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Full Review of Magic Cruise and Spa Cabins


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The Carnival Magic was indeed a magical vacation. I can’tbegin to fathom the negative reviews I have read about this magnificent ship.We have been on numerous cruises, and this was our favorite ship thus far.

My husband (51), 16 year old daughter, her friend (16), and I (50)drove to Port Canaveral from Hoover, Alabama after school on Friday, March 24,2017. We stopped after six hours of driving and spent the night at the HamptonInn in Lake City, Florida. We love Hampton Inns because of their free fullbreakfasts and comfortable beds. This Hampton Inn was like all others except itwas a little bit noisier since it was close to the interstate. We slept justfine, awoke and got ready, and then went downstairs to make our waffles. Whilewe were eating our breakfast, we ran into three different families who werealso headed to Port Canaveral to board the Magic.

After breakfast Saturday morning, we loaded in the car forour three hour trip to Port Canaveral. I wasn’t prepared for all of the tollroads on I-75, so I sure am glad I had plenty of dollar bills! We spentapproximately $8 in tolls from Lake City to Port Canaveral. Florida sure isproud of their roads! There was no traffic, and we arrived at the port tenminutes before our check-in time of 12:30-1:00. It took us almost 45 minutes toget parked once we arrived inside the gate. Apparently, they startedconstruction that morning, so they rerouted the Carnival people. It was causingquite the traffic jam and the workers directing traffic were apologizingprofusely to everyone. My husband dropped off us and our bags, and then heparked the car. He had no trouble finding a spot in the deck and met us at theentrance to the terminal about 10 minutes later. We were in line at 1:10, so Iwas a little bit annoyed that it took so long to park when I had read howquickly things ran at Port Canaveral. The check in line was very long, but we hadour gold sign and sail cards in hand and were on the boat within 15 minutes ofgetting in that long line. We couldn’t believe how quickly the line moved andhow friendly everyone was at Port Canaveral.

We were told that our rooms were ready, so we dropped offour luggage and headed to Cucina del Capitano for a delicious pasta lunch. Itis free to passengers during lunchtime, so we wanted to take advantage of it beforethe cruise started since so many people are not aware that the restaurant evenexists. It is toward the back of the Lido Buffet and up the stairs, so it isnot easily visible. There were many people in line for Guys Burgers, BlueIguana, and the Lido Buffet, but there was no line upstairs for the Italianrestaurant, so we were seated immediately at a table by the window.

After lunch, we went back to our rooms to unpack. My husbandand I had room 11240, a balcony room on the spa deck. My daughter and herfriend were three doors down and across the hall from us in an interior room#11232. The décor of the spa rooms is different from the other rooms, but thebathrooms are exactly the same. The spa rooms are soft tan and green while theother guest rooms are orange and tan. Our twin beds had been pushed together forus (per our online check-in request), and there was a coffee table, sofa, two nightstands, adesk and chair, three closets, four drawers, and a refrigerator in the room. We were givencomplimentary bedroom slippers that said Cloud 9 on them, and the spa robeswere hanging in our closet for us to use. We put our two bottles of wine andour two complimentary HUGE bottles of water (VIFP perk) in our refrigerator,and they stayed very cold during our trip. We put magnetic hooks on the walls(thanks cruise critic peeps for the tip) for our purses, hats, and wet bathingsuits. We unpacked, slid our suitcases under the bed to get them out of theway, and went to the girls’ room to help them unpack, give them their magnetichooks, and put their two bottles of complimentary water in their fridge. Theywere also given the complimentary Cloud 9 slippers and had bathrobes hanging intheir closet as well. Their interior room had two twin beds, three closets,four drawers inside a dresser, a refrigerator, and one nightstand between the beds. The room wasmuch smaller than ours (no sofa or coffee table), but the bathroom was exactlythe same as ours. I should mention that the spa cabins have complimentary bottlesof spa shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and bar soap in addition to the soap andshampoo dispensers hanging on the shower wall, but those products smelled likemarijuana. I swear, they must have had hemp extract in them or something. I wasvery thankful that the dispensers of soap and shampoo were in the spa cabins soI didn’t smell like I had been smoking reefer with the locals! HA! We met our cabin steward, Danning, who never failed to call us by name every time he saw us and was willing to get us anything we needed. He did not ask if we wanted morning or afternoon service or both, but we received service in the morning and evening each day. He was fabulous!

