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NCL- WORST Guest Services


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Send an email to the most senior person you can find. Including CEO. Generally email addys follow a format so you can figure out anyone's based on that and their name. Those type of complaints generally become "presidential" ( or a similar term) complaints and everyone jumps thru hoops to make it right.


I work in global consumer finance and when a customer emails the CEO directly with an issue or bad service- it gets instant attention. You'd be surprised how well that tactic works. We had one just last week, had 3 teams scrambling for one customer. Give it a try.

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I love how people are wondering what the issue is when it is very clear....the OP even made it the title of this thread and then went on to describe in great detail the issue.



I have to chuckle and people wanting details of the original issue so they can judge if the OP has a complaint....that is not the issue, the way they were treated is....yelled at by a Customer service rep is among the worse thing a employee in the customer service industry can do.


I hope the OP taped the conversation as it would certainly add weight to their complaint when they finally get to speak with someone who values costumers.


I always read posters previous posting history before I believe what they post....there is no reason at all not to believe them....

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I have to chuckle and people wanting details of the original issue so they can judge if the OP has a complaint....that is not the issue, the way they were treated is....yelled at by a Customer service rep is among the worse thing a employee in the customer service industry can do.






Exactly. The issue is not what happened onboard, but how things have been handled by NCL corporate in Miami. People are dying to know what happened onboard just so they can pick it apart and proclaim how they would have handled it better.

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Not enough information from the OP. Unless she can say what the issue was and described what happened just another person venting about something that was probably minor.


The issue that must be taken up with shore-side is not our business and makes no difference to the shoddy treatment reported. That is, unless one believes readers should decide on the level of attention customer interactions should receive from NCL.


One thing for sure. I would be pretty cheesed off if some demanding stranger called me at home and interrupted my Christmas holiday with some non life and death complaint that belongs at the office.


It is not the customers fault that an employee was reached at home. Even if it were, a competent cs rep should be able to deal with the situation calmly and in a manner that does not encourage the customer to post the experience on the net.

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It's so odd to me that on a forum meant to warn others about good and bad service there are people here complaining about my post. My post is 100% accurate. I have nothing to gain or lose about stating my experience here. I am under no illusion that people will not stop cruising NCL because of my post.


My ORIGINAL issue was 1) They last minute moved our room to the very front under the anchor. We were woken 5 of the 7 mornings at 6-7am with 30-50 minutes of roaring noise and our room shaking. 2) Our toilet didn't work 4 of the 7 days. 3) They used our hallway as art storage (see room 8005 on Star). I called and visited the guest services every single day and they were unable to help me besides continuing to send a plumber to our area. It wasn't just my room but the room beside ours as well. There were other smaller issues that weren't a big deal so they were left unmentioned. I am not a cruise complainer. The reason for my post wasn't to complain about my cruise, it was to tell the forum about the horrendous guest services experience I have gotten. I would LOVE to hear "the other side of the story". lol As of yet I have gotten nothing.


I called today (which is not a holiday) to get an update as they were well past the 15 days they told me. I did not call Maria and didn't know she was talking to me from home until she yelled at me about it. The rep only said he was "walking over there".


If you don't feel my post is important, it's fake, not written well...etc, why respond at all? I appreciate some of you are die hard NCL fans. Maybe one of you can get Maria's manager's name because according to her she doesn't have one. lol


To everyone else, thank you for your support.

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Sorry if my lack of paragraphs offended you. I was on a iphone and feeling heated after being yelled at. I will try to do better for you next time. lol



I don't think it's about offense, Jessica.


Seems there are responses trying to offer help. Providing relevant information in the original post helps and so does readability.


It does seem that the employee that took the call at home could have completed the call without yelling. It does seem you have an issue with receiving good customer service.


However, as there isn't much information on the nature of the original complaint, I don't know that we can do much more than be empathetic.


When lodging a complaint I try to clearly explain the nature of the problem, what I did to try to resolve it, what was the response and what result, if any, am I currently seeking. If I do not have a clear endpoint in mind, I will not find satisfaction.



Sometimes a clearly written letter followed up by a TA can help, saving frustration from calls that seem to escalate dissatisfaction. I find it helpful to include some positives as well in the letter. Otherwise it may be perceived that I may not be able to be satisfied and no resolution is possible.




I also will acknowledge





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Thank you for posting your problem.


You did not say why they changed your room - did you book a GTX or at the last minute? These are usually the only reasons you would be put in one of those forward cabins. BTW others have also complained of anchor chain noise on these cabins.


As for the toilet you have a legit complaint there - however is sounds like they tried to repair it - and yes usually more than one cabin is affected when the system gets clogged - probably one of your neighbors flushed items that were not supposed to be flushed. Maybe due to the chain noise :D


As for your treatment by NCL afterwards - I will agree that they have not treated you very well. I am not sure what you are asking for, but they could have had to do some research - again they could have at least communicated with you that they received your complaint and were working on it. As for the phone call that was not your fault but the person at NCL who transferred you to her. She did not need to be so rude - obviously she is more used to dealing with e-mails than in person.


