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Vista Inaugural 5/1/16 13-nights Trieste-Barcelona Review


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Great review and awesome pictures! Think they have changed the chef's table menu....need to do it again!



It is a new menu starting with the Vista no then to move to fleet wide.

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5/5/16 Sea Day #2


Got up, got a breakfast burrito, and headed up to Serenity Deck. At least there was some sun this morning! I don’t have a copy of the FunTimes for this day, but I met my cabinmates in the Ocean Plaza for the Motown Music Trivia. It really was too easy. Matt should do it like it’s been done on some other ships where you get a point each for the song title and artist. At the end there were about 20 of us who had gotten them all and he did a 3-song sudden-death for the Ship on a Sticks. I didn’t get one. Oh well. I only started doing these 2 cruise ago (and won each time). It’s not like I have a dedicated trophy case for my awards!


During the singalong part, I realized I was losing my voice. My sinuses had been very, very raw from the time we boarded and the drainage was beginning to cause coughing, too. No fun. By that night, I sounded really bad.


They were offering Brewery Tours during the afternoon so I signed up for the 4 pm slot. The Red Frog is OK, imho, but I was looking forward to trying the beers actually brewed onboard. There were about 20 of us. We were given our sampler glasses and the Brewmaster gave us his background and talked about the malts and hops in the different brews. After the Red, we tried the Wheat, which was quite nice. I typically don’t drink a lot of wheat although I like the flavor. If I have more than one, I tend to get a headache. I enjoyed what I had at the tasting. Next up was the Java Stout, which had just become available the night before. It was a bit too coffee-flavored for me and not thick/rich enough. The IPA wasn’t yet on tap, so we had to go inside and try it directly from the vat. I’m not an IPA fan (too heavy on the hops), but it was also quite nice. At the end, we were each given a personalized Certificate of Recognition signed by Colin, the Brewmaster. For $12.95, I encourage you beer drinkers to participate.








Later, dinner and casino is all I remember.

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Froufie, are you on the TA along with Pat? I so wish I could join you, but when I go back, I need to spend more time in some of those ports.


That's great airfare, Pat! Of course, 1-way air certainly makes a difference!


still room in my friend"s cabin on the TA if you decide u want to go. She booked at a very low rate! Would love to crusie with you again.


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Froufie, quickrate (Pat & Paul) are doing the B2B. You must be sure to meet them. I did on my Conquest cruise a year ago. What a great couple of people! Hope to sail with them again one day. Sigh. Really wish I could join you guys!

Not too late. Still room in Judy's cabin for TA.!


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5/6/16 Athens


I awoke and had absolutely no voice. The only thing that came out was a whisper. I’m guessing that made some people happy!




Breakfast and off the ship to meet the rest of the folks on our tour. Stood around and waited. And waited. Fearless Leader finally walked over to a group of people and discovered that they were part of our group. Sent everyone through the terminal while she looked for the remaining couple. Hint: if you’re meeting a group and you don’t know what anyone looks like, if you see a bunch of people standing around, perhaps you should go over and see if they’re the people you’re meeting. Don’t stand in a little cluster waiting for someone to find you! Despite Leader’s insistence before the cruise that she would NOT wait for people, we waited (and waited) every single day. And not a word was ever said to the late-comers. Grrrrr. On top of that, Carnival decided to NOT change to local time for our two days in Greece. This meant our guides thought we were (at least) an hour late.


Finally everyone was gathered together and headed to our bus which was only about ½ full. We had some last-minute cancellations (made them pay anyway since these tours are typically priced based on a minimum number; had the guide known there would only have been 18 instead of 24, he probably could’ve hired a smaller bus). Anyway, the group wasn’t huge, but I had a difficult time hearing our guide. He didn’t project his voice; it was more like he was just talking to the people in the first couple of rows.


First up was the Panathenaic Stadium for a brief photo stop. Next stop, The Academy. We didn’t go in, just took photos outside. It’s a beautiful structure. The statue of Socrates is now my phone’s background.











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5/6/16 Athens


On to the Acropolis! The bus was parked on a main street, and I hopped out and used the convenient ATM there on the corner. Some were going to climb to the top, others were going to just do the museum. Our guide walked us up to the gate to get tickets. Although this was not the main gate, the line was very long. Thankfully, it started moving fairly quickly. He said the price was 12E (or maybe 14) but when we got to the window, we were told the price had just increased on 5/1 and was now 20E. I’d whined about the lack of sun for days, so I was happy and warm and about to get considerably warmer as I started up. It was crowded. And let me just say that I was already tired of the selfie takers. I hate this trend. Really. I don’t need me face in every photo to show I was there. I took the picture. I know I was there. Why ruin the beautiful scenery by having my mug in the photo?


