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Review: Carnival Conquest 10/30/05


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Day 3: Fun Day At Sea!


We woke up to the sun streaming into the windows on our second Day At Sea. After the rocky ride the night before, I had to lay there in bed for a minute or two to see if I could feel the "motion of the ocean" before I tried to stand up! Turned out we were both awake. There was a knock at the door! At 7:00 a.m.! Turned out we forgot to set our clocks back the night before and our 8:00 room service showed up at 7:00! But that worked out just fine, as we were up. Barely.


Things we wanted to do, but didn't do: Go to the gym. Walk/run the track. Battle of the Sexes. Wine tasting.


Things we did but hadn't planned to do: We were in the lobby for Win, Lose or Draw, which looked cute.


First order of business of the morning was to go to the Monet restaurant, which we hadn't seen yet, because that was where we were going to eat with the Captain. I also had a question about the time, as Monet dinner started at 8:00 p.m. and our invitation said 8:30.


After about 20 minutes of trying and a lot of frustration finding ourselves in tiny little foyer rooms with only elevators or staircases that didn't lead us where we wanted to go, we finally found our way to the Monet just in time for them to close up. We asked if the Maitre'D was available and he was not, but they suggested we come back at lunch. We asked the young man at the door if he knew about the dinner seating time and explained we had been invited to dine with the Captain. He said, "Wow! What did YOU do to get to eat with the CAPTAIN? You must have done something good!" Just fed into our complete feeling of overwhelmed giddiness and awe about the whole thing. We agreed we'd go back for lunch.


We went straight up to the Sky Bar then to say hi to Jan and Boris and taste the Drink Of The Day for me, and the Bloody Marys for Stang. We had a little drink and set to wandering the ship. Went to the Gift Shop and bought some hair spray to make up for the hairspray I didn't have for the upcoming formal night. At 10:30 a.m., had a Bloody Mary or two and saw the Port Shopping Talk. Sat through about 2/3 of it but I just can't relate to people who want to go buy $1,300.00 watches in Grand Cayman. So we made some notes, completely forgot to grab shopping maps, and flitted our way out of the lounge on to the Next Big Thing, whatever it might have been.


At noon, we headed back down to the Monet dining room, met the Maitre'D, introduced ourselves, got the scoop on Dinner With The Captain, and we were surprised when he knew exactly who we were. "Mr. and Mrs. T----?" Yes, that's us. "We are just so excited to have you dining with us this evening, we are going to take such great care of you, you're going to have a lot of fun," it was just so neat - and so weird - to have all these people treating us like we were movie stars, or something. I asked about the scheduling and he told us that the Captain shows up when he's ready, not right at 8:00 p.m. with the "rush" and that if we were there at 8:30 that would be great. Then we let him know that we'd like to have lunch in the dining room and he clapped his hands, called over a waiter and said, "The T---s are going to be joining us for lunch! Find them a really good table for two!" We were led over along the wall by the window to a secluded table for two, and could hear murmurs as we were led through the dining room. "The T----s are here. That's the T----s. (mumble) VIP (mumble) dinner with the Captain (mumble) the T----s are here…."


The assistant Maitre'D came to our little table to greet us and say hello, told us he was among the group that was singing to us the night before and congratulated us on our anniversary and told us if there was ANYTHING they could do for us to let them know.


Lunch in the dining room was great. I had a seafood chef's salad and Stang had some trout. It was really, really good. The cold orange cream soup with tapioca was also nice.


When we left the dining room and proceeded to get lost again, we found our way to the Lobby Bar where we hooked up with some of our fellow CC'ers who happened to be there. That's when we caught Win Lose or Draw, which looked fun. We went out onto the deck for a minute and stood in the wind. Then we set off to do some more exploring.


It's this afternoon that we again found Sur Mer, and I was determined to have a bowl of boullibaise. This soup was fabbo! We each had a bowl (yes, right after lunch, yes, we had a second lunch, but it was worth it) and by then it was around 3:00 p.m. and we figured we should head back to the room to relax a little bit before heading out to take some formal pictures, the cocktail party, et. al.


