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Pre Trip/Planning for our summer 2017 Dream cruise!


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What's a reasonable time to book your flights out of MSY would 1030 be to early?



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Personally, that would be too stressful for me. But, it's possible. We had FTTF and chose to send our bags to the room. We chose the 815 debarkation time and had our bags and were in a taxi (don't do that, more on that later...$32 to go less than a 1/2 mile, the only time I wasn't prepared and got taken). Anyway, we were in a taxi at 8:39am. We could have taken our own bags out and left at 6:15am. That would have made it possible to get to the airport on time. I don't know the process without FTTF, but if you have it and are willing to carry your own bags out at 6:15, you could make it.

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Excited to hear how your trip went. We sail on 7/2/17 :)


On my goodness! We had the BEST trip! I even started planning out next one before uploading our pictures! They are uploading now and I'm getting all my specific details in order to post a good long review. But in short...


Cheers-worth it for us

FTTF-worth 5x what we paid

Roatan-Active Swim with dolopins-AMAZING (and all the pics for the four of us only $105)

Belize-awesome city tour and Altun Ha ruins tour-so hot, but the locals said it was unseasonable hot

Cozumel-Nachi Cocum-probably won't do again, but we did enjoy

NOLA airport-crazy

Embarkation/Debarkation-easy breezy (but I did get caught with contraband upon arrival and it almost got ugly-more later)

NOLA-three perfect days!

Dream-LOVED it!

Camp Ocean-LOVED it!

Alchemy bar-won't sail a ship without one

Guy's burgers-great burger-terrible service (mayo on every single burger, no matter what??)

Crimson dining room-Gusti was A++


Okay, lots more to come with a daily review. Fair warning, didn't take as many pics as I had planned due to being completely off the grid and not having my phone most the time. First few days I have very detailed notes, then I go into complete lazy ship mode. But I think I have enough to keep you interested. I'll start with the first few days as soon as my pics upload. Feel free to ask questions!


Can't wait to book again! Disney is in 167 days, so will begin the next planning trip after that!

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So day one...travel day and almost a full day in New Orleans.


I set the alarm for 3:50am, but woke up at 3:23...so excited! We left at 4:38 am and arrived at XNA to check our bags and wait to board. The flight was quick (about 75 minutes). I slept and read Dark Places (by the author of Gone Girl). We landed about 15 minutes early, which was good because they had changed our connecting flight and we only had 15 minutes to get to it and we were at the Houston airport...uggh...Skyway here we come....this gave us about 30 minutes. It was drizzling and DH was worried about he forecast for the week. Lots of rain headed our way and following us the whole trip. We booked it to our flight, which they were holding for us. We boarded and I immediately get irritated by the loud woman 2 rows behind. I could clearly hear her whole conversation, seriously? Uggh, I was cranky and tired and sweaty from our rush through the airport. Time to chill and read some more of my book! About 45 minutes later we landed. We decided to use Uber XL. It was $50 to get from the airport to our hotel (Drury Inn). By taxi we were quoted $78. The Uber picked us up outside of terminal 12. It was super easy and I would recommend to everyone. We tipped him $5 and he was shocked. I guess you don't have to tip, but it is much appreciated. Learned that throughout the week as it was my first Uber experience.


I hesitantly walked up the the front desk knowing check in time was 4pm and it was only 9:45am. They had a room! So thankful!







From there we decided we were hungry and headed to Mother's for lunch. I may get some haters, but it was just okay. The lady talked so fast and while I loved her accent, it was hard to understand. She charged us for four drinks when we asked for 1 and 3 waters. Not a huge deal, but be prepared to order exactly as the menu describes and to speak clearly. She encouraged us to just get drinks and was obviously not going to refund her mistake. Again, not a huge deal, just be prepared.


Youngest wasn't a fan of her food and wanted some Pinkberry. So we headed there next. It was yummy and hit the spot on the warm day.



We had originally planned to go to the WWII museum, but it ended up being a nice day and was supposed to train the next. So today we explored and planned to go to the museum the next day.


Youngest was tired and a little bored...








