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Seabourn Odyssey Transatlantic, December 7, 2016


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You can also order coffee on your breakfast room service card and designate a time. Once on Crystal I could not sleep and went to the Lido by the pool at 0400 and a security person passed by and asked if I needed anything and asked if coffee was possible and he went and brought me a carafe of coffee with pleasure from room service. The galleys run 24&7.

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May B..Nice seeing you on the Seabourn board.


Thx, Miles. My first visit, it's true. I couldn't resist Roy's live blog thread.


I also caught up with his two Queens. Learned what to expect if I decide to try Cunard, and am now doing the same for Seabourn. So many great choices, that's for sure.

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Roy - I'm enjoying reading your blog on your Seabourn intro and realize what an adjustment it is to try a new cruise line. No matter how well prepared you are, there are always surprises!


Do try Seabourn Square for your early morning coffee. I'm pretty sure it's open in the early hours and is a most genteel place to start the day. And don't despair over hosted tables for dinner in the Restaurant as not all will be drawn out affairs. We are picky about accepting invitations yet have enjoyed several dinners with congenial hosts and fellow guests where we still were able to catch showtime. It can be done!


In addition to the Observation Bar, you may want to try the Club. They have excellent pre-dinner hors d'oeuvres and cocktails.


You mentioned that you enjoy simple dining fare, so I think you may enjoy the Napa Burger or the Yountville Dog at the Patio Grill. Simply the best, even for non aficionados!

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labates629, I will try to remember to get some photos of various venues around the ship. Sadly, while the Grand Salon is a lovely room the lighting there is not very good for photographs, but I’ll try.


I overslept some this morning, and it was almost 6:15 when I was ready to go up to the Observation Bar for coffee. I could see out the window we were very close to Funchal. This is my second time here but the first planned visit. I was on a Wind Surf Transatlantic in 2009 which was supposed to be direct to Barbados but at the safety briefing the Captain informed us some essential supplies had not arrived and we would pick them up here. We had a full day in port (so it looked familiar) but no planned activities then.




We backed in to the port just about 7 with a local ferry behind us, and were joined later by P&O’s Ventura. Funchal is a volcanic island and very hilly. I had booked a tour which included the cable card to the top of one of the hills, the little village of Monte. Our party of 10 had a short bus ride to the cable car, each of which holds 6 people. On the way up we got a good view of how rugged Funchal’s terrain is and looking behind us the contrast between the Odyssey and the Ventura was amazing.




We took a short walking tour of Monte, with the primary feature being the church. Accessed by 176 steps, the church has roots going back to the 15th century, but the current structure was built following an 1818 earthquake.




While the ride up to Monte was serene and beautiful, the ride down was more exciting. It was on a wicker toboggan, going down a 2km asphalt track worn very smooth by the toboggans. Two attendants rode on the back, turning the sled sideways to slow it down where needed, and pulling on ropes over one stretch with little gradient. The ride was probably about 10 minutes, with photographers along the way snapping pictures.




A couple of comments on the tour. There was no ship’s escort accompanying us, and the tour was billed as “about 2 hours”. On the way to the cable car the guide told us we would be back about 12:30, nearly double the published time. Our final stop was to be a wine tasting which was near the shuttle stop in town. I told the guide I would be walking back to the ship.


We were actually quite close to the ship but by road it was close to a mile. There is a tradition in Funchal that many ships leave little reminders of their visits on the wall separating the harbor from the sea. I snapped photos of several that struck a chord with me.




I returned to town for lunch and wifi. Funchal has a large central area with inviting pedestrian streets.




I was back in time for a 3PM tour of the bridge. We met in the Observation Bar where we were taken downstairs and greeted by the second officer who explained all the features and operations of navigating. I was surprised to learn that the Odyssey has conventional propellers and rudders rather than azipods, quite unusual for such a new ship. The second officer’s explanation was that it was a space issue (the width of the ship?)




All aboard was 5:30. The Ventura left just ahead of us. Funchal appears to have only 1 pilot, and we waited while the pilot returned for us. I started watching from deck 11, and then headed down to deck 5 aft for our departure. The sun was just setting as Ventura left.




