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Issue with midday violent film on Adventure OTS 10-day

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As I parent I get where you are coming from, it should be our choice what our kids get to see. I also think some people are harshly criticizing you for no reason. They are your kids and you can raise them anyway you'd like. With that in mind, so can everyone else and many probably don't find the movie that offensive. I saw it with my boys (7 and 9 at the time) and didn't have an issue with it. I just explained that it was a movie and the events were not real.

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In one of your posts the sound is so loud when you come out you have to cover your ears, in the other, you didn't even notice what was on the screen because it was quiet dialogue.:confused:




You aren't going to get anywhere if your story isn't consistent.




I do agree though, a PG-13 movie is not appropriate for daytime viewing near a kiddie pool.



Not so much. Movies are filmed that way. Action scenes are always turned up to 11. Heck, some TV channels you have to mute the commercials because they are so much louder than the show.



But unless you only allow your 7 yo to watch PBS and Nick Jr, they are exposed to far more gratuitous violence everyday. They should also be emotionally mature enough to not have a total meltdown from seeing a movie.





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But unless you only allow your 7 yo to watch PBS and Nick Jr, they are exposed to far more gratuitous violence everyday. They should also be emotionally mature enough to not have a total meltdown from seeing a movie.





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Either you haven't seen the movie or you should tell us where you live so as to avoid it.






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I've already responded many pages back and have a new light to add to my original response.




Do not allow your children to ever go to the pool area as some bathing suits, women AND men are rated over PG-13




Do not allow your children to watch the flo rider as accidents do happen where they will see butt cracks and boobs.




Do not allow your children out of your cabin at any time as some passengers dress a bit over the top requiring an R rating.




Do not allow your children to watch Grease as they may start smoking.




By the way, the bananas are next to the catsup and mayo.




Next time cruise Disney......please




What kind of power trip does one need to be on to belittle someone so much.




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What kind of power trip does one need to be on to belittle someone so much.





I've just compiled a list from other posters from the last year or so to make my point.


Read my first post on page 2. We do not live in a G rated world.


I have NOT belittled anyone, and my opinion here on CC should be valued as much as yours.


Have a nice day!!:)

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Not so much. Movies are filmed that way. Action scenes are always turned up to 11. Heck, some TV channels you have to mute the commercials because they are so much louder than the show.



But unless you only allow your 7 yo to watch PBS and Nick Jr, they are exposed to far more gratuitous violence everyday. They should also be emotionally mature enough to not have a total meltdown from seeing a movie.





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HUH? Where do you come up with this stuff?

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AND right on time come the "Royal Caribbean can do no wrong" brigade.

First, understand that this movie was LOUD. We walked out just before the final scene was beginning. It was quiet dialogue (honestly, I was tending to my children and didn't even look up at the screen), and then all of the sudden it was so loud you couldn't even speak without yelling. There was no escaping the gunshots, horses whinnying as they collapsed, and sounds of people dying on screen. In fact, once I realized what movie was playing I noticed that NO children were playing on Splashaway Bay. And this was during the middle of the day, during one of the 5.5 hours the aquapark was open that day.

As I wrote in my correspondence to RCI: "Some might argue that if I'd merely consulted my cruise compass, I would have known about the movie, but that's missing the point. I shouldn't have to verify that a "family-friendly" cruise line is showing acceptable entertainment directly in front of an attraction built specifically for younger children during the precious few hours that attraction is open."

I presume many of you who say I'm over-reacting either don't have children, or don't have an issue with young children viewing gunshots, blood and gore. Bottom line: THIS WAS INAPPROPRIATE DAYTIME ENTERTAINMENT ON A "FAMILY-FRIENDLY" CRUISE LINE, which is how Royal spends millions marketing itself.

Splashaway Bay is geared specifically for the under-13 set, so what makes you think a violent movie is appropriate to show at 1pm directly in front of this attraction? And don't tell me that RCI just "assumed" it was fine because the rating was PG-13. They have discretion in what movies they select. I realize not all PG-13's are made equal; my problem isn't with the rating system, my problem is with RCI's decision to show a movie contain death and gore in front of the primary children's "pool" area during the main hours children use that area.


I agree the movie isn't really the best to play at 2:30pm, having said this, while I don't wish to come across too hard, it needs to be said, it's not all on RCCL. You're the parent. The compass should have been read. PG -13 means just that... parental guidance.

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I've already responded many pages back and have a new light to add to my original response.


Do not allow your children to ever go to the pool area as some bathing suits, women AND men are rated over PG-13


Do not allow your children to watch the flo rider as accidents do happen where they will see butt cracks and boobs.


Do not allow your children out of your cabin at any time as some passengers dress a bit over the top requiring an R rating.


Do not allow your children to watch Grease as they may start smoking.


By the way, the bananas are next to the catsup and mayo.


Next time cruise Disney......please


Thanks Luke, More posters need a sense of humor like you, and that is what I was going for. Can't win them all!!


