drove us to the concourse, got us through security and escorted us to our gate. The AF plane was waiting for us. Arrived to Barcelona a little late-Celebrity was waiting for us. We arrived 2 days early. Our luggage got off the plane with us. Couldn't have asked for better service. X had scheduled the air. Now, coming home from Venice on World Air, that's a different story:( .

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Two of us have been packing more on one (1) carry-on luggage but recently it got turn-off by various airlines due to either over-sized and/or over-weighted issue. Now besides getting an even smaller and lighter luggage, we bring along an extra small bag just in case (assuming they don't count my DW's handbag as another piece too).

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Happy to say that I received the last of my three pieces of luggage on Tuesday evening. The whole situation was caused by a baggage handlers strike at CDG (my least favorite airport) and affected many airlines (not just Air France). As to whether it has been resolved - yes, that particular strike is over, but there are no guarantees that another strike won't hit again. All of Europe is noted for strikes, to include trains and buses. Hard to guess when the next strike (for whatever reason) will occur. Although I hate carryon luggage, my packing will definitely be altered for my next trip. Have a great vacation. Euroope is fantastic and we refused to let CDG keep us from having a good time!!!!


Thanks Josie! I hope it will be all clear next week when we fly!

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With the possibility of a worst-case scenario, how do you go about collecting the $100 if the bag (s) don't show up after 24 hours? We intend to spend three nights in Barcelona pre-cruise and have our itinerary printed out and in an outside compartment of our bags. Thanks,

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My 70+ mom who is a tough cookie world traveler litterally ran for her 45 min connection in CDG on Air France fell and severely bruised/sprained her thumb and knee. I think the connecting times on AF in CDG for their American passengers are BRUTAL, UNFAIR, WAY TOO TIGHT FOR ALL BUT THE MOST SEASONED ATHELETIC and all around poor planning. The AF ground staff run from rude to just lying creeps who like to give out misinfomation as sport. If you think I am just some troll who bad mouths everything you are wrong. Take a look at my postings. I am a happy traveler. We travel all over the world on a variety of airlines. I would not recomend Air France for those over 65, handicapped, or first time travelers. It does have great service in the air. The hostess got ice for mom's "goose egg" that is her large swollen bruise. The food on Air France is the best. They are notorious luggage loosers and watch that connecting time. Don't buy a ticket that allows less than one hour to connect gates at CDG.


Just my advice take it as such. Happy travels.





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I had a fellow worker that just returned to work today and she had a wonderul cruise on Splendor of the Seas last week. Not everything went smooth but for her first cruise and first trip to Europe I though see had a great trip. Yes they flew Air France into CDG. They had a hard time navigating between terminals and missed their plane going into Barcelona. They were booked on the next flight three hours later. Their luggage made it with no problem. She said there were two older women who came in on US Air and they never did get their luggage. As for me I have flown on both carriers and had a fabulous flight on US Air in May of 2003. This last May we flew through Paris on Air France and three pieces of our luggage didn't make it until 8 hours later, it wasn't a problem but it was a hassel. I'm in the process of looking for Air Fare for our cruise the next May out of Barcelona and will have to decide what to do. I hope I can find a flight on Luthansa to be truthful. Tim

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SO, we are one of the few lucky people who didn't have problems with AF. We flew to CDG and stayed a few days in Normandy before our Millie trip - 1 week before the bag handler's strike. Needless to say, we didn't allow enough time to get to the CDG from Normandy. We arrived 1 hr before our flight to Venice. I appologized profusely to the AF agent stating that "I know we're a little late". The AF agent stated "no, you're on time" and allowed us to check in immediately to the next availble agent! Since this flight was totally booked in economy class, we were "bumped" into busines class - only 4 of us in the entire section and had wonderful views moving from 1 side of the plane to the other as we enjoyed the mountain and lake views from the air! All of our luggage came - not like some of the cruisers on our trip!

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Now I am truely worried about baggage!


We needed to use up our Delta frequent flyer miles before they went belly up. Got routed to Rome May 30 through Toronto From Atlanta on Delta then on to Rome on Alitalia for arrival May 31 day of departure on Liberty at 7 PM. We will have 12 hours from arrival until embark for 12 day cruise. Then return on Air France from Rome to CDG then to Houston then to ATL, boy I am tired just writing about this.