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Next we decided to go to St Louis cathedral and see the Andrew Jackson statue. We had planned the late ghost tour, but we thought we'd go ahead and see it since we were tired and knew the rain was headed our way.










The cathedral and statue were amazing. We got some history on the area later that I'll share, but wow...so much history here. We walked to the cemetery and that was a mistake. It was a long walk and you can only enter if on a private tour...uggh. It's the only cemetery that requires it and it's only been in the last 3-4 years. We did stop and get a couple of pics at a Bourbon St sign, but this is as far as we went on Bourbon with the kiddos.




(can't get them to post upright?)


After this we decided it was too hot and humid and headed back to the room. The Drury offers free dinner and drinks at night and we were ready. We got back about 3:30 and decided to swim at the roof top pool. Once cooled off we headed down to dinner. They had loaded baked potatoes, salad, hotdogs. chili, tacos, and nachos. It was all really good. DH and I each enjoyed three complimentary alcoholic beverages and the kids had free soda. After, we all took showers and headed to bed. We were ready for another full day in NOLA!

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We loved every second! The only thing I can say that was negative was the service at Guy's. I swear those staff didn't know the menu. No matter what you ordered, they have it to you with LTOP and mayo...every. single. time. Even when we would say "no mayo" knowing we could take off the LTOP, they put it on. We had the hardest time getting a plain bun. But seriously, if this is the only complaint from the week, we have NOTHING to complain about!


It was our first cruise as well. I came home, and am already planning our next. Hope you have a fantastic time! Highly recommend Camp Ocean! My 8 year old got up on stage and did a whole thing during the last lip sync night and DS (16) hung out with friends every night until 1-2am. It was AWESOME!

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We loved every second! The only thing I can say that was negative was the service at Guy's. I swear those staff didn't know the menu. No matter what you ordered, they have it to you with LTOP and mayo...every. single. time. Even when we would say "no mayo" knowing we could take off the LTOP, they put it on. We had the hardest time getting a plain bun. But seriously, if this is the only complaint from the week, we have NOTHING to complain about!


It was our first cruise as well. I came home, and am already planning our next. Hope you have a fantastic time! Highly recommend Camp Ocean! My 8 year old got up on stage and did a whole thing during the last lip sync night and DS (16) hung out with friends every night until 1-2am. It was AWESOME!


We are looking forward to Guy's Burgers, but not all of us like mayo. Hopefully this is not always the way they are served.


My youngest is 14 and is planning on spending some time at his age groups club.

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I have to say I'm surprised...maybe they have different workers. Every time I went, they had a lot of "plain janes" with cheese ready to go, just burger cheese and bun. I enjoy mayo on my burgers, but never actually checked to see if it was on there or not, and didn't notice since I added it from the toppings bar, haha. Oops.

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I have to say I'm surprised...maybe they have different workers. Every time I went, they had a lot of "plain janes" with cheese ready to go, just burger cheese and bun. I enjoy mayo on my burgers, but never actually checked to see if it was on there or not, and didn't notice since I added it from the toppings bar, haha. Oops.


It was odd. The two younger guys would look at each other and awkwardly laugh. It was like they didn't understand? To get a pig patty I had to walk over to the menu and point. I'm from the south, but my accent isn't thick. Who knows, again, it's not that big of a deal. Everyone else (almost) went above and beyond. The room steward was okay, he cleaned well and we never really saw him. He was not overly friendly. Kinda cranky. But, nothing to complain about. He did a good job at his job. Maybe it's because our head waiter was so amazing. We were spoiled. ;p

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So day two. It's supposed to rain today so we decided to send the boys to the WWIl museum and the girls, we are headed to the French Market to shop. We started the morning a great breakfast. They had complimentary breakfast buffet and it included sausage, biscuits and gravy, donuts, bagels/toast/cream cheese/jelly, oatmeal, dry cereal, muffins, breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs, fruit, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs. Also included were drinks (Pepsi products, milk, coffee, apple and orange juice).


I don't think I took many pictures. But the boys loved the museum. They were there for about 9 hours and didn't see everything. They had lunch there and really enjoyed it. DD and I shopped and shopped and shopped. The open air market was really nice. They had same tee shirts that the stores had for about a 1/3 less. I bought several souvenirs here and DD took pictures with a lot of statues. She also became somewhat infatuated with these little voodoo dolls.













