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All Things EARTH... part 2


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I forgot to mention it, Margaret, but sometimes my outfits get like your experience with that hat and scarf.  


For me, let's say I grab a warm purple sweater and pair it with brown pants.  It will look great.  But that purple sweater is 3/4 sleeves and a fine gauge knit.  So then I start looking at a sweater or blazer to add, and suddenly I can't make it work.  It's like we have to get the combination just right.  

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Lovely scarves Laurie...I like the idea of scarves a lot...and when the weather was cold, I really enjoyed wearing them. Mentally, I understand how they could help me with scoop necks etc in warmer weather...especially if I'm running errands and just going to and from a car all day. I have tried to wear lighter weight, almost gauze like warm weather scarves so that I can have a bit of sun protection on my neck and chest especially...but I still find it hard to wear scarves in warm weather.


I've culled my scarves quite a bit and determined I shouldn't buy any more until I really start wearing the ones I have more regularly. It's something I want to do...so I know I should spent some time to figure it out.


That's what I did for packing for this past cruise. I really spent time trying on my dresses and at the very least...taking pictures of the dresses themselves. I really wanted to get good photos of DH and I and so I didn't want to take dresses that I was uncomfortable in. In the past, I have taken along dresses that I liked, but wasn't comfortable wearing for whatever reason and I determined I would not do that on this cruise. Once I had sorted what I was taking, DH and went through his clothes and literally were holding up his shirt choices with my dresses to figure out our pairs. DH's coloring has always been a factor in the clothes we buy....I think of him and Margaret as being similar Earth's because I think DH has more dramatic coloring...that red head skin and that "I used to be a carrot top darker hair" of non-youth. He is higher contrast than I am so by and large, his non-tee shirt, non-activewear clothing is all earth...so coordinating was pretty simple.


Thank you for the compliment Laurie...I was recently in a position where the group I was with had other photographers...and I wasn't taking very many pictures. I had the opportunity to be IN the pictures more and even said that I don't like taking pictures. But the fact is that I just don't like the way I look in pictures...I don't want to see my current figure in 2D (which looks even worse) and generally, I'm just not very photogenic...my features are a bit soft LOL and I feel like I've forgotten how to smile...because my smile can look so fake in so many pictures. I realize though that if I avoid taking pictures, I won't BE in any pictures and I feel like there should be some record of me and my adventures...something I can look back on and enjoy. I look back on the Alaska photos and while I'm still unhappy with my general physique, I was really happy on that trip and I don't hate the photos.


I've seen plenty of people with imperfect bodies look wonderful IMO and so I know it's possible to be happy with my appearance, even if it falls short of my mental image of myself. That was my overcoming for this past cruise.


pacruise...I have one bamboo shirt. I want more. It's a great fabric. Also purchased for the Alaska cruise. Wool dries faster but bamboo really breathes and has a better feel. 


Whatever you decide Laurie about a hot tub suit...I would say that you should really like the suit and feel good in it. Especially on ships, hot tubs can be quite social...though I don't know how your hearing affects how well you are able to interact with the noise of the jets? How frustrating or not it can be...but for my part, I do like it if there is some conversation going on...people taking about what they did in port, etc. Visiting the hot tubs was kind of like our social hour and we typically saw a few of the same people every day, which made for fun social time. Kind of like what I expect happens for those people that can go to the diamond lounge, or similar. Point being, wear something that makes you feel good. Not your best suit...but a good suit...and oh well...it might get faded. And hopefully the color change won't be too bad. If it is bad, then maybe look for another suit?


I had one Athleta suit that faded AWFUL..so I wouldn't necessarily recommend those. Of the two suits that I wore in the hot tubs, one faded but the other didn't really so maybe you'll be fortunate and it won't fade as badly as you may imagine.

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Anita, your post echoed much of my own feelings.  I too love to wear scarves and have way more than I need. I find that I wear only a few of them but wear them frequently. I have both cool and warm weather scarves so I do wear them year around. Yes, I too need to par down my scarf collection. I am now more careful in my choices and try to only purchase scarves that go with several outfits and also travel well. I need to be careful about the thickness of the scarf or it will swallow up my neck and then some.