After we unpacked, we headed to the bar to buy drinks andget the Bottomless Bubbles stickers added to the girls’ sign and sail card. Wewalked around the ship trying to learn where everything was located until itwas time for the lifeboat drill. Around 3:30, we were summoned to our musterstation which was in the Showtime Theatre. We seated ourselves in the backbalcony so that we would be one of the first ones dismissed when it was over. Wesipped on our drinks and sat in comfy chairs in the air conditioning during thelifeboat drill. I will have to say, this was the funniest and easiest musterdrill ever. Dr. E, the cruise director, and his continuous voice changes duringthe drill were simply hysterical. I honestly was sad when the drill was over,as we were laughing so hard the entire time. He is absolutely the best cruisedirector we have ever sailed with.

After the drill, we headed to the Lido Deck (deck 10) forthe sail away party. We had fun dancing with the crew as we pulled out of port.When it was over, we plopped down in two of the cushiony wicker chairs on theback of the boat, bought a bucket of beer, and sat until the sun started goingdown over the water. The girls went up to the sports square (deck 11) to try tomeet some other teenagers, so we met them there after we finished our beers.The sports deck is unreal. There is a ropes course, Foosball, ping pong, pool,checkers, corn hole, putt-putt, a drink bar (alcoholic and non-alcoholic),several chairs, basketball, track, outdoor fitness machines, etc. We were thereduring spring break, and we never had to wait to play anything because thereare so many activities to choose from. There is never a wait at this bar eitherif you want a quick drink!

We left the sports square and went to dinner in Northern Lightson Deck 3 for anytime dining. I will have to say that we have always chosenearly dining on our previous cruises, but it was not available for this cruise.However, after having anytime dining, we will never go back to an assigneddining time. We went to dinner between 6:30-7:30 every night and were able tobe seated right away on five of the seven nights in the same section with thesame wait staff team, Joseph and Erig (per our request). We were given a pager onenight at 7:30 and waited 20 minutes for a table and waited thirty minutes for atable at 7:00 on the other night. Waiting wasn’t a big deal on those two nights–the girls looked at our Carnival photos taken by the ship’s photographers, andmy husband and I sat at the atrium bar and had a martini while we waited.Loved, loved, loved anytime dining! There was no rush to get back on the shipand get ready by 6:00 each night! The American Table Menu was okay, but I muchprefer the old menu. I always managed to find one entrée, one appetizer, andone dessert that sounded appealing, but I prefer having the option of severalappealing choices. I found myself eating steak on three of the nights becausethere was nothing that sounded any better. The food was very good – better thanI remember, but I wish there had been more choices.

We noticed LOTS of rocking during dinner and afterwards as wewalked to our cabin. We have never experienced so much rocking on a cruise before andwere worried that it would be a tough night’s sleep. The girls went up to thesports deck after dinner to meet up with friends and my husband and I decidedto use the free spa amenities that came with our room (thalassotherapy heatedmineral pool, heated body contoured loungers, relaxation room, saunas, steamrooms, etc) and headed up to deck 14. We couldn’t stay in the thalassotherapypool long because the rocking of the boat turned it into a wave pool! We went to thesteam room and laid in one of the heated loungers and got real sleepy, so wewent back to the cabin. The girls had also gone back to their cabin becausethere was too much wind on the top deck. We all turned in for an early night.

My concern about a rough night’s sleep turned out to bevalid. I am telling you, we could feel and hear the front of the boat rise outof the water and crash back into the ocean all night long. Our curtains andhangers in the closet rattled all night as well because of the movement of theboat, so it was not a good night’s sleep. We removed the hangers from thecloset around 1:00 AM, put the trash can, desk chair, and the extra pillowsagainst the curtains around 3:00 AM to keep the curtains steady, and all therattling finally ended. The girls, however, slept great because it was pitch darkin their room and there were no rattling noises. They actually said they prefer the interior rooms because of this (they have always stayed in a balcony room on previous trips)

