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Service on the Voyager

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Gray Eagle02 - As mentioned above, I would be very careful what you say to staff till your cruise is over. Apparently, they know who you are now and they are trying to make up for bad previous service. But at the same time, you need to realize that they could take any future negative interaction with staff as a reason to throw you off the ship based upon the comments in this thread.


I would be extremely careful about saying anything negative about the ship staff on this forum until you get off. It is obvious Regent has read your comments or one of the Regent pundits on the board has contacted their "friends" on board and you could still be in danger of being put ashore based upon a perception that you violated the rules by being verbally abusive to their staff.


I hope you enjoy the remainder of your cruise if you are able to make it to the end without a misunderstood comment on this thread or onboard gives them the ability to put you ashore and make some of the Regent pundits here happy and gloat about it in future threads.


I suppose that you really believe what you wrote but, based upon 350 days onboard Regent ships, what you say is simply not true. Someone would have to do something extraordinary in order to put off of the ship (punching someone, smoking in their suite after being warned, etc.) And, if something like that were to happen, the passenger would be easily identifiable (and it would have nothing whatsoever to do with Cruise Critic)..


Regent officers and management read CC in order to see if there are problems specific to a cruise. For instance, there were a couple of threads regarding chair hogs. Whether it was read by onboard officers or Miami management, the issue was handled.


Bottom line - no one is spying on us -- no one is going to be kicked off of the ship based on something they wrote on Cruise Critic. IMO, this conspiracy theory simply does not exist and the TS has nothing whatsoever to worry about. The TS apologized to the server and that was that. OTOH, complaints about olives and the service on the one day when hundreds of passengers returned from an excursion could have been read on CC and the crew onboard tried to rectify it.

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I was just getting ready to reply when I saw TC's response. That's pretty much what I was going to say - I'm pretty sure at least a few folks from Regent read this forum, and I'm glad they do. But do you honestly believe that a passenger would be put ashore because of negative comments online? Puh-leeze. The only reason someone would be put ashore would be if they were genuinely abusive toward a crew member. I'm sure it could be constant verbal abuse or physical abuse, but in either case, it's not gonna happen for some negative posts online.


Based on some of the behavior I've seen directed to crew members on past cruises, I'm sure complaining about olives - even loudly - doesn't even register on the 'get put ashore' scale.


I will say that this board is always entertaining, though. :rolleyes:

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Gray Eagle02 - As mentioned above, I would be very careful what you say to staff till your cruise is over. Apparently, they know who you are now and they are trying to make up for bad previous service. But at the same time, you need to realize that they could take any future negative interaction with staff as a reason to throw you off the ship based upon the comments in this thread.


...............................you could still be in danger of being put ashore based upon a perception that you violated the rules by being verbally abusive to their staff.



Sorry, But this is just plain nonsense.



I'll back up TC has written above. They are never going to put some one "off the ship" for discourteous to staff. If fact I has seen passenger be so abusive that they brought staff to tears; to the point that I (and others) went to the GM and suggested that the offender be kicked off, and they weren't. You have to do something that is a very serious violation of the rules, like physical contact. The ship is far more concerned about fixing negative comments that would be left online than rising to such punitive actions.





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Yes, Jackie, Billx2, and JMariner are absolutely correct. In 12 years of cruising and posting on this board and others have yet to meet or see a passenger thrown off the ship for their honest posts. I have met and know of a Regent passenger who violated the no smoking in the suite policy, and was put ashore mid cruise.

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Things that will get you thrown off ship: physically attacking a crew member or another passenger

smoking in non designated areas after multiple warnings not to do so

illegal behavior (stealing, rape, selling or using illegal drugs, etc)


Things that will not get you thrown off: complaining about crew members or service in person or on CC

being rude or condescending

verbal dressing down of crew members

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Things that will get you thrown off ship: physically attacking a crew member or another passenger

smoking in non designated areas after multiple warnings not to do so

illegal behavior (stealing, rape, selling or using illegal drugs, etc)


Things that will not get you thrown off: complaining about crew members or service in person or on CC

being rude or condescending

verbal dressing down of crew members


Our comment was just based on a quote by a poster that we read on another CC thread last October. That quote:


"The person kicked off the world cruise this spring had 26 registered reports by staff of verbal abuse. I talked to several guest that witnessed his behaviour. He was sailing solo on the full voyage and was asked to leave in Singapore. He locked himself in his cabin until Bali so while losing over half the voyage he also had to pay his own way from Bali back to Singapore and then to the US. Insurance would not cover this type of trip interruption."