Anyway, up and up I went. Due to our late arrival, we only had about 50 minutes until we needed to be back at the meeting place. The marble is a bit slick in spots. At the top, there were just throngs of people. Not sure how I managed to get as many photos as I did that weren’t full of those darn tourists!













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5/6/16 Athens


This is what I had come for. All my life I’d wanted to see ancient temples. As a kid, I found Greek mythology fascinating. And there I was, in front of the 2,500-year-old Parthenon! Wow!












Coming down from the top, the route was different and I and another couple in our group found ourselves at the other gate and unsure how to find our way to our meeting point. I have a pretty good sense of direction so headed off in what I hoped was the right direction. In the end, I was right. And then we waited. And waited some more. Decided to go back to the bus in case the others were already there. They weren’t. At one point, another couple decided to depart and make their own way for the rest of the day. Finally, the last couple arrived (about 30 minutes late) exclaiming that they’d come out at the other gate and had to walk all the way around (just as I’d done). The walk from the other gate was only about 10 minutes, so they were obviously late on top of that.


We rode back into Athens and stopped (causing a traffic jam) for some shopping (no thanks: I don’t like forced shopping stops on tours), then on to the old area of Plaka for lunch at Zorbas. Once seated, two couples decided they’d prefer to wander around, so they left leaving us with about 12 or 14 people at two tables by the window overlooking the fishing boats. I only ordered an appetizer that was some sort of fish in filo dough. Tablemates all ordered salads (which were huge and would’ve been a meal on their own) plus a main dish (carbonara, I think). It was quite good.




No recollection of dinner. Afterwards, went to my only show for the cruise to see Marcus Anthony. He’d been on my prior to sailings (Splendor to Bermuda and Sunshine Journeys). I think he’s very, very good. I wish they wouldn’t bill him as Motown, though. He isn’t. He’s a soul singer. Not necessarily the same thing. I think I actually skipped the casino this night since I was incapable of speaking and wasn’t feeling great. It was beginning to look like it was more than just allergies at work. My sinuses had been so raw for so many days, I’m sure they were inviting every virus on the ship to invade.

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5/7/16 Crete


Today’s tour was arranged by the same folks who did the Slovenia tour. We met in the casino bar area (ugh, smoke) then plodded our way to our two big buses. Our main stop today was at Knossos. Once our guide exchanged his vouchers for tickets, we headed into the site. It is ancient and quite impressive. Lots of mythology related to this site (minotaurs, labyrinths, etc). Google is your friend!












Unfortunately, I have no real notes after Athens, so it’s all really a blur. After the visit to the Palace, we went to a winery! Imagine that! I actually bought a bottle to take back on the ship.




Like many wineries, they also produce olive oil and other related products. I also bought a couple of small bottles of body lotion made from olives. Then it was off to Heraklion for lunch at Tabepna (which may or not actually be the name of the restaurant but was the name on the sign; for all I know that may simply translate to “tavern”). It was quite good. I think I’ve said that more than once already in this review! We had bottles of red and white wine with bread, cheese, stuffed grape leaves, greek salad, lamb shanks with a risotto-like rice (which I thought was delicious) and probably more that I’ve forgotten, all included in the fee for the tour.


We went next door and got a cappuccino while waiting for the others to finish lunch. I think that was everything and we headed back to the ship. Once again, no idea what I did later. At some point, my cabinmates decided to not go to the MDR for dinner. I don’t typically eat from the regular buffet for lunch (or even breakfast) and am certainly not going to do so for dinner, so I started going on my own (which is not an issue for me; I’ve been single for decades and travel solo pretty often). I think this was one of those nights. Casino then bed is all I think I did later. I did try stopping in at the sports bar a couple of times but there wasn’t anything on I wanted to watch, so didn’t spend much time in there.


I must say that I really liked Crete. I’m not sure what it was besides the antiquity, sunshine, wine and food, but it just had a good vibe to it. I’d love to return.

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Thanks. I know I mentioned early in the thread that I started having save issues with my phone's camera. The next day (Malta) will have a mix of photos from both my phone and my little P&S. Hopefully, the quality will still be OK.


I'm uploading many of the photos to Flickr (not all; don't need every single one since they're saved on my laptop and in the cloud elsewhere). I'm saving each port day in a separate album and will consolidate into a "collection" once they're all done. I'll post a link to that at the end of the review (if I ever actually get there!).


I'm not recovering quite as quickly as I'd hope and still don't have my things put away. I really need to get some things done around the house and just don't feel like it yet. But the uploading, writing and posting is getting to me (and there are still so many days to report!).


