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Craziest thing you've seen another passenger do


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Just off Reflection. Wonderful week. But was stunned by one passenger in the pizza line at Oceanview Cafe.


Rather than simply take a slice or two, he took a piece ... then picked all the pepperoni off all the other slices to add to it. Leaving a cheese pizza for everyone else behind him.


Just shook my head at the I-am-the-centre-of-the-universe attitude. Though I admit it was so ridiculous it was actually funny.


Anyone else experience bizarre behaviours by fellow guests? Love to hear them.



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A woman at ilounge insisting that "somebody here HAS to know my AOL account password" which she herself had forgotten and thus couldn't access her email.


A passenger who, throughout th cruise, repeatedly tried her key in my door and then pounded on it and shouted for me to let her in. Her cabin was next door to mine and even had a large red Valentine on its door while mine was unadorned. You would have thought that could have been a clue.

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A very loud women at customer services insisting that the ship stopped in St. Thomas as per schedule despite an approaching hurricane! She was telling the poor guest service people they had to stop as she was collecting a piece of jewellery she had ordered last visit....


Several of us in the queue were trying to support the guest service manager by reasoning with her, offering to email the store asking them to offer postal options....When one elderly American gentlemen finally said 'Lady, if we take you to St. Thomas to pick up your baubles they will become sunken treasure' most of us just cracked up....


I moved to another queue, obviously moving faster, and the lady was still repeating '....but I need to pick up my necklace'....

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On our January cruise this year a couple in a room several doors down from ours had a wheelchair they borrowed from X. Instead of taking it into their room, they left it in the hallway, usually not even folded (which it could do). It blocked over half the hallway and created a safety hazard for the entire two week cruise.

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Over the past several years I have experienced some very unusual behavior by passengers:


1) the father that opted to pass a roll across the table to his son by throwing it past my head.

2) the same fellow who ordered every single appetizer and entre, doused them all in ketchup and then complained the food was not really that great

2) the 70+ year old woman who walked from the pool topless to the elevators

3) the woman who complained bitterly and loudly at trivia that the host came without prizes and demanded the cruise director be summoned

4) the passenger who tried to board the ship with his parrot (sitting on his shoulder saying "hello sweetie" to everyone) who he claimed it was his emotional support animal and couldn't travel without (I don't know how that one was resolved)

5)the gentleman on board who got so terribly drunk, he asked for directions to the dining room. To thank my mom, he decided out of the blue to grab her, kiss her, and tell her he was so happy to (literally) run into her. My mom then told him that if he hit water, to stop, he'd gone to far.

6) finally, the best, a woman who took a bowl of soup, tried a spoonful while still online, decided she didn't like it, and poured the remainder back in the crock. This was several years ago when there was no attendant there and it was self serve.

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Some good examples, many of which I unfortunately have seen (I still wonder why I even consider eating in the buffet).


The craziest thing I saw was a few years back where a gentleman wearing a Captain's Hat walked around the ship playing his Accordian. He was definitely a guest as I saw him at various venues/locations throughout the cruise sans hat/accordian.

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On the Eclipse this past December a man grabbed the wedge of cheese barehanded and started to cut off a piece. I called him on it and he dropped it, but the damage was done. No attendant, no tongs. I searched out the manager of the buffet and complained. The tongs showed up for the rest of the trip, a case of too little, too late.

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1. A guy who was an avid cruiser (just off one ship and headed to another two days after this cruise (on RCCL), who wore the same clothes every night for dinner, including formal nights, wearing a Boston Red Sox sweatshirt!


2. Standing in a line for an omelet, a lady walked up to the counter and tried to order ahead of the whole line, claiming there was no line and we should be lining up from the left, not the right! She created such a scene that we were all laughing at her!


3, on our very first cruise, an elderly lady was in the restaurant for breakfast and all she did was complain about the service and the food (both of which were awesome!)!!


...and so much more!

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On the Eclipse this past December a man grabbed the wedge of cheese barehanded and started to cut off a piece. I called him on it and he dropped it, but the damage was done. No attendant, no tongs. I searched out the manager of the buffet and complained. The tongs showed up for the rest of the trip, a case of too little, too late.


I wonder if he is the same "gentleman" who would sit next to the lawn and shave every morning. :eek:

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Once I saw someone wearing their cruise provided bathrobe at the breakfast buffet


Yes! One morning, I got up early and headed to Oceanview to bring coffee and pastry back to the cabin. On the next elevator stop, two men got in, wearing their X bathrobes and probably their swim trunks, judging from their hairy, naked legs.


