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Celebrity LBGTQ now completly Friendly


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32 minutes ago, zitsky said:


OMG!  The cruise line is so intolerant of my religion by allowing people to eat pork.  Let's start a boycott!


In many parts of the world you can't get pork products - at breakfast you will get beef bacon and chicken sausages - awful stuff 🤢



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1 hour ago, Paulras said:

And about half of the world's population follow a religion that doesn't allow pork to be eaten but you don't see people walking out of the dining room when there's bacon on the breakfast menu. 


 I do not think anybody is opposed to sailing with LGBTQ people.

There are mentions of LGBTQ (Friends of Dorothy?) groups in every Daily planner. Don't ever remember about problems with that too.

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34 minutes ago, Tatka said:


 I do not think anybody is opposed to sailing with LGBTQ people.

There are mentions of LGBTQ (Friends of Dorothy?) groups in every Daily planner. Don't ever remember about problems with that too.

See above

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50 minutes ago, Tatka said:


 I do not think anybody is opposed to sailing with LGBTQ people.

There are mentions of LGBTQ (Friends of Dorothy?) groups in every Daily planner. Don't ever remember about problems with that too.


I think perhaps anyone (mdpa) talking about "sin" might just perhaps have an issue.

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33 minutes ago, Paulras said:

See above


I read whole topic.There is a difference between just sailing and sailing and engaging in some public activities which are not so exciting for others.  )))


I will explain. American society is mostly conservative even in more liberal states. We moved from the country in Eastern Europe where speedos were regular swimwear for men. Here it is frown upon on regular men. Strings are even more. My relatives have adjusted to that and started wearing long swimming shorts even though it’s not as comfortable to swim in them. US is also not known for something like South American carnivals with open, dirty dancing for any orientation straight or gay, so I can see why certain events can be not as endearing as one might think. So it’s not LGBTQ as a group, but just certain events. Events in which even many LGBTQ not so eager to participate. 

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3 hours ago, mdpa said:

Seems like quite a few intolerant people in this thread. I don't care for any segregation of groups, and not a fan of PRIDE events or supposedly LGBTQRSTUV friendly events. For many religions homosexuality is a sin so it is equivalent to having an event with only adulterers or liars allowed.


That doesn't mean they are intolerant, and I would also be offended if I paid money for a cruise and they had a special event with the captain just for men, or married couples, etc. IMHO political objectives shouldn't be pushed on this forum or on a cruise line.


Yes, it does. They aren’t tolerant, which means they are intolerant. I’m intolerant. I’m intolerant of those that hide behind some religious text to discriminate against a group or to insist some group hide away - back into the closet all of you!!


I’m a divorced man and that specific religion you are referring to states I can only divorce if my spouse committed adultery. She didn’t. So according to that 2000+ year old piece of text, since I’m remarried, I’m committing adultery. So I guess I shouldn’t join in on any event that also includes other divorcees, unmarried couples ‘shacking up’, and oh yes, pork eaters!!


So much of this is more clearly put in this way: “Oh, I’m not intolerant, I just don’t want to see or hear or even sense something I don’t like. And somewhere on My ship there is a group I don’t approve of having fun in a way I don’t like so that shouldn’t be allowed.” 


There isn’t “quite a few intolerant people” on this thread, just those that call out those that are, which can be a bit embarrassing when someone types something as silly as ”LGBTQRSTUV”, a strong indicator of their position in all of this. 


And as to being offended if there was a special event for men or unmarried couples, there are those events on every cruise. It’s just a few get bothered when it’s a group they don’t approve of. There’s Veterans gatherings, AA groups, heck there’s even a group most all don’t like that meet up and sometimes the Capt attends, it’s those Cruise Critic Types.....oh the horror of it all!!!


I give up on this.






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23 minutes ago, Tatka said:


I read whole topic.There is a difference between just sailing and sailing and engaging in some public activities which are not so exciting for others.  )))


I will explain. American society is mostly conservative even in more liberal states. We moved from the country in Eastern Europe where speedos were regular swimwear for men. Here it is frown upon on regular men. Strings are even more. My relatives have adjusted to that and started wearing long swimming shorts even though it’s not as comfortable to swim in them. US is also not known for something like South American carnivals with open, dirty dancing for any orientation straight or gay, so I can see why certain events can be not as endearing as one might think. So it’s not LGBTQ as a group, but just certain events. Events in which even many LGBTQ not so eager to participate. 


