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Self Guided Walking Tour of Old San Juan


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4 hours ago, luv2travl131 said:


Just received your link to the three amigos in San Juan. Just like to say you did a fabulous job putting this walking map together and will save so much time doing my own research for our trip in February 2020 .

Thanks again  



Thank you Chris. When I mentioned it here at CruiseCritic I didn't imagine so many people would be interested, but I am glad to share it (as I said early in the thread, it has been so much work that it is more worthwhile to know others are also able to use it). I hope San Juan doesn't keep toying with passageways but at least if something changes there isn't a long way to walk around it usually 🙂


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Request to 12/22/19 have been added - you didn’t receive your email it doesn’t mean it’s not there so make sure to check your shared files folder in Google drive/maps 😊


please make sure to go back and read the basic info post about the tour and also the recent note regarding changes (posted during Dec 2019).

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On 8/29/2019 at 6:35 PM, AlohaLivin said:




Glad to share! :classic_smile:  As I said in our roll call, it was far too much work for so few people to benefit. I can't say it's ready for Google apps or anything, but it isn't bad (it's super hard planning and laying out the route in such a small area - thank goodness for Google Earth so I could try to 'see" where the usual map was not helpful).  There is an alt route in the file (which cuts off the end of the tour in case someone has just had enough). It's only a few miles total so that is a good thing!


The food I had really researched (I mean why go to another country and not sample the fare?!). I couldn't add everything (but I wanted to), but a place with every kind of cocoa food and beverage is there, one of the top bars in the world is also - I have tried to add images and information for each "stop" that you can click on to "read more." Some of the more highly rated shops and shopping areas are added too (luckily they are close in with other stops). 


I hope that it helps! I am sending them out now, so if you don't get it for some reason please let me know. 🐠


@Embem  - Where do you want me to send yours? :-)


P.S. My understanding is that this map can be used offline (I think you download it to your phone to do that). But for those who end up paying extra for PR, this should help a lot (some of the ones I found required being connected and I wasn't willing to pay that extra charge!)

Hi there - I would love to have access to your map as well. My daughter and I will have several days in San Juan prior to our B2B in June. We're staying in OSJ specifically so we can enjoy the area. Please send if possible to suellen dot j dot b at gmail dot com. thanks so much!

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48 minutes ago, Mistyoneil76 said:

We used this walking tour last week and it was awesome!!!!!!


I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed it!  One thing it doesn't show is just how upwardly sloped the old town is and it's not an easy trek in places. But then one can skip what they need (I know we skipped a few things to head to the chocolate bar LOL).


For all those recently added - PLEASE read the last info about the tour here in the thread and also the update I made a couple of weeks ago. Happy sailing!


And Merry Christmas or whatever holiday that you celebrate this time of year. 🙂

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REVISED USER INFORMATION (12/28/10) for the 
>>> I am glad to share the tour, but please make sure that the email address that you provide is associated with a Google account since Google will reject it otherwise - that way I don’t waste time trying to share with someone who isn’t able to share. Thank you!  

1.   I added a description and a photo for each stop (just click on the stop icon/letter to open them). This way you have the historical background and location information readily available to you (and can completely annoy your teenagers by reading it to them aloud 😉


2.   To create the tour I thoroughly researched Old San Juan looking for what I thought were the most worthwhile historical stops, the most interesting cultural stops, and a variety of the best and most authentic food, drink, and shopping options available (at least by the preponderance of the “review” evidence and our personal experiences). Note - the food stops exclude any expensive dining options.


3.   The route is around 3 miles in total.  You can break it up however you wish, take as many breaks as needed or skip parts that are not of interest to you. Regardless, please note that the incline in Old San Juan from the port to the northern boundary is on a rather steep incline and there are  many uneven, cobblestone streets.  And, the only shade tends to be only indoors.  Therefore, I highly recommend that visitors complete the first portion of the tour in earlier or cooler hours if possible.


4.   You may or may not arrive at the same exact cruise port as noted on the map, but it will be very close by no matter which port is used.


5.   There is a portion of the map shown as “Castillo San Felipe del Morro.” This section of the tour has multiple parts as the “Faro del Castillo” is in front of you at that point and the “Bastion de San Antonio”, the “Patio del Morro Castle”, and the “Capilla del Cementerio Santa María” are all to the right side of this area (bordering the northern section by the sea). Please be aware that these were not possible to add to the tour because of Google issues but please note them on your journey.

6.   Near the end of the tour you will reach the “Paseo de la Princesa” (a beautiful statue and fountain on the SW part of old San Juan. The directions/map letters will seem to have a gap there and that is because Google maps refused to acknowledge that the paved section accesses the road (also called Paseo de la Princesa).  The Paseo de la Princesa walkway follows the curved walls on the south side of Old San Juan and connects the port where the cruise ships dock to the gates of the old city. It was originally built in 1853 and renovated in recent years.  It offers a broad pathway for a safe, traffic-free, shaded walk.
7.   As you get near the end of the Paseo de la Princesa walkway, the “Bastión de la Derecha de San Justo y Pastor” will be on the left and as you approach a round-about to the right there is the “Estatua al Inmigrante” (statue) in the center.  Please be aware that these were not possible to add to the tour because of Google issues but please note them on your journey. Some of the points around and just past this section may seem to have odd names as Google makes its own rules 😉
8.   The last point on the tour is a CVS that is near the port (and typically less congested than the Walgreen’s just in front of the largest port). Feel free to ignore this stop, but it’s there just in case you need it.