On the way down I passed by the “White Party” on the pool deck. Most of the people in white were wearing either sheets or bathrobes.




Our lines went down about 6:15. We have a slow ride to Fort Lauderdale. At 19 knots we could do this with 7 sea days but we have allotted 10. The second officer indicated we were doing the slow speed for a smoother ride. In any case we have 10 days of new experiences ahead of us.




Dinner tonight was with the Bridge Instructor. Most of the people at the table had Central New York connections. One thing that may be a disadvantage with hosted tables is they seem to take a long time. We met at 7:15 and some people excused themselves early to attend the 9:45 show, comedian John Lenahan. I left about 10 and worked on photos before heading to bed about 11.


I’ll take a parting shot from the daily news summary, noting the retirement of NPR hostess Diane Rehm. While she was affiliated with one of the stations I listen to, I didn’t really listen to her, but she was a very well respect personality in the area who overcame a strange vocal aliment to continue her career. Dianne, you will be missed but have a happy retirement.



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Quite a windy morning, the furniture aft on deck 5 was all stowed for the weather. I walked half an hour, sometimes avoiding the starboard side due to the winds.




It was still pitch dark when I got my 6:15 coffee in the Observation Lounge. At breakfast today I went for the Cinnamon Raisin French Toast, a nice complement to the sun rising behind the ship.




Mornings on the ship have been pretty quiet for me. The morning activities I am passing on are Bridge at 9 and Bridge, Knitting, Dance Class, and a Spa Seminar at 10. My activities started at 11 in the Grand Salon with a talk on “The Great Liners” by Anthony Cooke.




At noon Captain Bathgate reported we were continuing our progress at 16 knots with a temperature of 20/68. Weather will continue much as it is. (We need about 14 kt to be on time in Ft. Lauderdale. Ships run best when the engines are at full load and we are using 3 engines right now. When we get to the point where we can be on time at 13 kt we will cut back to 2 engines). Fifty shades of grey hair had another poor showing in team trivia.


I think there have been reports on Seabourn’s Cruise Critic forum about the Restaurant being closed for lunch. That does not appear to be the case on the Odyssey (other than embarkation day), as the Restaurant was open even in Funchal. I am more of a Colonnade person and have had most of my breakfasts and lunches on the aft deck of the Colonnade. The theme today was Mexican but they had a lovely turkey roast.



The afternoon (2:15) “Conversation” was Paul Deegan “In the shadow of Mount Everest” speaking of the triumphs and tragedies of his attempts and final success in climbing Mount Everest.





Afternoon tea is held in the Observation Bar daily and is a very civilized affair. The scones were lovely; music appears to generally be by a pianist but a different one from Thursday.


At 6 there was a short “Welcome to Seabourn” party for us newcomers in the Club with introductions of many of the ship’s department heads. After the party I popped into the casino for a quick look.




My dinner was hosted by Ryan from the Seabourn Singers. He was a very gracious host and I think would make a great Cruise Director. I did ask about the shows and while there are some pre-dinner shows his troupe always performs at 9:45. Despite waiting about 20 minutes for a no show couple (how can you accept an invitation and just not show up) this was the earliest conclusion to date of a hosted dinner; I had a few minutes to look at the next Herald in my room before going to the show. The chicken consume is becoming a standard for me, the rack of veal and poached pear were excellent (I‘m still not comfortable snapping food photos at a hosted dinner).


Since we gained our first hour tonight I attended the featured show, Celtic musician Kaitlyn Carr. She put on a great show combining her vocal talents with the flute and violin. I took a few minutes after the show to check out the Observation Bar where Suzanne Jade was at the piano. I would call her style easy listening.




I’ll take my parting shot from Paul Deegan. In his talk he spoke about “unsung heroes”. He alluded to many from the people who provide lights and sounds for his talk to those behind the scenes on his adventures. He called particular attention to the “Ice Doctors”, a group of Sherpas who maintain a pathway through one particular ice field. They labor behind the scenes to provide a path for climbers but rarely get any publicity because they never reach the summit. True unsung heroes indeed.