When we awoke the next morning, the boat was still violentlyrocking. I walked down to the Lido deck around 7:00 AM and grabbed us fourloungers on the very back of the boat. It was a great spot looking out over thewater. We went to the Lido buffet and had omelets for breakfast and then backto our chairs to chill in the sun. The boat continued to rock, and it was nowtime for lunch. I got my first Guys burger (OMG, you people aren’t lying. Thoseare some great burgers!) and my husband went down to Deck 5 to get the Pig andAnchor BBQ. We are from Alabama and are BBQ snobs, so we were not veryimpressed with the BBQ, but if you are from an area that is lacking in good BBQjoints, then you will love the food there. We took our food back to our loungechairs, but it was very difficult to eat, as the boat was continuing to crashinto the waves. The pools had to be closed and all of the fun Lido activities(hairy chest contest, etc) had to be moved into the atrium. People’s hats andtowels were flying all over the place, drinks were sloshing out of cups, andfood was flying off of plates. It was crazy, but it all calmed down by 4:00 PM,thank goodness, because there were many sick people on the Carnival Magic forthose first 24 hours.

It was cruise elegant night, so we donned our finest clothesand headed down for anytime dining around 6:50. We were seated immediately. Myhusband ordered 3 lobsters (yes 3 – he is a skinny thing too!) and they gladlybrought them to him. We had a lovely dinner and finished just in time to seeFlick in the Showtime Theatre. Y’all, this is the BEST show I have seen on any cruise ship. You cannotmiss this one. There were unbelievably talented singers – like Celine Dion,Barbara Streisand, Whitney Houston, Steve Perry of Journey kind of good – and incredibledancers, laser lights, magic, fireworks, confetti, etc. I felt like I had justbeen to a major concert when it was over. Everyone gave them a standingovation, and no one wanted the show to be over. We left the show, but the girlswanted to meet the cast, so we waited on them in the atrium. The girls arecompetitive dancers and appreciate good talent when they see it. They got somepictures with the cast while we talked to the stage handler. Apparently, thisgroup of people will be going on vacation in two weeks, so I hope the peoplewho replace them are just as good. We were also told by the stage handler thatthis is the number one show on all of the Carnival fleets, and I can see why. Please,don’t miss this show!

After Flick, we were on a high. The girls went to find theirfriends they had met from Indiana, and we ordered a drink, walked up to theSerenity area, found a clam lounger, laid down, and looked at stars. Afterthat, we went back to the cabin, ordered a pot of coffee to be delivered in themorning, and crashed.

Monday was Amber Cove day. We had never been to theDominican Republic, so we were anxious for this port. Apparently, Carnival justfinishing building this port in 2015, so it is relatively new. We got our wake-upcall, and our pot of coffee arrived 5 minutes later. We had breakfast in theLido buffet and then went down to the northern lights dining room to wait forour excursion to be called. We had booked the Deluxe Sail and Snorkel excursionwith Tip Top Catamaran and had a blast! We got off the ship after waiting inthe dining room for about 30 minutes and found our excursion guy holding our sign.We boarded a bus and drove about 45 minutes to our catamaran. The bus ride wasnot bad, as we learned lots about the Dominican Republic while we rode. Wearrived on the beach and had to be shuttled via a dingy to our catamaran. Ittook about four trips to get everyone on the catamaran, and then we were off.We literally sailed about 10 minutes and stopped for our first snorkel. Therewasn’t much to see and the wind and crazy waves made the water pretty murky.The waves kicked up, so we couldn’t stop at the second snorkel site. There wasan open bar with free rum punch and local beer, soft drinks, fruit juice andwater, lots of dancing, and a good lunch. The lunch was hard boiled eggs, coleslaw,pasta salad, tuna salad, chicken nuggets, chicken sliders, cucumber salads,bread, ham and pastrami cold cuts, etc. We ate, drank, and danced while wesailed all the way back to port. Yes, we sailed back to the Magic and did not have to ride the bus back. YAY! It was a fantastic day, and we even had about45 minutes to shop in port before we had to be back on board. When we got backto our cabin, we had a notice that our St Thomas speed boat excursion had beencancelled for the next day which was a bummer. We showered, dressed and had agreat dinner. Afterwards, the two of us decided to head to the comedy club whilethe girls met up for the deck party with their friends from Indiana. We sawMike Estime at the first comedy show. He was pretty vulgar and crude, so wedidn’t enjoy the show too much. We then went to the piano bar to hear Roddy(not very good) and had a drink to wait for the next comedy show to begin. Wesaw Just June who was hysterical. We really enjoyed her show. Everyone sleptlike a baby that night.

