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Tim's EPIC, NCL EPIC Review


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If you don't own a smartphone or haven't entered the 21st century for some other reason, you can always access iConcierge from these handy touch screen monitors located conveniently around the ship, most prominently near elevators, which is kinda useful as the elevators can take a God awful amount of time depending on what events the ship is going through crowd wise, such as docking in port.


It can even help you find your room if you are lost, giving you "GPS" style directions.



So here we were. Our first Port of Call. Cozumel, Mexico. Here is a video I uploaded on the complete experience of debarking in Cozumel, Mexico.



Selfie on the pier in Cozumel.



So somehow, the few photos I took of the tourist shopping area got lost in translation somewhere. But it's okay. You aren't missing a whole lot. Google Maps will be your friend here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Port+Canaveral,+FL+32920/@20.5075595,-86.9552185,3a,60y,54.46h,89.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDY6kAZfzHWsaLLC6I_reSA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e0a51fcbf224e5:0x35b999228a1480c1!8m2!3d28.4103506!4d-80.6188156!6m1!1e1


My chosen shore excursion in Cozumel was the speedboat tour, snorkel and beach. There was going to be a lot of firsts for me on this trip, and that included operating a simple boat in the ocean. In any case, our tour guide met us on the pier. They have poles with signs of each shore excursion and most of the guides there are more than happy to point you to the right direction if you have any questions. After filling out the release of liability waivers, we headed for the main road towards what we assumed would be a van. Instead, we waited on the side of the highway as the tour guide tried to flag down taxi's one by one to get everyone in a van and on their way to the beach. I didn't consider this very professional, especially for a shore excursion, but what do I know. This was my very first shore excursion...ever.


Anyways, he finally got another taxi and it was my time to get onboard. I have to admit, I was hoping this taxi wasn't going to take me to some cartel kidnapping safehouse, but it all worked out in the end (after my ransom was paid). Joking.


Video of a ride through Downtown Cozumel in a taxi: [YOUTUBE]6QhV-TnEm84[/YOUTUBE]


Shoutout to T-Mobile. They always have my back.



Unless you are in the middle of the Atlantic.



So anyways. I am indeed missing a few pics that didn't get uploaded properly. A short 20 minute ride or so later, we arrive at a small, private beach. We are told we can bring nothing except a camera. All shoes have to come off, including sandals, flip flops and water shoes. They offer us lockers for $3.00 or we can "leave them on a chair in the dining area". I rent a locker.


They also offer you a Go-Pro rental for $30 or 40, which includes the memory card as yours to keep and a bunch of other things like massages, a shop, etc. Finally we settle down to business and watch a quick intro video that includes hand signals and instructions for following behind the boat in front of us like following distance.


Finally we make our way towards the beach where we don life jackets and are assigned snorkel gear. Rows of colorful boats are beached on the shore and one by one we enter into them and slowly move away from shore.


Here is a video of most of the speedboat experience off the Cozumel coast. Starts off slow and we speed up as everyone gets more comfortable with the boats: [YOUTUBE]Lw85bOHvTZQ[/YOUTUBE]

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After we return to the beach, we are told we have an hour to enjoy the beach and it's amenities. It's all designed to try and get a few more bucks out of you. You can get pictures a paparazzi stalker took of you while you were out on the speedboats, you can get a massage, there's a small shop with all sorts of random souvenirs, there's that weird let the fish chew on your feet therapy thing...


A light lunch, to my surprise, was included in the excursion. But they'll go around asking if you want to add guacamole. For another dollar.


I was ready to head back, but I waited with everyone else and attempted to learn how to sit in a hammock. Another first. What have I been missing my entire life?



There's a pool, but it's ice cold and nobody wanted to get in.



The 'ol, I hope you had a good time, now hand over tip money before you pass me up to the taxi.



So, I bought a GoPro camera specifically for this cruise with the intention of using it underwater during some snorkeling like at Stingray City. Problem is, I was an idiot and left my underwater housing at home, instead bringing the water resistant housing that is used with the open back to improve sound.


