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Sweating the Small Stuff


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While on vacation I want a really, really good Bloody Mary and heavy sigh, Royal uses some over the top horrible mix.




Go for a custom-made cocktail....tomato juice, hot sauce(or Sambal Oelek from the crew mess), Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, and a celery stalk. With your choice of vodka, of course. Our bartenders on Regent make thes for me on request.

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I always think this when I'm reading some of the negative reviews. What people get upset about that "ruined the experience" is incredible. You are on a cruise, if you are unhappy, it's YOU.

This is hyperbole and has almost reached "urban myth" status here on CC. I have read hundreds and hundreds of reviews over 15 years and virtually NEVER does anyone actually say that any given annoyance or inconvenience RUINED their cruise. I'd really like anyone in this thread who has repeated this idea to link to just one single post that actually says so. :rolleyes:



People complaining about people who complain, guess what that makes you???


So true. And bear in mind how many people use CC to try and establish a reasonable expectation of their upcoming cruise vacation. What possible good does it do if people don't honestly express issues or concerns they had or mention what they in particular liked and disliked? For the PP that said dissatisfaction is a result of unreasonable expectations - you are 100% correct.

Edited by ronandannette
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This is hyperbole and has almost reached "urban myth" status here on CC. I have read hundreds and hundreds of reviews over 15 years and virtually NEVER does anyone actually say that any given annoyance or inconvenience RUINED their cruise. I'd really like anyone in this thread who has repeated this idea to link to just one single post that actually says so. :rolleyes:





So true. And bear in mind how many people use CC to try and establish a reasonable expectation of their upcoming cruise vacation. What possible good does it do if people don't honestly express issues or concerns they had or mention what they in particular liked and disliked? For the PP that said dissatisfaction is a result of unreasonable expectations - you are 100% correct.













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The only thing I even slightly sweated on a cruise was a hurricane on our last sailing. But I trust the Captain and the crew and knew they would adjust the course to avoid it and they did!


Just called for another "shot" and it was no big deal!!


I've read that the Captain adjusts the course to avoid hurricanes, but think I may be a wreck if I find a hurricane is brewing and possibly heading to FL when I will be on my cruise. Have travel insurance, but still.....

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Reading lots of threads about things that seem too trivial to ruin a vacation. After all, we're on a cruise ship right? What silly thing can ruin your vacation. I'm going to miss baseball but I watch tons at home. Small thing but I will miss my Mets


Can't think of one silly little thing that could possibly ruin our vacation and we travel as often as we can. The only time our vacation was totally ruined was when we had to cancel it (not for a silly little thing). We found out my DGM passed away as we were driving to NY for our cruise the next day (14 hour drive). We ended up canceling that night and driving back home the next day to mourn with our family. While that vacation was ruined we used the insurance money to rebook the same cruise the follow year.


We did have one cruise where multiple things went wrong: We went with my extended family, my brothers didn't take their share of time driving down there (2 vehicles) and when they did drive it scared the **** out of us. A fuse blew in my Mom's car half way down locking my Step Dads wheel chair and their luggage in the trunk. We were delayed at a dealership for 3-4 hours trying to get it fixed. My brother and step dad got into a huge argument pre-cruise at my Grandmothers house. As we were driving to the ship a cooler flew out of a truck in front of us, flew over our vehicle and smashed into the front windshield of my Moms car on the drivers side, shattering it. On the ship my step dad complained about everything. My Mom was sea sick most of time. Our port stop in Grand Cayman was cancelled and we were sent to Progresso instead. On the way home we got caught up in a traffic Jam for the Florida/Florida State Football game and the Georgia/Georgia State Football game later that same day. When we got home we found out Grandma went into the hospital shortly after we left her home and my Dad got a Staff infection in the hospital and was on life support. He died a couple days after our return. When we returned home we also found all of DD's guppies had died.


The cruise itself we enjoyed. DS won Bingo for one of my brothers shouting "I have BO". DD did the Austin Powers dance class with my other brother who died 2 years ago. It is one of my favorite memories of him. I'll never forget the waitress who came up to my Step Dad during the "HOT HOT HOT" song and dance and asked him "How you feeling?" and he said "Oh, all right I guess" into the microphone or the tears DD shed the last night as she was hugging the same waitress good bye. As for the guppies, we hid the fact that they died from DD and DH went to the store to buy some replacements. Unfortunately he didn't know the difference between gold fish and guppies and those guppies really grew while we were on vacation :p.


