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Barry Manilow Is Suing Princess Cruises


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"The legendary artist is currently on his final concert tour and these unauthorized lido deck rebroadcasts are hurting his ticket sales"


I wonder if his ticket sales are "hurt" because people are taking a cruise to see his concert instead of schlepping to Las Vegas OR if it is because once you've seen the concert you don't want to see Manilow in person??:D:D

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I know being able to watch Barry Manilow in concert is the only reason I take a Princess cruise, instead of going to Lost Wages (Las Vegas). Actually I've never seen his show on Princess, nor have I ever been to Vegas.

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"The legendary artist is currently on his final concert tour and these unauthorized lido deck rebroadcasts are hurting his ticket sales"


I wonder if his ticket sales are "hurt" because people are taking a cruise to see his concert instead of schlepping to Las Vegas OR if it is because once you've seen the concert you don't want to see Manilow in person??:D:D


You may be on to something........:rolleyes:

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I didn't know he was still alive.. :(


I totally laughed out loud at that! If anything, I think Princess is doing him a favor; helping reach a wider, more captive audience! He should be paying them :D

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"The legendary artist is currently on his final concert tour and these unauthorized lido deck rebroadcasts are hurting his ticket sales"


I wonder if his ticket sales are "hurt" because people are taking a cruise to see his concert instead of schlepping to Las Vegas OR if it is because once you've seen the concert you don't want to see Manilow in person??:D:D


That was my initial thought...who would want to see him in person after watching that video. :D


Seriously though, I don't understand the part of the complaint that it would hurt their ticket sales. Either you like Barry Manilow or not. You certainly wouldn't take a cruise in lieu of going to see him.


I think Swank will have more culpability here. Princess paid them for the rights. If Swank didn't have the rights to sell they seem more guilty. And Princess showed the film in International Waters.


On that note, no loss to me for it to be pulled from the line up.

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I know being able to watch Barry Manilow in concert is the only reason I take a Princess cruise, instead of going to Lost Wages (Las Vegas). Actually I've never seen his show on Princess, nor have I ever been to Vegas.



Must be an old concert......Barry hasn't been in Vegas for a few years...

You'd think he'd want the publicity? :p

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If there's anything that would make me want to jump overboard, that would be it :p


i just knew that when i opened this thread i would get some good laughs to start my day….u'all didnt disappoint me!

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