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Gratuities for 1 year old on Oasis?


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So if the infant didn't go with them who else would share their cabin?


Paying the full fare is enough. Tipping as warranted is one thing. Paying tips in advanced without even knowing what services will be provided is another.


If the infant didn't go, perhaps the people in the two cabins next-door could have gotten by with just one cabin. However, since the infant took up the triple-occupancy space, they had to book two cabins.


Tipping is calculated in as part of the overall compensation package for the crew members. If you were being honest with yourself, you would realize that you simply resent a company for being profitable in a capitalist economy. (Whether it is envy because you're not as wealthy as you think you should be, jealousy because your company went under, or some other crazy reason - only you can know.) However, you're using that resentment as justification to stiff the hard-working employees who have no say in how their compensation package works. You really should stick to vacations in countries or environments where tipping is not customary.

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I see. Again, I'm fine with paying the underpaid and overworked staff. I can't say the same for the nickel and diming cruise line. In the awful event we would actually need a lifeboat, LO would sit on my lap and wouldn't take up any space. A 1 year old does not use nearly as many resources on the ship as an adult. She doesn't eat as much as an adult, doesn't take up space in the theaters or casino, cannot take up space in the pool, and the lovely nursery for which I'm very grateful, charges extra for taking care of her. I don't think a kid should travel for free, but I think a discount of some sort is reasonable to expect.



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As mentioned above, she also does not bring in much extra revenue to the cruise line, i.e.. drinks,bingo, specialty dinners, casino games, etc. which many adults do. Maybe a hotel/resort vacay where sometimes there are more discounts for kids would work better for you. I hope you and your LO enjoy your cruise! :)

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so, you dispose of the diapers properly, in a accordance with maritime law? you prepare all their food? you wash all the child's linens and make the bed up each night and put it away each morning? you vacuum up every little crumb that gets dropped? why bother going on vacation then?!


I'm sure, if you only met them, you would agree that their child is an angel, and his/her diapers don't stink. lol! This thread is the perfect example of why they say "a mother's love is blind."



This reminds me of an employee I once had who had the privilege of working from a home office (long before home offices were common), but was angry that we needed her to work from 11am - 7pm. (Part of the contract when they GOT a home office was that they be able to work whatever schedule you needed them to work between 7am and 7pm.) She said it wasn't fair that I expected her to take time away from her baby. She thought that, because she was a mom, she should be able to work whatever hours were most convenient for her family. I explained that, if she wanted an 8 - 4 or 9 - 5 schedule, she could have one, but would have to come work in the office. That wasn't fair in her mind, and nothing that I said would make her think that it was.

Edited by payitforward
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If you've been a cruise critic member since 2011 you must have noticed the kind of responses these types of posts get. And just because the various members don't agree with you, it doesn't mean they are "mean and judgemental".


I couldn't agree more. People ask questions looking for an echo chamber and get insulted when they aren't confirmed.


And if you feel like you're already being overcharged for the cruise itself, why are you going? Choose a cheaper cruise line or don't go. Believe me the rest of us won't miss your complaints.

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Do I dispose the diapers properly ?

Yes . Very easily I put in garbage that will otherwise be emptied anyway. but you are NOT disposing of the diapers as per Maritime law.. which has very specific requirements, plus the crew member has to take extra precautions when handling soiled diapers. you are not bringing that can down to the bowels of the ship to be incinerated or whatever


Do I prepare food ? No , I easily find them something in buffet and serve them myself. SOMEONE PROVIDED THAT FOOD. you did not go in to a kitchen and prepare the meal. you merely picked up the results of someone ELSE'S hard work


Do I make their bed and wash linens ? Yes I make the bed and put away. Wash linens ? No , I'm fine with the same linens for the entire cruise. I'm not a pain in the ass so when Junior pukes one night cuz he over indulged or got too stimulated by a fun day at the beach, you are okay with not having the sheets changed? what about when he has an ooopsie and his diaper leaks? or the towels that you use to clean up the spit?


Do I can vacume the crumbs ? Your kidding right. They vaccume . Theirs no special crumb vaccume. but its okay to make the person who already has a full schedule have to spend extra time vacuuming crumbs in the cabin..and then in the MDR under the high chair and then throughout the ship? I witness one such gem of a toddler literally smear cracker crumbs all over a glass topped table and then grind the mushy bits into the carpet. it took ten minutes for someone to have the time to come clean that mess-up.. all while the rest of us were trying to enjoy our cocktail hour, which was interrupted by the noise of the vacuum


Again. I take care of my own. I don't feel it necessarily at all to leave a tip for my 1 year old. To each their own




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obviously I am talking to a brick wall, and of course we will never change your mind. doesn't change the fact that it is still perceived as being cheap and selfish on your part by most others who cruise

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If the infant didn't go, perhaps the people in the two cabins next-door could have gotten by with just one cabin. However, since the infant took up the triple-occupancy space, they had to book two cabins.


