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12-13-18 Thursday Weigh-In.....Happy Holidays!


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Know many celebrate different Holidays

But 12 days to Christmas Day


Seems like you all have done pretty good

Eating all the Holiday food


Some loss's which is great this time of the year

Small gains from what I see.. your loss's are near


Staying the same is fine I think

Just be sure water you drink


Holiday Season is hard to get by with parties, dinners 

Just go with smaller portions and your a winner


Sweets are harder to say..just one small piece or none at all

There so good but can make you stall


Others it might be Holiday drinks they want more than one

Have one then water and say your done


What secrets are you using to help you with your eating now just say

Eating small meals or skipping one here or there from day to day


Any of you give up sweets and drinking for the month that would be nice

Sure that didn't happen....Please give me a piece of cake and a drink with ice:classic_laugh:


No really enjoy your Holiday whatever one you celebrate, with whatever foods

you eat and whatever you drink. JUST Small portions and not to much sweets!

You want a loss on Jan. 2nd 2019..Don't want to lose the same pounds again







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6 minutes ago, Shellbelle28 said:

Great job! When you see that first digit change to a "1" it's so rewarding! 

Thanks Shell!  203 is where I am stuck right now and around 185-190 would be the lightest I've been in over a decade.


We cruise in 106 days so there's still time..   I will not be the guy with the gut hanging over his speedos! ( its just wrong and nobody wants to see that! )


Edited by FlatlandDave
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Belle, Welcome back. We missed you! Thanks for the poem.


I did well this week, lost 2 lbs. 5 more to go to nix my cruise gain.


Pacruise, good staying the same this time of year. 


Dave, great loss. Congrats on gettign to this point.


Shellbelle, 1 lb. is a small gain. 


Have a good day everyone.





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Belle welcome back ... would love to hear about your cruise!  Thanks for the poem.  


I was so afraid I was going to have a gain this week ... but today I am down 1.2# for a total loss of 10.2# ... so far to go ... but step by step it will happen .. and hopefully will get healthier.  Jan

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I'm glad I found this group so I will be checking on Thursday with you guys. Congrats on everyone's success. With this time of year my goal is to just maintaining my lost since there is always something going on. I feel like you need to enjoy life and keep tracking no matter what I eat. My weighed in was yesterday and I'm up .02 but, that's fine and I with try and stay on track until Jan. 1 then work on losing more before we cruise the end of March. 

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I'm also glad I found this page! I've gained weight recently (lost 20 up until about April, then slowly gained it back). I'm 276 days out from our next cruise and want to lose 31lbs from where I'm at currently. I know it's doable, I just have to do it. So I'll be checking in with y'all on here! I need to get better with weekly weigh-ins though, I weigh myself too much. So right now I'll just say I'm down half a pound from yesterday lol.

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I used to weigh myself everyday but, it was to emotional and stressful roller coaster since it could go up or down and sometimes it's just water weight. So now I weigh myself usually half way thru the week just once to see if I'm on track. It's hard at first but, I feel so much better not weighing everyday.

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I weigh my self about every day ... and I need to stop - as others say it can be up or down or up ... so I'm going to start only weighing myself twice per week.  Paula B's suggestion makes a lot of sense 


Stacy - welcome ... I do so understand about the losing of the weight only to gain it back again ... 31# seems doable in the amount of time before your next cruise.  


For myself (it varies for others) ... I plan my meals for the day ... count the calories and then adjust ... I need to do this (and to keep focused) so that I am responsible for myself and losing weight.... once I lose focus I go right back up again.


I have been on these boards since 2003 (oh my ...) .. and seem to do much better when I keep coming to this thread each week ... having others to talk with makes it (a little) easier.  


sigh ... I will be one that always has to be careful about food!!!!  Jan



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Welcome back, Belle.   Sorry I have been MIA for quite some time.  My husband had a stroke a while ago.  I am overwhelmed with all the paperwork and scheduling all of his doctor's appointments as well as his therapy sessions.  He can't drive so I've been taking him to all of his appointments. 


I have no idea where I am with my weight.  Congrats to all of the losers.




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Thank You for the Welcome Backs even though I would still like to be on the ship instead of

being at home in the real life.:classic_sad: Happy to see my "kids" but no one waiting on me, cooking and

cleaning for me. Plus I don't have a different port each day just my old house!:classic_rolleyes:


Had a great time on the ship and the ports on the 25 day Mediterranean Grand  Adventure and

the 20 day Caribbean Cruise. Had good weather in Europe mostly and Hot weather in the Caribbean

80's high and 70's low. Hated to come home to cold weather.