Are we talking about the US generation that grew up in the 1960s?  I lived in London in the 80s and still recall being surprised how open places like San Francisco were compared with other places (including London) I had traveled to. To New Orleans  and Bourbon Street with drunken revelry in the street and this wasn't Mardi Gras

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4 hours ago, mdpa said:

Seems like quite a few intolerant people in this thread. I don't care for any segregation of groups, and not a fan of PRIDE events or supposedly LGBTQRSTUV friendly events. For many religions homosexuality is a sin so it is equivalent to having an event with only adulterers or liars allowed.


That doesn't mean they are intolerant...and I would also be offended if I paid money for a cruise and they had a special event with the captain just for men, or married couples, etc. IMHO political objectives shouldn't be pushed on this forum or on a cruise line.

Apparently it is. But you'd be best emailing the vatican and other religious leaders and reminding them of that rather than a forum full of cruisers. :) 

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Growing up, we went to a church that was very conservative.  One Sunday, the new preacher included a diatribe about divorce in his sermon, saying that anyone who was divorced could not serve the church in a leadership position.  An emergency meeting was called that afternoon so that he could meet all of the divorcees of the church.  This group included the associate pastor and music minister as well as the church pianist and 3/4 of the deacons.  He essentially would have not had a congregation left were he to stick to his beliefs, so of course his supposedly strict convictions quickly evolved & he ended up giving a public apology to keep people from fleeing elsewhere.  One of the reasons why I don't lend much credence to those who cite their religious beliefs as the end-all, be-all it is always thrown around as.

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7 minutes ago, DYKWIA said:


Are we talking about the US generation that grew up in the 1960s?  I lived in London in the 80s and still recall being surprised how open places like San Francisco were compared with other places (including London) I had traveled to.


 Maybe San Francisco is different. I live in Massachusetts and in US (since 1996) which in my estimation is far from conservative state.


 I don't see many straight men in speedos... (if any). I do not see topless much less nude sunbathing. I do not see unisex saunas.

I do not see many things which exist in some/many countries ... and suddenly people expect to be excited about these events. I understand why some/many are not. I don't blame them too.


 I know many (most) people are completely OK with legality of marriage, adoptions etc, but not some events. I am not talking solidarity events with flags, but some other stuff which often goes on.

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4 minutes ago, Tatka said:


 Maybe San Francisco is different. I live in Massachusetts and in US (since 1996) which in my estimation is far from conservative state.


 I don't see many straight men in speedos... (if any). I do not see topless much less nude sunbathing. I do not see unisex saunas.

I do not see many things which exist in some/many countries ... and suddenly people expect to be excited about these events. I understand why some/many are not. I don't blame them too.


 I know many (most) people are completely OK with legality of marriage, adoptions etc, but not some events. I am not talking solidarity events with flags, but some other stuff which often goes on.


Plenty of threads on CC about tipping and the general consensus from folk in the US is that's the way it is on ships, get with the programme or go elsewhere,.  


The vast majority of cruise ships are sailing outside the USA, increasingly appealing to a more diverse, international crowd, some who wear speedos (don't know whether these are straight men, never conducted a survey).  The cruise companies, based in the US, have made it clear they embrace a more diverse crowd.  Time to get with the programme or go elsewhere.  

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37 minutes ago, Tatka said:


I read whole topic.There is a difference between just sailing and sailing and engaging in some public activities which are not so exciting for others.  )))



I couldn’t care less but others don’t feel that way and feelit doesn’t need to be celebrated around others." 


"I'm not too keen about being on a cruise where there are big, group-focused LGBT parades and p ar ti e s ." 


