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Why is everyone so unhappy?


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I think the problem has many causes.


First, most of the regular posters on here cruise a lot. They love cruising and cannot fathom how someone would not basically wet their pants at the possibility of taking a cruise. Without doing extensive research, I would be willing to bet and amount that is significant to me that is not true for the majority of people on a ship at any given time. The more you cruise, the larger your personal sample size gets and many things become less important.


Second, as has been mentioned the cruise lines spend millions each year telling everyone with a television, radio or internet access how wonderful they are, how exceptional the service will be, show images of dinner service that would rival any place with three Michelin Stars, etc. Face it, I have dined at several of those places on land and NOTHING I have encountered on a ship even comes close. So the company has, to a degree, set themselves up to "fail".


Additionally, many people on that ship may have had to save for two years (or more) to cover the cost of their vacation. Those are very precious dollars (pounds, euros, whatever) and they do not want to feel as if they have wasted them. They see the advertising and read glowing reviews and build an expectation. When things start falling short of a probably overly ideal image, they start getting upset.


Lastly, when an experienced cruiser encounters one of these people on the ship they have no clue what that person has been going through. They may walk up to the customer service desk and hear them getting very upset and jump to a conclusion. What they may not know is that is the third time that person has been down there for the same issue. A prime example, on our last cruise we purchased an excursion though the line. When we didn't get our tickets we asked...reservation had been messed up, they will fix it and we should come back that afternoon. We come back and speak to the SAME PERSON and they look at us like we are from Mars. No clue what was happening...so they bang on the keyboard for about 30 minutes and proudly announce they have credited our onboard account for the first charge and created new reservations on the excursion we wanted. Our tickets and receipt would be delivered no later than the next morning (I thought enough to write down the name of the person helping us). You guessed it, nothing...so we go back down and guess who is there to help us? She looks in the "system" and there is nothing showing as an excursion but there is a charge for the excursion on our account. Now I am much more angry that I am getting the run-around than I am over the original error. Before you ask...yes, I was difficult and terse. And remember, passengers are human...if one had been dealing with the same issue for days and getting nowhere, the next crew member they encounter that falls even a little short may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That isn't fair...but life's not fair.


Lastly, the crew is also human. They may be having a bad day (or week). When a crew member having a bad day encounters the passenger above...well, you can probably guess the way things are going to be reflected in the review.


I am always surprised at the number of people who go after the person giving the review and basically saying they are completely wrong because either they have never had that problem or they were on the same cruise. Never mind that the review may be written by someone in an inside cabin on the bottom deck who had to deal with a lot of issues and the attacker was in a Grand Suite and Diamond+...that is irrelevant.



Oh no. I just wet my pants a little. LOL. I cracked up when i read that--I'm that way. When one of my friends says they'd never take a cruise, I look at them like they're speaking gobbledy-gook. :eek:


Like you, I'm surprised when people tell the reviewer that what they're saying happened didn't happen just because they've never experienced it. I also laugh to myself when the poster says something like, "Everyone on the ship was frustrated with such and such." I'm fascinated that someone would spend their vacation time talking to everyone on the ship to see what frustrated them. LOL.

Edited by Quilting_Cruiser
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Hey, Listen to Pam! Shes the Queen of Cruising. How are ya Pam? We're going on Dailey and Vincent Waterfest 2/14 6 day Carribean. I'm not unhappy. My biggest complaint was my Tux was worn arontd the collar and the battery went dead in the safe. LOL Most people who are happy don't post. Passin Thru

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We have never had a bad cruise-on any cruise line.


Sometimes the cheerleaders get defensive because they believe some of the nonsense excuses that the front desk can give people from time to time.


Some just cannot seem to understand that just because their cabin was perfect does not mean that there could not be a significant problem in one or more of the remaining 1000 cabins.


Ditto for cruises on the same ship two weeks or two months later. Go figure.


I have no doubt that we could have, and have had a wonderful cruise while someone else has been stuck in a cabin with no A/C or non functioning toilet, or a flooded cabin. It happens.

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We have never had a bad cruise-on any cruise line.


Sometimes the cheerleaders get defensive because they believe some of the nonsense excuses that the front desk can give people from time to time.


Some just cannot seem to understand that just because their cabin was perfect does not mean that there could not be a significant problem in one or more of the remaining 1000 cabins.


Ditto for cruises on the same ship two weeks or two months later. Go figure.


I have no doubt that we could have, and have had a wonderful cruise while someone else has been stuck in a cabin with no A/C or non functioning toilet, or a flooded cabin. It happens.


