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First timers review of Carnival Victory 3 day to Bahamas


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Let me introduce ourselves. I am 35 and DH is 32, but neither one of us act like it. We have been married for just over a year. DH is in collage full time and this was his spring break. We decided to take this cruise as an early graduation present since he graduates in July. Plus our 1 year anniversary was in December. And his birthday is on the 12th so it was kind of an early birthday trip. We had a lot to celebrate in 3 days!


This was my first cruise so I went into it expecting nothing and knowing nothing, except for little things I picked up on CC the past few weeks. DH and I are the type of people that run and try and do and see as much as we can so I’m currently recovering from my vacation. Ha! I will try and get pictures posted soon.


Check-in I thought was easy and didn’t take much time at all. We left out of Port Canaveral and drove over from Tampa. We wanted to get there early to get through check in and on the ship quicker, but we got stuck in bad traffic so we didn’t get there until around noon. We parked off-site at Port Canaveral Parking for only $8.95 a day instead of the $20/day at the port. The shuttle bus was easy and I would do it again.


It seems like we checked in and were on the ship within half an hour of getting to the port. My first reaction upon getting on the ship and seeing the lobby for the first time was that I thought it would be bigger. I guess I was picturing a massive lobby area when in reality it was big, but not as big as I imagined.


From there we went to the Lido deck, which I remembered as deck 9. We looked around and found some seats. We got our first drink (The Fun Ship, it was very yummy!) and eventually grabbed some lunch. We had to wait a little while for a table to open up, but once we did DH went and got a burger while I watched the carry on stuff. Then while he ate I went and got myself something. I just got chicken tenders, fries, and cole slaw, which were good. Except I didn’t care for the cole slaw, but I tend to be a cole slaw snob.


When I do it again I think I would just wait to check in until our room is ready at 1:30, that way we can drop off our carry on stuff and then go get lunch and explore the ship. We found ourselves just sitting around waiting for our room to be ready. I think next time we will get there after our room is ready.


When our room was ready at 1:30 we headed to deck 7 and found our room. My first reaction was it was bigger than I expected. We just had an interior room so I expected a small closet to stay in for the next 3 days. I was surprised at all the closet and drawer space, plus the big bed (we had 2 twins pushed together). The bathroom was an ok size. At first I thought it was a little warm, but it eventually cooled off. In fact the second day we were cold. But, I was happy with what we had. It seemed nice and clean. The tv was old and I noticed that the phone was really dirty, but overall I was happy.


DH and I were ready to make us some cold drinks but we had no ice and no clue where to get ice. We found out that our cabin steward would bring us ice but we hadn’t seen him. We settled on a luke warm soda and went to explore the ship. This is a thing that I would love to change. I can get my own ice. I don’t need to wait for someone else to get it for me. I’d rather walk down to an ice machine and get ice myself then drink a warm drink.


We went exploring and I got a few pictures of the ship that I will post eventually. Then we went to the 3:30 muster drill. It was more organized then I expected. I expected a chaotic mess but they lined us up in our group on deck 4. However it didn’t start until at least 3:45 because people were late. This makes me mad because I wanted to get my vacation on! I know the muster drill is a needed necessity but I hate waiting on other people. DH and I are always early or on time, so waiting on other people is just a pet peeve of mine.


I wanted to do the spa raffle so we made sure to be there at 5. It was fun, they made you dance for at least 10 seconds if you won something. They gave a lot away, not just 1 or 2 gift certificates. Unfortunately DH or I didn’t win anything, but it was fun to try. I thought it was going to be a big attempt to sell you spa stuff, but it wasn’t bad at all. I would keep trying on future cruises.


Our dinner was at 6pm so from there we went back to the cabin to get changed for dinner. It was then that we saw Viktor, our room steward. He seemed like a nice guy. We joked with him that we had “Viktor on the Victory,” which I’m sure he hears 100 times a day. He made sure to ask me when I wanted my room attended to, morning, evening or both. I told him evening because DH and I knew we would be staying out late and possibly sleeping in (which didn’t really happen, but you never know.) We told him we wanted ice and to just keep up on ice and we would be happy.