So that was your stab at humor? Don't quit your day job. ;p:D:rolleyes:

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As I parent I get where you are coming from, it should be our choice what our kids get to see. I also think some people are harshly criticizing you for no reason. They are your kids and you can raise them anyway you'd like. With that in mind, so can everyone else and many probably don't find the movie that offensive. I saw it with my boys (7 and 9 at the time) and didn't have an issue with it. I just explained that it was a movie and the events were not real.



The OP did have a choice. OP states she is responsible for what content her children watch. But the real fact is, she failed in this responsibility in this situation. She didn't read the compass. While some think the RCCL is marketing to Young Families, they are in fact, marketing to everyone. Casinos, Bars, Alcohol Packages, Solarium Pools, Suite & Diamond Lounges, Rock Climbing, FlowRider, Sexy Man Contests, it goes on & on. ALL of which is listed in the cruise compass. So yes, the have some goodies for kids to attract the young Moms & Dads out there. But they are far from the only segment of society that is being marketed to. PG-13 movies are adequate for the majority of those on the ship. This movie was listed as a PG-13 Movie to WARN cruisers. The time was listed as well. So instead of the OP reading & adjusting their schedule to the warning, they subjected their kids to be traumatized. They have responsibility for this and are in serious denial of it. I feel bad for the little guys in this matter, but guess what, they'll get over it. And guess what else, the OP will also learn to read and adhere to life's warnings regarding their kids in the future. I only hope if they don't, they stop the blame game.


Peace out to all.

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Wow, all of these people can complain for eternity about shorts affecting their dining experience, but they can't comprehend the inappropriateness of the location of the movie, not the movie itself. In an area of the ship, where the expected age group is to be 12 and under, it doesn't matter if it was port day or not, that area is designated as child friendly. Had she taken them to a bar and then complained there was alcohol and drunk people, her complaints would be unfounded, but there are many other more appropriate places geared towards an older age group. Unless you're an incredible planner, and know exactly all of the hundreds of things going on in every area during every hour, one should be able to assume it's safe (without double and checking a multiple page document every day) to take their kids to the kiddie park.



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Wow, all of these people can complain for eternity about shorts affecting their dining experience, but they can't comprehend the inappropriateness of the location of the movie, not the movie itself. In an area of the ship, where the expected age group is to be 12 and under, it doesn't matter if it was port day or not, that area is designated as child friendly. Had she taken them to a bar and then complained there was alcohol and drunk people, her complaints would be unfounded, but there are many other more appropriate places geared towards an older age group. Unless you're an incredible planner, and know exactly all of the hundreds of things going on in every area during every hour, one should be able to assume it's safe (without double and checking a multiple page document every day) to take their kids to the kiddie park.


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The Movie Screen is in front of ALL pools, not just the Kiddie Pool. BTW, the Sexy Man contest is held in front the Kiddie Pool as well, along w/ ALL pools. This is sooo overplayed. By the standards of the OP, the kiddie pool was an off limit place for her kids between 1pm to 2:30pm. Just think, if they had of read the cruise compass, they could have made the Kiddie Pool visit just a few minutes later. Situation would have been avoided.

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I'm in the 'I somewhat agree with the op' camp however I'm leaning towards 'I don't see the big issue'. Its been mentioned that this movie should have been shown later and Angry Birds shown instead. My question is, have you seen Angry Birds? Its called Angry Birds for a reason and there is a lot of violence. Yes, its hidden behind animation but its very very violent. If you think that movie is okay, I don't see why Magnificent Seven isn't.

JMO and only JMO. I would not let my 5 year old watch Angry Birds because that's the movie he/she would be apt to try to mimic. We all have to do what is best for our children. Sorry you had a bad experience op, I truly am.

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Its been mentioned that this movie should have been shown later and Angry Birds shown instead. My question is, have you seen Angry Birds? Its called Angry Birds for a reason and there is a lot of violence. Yes, its hidden behind animation but its very very violent.


Hello - spoiler alert; haven't seen Angry Birds yet!

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I am NOT a member of the "Royal Caribbean Can Do No Wrong Brigade" and they have done things that made me mad before. That being said I do have to say, and I don't mean this in a derogatory manner, but you seem to be a lot more sensitive to movie choices than what I would guess is the majority of people. That's totally fine. We all have preferences for everything.


Do you think that, at least until the kids are older, Disney Cruise Line may be a better fit for your family?

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To the OP - since you didn't complain about it on board (you said why you didn't in one of your follow up posts) it could not have bothered you THAT much. If it was such a problem for you,you could have taken 20 minutes out of your day to go down to Guest Services. Complaining after the fact without doing it on board does lessen your argument that it was so traumatic for your children.


That being said, I don't think it was the BEST choice of a movie to be shown at that time, but it was a port day and most people would be on-shore. Besides Angry Birds is a very violent move in it's own right.


RCCL advertises to ALL segments of the cruising population - not just young families. They have to consider ALL demographics in their on board decisions.