Tuesday morning we awoke, had coffee and breakfast, exercisedon the sports deck, and then went to the shore excursion desk to book anotherexcursion. Since we didn’t dock until 11:00, we had plenty of time to findanother excursion. We had been to Sapphire Beach and really wanted to go to St.John, but didn’t want to go on another catamaran ride and definitely didn’t wantto take the long ferry ride there. So, we opted for Magen’s Beach Getaway. Wow,they weren’t kidding when they said it is one of the ten prettiest beaches inthe world. Our excursion left at 2:00 so that gave us plenty of time to shopbeforehand. At 2:00, we took off in an open air bus and were on the beacharound 2:25. We stayed there for a little over two hours and then got back onour open air bus and headed back to port. It was a great, relaxing day. Thatnight, we had dinner, saw the Country Road show (the typical cruise show) and thenwent to the atrium for Guess that 70’s and 80’s song with Dr. E. I am tellingyou, this was the most fun we have had on any cruise. Dr. E is hysterical, andthere was no one there who wasn’t belly laughing and having the time of theirlives. After this, we went to the disco – it was Michael Jackson night – had adrink and tore up the dance floor while the girls met up with their friends atthe sports deck. We slept like babies again.

Wednesday was San Juan day. We had been there before andknew there wasn’t much to do. We didn’t get into port until 12:00, so we got tosleep late again. I have to tell you that I like arriving into port later. Iwas hesitant at first, but we got to stay out later, sleep later, and haveplaces to ourselves since the other cruise ships leave port around 4:00. Aftereating lunch on the ship, we walked to the forts. We took lots of beautifulpictures and sweated a ton. Man, it was hot, but the history is so cool and theviews from atop the forts are breathtaking! We found a couple in the square whowould let you pose with their four exotic birds for $5. We took lots of greatpictures, and the owners posed the birds in many different ways for the pictures.It was something different, and the girls loved it.

We spent a couple of hours in San Juan before headingback to the ship. We put on our bathing suits and headed to the serenity deckand got a bucket of beer ($26) from the bar there and chilled in a clam shell lounger.There were plenty of loungers available, so we found a great spot at the frontof the boat. We had an amazing view of San Juan and an even better view as wepulled out of port. The girls met up with their friends and played on the waterslides before dinner. It was cruise elegant night, so we donned our finest onceagain. We love to dress up, but I have to tell you that while you see manypeople in sequin dresses, cocktail dresses, tuxedos, and suits, there are stillthose who come to dinner wearing their tank tops and shorts. I really don’tunderstand why Carnival has a dress code but chooses not to enforce it. Ohwell, no harm done. It was still an elegant evening for our family!

After dinner, we went to the Showtime Theatre and saw 88 Keys.OMG, can I just tell you that while this show wasn’t as good as Flick, it wasthe second best show we have ever seen on a cruise? Where did they find thesesingers and dancers? This show was full of great songs and dancers, greatprops, fireworks, etc. It is another show that is a must see. It was fantastic!We went to the Motown Music Trivia Party with Dr. E in the atrium after the show and hadjust as much fun as we had the night before. Afterwards, we went star gazing onthe serenity deck and then relaxed in the spa while the girls met up with theirfriends again.

Thursday was Grand Turk day. I am so glad that I listened tothe advice on Cruise Critic and did not book an excursion. The cruise portthere is so very nice. I was worried because our boat was the second one toarrive (we docked at 12:00), so I was afraid that there would not be anyloungers available. Boy, was I wrong. We were one of the first families off ofthe Magic and there were tons of free chairs and umbrellas available. We walkedoff the dock and turned left to Margaritaville and there were tons of chairsavailable around the pool and beach. Because the ocean is so stunning in Grand Turk, we decidedto find chairs on the beach instead. We found a nice spot with four loungersunder palm trees in front of the Flo Rider spot. We were very close to the DJplaying the music in Margaritaville, so we could hear great music while we gazed at the ocean. There was a local selling cold beer under a red tent for$5 a bottle and 2 cups of rum punch for $5, so that is where we bought ourdrinks. The same beer in Margaritaville was $8.50 a bottle! We were chillingunder the palm trees, and looking at the beautiful ocean when someone came byasking if we wanted to go on a banana boat ride. The girls wanted to, so we paid them$20 per person and walked to their tent. We filled out a permission form, the girls climbed on the banana boat, and I hopped in the boat with the driver and tooksome awesome pics of them as they were being pulled around in that crystalclear water. They had a blast and said they wished it had lasted longer, but Iwas ready to get back to my lounger. After a while, the girls met up with theirfriends at the pool at Margaritaville and we visited the beer tent again.Heeding the advice of my cruise critic pals, we walked about 5 minutes down thebeach to Jack’s Shack for lunch for some of the best jerk chicken I have ever putin my mouth. For $14 a plate, we had jerk chicken and fries (my daughter hadrice and beans instead of fries), and we had plenty of it. You could get the chicken by itself for $10 a plate. We had signed up fora free shot of rum on Jack’s Shack website prior to our cruise, and got our freeshots after our lunch. After lunch, we played ball with Jack’s dog, Topher, andheaded back to our loungers. We passed a place that sold $4 beers, so wegrabbed two. They weren’t as cold as the $5 beers, so I wished we had waiteduntil we got back to the guy in the red tent to buy our beers. We had such afabulous time and stayed on this beach until we had to be back on the boat. Wedid save about 30 minutes to shop in the stores. We found the best t-shirtshere. This was an amazing port with plenty to do just a few yards from theboat. Highly recommend staying here for the day instead of booking an excursion.