After our long shopping trip, we worked our way back to the hotel. We had used Uber X to get there ($6 from the Drury), but decided to walk back. It drizzled while we were shopping, but nothing too bad. Most of the shops are covered and we had no problem. We did stop in and get a slice of pizza at some random little place. It was fine. We met the boys back at the hotel and went for a swim. Then, we went to dinner. In addition to the nachos, hotdogs, chili, and salad they had a creamy pasta tonight. We all enjoyed and were soon ready for bed. I did a load of laundry ($1.50 to wash, $1.50 to dry, $1 for detergent) and we all headed to sleep.


Tomorrow, we meet the Dream!

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Embarkation day!!! So very excited! Our check in time was 10-10:30, but I was really trying to hold the family off. I didn't want to wait for a really long time. We had FTTF (best purchase EVER!), but I knew we wouldn't board until at least 11-11:30ish.


We started with the great breakfast that the Drury offers. I can't say enough good things about this place! They were so good to us, the food was ample and good, and service was amazing! They opened the coke machines (they only open from 3p-11p) early one afternoon when we were tired and thirsty when we came back in. So nice!


Anyway, earlier in the week we had tried to visit a cemetery because DD is obsessed. But, after we got here, we found out you have to be on a tour to go in. Uggh...found out it's the only one that requires that so we found another and called an Uber. Super nice guy came and picked us up and delivered us to the Lafayette cemetery for $6. We got to drive through the Garden District and WOW-that area is beautiful!


We toured the cemetery and were amazed and the lack of upkeep on some of the sites. So sad.








We then took an Uber back to the Drury and checked out. It was about 10:30. We called an Uber XL, and for $14 he took us to the cruise terminal. What a MESS of people! This was the first time we were thankful for FTTF. The porter unloaded the Uber, we tipped the Uber guy, the porter pointed us to an empty line. We went up, they checked our boarding pass and sent us upstairs via an escalator (there is also an elevator). We went to the second floor. A security person checked our IDs and boarding passes and let us through (no line). Then we had a picture taken and were directed to a counter. Here we received our S&S cards and were told to keep them handy as we would need them when we boarded. From there, we were directed to the FTTF waiting area. From the time we exited the Uber to the time we were in the chairs was 22 minutes. No lines for anything. It had taken us about 20 minutes to get to the port, so it was about 11:10 at this point. At 11:40, Diamond and Platinum started boarding and a few minutes later, we were called. Awesome!


We go through the line, the lady scans my card and bum bum bumm...I have a security alert on my checked luggage. What?!?! I knew I hadn't packed any contraband? DH was getting angry...kids were embarrassed...I was confused. The security lady (I say this was all due respect, my DH is a police officer)...was so dramatic. She acted like I had packed a bomb. I was freaking out a little. DD started to cry. Security lady was mean. She opens the suitcase....it's the WWII souvenir my DH bought...a bottle opener in the shape of a bullet. Still in the package...obviously a souvenir and rent a cop is still acting like I'm bringing on an automatic weapon. She goes on and on about how it's against policy and we can be kept from boarding. We might be asked to leave, etc. She leaves, family is freaking out. DH is asking to see the rule. I am trying to calm everyone. She comes back with an associate who has calmed first lady down a little. Turns out, that's not the rule, can't bring on a firearm or a component of...a bottle opener that is in the shape of something is not a firearm component. Second lady says we can take it, first lady says no, we can pick it up on the way out. DH is ticked off. I say to leave it, we'll get it on the way out. DH is still angry....kids are embarrassed. I'm ready to board....

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We get on the ship and are ready to get to the room. Uggh...all stressed and hungry and me anxious to see the room. Elevators are all being used for luggage. Only two are running. DD and I get on one with the carryons, Boys take the stairs. DD and I arrive and it takes everything I have in me to get the doors to the hallway open. And there we are, our room. Drapes open wide...it's hot. We close them, unpack our luggage and head to Guy's. Burgers all have mayo, like every time. No matter what or how we order, mayo. So weird. Both times we went, mayo. Weird. We just didn't eat the top buns. Kids want to swim. Adults want beverages. We also checked out the kid's camps and our dining situation. Servers were awesome. It had been DD's bday two days before. They brought her a cake and sang to her.




