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Cruises have ruined land vacations for me


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I have a financial show on in the background, so this thought occurred to me....euro at 1.04 USD makes Euroland very inexpensive right now. I remember 1.40 X rates. So cruise prices have steadily ticked up over the last few years...but the price of a land based trip in Euroland (and in any country that's currency has weakened against the USD) has become a deal. For my trip to Poland later this year, I'm looking at 4* hotel rates that are under $100 a night....and I can stay at a 5* for 5000 points and $75 dollars, in high season. That is obscenely cheap.


As to hotel stars...we love charming three stars and B&B's, but as we've gotten older we need to have the fitness center that 4* hotels have. We never know when one of us will have an injury and be unable to run in a nearby park. Admittedly, hotels have a hard time matching the ship fitness centers.

Edited by buggins0402
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I have a financial show on in the background, so this thought occurred to me....euro at 1.04 USD makes Euroland very inexpensive right now. I remember 1.40 X rates. So cruise prices have steadily ticked up over the last few years...but the price of a land based trip in Euroland (and in any country that's currency has weakened against the USD) has become a deal. For my trip to Poland later this year, I'm looking at 4* hotel rates that are under $100 a night....and I can stay at a 5* for 5000 points and $75 dollars, in high season. That is obscenely cheap.


As to hotel stars...we love charming three stars and B&B's, but as we've gotten older we need to have the fitness center that 4* hotels have. We never know when one of us will have an injury and be unable to run in a nearby park. Admittedly, hotels have a hard time matching the ship fitness centers.


I like your thinking. I am going to adopt it for planning purposes next year. ;)

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The Baltic cruises Royal Caribbean offers that has the three-day stop in St. Petersburg, Russia is definitely on my to-do list! In the past I've done four European trips on my own but all land based. (A week in England, Wales, Sweden, Norway.... A week in Spain with a few days in Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands.... a week split between the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Switzerland.... and a week in Iceland, England, and Denmark) I would love to combine the Baltic cruise with a few days spent possibly in Poland.... Someday.


If this post means what I think you said, you should see the movie


"If this is Tuesday it Must be Belgium" -




Your travels remind me of this movie and are just as ridiculous.



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The Baltic cruises Royal Caribbean offers that has the three-day stop in St. Petersburg, Russia is definitely on my to-do list! In the past I've done four European trips on my own but all land based. (A week in England, Wales, Sweden, Norway.... A week in Spain with a few days in Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands.... a week split between the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Switzerland.... and a week in Iceland, England, and Denmark) I would love to combine the Baltic cruise with a few days spent possibly in Poland.... Someday.


If this post means what I think you said, you should see the movie


"If this is Tuesday it Must be Belgium" -




Your travels remind me of this movie.



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I like your thinking. I am going to adopt it for planning purposes next year. ;)


I'm trying to get together some trip to Europe again next Spring or Fall. With my hotel business, the only real time I am able to get away is late April, May, late September, October. The rest of the year it is "don't even ask for time off" due to how busy we are. I keep remembering where I used to stay and have to remember that I can't do those anymore. I really do need to find those special little places under $100US/night. Places that people list as "basic, but clean" turn me off. I need some atmosphere!! I could see a little road trip up to northeast Italy along the coast, through Trieste and maybe pop into Slovenia. But, then, I'm so close to the Dolomites again and I promised I'd get there NOT in the winter, and I'm so close to Lake Bled... I can't stop the wheels spinning in my head!!! Or, training again from Prague to Dresden to Munich to Paris. But, then, I'm so close to Konigsee and Cologne and....One can only do so much on a short stay - I can't delete things!!!

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Some friends of ours did just this trip although I forget the name of the company. They flew to Chicago from NJ then bused throughout route 66. Said it was a great trip although the bus got a little tiring. They flew home from LA.


Yeah a bus trip with a group of strangers just does not sound like fun to me. Our dream trip is just the 2 of us going at our own pace stopping when and where we want, checking out the little out of the way places along the way. We'll be retired no need to hurry or stick to a schedule and if for some reason the kids or my Mom need us we can fly to where ever they are for a quick detour before continuing on with our vacation. Flexibility will be a key component to our retirement travels.

