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Mitsugirlys FASCINATION with San Juan-review & pictorial


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Still concerned with them being covered up.











This is the area that people rent jet skis from. It's not part of The Boatyard. The Boatyard will tell you, and there's sign posted, that if you want to do any jet skis or water activities, you must do it before coming on their property.








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Sakari was putting her crab up so that we could go eat.




The hubby went up and ordered food.





It was time for a few "fun" pictures before the day was over.











The popo was riding up and down the beach. We felt safe.






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Then I see Kendra talking to someone.





She falls for the guy with the monkey and pays him $5 to have Braydens picture taken with it.











Then we noticed these guys...




The cruise director, his assistant that was dancing at sailaway (Chris) and a bunch of the staff, including a lot of the girls from the kids club, was at the beach. The CD had a super small drone that he was controlling from his phone (?). I heard him talking to the staff there and they must come there a lot when in port. They all seem to know each other.


Now, I'm just going to stop here and mention...a little later after this, when we packed up to get ready to leave, they seem to be getting a little "tipsy" (some of the girls). Well, one of the girls from the kids club actually took her top off. :eek: While that might (or might not) be ok at some places (like I know it's ok and normal in St Maarten), I still do not think it's a good idea to do this at any public place when you are a kids club staff and there are potential kids that may be in your group back on the ship there. I was a little shocked. (We would later end up riding back to the port with some of them). Nudity does not bother me. I could care less myself. I guess that comes from being a nurse and I have seen more nude bodies than one can imagine. Nothing shocks me and nothing like that bothers me. Just saying because of "who" it was and "who" might have been there at the beach to see it...like our kids that go to the kids club.

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Nice review!


About the grape trees that someone asked earlier if they were edible - yes! They're sea grapes (they're actually in the buckwheat family and not "true" grapes) and people eat the ripe fruit - the purple ones - raw, or make them into jam, jelly, or wine. The fruit has very large pits, so you don't actually get much actual fruit with each berry.

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Love the review and thanks for taking the time to do this. We are going to the Boatyard on our October 2nd cruise and I wanted to know what you guys did with your personal items while you swam with the turtles. Did you leave them on your chairs? Thanks.

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This is a great review as always.


The RC Adventure of the seas leaves San Juan on Southern routes, I saw earlier in your planning that you were asking about San Juan and wondered if that was what you were sailing, I actually asked what ship you were going on and I was thinking that you may have been on the same sailing that I had booked for Nov 14 on a 5 day sailing. Now I know that isn't the case :). Due to an issue with work I am not able to go on that sailing anyway.


How would you know if Sakari was picking up a poisonous spider or not? That girl is so amazingly brave.


Thanks for your time and wonderful information.

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I enjoy reading your reviews, Kim. I wish my husband loved cruises as much as I do (and apparently yours does).


Just thought I would mention that there is another bioluminescent bay near Falmouth, Jamaica. We went there in January when we stayed at an all-inclusive in Negril (it was a long ride from Negril, but worth it). It is called The Glistening Waters (AKA Luminous Lagoon) and there is a restaurant and marina there, too. Obviously one couldn't go there on a cruise because they all depart before dark, but if you ever were to go to an all-inclusive near Montego Bay you could.


The glow there was just like all the photos I have seen. On this tour you could get in the water for a few minutes and of course they had a photographer on board to take your photo and sell it to you. The crew also brought buckets of water on board for you to dip your hand or arm in if you didn't want to get in the water. I didn't get in; it wasn't deep but the bottom was described as feeling like you were standing in oatmeal and I knew I wouldn't like that. However, other people did get in and they certainly were "glistening."


It was a great experience.

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The family did not look too thrilled so I ask him why we had to walk outside. He told us in order to take a private taxi and not have to wait on a taxi to fill up, we would have to go outside. If we caught the taxis inside, they would not leave until they were full. Ok, good enough for me.



After a few frustrating experiences with the cabs inside the port area, that's what we always do in Barbados.......walk all the way out of the gates to get a taxi/van. Much cheaper and the drivers are far nicer and more accommodating than the "entitled" ones inside the port.

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Nice review!


About the grape trees that someone asked earlier if they were edible - yes! They're sea grapes (they're actually in the buckwheat family and not "true" grapes) and people eat the ripe fruit - the purple ones - raw, or make them into jam, jelly, or wine. The fruit has very large pits, so you don't actually get much actual fruit with each berry.


Well that's interesting to know. I have never seen any purple ones before. Do you have to pick them first in order for them to turn purple and be ripe enough to eat?