Tipping is calculated in as part of the overall compensation package for the crew members. If you were being honest with yourself, you would realize that you simply resent a company for being profitable in a capitalist economy. (Whether it is envy because you're not as wealthy as you think you should be, jealousy because your company went under, or some other crazy reason - only you can know.) However, you're using that resentment as justification to stiff the hard-working employees who have no say in how their compensation package works. You really should stick to vacations in countries or environments where tipping is not customary.


A good capitalist doesn't spend "optional" money for the same level of service. The issues I have with the auto-tips are that one can only flex up but not down if the level of expected service is not met. Since they are distributed by a formula one cannot provide feedback with their wallet to specific employees if service is found lacking. One has to remove all auto-tips if they want to speak with their wallet.

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So if the infant didn't go with them who else would share their cabin?


Paying the full fare is enough. Tipping as warranted is one thing. Paying tips in advanced without even knowing what services will be provided is another.



a third adult could sail in a different cabin in the same life boat section.


why is it so difficult to assume and expect you will receive good service.. at least good enough leave the auto gratuity in place for everyone? do you automatically assume your waiter in A land based restaurant is going screw everything up and have a bad attitude?!


if you hate the way cruise lines are run, then why do your cruise and why do you spend time on a cruising message board?

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If the infant didn't go, perhaps the people in the two cabins next-door could have gotten by with just one cabin. However, since the infant took up the triple-occupancy space, they had to book two cabins.


Tipping is calculated in as part of the overall compensation package for the crew members. If you were being honest with yourself, you would realize that you simply resent a company for being profitable in a capitalist economy. (Whether it is envy because you're not as wealthy as you think you should be, jealousy because your company went under, or some other crazy reason - only you can know.) However, you're using that resentment as justification to stiff the hard-working employees who have no say in how their compensation package works. You really should stick to vacations in countries or environments where tipping is not customary.


So sorry you feel so bad for the crew. Next time why don't you add a little to your prepaid gratuities to make up for us whom haven't drank the kook-aid. The company execs would just love it.


Me? I couldn't care less about how much the cruise line pays their crew. I will remove the grats and pay as I go along. And believe me after a few days when they know you are a cash paying every meal tipper they provide the best service!


Go ahead keep drinking the kook aid. The whole thing is absurd.

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A good capitalist doesn't spend "optional" money for the same level of service. The issues I have with the auto-tips are that one can only flex up but not down if the level of expected service is not met. Since they are distributed by a formula one cannot provide feedback with their wallet to specific employees if service is found lacking. One has to remove all auto-tips if they want to speak with their wallet.

No, they can speak with their mouths. If a stateroom attendant is performing poorly, put in a cal to the head of housekeeping. If a waiter isn't performing up to par, speak with the head waiter and it will be resolved (believe me, I've done it). Why would anyone endure poor service on a cruise without making an attempt to resolve it?

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No, they can speak with their mouths. If a stateroom attendant is performing poorly, put in a cal to the head of housekeeping. If a waiter isn't performing up to par, speak with the head waiter and it will be resolved (believe me, I've done it). Why would anyone endure poor service on a cruise without making an attempt to resolve it?


Because maybe they are just having a bad week and you don't want them to get in trouble. I would never rat on anyone, especially the hard working crew that apparently get very little sleep.

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Because maybe they are just having a bad week and you don't want them to get in trouble. I would never rat on anyone, especially the hard working crew that apparently get very little sleep.


This is laughable! You admit that they're hard working and probably get very little sleep, yet you think it's okay to stiff them. Why not just ADMIT that you're cheap and self-centered. You prefer to tip as you go along because 1.) you can tip LESS that way and 2.) You want the "credit." You want to FEEL superior - like you're doing them a big favor by compensating them for their hard work.

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This is laughable! You admit that they're hard working and probably get very little sleep, yet you think it's okay to stiff them. Why not just ADMIT that you're cheap and self-centered. You prefer to tip as you go along because 1.) you can tip LESS that way and 2.) You want the "credit." You want to FEEL superior - like you're doing them a big favor by compensating them for their hard work.


Wrong. We probably end up tipping more to those who serve us directly.


I would never stoop to the level of complaining to someone's boss. That's just wrong and despicable.


Have a nice cruise!

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Why don't Carnival, MSC, NCL charge for a 1 year old in these cases? I don't think it is bad for someone to want to base the tip off of actual services necessarily. I think some are being a bit heavy handed in their opposition but I understand the point. Whatever someone elects to do they are within the cruise line rules, so please remember that. If you don't like what someone does, consider that the cruise line should modify their policies.

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OP, I am not really sure why you posed the question as it seems that you already had your mind made up?


In any case, here is my experience from back when we started cruising and the kids were 10 months and not quite 3:


Any sort of pack and play is an extra hassel to maneuver around in the stateroom----just having to clean the stateroom twice a day with that monstrosity in it was probably worth bumping up the tip above the standard for my son. We always did our level best to clean up after ourselves and our kids. We didn't let them eat in the room when they were too small to eat over a plate and might get crumbs all over, etc. Nonetheless----we ended up using more towels and washcloths, had more stuff to work around (that pack n play, a stroller folded up by the window, etc). We tipped stanard amounts plus some extra for the hassel the stateroom host had cleaning up after a family with a little one.