I has been my experience that the best way to resolve these issues is while you are on board - taking it as high as the hotel director if you have to.


Did your cruise have a CC Meet and Greet? did you attend? This is a good place to meet the HD and his/her staff - sometimes even the captain or one of his officers.


The other thing that has not been brought out is what are you asking them to do? If you did not specify some sort of compensation and just made a general complaint? Perhaps general complaints are filed in a folder that is put on the back burner- I don't know.

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Waiting weeks and weeks for an answer isn't minor. If the issue was minor NCL should just issue the "bed bug letter" (research that if you don't get the reference, it's funny and worth it) and be done with it. I don't care if the issue was a light bulb burned out in her cabin that wasn't fixed, being kept waiting for an answer like this is unacceptable.



I looked for the bed bug letter reference and wasn't sure what it was? Can you please point me in the right direction? This sounds funny and I need to read it!

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Obviously the bigger issue right now to the OP is the lack of NCL's customer service after the fact. Whatever the original issue was is probably irrelevant compared to the frustration of the OP trying to deal with NCL shoreside.


Not obvious at all. It is just as likely that the OP blew something way out of proportion, NCL dealt with it, and the OP is not happy with the initial response form NCL. In that case, no company would continue to respond if all the person was doing is going over the same thing over and over. None of us know what went on, the OP was a rant with zero details. As such it holds no merit.

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Send an email to the most senior person you can find. Including CEO. Generally email addys follow a format so you can figure out anyone's based on that and their name. Those type of complaints generally become "presidential" ( or a similar term) complaints and everyone jumps thru hoops to make it right.


I work in global consumer finance and when a customer emails the CEO directly with an issue or bad service- it gets instant attention. You'd be surprised how well that tactic works. We had one just last week, had 3 teams scrambling for one customer. Give it a try.


I laugh when someone suggest email the CEO. 99.99999% of the mail a CEO gets is scanned and dumped on someone else, if not the circular file. Emailing a CO actually slows down the process of getting things resolved. Especially if it is a log winded rant like the OP.

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My ORIGINAL issue was 1) They last minute moved our room to the very front under the anchor.


If the cabin they moved you to was a higher priced cabin that is their right per the contract.


"Carrier shall be entitled to, but not obligated to, upgrade any guest free of charge 03/2014 to higher priced accommodations, at the sole discretion of Carrier."

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It's so odd to me that on a forum meant to warn others about good and bad service there are people here complaining about my post. My post is 100% accurate. I have nothing to gain or lose about stating my experience here. I am under no illusion that people will not stop cruising NCL because of my post.


My ORIGINAL issue was 1) They last minute moved our room to the very front under the anchor. We were woken 5 of the 7 mornings at 6-7am with 30-50 minutes of roaring noise and our room shaking. 2) Our toilet didn't work 4 of the 7 days. 3) They used our hallway as art storage (see room 8005 on Star). I called and visited the guest services every single day and they were unable to help me besides continuing to send a plumber to our area. It wasn't just my room but the room beside ours as well. There were other smaller issues that weren't a big deal so they were left unmentioned. I am not a cruise complainer. The reason for my post wasn't to complain about my cruise, it was to tell the forum about the horrendous guest services experience I have gotten. I would LOVE to hear "the other side of the story". lol As of yet I have gotten nothing.


I called today (which is not a holiday) to get an update as they were well past the 15 days they told me. I did not call Maria and didn't know she was talking to me from home until she yelled at me about it. The rep only said he was "walking over there".


If you don't feel my post is important, it's fake, not written well...etc, why respond at all? I appreciate some of you are die hard NCL fans. Maybe one of you can get Maria's manager's name because according to her she doesn't have one. lol


To everyone else, thank you for your support.


Sorry to hear about the problems you had with the cabin. The plumbing would probably be my biggest issue and if you were having lots of problems with it I would be upset too. At least they kept sending someone to work on the problem and we're trying to address the situation and like someone said earlier probably someone flushed something they shouldn't of down the toilet.


If you booked a GTY room that is something I have done before and I would never do again. I had a noisy cabin when I did the GTY and I knew going in that was the chance I took to save a few bucks. It wasn't worth it to me and I would rather pay a little more to make sure I get the cabin where I want it to be.


Hopefully you get the answers you are looking for. Good luck.

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It's so odd to me that on a forum meant to warn others about good and bad service there are people here complaining about my post. My post is 100% accurate. I have nothing to gain or lose about stating my experience here. I am under no illusion that people will not stop cruising NCL because of my post.


My ORIGINAL issue was 1) They last minute moved our room to the very front under the anchor. We were woken 5 of the 7 mornings at 6-7am with 30-50 minutes of roaring noise and our room shaking. 2) Our toilet didn't work 4 of the 7 days. 3) They used our hallway as art storage (see room 8005 on Star). I called and visited the guest services every single day and they were unable to help me besides continuing to send a plumber to our area. It wasn't just my room but the room beside ours as well. There were other smaller issues that weren't a big deal so they were left unmentioned. I am not a cruise complainer. The reason for my post wasn't to complain about my cruise, it was to tell the forum about the horrendous guest services experience I have gotten. I would LOVE to hear "the other side of the story". lol As of yet I have gotten nothing.