The little things can ruin your vacation only if let them and focus on them. I prefer to focus on the positive, let the little things slide, and enjoy as much as I can. Life is too short to focus on the negative. We can look back now and laugh at many of the little things that happened to us. The big ones (the deaths) bring us sadness but we can still look back and find happy memories to enjoy.

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My "survival" has been viral Cardiomyopathy. At the time of diagnosis, I was given 6 months. It's been 6 years. We (daughters, grandson and me) decided our motto would be "why not?" so we booked our first ever Med cruise. We had never been to Europe. I considered it a trip of a lifetime. Then we booked a second one with a different itinerary. Who is lucky enough to get to do that? Now we have been on several more cruises and have one planned for Christmas and one for next summer. How lucky am I? So when I see the petty complaints about the coffee, the dress code "violations" and even the chair hogs, I feel a little sorry for these folks who don't know how to appreciate LIFE. Our last cruise wasn't ruined because of it, but what happened did affect our dinner every night in the MDR. We were seated next to a table of four young adults (2 couples traveling together) who looked like professionals. One was a Vegan, one was a Vegetarian and the other two had multiple food allergies. On night one, they spent 10 minutes racking the poor waiter over the coals because there was no Vegan menu (like on the Independence). They insisted on seeing the Head Waiter who received the same loud, long lecture while he apologizing and offering everything but his first born to no avail. Every night, it took the waiter, asst. waiter and the Head waiter to get them served and they still complained, up to and including asking that the chef list all the ingredients in the specially prepared dishes to make sure he didn't "screw with their system." They sent dishes back and they came to the dining room one night asking for specific dishes to be prepared and brought to them in "to go" containers. You could just see the poor waiter knot up into a ball when he saw them prance into the dining room (late) every night. They snickered and made nasty remarks while he was scurrying around for their numerous special requests.He was so consumed with them that he got a few of our dishes wrong, failed to bring a couple of dishes and we sat with empty glasses a few times and we never mentioned it. PLEASE be nice to the crew and staff. These people work incredibly hard to please us all. Seeing the disrespect they showed these people was the closest I've seen to anything ruining our cruise. I loathe hearing people bully and belittle others. It's unacceptable. No one in the service industry deserves to be treated disrespectfully, on a ship or on land. These people just flat out bullied the crew and staff. If for no other reason, just remember, they are the last ones handling the food you put in your mouth, folks. :D


Just for a little more hope, I was diagnosed with a peripartum cardiomyopathy after DD was born 19 years ago. I was told I had a 33% chance of getting better, 33% chance of staying the same (at that time I had an EF rating of 7% and was on multiple meds), and 33% chance of dying or needing a heart transplant. My last echo showed an EF of 60% and as healthy of a heart as I can have. I have had more recent health issues with a Dissected Carotid last August causing me to have 2 mini strokes. I go for a follow up CT Scan this month to make sure it is healing as hoped. Prayers are appreciated.


I just turned 50 last month. I've got some Angels looking out for me and I don't take life for granted. We travel as much as we can with our kids and without. We enjoy every moment we can spend together. Life is too short to let the little things get you down. The big ones suck and I've had big ones in my life, especially recently with my own health issue, DB dying at 39, leaving behind 2 young boys. My cousin, who is like a sister to me (my college room mate and Maid of Honor), suffering through brain cancer right now, she is 47, and another cousin who suffered a Dissected Aorta in February and has been in the hospital since having both of his legs amputated and struggling to get healthy enough to eat on his own and go home. The doctors all agree that it is a miracle he is alive. He is only 43 with 2 little girls.


Sometimes I think we all need to stop and count our blessings. While I have health struggles, I am alive and I have 2 wonderful kids and a loving husband, a job I enjoy and supports me with all my struggles, and I am looking forward to the 2 cruises we currently have booked. I plan on enjoying them. No little things will keep me from doing that.

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Burt, since I joined in 2005, there seems to be more complaining or comments made toward a Post. I believe in trying to help an individual with their question or provide a Link to the best section of CC where they can get an answer. If I am unable to help at all then I move on and let others assist. We have many on CC who provide all of us with helpful information regardless if it is our first cruise or 100th.


You are so right! When I first joined, everyone was so helpful. Now people start a thread with "Sorry if..." No one should ever have to start a sentence with Sorry! Just my "Complaint" for the day. Lol!