We got to dinner and found ourselves at a 4 seat booth with another couple. This made me feel a little weird as I tend to be more of a shyer, private person, but I knew this would be part of cruising. I guess I just expected a big round table with a lot of other people to interact with instead of a more intimate booth. I knew they felt the same because as soon as they showed up we saw them talking to the wait staff and weren’t happy with it. But eventually they sat down and we all introduced ourselves and moved on to dinner. They were nice enough. They were different they DH and I as they tend to go to bed early and lay by the pool all day, where DH and I stay out late and do other stuff. But there is nothing wrong with the way they vacation, it’s just different then us.


The food was good. I got shrimp cocktail as my appetizer but I honestly do not remember what I got as my entrée. Some type of chicken dinner I think. All I remember is it was good. DH got escargot and made me try some. Actually, the woman that we sat with egged me on and I tried it. I actually liked it. For dessert I HAD to get what I have been waiting for weeks, the warm chocolate lava cake. It was sooo good and lived up to the hype, in my opinion. I need more of that in my life! After all of the dinners were served the waiters started dancing and I thought it was fun. It was nice to have a show while you eat.


After dinner we caught the Game Show Mania and it was fun. DH and I both love trivia and wished one of us was up there, but neither one of us got picked. If someone got ahead in score then they made them step away from the podium so they couldn’t answer, which we thought was cheating, but I know they had to do that for time purposes. Otherwise someone can answer all of the questions and the show would be over in 5 minutes.


After the game show we stayed for bingo. DH and I didn’t want to spend too much so we were going to get 2 of the $20 sheets and 2 daubers but when I got up there they pointed out that if I get one $40 package I get more games (a sheet with 9 boards on it instead of 2 sheets with 3 games on it) plus an extra game and a dauber included. So I just got that plus an extra dauber and DH and I shared the sheet. Unfortunately we didn’t win bingo, but still had fun. DH thought the woman calling bingo was annoying, but I thought she was cute with her corny jokes. I could see her being a kindergarten teacher or something like that. We both thought it was kind of weird that she wasn’t pulling bingo balls, it was all done on her tablet. I guess it’s the new age of bingo.


Before dinner DH discovered that he lost his driver’s license somewhere, we think at muster. This caused a small panic as we didn’t think we could get off the ship in Nassau without it. He called guest services and they said that if someone turned it in they would leave a message on our phone. And if nobody turned it in today then tomorrow before we get off in Nassau they would print him a new picture ID. It wouldn’t be government issue, obviously, but it would work to get off and on the ship at the port in Nassau. After bingo we ran up to our room to freshen up and found a message saying someone turned in his license. Thank you for honest people! This was a big relief. So we headed down to guest services to pick it up. The line was long but we needed it.


We wanted to see the adult comedy show and was cutting it close with time because of the long line in guest services, so the only table available was the one up front. Great. We know what happens when you sit up front at comedy show. The comedian was Seth Buckwald and was great! I recommend catching his show. DH was drunk enough to give him fuel for the show, and loved it. They really played off each other. One REALLY drunk lady made the mistake of getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the show and at the end of the show he “predicted” what kind of car she drove and what she did for a living, which of course he found out from her family while she was gone. It blew her mind! The look on her face was priceless! I definitely recommend his show!


After his show we decided to go up to the lido deck and go outside since we hadn’t been outside since we had lunch when we first got on the ship. As soon as we walked out onto the deck I slipped and fell. It happened within a blink of an eye. One second I was walking and the next second I was on the ground. I know I had been drinking but at that point I was sobering up so I blame it on the wet floor and my crappy sandals. So I HIGHLY recommend tennis shoes on the lido. I know they aren’t cute or practical but I have a nice scrap on my knee that still hurts today, and apparently I’m not the only one that it happens to. After that it was time to go to bed. It was well past midnight and my knee hurt. Once we got up to the room DH and I decided we were hungry and checked out room service. I had a BLT and chocolate cake and it was very good. I don’t think the chocolate cake beats the warm chocolate lave cake, but it was still good. DH had a reuben and I think he said they forgot to put sour kraut on it, which is odd.


The bed was surprisingly very comfortable and I had a great night’s sleep.


I will try to put up Day 2 and Day 3 and embarkation review tomorrow. And pictures!

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Thanks for your review! It sounds like you two had a great first cruise. Soooo, which cruise are you booking next? [emoji3]


We are looking at another quick one out of Tampa to Cozemel and Grand Cayman. But it all depends on where my husband finds a job after graduation. ;)

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Did my itinerary pictures not show up? I'm having trouble posting pictures.


