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Viking China


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I did the Shanghai to Beijing Imperial Jewels tour which started July 19. The weather was very warm but not unbearable for us as we live in the very southern-most part of Louisiana. It was just warm weather - some days it rained and other days it did not rain, some days were more humid than others, etc. It was just weather - no specific differences between river or city or north or south - you just take what you get. Viking had ponchos available when we needed them but a very light rain jacket is a good thing to bring


All our check-in luggage was apparently weighed together - we just put it outside our door at the appointed time and then found it in our next room as if by Viking magic. It anything was overweight, we were never even informed about it. Our guide told us we could carry on to the Chinese airlines anything we could carry - we just had to be able to carry it ourselves. Nobody had any problem. I had a standard rolling carryon that is allowed by Western airlines and I rolled it on each flight. You cannot, however, have any liquids or gels at all. No one quart zip lock of 3 oz containers - none at all!


To come home, we were each allowed two bags of 50 pounds so we each bought an extra bag in Beijing and filled it with everything we had bought. Nobody had any problem getting home (I had my luggage scale with me).


Susietb, you are one incredible packer! I don't know how you got all those clothes in a suitcase and it only weighed 45 pounds!


In Fengdu, we were given the choice of market or cave. We chose the market but others did the cave. That market tour is one of the things I have talked most about to people who were interested in my trip when I got back. I was reminded of Andrew Zimmerman on the Travel Channel. I did not talk to anyone who went to the cave - don't know how much they enjoyed it but it was available in late July. The market people were given a limited amount of free time after the market tour, after which we were hurried back to the boat where we waited for the cave people to return. Hurry up and wait!


The trip was fantastic - it is really enjoyable when you can learn so much that you did not know before. I wish we had been able to enjoy one of the extensions. Have a great time!

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Fengdu looks like an interesting tour - thanks Wit for the photos.


I think in October we'll be into some cooler weather especially in the northern portion of the trip, but hopefully not too wet and no typhoons!:eek:


Wendy, I'm thrilled to hear that you're on the October 7th departure! Do you stay at the St. Regis in Shanghai?



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Fengdu looks like an interesting tour - thanks Wit for the photos.


I think in October we'll be into some cooler weather especially in the northern portion of the trip, but hopefully not too wet and no typhoons!:eek:


Wendy, I'm thrilled to hear that you're on the October 7th departure! Do you stay at the St. Regis in Shanghai?



Barb, Yes, We're at the St Regis in Shanghai also. I'll look forward to meeting you there! Send me an email at wotelsberg@yahoo.com, and we can exchange more contact info if you're interested.

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Here is a link to a few photos of the Fengdu market as well as a clip of the kids performance at the Viking school - a high point of our 4/07 Cultural Delight cruise/tour.





Thanks Wit --- I actually saw your pictures the other day from an earlier posting, was hoping someone else might have pictures from the trip to the caves, or more feedback about that.

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Barb, Yes, We're at the St Regis in Shanghai also. I'll look forward to meeting you there! Send me an email at wotelsberg@yahoo.com, and we can exchange more contact info if you're interested.


thanks Wendy- I emailed you.

you must be leaving soon if you're doing a pre-tour in Hong Kong.

all the best,


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They tell you what time you need to be somewhere (on the bus or at the dock, etc.) and what time breakfast is served. Then you get yourself up at whatever time gives you enough time to get dressed and eat whatever breakfast you choose to eat. Mornings on the boat were not especially early as we had time for Tai Chi at 7:30 and then were able to eat and dress afterwards before needing to be anywhere, except for Gorgeous Gorges Day when we needed to be on the deck at 8 am to see Wu Gorge and then leave immediately afterwards to go to the Dam.

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I just received my final paperwork etc. for my Roof of the World tour leaving Oct. 16. I feel kind of silly asking this, but enclosed was a small round red sticker with the Viking logo on it, but no instructions as to what to do with it. Am I supposed to wear this at some point (like to meet the transfer at the airport), or stick it on something? :o


Also, the paper Cruise luggage tags...do those go on my luggage only when we are getting on the ship, or for the entire tour?