Then, remember this trip was a gift to DS for his bday. He received a cake in the room. I had ordered it, but then it was comped?




Later that night, DS went to the teen event and DD, DH, and I rented blankets and enjoyed pizza and popcorn while we watched Sing at the Dive in movie. Great start (minus the security fiasco) to our first day!

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Next two days, we enjoyed the Sea Day brunch (the omelettes are so good!) DH and I enjoyed the spa. DS hung out with friends the whole time. I highly recommend spending the $5 and getting the chat on the Hub if you have a teen. We each got it. So for $15 total we could all 3 talk to each other. DS would stay out late, so this was good. DD went to camp every time it was open and we were on the ship. She LOVED it! DH and I enjoyed the spa daily. DH went to the casio a few times. At the end of the week he walked away with $100. Pretty good as he started by putting $20 on the card to play. Up $80 is a good day. The second sea day, we had to drop off a sick passenger in Cozumel. I guess we had to make up that time, the boat was FLYING. DH and DD were sick that evening. DD threw up, but then felt better. DH just went to sleep. He had been trying to get in 15 drinks the night before, that plus the rocking, not good.



We did do Build a Bear on the second sea day.








My hint for this...get there early or really late. They go in order of your sign in. My personal preference, late. It's overpriced and takes forever, but she loves the bear she got. I had planned on doing it, so it was fine. But the wait was the longest we waited for anything all week.


After this, we ate at the buffet. We weren't interested in packing clothes for formal night. DD ate with us and then went to camp. She stayed for Night Owls and DH and I went to the Piano Bar (just ok) and listened to the BlackJack band (only two members now, but I enjoyed it). Then we found the jazz band and singers by the Alchemy bar and hung out there the rest of the night Those guys were awesome!


Up tomorrow-Roatan and dolphins!


Feel free to ask any questions!

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I never commented...as long as the drapes were closed during the day, the room stayed comfortable. I keep my house at about 68 and sleep with it at about 62. It was always comfortable, but we did use our small portable (battery operated) fans at night in our faces. But that's more of a habit that we do at home than anything.


Also, towel animals...we were blessed with many. Room steward did ask us "morning, evening, or both" but not until the third night after he had been coming in twice a day. We chose both. At night, he turned down our bed, added and took away towels, and left a towel animal. In the morning he did all that and cleaned the toiled, emptied the trash, took away dishes, etc.


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First port-ROATAN!


I was a little anxious about this day because it was our first time to leave the ship. Wasn’t really sure how the process would go and was anxious about getting to the right place at the right time.


We got up early and hit the breakfast buffet. I was pleasantly surprised. It was really good and there really wasn’t a line. Lots of yummy offerings and the bacon was freely flowing.


We headed over to grab a coffee from the coffee bar and then headed down to disembark. They scanned our S&S cards and we were off. We were told (on the info the room steward left in our room the night before). But wait, that reminds me…specific example #3(I don’t think I mentioned #2-had to add $$ to DS S&S card for him to spend in the arcade and was able to go through the VERY quick priority line to do on day one while there were probably 30-40 people in the other line). Anyway, DD’s ticked was missing for the dolphin excursion. I headed down to Guest Services and was the second person in line (there were 22 people in the other line, I counted). She quickly refunded the ticked and sold it to me again. Printed from there and we were good. Only took about 15 minutes total. Very happy about FTTF!


Back to Roatan…we walked off the ship, smiled for a photo,and checked in with our person. She told us to go to a Piranha Ron’s to sign a waiver and to wait for her outside of it,that we’d leave in about 10 minutes. Right on schedule she came over and led us and a another couple through the port and behind to where the vans are. We loaded and headed out. About a half mile (?) away, there is a hill, at the bottom of the hill where a bazillion people. I mean it looked like a feeding frenzy. Most were holding handmade cardboard signs advertising the tour they wanted to take you on or the names of the people that had booked with them. I’m sure most will disagree with me, but it made all my warning flags fly high. It was intimidating to drive through, can’t imagine taking my kids down there and getting in a vehicle with everyone yelling. But, to each their own.