It looks like you're trying to post photos directly from your google drive. They need to be on a photo hosting service (like tinypic or photobucket) to be posted on the forums.


And a great start to the review! I think you did more on your first day than I do in 7!

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Enjoying the review and your perspective as a first-time cruiser!


So you know for your next trip, you can get your own ice from the ice makers in the Lido. I always bring my own insulated cup on our cruises to make sure I'm drinking enough water. The ship cups are pretty tiny. :)


We didn't meet our cabin steward until the 2nd day so we didn't have an ice bucket at all the first night. :(

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Enjoying your review of the Victory. I really enjoyed my cruise on her last year. Looking forward to more of your review. Pictures are nice, but your written review is also very informative on its own. Thanks again for posting:)

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Day 2 was our Nassau day. DH and I woke up about 8:30. He asked if I wanted to go up to the Lido deck for breakfast and I said “nope, I’m on vacation, I want to be served!” So we went down to the Pacific dining room for breakfast, which is the same dining room we were assigned for dinner. Even though it was open seating and there were tons of tables open we were sat with two other couples. Both of them were really nice and we enjoyed talking to them.


The breakfast menu selection was just above a continental breakfast. It had all of the room service stuff on it, plus pancakes, waffles, omelets, and eggs benedict, which is what DH had. I had a bite of his eggs benedict and I thought it was good but he said he didn’t like the way the egg was cooked, it was too runny for him. I had a belgian waffle with strawberry topping and bacon. I thought my belgian waffle would be bigger so I ended up eating extra croissants they had on the table, just to make sure I wouldn’t get hungry again before lunch.


After breakfast we went back to the room to check out the fun times. We had an excursion booked at 1, through a non-Carnival company. We wanted to see if there was anything we wanted to do before we docked in Nassau. Nothing really jumped out at us. There was an Effy jewelry raffle at 10 that we thought we would try, just to give us something to do. So we headed down to the fun shops and started browsing while we waited for the raffle to start.


Effy jewelry has a lot of beautiful pieces and DH even found a few watches that caught his eye while we were down there. We were waiting for a raffle to start and noticed that nothing was going on for one to start. We asked the sales lady there about it and she (kind of rudely) said that they aren’t doing the raffle since nobody was there for it. But….DH and I were there! I thought we should’ve won by default since we showed up, but I guess it doesn’t work that way. We just left and decided to go up to the Serenity area and check it out.


Serenity was nice and we somehow managed to find 2 open lounge chairs. We sat and relaxed for a little bit while we watched Nassau getting closer in the distance. It was very exciting for me as I pointed and said “look Atlantis!” like a little kid. Speaking of kids, we noticed one in the Serenity area hanging out. He wasn’t being disruptive, but DH and I noticed that the staff was doing nothing about it, and the parents obviously didn’t care that this was an adults only area. So we left and decided to check out the Caribbean shopping highlights show with Ry Ry the shopping guy. They said that they were giving away stuff so we thought “why not try, we don’t have anything else to do while we wait to get to Nassau.” As soon as we got there Ryan (Ry Ry) pulled out a bottle of hot sauce that they sell on the island and asked who likes hot sauce. Immediately my husband jumps up as he is that guy that puts hot sauce on everything. Ry Ry asked him to come up and taste it and my husband had no trouble with it (as he normally orders the hottest sauce on the menu), so Ryan handed it to him. It was nice to get some hot sauce to take home.


Other than that Ryan’s presentation was mostly trying to point out the jewelry that they sell on the island. If I was in the market for some jewelry then it sounds like Diamonds International is a great place to shop, but I’m not in the market. He was also trying to sell a coupon book for $25 and I honestly don’t know if was worth it or not. Maybe if we were planning on doing some major shopping on the island, but DH and I were going snorkeling and the only thing I was in the market for was a shot glass from the Hard Rock Café to add to my collection.