I made a few attempts to find, as little a chance of success as I knew I would have, another waterproof housing for my camera. The Taxi driver on the way back pointed me to this "wal mart" style store which is only about 1/10th of a mile or so from the cruise port.



No luck. But it was still interesting to look around.



Mexican Marines on patrol.



All the American staples are here to serve you.


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I’m enjoying your trip report and appreciate you including the photos and videos. I was on the Epic for an Eastern Caribbean cruise in December and enjoyed the cruise, but the ship not so much.


To be honest with you, I’d rather have muster stations outside by the lifeboats than some inside station. I don’t want to rely on a crew member being able to keep their wits about them enough to lead me to a lifeboat. Not all humans react the way they have been trained when a real emergency occurs. But that’s just me.


I reacted the same way you did when I realized I had been charged for all of my excursions but hadn’t yet received the $50 shore excursion credit. I bet customer service gets that a lot.

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Before long, I was ready to head back to the ship. Cozumel blows Ensenada way out of the water of course, which is the only other port up to this point that I have ever been to.



I had plenty of fun on Cozumel. And I was expecting this port to be my least favorite because of my experiences in Ensenada. So I knew the rest of the cruise was going to be a blast.



Crew members are waiting for your return to offer you water and cold towels.


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Back onboard, the lunch during the shore excursion was hardly enough to fill me up. So I headed straight to Taste for some dinner. This evenings menu.



Oh boy do I love bread and butter!|



For the starter, I chose the Lump Crab Cake



And the Salmon Tartare as a second starter. Remember, you can always add 2 or more starters, main courses, deserts, etc. Just ask.



Lemon Pepper Shrimp for the main Course



Finishing it all off with a banana split. Can't remember the last time I had a banana split. Maybe never!?


Edited by Timsierramist
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The ship's bowling alley is located on deck 8 right next to O'Sheehan's. In fact, you might even say it was part of O'Sheehan's, because some dining areas overlook the bowling alley so people can eat and watch.



Steaming steadily away from Cozumel, another ship follows us from a distance. Can't remember which cruise ship it was.



Realizing I wasn't going to find another GoPro water housing before Stingray City, I bought a back-up option in the Camera Shop area of the ship. $9.99. Not a bad deal.



My room awaits.



The towel animal and chocolates on my pillow only happened on this particular night of the cruise. I though my cabin steward did an amazing job throughout the cruise anyways, and left him a heck of a tip at the end. Still, perhaps this is the service that should have been rendered every night.



You know how you look up at cumulus clouds and everyone sees something different? What do you see? I see a Sports Illustrated Bikini Model.


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Loving your review. It's good to see one from a first timer. Can't wait for the rest. Been lying in bed reading it. Guess I'll have to get up now and check back later.

Edited by LOWTYD
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Off to Grand Cayman! I'm especially excited for Stingray City and just going to the United Kingdom in particular, even if it is just a territory.



I thought I would give you folks a tour of the Studio Lounge. I call the studios third class (with Haven being 1st class), but in reality, I think the studios are 2nd class. Exclusive access to this lounge with a few perks. The private bar is open between 6-8 PM if memory serves.



The real jewel of this lounge is the coffee machine. Making speciality coffee like expresso and cappuccino. Everyone else has to pay for speciality coffee like this. There are also cookies available here.



Iced water and tea are also available. So if you wake up thirsty, you won't have to travel far.



Some seating areas along with a tvs that have easy access to the remote so you can change the channel.



Additional seating and vending machines.



The lounge is technically two stories. Here is a video tour of the Studio Lounge:


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I love Broadway as much as any bloke. But I don't think this is my kind of show. I'm more interested in watching Frozen or Aladdin. But since I can't afford a Disney Cruise quiet yet, i'm stuck with a show about 3 drag queens. Just a few pics from Priscilla: Queen of the Desert.



Visuals, sets, lighting and actors are definitely top notch.




Plenty of comedy to lighten the mood. You really can get into the story and the emotions of the characters and what they are going through.



Now if it was me, I wouldn't bring my kids to see this show. This is certainly an adult show. There is a lot of humour that is above a kids mind, but some they can work out. And plenty of cursing. Still it's your call of course.