We drove about 25 minutes to Anthony’s Key resort. From there, we got out at the dive shop and boarded a small boat that took us about 5 minutes away. We listened to the rules, got our fins fitted, and life jackets. We then walked down a short dock and got in the water. We had an AMAZING swim with Mr French and Ronnie. The trainers were so sweet. The dolphins were awesome. I am so glad we did it. For me, it’s a one and done kind of thing. I think it was about $500 for my family to do this exclusive excursion (only 6 of us and 2 dolphins). We thoroughly enjoyed it. I think we swam with them for about 45 minutes. After, we go on the same small boat and went back to the dive shop. We were able to purchase the pictures ($65 for all for 2 people, $20 additional for each additional person-$105 for my family for 97 pictures). I thought the pictures were well worth the fee.




















After we had shopped and gone to the bathroom, the six of us got back on the same van and he took us back to the port. He gave us some history of the island on the way back. We shopped a little around port when we got back and got some fun stuff. By this point, we were starving and there is no food right there at the port terminal. So we decided to get back on the ship and eat there.


We at lunch at Pasta Bella and DD wanted to head to Camp Ocean. DS found some friends and DH and I took a nap. It was an awesome day! That night we ate in the dining room and met our waiter, Gusti, who we would request every night after. He was phenomenal! That night, DH and I enjoyed the Alchemy bar(a lot!) and took another nap on the clam shells on the Serenity deck. DD stayed for Night Owls so went to pick her up and headed to bed. DS came in abou 2am!


Next up, Belize!

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Enjoying your review. We will be on the Dream in 545 days. I like to plan ahead too. We are also from Arkansas. I like the way you started with your pre-planning. I don't think I have read a review like that before.

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Sorry it’s been so long! My office moved to a new building two days before we left and I’ve had to spend a LOT of time getting my office set up and getting caught up on work…being gone for 14 days is rough on the work life!

When I left off we had finished up our first port day in Roatan. Next up, BELIZE! This was our first time to ever tender. I was a little nervous. We were told to be in the Encore dining room at 9:15am.



We went to the buffet for breakfast. So good. The chocolate muffins and bacon alone are worth going for! After breakfast, we did our morning routine of heading to the coffee shop for a latte. Got those and the kids each got a PowerAde (the crew members offered them to them every day seeing that we had Cheers…they literally looked at me and said, “want a PowerAde for the kids?”. They knew we were sharing) Anyway, we headed to the theatre about 8:40am and it was PACKED. Line out the door packed. There was a lady walking the other way asking us all where we were headed to make sure we were in the correct line. Once we got in, they pointed us to seating and began calling excursions. The would call the “8:30am Altun Ha and city tour” excursion, etc. Then you walk to the back of the theatre, get an armband, and are led to debark. They scan your S&S and directed us to a tender boat.






The boat held about 150ish people and loaded very quickly. Took about 10-13 minutes to get to shore. Once there, we unloaded and were sent in two lines to our excursion location desk. We were offered a potty break and told which two buses to load onto. We all went to the bathroom and then loaded onto the first bus.



From there, we were given a tour of the city and taken out to the Altun Ha Mayan ruins. The tour/ride took about 90 minutes. It was very interesting to hear the city history and see the sites. The tour guides were funny and kept us entertained. We arrived at the ruins and were told to use the bathroom, get a snack, and use sunscreen and bugspray.















We then headed off. We were given the history of the site and allowed to climb to the top of several of the sites. It was amazing how beautiful it all was. DS really enjoyed the day. After climbing and our history lesson, we were told to be back at the bus in an hour. That gave us time to toodle around and shop in the open air market. DH got a Mayan mask, I bought a bowl, DS bought some money, and we got DD a Belize embroidered purse (we left her at Camp Ocean knowing this would NOT be her idea of fun).


On the way back (about 45 minutes) we were told to relax and ask any questions that we had. I would definitely recommend bringing a snack if you do one of these tours. We were starving, not interested in the“homemade” food they had at the market, and were thankful for the prepackaged protein bars and nuts we had in our backpack.