At 12 we left Ryan’s presentation and headed to the room to change for our snorkeling excursion. We were planning on doing a Carnival excursion but DH found a Booze Cruise from Island Marketing that was only $20 more and was an hour longer and offered snorkeling, lunch, time on a private island, plus unlimited rum punch. So we booked that one before we left. We had to meet them in front of Senor Frogs at 1. We were cutting it close and I hated that. Getting off the ship and onto the pier was annoying as there were 3,000 people trying to get off the ship at the same time. The stairs were packed, the elevators were worthless, and people were annoying. There was one group of college kids in front of us that started singing Friends in Low Places and someone from Carnival said they would call security, which I don’t understand. They were just singing. Then one of them tried to put a lei neckless on some girl and front of us and her friend got really offended and started calling them disrespectful. He didn’t try and touch her inappropriately or anything so I think the friend just needed to lighten up, but maybe I’m just more laid back then others. But we had a nice show of the friend and the college party guy yelling at each other the whole way out.


Once we got to the pier DH and I booked it to meet our boat in front of Senor Frogs. Since neither one of us have been to Nassau before we didn’t know how far away it was. We found our excursion boat with 10 minutes to spare, but as soon as we got on the boat they took off to pick up people at Atlantis. Once we got the boat full of people waiting at Atlantis we headed 20 minutes out to our snorkeling spot. We had to get a wrist band saying we were going to snorkel because if you were going to snorkel you couldn’t drink till you were done snorkeling. Once we got to our snorkel spot they gave us our mask and mouthpiece and DH and I jumped in.


The water was perfect. I expected it to be cold but it wasn’t. The fish were amazing. It took me awhile to get the hang of snorkeling, as I had never done it before, but once I did and saw the tropical fish in front of me I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The workers on the boat were throwing in fish food to get them to come around. We were the only boat in the area to snorkel that area so they were all around us. It was pretty cool.


Once we were done snorkeling we got back on the boat and got a drink and our lunch, which was bar bq ribs, rice, and corn. It was pretty good. They also sold Cuban cigars and DH got one for $12. I’m sure they make a killing off of selling Cuban’s to American tourists. The drinks were STRONG. They sure didn’t try and save money by skimping on the alcohol.


Then they took us to our own private island to hang out on for about an hour. It was tiny but was beautiful, like our own little piece of paradise. When we first got there we saw a wild iguana in the brush and one of the workers on the boat started feeding it chicken. I got tons of pictures of him. Then DH and I walked through the wooded area to the other side of the island (which took all of a minute) and got some great pictures of us on the rocks with the water in the background. It was during that picture that my crappy flip flop broke (good! I blame them for me slipping on the lido deck the night before), which makes for an interesting picture. Luckily DH had the backpack that had my sneakers in it that I used to run from the ship to the excursion boat. No harm, no foul. Just out some cheap flip flops, which I made sure to put in the back pack to take back to throw away on the ship and not litter the island.


We got back on the boat and from there Nassau is a blur. The drinks were strong and free. I remember dancing. Then they dropped us back off in front of Senor Frogs. DH made sure we got my Hard Rock shot glass for my collection. We took a picture in front of the Welcome to Bahamas sign, and we were back on the ship. I was down for the count. Done. DH wanted to go to the comedy club but at that point I wanted to spend my vacation in bed. So he went up to grab us a pizza and we ate dinner in the room, even though it was elegant night at dinner. We knew beforehand that elegant night was the same night as Nassau so we planned on skipping it. We didn’t even bring fancy clothes with us. I thought we would still be on the island looking around at 6pm but those plans got lost in the bottom of a rum punch cup.


One thing about the pizza, it was really good. I’ve heard people talk about how good the pizza is and I was skeptical. To me pizza is pizza. But they do have really good pizza. I know when you’re drunk whatever food you are eating is usually THE BEST THING EVER but really, the pizza lived up to the hype.


Viktor stopped by the room and we told him not to worry about cleaning it, I wanted to relax. I did notice that he was keeping up on our ice though. One thing that is weird is the ice bucket didn’t have a lid. So I turned the chrome tray that they put a big bottle of water on (that you can have for $3.95) upside down and covered the ice bucket with it. DH wanted to make sure I kept drinking water so I wouldn’t feel bad the next day. I ordered a 12 pack of water from the Fun Shops before the cruise but we needed another. DH got one from somewhere. Room service? I have no clue, but another one showed up. And I think they charged tax on it because before the cruise I was charged 3.99 and this 12 pack showed up on my statement as $4something.


DH went down to the comedy show and he said he sat in the same front seat as the night before and gave the poor comic a hard time again. He said the comic asked where I was and he told him I was passed out in the room. Apparently Seth Buckwald ran with that because the next day we ran into some girl at the elevator that were like “hey, you were the guy from the comedy club last night!” then looked at me and said “this must be the better half. We are glad you are alive, the comic was really worried last night. He thought some mad man might have murdered you.” Ha!