One last question. Did anyone have the experience of having to notify the Chinese airport transfer company that they would be arriving late due to a missed connection, etc? How did that go? I am traveling by myself, and I connect through Tokyo. I'm sure I will never figure out how to call China from Tokyo if that happens to me. :rolleyes:

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I just received my final paperwork etc. for my Roof of the World tour leaving Oct. 16. I feel kind of silly asking this, but enclosed was a small round red sticker with the Viking logo on it, but no instructions as to what to do with it. Am I supposed to wear this at some point (like to meet the transfer at the airport), or stick it on something? :o


Also, the paper Cruise luggage tags...do those go on my luggage only when we are getting on the ship, or for the entire tour?


One last question. Did anyone have the experience of having to notify the Chinese airport transfer company that they would be arriving late due to a missed connection, etc? How did that go? I am traveling by myself, and I connect through Tokyo. I'm sure I will never figure out how to call China from Tokyo if that happens to me. :rolleyes:


To answer your questions.

Some people wore the round red sticker when they were met at the airport. We didn't and had no troubles because the tour guides are waiting for you with big signs that say Viking cruise and all you have to do is introduce yourselves to them.


The paper cruise luggage tags you put on once you are in China on tour. They use these to identify you. You will also be given another ribbon to put on your luggage which identifies which tour guide you are with. This ribbon only goes on the checked luggage.


Yes, we missed our connection and when we arrived in Hong Kong, we had the airline phone on our behalf as we do not speak any Mandarin or Cantonese. They let Viking know which airplane flight we would be on. Our original flight leaving Vancouver was delayed 6.5 hours and when we arrived in Hong Kong we found out that the flight we were originally booked on had been canceled due to a storm in Beijing. If you are the only one coming off that particular flight they will send you in a taxi if no one else in any other flights is arriving at the same time.


Enjoy your trip. You will have a fabulous time.

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The small round red sticker is for you to wear when you arrive at the airport in China. It will help the Viking representative there to find you. We traveled in a group and were so busy talking and looking around that we would have walked right past the Viking people if they had not seen us and flagged us down.


The red luggage tags, I was told by Viking before I left, are not necessary at any point. Some in our group put them on before we left home. I thought it would get lost before being needed if I did that, so I put mine on at the Shanghai airport after I had retrieved the bag from Baggage Pickup and before I delivered it to Viking. I really don't think it was necessary.


I do not know anyone who had a problem getting to China but, if you anticipate a problem, call Viking before you leave to get a cell number of someone you could call, if necessary. Or, Viking might be able to determine where you are lost without your making a call and make alternative arrangements to find you.

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WE've just returned from the Imperial Jewels of China/Vietnam Extension. It was an incredible experience. If any one has questions, just ask away.


How was the food overall? Was there much time for shopping? Did you ever leave the tour to go out on your own? Did you see any silk duvets anyplace other than the airport? Were there any evening entertainments that you wished you had skipped?

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Hi - This is Abe's wife - Kathy.


We got back from China a week ago Sunday. We're still trying to figure out what day and time it is. After a week - we're still falling asleep at 7:00 pm and waking up at 10:00 pm then going back to sleep about 3:00 am to 7:00 am.


We had a fabulous time. I can't tell you how wonderful the Viking staff and accommodations were. The 5-star hotels were amazing. We stayed at the Pudong Shangri-la in Shanghai; the Sofitel in Xian and the Ritz Carlton in Beijing. Our guide was Jason. He was excellent.


The Century Sky was nice. The mildew smell was overpowering when we first entered our cabin (D304) and in the hallway - but once we started upriver, the smell seemed to dissipate. There was never any sign of mold or mildew - the cabins were immaculate. The air-conditioning worked great, the cabin, bathroom and cabin extras were quite nice. The food was very good with ample choices at each meal. The dining room was very noisy. As others suggested - the tables closest to the doors are the quietest.


The excursions were very well done and organized. The buses were very modern and air-conditioned. I never once had to use a "squat" toilet and only needed to bring my own toilet paper twice. DO NOT use the toilets at the exhibition center at the dam - they were the WORST. If you can wait 30 minutes - the toilets at the dam museum were very nice.


The intra-China flights were fine - nice new aircraft and excellent service. No liquids were allowed through security. Our guide even told us we couldn't take lipstick (which was a real pain). After the first flight - I took my lipstick and had no problems but others had their lipstick confiscated. They confiscated the hand sanitizer liquids but sometimes allowed the packets. I think it just depended on the mood of the security person. Liquids, lipstick and sanitizer packets that were left in the purses or carryons rather than put in the trays seemed to make it through.