Weeks of practicing on my hair paid off as I was able to put it up in a French twist by myself. We got all dressed and ready to go and headed downstairs to take pictures. We both looked great, I think. I was so proud to be on the arm of my hubby with his dress uniform. We took a TON of pictures and ran into some of our tablemates at the wine bar, where they asked us a bunch of questions about our upcoming captain's dinner and stuff, which of course we had NO answers for!


We went from the wine bar into the cocktail party where we shook the Captain's hand upon entering and let him know we'd be dining with him later that evening. We had fun in the cocktail party (the meatballs were the best!) and I just tried not to get food or wine on my white top! After the cocktail party we walked around for a little bit, took some more pictures, and then headed down to dinner.


Shortly after 8:30 the Captain and his senior offices and some of their spouses joined us at the table (we were the first ones there). Everyone was so kind and gracious, they all introduced themselves, and we shook their hands, and we had a very pleasant conversation. We were seated between the Captain and the Head Purser. (We were originally split up at the table but I think they saw how nervous we must have looked, and offered to seat us together instead of staggered around the table, and we took them up on their offer.) The Captain was a wonderful, soft-spoken Italian man who didn't say much, but when he did everyone listened.


Three or four times when we were at the table, people came up, asked to shake his hand, and said things like, "If you're all here, who's driving the ship?!" I leaned over and said, "You obviously get asked that all the time." He just looked down at his plate, kind of shook his head, and rolled his eyes. So! For everyone else's benefit -- He's heard that joke before!


Because "formal night" had been moved to Tuesday instead of Monday, the menu for "formal night" was not the standard Captain's Gala menu with lobster and prime rib and stuff. So the crew was pretty excited about that, and everyone dug into their meals with great gusto. They told us they were kind of "excited" because when they eat in the dining room it is always the same menu, so they got to change it up a little bit. I found the escargot to be great, and had the jerk pork. Stang had the veal parmesan.


The Captain?


The Captain gets to eat whatever he wants.


After the Captain's Waiter and staff poured the wine and Pellegrino around the table (which never quit coming, by the way, if your glass went below half full they topped you off) (and the wine was amazing) the Captain received his first appetizer of a dish of steamed and roasted vegetables with little roulades of smoked salmon, with some olive oil and vinegar to dress it. He ate about half of that, and then they brought him another plate with strips of proscuitto and some chunks of parmesan cheese, which he popped like snacks while sipping wine and chatting with us and his officers. Then the Captain's dinner was served to him -- a plain, undressed green salad in a large bowl, with a side plate of steamed chicken breast cut into chunks. The Captain had "build your own chicken salad" for dinner!


We asked all kinds of questions of the Captain and his officers and they asked us about ourselves as well. The conversation was really pleasant and very interesting. He was a very gracious host -- none of the officers nor him would start eating until we had taken the first bite of our particular course. There was also a toast.


I leaned over to the Captain and told him I couldn't help but notice what healthy choices of meals he had, and he said that if he ate the rich food every night they'd have to get him new uniforms all the time, as he'd keep gaining weight!


At the end of the meal and after dessert, he told us he was sure we had "other plans for the evening" and didn't want to "take up too much more of our time" but thanked us for dining with him, told us to enjoy the show later that evening and thanked us for honoring him with our presence -- we told him the pleasure was all ours, and it was certainly a thrill and an honor to dine with all of them, and thanked them all again individually.


It was truly an amazing experience.


We went upstairs, changed into some more casual clothes, and went to Formidable, the evening's show. It was a Vegas-style showgirl musical song and dance show, which we quickly decided wasn't for us, but we sat through it anyway. Where we were in the lounge the sound was a little muddy so we couldn't understand all the words to the songs, and it ended up just being more out of courtesy than anything that we stayed through the show. I'm sure it was a very good show. We just didn't find ourselves particularly interested or entertained.