At the made to order egg/toast station, the buffet attendant asked the passenger in front of me if she wanted one or two toasts. She yelled at him that toast always comes in pairs and called him an idiot.


I was sitting on a bench, watching the Corning Glass Show, when a drunk stumbled to the last empty spot right next to me. The guy wreaked of scotch and five minutes into the show, he nodded off ON MY SHOULDER. His wife showed up pretty quickly, spotted him napping on my shoulder, yanked him up by his dreadlocks and hauled him out of there.

Edited by Marelaine
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My experience wasn't that bad I guess...


Just a table from hell years ago when we didn't do select dining.


Couple "A" - woman complained constantly about the food during dinner, then called the waiter and upper level personnel over to our table because she insisted there was sugar in the dessert and she was diabetic. Despite their assurances, she kept on saying that she knew better than they did. DH sat there with his lips zipped. Finally she threw the napkin on the table and marched out w/DH following behind.


Couple"B": - DH left his pills in checked luggage and luggage didn't arrive in cabin. Not happy campers obviously.


Couple "C" - Honeymooners who didn't participate at all in the tables' conversation....Think they just wanted to get on w/their honeymoon.


We asked to change tables for dinner the next night and ended up meeting fabulous tablemates, some whom we still stay in touch with.

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A gentleman being pushed in a wheelchair by his wife out on to the lounge chairs on deck 5. She struggled through the ship, asking people to move chairs etc. so she could get past. Then outside she stopped the wheelchair by the large, heavy wooden loungers. He manoeuvred himself across and sat down.


Off she trotted down the deck. He then proceeded to get off the lounger, as he realised she hadn't got him a wooden footstool. He walked down the promenade and stopped to lift one of the very heavy wooden footstools. He carried it back to the other end of the deck, placed it at the end of his lounger chair and went on to manoeuvre it backwards and forwards until he got it just right. I turned around to look at my 3 companions who all sat with their jaws dropped to the floor. All that came out of my my DH's friend's mouth was that even he would have struggled to lift one of those that far :eek:!


Next evening in the theatre, we saw the gentleman concerned being pushed again by his wife/companion to the special disabled area - again, she was asking pax to keep to the left so she could get through. Now obviously I don't know why he was in the wheelchair, but having watched him carry that wooden footstool as far and at complete ease as he did, I wondered if his wife knew what he was up to when her back was turned?


Another incident: while waiting for my panini to be cooked on Millie, someone stood next to me in the queue eating the chips/fries straight from the tray - one after the other - as though it was her own private plate of food. She continued whilst other pax were using the tongs around her, taking what they needed and putting in on their own plate.

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Around 6 years ago or so, there was an older, foreign man (barely spoke English) who walked around talking to people (no one understood anything he said) with a rubber chicken. He went everywhere with it. When he spoke to someone, the chicken was practically in their face and when he was done he would laugh loudly! He even took it to dinner with him and in the pool. He was harmless but I'm glad he wasn't at my table.



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Haha. We have seen some crazy stuff. seems to follow us....


Was shopping at the liquor shop where some kid stole a bottle of liquor and ran from the store. They busted him about 5 minutes later drinking it in the hot tub.


Some passenger so intoxicated that he fell in the pool. Thankfully there were others around to fish him out.


Kids throw water balloons on passengers walking down the pier back to the ship. Keep in mind this was on the 10th floor. I think one guy was hit.

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Some good examples, many of which I unfortunately have seen (I still wonder why I even consider eating in the buffet).




The craziest thing I saw was a few years back where a gentleman wearing a Captain's Hat walked around the ship playing his Accordian. He was definitely a guest as I saw him at various venues/locations throughout the cruise sans hat/accordian.



I too saw the "Accordian Guy"!


On one Transatlantic, there was a man always with a stuffed teddy bear...dressed in clothing exactly like his own. Formal night, the two were in matching tuxes...very chic.



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Several years ago on the Equinox there was a woman who got so drunk that they refused to allow her in to Quasar. She put up quite a fuss at the entrance and kept coming back every so often to see if she could get in. She had reportedly also been quarantined to her cabin earlier in the day as she had had several too many. She made herself quite known for the duration of the cruise and would often be seen literally writhing on the floor "posing" at the various picture stations set up around the ship. She was also overheard to say that she didn't like Celebrity because the safes in the room weren't as big as the ones on Carnival.


