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MITSUGIRLYS EPIC CRUISE--2nd time around-1st from Port Canaveral


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After the show we decided to hang for a little while and get some drinks by the pool. The Splash kids club had some members out there and they were playing the normal line dance songs and everyone was dancing (kids and parents). So, of course we decided to join in. Then after the dancing subsided they were having a "kids games" party and the kids could play different games and win tickets and then at the end buy gifts with their tickets. Sakari did not want to play the games or participate. :eek: I have no idea why or what that was all about, but hey, it's her cruise too and whatever makes her happy. Happy=food of course and that's what we decided on.


Off to the buffet we went.







Then we all walked back to our rooms at 10pm, said our good-nights, went our separate ways, and back to our rooms to pack our beach bags for our first day in port the following morning. (Tortola).

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Thanks for the response. I am loving the review.


I Emailed NCL customer service with my concerns about O'Sheehan's. I will post back with their response if I get one out of them.


I'm a little confused. Why did you email NCL about the concerns with O'Sheehan's if you haven't cruised and experienced any problems? It may have just been a bad week with the transition and things could definitely be cleared up by the time you cruise (and could even be fine now). I know when people have concerns about something they have experienced, that is negative on their cruise, and they contact cruise companies regarding it, it's sometimes hard to get a response back. I'm just wondering if you will get a response at all since this is not actually an experience that you have had yet and merely just a concern, one of which they have no way to know if this will happen during your cruise or not. Just wondering...let me know if you get a response. I would be interested in hearing what they have to say. I can only imagine that it would just be a general response since they can't predict anything.


Kim, really love your review and pictures it is just like being on the cruise with you. We have been on the Epic twice and I know I have missed some of the areas, your pictures have helped me to put some of these spots on our Feb cruise. Can't wait to read the rest of it.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that us Canadians left some good turkeys for you (ha ha)


Aww, thank you so much. I appreciate it. With this being my second time around, I know I still missed a lot as well. She's such a big ship.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had to work, but my sons girlfriend cooked and dinner was waiting for me. It doesn't get any better than that. Shopping followed after that and us girls came home at 4am. That's a record for us I might add. We usually stay out until around 7am the following morning. :p

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Today is Monday and it's another sea day AGAIN.


There's one thing that I believe Kendra and I learned from our last cruise (out of San Juan and a port intensive 5 port days cruise with only 1 sea day) is that we really like the ports. People always ask if you cruise for the ship or for the ports. I have always said for both and it's a combination of both that matters. Well, while that may be true to a certain extent, I think I have come to realize that the ports just may be a little more important. I know that the Fascination is an older ship without all the bells and whistles, but I was perfectly happy with sailing her and tremendously enjoyed going to 5 ports and only having 1 sea day.


Kendra would whine (and threaten) the entire cruise about the 3 sea days. She said she would not be cruising again on any cruises that had less than 4 ports during a 7 day cruise. I have to say, I kinda agree with her. So, I think we will be really questioning if we want to go some place if it only has 3 port days. I will not only try for less sea days, but I will also study how long we are in port for each place. This cruise did me in. LOL




I totally agree! Four ports all the way!! We are really excited to be doing a nine day with six ports out of NO in December 2017. While six port days in a row will be intense for sure, we are thrilled to have only two sea days.

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Reading along and enjoying your detailed review. Getting ready for our first NCL cruise. We aren't on the Epic (the bathrooms scared me off), but on POA Hawaii on New Year's Eve w our 15 year old. Reading to get whatever general NCL info I can.


Another "pop" question..;).......... I will be looking for the Diet Pepsi too! Do you happen to remember how much it was in those vending machines? Can you use your card in them, or do you need cash?


Looking forward to more of your "Epic" review!

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Reading along and enjoying your detailed review. Getting ready for our first NCL cruise. We aren't on the Epic (the bathrooms scared me off), but on POA Hawaii on New Year's Eve w our 15 year old. Reading to get whatever general NCL info I can.