We went out and got a drink and hung out for a while, and then went back for the midnight "adult comedy show" by Marc Rubben, which we didn't enjoy at all. He was a ventrioloquist which could have really been interesting, but he picked on the same two people who he obviously knew before the show started, and just cursed a lot without any real humor involved.


And that's about the time we stumbled back up to the room, somewhere around 12:45 a.m. The next morning was our first port day and we wanted to be fresh. What a day!!

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One question (so far). When you talk about the chairs farthest to the left. I am assuming that you mean when you are looking from the front???


Sorry I missed your question!


Yes, when you walk up to the "room" where they sit everyone, there are big blocks of chairs, kind of like a theatre. If you are standing at the "front" of the room where you come in and face the "back" of the room, it's the chairs at the far left. :D

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I'm confused! How did you get so lucky to dine with the Captain. I'm dying to know why everyone knew who you all were and kept giggling and whispering about you both! This is an awesome review by the way, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your next day to arrive!

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I'm confused! How did you get so lucky to dine with the Captain. I'm dying to know why everyone knew who you all were and kept giggling and whispering about you both! This is an awesome review by the way, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your next day to arrive!


DITTO...did I miss something? are you guys celebrities? did you ask the captain why you were invited? omg this review is like watching a tv show.

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Welcome back Rose and Stang!! (FINALLY);) I have been looking for you everyday. I told my DH this am that I was worried about you.

Your review is even better than I expected. Did you take notes on the cruise? I would have to in order to remember anything.

I watched your sailaway. I showed my DH (you know he just LOVES all the cc stuff:rolleyes: ) and pointed to the ship and said See Rose, that's her with the foofoo drink waving;)

Can't wait to read the rest

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I'm confused! How did you get so lucky to dine with the Captain. I'm dying to know why everyone knew who you all were and kept giggling and whispering about you both! This is an awesome review by the way, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your next day to arrive!
DITTO...did I miss something? are you guys celebrities? did you ask the captain why you were invited?
Rose (although something of a celebrity on these boards, she is not one in real life) did it by simply being nice and saying please and thank-you at the appropriate times. For those of us who don't know her, but read these boards a lot, we have noticed that everytime something "UH-OH" happened to Rose-like her long awaited Stang Reunion Elation Cruise got hurricane cancelled and she had to re-book Conquest at a higher rate--she did not throw a fit and complain and whine, but rolled with the punches and politely asked the Carnival folks what could be done. She said (and wrote) thank-yous to those that helped her, and it made them want to help her further. Her first day description of the purser's desk is a perfect example. Moral of the story: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It could not have happened to a nicer girl.:D
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WOW!! I just got home and see that we've heard from you!:) I was beginning to wonder if you were having TOO much fun;) !! The suspense of your review is killing me. I'm standing by waiting to hear the "rest of the story"!! Glad to see you back!!:D ;)

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Rose (although something of a celebrity on these boards, she is not one in real life) did it by simply being nice and saying please and thank-you at the appropriate times. For those of us who don't know her, but read these boards a lot, we have noticed that everytime something "UH-OH" happened to Rose-like her long awaited Stang Reunion Elation Cruise got hurricane cancelled and she had to re-book Conquest at a higher rate--she did not throw a fit and complain and whine, but rolled with the punches and politely asked the Carnival folks what could be done. She said (and wrote) thank-yous to those that helped her, and it made them want to help her further. Her first day description of the purser's desk is a perfect example. Moral of the story: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It could not have happened to a nicer girl.:D


Couldn't have said it better myself...absolutely right on the money! :)

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There you are Rosie!!!!! I've been looking for you!!!! I absolutely cannot wait any longer for the rest of your review....NOW!!!:p

I thought about you guys all week..."Rose & Stang are on the ship right now...wonder what they're doing..." etc. I so wanted to tell my hubby about you guys all week too...but I can't 'cause of the whole surprise thing.....aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Tell us!!!! DETAILS!!!!:p :D :p

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Day four -- Jamaica


To answer some of the questions asked between the last installment and this one: We had cabin number 8258 on the Verandah deck. We loved it. It was right at the top of the main stairs. We could see the Bridge from our balcony. We were also near the elevators. Except for being able to hear the elevator bells ding-donging, we did not have any odd hallway noise. We decorated our room door just the same though, with caution tape and a black cat with foil streamers.