I can identify with your feelings about picture taking. I too feel as if I don’t look good in pictures and I also think my smile looks sorta fake-no matter how I try. I have studied others’ smiles and feel that they look so much better than mine.  So I am wondering if many of us are just too critical of ourselves. I so admire those who don’t shy away from photo ops and it is fun to see everyone’s pics posted on this thread.  The pics of you and your DH on your recent cruise are quite lovely and will bring you many happy memories.


For those wanting to order from Coldwater Creek, they are currently offering free shipping with minimum.


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I think we are all too hard on ourselves . I spent a lot of my life chubby and now I am too thin . Frankly chubby looks better .Anita your pictures look great . You always seem to be having so much fun and I love your clothes choices they are so you .That is what I used to struggle with I would see someone in an outfit I liked and I would copy it . It would not look good as it was not me . I now know my style and stay pretty true to it .My goal for next month besides doing my taxes is to get rid of everything in my closet that is not me .


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CocoCay Day...


Meanwhile...back on the ship...our last full day of the cruise was the stop in CocoCay. If you aren't familiar, this is Royal's private beach destination and they just recently finished doing a multi-million dollar investment there. When I first visited CocoCay on our Enchantment sailing, back in fall 2015? the destination still had that somewhat underdeveloped tropical island feel. There were no paved paths...in fact there was a nature trail hiking trail that you could take around the little island...which I never did because I had heard it was mosquito central... The island didn't offer much in the way of entertainment any more than going to any beach on the mainland would.


Now the island has been transformed into what can be described as a very Disney-fied idea of a tropical amusement island. Some people are somewhat horrified by the dramatic change and long for the days when you felt like you were going to a somewhat deserted tropical island paradise...far away from civilization. There's a lot of talk about having to pay additional money on the island now because there are a LOT of opportunities to spend a significant amount of money here on the island...but the purchase of the things like day beds, cabanas, water park admission, hot air balloon ride, a day pass to the Beach Club, and any number of excursions is optional...there has just been a significant change in the baseline amenities of the island...all of which are still included in the cruise fare.


I think I appreciate the paved paths the most...which are semi-shaded with triangle-shaped tarps...the improvement to the buffet areas (there are two now), the improvement with snack shakes in multiple locations...better restrooms...sand removal showers at random all over along the paths...etc etc. On our past visit, we were able to get away from the crowds entirely, walking to a far off beach location and literally, it was so far...there were just a few other people in sight. We could pretend we were alone in the world...and that is 100% NOT POSSIBLE any more...but that doesn't make for a bad beach day.


For our part, we weren't in a hurry to get off the ship. Today's weather was extremely overcast with the likelihood of on and off showers and some wind. We were definitely planning to enjoy the beach but weren't concerned about our chair location, etc., so didn't feel the need to let concerns like that dictate our day.


We did our typical vacation routine of breakfast...at the buffet for the first time. Then Starbucks. We knew from our previous visit that you can take any disposable container off the ship...so with Starbucks in hand, we headed out.


Since our visit in on December 1...pretty all sure...South Beach and the additional admission Beach Club had opened. I do believe this is the final phase of this planned improvement at CocoCay. On our last visit, we headed through the Oasis pool area and over the beach on the far side of that...so this time, we wanted to check out South Beach.


I would recommend South Beach if your weather is iffy. Later, back on board in the hot tub, there were complaints that the captain had downplayed the poor weather. What we noticed walking back to the ship was that South Beach was less windy and felt more protected than everywhere else we were walking. It could simply have been the direction of the wind and the pattern of the storms but if what we experienced is the weather trend...South Beach is a haven on the island.


Breakfast was light and enough time had passed...we really wanted a funnel cake. The funnel cake was MUCH improved since our last visit. OMG. This was made fresh...filled the plate...had the thick and chewy with the crunchy...and a choice from three different toppings (caramel, chocolate, or strawberry)...which was drizzled all over with some powdered sugar as well. Also served with a small cup, like a dipping sauce cup, of vanilla soft serve. This was as good of a funnel cake as I have ever had.