We were full from our jerk chicken lunch, so we did not goto the dining room for dinner that night. The girls went to the dining room fordessert only, but my husband and I went to the Lido deck, grabbed some popcorn,and watched the movie playing in the Seaside theatre. It was a great night. We went to be a little early, but the girls joined their friends for the party on the Lido deck at 10:30.

The next morning was our last day at sea. I slept until 7:48and jumped up to get us some loungers on the Lido deck. I got out there at7:55, but every lounger on the pool decks was already taken. I was sodisappointed, but quickly realized that there were several loungers availableon deck 10 on the side of the ship below the sports square. These loungerslooked right out over the ocean, so it was a great spot! I found us four chairstogether, and there were actually chairs still available there at 9:00. Ishould also mention that there were TONS of chairs available all day on deck 5,so don’t panic if you can’t find one around the pools on the Lido deck. We grabbed some pastriesand coffee for breakfast from the Lido buffet, ate in the loungers, exercised,changed into our bathing suits, and planted ourselves there until 3:00 with a good book and a bucket of beer. At 3:00,we found two of those cushiony wicker chairs on the back of the boat and stayedthere until the sun went down. It was such an amazing, relaxing day. I didn’twant the sun to dip down into the ocean because I knew that it would be thelast time I would see the sun set while aboard the Magic.

We had a fantastic prime rib dinner and then went to theShowtime Theatre to see America Rocks. It was a great show, but not as good as Flick or 88 Keys. We truly feltlike we were at a rock concert during the show. They gave us glow sticks as weentered the theatre and everyone used them like you would use lighters duringconcerts in the 80’s! Of course, they played the classic rock song, “Sweet HomeAlabama”, so we were singing as loud as we could during this song and throwingin a “Roll Tide Roll” when we could! They played a Bon Jovi song right after,so I got fired up even more during the show! After it ended (they had to comeout for an encore), we walked out to the atrium, grabbed a free martini(another VIFP perk of being gold) and watched the balloon drop. That was reallycool. Earlier in the day, everyone was asked to write their favorite memoryfrom the cruise on a balloon, blow it up, and then place it in the netstretched out across the atrium of deck 10. At 9:30, the balloons are releasedto everyone standing below. It was neat to read all of the memories from ourfellow cruise passengers. You have to read quickly because the kids startjumping on the balloons and popping them.

Afterwards, we went back to our cabin and found ourdebarkation instructions. If we placed our bags outside of our room, then ourdebarkation time would be 9:00-9:30. If we carried them off, our time was7:45-8:00. We decided to carry our luggage off the ship ourselves so we couldleave early the next morning. We took one last advantage of our free spaamenities and almost fell asleep in those heated chairs again!

We slept great and awoke at 6:10. We showered, got dressed,finished packing, and met the girls at the Lido Buffet for breakfast at 7:00. At7:15, they called our deck (11) and deck 12 for debarkation – 30 minutes early! Wefinished our breakfast quickly and headed back to the cabins to get ourluggage. While we were waiting for the elevators, they called decks 1 and 2 fordebarkation. We got off the elevator on deck 3, went through immigration, andwere in our car driving out of Port Canaveral at 7:50. We couldn’t believe howquickly we disembarked and how much earlier we were called. The folks at PortCanaveral know what they are doing, no doubt!