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Good for you Roy - doing the infamous ride in Funchal. Love that island, so beautiful. Not brave enough for the ride though - LOL.


Happy to hear that the seas have smoothed and weather is holding.


Thanks for the great posts :)

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Thank you Kazu and lincslady.


This morning I tried room service for coffee. I called at 5:07 and it arrived at 5:17, so it is clearly possible and pretty effective. After walking for a half hour on deck 5, I also tried Seabourn Square for a refill. I arrived at 6:05 to a very dark coffee bar with a few people waiting. The lights came on precisely at 6:15. Both coffee options are viable but I think it will normally be the observation bar.




I also talked to guest services about internet. There are 3 types of plans, (1) Unlimited, $400 full cruise, 240 7 days, (2) hourly, $20 for 2 hours, $30 for 3, or $40 for 4, and (3) pay as you go, $.40 per minute. I am currently on the 4 hour plan but expect to switch to the 7-day for the end of the cruise. I learned that it is 7 calendar days, any portions of days at the beginning or end of the cruise/plan are just lost. I also was told that you could only have 1 plan at a time; I cannot buy the 7-day plan with time remaining and use the excess minutes for a second device.


Sunrise naturally gets later as we sail west, but with the gained hour it came about 7:45. It was beautiful but I forgot my camera and only got a picture past the peak.




There was a 9:30 Interdenominational worship service led by DavidE. Perhaps 30 people attended, and the same story about “Heaven’s Grocery Story” read by Captain Thorhauge on Queen Elizabeth.


I think Captain was a couple minutes early in his noon update. There was no major change from Saturday. Fifty shades of gray hair had a very good day. The questions were mostly easy and everybody did well but (little thanks to me) we were perfect today and are now in the middle of the pack. Lunch in the Colonnade was labeled “comfort” today. The spaghetti was quite nice.




Afterwards I walked across the top front of the ship with the main pool and a sports area behind a sun-lounge area on deck 12.






There was one “Conversation” today, Phil Bye on Breaking News (mostly war related), followed by a hair cut and another 30 minutes walking on deck 5. I am curious about one mystery. An open wooden crate has been sitting aft on deck 6 since Lisbon. It doesn’t seem to be actively used and I thought we might lose it in Funchal, but it’s still sitting there.




There were shows both before and after dinner. The first show was a classical piano performance by Jason Ridgeway including much of the Nutcracker. He will have a second show later in the week.




Dinner was at a table hosted by David E. Most of the others were Seabourn regulars. We are nearly midway through the cruise and I had not yet tried one of the Seabourn Classic entrees. I went today with 2 classic items, the chicken consume and the rack of lamb. Desert was the Passion Fruit Tart.


The post dinner show, a little too late for me was comedian Rikki Jay.


As today’s parting shot I just got PressReader working on my Ipad to learn of the death of American Hero John Glenn. Thank you for your bravery and service, and rest in peace.



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I was a little late getting up and started my day putting a load of laundry in one of the self service machines. When I went up to the Observation Bar at 6:10 for coffee the steward said it was just ready. The internet was extremely slow this morning but I completed at lest the essentials before moving the wash to the dryer and taking a short walk on deck 5.


I was able to retrieve a fresh supply of clean, dry clothes just before heading up to the Colonnade at 8 for a Belgian Waffle. The sun rising behind the ship was picture perfect.




There was not much of interest in the way of morning activities but one sad task, turning in the departure questionnaire. Somehow, though, it was still noon before I knew it. There was not much new in Captain Bathgate’s noon report although perhaps tomorrow we will be able to shut down one engine and be in Fort Lauderdale on time at 13 knots. The temperature is 21C/50F with 3 meter swells, but it feels a bit on the chilly side with the wind. I’ll mention one design element of the ship, the main staircase. It reminds me a lot of the Prinsendam (former Seabourn Sun), but is an improvement. While the stairs on the Prinsendam all face the same direction on the Odyssey the top of one flight is right next to the bottom of the next, making a movement of several flights an efficient circular operation.