Our first landing spot didn't have an umbrella...so after our late morning snack...we found two loungers with an umbrella. We weren't front row...but it was fine. We sorted everything so that if it rained, we'd still have dry towels and other things were generally protected and we hit the water with our goggles to see what we could see.


The water was cold. The kind of water where you just walk in to your knees...ignoring the fact that it is cold...and before it hits your torso...dive in and get it over with. Once in, you were okay...and it was actually pleasant. The air was warm but with the wind the water felt warmer than the air. At this time of the morning, DH and I were literally one of 5 people that we could see who had gotten into the water. Most were stuck below the knees.


It did rain. Soft rain...not tropical storm rain. Quite relaxing actually. We saw various different fish and also about a dozen conch. Seeing their tracks in the sand was really interesting. The way they move creates that chevron track like heavy equipment trackers and construction site machinery leave. We went out a couple times...and the second time we went out we saw the manta ray? It was HUGE...comparing it to my 36" diameter coffee table at home...it was easily bigger than that. So beautiful and fast as it fluttered by, just skimming the ocean floor.


I think DH took a bit of a nap. I did some coloring. We ultimately decided that since we had been eating at Sabor a couple of times, we could skip the walk to the buffet area. We weren't that close and the snack shack was right there. The burgers looked good. They weren't that great though. The were cooked fine and there's good toppings, but they had no seasoning at all...and they were so thick, normally a good thing...but they didn't get any flavor from the cooking process at all. I didn't finish mine.


I didn't take many photos...I just didn't feel like this trip I guess. But I did take these. It shows our orientation to the Beach Club...which is to the left of this view. You can see one of the over the water cabanas...




And see how overcast the day was. In this area, South Beach, there is also a swim up bar...




And this photo shows how the sun was coming in and out...and the resulting different colors of the water. It was a gorgeous day at the beach.


South Beach also had other entertainments...not that we did them. Volleyball, basketball?, one table tennis table, at least one of those corn in the hole games. You could hear some music...a very Zumba friendly Latin feeling kind of music. I was enjoying that but I was kind of put out by the personal bluetooth speakers. There were two in our area and I found it very annoying to have listening power of three different distinct musics all playing at once. I had to really focus on not focusing in on the music...which bugged me.


Still...a great day and when we naturally felt like we had had enough of an explore of the water...and tired of the loungers...we decided to go back to the ship and hit up the thermal suite.


We went straight there...showering at the island...then showering again at the suite...and otherwise...doing what we do. We did drop off our beach supplies before heading to the hot tub. The hot tub was virtually empty. It was quite windy...but the hot tub was HOT and the wind was kind of nice.


For dinner this night, I wore my 3/4 quarter sleeved Boho dress. DH wore a dark polo. I took my wet braids and pinned them going over my head...like a headband. It worked. Because it was the last night...pictures weren't really out so we don't even have a photo from this night. Picking out photos after dinner was one of the first times that I really thought about how this was our last day on the ship.


We had dinner at Chops and it was as good as before. We are simple though and except for different appetizers, we ordered the same meal as before.


Our evening plans were the comedy club at 9:00 PM. We wanted to be packed before that...and the photos. Which resulted in us arriving with 10 minutes to spare, which would have been upsetting if we couldn't get a seat. They generally open the shows at 10 minutes prior to show time for those without reservations. The two comedians were also performing in the main theater for a late night adult show following our 9:00 PM show...so that, combined with people packing, etc., meant that the comedy club was only half full. The first comedian was a woman and my impression was that she was nearing the end of her "tour" because she just seemed to have an "I don't even care" attitude and didn't end up being very funny. Funny enough though, I remember bits of her act more than the guy following who actually made me laugh.


We headed up to the room after the show.