I'll try to do Malta later, but then I'll probably have to revert back to a port each evening since that silly job thing gets in the way!

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5/6/16 Athens


On to the Acropolis! The bus was parked on a main street, and I hopped out and used the convenient ATM there on the corner. Some were going to climb to the top, others were going to just do the museum. Our guide walked us up to the gate to get tickets. Although this was not the main gate, the line was very long. Thankfully, it started moving fairly quickly. He said the price was 12E (or maybe 14) but when we got to the window, we were told the price had just increased on 5/1 and was now 20E. I’d whined about the lack of sun for days, so I was happy and warm and about to get considerably warmer as I started up. It was crowded. And let me just say that I was already tired of the selfie takers. I hate this trend. Really. I don’t need me face in every photo to show I was there. I took the picture. I know I was there. Why ruin the beautiful scenery by having my mug in the photo?


Anyway, up and up I went. Due to our late arrival, we only had about 50 minutes until we needed to be back at the meeting place. The marble is a bit slick in spots. At the top, there were just throngs of people. Not sure how I managed to get as many photos as I did that weren’t full of those darn tourists!



Keep them coming.


I'm fairly sure we got charged €20 when we were there on April 23rd... But that was for a combined ticket which included Zeus temple and the Olympic stadium amongst others.... But didn't include the museum. We had a gloriously sunny day... Hot enough in April... August must be unbearable. Did you get to see the changing of the guard? That was quite amusing and worth seeing.


Here's a 360 I took last month which is a useful for bearings.

Edited by les37b
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Thanks. I know I mentioned early in the thread that I started having save issues with my phone's camera. The next day (Malta) will have a mix of photos from both my phone and my little P&S. Hopefully, the quality will still be OK.


I'm uploading many of the photos to Flickr (not all; don't need every single one since they're saved on my laptop and in the cloud elsewhere). I'm saving each port day in a separate album and will consolidate into a "collection" once they're all done. I'll post a link to that at the end of the review (if I ever actually get there!).


I'm not recovering quite as quickly as I'd hope and still don't have my things put away. I really need to get some things done around the house and just don't feel like it yet. But the uploading, writing and posting is getting to me (and there are still so many days to report!).


I'll try to do Malta later, but then I'll probably have to revert back to a port each evening since that silly job thing gets in the way!

Hi Joan,

This is a great review thus far and wonderful pictures. Take care of yourself. Will keep looking for your next entry.

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SnB! Long time! I think I said about a year ago that I was going to email you! Of course, I haven't. I'm such a slacker! Sorry. Hope you are well and cruising.


I'm trying to find something to use my Milestone OBC on (possibly the 1/2/17 Pride Journeys but not sure I can get the time off and it's almost sold out). Then I'm probably moving on to other lines. More on that later.

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With so few sea days, early port days, and not feeling well, I really didn't get to spend very much time in the various venues.


I think people will really appreciate the al fresco areas on Deck 5, too (including outside the Pub). I think this is a excellent use of space. Despite the cool temps, I managed to sit and read (occasionally in the sun!) for a little while a couple of times. It was great to have somewhere to sit outside that wasn't in a lounger.


This was one of my favorite things about the ship's design.

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5/8/16 Sea Day #3


Our final sea day, Mother’s Day, and my DD’s 30th birthday. Sorry I couldn’t be at home to share it with her, but, you know, cruising!


I’d told my cabinmates the night before that I’d probably be up early on Serenity, so come find me when they were ready to go to brunch. I had a light breakfast (think it was just an egg-white omelette with no bread or sides). It was well before 8 am and nearly all the clamshell loungers and many of the others had towels, books, etc., on them with no one around. I got one of the empty ones and sat down to read. The sun was out and it was glorious until about 9:45 when it suddenly got cloudy and cool. Again. The others arrived shortly after, so I lugged my beach towel (I’d taken one from the room instead of just getting one at the towel desk) and mini-tote bag along to the MDR. There was no wait to be seated, which rather surprised me. Being the last sea day, the MDR is usually packed with people wanting to use their drink coupons.


I ordered a bellini and my usual huevos rancheros and a side of cheese grits. I’m not a grits fan, but I really like these. You can never have too much cheese! Again, though, service was very slow. Once we finally got a drink server to take our orders, he walked off without checking on the couple seated by the window. They weren’t happy. Food was good, though.