Edited by Warm Breezes
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I have. I'm at those places 3-4 hours, not 7 days. And I would be passed out drunk before I could ever make 1 of the beverage packages pay off. I don't plan on drinking any on the ship. I'll do my drinking in port.


Don't forget the recent thread about the $80+ case of water.


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With the current exchange rate, you'd be looking at $.25 for that Bud in Cartegena. :)



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I've visited (rather extensively) all 48 lower (driven cross country more than a dozen times) and a good chunk of Canada--although Churchill is on my bucket list. Right now we are planning on cruises in 2019 (Baltics), 2024 (Japan), and then when we retire we will cruise to Antarctica and a Panama Canal crossing. The majority of our travel otherwise will be land based. Simply put, we want to set our own schedules. We prefer to rent a lovely flat and settle in. Our next vacation is 10 days split between Belfast and Dublin.



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I like your thinking. I am going to adopt it for planning purposes next year. ;)


Let's keep our fingers crossed that those wonderful under $500 r/t fares to Europe next year show up again on Delta. I did manage to get a DTW to WAW returning Krakow for cheap..a little over $500 pp including an upgrade to premium economy on the way there, in August no less! It's a perfect time for that area, since it's more northern. I have been astounded when looking at hotel prices....incredibly cheap. I've been doing the happy dance ever since I snagged the flights. And, we'll be in Krakow for a milestone anniversary!! This trip was just a short unplanned throw in just because of those flights...:)

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We cruise and take land vacations. They both have +'s and -"s. If controlling cost is a major priority, then nothing can really beat a cruise, but the single most expensive trip I've ever taken was an Alaskan cruise tour where we really didn't have a set budget and did everything we have ever want to do in Alaska.


Of all our vacations, the best one was an 18 night camping trip to Yellowstone and the Rockies back in the 80's when we did our "See America" vacations with our son. Because we camped, it was probably one of least expensive trips but the scenery was spectacular and we controlled our own itinerary.


Unless you go back to the same locations multiple time, like the Med, you only get a glimpse of what each port offers, so cruising has restrictions.

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We cruise and take land vacations. They both have +'s and -"s. If controlling cost is a major priority, then nothing can really beat a cruise, but the single most expensive trip I've ever taken was an Alaskan cruise tour where we really didn't have a set budget and did everything we have ever want to do in Alaska.


Of all our vacations, the best one was an 18 night camping trip to Yellowstone and the Rockies back in the 80's when we did our "See America" vacations with our son. Because we camped, it was probably one of least expensive trips but the scenery was spectacular and we controlled our own itinerary.


Unless you go back to the same locations multiple time, like the Med, you only get a glimpse of what each port offers, so cruising has restrictions.


I disagree that cruises are cheaper than land vacations. The per day breakdown of our last two weeks in London was about the same cost as it would have been on a cruise +/- 10% in either direction. There are many parts of the world where land based can be cheaper than cruising--in many parts of Europe and Latin America, most of Africa and a good chunk of Asia. I'm not talking about camping either. We are visiting Belfast and Dublin for nine nights in a few months, and the total cost of our trip is about $1500. A cruise would have been much more expensive. (I'm not including airfare as that would have been the same either way.)


We often rent a flat or house as we often try to stay in the same location for three or more days. We try to find one with a washer/dryer so we can travel lighter--pop a load in the washer at night and dry it in the morning before leaving for the day. Because we keep on top of it and only do a couple days worth of clothing at a time, it take under five minutes including folding and putting away. We also don't like to eat out for every meal, and typically have breakfast in the accommodation, a hearty late lunch, and then a simple meal or snack for dinner in our flat. This not only cuts down on calories and is easier on the budget, but it also allows us to get a better feel of "going native"--living like the locals do, shopping in their markets and experiencing their local foods.