It was a good day for Fifty Shades of Gray Hair, finishing well and in 3rd place cumulative among now 11 teams. Lunch was at the Patio Grill. I tried one of the Thomas Keller hot dogs, I think just this once. The meat was fine, but I didn’t care for all the stuff on the bun.




In the afternoon the movie Everest was shown, depicting the stormy disaster on Everest which Paul Deegan narrowly missed. The movie was nearly 2 hours, and Deegan held a Q&A session afterwards.


Before dinner Assistant Cruise Director Ross Roberts performed a one man show in the Club. Roberts has been at sea for some time but is new this year with Seabourn.




Dinner this evening was hosted by Phil Bye. I went for the peach soup, the classic chicken breast, and the ice cream.




The featured entertainment was the Seabourn Singers and Dancers in “Lets Get it On”. The Herald had not said anything about a time change so I watched just the first 10 minutes. When I got to my room there was a card announcing the clocks going back overnight so I returned for the remainder of the show.


I’ll take my parting shot from Captain Bathgate’s update. Apparently some people have been using the toilets for inappropriate item disposal. The situation must be rather significant for it to come to the Captain’s attention. Access to luxury does not always imply common sense. Come on people, you can do better.



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I don't know why people can't follow instructions on toilets and [sometimes] balcony doors, don't they realize they are affecting more than their own room. It's very annoying when some stupid person down the line affects your toilet - it's so unnecessary. Rant over. :)


I'm so glad your weather has improved even if it's not that warm.


I'm enjoying following along. I believe it's my first post on this part of the thread. :eek:

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Just read your blog. Terrific! We disembarked the QM2 on November 26th. I love TA's on the QM2. The atmosphere on this one was just perfect. Nice bunch of folks and the staff seemed happy. I haven't found a suitable cruise on Crystal next year so I have booked the Encore in the med in the summer (will be our 8th Seabourn cruise). Looking forward to returning to Seabourn next year! Continue to enjoy your sea days.....

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Thank you Carole and Julie.


The wind was minimal in the morning but there was a fair amount of movement both on the ocean and on the ship. It was a clear morning with a nearly full moon above. I walked about a half hour and when I went up to the Observation Bar at 6:10 the coffee was ready. I swung past the fitness center for a quick look before getting my coffee.




Dawn was about 7:45 today. It was a bit cloudy on the horizon; I found the first sun coming through the lattice work at the back of deck 5 a bit interesting.




The morning (11am) “Conversation” was Phil Bye MBE speaking about the life and legacy of Princess Diana.. Captain Bathgate’s noon update brought no surprises. The nearest land is still behind us but by Wednesday it will become Bermuda and finally the Bahamas. Fifty Shades of Gray Hair had a mixed day, moving into sole possession of second place but losing points to the first place team.Heading up to the Colonnade and pack I’ll often use the exterior aft stairs passing the lovely seating area behind Seabourn Square.




There is a crush for seating when trivia lets out, and today I did not find the range of choices in any one venue inspiring so it was pizza from the Pool Grill followed by skim milk and a fruit cup from the Colonnade. The afternoon (2:15) conversation was Anthony Cooke with an overview of the history of cruising. After the talk I walked another 30 minutes on Deck 5.


There was a galley tour at 4:30. It looks like only the very final stages of food preparation are done near the restaurant with most of the work being done on lower decks. One point of interest was the stock pots.




The Seabourn Club party was held at 6:30 in the Grand Salon following a picture perfect sunset. I’ll admit to being a bit puzzled. I learned of the event by being invited, rather than having an announcement in the Herald or something of the like. No invitations were checked but the sign at the door said “Seabourn Club Members Exclusive Event”. I have to wonder if I was invited who could have been excluded and if nobody was excluded how exclusive it could have been. In any case we were greeted by Captain Bathgate and Cruise Sales Rep Mihaela Cotoanta. The Band performed and DavidE sang one number. Mihaela read the numbers by level and indicated there were 288 club members among the 430 or so passengers. I’m not quite sure where I fit in there. Captain Bathgate made a few remarks, and Mihela started introducing top members starting at the 100 night level. I left at that time for dinner as it was a bit past time for my reservation.