I agree. Many people aren't able to see things from another's perspective and if it was fine for them then it must be fine for everyone else. But, the flip side is--and I believe this is what this thread started out about--is that some people aren't happy no matter how good it is. They complain about everything. Personally, I totally understand how no air conditioning or a banging noise that keeps you from sleeping could have a very negative impact on someone's vacation enjoyment. But, I don't understand how "my steward brought me three towels when I wanted four" or "I had to wait in line for 10 minutes" could possibly ruin a vacation.

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I think sometimes the cruise lines set themselves up for critical guests to find fault.


Their glossy brochures and TV ads give an impression of perfection on board. The ships are gorgeous, the food photos look like Michelin 4*, the models are beautiful, the sky is blue, the white gloves on the stewards create an 'image'. Some folks board expecting that to be reality.


If their toilet doesn't flush or they don't have hot water one night for their shower, they start to crash and burn and the small little slip ups become major catastrophies.



Well, they aren't going to post the cabin with a tiny crack in the plastic in the shower. They aren't going to post the fellow with the wifebeater shirt and worn out flip flops, or the buffet plate piled high with mounds of the unhealthy stuff.


Anyone who truly believes that the picture perfection is the brochures truly depicts what they will experience every minute of every day should have their head examined- and possibly set up an appointment to have it removed from their regions below the belt. :)


Just saying.


Cruising is still awesome, but come on- anyone with half a brain knows that the brochure is MARKETING and not reality.

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Well, they aren't going to post the cabin with a tiny crack in the plastic in the shower. They aren't going to post the fellow with the wifebeater shirt and worn out flip flops, or the buffet plate piled high with mounds of the unhealthy stuff.


Anyone who truly believes that the picture perfection is the brochures truly depicts what they will experience every minute of every day should have their head examined- and possibly set up an appointment to have it removed from their regions below the belt. :)


Just saying.


Cruising is still awesome, but come on- anyone with half a brain knows that the brochure is MARKETING and not reality.


Are you sure about that. Remember, a recent study found the majority thought Judge Judy was an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court.


Just sayin...

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I have wondered the same thing, and basically I have concluded that those posts are made by people that I would generally choose to avoid in my real (not online) life, so I do the same online. I have known people (sadly, some are relatives!) that will ALWAYS find something to complain about or criticize. I avoid them. I prefer to look for the GOOD in people, places and situations. You can always find negatives if that is what you are focused on. I don't want that kind of life. I am so far from perfect it is comical, and I want as much grace as I can get, so I am bound and determined to offer that same grace to those around me!


Btw, my husband and I just took our first ever cruise on the NCL Dawn (you know, that old run-down dump of a ship on that horrible line that the new guy is ruining!) and loved EVERYTHING!!! Does that mean that ever meal was the best ever? nope, but it was perfectly adequate, served by a hard working staff and we felt blessed to be partaking! Was every show as good as a Vegas or Broadway show? No, but it was a whole lot better than what we would be seeing if we were not on the cruise :) Cruises, like life, are what you make them. If you go in with an attitude of appreciation you will enjoy them.

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I have wondered the same thing, and basically I have concluded that those posts are made by people that I would generally choose to avoid in my real (not online) life, so I do the same online. I have known people (sadly, some are relatives!) that will ALWAYS find something to complain about or criticize. I avoid them. I prefer to look for the GOOD in people, places and situations. You can always find negatives if that is what you are focused on. I don't want that kind of life. I am so far from perfect it is comical, and I want as much grace as I can get, so I am bound and determined to offer that same grace to those around me!


Btw, my husband and I just took our first ever cruise on the NCL Dawn (you know, that old run-down dump of a ship on that horrible line that the new guy is ruining!) and loved EVERYTHING!!! Does that mean that ever meal was the best ever? nope, but it was perfectly adequate, served by a hard working staff and we felt blessed to be partaking! Was every show as good as a Vegas or Broadway show? No, but it was a whole lot better than what we would be seeing if we were not on the cruise :) Cruises, like life, are what you make them. If you go in with an attitude of appreciation you will enjoy them.


Great attitude!


And I LOVE that dump of a Dawn!:D

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Also, the link the PP provided has a later time stamp than this one. Weird if it actually was a previous post...


Like you, I thought the PP was just trying to be helpful.




Q_C: The post with the later timestamp was actually the mepamgo (OP) repost to the P&O thread at the request of Mysticalmother. Langley Cruisers found the repost on the P&O thread, thinking it was OP's "lost" original, which it was not. Others then responded to Langley Cruisers, not realizing that was the repost, rather than the lost one. That's why the P&O post has later timestamp...it was not the one mepamgo was looking for.