Another "pop" question..;).......... I will be looking for the Diet Pepsi too! Do you happen to remember how much it was in those vending machines? Can you use your card in them, or do you need cash?


Looking forward to more of your "Epic" review!


It was $3.25 in the machine and you had to use your room card. I don't know whether you can go to the one in the spa without having a spa pass. I was escorted there by the drink guy filling the machine, and the Spa staff did look at me kinda funny.

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I totally agree! Four ports all the way!! We are really excited to be doing a nine day with six ports out of NO in December 2017. While six port days in a row will be intense for sure, we are thrilled to have only two sea days.


Oh wow, 6 ports! That would be amazing...but yet expensive. I will definitely consider booking only cruises that have more ports in the future if possible.


Reading along and enjoying your detailed review. Getting ready for our first NCL cruise. We aren't on the Epic (the bathrooms scared me off), but on POA Hawaii on New Year's Eve w our 15 year old. Reading to get whatever general NCL info I can.


Another "pop" question..;).......... I will be looking for the Diet Pepsi too! Do you happen to remember how much it was in those vending machines? Can you use your card in them, or do you need cash?


Looking forward to more of your "Epic" review!


The pop machines in the arcade on the Epic cost $3.25 and you could use your card in it. :)

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This would be our very first time in Tortola and I was excited about it because I had read so many things about the baths and just knew that it was a great photo opportunity.









Overview of the shopping area that NCL provides info on:





Our hours in Tortola was going to be 8-6pm. More than enough time for us to do the Baths on our own, instead of using a ship excursion.


I set my alarm for 6:30am and I immediately headed out on the balcony to check the weather situation.





It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day and it felt warm already.






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Since it was a port day, we did our usual and headed to the buffet upstairs with Kolin & Courtney. Kendra and family was up, but still getting ready.


I decided to stand in line for the omelette and it was yummy.




After breakfast, we headed back to our room to grab some last minute things (camera's charging and our beach bags).





The sun was starting to peak out and Sakari was excited about it being our first beach day.







We gathered everyone up and was headed off the ship at 8am and posing for the paparazzi that awaited us.










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It was $3.25 in the machine and you had to use your room card. I don't know whether you can go to the one in the spa without having a spa pass. I was escorted there by the drink guy filling the machine, and the Spa staff did look at me kinda funny.


Did you have to go through the door behind the spa desk? If so, yes, you would need a spa pass to get back there normally. (I hope they have not put this vending machine in the thermal suite!)


Kim, I'm so excited you got to go to The Baths - that's my favorite excursion in the Caribbean EVER!!!!! Can't wait to see the pics!

Edited by SuiteTraveler
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During my research, I knew that we needed to head out of the port and to the left down the street to catch the ferry.


Walking through the port area:





Notice the horrid pictures I was taking (there were many, but I'm only sharing these few due to the poor quality).





I would discover that (I think) between submerging my camera in water for the first time the day before and going from the cold a/c on the ship to the humid heat outside, everything between the camera and my added lens was fogging up. I have only encountered this problem once before and it was from the extreme heat and cold back and forth.


Now normally when I take pictures, I'm just a snap-happy fool. Walking and snapping. But for some reason, I looked down and noticed the horrid picture and decided to investigate along the way (a major task for someone like me who is usually leading the pack, trying to walk and carry things, and now taking my camera/lens apart). After discovering that both the camera lens and the fish-eye lens were fogged up, I would wipe them clean and continue.





We walked and walked and I wondered if we had missed something. It seemed like a pretty far walk to me. But, you know how you are traveling and it seems like you are never going to get there, but on the way back it always seems closer and less time?


We stopped once to ask a local where the ferry was and they pointed down the street and said "go down there where you see the red roof". You can see this red roof in the picture to give you an idea of how far it was from the point that we had stopped to ask for directions.





Once we made it there, we purchased our "tickets" and our "wristbands", which would include these plastic "passes" that we were to give to the ferry people and the wrist bands indicated that we would get the open aired bus transportation to the baths once we got off the ferry.