We got back to port and shopped around a little. This port was a little more hectic than the last and again, no food easilyaccessible. We headed back on a tender(no wait) and had a late lunch before picking up DD from Camp Ocean.



We picked her up about 3:30 and all headed to the room for anap. We got up about 6pm, DD wanted togo back to camp, but it didn’t open until 7. We convinced her to eat dinner at the buffet. DS headed out with his friends. DH and I had the evening to ourselves. We walked around, he smoked a cigar on lido,we hit up the spa, and then picked DD up at 10. DS came in about 1am and we all headed to bed.


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Enjoying your review. We will be on the Dream in 545 days. I like to plan ahead too. We are also from Arkansas. I like the way you started with your pre-planning. I don't think I have read a review like that before.




I am such a planner and it helps to write it all out and even to post and get opinions. I originally was going to start another thread with the review, but thought it might be better to continue on to see comparisons of what I thought, planned on, etc vs what actually happened.


Hoping to get Cozumel and the last sea day done this weekend. Then I just have the last NOLA day...but, already planning my next one so got to finish this one up so I can begin the next!

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Sorry for the delays! My Disney trip planning is in full swing..only 152 more days! But let's get this at least one day closer to being finished. After all, it was a PERFECT trip! It's so hard to plan something that everyone enjoys...having a boy and a girl that are 8 years apart makes it particularly difficult..this trip, worked for everyone...perfection! My 16 year old DS is still communicating with other teens he met...and he's not typically a social kid. Love it! Anyway...back to reviewing. Cozumel!


When I was planning I knew that at this point in our trip we would be tired. I was looking for a relaxing beach day. I was (turns out overly so) worried about being tired of being around people and wanted to look for a more exclusive resort. Nachi Cocum seemed perfect for that. I really liked the "only 100" people thing.


We easily found a cab when arriving in port. And for $17 were taken to the resort that was about 15 minutes away. We got there and I was instantly annoyed. If you go here, take your confirmation email. And while you're at it, read it before hand. It clearly stated the exact amount of money to bring. I had my $147 and confirmation email in hand. There were two couples together in front of us, they took over 30 minutes to get checked in...seriously people...read the email! They didn't bring it, didn't have cash...uggh. I was irritated. When they got checked, it took us about 17 seconds to get in. DH was worried that I missed something since it was so difficult for the people in front of us. We got through, and he was super impressed with my planning!




We got a set location with four loungers and a umbrella at the end of the line on the second row. It was perfect. We had a clear view in front and plenty of sand to the side for the kids to play in. We met our personal waiter and immediately ordered drinks. We were never thirsty...it was all included in our price. All you can drink and we all got a four course meal. Never waited for anything. Lamberto took very good care of us! We played in the ocean and sand. Watched a couple get married, dipped in the pool and ordered from the swim up bar, and when we were done, Lamberto called us a cab.








It was a great day. Couple of things...the service and staff and amenities of Nachi Cocum were top notch. Things out of their control will result in me probably not going back. The beach was in rough shape. They had had some weather. The water was full of seaweed. Not their fault, but next time, I'll go for a place with water inflatables for we have something beside ocean floating and walking in constant seaweed. Not Nochi Cocum's fault...just what happens. Also, we were there from about 9am-3:30pm. I put sunscreen on DD 6 times, she still burned...like blisterly burned. Do not underestimate the intensity of the Caribbean sun. It's for real!






We headed back to port, did some shopping, and headed back to the ship. Kids ate the buffet, DD went to kid's camp, DS hung out with friends, and DH and I ate in the dining room. DD wanted to stay for Night Owls. We gave in. DH and I went to bed, set an alarm and he picked her up at 1am. It was a fantastic day.


We were very much looking forward to the next day, but were sad that it was our last full day on the ship. We knew it had been a trip to truly remember!

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So last day at sea...we slept in! Well, the family did. I got up and wandered around. I went to check our bill. Love the self serve stations! Then got some coffee from the Coffee Shop and a muffin from the buffet. Family...still asleep.