Frankly I get very tired of eating out all the time. Although I now only travel about 25% with my job, about half of my career I've had jobs where I had to travel 75-100%. While it's allowed me to visit a lot of places I might never had ventured on my own, it has also made me well aware of the part I really don't like--eating out for every meal.

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Frankly I get very tired of eating out all the time. Although I now only travel about 25% with my job, about half of my career I've had jobs where I had to travel 75-100%. While it's allowed me to visit a lot of places I might never had ventured on my own, it has also made me well aware of the part I really don't like--eating out for every meal.


As do I.......When I thought about what it must be like to take a really extended cruise (of a few months or more), I realized that I would miss cooking. It's not that I cook special or fancy meals, but I like taking part in preparing my food. I find it a very satisfying thing, for some reason.

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Our family would rent a condo on the beach or in the mountains when I was growing up and we continued that for many years with my children growing up. When we discovered cruising it eliminated the things we HATED about our land based vacations. I'm a clean freak so it always started out with re-cleaning the condo by removing the bed spreads and storing it out of the way, re-washing the bedclothes, putting the dishes through the dishwasher and wiping everything down, then a trip to the grocery store to stock up and coming back to put everything away, while the discussion began on "what to do about dinner?" My vacation really didn't start until DAY TWO. By day three, I found myself in front of the washer and dryer with sand filled beach towels, shorts, shirts, undies, etc. Mornings began with cooking breakfast while everyone got up at different times and I found myself in and out of the kitchen for about two hours if we weren't going someplace during the day. I love having all the things I hated about a land-based vacation DISAPPEAR with a cruise. Eat when you want to without cooking and cleaning up, sending the laundry in a bag to be done and delivered fresh and clean to the cabin, no sand covered beach towels to wash, no decisions on where we will eat or what type food for meals was wonderful. We took a land based vacation last year with my daughters who are now grown and hooked on cruising too. We decided on a hotel instead of a condo to avoid the first day cleaning ordeal. We even had the meal plan and there was plenty to keep us busy but at the end of the week, we were all saying how much we prefer a cruise. We really like the idea of waking up every day in a new location, and we've never been disappointed on a cruise.

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Our family would rent a condo on the beach or in the mountains when I was growing up and we continued that for many years with my children growing up. When we discovered cruising it eliminated the things we HATED about our land based vacations. I'm a clean freak so it always started out with re-cleaning the condo by removing the bed spreads and storing it out of the way, re-washing the bedclothes, putting the dishes through the dishwasher and wiping everything down, then a trip to the grocery store to stock up and coming back to put everything away, while the discussion began on "what to do about dinner?" My vacation really didn't start until DAY TWO. By day three, I found myself in front of the washer and dryer with sand filled beach towels, shorts, shirts, undies, etc. Mornings began with cooking breakfast while everyone got up at different times and I found myself in and out of the kitchen for about two hours if we weren't going someplace during the day. I love having all the things I hated about a land-based vacation DISAPPEAR with a cruise. Eat when you want to without cooking and cleaning up, sending the laundry in a bag to be done and delivered fresh and clean to the cabin, no sand covered beach towels to wash, no decisions on where we will eat or what type food for meals was wonderful. We took a land based vacation last year with my daughters who are now grown and hooked on cruising too. We decided on a hotel instead of a condo to avoid the first day cleaning ordeal. We even had the meal plan and there was plenty to keep us busy but at the end of the week, we were all saying how much we prefer a cruise. We really like the idea of waking up every day in a new location, and we've never been disappointed on a cruise.


Well, it's just my husband and myself, and he is a champ with helping with cleaning, laundry, and cooking. The flats we've rented have been as clean as any cruise ship (cleaner than one :( ) and cleaner than most hotel rooms.


We enjoy going to the market in different countries, it's a challenge that has more than once left us scratching our heads wondering where the milk was (all shelf stable in Tahiti, so not with the dairy for example) and trying to order things from the butcher or fromagerie in a country where the language is far from a first or even second.


As far as cooking a variety of meals at different times, uh, no. The kitchen is open when I open it, and my husband will eat pretty much what I make for us with no problem.