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Really like you're sarcastic comments and writing style, (my kind of down to earth humor),,......I 'm going on my first 'NCL' cruise, on the Epic in about 30 days,....So this review is really getting me amped up to go! [p] Looking forward to more.

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But if you are on CruiseCritic seeing your mug here, yes. I'm putting you on blast. The maître d is supposed to seat you. Learn a bit o' matters at O'Sheehans Mate.

You mention the manners of the lady who sat down at a table. O'Sheehans is not exactly a haute cuisine establishment and surely she can sit anywhere. Is your photo not an invasion of privacy? (unless you got her permission to publish). Manners work both ways.

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You mention the manners of the lady who sat down at a table. O'Sheehans is not exactly a haute cuisine establishment and surely she can sit anywhere. Is your photo not an invasion of privacy? (unless you got her permission to publish). Manners work both ways.


Personally I think it's rude to sit down at anyone's table without asking permission whether it be a "haute cuisine establishment" or a picnic table at a chip wagon.

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You mention the manners of the lady who sat down at a table. O'Sheehans is not exactly a haute cuisine establishment and surely she can sit anywhere. Is your photo not an invasion of privacy? (unless you got her permission to publish). Manners work both ways.


Negative. O'Sheehans is a Maitre'D organized sit down table service restaurant, not like the buffet or bars. You are being rude to the staff too who are constantly using tablets to determine seating availability and wait staff service coverage. I have never seen or experienced someone doing this, and I bet dollars to donuts you haven't at your own table at a restaurant either (if you eat out much).


In regards to photography case law and statutes, It's not an invasion of privacy as there is no expectation of privacy in a public place and any person has a right to take a photograph of anything in plain view. As far as private property is concerned, the owner or agent of the owner can request any subject discontinue photography with penalties up to and including trespassing.


'sides. I only took the photograph after the fact. If that's you up there, your photo came out pretty well ma'am. Consider it a free souvenir. :rolleyes:

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Loving this review. Any chance there is a blog out there somewhere detailing the road trip portion? I'd love to read that too.


I took plenty of photographs and video of my road trip, but I didn't create a blog for it. I'll see about posting the photos and videos from my road trip after I have completed the cruise portion at the end of this posting since it was requested, linked off site.


Here is a sneak peak with the road map though:


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Whoops, sorry. Before I take a break, I realized I posted the Georgetown Tender Video instead of the Speedboat video for Cozumel. You got a sneak peak at Georgetown early. Here is the Cozumel Speed Boat video. And boy, they are an absolute blast.



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Negative. O'Sheehans is a Maitre'D organized sit down table service restaurant, not like the buffet or bars. You are being rude to the staff too who are constantly using tablets to determine seating availability and wait staff service coverage. I have never seen or experienced someone doing this, and I bet dollars to donuts you haven't at your own table at a restaurant either (if you eat out much).




In regards to photography case law and statutes, It's not an invasion of privacy as there is no expectation of privacy in a public place and any person has a right to take a photograph of anything in plain view. As far as private property is concerned, the owner or agent of the owner can request any subject discontinue photography with penalties up to and including trespassing.




'sides. I only took the photograph after the fact. If that's you up there, your photo came out pretty well ma'am. Consider it a free souvenir. :rolleyes:



Yes! Excellent response. And, by the way, you were extremely polite in your (fair) criticism.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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Thanks for sharing your experiences. Having written a few reviews myself, I know the time it takes.


I'll be on the Epic in September, doing the Med for the first time. I'm at the point now where I'm reading as much about the ship as I can, so I appreciate hearing your thoughts, even though the itinerary is quite different.



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You mention the manners of the lady who sat down at a table. O'Sheehans is not exactly a haute cuisine establishment and surely she can sit anywhere. Is your photo not an invasion of privacy? (unless you got her permission to publish). Manners work both ways.


Uh, but it's not a free seating establishment like the buffet. So no, she was not entitled to sit anywhere.


Chile's isn't haute cuisine either, may I just plop down at your table and share food with those at another table while you look on?

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