Before I went to sleep I ordered room service again and got another BLT because I love BLT’s and theirs is good. I also got cookies, which were very good. I was sad there was only 3.


I will try and get day 3 and some pictures out soon.

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It looks like you're trying to post photos directly from your google drive. They need to be on a photo hosting service (like tinypic or photobucket) to be posted on the forums.


And a great start to the review! I think you did more on your first day than I do in 7!


Thank you! I'll try that! I can only do a little bit at a time though, my work load blew up while I was gone.

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Your review is so funny. Keep it up!


I had the pizza after one too many drinks at the Alchemy Bar and it really was the BEST THING EVER.


What was the name of your tour? I'll keep it in mind for a future trip. But I'll stay away from the rum punch. :)

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It's fun to read a first time cruiser's experiences. And BTW, you can also get a bucket of ice from any Lido bar! That is one reason I never ever drink during the day: makes me totally wiped out....I make up for it after 5, but even if the drinks are free, I stick with water or soda during the day. I learned the hard way a few times! :eek::oHope you enjoyed your last day. I LOVE the colors of the Victory! We haven't been on her in years (since her upgrades) but I have fond memories of her.

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Thank you for the excellent review of the Victory. I love reading first timers reviews and impressions of their 1st cruise. My friend and I are cruising on her this coming Sunday and are beyond excited!


My friend is flying into TIA from IN on Saturday and we're going to go over to PC to spend the night, and the bad traffic you were stuck in is the exact reason we are doing this. We also haven't seen each other in 6 years so we're ready to get this party started ;)

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So you know for your next trip, you can get your own ice from the ice makers in the Lido


You can also go to one of the bars and ask for a 'bucket of ice.' Carnival doesn't want us cruisers accessing the ice machines the Stewards use to cut down on the possibility of contamination.

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You can also go to one of the bars and ask for a 'bucket of ice.' Carnival doesn't want us cruisers accessing the ice machines the Stewards use to cut down on the possibility of contamination.


I didn't say anything about the ice machines the stewards use. I don't even know where those are.

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Obviously I don't know how to post pictures so I'm going to skip them and stick to reviews. Sorry, I know some of you were looking forward to seeing the itineraries.



Day 3 was our sea day, or as I like to call it “stand in line at guest services day.”


We woke up around 8:30 and went down to breakfast. It was our Seaday brunch! We sat at a round table with 3 other couples but we really didn’t interact with them. Each couple seemed to do their own thing, which was fine by me.

On the first dinner night the woman sitting at our table pointed out that we could order anything on the menu, no matter what it is or how many. Well, I found 2 things on the menu that I liked so I took her advice. Plus I remembered the small Belgium waffle portion from the breakfast the day before and figured it would be ok to have 2. I found the huevo rancheros and the French toast with fruit loops that looked good, so I got them. My God, were they big portions!!!! When the waiter brought out my breakfast he had to stop to figure out where to put all of my food. And everyone at the table was looking at me funny. Whatever….I was hungry and wanted to try as much as I can.


The huevo rancheros were excellent and I would recommend and get again! The French toast covered in fruit loops were huge…MUCH bigger than my tiny belgiun waffles from the day before. When the waiter brought them out I got a big “OH!” from the table. Everything I got was great, and no…I didn’t finish it all!


After breakfast we wandered to the casino. There was a Texas Holdem Tournament at 11 that DH was interested in, but we found out the buy-in was $150 and he wasn’t interested anymore. That’s how much the tournament he played at the Venetian in Vegas was! At 11:30 there was a Guess the Movie song trivia going on so we decided to join that. We got 12 out 16 right, but didn’t win. It was still fun though.


The things that we knew we wanted to do that day was the Love and Marriage show at 2 and bingo at 3. We still had a few hours to kill so we went out and watched them do some ice carving. At 1:30 they started selling bingo games at the coffee café by the casino so I went over there before going down to the Love and Marriage show. As soon as I bought the games DH comes to me and says he can’t find his Sign and Sail card. Ugh!!! He went back to the machine he was playing in the casino while I was in line and it wasn’t there. He asked around at the cage and nobody had turned it in. So, to Guest Services we go.