We missed the deadline to alert the ship to our departure plans...but we took the sheet to guest services the next morning, who said it would be fine, but it wasn't. We didn't get the early baggage time we had requested...and the time we got didn't jive with our meet up time with Debbie. So we opted to deal with our luggage ourselves.


We didn't bother with food...we were going home and didn't see the need to deal with the hassle of food with luggage in tow on the ship. Certainly wasn't going to pay for Starbucks on the ship either...so after waking up to the alarm...the first, and only, one we set while on the ship...we got ready...finished packing the last toiletries and headed off.


The facial recognition in Port Canaveral is really, really convenient. Slightly freaky...but so nice when you can just walk on through, stand in front of the camera, get a green light and then exit the terminal.


We were home in time for Debbie et al to hit the road by 10:00 AM.


I'll wrap up my thoughts on the cruise overall in a bit.

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2 hours ago, MJC said:

FYI - I had trouble with CC a lot today... deleted cookies and browser history and now it's fine.

It appeared they were having issues for a lot of people.  I tried deleting cookies & clearing browser, even restarting computer - ultimately got in too.


Anita, I feel sad it was your last day 😞 If you are like me though I'm often ready to get back to "the real world" by the end of the cruise - while I love to get away I also have a really good life at home too 🙂 

We went to Coco Cay in 2014 on our second cruise and it was definitely rustic.  We did the nature path - I don't remember too many mosquitos 😉 

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Margaret, I just had to do the same thing with my computer.  A few nights ago, I was on this page and some sort of security thing started loading.  I quickly realized it was spam that contained a virus, and I removed the app from my computer and ran a security scan.  Sometimes, when you are moving the mouse around, the ads move around so that when you go to click on something, you end up on the ad instead?  I think that is what happened.  Not sure.


But all is good now!


With scarves, I prefer long, lightweight and thin.  I can maneuver them better.  Since I am broad shouldered and rather chesty, fuller scarves don't work well on me.


With the new ones, the one with the teal color in it is lightweight, and it is long.  For me, that is perfect.  I have not played with the other scarf yet, but the fabric is a bit heavier and it is a tad wider.  I would say the length is the same though.   I might wear that one tomorrow (with the flowers and the birds) and see how it works out.  


Anita, I was very curious to hear about Cococay for the reasons you mentioned.  Myself, I have to say I loved the peacefulness.  We usually found a nice shaded spot near the water, but was very close to the food area and the stage.  They always had music going, but it wasn't loud...I found it to be a wonderful experience.  


While I know there will be people everywhere, is it loud or crowded feeling?   I still look forward to going there.  Getting a cabana has been on my wish list forever, but I heard they are priced outrageously so sadly, that will probably never happen. I'm sure I will still have a great time!


Oh, and the Starbucks thing...I actually prefer Café Lattetudes.  I would just ask for an extra shot of espresso. It gave me a stronger coffee in my cappuccinos and lattes like I like.   At home at least, I'm not fond of the Starbucks we have in this area.  My nickname is Charbucks, lol.  Everything I get tends to taste old and burnt, or cloyingly sweet.  

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I've been home for four weeks now. 😬 It's given me a lot of time to ponder clothes & wardrobe. Here are some basic thoughts.


I completely stopped wearing brown as a base bottom because it turns out I don't really have any casual tops that go with brown any more. How did that happen? I have too many navy-based tops to the exclusion of other colors I like better, I think because as I've gained weight it's the easiest color to find. I wear bits of my work clothes but not all of them, and not in the combinations I bought them for. My casual at-home clothes are getting a lot of wear, and not holding up well. My Lucky tees are all old and losing their shape, and the cat puts holes in them too easily. I don't have enough lounge pants/leggings and I don't like to wear my gym clothes for that. I have one pair of jeans that I wear all the time because I can't find my other pair (at the lake, maybe?), and my light wash jeans are ankle pants which it's too cold for, and I don't like them in winter anyway. I don't like any of my scarves with my new winter coat -- it's probably an AIR green but I needed a coat, so.... I have light colored tops that I never pick first, or second, or even third. I have a lot of jewelry orphans -- jewelry I really like, but doesn't go with anything I can wear right now. Long-sleeved tees would be really helpful in this weather, but I only have three. I have enough nightgowns, but no cold night jammies and I really need some -- DH and I changed sides of the bed because of his surgery, and I'm sleeping on the cold side of the room now. Brrr.


