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Platinum gift


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28 minutes ago, jimbo5544 said:

You are on a roll today.... we have not agreed this much since Bob Dickerson was running the show 

I’ve been learning from your wisdom over the years. 

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5 hours ago, jimbo5544 said:

If you think that “complaining” about a free gift to GS is the right thing to do, you would be wrong....... they have no impact on the picking of the gift, nor the distribution.  That said, you answered your own question, the way to let the company know is thru the email survey at the end of the cruise.  At the end of the day, the diamond platinum gift has always been a thing that the company gives as a token with the company logo on it.  Think of it as a a little free advertising that others could see AFTER the cruise.  If someone does not like it, simply say no thanks to the RS when it is delivered,  When and if it changes is not going to be changed by someone on CC thinking by their action it will”end” sooner.


Well... no. I’m not wrong. Having 20,000 posts on CC does not make you right. Voracious,  maybe, but not right. We simply have a difference in opinion, and I am no more “wrong” than you are. 


To assume that letting GS know that you don’t like something has no impact is certainly selling them short. Telling your Maitre ‘d that you are unhappy with menu changes would be the same thing. They may not decide what is on the menu, but I would wager that their input to corporate is certainly heard. As would, I’d wager, the input from GS to corporate. If I’m wrong, nothing is really lost. If I’m right, then much is to be gained.


Yes, making your opinion known on the survey is ONE way of doing it. It might, or might not, be the most effective way... I don’t think any of us know for sure. But why should people be limited to only one option?  Letting your voice be heard in multiple forums (I’m not referring to internet “forums” or “boards), would seem to be more effective than just one outlet. Again, what did the poster lose by letting GS know that the lanyard is not their gift of choice?


One thing we do agree on is that Carnival uses the logo gift as a form of advertising. To that end, it certainly behooves them to make sure that the item is being used and that their logo is out in the public eye. If the item is thrown in a drawer, or not worn by most of the people it was given to, then their goal is not achieved. Knowing this only makes their choices better. They gave out a backpack. It was very popular and people used it. So, a few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They gave out a collapsible cooler. People used it and their logo was out out there. A few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They also gave out a note pad and pen set. People did not seem to like it or use it much. They have not repeated that item. ALSO a good choice. If people don’t let them know that this item will not be used much, and therefore their logo will not being seen, then they may decide to bring it back again in the future. I, and many many others, would rather they didn’t do that. 


I don't know about you, but I don’t hang around my cabin all that much. I can’t think of a single time, in all these years,  that I have been around when my gift was delivered. So if I were to “refuse” it, to whom should I refuse it? If I didn’t want it, to whom should I give it back? To Guest Services maybe??? So we are back to them...


Finally, I don’t think the poster, or I have said anything about “ending” it sooner. The DP gifts are purchased in advance, in large quantities. But letting your voice be heard MAY prevent future purchases of the same ilk, or (if they actually do this - I don’t know) reordering said item. That’s why letting them know is important. If you are referring to my tongue in check closing comment, well, simple logic tell us that I am right. As there is a finite number of lanyards, giving them back means not depleting the stock as quickly.



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5 hours ago, Sparky2 said:


By the time you reach Platinum, you already have a lanyard or don't want one and carry your S&S card in your pocket.


I have a small black purse/wallet on a string around my neck which has clear sleeve for S & S card + 2 zippers on back - one for folded bills & smaller one for change.

This is me.  No flames please, but I smoke & carry a small bag to hold my smokes & S&S card.  It works for me.  But I'm ready to receive 2 lanyards next month.

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Could someone who has this lanyard post a picture of it?  I just have it stuck in my head that it's a really cheap and cheap-looking thing. I hope I'm wrong. Either way, I won't use it, but then I don't spend my hard-earned money to buy a cheap free gift. I spend it on the cruise experience.

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8 hours ago, Stick93 said:

I agree with all you said just not over the free gift. 


Next time you get a gift from someone and don’t like it - give it back and complain how much you wanted something else. 


The truth is that the gift is a nice gesture. If you don’t like it write about it on the survey - but if your trip is good and they staff have you great service and you used all your other platinum perks.... I am not sure what you complain about. 