Dinner this evening was in Restaurant 2. I learned after the fact that this was a fixed menu tasting format which was not what I was expecting. Some of the things were modified to my tastes but it still was not my cup of tea. I think it will be a once in a lifetime experience.






The featured entertainment was a repeat performance by Magician/Comedian John Lenahan. I stayed only a short time before preparing for bed.




I’ll again take my parting shot from my fire department’s email system. It had news that in our small county we had 3 significant fires in a 12-hour period (probably 1 such fire a week is about normal), 2 involving significant injuries to the occupants. I’ll repeat their recommendations in preparing for the holidays and for many of us the heating season:


1. Never leave food unattended while cooking. Stay in the kitchen to keep an eye on your food. Keep combustibles such as utensils, towels and potholders away from the stove.

2. Dispose of ashes properly. Wait several days before moving cooled ashes. Place them in a metal container with a lid outside and at least ten feet from any structure.

3. Have your chimney cleaned and inspected once a year by a licensed professional.

4. Turn off space heaters before going to sleep. Keep them at least three feet away from combustibles.

4. Consider having home fire sprinklers installed.

5. Test smoke alarms monthly.

6. If there is a fire in your home, get out, stay out, and call 911.



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I tried deck 9 for my morning walk. It was a continuous loop but it was far too short and little if any better than deck 5. I believe this night was the actual full moon.




The one advantage of deck 9 is that it is convenient for the opening around 6:10 of the Observation Bar coffee service.




It was a bright clear morning except for one persistent cloud hanging on the aft horizon. I watched while enjoying my morning french toast but the sun did not make it into view until I was on my way back to my suite.




Cruise lines try to do their weekly crew drills while the ship is in port and most passengers are off on tours. That doesn’t work when there’s a string of 9 sea days. The drill was at 10:15, and spilled over slightly into the morning “conversation” with Anthony Cook on the 50's, a decade of change with a British flair. As I headed up to the Grand Salon I popped my head out the door and the crew was mustering under the lifeboats.


In his noon update Captain Bathgate reported that we were about to shut down one of our engines as we now needed less than 13 knots to reach Fort Lauderdale on time. We would maintain out current course until we passed the Bahamas on the 18th. Fifty shades of gray hair had a rough day and is dropped from second in the standings to third.


For much of the afternoon there was an “Odyssey Fun Fair” on decks 8 and 9 with games and the like. The main feature was a “horse race” where each suite was assigned a “horse”. The contestants advanced by the rolling of a pair of dice, one indicating which of the 6 horses would move and the other how far the horse would go. My horse did rather badly.




I am now on unlimited internet, a mixed blessing. Much of my afternoon was tied up dealing with a balky update to my laptop, but there was still time for a scone at afternoon tea. There was also a crew vs guest trivia match before dinner.


Dinner was hosted by pianist Jason Ridgway. I went for the Chicken Consume, lamb shank, and Thomas Keller desert. Ridgway has his final performance on Thursday. The featured entertainment was moved outdoors with Rock the Boat, a dance party featuring the Seabourn Singers and Dancers on the pool deck. We gain an hour tonight moving to Greenland time. I’m a bit surprised there hasn’t been any notice of time changes until the stewardess leaves a card on the bed at turndown.




Today’s parting shot will be a note of gratitude for fine weather for the crossing after a week or so of not so nice weather. I experienced it on Queen Elizabeth but I know Odyssey experienced the same weather in Tangier and have heard conditions were not good for their sojourn to Funchal later in that voyage. How much more pleasant it is now!



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Thanks for the great reports.


So glad you have good weather now, Roy and it is holding :)


Your story on the Horse Races brings back fond memories when they used to be on another line. They were kind of fun :)


Nice to see some on board activities with all your sea days, too!

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