So, lots of practical issues that can be easily fixed, and color issues that if addressed would make me MUCH happier. It really helped that I finally got my hair colored and cut yesterday. I had gone two months and looked horrible. I was feeling a bit shabby all around. Now I'm thinking ahead to spring, and what I'd like to be wearing, and here are some of my recent purchases.


From Coldwater Creek: these are both the same color Sedona, and are almost too cool to be my favorite taupe or mushroom color -- skating along that deep autumn/deep winter line. I decided to keep them because I know how I want to style them already with accessories I already have, so I'm confident the color will work in my wardrobe... and I really really like them!






This blouse is said to run small, so I ordered a 10, but have to exchange it for a 12. I have had my eye on this since it first appeared, so how exciting that I got a bargain price! I have three different pants that it goes with already, and I can style it with red or teal jewelry I already own. I am excited for the first spring day I get to wear it:


https://www.coldwatercreek.com/outlet/shirts-and-blouses/grace’s-garden-no-iron-shirt/17569.html?q=grace's garden&dwvar_17569_config=M


Here are the bathing suits I ordered from Lands End. The purple suit and coverup are too bright so they are going back. I was hoping the earthy purple would balance out the pink, but the pink is just too vivid. The blue/turq rash guard and swim brief I will keep. They will be great for kayaking and paddle boarding. They are navy but they look a bit purplish on my screen:




I also had a couple nice finds at Marshall's. The first is a cute pajama set (shorts not shown) and the other is a workout top in... TEAL!! So hard to find. It has a neat twisty knot kind of thing going on in the back. I filtered the pics a bit to get the color to look right. We have some cold cold weather with that gray light that makes everything look murky.











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So a quick update on DH. He started PT this week so that is a bit rough on him. We are walking 2 miles a day, one in the morning and one before dinner, and we practice the stairs (he is up to 3 flights up and down). We've been able to eat out twice this week at restaurants that have a bar we can sit at. We go for brunch or lunch so there are no lines to wait in. Last night, hurrah, we both slept through the night for the first time in a month. So, things are looking up. I am able to leave him on his own for an hour or so now (with the phone in his pocket, natch), so yesterday I went out for groceries, and today I had coffee with a friend.👍


I just have to say, as a person who has worked outside the home my whole life, with a DH who is also gone all day... OMG the cooking and dishes and laundry and tidying and cleaning and fetching and dressing and shoe-tying... it's endless! My hat is off to stay at home parents because if this was my life all the time I would run away from home and join the circus. There have been many, many days when I haven't gotten a shower until well after dinner. I did my hair and makeup today to go out, and finally recognized myself in the mirror. 🙂

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LOL Margaret...Since 1995, I have less than 3 years working outside the home. I did do actual work before DS was born...but then my "work" wasn't for anything outside home...all family and house related. You have described my post college life to date. I want to comment on all your wardrobe talk but I have so much I should get done this morning. DH is taking a half day and we have some afternoon plans...I have cooking, cleaning, and laundry to take care of. LOL. And if I'm fortunate, I'll take a shower before we go out. LOL

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Margaret , Glad your husband is on the mend .I have always worked so retirement with the SO had their moments but now we are into a nice routine . I always cook dinner unless we are going out and I occasionally make lunch but not every day . He needs to keep his den straightened up and I take care of the rest . He is good about keeping the kitchen neat . Since I have been sick I have given up ironing except for a few things . It is so freeing .

We do not have any travel planned right now . We have looked at several trips but with this virsus we have decided to stay home until it passes . My immune system is still too weak to chance it..