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At this point in my life, being able to cruise from 5 different ports without losing a travel day makes cruising the best option for me.


In a few decades, I look forward to spending a week at a destination and combining that with a cruise. Even at the most exciting locale for a land trip, we end up taking day trips to nearby attractions or sites.


Cruising is much more convenient to me at this time, and is my top choice.

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Our family would rent a condo on the beach or in the mountains when I was growing up and we continued that for many years with my children growing up. When we discovered cruising it eliminated the things we HATED about our land based vacations. I'm a clean freak so it always started out with re-cleaning the condo by removing the bed spreads and storing it out of the way, re-washing the bedclothes, putting the dishes through the dishwasher and wiping everything down, then a trip to the grocery store to stock up and coming back to put everything away, while the discussion began on "what to do about dinner?" My vacation really didn't start until DAY TWO. By day three, I found myself in front of the washer and dryer with sand filled beach towels, shorts, shirts, undies, etc. Mornings began with cooking breakfast while everyone got up at different times and I found myself in and out of the kitchen for about two hours if we weren't going someplace during the day. I love having all the things I hated about a land-based vacation DISAPPEAR with a cruise. Eat when you want to without cooking and cleaning up, sending the laundry in a bag to be done and delivered fresh and clean to the cabin, no sand covered beach towels to wash, no decisions on where we will eat or what type food for meals was wonderful. We took a land based vacation last year with my daughters who are now grown and hooked on cruising too. We decided on a hotel instead of a condo to avoid the first day cleaning ordeal. We even had the meal plan and there was plenty to keep us busy but at the end of the week, we were all saying how much we prefer a cruise. We really like the idea of waking up every day in a new location, and we've never been disappointed on a cruise.



Why so concerned about cleanliness in a vacation rental vs a hotel or ship cabin?

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Our family would rent a condo on the beach or in the mountains when I was growing up and we continued that for many years with my children growing up. When we discovered cruising it eliminated the things we HATED about our land based vacations. I'm a clean freak so it always started out with re-cleaning the condo by removing the bed spreads and storing it out of the way, re-washing the bedclothes, putting the dishes through the dishwasher and wiping everything down,.....

Why aren't you worried about the cleanliness of the ship and your cabin? As a "clean freak" you seem uncharacteristically willing to accept the ship's cleaners, who are probably no better trained (and probably more overworked) than the people who cleaned your rental condo.

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I try not to think of cost too much. But, rather, what do I get for the price paid.


I compared my British Isles cruise to a similar land based trip. I got the price down by about 1/2 for the same 12 days, but could get nowhere near all the places I went on the cruise in the same time frame. That would have taken twice as long and brought the price right back up. For my upcoming New England cruise I actually think I could see more for less on a land based trip. The real value of this trip is the time spent with my 2 sisters.


So, to me, it really is apples and oranges. They are totally different vacations taken for totally different reasons. Though the older I get, the harder road trips and dragging my luggage around is getting to be, tipping the scales towards cruising.

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Our family would rent a condo on the beach or in the mountains when I was growing up and we continued that for many years with my children growing up. When we discovered cruising it eliminated the things we HATED about our land based vacations. I'm a clean freak so it always started out with re-cleaning the condo by removing the bed spreads and storing it out of the way, re-washing the bedclothes, putting the dishes through the dishwasher and wiping everything down, then a trip to the grocery store to stock up and coming back to put everything away, while the discussion began on "what to do about dinner?" My vacation really didn't start until DAY TWO. By day three, I found myself in front of the washer and dryer with sand filled beach towels, shorts, shirts, undies, etc. Mornings began with cooking breakfast while everyone got up at different times and I found myself in and out of the kitchen for about two hours if we weren't going someplace during the day. I love having all the things I hated about a land-based vacation DISAPPEAR with a cruise. Eat when you want to without cooking and cleaning up, sending the laundry in a bag to be done and delivered fresh and clean to the cabin, no sand covered beach towels to wash, no decisions on where we will eat or what type food for meals was wonderful. We took a land based vacation last year with my daughters who are now grown and hooked on cruising too. We decided on a hotel instead of a condo to avoid the first day cleaning ordeal. We even had the meal plan and there was plenty to keep us busy but at the end of the week, we were all saying how much we prefer a cruise. We really like the idea of waking up every day in a new location, and we've never been disappointed on a cruise.