Here is a different thought. If you don’t like the gift - maybe go to the front desk and return all your perks. Than stick it to them by getting off the ship - that would really show them! 


Well, yes and no. Remember, the DP gift is not just a “gift” (even tho that’s what it’s called), it’s actually a stated perk given to DPs. So if your “free” laundry comes back stained or terribly wrinkled you should just not say anything because it’s a gift? Shhhh, don’t say anything... it was a freebie and you should just accept it and move on??? That seems a tad bit silly to me.  Free or not, you are offering to do my laundry, and if it’s done poorly... I’m going to let you know. 


Actually, yes, If I went to a Christmas gift exchange with a gift, and I received a dog brush (I don't have a dog) in exchange, yes, I would certainly see if someone wanted to exchange it, and I might say something to the organizer about giving ideas on next year’s flyer. That’s how people improve service, by knowing where improvement is needed.


I do wish people would stop overreacting to complaints. Telling the waiter and the Maitre ‘d that my lasagna was overcooked and dry is not the same as telling them that my MDR experience was completely ruined. Asking them to exchange it for a better one is not the same as telling them that my meals were awful. That one dish was bad. It happens. Telling them is a good thing. Improvements come from knowledge. Pretending that I’ve destroyed their lives or assuming that my whole cruise was ruined because of it is nonsense. Why would you all overreact to this simple, and useful complaint? 


Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?





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7 minutes ago, xbatt8 said:


Well, yes and no. Remember, the DP gift is not just a “gift” (even tho that’s what it’s called), it’s actually a stated perk given to DPs. So if your “free” laundry comes back stained or terribly wrinkled you should just not say anything because it’s a gift? Shhhh, don’t say anything... it was a freebie and you should just accept it and move on??? That seems a tad bit silly to me.  Free or not, you are offering to do my laundry, and if it’s done poorly... I’m going to let you know. 


Actually, yes, If I went to a Christmas gift exchange with a gift, and I received a dog brush (I don't have a dog) in exchange, yes, I would certainly see if someone wanted to exchange it, and I might say something to the organizer about giving ideas on next year’s flyer. That’s how people improve service, by knowing where improvement is needed.


I do wish people would stop overreacting to complaints. Telling the waiter and the Maitre ‘d that my lasagna was overcooked and dry is not the same as telling them that my MDR experience was completely ruined. Asking them to exchange it for a better one is not the same as telling them that my meals were awful. That one dish was bad. It happens. Telling them is a good thing. Improvements come from knowledge. Pretending that I’ve destroyed their lives or assuming that my whole cruise was ruined because of it is nonsense. Why would you all overreact to this simple, and useful complaint? 


Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?





I don’t agree with this logic on the gift but if you want to run it to GS and give them suggestions on the next gift - I think you should.


Carnival makes plenty of errors and I like you consider  them as my first choice in cruising. I feel many things can be improved but I am not understanding the gift return and complain. That’s just me. 


Show me the lanyard!!!! (In a Jerry McGuire way)

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I have a B2B coming up next month, and I’m pretty much expecting to get 2 lanyards. I don’t wear lanyards, but I have 2 grandchildren, so it works out perfect. If people don’t like the gifts, put them in your donation bags at home. One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.

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4 hours ago, xbatt8 said:


Well... no. I’m not wrong. Having 20,000 posts on CC does not make you right. Voracious,  maybe, but not right. We simply have a difference in opinion, and I am no more “wrong” than you are. 


To assume that letting GS know that you don’t like something has no impact is certainly selling them short. Telling your Maitre ‘d that you are unhappy with menu changes would be the same thing. They may not decide what is on the menu, but I would wager that their input to corporate is certainly heard. As would, I’d wager, the input from GS to corporate. If I’m wrong, nothing is really lost. If I’m right, then much is to be gained.


Yes, making your opinion known on the survey is ONE way of doing it. It might, or might not, be the most effective way... I don’t think any of us know for sure. But why should people be limited to only one option?  Letting your voice be heard in multiple forums (I’m not referring to internet “forums” or “boards), would seem to be more effective than just one outlet. Again, what did the poster lose by letting GS know that the lanyard is not their gift of choice?