Last month on the Silhouette I saw an older woman at the sandwich station at the buffet at lunch grab a loaf of bread (it was a nice crusty loaf on display), break off a piece with her hands and put the remainder of the loaf back. Luckily there was an attendant who had seen her put it back, and he took it away and politely told her that they would be happy to cut pieces for her.

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We had a very large, very drunk man grab one of the guys in our group in the club. Security had to be called and it got a little ugly. While security is trying to reason with him (yea good luck) he pulls out his wallet and starts throwing money at them saying I pay your salary....etc. It was quite uncomfortable the rest of the cruise when we ran into him. Same cruise, we have an older gent, I mean creeper in a motor scooter following our wives around. He would show up to the lounge at night and roll up to the dance floor and video tape them dancing with his phone. After a few nights one of the guys told him off (probably told him if he did it again he would throw him overboard).

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I can't say I saw what was alleged but Security was very interested.


I started talking to a guy at a bar and we were having a laugh.


The next morning Security wanted to know who I was and what I had to do with this gentleman. They were very very concerned and I could tell by their demeanor that they weren't fooling around. Meanwhile DW is giving me looks that could kill. I told them we had just met and were enjoying a beer. I found out later what was going on.


Turned out the guy had gotten totally plastered and urinated at the bar.

Then he got off the ship and started a fight at a place the crew liked to hang out in while in port and totally busted up the place.


Then they mentioned the cocaine.


I didn't ask how he was making his way home.


All true.

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Heard, not seen, on a Summer of 2015 Carnival cruise:

Every ship we have ever been on has posted in every bathroom and public restroom placards clearly stating that nothing but toilet paper should be deposited in the toilet. On this cruise the first full day was a sea day, and during the morning announcements by the captain and cruise director there was included a long list of things that should not be placed in/flushed through cabin toilets, and specifically stated was the admonition to please not discard used diapers in the ships plumbing. Four mornings into the cruise, there was a second, more strongly worded order to not flush dirty diapers in the stateroom toilet, with the explanation the ship's plumbing was not built to handle the debris, and would clog, thank you. On the last full day, also a sea day, there was a late morning announcement that a plumbing problem effecting a couple of decks was being addressed as quickly as possible, and the ship's officers must insist that passengers please refrain from placing items such as diapers into the overtaxed plumbing system.

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Just off Reflection. Wonderful week. But was stunned by one passenger in the pizza line at Oceanview Cafe.


Rather than simply take a slice or two, he took a piece ... then picked all the pepperoni off all the other slices to add to it. Leaving a cheese pizza for everyone else behind him.


Just shook my head at the I-am-the-centre-of-the-universe attitude. Though I admit it was so ridiculous it was actually funny.


Anyone else experience bizarre behaviours by fellow guests? Love to hear them.


A couple of years back, up on the pool deck, we saw a man, rather large in size, wearing a speedo, (bad choice), wrap himself in a towel, and proceeded to remove his speedo. Then proceeded to recline on his chair. We were hoping that he would get up very carefully. LOL.



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A couple of years back, up on the pool deck, we saw a man, rather large in size, wearing a speedo, (bad choice), wrap himself in a towel, and proceeded to remove his speedo. Then proceeded to recline on his chair. We were hoping that he would get up very carefully. LOL. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

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I have a couple that I witnessed personally over the years ... both on Princess ships:


This guy, a total jerk, was seated at our table and crawled on top of the table during formal night to kiss one of our table mates on the lips right in front of his wife. No kidding ... actually in his tux and crawled right onto the top of the table! He didn't even know her but for the one previous night on the cruise. She was mortified. We switched dinner tables ... asked to be put into a different dining room. He caught us in line while entering the other dining room and berated us every time he saw us. Such unbecoming behavior!!


The other time, we were on a very rowdy cruise right before Christmas. Prices were low so it was filled with a lot of 20 something year olds. The casino was totally packed and the volume just got so far out of hand ... with lots and lots of drinking going on. Well, this one very inebriated guy goes to the GS desk to get a copy of his folio on the last night. He was so distraught that his bill was more than he thought it would be and actually climbed up on the railing to try to jump down a few levels into the piazza. Security had to come tackle him to the ground and he fought it so hard that he and one of the security guys were actually bloodied in the struggle. They put up a large sheet as it was causing quite the commotion. Crazy!!


The other crazy things I have witnessed were during the hypnotist shows. I really miss those ... they were always so funny!!

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