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Eclipsing Northern Europe by cruise : Basic black , and Baltic blues


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ha I just signed closing documents on my first house this morning! going to be a longgggg time for me. :|



Congratulations , and 2 thumbs up from us !


Perhaps not , you are young ( I peeked at your photo reviews - great job btw ) , and things can change fast ! :) :D


And the only thing that moves faster when you get old (like us) - is time !

Edited by scubacruiserx2
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Congrats on the new house, :D

I think.:p


I think :p , is right as it can be a mixed blessing !


Just yesterday I had pleasure of putting up some hurricane shutters in anticipation of a possible tropical storm/hurricane event this weekend . Although , as of today , it will probably miss us , but we have entered our 'terrible two's' , the two month period of time when we are most likely to have a hurricane . We do like to prepare some things in advance so that we have less to do - if the real thing does comes . :eek:

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I think :p , is right as it can be a mixed blessing !


Just yesterday I had pleasure of putting up some hurricane shutters in anticipation of a possible tropical storm/hurricane event this weekend . Although , as of today , it will probably miss us , but we have entered our 'terrible two's' , the two month period of time when we are most likely to have a hurricane . We do like to prepare some things in advance so that we have less to do - if the real thing does comes . :eek:


Have been watching that same tropical system...glad it appears to be going south of both of us....not a fan of this time of year....since 2004 when Frances & Jeanne came calling.... hopefully the rest of this season will pose no threats....:eek:

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We had never heard of Rosenborg Castle before , but we were sure glad that Adam took us ! In a hurry to get to the garden , I forgot to take a photo from the front , so this is Pat's .








Meanwhile , in the garden





There is a moat below the bricks





A side view , from near the restrooms






Adam had an interesting story about these lions , some guards and some money . I wish that I could remember it - but I forgot where I put my memory pills .





Another one of Pat's photos .




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Have been watching that same tropical system...glad it appears to be going south of both of us....not a fan of this time of year....since 2004 when Frances & Jeanne came calling.... hopefully the rest of this season will pose no threats....:eek:


We also had Katrina make landfall near here , just south of Port Everglades before flooding New Orleans and a direct hit here from Wilma after she tore up Cozumel and Cancun in 2005 . We had 3 direct hits here in just over a 1 year period , but we were very fortunate with no major damage ! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Edited by scubacruiserx2
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We also had Katrina make landfall near here , just south of Port Everglades before flooding New Orleans and a direct hit here from Wilma after she tore up Cozumel and Cancun in 2005 . We had 3 direct hits here in just over a 1 year period , but we were very fortunate with no major damage ! :eek: :eek: :eek:


We were on Galaxy doing a TA when Wilma struck. The captain detoured and we were not effected until we couldn't go into Key West, as it was flooded.

Eventually we managed to visit Key West on a land trip in February 2014.

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We also had Katrina make landfall near here , just south of Port Everglades before flooding New Orleans and a direct hit here from Wilma after she tore up Cozumel and Cancun in 2005 . We had 3 direct hits here in just over a 1 year period , but we were very fortunate with no major damage ! :eek: :eek: :eek:


We had some damage at home after Frances & Jeanne...but at the resort, which you've visited, we had about 6 Million in damage....and just as we were all put back together Wilma came along and ripped off part of a brand new roof again!!! Hopefully that's all the hurricanes we will have to deal with for a long time....and even at that it was nothing like Katrina and what happened in New Orleans....


Back to your wonderful review...a MUCH happier topic!! :)

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We were on Galaxy doing a TA when Wilma struck. The captain detoured and we were not effected until we couldn't go into Key West, as it was flooded.

Eventually we managed to visit Key West on a land trip in February 2014.


It's very frustrating to miss a port , but I sure wouldn't care to experience a hurricane at sea ! :eek:



We had some damage at home after Frances & Jeanne...but at the resort, which you've visited, we had about 6 Million in damage....and just as we were all put back together Wilma came along and ripped off part of a brand new roof again!!! Hopefully that's all the hurricanes we will have to deal with for a long time....and even at that it was nothing like Katrina and what happened in New Orleans....


Back to your wonderful review...a MUCH happier topic!! :)



How disheartening and expensive :( , but fortunately , buildings can be rebuilt !



When we had Andrew in Miami , and I was still working with the Fire Department , we were sent to a shelter . During the peak of the storm , one of the guys was talking to his wife and kids as the windows blew out . They also lost their roof , all while he was on the phone - before he lost connection .


He had to wait about 12 hours before he was able to find out that they were all right , thank God . :eek:




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When we had Andrew in Miami , and I was still working with the Fire Department , we were sent to a shelter . During the peak of the storm , one of the guys was talking to his wife and kids as the windows blew out . They also lost their roof , all while he was on the phone - before he lost connection .