Hi Kim...as usual a great review...your pictures make it look like Sakari can hold her breath under water for such a long time ...it looks like she really is a mermaid...she even go down deep ...that really is very good lung control...LOL


Thanks and yes, Sakari has learn to hold her breath for a VERY long time. Some time she scares me. She practices in our tub at home and you don't know how many times I wanted to reach down and pull her up. I know it's possible to hold your breath for so long that it causes you to pass out, so my mind immediately reverts back to that thought every time. Last year, when we were cruising, her and my youngest son, Kolin, were having "competitions" in the water on holding their breath and she actually won each time. He was worn out at the end of it. LOL

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Love the review and thanks for taking the time to do this. We are going to the Boatyard on our October 2nd cruise and I wanted to know what you guys did with your personal items while you swam with the turtles. Did you leave them on your chairs? Thanks.


They have you bring your items up to them and they hold on to them and watch them while you are gone. :)


Those turtle photos are amazing. You could blow them up on canvas to hang on the wall.


I know. I couldn't believe how good they turned out. I just wish I had thought to take a video or two of them and us swimming together.

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This is a great review as always.


The RC Adventure of the seas leaves San Juan on Southern routes, I saw earlier in your planning that you were asking about San Juan and wondered if that was what you were sailing, I actually asked what ship you were going on and I was thinking that you may have been on the same sailing that I had booked for Nov 14 on a 5 day sailing. Now I know that isn't the case :). Due to an issue with work I am not able to go on that sailing anyway.


How would you know if Sakari was picking up a poisonous spider or not? That girl is so amazingly brave.


Thanks for your time and wonderful information.


I have tried to tell her not to pick up or touch things...especially here at home...like spiders, termites, snakes and so on. I explain to her that not all are friendly. However, I still need to reinforce some of this teaching while on vacation because she has got to the point that she'll touch or pick up anything she can...especially when snorkeling (and even after her experience of getting stung by a fireworm at LFK and the fire coral in Cozumel at Passion Island). She has learn that if you come near or touch the feather duster worms, they pull in real quick and then slowly come back out. I have seen her put her fingers on things that were not the feather dusters and thinking they were. Sigh :p


I enjoy reading your reviews, Kim. I wish my husband loved cruises as much as I do (and apparently yours does).


Just thought I would mention that there is another bioluminescent bay near Falmouth, Jamaica. We went there in January when we stayed at an all-inclusive in Negril (it was a long ride from Negril, but worth it). It is called The Glistening Waters (AKA Luminous Lagoon) and there is a restaurant and marina there, too. Obviously one couldn't go there on a cruise because they all depart before dark, but if you ever were to go to an all-inclusive near Montego Bay you could.


The glow there was just like all the photos I have seen. On this tour you could get in the water for a few minutes and of course they had a photographer on board to take your photo and sell it to you. The crew also brought buckets of water on board for you to dip your hand or arm in if you didn't want to get in the water. I didn't get in; it wasn't deep but the bottom was described as feeling like you were standing in oatmeal and I knew I wouldn't like that. However, other people did get in and they certainly were "glistening."


It was a great experience.


Honestly, I don't really care of Jamaica and try to avoid cruises there. Therefore, I would never go there for a vacation. But it sounds like they have an awesome place to view the bioluminescent bay as well. :)

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What cameras did you take?



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Camera information is in my very first post. :)


After a few frustrating experiences with the cabs inside the port area, that's what we always do in Barbados.......walk all the way out of the gates to get a taxi/van. Much cheaper and the drivers are far nicer and more accommodating than the "entitled" ones inside the port.



I will know next time...and I definitely want a next time! That makes sense. It was just weird the way ours happened and we didn't know what was going on. I'll know next time. :)

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When we decided it was time to get ready to go, we gathered our things and headed up to wash off. They had an outside shower and there were people lined up to use it. They had signs posted up that you must be clean of all sand and dry to get in a cab for the return trip to the dock.


That meant washing off and trying to sit in the blazing hot sun to dry off...which made you want to get back in the water.


We headed toward the "exit", which was a small building and it was a store. We told the lady in there that we were ready to leave. She called for a cab and we waited for about 10 minutes for it to arrive. Once it got there, we walked out and got in and then that's when a lot of the staff from the ship came running and piled in. All were able to get in but 1 person. So another got out and said she'd wait with her for another cab so she didn't have to wait alone. They tried to talk the cab driver into letting her sit on someone's lap or squeeze in and the cab driver was real strict with the amount of passengers she was allowed to carry.