At meals, DS nursed and ate some litte, simple things like noddles, soft fruits, etc. I found lots on the buffets which worked. At dinner staff happily brought juice or milk for him and helped make sure no glasses were placed within his reach (his or ours) and were super kind about fixing a plate of whatever bits we thoguht he could eat off the menu and offering to bring other things even. If I was busy nursing they asked if I'd like my food kept under cover and warmer until I was able to eat (unless it was soup I could eat and nurse).

DD was already eating lots of thigns and loved getting to try new things. Crew were great about bringing her things and encouraging her adeventours in eating without hurting her feeligns if she did not like something. They offered to cut up chicken for her so we could eat, etc. In spite pf being careful, being kids, the floor and tabe cloth were not as clean after our dinner as they would have been after a meal with only adults of older children---I am certain added clean up was required.

Again we tipped the full standard amoutn plus extra for all that work my kids, no matter how well behaved, generated.



Personally, I really wish the cruise lines would jsut go to having a madatory "service fee" since that is really what it is

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Because maybe they are just having a bad week and you don't want them to get in trouble. I would never rat on anyone, especially the hard working crew that apparently get very little sleep.


But in your mind it's OK to just withhold compensation?

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A good capitalist doesn't spend "optional" money for the same level of service. The issues I have with the auto-tips are that one can only flex up but not down if the level of expected service is not met. Since they are distributed by a formula one cannot provide feedback with their wallet to specific employees if service is found lacking. One has to remove all auto-tips if they want to speak with their wallet.


I'm not sure many here would suggest leaving full automatic gratuities if you were to receive service that didnt' justify at least the base auto-gratuity. Now, I am also not sure many here have ever had service from their base staff - dining room, room stew, etc... that justified removing tips. But if so, hey, you are fully justified removing a portion of the tip and the cruise line can distribute however they want. That's just how it works. Hopefully if you were dissatisfied with the service, you would bring it up with guest services and make sure they are aware.

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I would never stoop to the level of complaining to someone's boss. That's just wrong and despicable.


You almost couldn't make this up. It's wrong and despicable to notify management about a poor experience you are having - which is EXACTLY how business works and is supposed to work... but it's not wrong and despicable that you removed wages from these same staff you seemingly are so concerned about. This is laughable. You do know how you are coming off here, right?

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Why don't Carnival, MSC, NCL charge for a 1 year old in these cases? I don't think it is bad for someone to want to base the tip off of actual services necessarily. I think some are being a bit heavy handed in their opposition but I understand the point. Whatever someone elects to do they are within the cruise line rules, so please remember that. If you don't like what someone does, consider that the cruise line should modify their policies.


Just because something is allowed, does not make it right or socially acceptable behavior. They can do it, they won't be arrested for it, they won't be kicked off their cruise for it, but if they wish to publicly announce their behavior, they aren't protected from others ridiculing them for it. That's how free speech works.

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So sorry you feel so bad for the crew. Next time why don't you add a little to your prepaid gratuities to make up for us whom haven't drank the kook-aid. The company execs would just love it.


Me? I couldn't care less about how much the cruise line pays their crew. I will remove the grats and pay as I go along. And believe me after a few days when they know you are a cash paying every meal tipper they provide the best service!


Go ahead keep drinking the kook aid. The whole thing is absurd.


I do add to the standard gratuities. And normally sail in suites, so pay a higher gratuity that most.


Funny, I get GREAT service by just leaving the standard gratuities in place. Not just after a few days.


Most people think you are a cheapskate, and just like you will not change, they will not change their opinion of you.

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You almost couldn't make this up. It's wrong and despicable to notify management about a poor experience you are having - which is EXACTLY how business works and is supposed to work... but it's not wrong and despicable that you removed wages from these same staff you seemingly are so concerned about. This is laughable. You do know how you are coming off here, right?


Depending, I may mention the issue to the employee first, THEN if necessary, mention it to their boss.


It depends on circumstances.

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I do add to the standard gratuities. And normally sail in suites, so pay a higher gratuity that most.


Funny, I get GREAT service by just leaving the standard gratuities in place. Not just after a few days.


Most people think you are a cheapskate, and just like you will not change, they will not change their opinion of you.


Most people? Did you take a poll? Anyway enjoy your cruise and hey, thanks for leaving the tips in place for the cruise line to pay its behind the scenes employees with. Keeps it cheaper for the rest of us.

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Depending, I may mention the issue to the employee first, THEN if necessary, mention it to their boss.


It depends on circumstances.


Yes, of course. Point being that you would go through a normal process, not make up your own as a way to justify screwing underpaid workers out of their wages.


I do wonder if people like this have any understanding of the working conditions? There is literally a charity at Port Everglades that provides services to these workers. I've been to their events, donated, etc. Anyone in the industry is well aware of it and the local businesses very much provide support and help. In other words, many of these workers are in desperate need of charitable support - even for things as simple as calling home and hearing their childrens voice. I believe the Seafarers House helps with thousands of calls home every single day. And it would even occur to people to reduce their wages and come up with excuses to do so? While these low paid workers, away from their families, are doing everything they can to provide for an amazing 7 day vacation. It's despicable behavior.

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