He had to wait about 12 hours before he was able to find out that they were all right , thank God . :eek:


That must have been torture for him....glad it turned out okay....

and you're right...buildings can be rebuilt! :)

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Rosenborg Castle was built by King Christian IV , who ruled over Denmark during the peak of it's power and Norway . He was a larger than life King , kind of a Danish Peter the Great , before Peter the Great was born . Both a lover ( 2 wives , 3 mistresses and 25 children ) and a fighter ( 30 years war and the Torstenson War with Sweden ) .






Our tour began in the Winter Room





Which includes several busts of Christian IV









Moving into his bedroom which I found somewhat macabre .






Wax statues in boxes





This one of Queen Sophie Amalie ( I found this photo on the net as mine had a lot of glare )




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There were several paintings on the ceiling and Queen Sophie Amalie was the model for this one in which she portrays Hera , queen of the gods .




My editor suggested that I dress them up a little ( Evening chic ) .






In the Thirty Years' War with Sweden - King Christian IV demonstrate a heroism that is remembered by the Danish Nation and glorified is name for ever - as he on the deck of the battleship -Trefoldighed - (Trinity) in 1644 - at the Bay of Kiel was hit by splinters of wood and metal by a exploded canon that wounded him several places and blinding him totally one eye. The King’s bloody clothing from this event is displayed at Rosenborg Castle.


from http://www.copenhagenet.dk/cph-rosenborg.htm



The bloody clothing and some earrings made from the shrapnel removed from the king .





And finally , Christian died in this room and so they had a photo of the fallen king here .





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We also had Katrina make landfall near here , just south of Port Everglades before flooding New Orleans and a direct hit here from Wilma after she tore up Cozumel and Cancun in 2005 . We had 3 direct hits here in just over a 1 year period , but we were very fortunate with no major damage ! :eek: :eek: :eek:


Very fortunate indeed. I hope your luck continues to be favourable but being prepared is the best way of hopefullly preventing major damage and getting through any disruptions after the storms.:)

Edited by MicCanberra
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Very fortunate indeed. I hope your luck continues to be favourable but being prepared is the best way of hopefullly preventing major damage and getting through any disruptions after the storms.:)


Yes Mic , you've hit the nail on the head , being prepared - in advance . We gas the cars and have done our food and water shopping before the panic buying crowds clog the stores . Our biggest difficulty is that the kids have moved away , and so we have less adult help around here .


Also we adopted a different strategy in 2005 after I had retired . Instead of having to prepare our house , and then returning to Miami to work , I could stay home - or leave . When we saw what Wilma did in Mexico , we flew to Michigan with Tyler and visited Pat's family while Wilma visited our house . When we returned home and the power was still out , we drove to Disney World and took another vacation , until the power came back on ! :) :D

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Continuing our tour , we moved up a floor in the castle and came to Frederik the IV's Hall with this double portrait . Seen from one way it's Frederik





while viewed from the other way , it's his sister Sophie Hedevig





In Frederik the V's Cabinet is this portrait of his wife , Queen Louise .






This family painting of Frederik VI is found in the room named after him .






And in Christian the VIII 's Room was this beautiful mantle clock .





Adam showed the painting and shared a story about Christian VII .





Christian VII was completely unsuitable as an absolute monarch. He probably suffered from schizophrenia and had intense mood-swings. In the first years of his reign he participated in nightly boozes at the brothels of Copenhagen in the company of a prostitute named Bootee-Katrine .



I can't make this stuff up folks , it's from :http://www.kongernessamling.dk/en/rosenborg/person/christian-vii/




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Continuing our tour , we moved up a floor in the castle and came to Frederik the IV's Hall with this double portrait . Seen from one way it's Frederik





while viewed from the other way , it's his sister Sophie Hedevig





Well that is very interesting.....I also love exploring castles...and wish we had had more time at Windsor back in 2015...

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Yes Mic , you've hit the nail on the head , being prepared - in advance . We gas the cars and have done our food and water shopping before the panic buying crowds clog the stores . Our biggest difficulty is that the kids have moved away , and so we have less adult help around here .


Also we adopted a different strategy in 2005 after I had retired . Instead of having to prepare our house , and then returning to Miami to work , I could stay home - or leave . When we saw what Wilma did in Mexico , we flew to Michigan with Tyler and visited Pat's family while Wilma visited our house . When we returned home and the power was still out , we drove to Disney World and took another vacation , until the power came back on ! :) :D


Great plan. I hope you don't have to implement any thing too serious this season.:D

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Well that is very interesting.....I also love exploring castles...and wish we had had more time at Windsor back in 2015...


Yeah , it seems like time or lack thereof , is always the fly in the ointment ! ;)


We were fortunate to have a second visit to Windsor , and Salisbury but as it fell on a Sunday - some things were closed .



But I think that the castle that felt the most like a castle , was Castle Rushen , found on the Isle of Man .