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Sally, I'm glad to hear you're staying put for a while before trying to travel. We are now on the fence about our trip to Tel Aviv and Athens in early May (it's been on, then off, then on for just DH, then off, then maybe just us). Now that the other parties involved are not in the mix, we decided it was on again, but we want to wait and not to book anything yet to see how things progress. It is just as likely that the virus will be here by then, so who knows what will happen.


I added this tee shirt to my new purchases. I got Walnut Brown and Capri Seas. The brown is EARTH but the teal is likely ICE as I would describe it as closer to a jewel tone and not necessarily muted.




I like the fabric, which has a silky soft feel. I'm not a big fan of the dolman cut and prefer an inset sleeve, but it does drape very nicely and isn't snug. Both of these colors will go with sweaters that I used to wear to work with dressier tops. Of course the brown will go with lots of other things too. I will definitely wear these out of the house, whereas a lot of my current tees are just around the house kind of clothes at this point.




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Margaret, I really liked that button down shirt.  Being extremely busty I struggle with button shirts.  Does anyone have suggestions (purchase really large and have tailored)?  I'm glad your husband is doing better 🙂, PT is rough but worth it.  I always wanted to be a homemaker and am glad to have the opportunity, but I often wonder how "payroll" mom's get it all done.  I've come to realize we are all different though and things I do as a homemaker I just wouldn't do if I were still 9-5. 


Sally, I rarely iron 😮 I agree in your situation it is wise to stay close to home for a bit.


I learned a new trick from youtube that I will try next week when shopping with my daughter (she's on spring break this week - yay!).  To determine if pants fit (or at least are worth taking to the fitting room) you can wrap the waist around your neck - like a cape - and if the ends meet comfortably they should fit.  I tried it with my 2 pairs that fit well and 1 pair that I knew was still tight and it really seemed like a good indicator.  We are planning to hit some thrift stores to update the wardrobe (freshman 15, sigh) and hoping this saves some time and frustration.

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Last sea day of this cruise, heading into FLL to start b2b tomorrow. Weather has been crummy until yesterday at Cozumel. MardiGras was insane!  More when I’m on better WiFi. View is sunrise from our balcony. Melody








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I forgot to mention it, Margaret, but sometimes my outfits get like your experience with that hat and scarf.  


For me, let's say I grab a warm purple sweater and pair it with brown pants.  It will look great.  But that purple sweater is 3/4 sleeves and a fine gauge knit.  So then I start looking at a sweater or blazer to add, and suddenly I can't make it work.  It's like we have to get the combination just right.  


Melody, it looks like you are having a great time!  Those drinks sure look good.


Margaret, I like having knit basics.  They are my go to when I am not at work.  You may notice I wear these a lot when I am on a cruise.  Pair them with shorts and  necklace, jean's, scarf and sweater, etc.

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On 2/29/2020 at 1:46 PM, pacruise804 said:

Being extremely busty I struggle with button shirts.  Does anyone have suggestions (purchase really large and have tailored)? 


A few years ago, I figured out that I have larger than average deltoids...the part of your shoulder that is on your arm above your armpit. I had to do a pattern adjustment to increase the size there...in addition to making my feel like I couldn't raise my arms much in the shirts I was wearing (something I generally associated with wearing shirts with sleeves)...the lack of ease around my upper arm/shoulder would pull on the front of any blouse I was wearing. So double whammy with being busty...I would have a whole lot of pull on those buttons.


I am also bustier than the typical dress form used for ready made clothing. It has taken me a while to figure out that I do need to size up to accommodate my bustier self and then alter the backs of clothing. It's not quite as back as accommodating a pregnant belly, but that's the gist of it. For those things that don't require a waistband, sadly, I have discovered that maternity wear fits me pretty well. I found a jacket in Goodwill that was a maternity jacket and trying it on...almost a perfect fit.


So that's the basic idea. If you have ever sewed or know anything about sewing, there could be some significant alterations, depending on how well fitting you want your clothing to be. If the larger size to accommodate your chest means that the shoulder line is falling off your shoulders...that could mean some significant alterations...just taking in excess fabric on the back or under the arm pit wouldn't result in a good fit. You need to buy a size large enough to have the fabric you need, but if that larger size doesn't have good fitting shoulders as is, then IMO you would be better off with a bespoke button down.