We made it back to the dock and took a few pictures








Then we did a little bit of shopping and I managed to get my tee shirt and of course a magnet.




We headed back to the ship at 4:15pm and off to the room for showers and dry clothes.



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After showering, we headed up to the top deck to watch the sail away and I would, of course, take pictures of the dock and area.


It kind of reminds me of Freeport














As we were backing out and turning, we came SO CLOSE to the dock that the hubby and I seriously thought were would hit it. Others must have thought that too because they gathered on the side close to the dock and were taking pictures. Of course by the time I got to that side, I was too late to show just how close we were.






As I was taking pictures, Sakari was busy playing putt putt with a group of friends.





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The day before, B begged and begged for Kendra to get him a whale tale cup/drink. Sakari had been begging for one, so we finally broke down and got her one.


I figured it would be just one of those novelty items that you buy and would never use again, with it ending up in the cabinet collecting dust, then eventually end up at the thrift store. But, she has actually been using it since we got home. So, as long as it gets some use, I'm good with the purchase.




As we were sitting, I noticed the staff still constantly cleaning the glass. I have to say that this is the first time that I noticed SO MUCH cleaning on Carnival. I see it constantly on NCL, and not saying that Carnival doesn't clean, but I haven't noticed it this much before.






After sail away, we headed to the buffet area to wait on the kids club to come so that Sakari could go eat with her friends. This is one thing that she loves to do and NCL does not offer it. We dropped her off with them and went to eat at a table within her site.




After dinner we headed to the room to drop of her whale tail cup that I knew I was going to get stuck carrying around and to grab some headache medicine. My head was throbbing at this point and I needed something to ease the pain. Wait, I'll ease the pain by heading to the casino and win some money! I did ok and the headache went away, but I didn't come out too much of a winner that night.


We headed to Pixels to buy our photos and ended up with 7 of them. I like that they offer "free" stuff with you purchases. The more pictures you buy, the more free stuff you get. I ended up with a free coupon for a picture book from Shutterfly (which I love), a free Carnival cup, and a Carnival luggage tag.


I also manage to find our Dr Seuss pictures from our breakfast the day before.











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Remember how I mentioned that right outside the casino and in the hall where the live band was playing so loudly? That was where the cruise consultant was located. We stopped by to see the deals they had for booking during this cruise.




Now I can tell you I would have been interested in the Bermuda cruise on the Sunshine and ESPECIALLY the 8 day Southern cruise on the Vista with 3 ports that I haven't been to yet. I can almost guarantee that I would have booked that one. However, YOU COULDN'T HEAR HER TALK!! It was so frustrating. Shouting back and forth. Not being able to understand what was being said. Why would they put someone in that location? I walked away and didn't book. They lost a sale, I lost a chance to save money.


It was getting dark and we headed to go pick up Sakari from the kids club at 9pm. I had really hoped she wanted to leave this time instead of waiting until the 10pm close time. If you have any hopes of getting dinner at the buffet, you have to be there early because they close.





I believe it was Mexican night and she had made a mustache (it was fuzzy and funny) and a sombrero. She wanted to go eat and she decided she would wear the mustache every where she went.





I think she likes to get a reaction out of others around the ship. She would stare at them until they looked at her and then she'd smile.


It was a desert night for me. I didn't feel like eating another dinner.





We headed back to the room and found this towel animal. He was hanging off the bed, I guess intentionally? I'm not sure.






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Of course several people approached us and ask where we planned on going and tried to get us to go some place else. We told them "no, we are going to The Boatyard". Several tried to talk us out of it and I walked away and on to the next.




Another guy said "I'll take you there" and we followed him.





He said follow me and we walked down past the taxis. Um....ok.





We passed up all of the taxis. Now I'm feeling a little uneasy.


I look back:





Then all of a sudden he takes off running! :eek: We were just left standing there and confused. We started to walk back and another driver approached us and ask us where we were going and he would take us. He told us to walk outside the gates with him.




The family did not look too thrilled so I ask him why we had to walk outside. He told us in order to take a private taxi and not have to wait on a taxi to fill up, we would have to go outside. If we caught the taxis inside, they would not leave until they were full. Ok, good enough for me.




The only thing is, the taxis inside the port area are licensed, insured and regulated. The ones outside.....? You have to be careful and make sure they have insurance etc. You get a lot of guys hanging around outside all these ports, willing to give you a ride, but they could be anybody....

I imagine the one who ran away had been spotted touting for business where he is not allowed.

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