With the exception of the aluminum ramp - that is . :) :D



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The top floor of the castle is a large room called The Knight's Hall .






The walls are covered by 12 tapestries and at one end is a silver throne , the Throne for Audience







There are several paintings on the ceiling




They reminded us of the Moscow Metro





And the Royal Danish Coat of Arms






Coat of Arms

The Royal Danish Coat of Arms from the time of Frederik IV’s court. Installed during the complete refurbising of the entire ceiling at the start of the 18th century, after the likewise rather large remodelling seen in the time of Christian V.


A practice initiated in medieval times, coat of arms where traditionally used as heraldic representations of ownership or origins, as well as being symbols of power and prestige. As such these representations where convenient introductions to every prince in Europe, and could of course be used as political messages or claims.


Notice in particular the three crowns on a blue background, representing a longstanding danish claim to the Swedish throne. If you include the Norwegian lion on a red background along with the danish three lions and nine hearts, you have the three nations comprised by the Kalmarunion, led by danish regents until Sweden dissolved the alliance at the start of the 16th century.


Source :http://www.kongernessamling.dk/en/rosenborg/object/coat-of-arms/



And on the end opposite of the silver throne , The King's and Queen's Coronation Throne guarded by the Three Silver Lions .






Three silver lions, made l665-1670 in Copenhagen by Ferdinand Küblich. They are used on solemn occasions as guards around the throne and the Royal catafalque.


Thought to be inspired by the stories of King Solomon from The Old Testament, in whose court there were 12 golden lions protecting the throne.




Coronation Chair , Queen


The coronation chair of the Danish queens. Made in silver by Niels Jonsen in Copenhagen for the anointing of Queen Sophie Magdalene in 1731.


Despite not being excessively wealthy Queen Sophie Magdalene influenced her husband King Christian VI into buying all sorts of majestic symbols and modernities, and even had the crown for the absolute queens made for their joint coronation as well.



And , lastly :


Coronation chair, King


The coronation chair of the Danish kings, used at coronations between 1671-1840 during the institution of Absolute Monarchy, by Bendix Grodtschilling 1662-1671


The gilt figures were added during Christian V’s reign. The chair was used at coronations from 1671-1840.


Frederik III ordered this chair along the same lines as the silver lions, inspired by the stories of King Solomon from the Old Testament. To further enhance its legendary status, it was said that it was composed by unicorn horn. In reality, however, it is made from narwhale tusks, a material the danish kings could initially claim almost as their own because of the danish ownership of Iceland and the Faroe islands.


Christian VIII was the last coronated king, 1840, and immediately after the succesion of his son King Frederik VII in 1848, Frederik VII signed the first constitution in 1849. Since regents are no longer coronated, the subsequent succesions up until this day, have traditionally been marked by the proclamation of the death of the old regent by the primeminister, followed by three “long live…the new regent”, from the balcony of Christiansborg.




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Our last stop in Rosenborg Castle was the basement . At the entrance the guards were more vigilant than the ceremonial guards which we had seen earlier .





Perhaps they were guarding the thousand liter wine barrels






or the war game






or the old weapons





or maybe these Colt Revolvers presented to King Frederik VII from President Abraham Lincoln in 1861 .




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Nice guns but can you still get that bullets for that calibre ?


What the King wants ...




March 5, 1836: “God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal!” (Old West Adage)




But the bullets may have to be gold or silver ! :eek:



I found the following at : Abbeville Press






President Lincoln made still another political gift of 1860 Army revolvers, to King Frederick VII of Denmark. These too were delicately inlaid with gold, the carved grips framed in sterling silver. Silver-mounted rosewood casings for both out-fits were by Hartford craftsman William Milton; this fact was discovered by accident when vacuuming out Fredericks set--the lid lining came loose, to reveal Miltons business card. Serial numbers 31904, 31905. Courtesy Frederick VII Foundation, Jaegerspris, Denmark.






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We had now come to the Ivory and Amber display cases .



Ivory and amber

In the cellar room furthest to the north about half of Rosenborg’s 700 or so artefacts made of ivory and amber are displayed. They range in date from 1585 to1850. Some are gifts from foreign princes in return for white hunting falcons from Iceland and horses from Denmark.


Quote from : http://www.kongernessamling.dk/en/rosenborg/room/ivory-and-amber/















Riding trappings, 1634

Riding trappings used at the wedding of Christian, the Prince Elect in 1634. Black velvet, embroidered with gold, jewels and pearls. Made by Gert Osserijn in Copenhagen. These trappings were only a small part of the colossal wedding between the Prince Elect Christian and Magdalena Sibylla of Saxony in 1634, the celebration was arranged by his father king Christian IV. The wedding was intended as a deliberate show of prestige as well as a product of dynastical succession, merely five yeas after the embarrasing defeat in the 30 years war.


Quote from : http://www.kongernessamling.dk/en/rosenborg/object/riding-trappings-1634/







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