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You are so right! When I first joined, everyone was so helpful. Now people start a thread with "Sorry if..." No one should ever have to start a sentence with Sorry! Just my "Complaint" for the day. Lol!



Yes. I cringe whenever someone makes a new post with a very reasonable question and is met with "why on earth are you posting this here".

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Behind the OP's question is the assumption that everyone defines "little" in the same way. The many posts on this thread suggest otherwise. The consensus of opinion on this thread seems to be that if it's a "little" thing, it can't, by definition, ruin one's vacation.


Whatever it may be that CC posters elsewhere have suggested "ruined" their vacation must not have been defined as "little" to them, though posters on this thread feel free to redefine these annoyances as "little," and therefore invalid for ruining a cruise.


One person's "little" is another person's major thorn in the flesh. We are all different.


In my opinion, what many might describe as a "little" annoyance but which can, if not "ruin," certainly "detract in a major way" from one's enjoyment of a cruise, would be something that prevents one from sleeping peacefully. A short list of such "little" annoyances includes uncomfortable beds or pillows, noisy staff or fellow pax, objectionable odors permeating one's cabin, inadequate heating or AC, or constant whistling, dripping, creaking or vibrating cabin noises. The latter is a problem I have experienced, and while it did not "ruin" my cruise, it made it much less pleasant than it might otherwise have been.


"Small" things can ruin sleep, and ruined sleep can ruin a vacation. JMO

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Behind the OP's question is the assumption that everyone defines "little" in the same way. The many posts on this thread suggest otherwise. The consensus of opinion on this thread seems to be that if it's a "little" thing, it can't, by definition, ruin one's vacation.


Whatever it may be that CC posters elsewhere have suggested "ruined" their vacation must not have been defined as "little" to them, though posters on this thread feel free to redefine these annoyances as "little," and therefore invalid for ruining a cruise.


One person's "little" is another person's major thorn in the flesh. We are all different.


In my opinion, what many might describe as a "little" annoyance but which can, if not "ruin," certainly "detract in a major way" from one's enjoyment of a cruise, would be something that prevents one from sleeping peacefully. A short list of such "little" annoyances includes uncomfortable beds or pillows, noisy staff or fellow pax, objectionable odors permeating one's cabin, inadequate heating or AC, or constant whistling, dripping, creaking or vibrating cabin noises. The latter is a problem I have experienced, and while it did not "ruin" my cruise, it made it much less pleasant than it might otherwise have been.


"Small" things can ruin sleep, and ruined sleep can ruin a vacation. JMO


Please don't take this the wrong way but can I suggest taking ear plugs for the issue of constant whistling, dripping, creaking, or vibrating noises...even covers noisy staff and neighbors. It won't stop all the issues you listed but it stops most of them. I don't travel without ear plugs for just that reason...plus DH snores like crazy.

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I would not say that we don't have some things that we prefer to avoid when traveling, on a cruise or otherwise... the trick is knowing yourself well enough that you plan as best you can to avoid situations that bug you. We do pretty well... my plan B when all else false is come up with another approach.

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Please don't take this the wrong way but can I suggest taking ear plugs for the issue of constant whistling, dripping, creaking, or vibrating noises...even covers noisy staff and neighbors. It won't stop all the issues you listed but it stops most of them. I don't travel without ear plugs for just that reason...plus DH snores like crazy.



Ear plugs and white noise for me. The world is noisy and there's nothing we can do about it.


I'm not sure how one can cruise regularly without making peace with objectionable smells. Seems to be something you just get with ship plumbing. (And as a brand new cruiser, I was *glad* to know ahead of time, so I'm glad people complained about it while I was reading before my first cruise.)


No A/C would be a deal breaker, though. That's not a problem I can solve on my own.

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My prayers to each and every one of you that have had to experience any and all health challenges, as these are the "little things" that can stop us in our tracks!


I am a 3 year survivor of pancreatic cancer (was able to have very successful surgery, chemo, and radiation), and although it did slow us down a bit while I was going through treatment, we are back planning for each cruise, and thanking God for the opportunity!


Cruising is something that we love to do, and, as I am sure others will attest to, even taking the time to notice people who constantly complain is not something that we do, or remember doing.....hummm, we are on a ship, watching the ocean, and listening to the sea....lovely:D

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No A/C would be a deal breaker, though. That's not a problem I can solve on my own.