As for the other question of how and why we got invited to eat with the Captain… we DID ask them at dinner how that happened. The Head Purser told us that they receive a list every cruise of "prospective diners" and that they review the list. Based on different criteria they figure out who would be the most appropriate guest to dine with the Captain and staff on the formal nights, and they issue the invitation. So for some reason, we ended up on that list. And for reasons they would not explain, we were selected over other travelers. One thing I will tell you is, I heard from a CC'er that they saw the Captain get cornered (dunno if it was before or after formal night) by some man, who was very upset and angry, demanding to know why he did not get invited to dine with the Captain. Apparently, some people think they're entitled. We were just amazed. And that in itself might be the reason why we got picked.


Montego Bay!


We were up at the crack of dawn (or it seemed like it) to see the ship pulling into Montego Bay. Jamaica was SO beautiful and SO green. That morning we dropped off Stang's white dress shirt because it ended up with a little spot on it from the night before, to be cleaned and returned. It was $6.00 to clean the shirt with same-day service. We also had coffee, bagel/Danish and fruit in the room for breakfast.


We got a phone call from Jim and Bette, our CC friends who were booked on the same excursion as we were (Party catamaran and snorkel through A-Z Jamaica Planners) and had also passed the word along to a couple of our fellow CC'ers to meet us inside the terminal in time to take the cruise (A-Z had told us there was some space available on the trip). Turned out some other CC'ers had also booked the same trip through another excursion broker, so we had quite the group. Jimandbette, Nompty (and Ed/Rubberneck), and Easttexascruiser's family, as well as our "adopted friends" Ron and Almeda, joined us.


The cruise terminal in Jamaica is very simple. There are some shops there where you can buy things like blue mountain coffee, T-shirts, shot glasses, rum cakes and Cuban cigars. We bought some of each, thankyouverymuch -- but that's later in the day!


We met up with the A-Z Planners staff in the terminal and got our little group together. We were shuffled, after a short wait, off onto a bus which took us around to Doctor's Cave Beach. We waited around there for the second bus of passengers to show up and boarded a BEAUTIFUL red and white brand new HUGE catamaran called the Island Dreamer. One of my favorite moments of the day was when the captain of the catamaran came down to the dock, waved his finger, and said, "Nobody wears shoes on MY BOAT!" We all took our shoes off and boarded. The crew was three young men and one quiet but kind young lady who manned the (open) bar.


We pulled out of the bay and tooled around for a little while before ending up at the snorkeling spot. They asked who were first-time snorkelers and who were experienced. Those of us with no experience were given the option of having a floaty tied around our waist or hanging out in the water with one of the crew members with a life ring. Stang and I snorkeled our hearts out for what only seemed like the 15-20 minutes we were in the water, before they called us back onto the boat. The water was crystal clear blue and was very warm. The weather was also awesome! Too bad for me that the tube of sunblock I had brought was expired… I was burned to a crisp by the end of the day!


We all got back on the catamaran and headed over to Margaritaville. Because we were late getting started that day our time at Margaritaville was cut short, but it was enough time to buy some souvenirs and run into the other CC'ers who had also ended up there from alternate tours. We talked with them for a while, some of the catamaran group had margaritas, but no one ate (I think the cruise ship folks just figured we'd all eat when we got back onboard). We looked like quite the VIP's wandering off this beautiful catamaran at the dock at Margaritaville! Seemed like everyone was stopping to look at the boat. It was pretty fun.


After about half an hour or so, we got back on board the catamaran and started the "booze cruise" part of the party boat experience. The open bar was in full effect! The crew members were giving all the women foot massages! The rum punch (uh, I could have fueled my car with this rum punch) and Red Stripe and whatever-else-alcoholic-they-could-mix-up-for-us flowed freely! To give you an idea of the fun we were starting to have, I have pictures that Stang says, "Hm. I don't remember doing that." But he was sure smiling and laughing in the pictures with the other CC'ers! All the women were getting their feet rubbed, we were drinking rum punch, the music was loud and fun, and we all got a "Jamaican dance lesson" which ended up being a bunch of hopping around and hip-shaking on the front of the catamaran as we cruised the bay. It was an absolutely fabulous day.