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Our comment was just based on a quote by a poster that we read on another CC thread last October. That quote:


"The person kicked off the world cruise this spring had 26 registered reports by staff of verbal abuse. I talked to several guest that witnessed his behaviour. He was sailing solo on the full voyage and was asked to leave in Singapore. He locked himself in his cabin until Bali so while losing over half the voyage he also had to pay his own way from Bali back to Singapore and then to the US. Insurance would not cover this type of trip interruption."


26 documented reports of verbal abuse is beyond anyone's tolerance. Not surprised he was sailing solo! And at that level, throwing him off was appropriate.

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I certainly have no fear of getting thrown off the ship. I got angry about poor service, vented to a waiter and then apologized. I would not put the episode anywhere near the "abuse" category. And why would Regent throw us off? They want us to keep booking cruises--we've taken at least one Regent cruise every year since my husband retired in 2012. We are the demographic they want--people in early retirement with many years left to cruise.

We have not discussed our unhappiness with room service with anyone on board, either staff or other guests.

Except under extreme circumstances, I would never go to management (Head Housekepper or GM) regarding service personnel. I understand the service personnel are generally supporting families and count on renewal of contracts for continued employment. And I have no idea of their overall workload. I'm sure they do not have the employment protections enjoyed in the U.S. Perhaps corporate Regent is aware many guests are hesitant to complain and monitors CC forums for frank discussions regarding passenger experience. If so, good for them.

After the incident not only was our room service improved, we got an invitation to dine with a senior staff member. It was an enjoyable meal; service never came up as a topic.

BTW, this the best WiFi we've ever had on any ship.

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Gray Eagle, I'm sorry to hear about your issues. We were on that same cruise and everything was perfect. We put the "service" card outside the door and go to breakfast. By the time we return from breakfast our cabin has been done. Our two cabin stewards took care of everything. In fact, we were in the Voyager bar one night and I saw our cabin steward come in to get beer. He said my husband's request for beer was low and they didn't have his favorite upstairs. So, he came to the bar to get some. Sure enough when we returned that night there was plenty of beer. We were on that tour that returned late. Compass Rose could not be open because they have to get ready for dinner at 6:30. Yes, the pool grill and Veranda were full. I wouldn't say hundreds of people. We found a table in Veranda and shared with another couple. My husband ordered a sandwich from grill and it didn't take an hour. Maybe your order was misplaced somehow. It's better to go back and check if you don't get your order in a timely manner. We found the service outstanding. That said, we are frequent Regent cruisers and reconnected with many crew members. The food was delicious. We left the ship with a nice glow after a wonderful cruise. We'll be back on the Voyager this coming October.

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If there are too many people arriving back from excursions at the same time, IMO, Destination Services should reschedule the times of the excursions to avoid this problem. Even with the situation described by the TS, there was food available in La Veranda (buffet), food available on the Pool Deck (buffet or made to order) food available in the Coffee Connection Room Service. Therefore, in my opinion, the problem (as usual) lies with the scheduling of excursions rather than food service. Late arrivals from excursions have become the "norm" rather than the exception. There is no need for this to happen consistently.


I agree with you 100%, better planning is need-this shouldn't be even a few times.

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I agree with you 100%, better planning is need-this shouldn't be even a few times.


Sorry to see this thread rear its ugly head again. Be that as it may, IMO, Destination Services is the weakest part of Regent. First excursions were scheduled to return right after restaurants closed. Then they decided to keep the restaurants open and people still complained. IMO, most included excursions are not worth the money that you "don't pay for them" (except in your cruise fare). There are obviously exceptions in certain parts of the world.


The blame must be shared with passengers that don't want 8:00 a.m. or other early excursion times. Also, there are so many passengers that want "free" excursions that Regent needs to stagger the times that they leave. So, while a 4 hour excursion works fine in terms of getting back for lunch, a 5 hour excursion at 9:00 a.m. doesn't work at all. Then there are passengers that want two "free" excursions in one day (should not be permitted IMO unless the ship remains in port late).


IMO, there is no solution to this problem (other than giving a credit to opt of excursions which many long time Regent passengers might choose - particularly in the Caribbean and the Med.)