Saw a few new ports as well as ports I've been to. Missed a couple of new ports I wanted to really

see but that how it goes and you just go with the flow. I got to see Kotor, Montenegro and the Azores

which I hadn't seen before. Bought a purse made out of cork in the Azores.


Dave and Pacruise and anyone I missed Thank You for Starting the the Weigh-In each Thursday while I was gone.

Very nice of you so people had a place to come to. Really need it during the Holiday Season to keep track of our eating.


Good news...I did it didn't gain weight on the 45 days! I did have desserts and drinks but mostly ate

two meals a day, you know they give small portions and in Lido tried to do the same and with all the walking

it worked!


Bad news..Since I've been home Friday night I've gained 1 to 2 lbs. I know why but no excuse. Found out

that night my friend was doing a Right To Die on Sunday. Ate my feelings and Wed 12th had my Bunco

Christmas Party, breakfast and lunch with Champagne and Wine. 10 am to 5 pm. Hope it will come off fast.


Rose so sorry about your husband but sounds like he's on the mend. Sorry your kept so busy. Know it

can be tiring. Get some rest your self.


Jan good loss for the season. Yes I believe coming in each week is what helps us to lose but also helps

not to gain to much and if we do, helps us to get right back on track.


Diana great loss this week. You really did good with the Holiday food.


Dave you did a great job this week too.  Happy you made your first goal. Know you'll make your second.


Pacruise staying the same is always a win to me. No gain.


Shellbelle congrats for getting on the scale, know how that is. Bet you'll get it off soon.


Paula that is a very small gain, you'll get it off. Staying the same during the Holiday is my goal.


Stacy Welcome to the weigh-in group. Glad you found us. We're a good group even if I say so myself.

Everyone is friendly and try to help each other with tips and such.


I missed you ALL that's why I tried to come in once in awhile to read what you were doing but as

you know internet doesn't work well on a cruise at times. Slow and some days it goes off.

I'm back now, no plans for cruises at this time!:classic_ohmy:


Hope you all enjoy the next 11 days till Christmas!  Are you ready? I haven't done a thing! Guess I

should get busy, you think?




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17 hours ago, Paula B said:

I'm glad I found this group so I will be checking on Thursday with you guys. Congrats on everyone's success. With this time of year my goal is to just maintaining my lost since there is always something going on. I feel like you need to enjoy life and keep tracking no matter what I eat. My weighed in was yesterday and I'm up .02 but, that's fine and I with try and stay on track until Jan. 1 then work on losing more before we cruise the end of March. 

Good advice, Paula.  I really need to get back to tracking - even if it is a high day - and stay consistent with it.


15 hours ago, xostacylee said:

I'm also glad I found this page! I've gained weight recently (lost 20 up until about April, then slowly gained it back). I'm 276 days out from our next cruise and want to lose 31lbs from where I'm at currently. I know it's doable, I just have to do it. So I'll be checking in with y'all on here! I need to get better with weekly weigh-ins though, I weigh myself too much. So right now I'll just say I'm down half a pound from yesterday lol.

Welcome, Stacy!  I've also been going through a period of gaining after losing.  It's frustrating, but we will get there 🙂 Your goal seems very reasonable.


13 hours ago, Jan_In_Maine said:

I weigh my self about every day ... and I need to stop - as others say it can be up or down or up ... so I'm going to start only weighing myself twice per week.  Paula B's suggestion makes a lot of sense 


Stacy - welcome ... I do so understand about the losing of the weight only to gain it back again ... 31# seems doable in the amount of time before your next cruise.  


For myself (it varies for others) ... I plan my meals for the day ... count the calories and then adjust ... I need to do this (and to keep focused) so that I am responsible for myself and losing weight.... once I lose focus I go right back up again.


I have been on these boards since 2003 (oh my ...) .. and seem to do much better when I keep coming to this thread each week ... having others to talk with makes it (a little) easier.  


sigh ... I will be one that always has to be careful about food!!!!  Jan



Amen, sister 🙂 Meal planning is so good (better health, better tasting food, cost savings) but seemingly so hard to keep up.


12 hours ago, nyer said:

Welcome back, Belle.   Sorry I have been MIA for quite some time.  My husband had a stroke a while ago.  I am overwhelmed with all the paperwork and scheduling all of his doctor's appointments as well as his therapy sessions.  He can't drive so I've been taking him to all of his appointments. 


I have no idea where I am with my weight.  Congrats to all of the losers.




{{{Rose}}} Praying for you and your husband.  


{{{Belle}}} prayers for you and your friend too.