At around 1:30 we ended up back at the terminal. Those of us who were sober enough to direct the group helped those of us who were a little too tipsy to make it on their own, back on board! Stang and I did the shopping I previously mentioned in the terminal, ran into some CC stragglers, and we all got back on the ship. We were supposed to "reunite at 2:45 at the Sky Bar" but the only ones to make it were Nompty and Ed/Rubberneck, so we hung with them, ate some pizza, told Jan and Boris all about our day in the sun, and Stang ran around like a crazy man taking pictures off the deck of the beautiful weather and Montego Bay.


We went back up to the room for a while and sat around -- there was a knock at the door [Author's note: This might have happened on Tuesday, I'm not certain, so I'm putting it on Wednesday just because I can, neener neener] and a delivery person brought us a basket of wine, cheese, fruit and crackers from the Hotel Director of the Conquest. We were freaking out all over again -- more VIP treatment. We had a picnic on the bed with some of the wine that we had brought ourselves, and saved the other bottle to take to the dining room on a later night. [another note -- it WAS on Monday or TUesday that the wine basket showed up because I remember thanking the hotel director for it when he sat with us at the Captain's dinner on Tuesday night. So. I got my days mixed up there, but oh well. We got a wine basket!]


After a little nap (Stang went and wandered the ship while I napped through sailaway) we got dressed and ready to go to the Point Supper Club. I wore black slacks, black boots and a sparkly black and silver sweater. Stang wore his uniform again. We got lost. Twice. But we eventually found it.


Dinner at the Point was totally amazing. We picked out a bottle of wine (we had budgeted $100.00 for the evening, $60 of which was our meal and a $40 bottle of wine. We found a delicious $39 bottle of Shiraz that went perfectly with dinner.) We were overwhelmed at the fanciness of the whole experience, although we were trying to act like we weren't. A somallier just for your wine. Waiters, assistant waiters, extra forks, extra glasses, complimentary appetizers… it was unreal.


I had: Trio of escargots (not my favorite), lobster bisque (best ever), spinach salad (to die for), and Surf & Turf -- which **IS** back on the menu -- with a side of wasabi mashed potatoes.


Stang had: Beef carpaccio (not his favorite, too rich), shrimp cocktail (he raved), spinach salad (he loved it), and Surf & Turf -- with a side of grilled vegetables.


By the time the entrée came and we were finishing up the meal we were so full we could really only make sure we ate all of the filet and the lobster… the sides, although delicious, just made it too much food. Next time, we won't eat all day before going! At the end of the meal our waitress wanted to bring us dessert but we politely declined, explaining that between the food, the wine and the Pellegrino, we were quite full and couldn't imagine trying to take two or three bites of one of the dessert masterpieces without finishing it since they were all so large, and so gorgeous, and looked so delicious. So she asked us to sit tight for a moment and instead brought us a little plate with a white chocolate truffle, a dark chocolate truffle, a pistachio cookie and a few fresh berries, for each of us. It was perfect! We savored every little sweet bit of the dessert, and then we didn't have to feel bad about being wasteful of a dessert masterpiece. Couldn't have worked out better.


The chef also came out and asked us how our meal was (but we had seen him asking everyone, this must be part of the service at the Point) and we were thrilled to thank him for such an amazing dinner.