The price was $30 for round trip transportation on the ferry IF you used the same ferry company (which we did) and we used Speedy's. Transportation from the ferry to the baths is $4 pp each way. So, add another $8 for each pass and you have paid $38 total per person for ferry and bus passes.


Children are cheaper for the ferry at $20 round trip and $28 total for their pass.

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This shows the distance we were from the ship.





The ferry was to arrive at 9am. We were sitting on the steps of the building where we bought the passes and talking. Then I thought...wait a minute, we should probably be over on the side where the ferry will pull up or we'll never know it's there.


We headed over that way and indeed, the ferry was pulling up and there was already a bunch of people in the area behind the rails.





The ferry was huge and everyone piled in. There were plenty of seats left over and it was 2 stories tall (with both being enclosed).


We sat down by the "A/C" unit, which in this case stands for "almost cool" and it would be a very hot ride over.


The ferry pulled out at 9:05.





Goodbye my beauty with the fancy top hat. We'll see you soon.





Kendra's favorite past-time hobby is sleeping of course, and that's what she did on the way over.





I believe by the end of the ride, everyone was asleep but me and Sakari. We were just too excited....and hot. Just too hot to sleep.







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We arrived at 9:44am, so the ride took exactly 39 minutes to get there for those wondering.


Everyone woke up and got their added nap for the day so no cranky arses today please!





Kendra has that look of "someone just woke me up!"







This was the long pier we had to walk down.





They had gates up with shuttle buses outside there, but we were able to catch a bus that was within the pier area.





Outside the gates, I spotted this of course....but there was no time to stop darnit (since we caught the bus inside the gates, we were already moving). I guess I would be forced to pay the overpriced amounts at the Baths.



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These are the shuttle buses:








Along the way...




Walls painted along the way.








We have arrived!!!!!!!!!





It took us exactly 8 minutes to arrive. Those of you that wonder how the heck I am estimating an exact time....I take a picture of my watch as we pull out and another picture when we arrive. So yes, these are exact times when we went (and of course can very depending on traffic I suppose).


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We really wasn't sure where to go or what to do, so we just followed some of the crowd, which was headed toward a building.





We seen a line forming and I told everyone to wait there and I went up further to investigate and found that there was a charge to get in to the baths. Ok, obviously I missed this part and had not estimated it or told the family about it. Maybe I did read about it and forgot or I had totally not heard of this...either way I was oblivious to it and the family let me know their disappointment in my lack of knowledge. LOL




So we are standing in line and a lady and her family, that was behind us, kinda moved up and around us. Um, ok... I said "I believe this is the line" and her reply was "Yea, I'm not sure"....Um, ok again. So my reply was "I'm not asking you IF it's the line, I'm telling you it IS the line and you just went around us". People are so rude sometimes. She just continued on and acted like she didn't hear me and got her tickets. Whatever, life is too short (and obviously this lady and her family thinks it's even shorter for them) to worry about an overly-excited family wanting to pass us up that I didn't press the issue. We were next in line, behind her, and we were all going to get there around the same time anyhow. Geesh. So if you are the lady in this picture, I'm outing you for being rude.


We purchased our tickets...but no one collected them. This must be the reason that a lot of people just continued around this window and didn't purchase tickets. I have a souvenir for my scrapbook now and being the honest person I am, I would have still stopped to buy tickets.

















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So time to start our journey. I was very aware of the terrain that we would encounter. I know others have said that you should wear water shoes or something that is good for walking and also for the water once you get there. Honestly, Sakari has outgrown her water shoes, the hubbys started coming apart with the inserts not staying in, and I can only find one of mine. We haven't been using water shoes for quite some time now. So, I wasn't about to purchase new shoes just for this trip. I grew up walking barefooted everywhere I could (no, I'm not a country girl but just don't like the restriction of shoes if I don't have to) and Sakari is the same way. So I knew that both of us would be ok with the walk. I could run on gravel if needed. My feet are tough.


Everyone else had flip-flops on and the guys just wore their tennis shoes.








I took this picture as we were heading in on the trails, but really didn't pay attention to it and didn't realize this was a restaurant.