We were home by 4:00 PM Central time. The girls snapchattedtheir new friends all the way home while we all reminisced about our vacation.Everyone agreed that this was the best cruise we had ever been on, and decidedthat we would most likely sail her again next year.

Feel free to hit me up with any questions. We did much morethan this on the ship, but I couldn’t write it all. I’ll be glad to answeranything.

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I am so sorry that there are no paragraph breaks and that several of my words are not spaced correctly. I typed this in a word document and then pasted it here. So sorry that it is so hard to read. It was fine before it was pasted!

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Thanks for taking the time to write the review. I'll be sailing on the Magic in a few months so it was nice to hear about your enjoyable vacation. I have one quick question for you, where did you purchase the magnetic hooks you used in the room? Thanks

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Really enjoyed your review and read every word! We are sailing this same itinerary in FOUR days! I am hoping that means we get the amazing cast for the theater shows :)


One question - it looks like your second formal night was on the day you were in Puerto Rico? Is that right? I always thought it was on sea days?



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I have ten days until I'll be on the Magic. We have a spa balcony room too. Are the spa amenities available to use right upon boarding? I know they do tours the first day so I'm not sure if there are restrictions or if you can go right to one of those heated loungers! (After lunch of course (: )



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Thank you so much for your review. Your excitement and enjoyment of the cruise really shines through.


We're sailing on the Magic in November and your review makes me even more excited.


PS - the Breeze (sister ship to the Magic) is coming to Port Canaveral in September 2018 so if you want to sail the Magic from Port Canaveral, it will need to be before that (or you can try the Breeze which will probably be just as awesome).

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Such a great review, thanks for taking the time. Soooo, we sail the Magic in a few weeks, we have spa 11243 so this is exactly what i have been looking for. Our dd is 12 and we are hoping she makes some friends. We are super excited to try the spa extras. My only question: Was there any karoke to be had? If so, was there any during the day? Thanks again for your review.

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I am so sorry that there are no paragraph breaks and that several of my words are not spaced correctly. I typed this in a word document and then pasted it here. So sorry that it is so hard to read. It was fine before it was pasted!


Don't apologize!! That was an excellent review :). Thank you for taking the time to do it. We leave in 37 day and I'm so excited! The only concern I have are the rough waters because we are taking a newbie with us and I don't want her getting sick. We always experience a little roughness the first night but nothing like you described. Hopefully that was just a weather thing and not an all the time thing. I don't want her getting seasick :(.

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They actually said they prefer the interior rooms because of this (they have always stayed in a balcony room on previous trips)



I prefer the inside rooms for that very reason I love the total darkness

It was cruise elegant night, so we donned our finest clothesand headed down for anytime dining around 6:50. We were seated immediately. Myhusband ordered 3 lobsters (yes 3 – he is a skinny thing too!) and they gladlybrought them to him.



So they still include lobster on the elegant night for free? The last few cruises I went on were short 3 day ones and you had to pay extra for lobster





I know your daughter had her friend with her but if she did not have her friend with her would you still have felt comfortable letting her walk around alone?

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Thanks for taking the time to write the review. I'll be sailing on the Magic in a few months so it was nice to hear about your enjoyable vacation. I have one quick question for you, where did you purchase the magnetic hooks you used in the room? Thanks


I bought a pack of 5 from Office Depot. I know that other people have purchased theirs from walmart and lowes.

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Excellent review!!! We are on the Magic in June for DD's high school graduation and we are so excited.


Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!!!


Cannot wait!!!:')

You will have a blast! It was a fantastic cruise even with the rough seas the first 24 hours! I would have hopped right back on her if I could!

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Thanks for your detailed review. It brought back so many fond memories of my three times on the Magic.


It was easy to read. Computer stuff happens.


It was fine when I pasted it into cruise critic, but after I posted it the paragraph breaks and spacing problems happened. I wish I knew how to fix it. I might actually try to retype everything so it will be easier to read. I have a feeling we will also sail her as many times as you have. It was such a great cruise!

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I appreciate your Magic review! We'll be on her in mid-June!! Looking forward to the shows...


You will LOVE them. I sure hope the same cast is back. I just cannot begin to tell you how professional the shows were. We were blown away!

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