After the dessert plates were cleared and we finished up our water and wine, we sat patiently waiting for the check to come. While we waited, a couple came up the stairs at about 10:30 and asked if they could still be seated (I guess they didn't have reservations) and they were told that of course they could. They sat down and immediately started saying things like, "Hey, should we get caviar? It's only $49.00! Oh, here's a bottle of '93 Chateau Lafitte for $195.00, we should get that." My interest was IMMEDIATELY piqued, so I lost all track of time as the somallier brought out their $200 bottle of wine and decanted it against a candle flame in a beautiful crystal decanter, and the waitress brought their caviar appetizer that they shared together while cooing and giggling. They were dressed in fairly normal smart casual evening-on-the-ship clothes, and we couldn't help but wonder what their story was. (Later on, we think we figured it out -- while talking to our fellow CC'ers about them, they pointed out that the folks who had won the $1,000.00 cash bingo won it right before 10:30pm that evening, and the couple that won matched the description of the couple who was dining with us in the Point! So it looks like they took part of that money and splurged a little for themselves! Yay, bingo winners!)


After being mesmerized by the wine decanting and caviar eating, we still hadn't received our check. The Point's hostess walked over to the table, smiled, leaned in, and asked us how everything was. We raved, of course. She then said, "I just wanted to let you know that your dinner has already been charged."


"Oh," I said, "to the room? I guess I thought we'd have to sign for something."


"No," she said, "Your dinner, it has been paid for. Mr. Dickinson bought your meal tonight."


(Mr. Dickinson is Bob Dickinson, the president of Carnival. Before we left on our trip we got an email from his office thanking him for an email I had sent to HIS office praising our PVP for all the special help he gave us. He said he noted we were celebrating a special occasion and would like to "do something for us" while we were on the ship. This was apparently his very special, personal touch.)


We just stared at the hostess, then stared at each other, said a few "wows" and she smiled sweetly, and told us to have a great evening. We stumbled out of the Point, not drunk on wine but drunk on this continuing wave of awe and amazement that was following us wherever we went.


(To our fellow CC'ers who are now reading this review… we didn't tell anyone while we were on the ship about our experience with the Point check being paid for because we just didn't want to draw even more attention to what was happening with us. We hope you understand and don't feel like it's weird or bad that we didn't talk about it. We just didn't want to sound like we were bragging, or anything, we were completely surprised that so many things had happened for us, and we truly didn't believe we were any more deserving than anyone else in our great group.)


We went down from the Point and changed back into some more casual clothes, and ended up hanging out in the piano bar with Damian for a while that night. He was absolutely fabulous and the crowd wasn't too thick in there so we ended up with seats at the bar. He puts on quite a show and everyone was excited to be there with him. We threw a few dollars onto the piano (but none of them made it into the brandy snifter) and took our leave around midnight or so.


End day four!

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I enjoy taking naps on cruises, too! It's my vacation and I can't do that at home. So, I hope you enjoyed your naps and whatever else could have happened?;) :D I guess we'll see in 9 months!!:)


We are also considering "The Point" next year for our 20th anniversary cruise. I guess it sounded like it is certainly worth the money, right??!! Too bad you didn't care for the escargot. It's my favorite!:)

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Rose did you tell Uncle Bob you where gonna eat at the point?


Wonder what would happen if ya didnt??


I bet the Hotel Manager got a memo from head office about you guys. That would explain the whispering and the VIP treatment in everything.

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I had Escargot in the dining room, Rangerdog, and I LOVED them! I am a big fan of escargot. But the ones in the Point were a little bland. they were baked into brioche and rice paper, and not really seasoned or with garlic butter. So not quite what I was used to. Tender, though, and escargot-tasting. :D

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Rose did you tell Uncle Bob you where gonna eat at the point?


Wonder what would happen if ya didnt??


I bet the Hotel Manager got a memo from head office about you guys. That would explain the whispering and the VIP treatment in everything.


The first night, the Maitre D' came over and asked us "what night we planned to eat at the supper club." We had already made our reservations, and just told him that we had made reservations for Wednesday night at 8:30 already, and he wrote it all down. He didn't ask us IF we were going to eat at the supper club.. .just asked us WHEN we WERE going to eat at the supper club. So I'm not sure about all that, you know?


Man oh man, I just - it felt like we were on someone's radar for all those days. It truly was this overwhelming, celebrity/VIP treatment for a normal couple from Oklahoma. I think I blushed more in the first three days than I have in the last five years!

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