Simple solution -


1 - Don't clean. A bit of dirt and even a lot of dirt almost never killed anyone. Or else see a shrink about your cleanliness issues;


2- Tell your family that if they want things to be done, they can do it themselves.


You have only yourself to blame for your vacation issues.



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Simple solution -


1 - Don't clean. A bit of dirt and even a lot of dirt almost never killed anyone. Or else see a shrink about your cleanliness issues;


2- Tell your family that if they want things to be done, they can do it themselves.


You have only yourself to blame for your vacation issues.



Telling someone to stop an obsession of being clean is like telling a cruise obsessed person to stop cruising. Not very compassionate of other peoples differences.



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You did WHAT??!! Am I misreading, or have you taken land trips which visited several countries in the course of a week??


Haha, well, I guess I could explain it a bit more in detail. By week, I meant 10 days. I pretty much spent 2 days in Vienna with a travel day to Budapest where I spent 2 days before a travel day to Prague where I spent 2 days before travel day to Munich where I spent 2 days..... So it wasn't super rushed and that was also my first Euro trip, so I wanted to see a lot of places but not necessarily in one city. The trips I did after were longer and with less movement.

Also, I had just turned 18 a month-and-a-half prior to it and was travelling ratner unsupervised... Just with my best friend who was still 17 at the time and we were still in High School (seniors) so priorities were slightly different.

Edited by CanobieFan
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I disagree that cruises are cheaper than land vacations. The per day breakdown of our last two weeks in London was about the same cost as it would have been on a cruise +/- 10% in either direction. There are many parts of the world where land based can be cheaper than cruising--in many parts of Europe and Latin America, most of Africa and a good chunk of Asia. I'm not talking about camping either. We are visiting Belfast and Dublin for nine nights in a few months, and the total cost of our trip is about $1500. A cruise would have been much more expensive. (I'm not including airfare as that would have been the same either way.)


We often rent a flat or house as we often try to stay in the same location for three or more days. We try to find one with a washer/dryer so we can travel lighter--pop a load in the washer at night and dry it in the morning before leaving for the day. Because we keep on top of it and only do a couple days worth of clothing at a time, it take under five minutes including folding and putting away. We also don't like to eat out for every meal, and typically have breakfast in the accommodation, a hearty late lunch, and then a simple meal or snack for dinner in our flat. This not only cuts down on calories and is easier on the budget, but it also allows us to get a better feel of "going native"--living like the locals do, shopping in their markets and experiencing their local foods.


Frankly I get very tired of eating out all the time. Although I now only travel about 25% with my job, about half of my career I've had jobs where I had to travel 75-100%. While it's allowed me to visit a lot of places I might never had ventured on my own, it has also made me well aware of the part I really don't like--eating out for every meal.


I was primarily talking about Caribbean cruises where insides can go quite low. I only mentioned the Med because the time spent in each port is short and it limits what can be seen.

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As do I.......When I thought about what it must be like to take a really extended cruise (of a few months or more), I realized that I would miss cooking. It's not that I cook special or fancy meals, but I like taking part in preparing my food. I find it a very satisfying thing, for some reason.


I can only take about 14 days of cruise food and then I miss going to the fridge for some leftovers! :-)

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After several years of cruise vacations, my husband and I decided last year to go back to the theme parks in Florida again....we have gone there many times, but not in the past six years or so.


While we loved seeing all our favorite rides and shows again, we both were struck by how often we had our wallets out, to buy tickets, to buy meals, etc.


Our enjoyment of both types of vacation are probably equal, but we have found that we prefer the "pay once, pay up front" style of cruising, as opposed to the "pay as you go" land vacations. Pretty much the same budget, although the land vacation was slightly more. Just the inconvenience of paying for each individual item.

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