They eventually woke up and we all headed to Lido for the breakfast buffet. After DD headed to camp. She had been really secretive, but we knew she was going to need to be at the Encore theatre for the final showdown of the Lip Sync contest...we had no idea why, but whatever. DS headed our with his buddies. DH and I cashed out in the casino (he ended the week up $87) and spent some time in the spa. We checked out DD for one last lunch at Pasta Bella. She went back to camp and stayed there until 4. DS texted that he was swimming with his friends. For dinner, we took DD to the buffet and knew we would head to the dining room for one last night with Gusti. We wanted to be sure to see him again and to tip him for his fantastic service all week. But first, DD had to be at the Encore.




We watched the first half of the show, and then they brought up the kids. All the sudden, the music changes and the crowd of kids parts...and our DD takes center stage with a whole routine. WHAT?!?!?! She is SO SHY and she was totally hamming it up in front of EVERYONE. We were crying we were laughing so hard. She had a BLAST! After, CD Matt kept her on stage for a quick interview. So cute!











After, she wanted to go back to camp. For the next few hours on the ship, she was recognized by many and high fived over and over. She felt like a super star! DS was still hanging with friends. DH and I headed to dinner. I had not worn makeup or done my hair all week! We didn't do formal nights, and had totally taken on the vacation vibe. Gusti surprised us with a cake and a song because our 18 year anniversary was the next day. It was all super sweet. Here is the evidence of the lack of hair and makeup...




We watched the movie on lido for a while, DH smoked a cigar, we relaxed on Serenity and I'm sure had a few (a LOT) of drinks from Alchemy. It truly was my favorite place on the whole ship! Had to get a shaker!




We picked up DD from camp at 10pm, finished packing up our bags, and tucked in for the night. DS texted asking if he could stay out until 2am...we begrudgingly let him, being his last night, we gave in. Next day, debarkation....boo

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So the next day, we headed down with our carry ons and got breakfast from the buffet. We were all pretty depressed. FTTF had the option of getting off early (6:15am) or later (8:45am). We chose the latter. We headed to the designated area and sat for about 10 minutes. They starting calling groups (Platinum, etc) FTTF were last, but it was really fast. From the time we got in the room until we were off the ship (hearing our S&S ding for the last time was so depressing!) was 21 minutes.


Back to reality...almost, we still have a souvenir to get from security (remember embarkation??) and a full day in NOLA with a ghost tour to take. But first, we gotta get to our hotel...


$35 later...the cabby took us literally around the corner. This is the one time I didn't plan. I don't know how I thought we'd get there, but the hotel was RIGHT THERE and he charged an EXORBITANT amount. Whatever...we got to the hotel and they actually had a room ready! Super good luck there for our room to be ready at 9:20am!


Oh yea, yes we got the souvenir bullet back from security. It was super easy and not big deal at all!


We rested in the room until we were hungry. Around noon we walked over to the mall area that is attached to the port and got pizza, poboys, and a quick trip to Cafe du Monde.


We headed back to the room to relax before our ghost tour at 8:15...will post on that later. But first, cruise final thoughts...


FTTF-totally worth it! Having our room ready was priceless and the three times I had to go to guest services the regular line was 30ish + people long. My line never had more than 2 people...WORTH IT!


Cheers-totally worth it! DH drank a LOT the first sea day. After that, not so much. But, he drank a LOT of special coffee, PowerAdes, etc. We came out ahead every single day. Sometimes by a lot, sometimes $10ish over...but we never tried to make it to the magical number. Just drank what we wanted. It was nice to only have a $172 bill at the end!


Will totally cruise again! Thinking of an Alaskan cruise for just DH and I next summer and DS wants to do another Caribbean for his graduation....we got the bug!

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So glad to hear you had a fantastic cruise! Looks like everybody enjoyed it.

So now that you are officially a cruiser....what would you do different? I read through all of your plans and waiting for the cruise and thought you did a really great job. And it does make a difference to be prepared. You probably learned that a high spf sunscreen is a necessity when going to the Caribbean. It is amazing how easily you burn. We have actually bought rash guards to use when we are out in the sun for any length of time, along with the sunscreen.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your cruise experience with us. Welcome to the cruise club!!

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