My dad is down visiting this weekend and he has been doing an AWESOME job this year getting healthy.  He's lost 60# and is walking 3 miles most days (at Easter he couldn't walk 1/4 mile without being out of breath).  He looks at least 10 years younger, I'm so proud of him taking care of his health ❤️ A1C has dropped significantly and he has greatly reduced his insulin dependence (type 2 diabetic).  At 76 he is proof that it is never too late to change your lifestyle and improve your health 😄 

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That's awesome about your Dad congrats to him. My health is one of my whys for losing weight. When I started I was even walking with my cane because of my surgery on my foot and the weight was making a long recovery. Since starting I've come off all my arthritis medicine, anti depressant and cutting my blood pressure medicine in half. Today I have my physical and hoping to to come off my blood pressure meds then I will be free of taking anything. It's amazing how much losing weight can affect your physical and mental health. Have a great day everyone.

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3 hours ago, Paula B said:

That's awesome about your Dad congrats to him. My health is one of my whys for losing weight. When I started I was even walking with my cane because of my surgery on my foot and the weight was making a long recovery. Since starting I've come off all my arthritis medicine, anti depressant and cutting my blood pressure medicine in half. Today I have my physical and hoping to to come off my blood pressure meds then I will be free of taking anything. It's amazing how much losing weight can affect your physical and mental health. Have a great day everyone.

Getting off my blood pressure meds was one of the reasons I started trying to lose weight... Good Luck Paula hope the doc says its ok to quit the meds!

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Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening depending on your time zone.

Everyone getting busy for the Holidays? See some haven't posted this week.


It's getting harder for me to get in the Christmas spirit. Another friend

has died. He was a very good friend of my husband. So bringing back

memories. I know it's the circle of life but don't have to like it. Sorry for

families who have to go though this at Christmas. There's never a good time

but happening at Christmas just seems to makes it harder.


So please give everyone a big hug and kiss this Christmas (really all year long)

Tell them you love them. Best Christmas Gift You Can Give!


Hope your all having a good weekend whatever your doing..shopping, decorating.

cleaning house, (me ..humbug) going to or having a party. Enjoy your family and friends.





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Welcome to the newcomers. We enjoy having more folks on the thread. 


Rose, so sorry about your husband's stroke. I can only imagine how difficult it is caring for him. Will be thinking of you.


Belle, wow, no gain in all those days of cruising, all I can say is......I bow to you oh master.......


Sorry to hear about another death. That's so hard. 


Take care everyone. Diana





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Hi all!


Belle ~ welcome back! That's great no weight gain after so many days of cruising!


Jan ~ you're doing great! Looks like you met the challenge!


Rose ~ sorry to hear about your husband. Sure hope he gets better soon.


Well, I'm pretty excited that I didn't lose or gain last week! Funny how you think you'll be down & are up, then think you'll be up & no change!! I don't get it!


Hope you're having a nice weekend. Bright & sunny here but chilly. 14 Swans are swimming out back.


~ Jo ~ ☺️



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Belle - my sympathy on another loss 💔 The holidays can certainly be bittersweet at times.  At my children's school Christmas concert two sisters did a solo in honor of their brother that passed a few years ago.  The essence of the song was that while they miss him being with them, they are happy for him where he is now with no suffering.  I hope you can find some comfort this season too {{hugs}}.


Paula - Great job so far with the health improvements!  Best wishes for getting off another medication. 


Dad has a physical next month and will hopefully figure out a solution to one of his meds - he has to take something for a-fib that lowers blood pressure, but his bp is getting very low with exercise now too.  He will try to get another sleep test done and possibly get off his CPAP machine ❤️ 


Jo - that made me smile that the 7-swans-a-swimming each have a partner 🙂 


We did pretty good this weekend with meals (thanks in no small part to cooking better for Dad), but this week is going to be rough with parties.  We did semi-splurge on our "Christmas" meal, but kept portions small.  I found my Mom's recipe for zucchini cake and made it for our dessert.  I never liked zucchini as a kid but always loved that cake and was thrilled to find the recipe.  It's actually sort of healthy for a dessert too 😉 


Have a great week everyone!

Edited by pacruise804
week - not weekend
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Thanks Diana and Jo.  It's great I didn't gain on cruise but wish I could lose weight as well at home

as not gaining on a cruise.  You know what I mean.

Right now I'm not being as good as I should be but I'm trying. Remember the Challenge? My problem

did I say it ended Jan. 3rd or Jan. 10th? Now my goal is to have no gain, I know it should be a loss.


Hope everyone had a nice weekend and has a nice week. Wish more of you will come in and say Hello.

Remember don't care if your not doing as good as you want. If you stay away it could get worse.

If your doing well you can help us all tell us how your doing it. We miss you.

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Hello everyone out there!  Come in and say Hello!






O...One day at a time



E...Every family

R...Roasted turkey

R..Red and White candy canes

Y...Yule Log




R...Red and Green





A...Apples and Oranges










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