"not a fan of PRIDE events or supposedly LGBTQRSTUV friendly events" 


"I have no issues with anyones lifestyle/political/views except when they push it in front of me" 


In other words, they have a problem with there being any mention of an event including the daily get together. And adding RSTUV is just trying to be an as***le

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1 minute ago, DYKWIA said:


Plenty of threads on CC about tipping and the general consensus from folk in the US is that's the way it is on ships, get with the programme or go elsewhere,.  


The vast majority of cruise ships are sailing outside the USA, increasingly appealing to a more diverse, international crowd, some who wear speedos (don't know whether these are straight men, never conducted a survey).  The cruise companies, based in the US, have made it clear they embrace a more diverse crowd.  Time to get with the programme or go elsewhere.  


 Maybe.. but till society becomes more open about straight sexuality I don't see the end of these discussions.

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5 minutes ago, Paulras said:

I couldn’t care less but others don’t feel that way and feelit doesn’t need to be celebrated around others." 


"I'm not too keen about being on a cruise where there are big, group-focused LGBT parades and p ar ti e s ." 


"not a fan of PRIDE events or supposedly LGBTQRSTUV friendly events" 


"I have no issues with anyones lifestyle/political/views except when they push it in front of me" 


In other words, they have a problem with there being any mention of an event including the daily get together. And adding RSTUV is just trying to be an as***le


 They do not mean mentions in dailies about get together. Two very different things.

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5 minutes ago, zitsky said:


Then what do "they" mean?


I'd think they don't like some events similar to Atlantis events with particular celebrations, dancing/moves and such. At least in common places like pool deck etc.

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This is an example of exchange in this very thread


On 6/20/2019 at 3:48 PM, tallnthensome said:

I couldn’t care less but and on the other hand, why do you think people should be keen on any LGBT parades aboard?  Debinantigu’s comment was not inappropriate  and has every right to her opinion. In fact, I would bet that the majority of non LGBT passengers would not want to be  on a ship with parades and parties of this type. I have zero issues with gay people or gay cruisers but it seems to me any more that those who are spend more time forcing or suggesting others accept it now-a-days then those who are against it spend resisting it. There are many people that don’t like or accept that lifestyle no matter what,  maybe the OP, and that includes when they are on a cruise. Again, I couldn’t care less but others don’t feel that way and feel it doesn’t need to be celebrated around others. 


You seem open minded. Are you worried that someone's glitter might fall on you, and then people will think you are one of them?

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6 minutes ago, zitsky said:


Riiight... I have no problems with LGBT cruisers except when they do XYZ.


Yes. This is exactly that.

 I have friends who are nudists, but I am not sure everybody on the ship will be excited to see them having Nude events.


 I am not sure people will welcome religious events near the pool or some other events not geared to common public either.


This does not mean people are against nudists or followers of particular religion.

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6 minutes ago, zitsky said:


Riiight... I have no problems with LGBT cruisers except when they do XYZ.



I used to work with a lesbian. I really wish she was on this thread. She'd tell us all that she has no issues with straight people, it's just what we do that disgusts her......  

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Just now, Mynki said:



I used to work with a lesbian. I really wish she was on this thread. She'd tell us all that she has no issues with straight people, it's just what we do that disgusts her......  


What exactly do we do?

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19 minutes ago, Tatka said:

I'd think they don't like some events similar to Atlantis events with particular celebrations, dancing/moves and such. At least in common places like pool deck etc.


The OP was talking about the existence of gay people on the ship.  So far, I've not seen or heard about any bacchanals being thrown on cruises open to the general public, so I'm still unsure what your concern is.

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3 minutes ago, bEwAbG said:


The OP was talking about the existence of gay people on the ship.  So far, I've not seen or heard about any bacchanals being thrown on cruises open to the general public, so I'm still unsure what your concern is.


I do not know OP, maybe she meant something else, but I tried to re-read her original message. She asked what was a difference between friendly and completely friendly? Ever since we started cruising in 2003 I too thought friendly was a default. Please check my post #96 and several around. This discussion evolved into more than just discussion about presence.

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3 minutes ago, Mynki said:


Well I knew not everyone would get her humour but I wasn't quite expecting that....  😁


I know exactly what she meant.

I just do not understand how it is related to this discussion.


You know what I mean, right? 😉

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