From reading the posts about Alitialia, Air France & Delta I am begining to think that I may be in real trouble if there is a hicup going over with Alitalia or Delta. Going home is different since I won't be a moving target for the bags as on the cruise ship.

Any ideas other than prayer?

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Dear Gipper691,


I would suggest that you take a carry-on bag with enough clothing to get you by for the first 2 to 3 days of your cruise, in case your luggage is delayed. We are flying next June to Barcelona on Air France and I am planning on packing a carry-on bag with enough clothing for 2 to 3 days ...just in case. We are flying from Tallahassee, Florida to Atlanta and then CDG and finally Barcelona. We got a good rate on Air France, but have since read horror stories regarding the level of service (or lack thereof) provided by AF (lost luggage, long lines, frequent delays, and missed connections). Others have told me that it is highly unlikely that we will make our connection in CGD to Barcelona because we only have one hour between flights. Apparently, CDG is a nightmare to connect through with many lines, slow transportation between terminals, customs, etc. If I would have known this upfront, I would not have booked on Air France. I did not do my research. However, since the tickets are non-refundable, I will have to go with the flow and hope for the best.


I am not sure about Alitialia's reputation as far as service, but hopefully they are not as notorious as Air France. I would, however, be prepared with a carry-on bag. Pray is always helpful as well!!


Happy Cruising!



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Alitialia means always late in takeoff and late in arrival. And the worst lines to check in in Italy always overbooked. That being said once on the planes they are ok. Always have a carryon with what you need for medicine, and a few days. No matter which airline. remember 99% of the people have no trouble with any airline(air france included)

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This is not an excuse but I was watching one of the cable channels and they had the story of the collapse of part of the Air France terminal in CDG. THIS YEAR--- 2-E I think and 4 people were killed....now that is a BAD airport...
But that was hardly Air France's fault, or indeed anything to do with them.
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  • 11 months later...
Any more recent experiences w/ Air france?


Last time I went to the States, I used Delta for one long-distance flight and Air France for the other. The European connection to/from Paris was both times with Air France.

Air France (Economy) was a much better experience than Delta. For example the food on Delta is served in a dish out of very thin, flattery plastic. Terrible to look at and terrible to eat from. Air France uses at least some sturdy quality that does not bend and real, non-plastic cutlery. Also Delta demands money for drinks while alcoholic beverages are free on Air France, may it be wine, cognac or champagne (again real french champagne).

Add the friendliness of the stewardess and you get the idea.


On the outbound flight the connecting time was very short, maybe 45 minutes, due to late arrival of the inner-European flight, but Air France handle this situtation very well, despite I was connecting to Delta. Already on board a number of flights were announced whose passengers were asked not to enter the terminal but to approach somebody waiting right at the airplane door. We were leaded to mini-vans waiting next to the plane and driven direct to the respective boarding gates.

This was a very good service by Air France.

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On an overall positive note they were fine. We just returned last week from Italy and used Air France.Food was actually good, flight attendants were always smiling and accomidating.The downside was, late leaving from Atlanta but was ok becasue we had plenty of time in between Paris and our connecting flight to Rome which we were actually put on Alitalia for the last leg of the trip.On the return flight, late out of Rome to Paris. Was very helpful for a handful of us making a tight connection to Atlanta.After much meandering through the airport with a rep. from Air france, they loaded us in a shuttle to a private security area so we did not have to wait in line.After all that the plane was still late to Atlanta. We missed our connecting flight but Delta( code share with them) put us up in a hotel for the night so all in all, at least they were accomidating.

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We flew AF through CDG to Venice last month. Luggage made it both ways fine. We brought carry-on bags with a few days of clothes just in case and next time I will book with 3 hours connection time instead of 70 minutes, but the service was good. We didn't make the connection but through no fault of the airline. Two passengers decided they were apprehensive about flying from Boston to Paris and got off. 1 1/2 hrs. later their five pieces of luggage were found and removed (they do this for security reasons). So we missed the connection.

CDG is big and it seems more like a bus station than an airport, but I would fly AF again. A flight attendant got our connecting flight moved ahead while in flight. We just had to collect our new boarding passes before going to the gate for the Venice flight.

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