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I am not sure why this has turned into a game of "Let's blame Destination Services, and the passengers, for all problems on Regent"


We have enjoyed most of the excursions arranged by Regent - both included and paid for. Destination Services' staff are usually polite, helpful and efficient.


Does every excursion go according to plan? No

Are all tour guides top notch? No

Is the occasional DS staff member not up to par? Yes

Do the various Departments on board always communicate effectively with each other? No



IMO it will be a retrograde step if Regent decide to move away from the "all-inclusive" excursions. If an opt-out is offered, I doubt if the rebate will be very generous

If guests don't want the included excursions then I am surprised that they do not opt to travel with one of the other cruiselines with a more suitable offering

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We all have opinions and all are valid. Many CC''ers have had significant problems with Destination Services. These posters are not playing a game ...... These are real issues, real scenarios and should be brought up.


Also, passengers' requests/demands make it even more difficult to manage this department if the shore fits.......... (note comment not aimed at anyone specifically but all of us in general.)

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Also, passengers' requests/demands make it even more difficult to manage this department if the shore fits.......... (note comment not aimed at anyone specifically but all of us in general.)


TC, I'm not so sure I agree, It's really up to Regent on this...You either offer a service that you can do or you don't, A passengers request/demands shouldn't make it difficult to manage--if you can't offer the service you advertise, you shouldn't offer that service. If guest want a service that is offered, Regent needs to come up with a way to give that service--or don't offer it. When on a cruise or any vacation you don't need hassel's.


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TC, I'm not so sure I agree, It's really up to Regent on this...You either offer a service that you can do or you don't, A passengers request/demands shouldn't make it difficult to manage--if you can't offer the service you advertise, you shouldn't offer that service. If guest want a service that is offered, Regent needs to come up with a way to give that service--or don't offer it. When on a cruise or any vacation you don't need hassel's.



I agree (however I agree that Regent should not offer it). While I do not want to make this become a excursion thread (although it is okay if that is how it has evolved), there are some things that you may not know but will learn when you sail Regent.


Tomorrow (our first port day in several days), the ship arrives at 10:00 a.m. Approximately 700 people have signed up for excursions. All of them meet in the theater (although the times to go to the theater vary, most will show up at 10:00 a.m. (despite not knowing how long it will take to clear the ship).;


Regent will give bus tickets out and ask passengers to wait in the theater until their bus number is called. Do they wait? Never! Note: Regent tried holding back bus tickets until it was close to boarding time but passengers ended up congregating by the ticket area likes bees in a hive. No matter how many times they were asked, they would not leave.


Okay - so your bus number is called. Several people do not have the courtesy to cancel and just do not show up. There is a waiting list (people that arrived about an hour before the time people with tickets are asked to arrive). Once it is determined that people are "no shows", they start calling people from the waiting list. By this time, it is possible that the bus is leaving late.


On popular excursions there can be 6-8 buses going to the same places at the same times (but try to order the stops differently). So, if your excursion has lunch included (or even a wine tasting), this may occur 9:30 a.m. to accommodate the other passengers. Or, lunch may be at 3:00 p.m. at which time passengers are starving. Many times (too many) restroom stops have multiple busloads of passengers (with 1 - 3 stalls). This causes further delays.


About 3/4 the way through the excursion, passengers with afternoon excursions are asking to get back early while others are happy with the way the schedule is suppose to be.


I could write a small book about this. Moving along...... Regent can limit passengers and thus solve many problems. BUT (big "but") some passengers state that they are entitled to "free" excursions and how dare Regent tell them that the excursion is not available? Another note: Regent excursions (all of them) can be limited but passengers simply don't want to hear that (it is stated in their literature).


Since included excursions were introduced several years ago, there have been many suggestions of how Regent should handle 500-700 passengers going on excursions in each port. Regent has made many changes but the system still is not working as it was hoped. FREE excursions do draw passengers from other lines but long term Regent passengers get sick of the waiting, hoards of people, etc. Some have left Regent and have yet to return.


If you have an idea of how to handle these excursions, please post it as I'm sure that Regent would love to hear it. Last note: Destination Services staff get understandably frustrated. I had one high level Destination services staff member go ballistic - screaming at us and shaking for something that was Regent's fault (This story was shared with everyone from the G.M. to the President and CEO of Regent as it was intolerable behavior by a crew member).


Obviously there isn't time to go in depth into these issues but I wanted to give you some insight. So, whose fault is it? IMO, it is a combination of Regent Headquarters, onboard Destination Services and extremely "entitled" passengers that threaten to post on Cruise Critic if their demands are not met!