The line to guest services seemed like it went all the way down the length of the ship, but we had to wait in it because I was imagining someone zero’ing out my bank account right at that moment. There was only 1 person working it, and DH felt bad that we were missing the Love and Marriage show. The good thing is Guest Services is right in front of the theater it was in so we could hear it. When we finally got up there (about 45 minutes later) they gave him a new card and disabled the old card. We found out that there were no new charges on the account since he lost it, so that was a relief! I told DH that I am going to get him a lanyard and make him wear it since he keeps losing stuff.


We caught the last half hour of the love and marriage show, which was the part that the couples started answering questions so I don’t feel like we missed much. It was hilarious!!!!! It was great! This was definitely a show I would watch again and again on future cruises.


After the Love and Marriage show was bingo. This one drew a huge crowd because it was the $5,000 jackpot one. DH came very close to winning, but sadly we didn’t win. We were walking out of the theater and toward the elevators and I noticed my phone wasn’t in my pocket. So I headed back to my seat to grab it. I knew it had to be there because I checked the time before bingo started. On the way to the seat I ran into then family sitting next to me and they said they gave it to someone that works there. So I stopped by the podium where all the employees were by the door and asked them. They didn’t know what I was talking about. I guess another employee took my phone straight to guest services. Really??!! It was only out of my sight for 2 minutes! Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy they are looking out for their guest belongings, but man, are they efficient. Back to guest services line we go. There goes another hour of our vacation. DH was mad that the employees wouldn’t just go grab it instead of making us wait in line. I was getting mad at him for being mad, it was just a bad moment.


Of course they had my phone. That only took a half an hour so we went back up to the casino to kill time before dinner. I won a little on slots, about $75. I was just playing a penny slot and it kept hitting bonus. I even hit a bonus in a bonus. It was cool.


We got to dinner and shared our Nassau day stories…or lack thereof…with our table mates. I got the crab cake and the vegetable spring rolls as an appetizer. They were both very good. For my entrée I got the bourbon roasted chicken and it was also excellent. For dessert I got another chocolate lava cake because it is that good.


Before dessert the waiters came around with a baked Alaska for DH and sung Happy Birthday to him. DH asked if I set it up and I didn’t. Maybe they saw that his birthday is 4/12 and decided to celebrate it.


Afterwards the waiters all got together downstairs and sung a version of Leaving on a Jet Plane except it was something like Leaving our Cruise Ship. It was nice.


After dinner we went back to the casino and DH won a straight flush on three card poker, netting him (us) almost $300. We decided to go add cash to our Sign and Sail card. We stopped by the kiosk outside of the casino and pulled up our account, where we discovered they charged us twice for our earlier game of bingo. So….back to Guest Services we go.


The line wasn’t too long at all this time. I was worried because I have no way to prove it, they don’t give you a receipt or anything when you buy the bingo cards. Once I got up there the agent emailed the games manager to look into it and said that it should be taken care of before the next day. We added cash to our account and headed to the Alchemy bar.


This is a bar that really intrigued me so I was excited to try it. It was cool that the menu’s light up when you open them. The bartenders really make it look scientific when they mix your drink. Both DH and I got The Remedy which was good. A little on the sweet side though. But it was cool that she lit the outside of an orange peel to make a flame and then dropped it in our drink.


We headed to the comedy show where Seth the comedian was doing improve tonight. We got our usual table up front. We ordered a pitcher of some blue drink…because in my opinion blue drinks are just better. Seth made sure to make fun of that. I think his regular comedy is better than his improve, but he’s still a funny man.


After that we headed to the casino where we lost everything we won because the last thing you should do is walk into a casino when you’ve been drinking for a few hours. Plus they were doing the midnight big loot drawing and I had enough points to have my name in it twice, so I wanted to be there in case I won. I didn’t win it, but I was still in the casino so why not play a few games?? Smart play Carnival…smart play.

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Your review is so funny. Keep it up!


I had the pizza after one too many drinks at the Alchemy Bar and it really was the BEST THING EVER.


What was the name of your tour? I'll keep it in mind for a future trip. But I'll stay away from the rum punch. :)


Our tour was from Bahamas Cruise Excursions, it came as Island Marketing Ltd. on my bank statement.


I would recommend them, they did a great job. The only downside is they leave at 1 when our particular ship didn't get in until 12 so it was cutting it close to make it. And the rum punch makes you forget your trip lol!

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