I have serious issues with button downs...have for ever...which is why I have never really owned any button down shirts. Knits have been my go to shirt forever but I have noticed that most knits do absolutely nothing to help me feel attractive. I have serious shirt issues when I want to look nicer.


Very nice that you get your kiddo for spring break. We will not be seeing ours until July and even then, we will only see him for such a relatively short time. 


Margaret...your wardrobe analysis seems to be going well. You are inspiring me to go through my own wardrobe and see how things are. I have so many concert tees. Just a few years ago I had cleared out most of the graphic tees from my wardrobe, but I started getting concert tees again. After not having had them for a while, when I started wearing them again, I realized how much I enjoyed wearing them...they are a conversation piece...and I have had many interesting conversations with people who could start talking to me because of the common ground my tee announced. I enjoy that.


What I don't enjoy is the fit of the tees. I think it would be worth my time to figure out how to alter the necklines...if possible, given the design on the shirt...and possibly the sides to make the shirts more of the "figure flattering" variety with a bit of shape added so they weren't so boxy. And whatever other alterations or full on redesigns people have done to make their concert tees be more stylish.


Sorry to hear the weather hasn't been so wonderful Melody...but it looks like you are having a great time despite that! Mardi Gras IS insane LOL...

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22 hours ago, awhfy said:

Last sea day of this cruise, heading into FLL to start b2b tomorrow. Weather has been crummy until yesterday at Cozumel. MardiGras was insane!  More when I’m on better WiFi. View is sunrise from our balcony. Melody








Oh you two....don't you know how to have F U N!!!
xx oo Rosie

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Anita, thanks for the advice.  Unfortunately I didn't inherit my great grandmother's sewing ability, but I do know a good local seamstress/tailor.  I'm sorry you have to wait so long to see your son 😞 are you able to Skype or FaceTime much?


Melody, your pictures are fantastic 😄 

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Sally, thanks for the heads up about jjill. I'll have to take a look. Melody, nice photos, you look like you're having fun!


Button downs:  I think they are more of a challenge if you are not evenly proportioned. My shoulders and hips are the same width so I'm usually ok with blouses, though at my current weight the bust is an issue sometimes. My smaller shirts I now wear unbuttoned like a jacket over a tee or shell, and I like that look with a nice necklace. I also am a big fan of fashion tape when they're buttoned up to keep that one place (there's always that one place!) from gaping as I move around. If I can put them on over my head I even stitch up that little part in the middle that can gape. Multiple strategies. That being said, buttoned blouses were much easier to wear when I was an A or  B cup. When I was smaller I also looked for ones that had the back darts to define the waist a bit. I just love the colors on the new blouse so much, I am determined to make it work for me.


I found my other jeans on a hanger underneath another pair of pants. Yay. They are straight leg ones that I wear with my booties, so I was really missing them. I HATE shopping for jeans. I have a 31" inseam so they are never long enough. Tall sizes are too long in the waist for me.


I think the takeaway from all this clothes pondering is that I would like to have fewer things but have them be higher quality and last longer. I inherited this idea from my mother that I have "for right now" clothes because I'm unhappy with my size, and at some future date I will have the clothes I want. She basically lived her whole adult life in "for right now" clothes. I don't want to be that person. However, it will take me several months to get back down to a size I'm happy with, and in the meantime I want to look well dressed, so I've decided to buy a few nice things for the coming spring and stop this hunting around in my closet through things I don't want to wear any more.


Anita, your comments about altering tees had me poking around youtube. What a wealth of sewing videos! I don't have a serger so I was excited to find one about finishing seams on a regular machine. During the Flashdance years we regularly cut our tshirts that we wore for class in our own particular ways -- I would always cut the neck out of mine to make it wider. When I was in the dance chorus for an opera, the costume designer came to ballet class and took our pictures in our dance clothes, and when we got our costumes and wigs it was clear that she interpreted our individual "look" into them. Very cool.









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