One thing we do agree on is that Carnival uses the logo gift as a form of advertising. To that end, it certainly behooves them to make sure that the item is being used and that their logo is out in the public eye. If the item is thrown in a drawer, or not worn by most of the people it was given to, then their goal is not achieved. Knowing this only makes their choices better. They gave out a backpack. It was very popular and people used it. So, a few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They gave out a collapsible cooler. People used it and their logo was out out there. A few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They also gave out a note pad and pen set. People did not seem to like it or use it much. They have not repeated that item. ALSO a good choice. If people don’t let them know that this item will not be used much, and therefore their logo will not being seen, then they may decide to bring it back again in the future. I, and many many others, would rather they didn’t do that. 


I don't know about you, but I don’t hang around my cabin all that much. I can’t think of a single time, in all these years,  that I have been around when my gift was delivered. So if I were to “refuse” it, to whom should I refuse it? If I didn’t want it, to whom should I give it back? To Guest Services maybe??? So we are back to them...


Finally, I don’t think the poster, or I have said anything about “ending” it sooner. The DP gifts are purchased in advance, in large quantities. But letting your voice be heard MAY prevent future purchases of the same ilk, or (if they actually do this - I don’t know) reordering said item. That’s why letting them know is important. If you are referring to my tongue in check closing comment, well, simple logic tell us that I am right. As there is a finite number of lanyards, giving them back means not depleting the stock as quickly.



Nothing wrong with disagreeing.  My post count makes nothing more right or wrong than whatever you have.  I do not believe that GS has anything to do with setting the gifts, yesterday day, today or tomorrow.  We can disagree with the vehicle to let the cruise line know your thoughts.  At the end of the day they will do what they want when they want.  I cannot disagree with the supply on your last point, but supply will not decided when they move on, it will be whe they decide tot come up with a new gift.

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22 hours ago, xbatt8 said:


Well, yes and no. Remember, the DP gift is not just a “gift” (even tho that’s what it’s called), it’s actually a stated perk given to DPs. So if your “free” laundry comes back stained or terribly wrinkled you should just not say anything because it’s a gift? Shhhh, don’t say anything... it was a freebie and you should just accept it and move on??? That seems a tad bit silly to me.  Free or not, you are offering to do my laundry, and if it’s done poorly... I’m going to let you know. 


Actually, yes, If I went to a Christmas gift exchange with a gift, and I received a dog brush (I don't have a dog) in exchange, yes, I would certainly see if someone wanted to exchange it, and I might say something to the organizer about giving ideas on next year’s flyer. That’s how people improve service, by knowing where improvement is needed.


I do wish people would stop overreacting to complaints. Telling the waiter and the Maitre ‘d that my lasagna was overcooked and dry is not the same as telling them that my MDR experience was completely ruined. Asking them to exchange it for a better one is not the same as telling them that my meals were awful. That one dish was bad. It happens. Telling them is a good thing. Improvements come from knowledge. Pretending that I’ve destroyed their lives or assuming that my whole cruise was ruined because of it is nonsense. Why would you all overreact to this simple, and useful complaint? 


Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?





Bob - I agree that no one has the right to say you're wrong.  At the same time, as someone who worked GS (we were referred to as Pursers back in the day) on several ships, I have to tell you that most people who come up to the desk to make "suggestions" treat the people at the desk as the culprit.  I hope that you are courteous when you voice your opinion.  I've not only been on the receiving end of really angry passengers back in the day, but I've also witnessed these people taking a lot of crap from passengers on may ships.  I think maybe that's where people are coming from. 


You're not wrong that companies should appreciate suggestions on ways to improve, but I just think that the people working GS have a lot going on and are very busy.  I personally wouldn't bother them with giving them back a gift you don't want, but as long as you are courteous and make your suggestions without acting as if the person at the desk is "at fault", I get why you might think that GS is the best place to go.

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Well the lanyard looked OK to me as far as lanyards go. I just mere gold and I appreciate the free bottle of water so I guess I am easy to please. I have never heard of a platinum or diamond gift that was good enough to entice me to keep cruising with a particular line to reach that status for the gift. If I find value in that company's product to patronize them to the extent I reach that level then whatever they want to leave laying as a gift is just a bonus. 