No A/C would be a deal breaker for me too. I need a cool cabin to sleep properly. I don't handle sleep deprivation very well. :(

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I am amazed at people who are concerned who the captain, CD or MDR manager is. I never encounter these people and they have little or no effect on the vacation. In fact the most I see them is at a meet and greet and I feel sorry for them having to go to these events, when they have other things to do on their already busy schedule

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I am amazed at people who are concerned who the captain, CD or MDR manager is. I never encounter these people and they have little or no effect on the vacation. In fact the most I see them is at a meet and greet and I feel sorry for them having to go to these events, when they have other things to do on their already busy schedule



Agree!!! I always wonder why. I never worry about who they are either.

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I am amazed at people who are concerned who the captain, CD or MDR manager is. I never encounter these people and they have little or no effect on the vacation. In fact the most I see them is at a meet and greet and I feel sorry for them having to go to these events, when they have other things to do on their already busy schedule


It's part of their job to attend those functions and to get out and meet the passengers.

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It's part of their job to attend those functions and to get out and meet the passengers.



I agree, but IMHO it turns into a customer gripe session complaining about the silly items listed on this board. I bet they have more significant things to do than stand around with a fake smile in a meet and greet. And again the only time I see or want to see a CD is opening an act, I don't want the MDR interrupting dinner for a chat, and the captain or Hotel manager have no effect on me unless there is a problem, so these talented people do not effect what cruise I am taking and I have no need to know who they are before selecting a cruise.

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It's part of their job to attend those functions and to get out and meet the passengers.


When I was a kid traveling on ocean liners (well before the cruise ship era began) I would occasionally see the Captain or First Officer but only as they were attending to their duties which was mastering the ship. Light chit chat with passengers was very rare and Captains Table, when scheduled, was not done in the MDR. That special evening was held in a dedicated small dinning room that was used only for such occasions (they typically lasted for 2-3 hours). Invitations were usually limited to guest that were far up the social ladder and not by the price paid for their accommodation or number of transits sailed on that ship. 'Meet and greets' didn't exist. It was obvious [to me as a youngster] that the Captain and his Mate were very important people that had far more important things to attend to than being socially connected to new passengers [every week]. They had the responsibility of running an ocean liner and making sure the ships passengers and crew were being kept safe. The smiles, handshakes and social interaction was the domain of his staff. Have we come a long way since those days? I'm not sure. I think I miss when the Captain and his First Mate were untouchable and almost royalty. But that's just me.

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When I was a kid traveling on ocean liners (well before the cruise ship era began) I would occasionally see the Captain or First Officer but only as they were attending to their duties which was mastering the ship. Light chit chat with passengers was very rare and Captains Table, when scheduled, was not done in the MDR. That special evening was held in a dedicated small dinning room that was used only for such occasions (they typically lasted for 2-3 hours). Invitations were usually limited to guest that were far up the social ladder and not by the price paid for their accommodation or number of transits sailed on that ship. 'Meet and greets' didn't exist. It was obvious [to me as a youngster] that the Captain and his Mate were very important people that had far more important things to attend to than being socially connected to new passengers [every week]. They had the responsibility of running an ocean liner and making sure the ships passengers and crew were being kept safe. The smiles, handshakes and social interaction was the domain of his staff. Have we come a long way since those days? I'm not sure. I think I miss when the Captain and his First Mate were untouchable and almost royalty. But that's just me.


Maybe The Love Boat changed the paradigm.:)

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Being forced to cruise Carnival again would ruin it for us. :)


No offense to Carnival lovers--I know not all their cruises are bad, but that 8-day cruise felt like 80 days! It was the worst vacation we ever had--service, food, shows, it was just bad. That was not our 1st Carnival cruise, but it was our last. Speaking for one of my co-workers who sailed Carnival for their very 1st cruise back in the winter--they woke up one morning (it was like day 2 of the cruise) and had over 1 foot of water in their cabin. (Broken pipe & it affected several cabins) Guest services told them they didn't have any available cabins to move them to, so they spent an entire day trying to dry their stuff out.


The one thing that did ruin a cruise for me several years ago was sea-sickness. I was in bed for 1 1/2 days......couldn't figure out why either. Never happened before, but now I start my ginger pills a few days before so it won't happen again (hopefully).

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