We were very careful not to brush our teeth or rinse our toothbrushes with water from the faucets (yarn tied on the faucet worked very well as a reminder) and to wash our hands frequently but I still got a 24 hour bug as did several other people in our group. Several others of us also came back with the "Beijing Bark" and still have a lingering cough. The smog was terrible in Xian but Beijing was very clear until the day we left.


If I can think of anything else - I'll post it. Please don't hesitate to ask questions and I'll try to answer them.

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How was the food overall? Was there much time for shopping? Did you ever leave the tour to go out on your own? Did you see any silk duvets anyplace other than the airport? Were there any evening entertainments that you wished you had skipped?


We thought the food was quite good but we love Chinese food. Almost every meal off the ship was family style (with a lazy susan) Chinese food. Some people were tired of it but each meal was a little different and as we travelled north - food got spicier.


We're not shoppers but most people seemed to find adequate time to shop especially at the Great Wall which had some very nice stores and the Shanghai museum store which was also very nice. The Viking sponsored trips to the silk embroidery, silk rug and jade stores had beautiful but very expensive merchandise.


The days were so jammed packed with activities - we never had the desire nor the energy to leave the escorted tour but I wouldn't hesitate to skip the Peking Duck dinner and Chinese Opera in Beijing if I wanted to head out on my own. Your guide or hotel concierge can give you a card with directions in Chinese for the cab drivers if there is someplace special you'd like to go.


I never saw the silk duvet covers so I can't answer that question.


Hope this helps.



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The small round red sticker is for you to wear when you arrive at the airport in China. It will help the Viking representative there to find you. We traveled in a group and were so busy talking and looking around that we would have walked right past the Viking people if they had not seen us and flagged us down.


The red luggage tags, I was told by Viking before I left, are not necessary at any point. Some in our group put them on before we left home. I thought it would get lost before being needed if I did that, so I put mine on at the Shanghai airport after I had retrieved the bag from Baggage Pickup and before I delivered it to Viking. I really don't think it was necessary.


I do not know anyone who had a problem getting to China but, if you anticipate a problem, call Viking before you leave to get a cell number of someone you could call, if necessary. Or, Viking might be able to determine where you are lost without your making a call and make alternative arrangements to find you.

Thank you Lucky Granny and No Fuss Travel for the great answers to my questions. This thread has given me such a huge amount of helpful information. I feel like I will be way ahead of the others on my tour!


Only 8 days till departure!

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There seemed to be time for shopping wherever we went. In Beijing, my husband and I went down to Wufangju (sp?) Street on our own, just to see the food market where they sell the roasted scorpions, crickets, etc. just to take pictures. We saw this featured on the Today show during the Olympics and wanted to see it in person.


MOst of our group loved to shop, so wherever we went somebody bought something. We enjoyed the Peking Duck Dinner and the Opera, but everyone is different.


We found that the shop at the Great Wall was a little bit more expensive than the other places we came across, but people bought a lot of stuff there as well. This was the only place we saw furniture and we ordered a lingerie chest which we were promised by December (this shop, was well as the other places that Viking took us to guaranteed the quality and delivery).


A lot of people bought pearls here and the jewelry store on the boat always sold some beautiful things.


As far as the most popular purchases by our group:


The hand-painted perfume bottles (cheapest at the YiYuan Gardens in Shanghal.

Jade jewelry (at the factory and the wall)

Silk Embroidery Pictures (at the factory)

Chopsticks from all the street vendors

The gift shop at the Dam had great costume jewelry and a lot of people bought their gifts here.

There was shopping at the Hubei Museum in Wuhan

2 or three couples bought rugs at the rug factory stop in Beijing


All in all the food was great. We stayed at the Westin Financial Street in Beijing and the Westin in Shanghai and the two buffets were outstanding.

The ship's food was good and very nicely presented.


The painting we bought at the STillwell Museum in Chongqing (this was an unscheduled stop as we could not board the ship due to security concerns during the paraolympics until late evening)

and the silk embroidery arrived in the US before we returned.


If you are intent in buying something special in Jade, wait for the factory.

Also negotiate hard (but with a smile) and be willing to walk away and the prices will come down

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