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2 hours ago, mumofsons said:

honestly, after seeing a picture of the lanyard - I don't think it's that bad. This coming from someone who's husband loved the croc visor😎😀

LOL, I actually laughed out loud.... easily the most unique plat gift on the long list.

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On 8/11/2019 at 4:18 PM, xbatt8 said:


Well, yes and no. Remember, the DP gift is not just a “gift” (even tho that’s what it’s called), it’s actually a stated perk given to DPs. So if your “free” laundry comes back stained or terribly wrinkled you should just not say anything because it’s a gift? Shhhh, don’t say anything... it was a freebie and you should just accept it and move on??? That seems a tad bit silly to me.  Free or not, you are offering to do my laundry, and if it’s done poorly... I’m going to let you know. 


Actually, yes, If I went to a Christmas gift exchange with a gift, and I received a dog brush (I don't have a dog) in exchange, yes, I would certainly see if someone wanted to exchange it, and I might say something to the organizer about giving ideas on next year’s flyer. That’s how people improve service, by knowing where improvement is needed.


I do wish people would stop overreacting to complaints. Telling the waiter and the Maitre ‘d that my lasagna was overcooked and dry is not the same as telling them that my MDR experience was completely ruined. Asking them to exchange it for a better one is not the same as telling them that my meals were awful. That one dish was bad. It happens. Telling them is a good thing. Improvements come from knowledge. Pretending that I’ve destroyed their lives or assuming that my whole cruise was ruined because of it is nonsense. Why would you all overreact to this simple, and useful complaint? 


Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?





You paid a thousands of dollars for that free gift


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On 8/11/2019 at 4:18 PM, xbatt8 said:

Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?




Our views are definitely different in this area. It’s not my job to let a company know what they need to do to improve. There are way too many options available out there wherever you spend your money on cruises, hotels, restaurants, bars, stores, etc.  If I have a bad experience with any company, I take my business else where. I am not big in giving a company a second chance when there are so many other options out there. To me it would be foolish to keep giving money to a company who you believe makes mistakes. 

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46 minutes ago, PhillyFan33579 said:


Our views are definitely different in this area. It’s not my job to let a company know what they need to do to improve. There are way too many options available out there wherever you spend your money on cruises, hotels, restaurants, bars, stores, etc.  If I have a bad experience with any company, I take my business else where. I am not big in giving a company a second chance when there are so many other options out there. To me it would be foolish to keep giving money to a company who you believe makes mistakes. 


Hope you realize this post  is all over a free gift of a lanyard - nothing to do with service. expectation or the money you spent on the cruise. If you want to stop cruising Carnival over your plat/diamond gift you have that right but I doubt a different line will meet your expectations. 


We all agree if you don't get the service or level of vacation expectation for the money spent its a whole other story. 

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1 hour ago, jmcathome said:

You paid a thousands of dollars for that free gift


Or another way to look at is they paid for the cruise and the “gift” is a gift a small sign and a thank you for their loyalty.  

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43 minutes ago, Stick93 said:


Hope you realize this post  is all over a free gift of a lanyard - nothing to do with service. expectation or the money you spent on the cruise. If you want to stop cruising Carnival over your plat/diamond gift you have that right but I doubt a different line will meet your expectations. 


We all agree if you don't get the service or level of vacation expectation for the money spent its a whole other story. 


I was responding to a poster who basically said why doesn’t everyone complain to Carnival like he does. Where in my post did  I say anything bad about Carnival?  I cruise on Carnival because I have had a good time on all 30 cruises I have on Carnival so far.  I currently have 17 cruises booked on Carnival thru April 2021 and don’t have any plans to stop cruising on Carnival. 

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1 hour ago, PhillyFan33579 said:


I was responding to a poster who basically said why doesn’t everyone complain to Carnival like he does. Where in my post did  I say anything bad about Carnival?  I cruise on Carnival because I have had a good time on all 30 cruises I have on Carnival so far.  I currently have 17 cruises booked on Carnival thru April 2021 and don’t have any plans to stop cruising on Carnival. 

Correct - I misread. That comment is for that person as well. 


Enjoy your cruises. 

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4 hours ago, jimbo5544 said:

Or another way to look at is they paid for the cruise and the “gift” is a gift a small sign and a thank you for their loyalty.  

But the only reason o go on these cruises is for the gift. LOL

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