Here is the exchange that led to the reposting:

Oh please, mepamgo, do come over to the P &O boards and repeat this post
MysticalMother. I will copy this there for you. I haven't cruise with them but will be willing to spread the message. Keep the faith. It's all good if you look at it this way.


Whew! Hope that clarifies. :)

Edited by October Ms.
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Q_C: The post with the later timestamp was actually the mepamgo (OP) repost to the P&O thread at the request of Mysticalmother. Langley Cruisers found the repost on the P&O thread, thinking it was OP's "lost" original, which it was not. Others then responded to Langley Cruisers, not realizing that was the repost, rather than the lost one. That's why the P&O post has later timestamp...it was not the one mepamgo was looking for.


Here is the exchange that led to the reposting:




Whew! Hope that clarifies. :)



Yes, I realized that was what happened, but was trying to not point fingers by simply pointing out the the timestamp was later (therefore, it wasn't the original post). :o I get tired of all the finger pointing and contention on CC so I try to be a good online citizen who doesn't stir up trouble when it's so easy not to! :D It takes so very little to get a few vocal people all riled up!

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Yes, I realized that was what happened, but was trying to not point fingers by simply pointing out the the timestamp was later (therefore, it wasn't the original post). :o I get tired of all the finger pointing and contention on CC so I try to be a good online citizen who doesn't stir up trouble when it's so easy not to! :D It takes so very little to get a few vocal people all riled up!


Certainly, I didn't post to "point fingers", but I had been reading along in the thread and saw the confusion over the flow of the posts and comments. I, too, was trying to be "a good online citizen" by clarifying the situation. My post was not meant to be contentious in any way. Sorry if it was construed in that manner.

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Certainly, I didn't post to "point fingers", but I had been reading along in the thread and saw the confusion over the flow of the posts and comments. I, too, was trying to be "a good online citizen" by clarifying the situation. My post was not meant to be contentious in any way. Sorry if it was construed in that manner.


Didn't interpret it that way at all. Was simply stating why I posted the way I did. That's the problem with text--you can't read tone. If you could, you'd know I was't judging at all. :o

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This is a great thread, but there are some folks who just refuse to understand. Many of us who have done a lot of cruising (we stopped counting after a few years on cruise ships) really love the industry and this form of travel. And, unlike those that might take 1 or 2 cruises in a lifetime, we have a vested interest in "encouraging" the industry to maintain quality. While some of the negative posts you see on CC might be negative posts from negative folks, many others are negative posts from cruise lovers doing everything possible to push the cruise lines towards better quality. And yes, they do read CC (we have heard this from senior cruise line folks). So if happen to take a cruise on a particular cruise line where the HVAC never seems to work properly, or plumbing failures are a near daily problem then, of course, we will post the details. And if a cruise line such as Celebrity suddenly replaces excellent fresh squeezed orange juice with some so-called "premium OJ" that sucks...then we will post it here (with the hope that they will see the error of their ways and make a correction).


For those that have lower standards and are willing to accept whatever they get...well....you will find that folks will give you what you expect. Cruise lines are businesses and their main goal is to maximize profits. If they can cut costs (quality) and increase prices and still attract customers...this will happen. But when the customers demand more quality (and take their dollars to the lines that deliver) then they will be "encouraged" to improve. Cruise lines cannot afford to have empty berths. It is a demanding public that "encourages" higher standards and quality. But if you are willing to settle for mediocre.....that is what you will get.



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I'm sorry but I tried to post this before but it disappeared. Sigh. But I was wondering why so may people were so unhappy about their cruises. I go on a cruise to relax. I don't have to clean my cabin. I don't have to shop for dinner, I don't have to do the dishes and I don't need to cook. I can do what I want on the ship and have no one to answer to . I don't look for everything that might be wrong, such as cracked bathroom shower tiles or someone not painting the outside of the ship. My house is not without problems either. So why do so many people expect perfection? It truly is beyond me. This is my vacation, get away time. Why should I expect perfection? I don't have it at home.:)


That's because forums like these always draw whiners and complainers who like and find something to nitpick about. No cruise is perfect if one is looking to find something to fault. Follow their posting history and you'll soon find out who these kind of people are.

So, my humble advice is, take everything you read here with a grain of salt. ;).

It's your vacation, and yours to enjoy, no matter what negative comments you read here.

Good luck.

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We travel frequently. Everything from small bungalows on the beach, B&B's to five stars.


We do not expect perfection. We do however expect to get what we pay for. Not only in travel products but in all products and services we buy.