I called today (which is not a holiday) to get an update as they were well past the 15 days they told me. I did not call Maria and didn't know she was talking to me from home until she yelled at me about it. The rep only said he was "walking over there".


If you don't feel my post is important, it's fake, not written well...etc, why respond at all? I appreciate some of you are die hard NCL fans. Maybe one of you can get Maria's manager's name because according to her she doesn't have one. lol


To everyone else, thank you for your support.



I am sorry you had to go through all of that on your cruise and then post here and get raked over the coals for it. It's called Cruise Critic for a reason. Some can't get over anyone implying anything could be wrong with their beloved NCL.


I like NCL. Just sailed again on them but that doesn't mean they walk on water and can do no wrong.


You had no idea that they were contacting an employee at home and you shouldn't have had to know. They had no business treating you like they did .


I hope your issue gets resolved.


Everyone happy now that she posted her "issue" which really she had no reason to. The issue was how she was treated by NCL.

Edited by janpo
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Well...to be fair there are some consumers it is not worth their business at any price. If that is the case with this customer it explains NCL's lack of f***s given over the OP's "issue" and would be relevant here.


They still at least deserve a "bed bug letter".

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It sounds like you booked a guarantee on a sold out cruise....and you got the rock bottom cabin.


There's really nothing customer service can do about this...which is probably why they don't return your calls.


Different story if you paid to select your cabin.....then they owe you something.

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It sounds like you booked a guarantee on a sold out cruise....and you got the rock bottom cabin.


There's really nothing customer service can do about this...which is probably why they don't return your calls.


Different story if you paid to select your cabin.....then they owe you something.


It would kill NCL to send a nicely worded letter stating this? How long would it take to create such a template? Even Pullman did it back in the day;).

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It would kill NCL to send a nicely worded letter stating this? How long would it take to create such a template? Even Pullman did it back in the day;).

Of course they should.....but I'm assuming customer service already explained this to him while on the ship.


Since another cabin had toilet issues...it sounds like this was known to be a problematic cabin....used only as a last resort.

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Of course they should.....but I'm assuming customer service already explained this to him while on the ship.


Since another cabin had toilet issues...it sounds like this was known to be a problematic cabin....used only as a last resort.


Then corporate should back the ship personnel up by explaining the same thing. If it's a known issue it shouldn't take so long for a response.

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It is not the customers fault that an employee was reached at home. Even if it were, a competent cs rep should be able to deal with the situation calmly and in a manner that does not encourage the customer to post the experience on the net.


Agreed. As I said earlier, she could have told the NCL employee that called her at home that she'd handle it when she returned to the office. She agreed to take the call. That's not OP's fault!

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meThe OP stated that her room was changed at the last minute....which means that a room was assigned or selected previously!


If rooms are known to be horribly noisy then a reduced rate with a clear declaration of the issues so a person goes in well informed!


The room was changed at the last minute meaning no chance at making a change. Some one else was assigned that room and complained and was changed....and the OP got jammed with the room.


The OP said to the very front, meaning they were originally in a different location.


They followed all the proper protocol and complained to Guest services who suggested that they bring it to headquarters after the cruise and did so only to get an idiot who yelled at them.


NCL is in the wrong period!

Edited by canadianeh934
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I personally believe that you are muddying the waters too much-- if you had a guarantee or "OK to upgrade" on your reservation, they can absolutely move you. And the "art storage" isn't really serious enough to take it up the ladder. But the toilet issue is a huge concern-- if you follow up with that ONLY and possibly the customer service issue, you may likely get a better response. Too many complaints generally don't lead to resolution. Narrow the focus.

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meThe OP stated that her room was changed at the last minute....which means that a room was assigned or selected previously!


If rooms are known to be horribly noisy then a reduced rate with a clear declaration of the issues so a person goes in well informed!


The room was changed at the last minute meaning no chance at making a change. Some one else was assigned that room and complained and was changed....and the OP got jammed with the room.


The OP said to the very front, meaning they were originally in a different location.


They followed all the proper protocol and complained to Guest services who suggested that they bring it to headquarters after the cruise and did so only to get an idiot who yelled at them.


NCL is in the wrong period!


While there can be a million theories of why the OP was put in that room....it's rather obvious that someone was willing to pay more for OP's original cabin.


His only real complaint is the toilet, and they addressed this by sending plumbers to the cabin.


Again....all is said assuming it was a guaranteed cabin.


But, yes, OP deserves a cookie cutter letter explaining that you agree to take the worst cabin in that category.


For as many as "I was upgraded from an inside guarantee to a penthouse suite" results....there are also those "I had the noisiest, worst location on the ship" placements.

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