This hike honestly felt like when we go to visit a place here in Ohio called "Old Mans Cave", but it was on a smaller scale. So, not hard for us at all.


Remember...going down is always easy for me.




We were in the lead and I'm not sure what happened to the kids. They were no where in sight. At that point I made an executive decision to stop and allow them time to catch up. Guess who passed us? The rude lady and their family. I guess getting in front of us didn't have any benefits to you did it? Then....along came a HUGE crowd, which ended up being a cruise ship tour. Oh just great. They were now ahead of us.


Finally, out came the family.



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Kendra made her entrance in the "usual Kendra fashion style"







It didn't take too long before I stopped to take my shoes off for the walk. Ahhh, yes...I felt better now and didn't have to deal with sand going in between my feet and flip flops.


We continued on.








Notice Sakari has now also removed her shoes.





We have arrived!!!! Potty stop.






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The first area you arrive to on the beach is small with a lot of rocks. To the left of it is the "baths" and to the right is another bigger beach area.





The waves were really crashing and it made me a little nervous.





Here is the bigger area and where I would see plenty of people heading out with their snorkels.






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This one caught my eye and I really wondered if it was supposed to look like an animal or if Sakari somehow had some telepathy going on and was messing with me. Either way, I had to take a picture.




The picture and your super-superb caption made me holler loudly. :D


Enjoying the recap of your week, and doing comparisons in my head of my own experience. Many/most are the same, with the exception of my service in O'Sheehan's being routinely good, accurate, and timely. Breakfast and/or lunch in Taste were the total opposite. I chose to not let it become an issue that would be questioned to their leaders . . . I just left and went elsewhere (more than once).


Thanks, again, SO much for your efforts in posting this. :)



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We immediately found a nice spot on the sand and under the trees for some shade. Billy was approached by several local chickens, which of course made him nervous.








With the boys camped out under the shade, the girls headed out into the water to explore. I felt bad that I did not allow Sakari to bring her mermaid tail or fin because I knew that this was more of a snorkeling area with tons of rocks and I didn't want her outfit to get tore up. Then we also didn't want to carry any more than we HAD to, due to walking in the baths area, which involved climbing and such.


So off we went to snorkel and explore.


Immediately I discovered some rather large ocean surgeon fish and blue tangs.





This blue tang (which is considered in the intermediate stage because it has the yellow tail fin and blue body. Adults=blue bodies and juveniles have the yellow body. Intermediates are mixed as they grow into adults) was rather large. The rock it was swimming by was huge and we could stand on it, if that gives you any indication of his size.







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The water really was rough and it really made me nervous with Sakari swimming with no fins. She does an excellent job, but even better with fins.





I noticed someone had one of those sea scooters there. Brayden did not bring his this time around. It's just too heavy and bulky to bring each time.















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A bluehead wrasse. They are nosy creatures.







A lot of times the water was really fairly calm. Then other times it would get so rough with waves crashing and coming really far up on the beach.









After awhile, the kids started talking about food. It was still morning!! I informed them that we were not staying here all day and still need to head into the baths. According to my pictures and times on them, we had actually only been there for about 45 minutes at the most, but it sure felt like a lot longer. So, we started gathering all of our things up at that point to take the long journey.

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I would take a few additional photos of the area before heading into the baths.








Notice they are not as crisp, clear and colorful as before? Here goes the fog again. Remember I had just came from the heat, into the water for snorkeling, then returned to the heat.





The entrance:



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Excited to read about the Baths. We have thought of venturing but never have yet. Everytime we go to Tortola we are ther from 7 am to 1 pm, so we go to Cane Garden Bay which is a piece of paradise, but will soon be making the Baths trip when we have a full day on the Breakaway.

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This one caught my eye and I really wondered if it was supposed to look like an animal or if Sakari somehow had some telepathy going on and was messing with me. Either way, I had to take a picture.





That pastry is called a bear claw. Although this one's a little uneven, I think it's supposed to look like a bear's claw. ;)

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