We have no particular loyalty to any cruise line. We evaluate value to us based on our personal preferences. We don't hesitate to vote with our feet when we see the overall quality of a product/service decline. This has caused our top cruise line preferences to change over the past two or three years. One brand increasing on our personal scale, another falling off sharply.


I cannot imagine why someone would be satisfied with not receiving what they paid for. It is one thing to complain about a cold meal. Quite another if you have no AC or HCVAC, or proper plumbing in the cabin, if the cabin smells like a box of mould, if the the cabin carpet is so dirty that you will not walk on it without wearing shoes.


These are reasonable expectations and complaints. Who on earth would even begin to assume that they are minor issues that should be overlooked by overly fussy patrons?


Is there anyone out there who does not think that customers are entitled to what they paid for?

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We travel frequently. Everything from small bungalows on the beach, B&B's to five stars.


We do not expect perfection. We do however expect to get what we pay for. Not only in travel products but in all products and services we buy.


We have no particular loyalty to any cruise line. We evaluate value to us based on our personal preferences. We don't hesitate to vote with our feet when we see the overall quality of a product/service decline. This has caused our top cruise line preferences to change over the past two or three years. One brand increasing on our personal scale, another falling off sharply.


I cannot imagine why someone would be satisfied with not receiving what they paid for. It is one thing to complain about a cold meal. Quite another if you have no AC or HCVAC, or proper plumbing in the cabin, if the cabin smells like a box of mould, if the the cabin carpet is so dirty that you will not walk on it without wearing shoes.


These are reasonable expectations and complaints. Who on earth would even begin to assume that they are minor issues that should be overlooked by overly fussy patrons?


Is there anyone out there who does not think that customers are entitled to what they paid for?


You're absolutely right that those big issues are something to be concerned about and an absolutely unacceptable standard of quality. What most of us have been talking about is those who come here and complain about something that is very minor--like that cold plate of food-- and say that it ruined their entire vacation. I don't believe anyone is saying there's never a reason to complain.


I agree with the OP that the overall tone of CC reviews is often negative with nitpicky complaints about things that wouldn't make me even bat an eye were they to happen to me. So what if I had to wait in line for a few minutes? There are a few thousand other people on the ship...of course there will be lines.


Give me a room with no A/C or that smells like sewage and I'll be complaining, too. But, I won't complain if a crew member passes me in the hall and doesn't say "hi."

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For the small things that add up we vote with our feet.


We used to cruise on three lines primarily. We dropped one in favour of Celebrity and Princess because we were tired of the cutbacks and felt that our perceived value had been diminished. We frequent others, but we do check itineraries and pricing on our preferred line first. We seldom even bother looking at the one we dropped.


Much easier to look elsewhere than moan constantly about one cruise line. That is the challenge that the hospitality/travel industry has. If you have a bad meal in a restaurant you apparently tell 10 people. If you have a good one you tell far fewer. I am certain that cruise lines have the same issue.

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Come on folks get real.


We all know some complaints are just crazy.


Some of my favorites:


Why didn't we stop at X Port (when it was never part of the itinerary)


Too many sea days


The ocean was too rough


It rained all the time.


Why are there so a man foreigners



All of you who say we only complain to make the line do a better job, please explain these complaints.


Some people complain because that's there nature and they wouldn't be happy if the won lotto.

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Personally love the complaints from people who say they've sailed with multiple companies or one company on multiple ships for many years and their 1st and only post on CC is negative with no specific details or comparisons.


"The food was horrible" - was it under or over cooked, did they use spices or sauces you don't normally have?


"Drinks were expensive" What did you order? how much was it?


"Entertainment was boring/not enough to do" what were you expecting?


"Cabin was small" What cabin were you in? How big were you expecting considering the size of the ship an how many cabins there are?

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We travel frequently. Everything from small bungalows on the beach, B&B's to five stars.


We do not expect perfection. We do however expect to get what we pay for. Not only in travel products but in all products and services we buy...


I cannot imagine why someone would be satisfied with not receiving what they paid for. It is one thing to complain about a cold meal. Quite another if you have no AC or HCVAC, or proper plumbing in the cabin, if the cabin smells like a box of mould, if the the cabin carpet is so dirty that you will not walk on it without wearing shoes.


These are reasonable expectations and complaints...


Is there anyone out there who does not think that customers are entitled to what they paid for?


"Getting what you paid for", I think, goes to the heart of this everlasting debate. Some people who have paid perhaps $500-600 / week / person expect to be treated to a luxury experience. That type of expense might by a week in some 2 star hotel with meals at fast casual restaurants.


I am in total agreement with you that the experience should be clean and all advertised services available. I just think you need to think carefully what you have paid for your vacation experience.

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