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Wow, all of these people can complain for eternity about shorts affecting their dining experience, but they can't comprehend the inappropriateness of the location of the movie, not the movie itself.


Not all. For the record, I didn't care about the shorts topic either. :)

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Wow, all of these people can complain for eternity about shorts affecting their dining experience, but they can't comprehend the inappropriateness of the location of the movie, not the movie itself. In an area of the ship, where the expected age group is to be 12 and under, it doesn't matter if it was port day or not, that area is designated as child friendly. Had she taken them to a bar and then complained there was alcohol and drunk people, her complaints would be unfounded, but there are many other more appropriate places geared towards an older age group. Unless you're an incredible planner, and know exactly all of the hundreds of things going on in every area during every hour, one should be able to assume it's safe (without double and checking a multiple page document every day) to take their kids to the kiddie park.



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Good lord that was funny:')

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I have a question......... Did you ever look up at the screen to see what movie was on there before the movie got violent because it appears you were already familiar with the movie??? I'm just asking because if you did you could have perhaps left the area when you saw what movie was on.


With that said, I don't think this is the end of the world for cruising as we know it. Let's just wait and see what responses the OP get concerning the complaint. Maybe RCI will agree and put out a policy to the fleet that certain movies based on ratings should be shown at a given time on the pool deck screen. I think sometimes issues brought up and the responses to them are overreacted and over dramatized!

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Royal is in recent years trying to be more Family but not a Disney cruise line. Showing PG movies is nothing new, they been showing them on their movie screens since I first sailed in 1988. It isn't going to change...


I totally agree with the OP here. Showing that movie, at that time, in that area, was really not ok (in my opinion). Contrary to all the child psychologists on this board, some kids are more sensitive than others. Heck, *I* wouldn't want to watch a horse get killed while on my family vacation. I'm one of those people who can't get horrible images or stories out of their mind. I'll be laying in bed thinking about it for hours. So I just work under the assumption my kid might be the same. And to the other people - yep, the news is worse. Which is why most people don't stick their 5-year old in front of the news. My kid has NEVER seen the news and he's almost 10 now. Sheltered? Maybe. But he has enough time ahead of him to learn how horrible this world can be. Just yesterday someone his age was shot, and killed, in their elementary school. If I can shelter him from the anxiety that comes from knowing that, I'm going to.


Anyway, I just wanted to address the Disney Cruise Line movie situation (that's why I picked your quote). On the cruises we were on (if I'm remembering right), they did have cartoons or G movies on the pool screen most of the time. On our Alaska cruise, they were constantly showing "The Help" in the theater during the day. While it's a great movie, it wasn't something we wanted to take our then 5-year old to. Then we would notice they were playing "Cars" at 10pm. It just made no sense to us. Our kid was asleep at 10pm. It didn't negatively affect our trip or anything. But it made us wonder why they had it that way. We also wrote that on our comment card at the end of the cruise.

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OP back here. Wow this went on more than I intended. I was just trying to give a constructive complaint about the location and time selection of a violent movie. I don't agree that I should have to check the cruise compass to make sure there is not a violent movie playing in front of the 10 and under Kid's Aquapark during the hours it is open. That doesn't make me negligent, helicopter, neurotic or any other names I've been called. A mod deleted some of this thread, but I have been called some very inappropriate and unfounded names by some members.


Regardless of what it used to be, Royal is now a family-oriented cruise line, especially on ships where they've added Splashaway Bay and waterslides. Times change, and I wanted to point out that a careless oversight (or lack of discretion) can have impacts on young kids and Royal Caribbean's customer service. How can a company improve if they aren't made aware of things their primary-target customer base may find problematic? We actually had a wonderful time of this vacation overall, and saw some amazing places and did some amazing things. This was a blip, but one that sticks with me because it seemed like such a strange and careless choice by the entertainment people.


I've been a member of this board for a long time, and have cruised on Royal 5X without a SINGLE complaint. If some of the thread hadn't been deleted (or if posters had read my follow-up comments), they would understand that my 7-year old developed a high fever the evening this occurred and we had to take him to the infirmary. After about 36 hours, when I had time to even think about this again, we were headed into our final 3 ports and had very busy days planned. Frankly, I wasn't in a position to stand in the long lines at customer service at that point. I prefer to spend that time with my kids and husband as I work FT and life is crazy here at home.


At any rate, thank you to the posters who understood my point or questioned me without name-calling. I honestly wasn't all that upset about this incident, but I wanted to make cruisers with young children and Royal Caribbean aware of this issue. Once the name-calling started, I did feel it necessary to defend and clarify my position for those who may have misunderstood my complaint.


They can show The Magnificent Seven on every RCI cruise for the next decade for all I care. Shoot, they could run the whole Game of Thrones series and I wouldn't care, so long as it is not shown directly in front of an area specifically designed for young children while that area is open. This is about discretion, choice of time and venue. Perhaps it is time to add a movie screen to the Solarium for adult-oriented movies?

Edited by Island_Chica
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