Please understand that I am not angry at you -- only at the situation that many posters have not experienced and therefore may not believe.


Going to watch the show now!

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TC, Now I agree with you, not just the Regent shouldn't offer it---but everything you wrote. Good back and follow-up.



Glad that you understand my perspective. I just posted on the "live" thread that we are going on an excursion tomorrow and are hoping for the best. Just receive my copies of "Passages" and it scheduled two groups to go to the theater at 10:00 a.m., two at 10:15 a.m. and one at 10:20 a.m. (the other three excursions are in the afternoon).


As explained, I expect the 5 excursion groups to be in the theater at 10:00 a.m. If the Explorer docks on time, it could take up to a half an hour for the ship to clear. If I can see the buses from my balcony, I'll count them and report back. With only 8 excursions offered, I imagine that there will be quite a few buses.

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When on a Silversea Cruise and you wish to do a tour, you meet at the bus, shore-side. at the pre-arranged time.given in the Daily News


When the first bus for your tour has the required number of passengers, off it goes, and the next bus starts to fill 'till again the required number of guests are on board and then this bus departs


I have sailed many times on both Regent and Silversea and it seems to me that Regent do not have the confidence that their guests are capable of organizing themselves or arriving at tour buses at the required time


Why people have to meet in the theatre then be escorted ashore in groups is difficult to understand

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When on a Silversea Cruise and you wish to do a tour, you meet at the bus, shore-side. at the pre-arranged time.given in the Daily News


When the first bus for your tour has the required number of passengers, off it goes, and the next bus starts to fill 'till again the required number of guests are on board and then this bus departs


I have sailed many times on both Regent and Silversea and it seems to me that Regent do not have the confidence that their guests are capable of organizing themselves or arriving at tour buses at the required time


Why people have to meet in the theatre then be escorted ashore in groups is difficult to understand

To me, it's six of one, a half dozen of the other. The key to either approach is "meeting at the pre-arranged time", regardless of location. There'd be virtually no problem with meeting in the theater if people didn't show up way early and act like children, always having to be the first one to get a tour ticket...

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Destinations had nothing to do with tour returning late. I can't remember whether we arrived late to port or it was a port where we had to have face-to-face with customs. Regardless, the tour arrived late because we were late leaving and it was a long tour. I didn't expect La Veranda to be open. I thought we would get something at Pool Grill. I was surprised and praised Regent for keeping La Veranda open for us. Yes, the pool grill was busy and the order may have gotten misplaced. In cases where food is taken too long we have gone to counter and inquired about it. I have never waited for that long for an order. I know Destinations is not perfect and there have been issues with it. So far we have been happy with our tours. Sometimes the guides are very good, sometimes average, and sometimes not good at all. That said, I don't blame Destinations for that. As I said before, we thoroughly enjoyed this cruise and had no issues with service. I thought service was excellent. I'm sorry the poster had some issues.

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Rick, Sometimes even a "cat" has to eat crow (North American slang). This excursion could not have been more perfect (wondering if someone was reading this thread?) In any case, this is how it went (tour description on the "live" thread.


Ship due to dock 10:00 am - actually docking time 9:30 a.m.


Ship cleared in 15 minutes (only ship in port - amazingly fast clearance)


Destination Services in theater - completely set-up at 9:45 a.m. (a real anomaly).


Only a dozen or so people in the theater at 9:30 am (I was there in order to report back).


Received tickets before 10:00 a.m. (our "meeting time in the theater".


Went directly to the bus to check out who was onboard (note: I sat in the back half of the bus - not trying to get a good seat - only trying to report). Only 4 people were onboard - all in disabled seats. I was pleased to see that they were able to get the seats they deserved! (More about disabled in other thread).


1st stop - only 2 Regent buses and a few unknown buses. Two restaurants where could use restrooms. The one we went into had two stalls for women (no line - go figure). I heard that the other was downstairs (not good for disabled folks).


So, when things go right, I am the first person to speak up. However, issues mentioned in my previous cruise happened. If all excursions were like today, I would have completely different feelings (note: approximately 50 passengers on two buses -- have no idea how the other 650+ fared).


Bill - agree with you -- waiting in the bus is so much easier than waiting in the theater. We love how Silversea handles excursions (you pay through the nose for them but they are handled well).

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