One of our Roll Call members had sent out invitations to a get-together in their suite. We arrived to find a packed cabin with lots of bottles of wine, snacks, and even gift bags! What a nice gesture! This was one of the nicest couples I met on the cruise and I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with them. The cabin was nice, but wasn’t as large as I was expecting. Not sure if it was a GS or OS (probably an OS). Yes, jetted tub and lots of closets, but the cabin itself didn’t seem much larger than our Family OV. Still, there were two of them vs the four of us, so it probably felt a lot more spacious!




After that, I have no idea. Again. Sorry! And I don’t have the FunTimes for this day, either. Pretty sure I didn’t do any activities other than probably made my daily contribution to the casino. Dinner alone again. Not memorable so must not have been too terrible or too great.

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5/9/16 Valletta, Malta


Another cool, grey morning in the Mediterranean. We had a Highlights of Malta tour arranged. There was a brass band on dock entertaining folks as they left the ship. Bet anyone trying to sleep in was surprised! There were 4 different groups, 2 assigned to Fearless Leader and 2 to Those Other People. Naturally, some were late. Some had gone on earlier to the Hard Rock, which was actually away from where the buses were parked, so they then had to be retrieved. Once again, off to a late start.


We first went into the old walled city of Valletta and walked up to Upper Gardens. Then, we headed down through the city to the beautiful St John’s Co-Cathedral. Sorry, no photos allowed of the Caravaggio paintings!








Back on the van and across the island to the Blue Grotto stopping at a fishing village for some shopping. Of course, now I wish I’d bought one of the silver filigree Maltese cross rings I saw. Had I known I’d come home with almost 100E I didn’t need to convert, I might have spent the 25E to buy it. Unfortunately, it was deemed too rough to take the boats out in the grotto, so we joined a mob of school kids and took photos from above.






And, yes, sadly I can see quite a difference in the clarity and saturation of the photos taken with my phone vs the ones with my camera. This makes me sad since the majority of the remaining photos taken were with the camera.

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5/9/16 Valletta, Malta


Time for lunch on-our-own in Qrendi (at least, that’s how I read the name of the village). I headed to the restrooms first, then came out and started perusing the menus outside some of the cafes. They all looked like more than what I wanted (I had no idea where everyone else had gone). Getting hot and hungry, I trudged up the hill toward the parking lot. I’m all about finding the things that the locals eat and drink, so when I saw the bus driver sitting outside having a smoke and a cola, I figured I was in the right place. Inside were some interesting-looking items in a case. Yes, I’ll have one of those meat pies and a beer for a 5.50E. The proprietor heated it up and it was quite tasty - chicken, mushrooms, and onions in a garlic sauce. The beer went down easily, too. There were only about 5 tables inside and another half-dozen outside. It was perfect and exactly what I was looking for.






We made a brief stop at Hagar Qim then on to Mdina. At least I think this is what we did.






The blurring of times and places is real, folks. Saw the representatives of the Knights of St John on the pier just before we sailed; then they fired the eight cannons we’d seen first thing that morning. It was pretty cool.




Like Crete, I really enjoyed Malta. Those two were probably my favorite stops.

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SnB! Long time! I think I said about a year ago that I was going to email you! Of course, I haven't. I'm such a slacker! Sorry. Hope you are well and cruising.


I'm trying to find something to use my Milestone OBC on (possibly the 1/2/17 Pride Journeys but not sure I can get the time off and it's almost sold out). Then I'm probably moving on to other lines. More on that later.

I am doing well and have a 9 day cruise leaving on Thursday featuring a 2 day stop in Bermuda. Loving this review and your pictures. Seems you had the time of your life. :D

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Sounds wonderful! Have you been to Bermuda? I've been twice, last time last fall. We had almost 3 full days that time and it still wasn't long enough. It's beautiful. Very different from the Caribbean, though.


I just booked the 1/2/17 Pride Journeys. That may be it for me and Carnival. We'll see.

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Unfortunately, I have no real notes after Athens, so it’s all really a blur. After the visit to the Palace, we went to a winery! Imagine that! I actually bought a bottle to take back on the ship.





I'm loving your review! I was wondering if you were allowed to take your bottle of wine back to your room with you. I've heard it's more lax in the Mediterranean.



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Yes, I'd read beforehand that it wouldn't be a problem bringing alcohol back on the ship and this was true. We brought back wine from several ports. We still blew through the 5-bottle wine package in the first few days, but after that, we mostly drank the wine we bought in ports. There wasn't even a table set up after the scanners like there will be once she moves to the Caribbean.


One of the cabinmates also brought back small bottles of other things and there was no issue at all.


So, yes, if you're sailing in Europe, you can probable save a lot of money by bringing on your alcohol in the various ports. Of course, as soon as I say that, someone will try to bring on a case of beer, be stopped, and it will be my fault for saying it was OK. ;)

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