✏️  Other Notes:

  • Although the tour is a single tour from cruise port back to the cruise port, it had to be designed in 4 segments because Google Maps limits the number of stops per segment (with some “stops” acting only as markers for design needs).
  • I choose Google Maps for my Three Amigo’s Walking Tour in part because Google claims the maps will work offline.  However, that is only partly true in that some elements of the tour may NOT be operable offline.  So if that is essential for you please check how it works offline before your visit San Juan.  Most cell plans from the US include PR without additional cost as it is a US territory. 
  • They may be points on the map that seem illogical, but those actually minimize back tracking and help you to avoid areas that may have barriers not visible on a 2D map. But changes are constantly being made in any city (such as on our most recent visit there the “Paseo de las Sombrillas” no longer had parasols and foot traffic on that street was blocked) - the map should be at least 99% correct, but be aware recent changes can effect the tour path (and no matter what it should be easy to find your way to the next stop on the tour).
  • If you wish to try to use it offline, these are the directions from Google:

    1    Open the Google Maps app.
    2    Make sure you're connected to the Internet and signed into Google.
    3    Find the map you have saved (in your google drive or google maps app or site).
    4    At the bottom, tap the name or address of the place - tap “MORE ...”
    5    Select “Download offline map”, then Download.


I do hope that the tour will help to make your visit more special as it was created with love for my family to have the best visit possible - the best food, best shopping, and a good sampling of San Juan's most important history and culture.  Happy travels - WEPA!


Changes made from the original version (1.0 😆)
1.  I removed the optional shorter version since it is so easy to leave out the stops or a section of stops to shorten the tour as needed. 
2. Because of the time and effort to trek up the hill beyond the main part of the tour to visit the one of the world’s most famous bars.
3. Based on our last visit, some shopping options were replaced with new ones based on quality.

Edited by AlohaLivin
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On 12/28/2019 at 4:46 PM, AlohaLivin said:

REVISED USER INFORMATION (12/28/10) for the 

Can I please have a copy?  acceber32 @ Hotmail dot com. 

Very excited to check this out!  It’s been years since we’ve been to PR and my children have never been. I’m especially looking forward to the chocolate suggestions. 

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On 12/28/2019 at 3:46 PM, AlohaLivin said:

REVISED USER INFORMATION (12/28/10) for the 
>>> I am glad to share the tour, but please make sure that the email address that you provide is associated with a Google account since Google will reject it otherwise - that way I don’t waste time trying to share with someone who isn’t able to share. Thank you!  

1.   I added a description and a photo for each stop (just click on the stop icon/letter to open them). This way you have the historical background and location information readily available to you (and can completely annoy your teenagers by reading it to them aloud 😉


2.   To create the tour I thoroughly researched Old San Juan looking for what I thought were the most worthwhile historical stops, the most interesting cultural stops, and a variety of the best and most authentic food, drink, and shopping options available (at least by the preponderance of the “review” evidence and our personal experiences). Note - the food stops exclude any expensive dining options.


3.   The route is around 3 miles in total.  You can break it up however you wish, take as many breaks as needed or skip parts that are not of interest to you. Regardless, please note that the incline in Old San Juan from the port to the northern boundary is on a rather steep incline and there are  many uneven, cobblestone streets.  And, the only shade tends to be only indoors.  Therefore, I highly recommend that visitors complete the first portion of the tour in earlier or cooler hours if possible.


4.   You may or may not arrive at the same exact cruise port as noted on the map, but it will be very close by no matter which port is used.


5.   There is a portion of the map shown as “Castillo San Felipe del Morro.” This section of the tour has multiple parts as the “Faro del Castillo” is in front of you at that point and the “Bastion de San Antonio”, the “Patio del Morro Castle”, and the “Capilla del Cementerio Santa María” are all to the right side of this area (bordering the northern section by the sea). Please be aware that these were not possible to add to the tour because of Google issues but please note them on your journey.

6.   Near the end of the tour you will reach the “Paseo de la Princesa” (a beautiful statue and fountain on the SW part of old San Juan. The directions/map letters will seem to have a gap there and that is because Google maps refused to acknowledge that the paved section accesses the road (also called Paseo de la Princesa).  The Paseo de la Princesa walkway follows the curved walls on the south side of Old San Juan and connects the port where the cruise ships dock to the gates of the old city. It was originally built in 1853 and renovated in recent years.  It offers a broad pathway for a safe, traffic-free, shaded walk.
7.   As you get near the end of the Paseo de la Princesa walkway, the “Bastión de la Derecha de San Justo y Pastor” will be on the left and as you approach a round-about to the right there is the “Estatua al Inmigrante” (statue) in the center.  Please be aware that these were not possible to add to the tour because of Google issues but please note them on your journey. Some of the points around and just past this section may seem to have odd names as Google makes its own rules 😉
8.   The last point on the tour is a CVS that is near the port (and typically less congested than the Walgreen’s just in front of the largest port). Feel free to ignore this stop, but it’s there just in case you need it.



✏️  Other Notes:

  • Although the tour is a single tour from cruise port back to the cruise port, it had to be designed in 4 segments because Google Maps limits the number of stops per segment (with some “stops” acting only as markers for design needs).
  • I choose Google Maps for my Three Amigo’s Walking Tour in part because Google claims the maps will work offline.  However, that is only partly true in that some elements of the tour may NOT be operable offline.  So if that is essential for you please check how it works offline before your visit San Juan.  Most cell plans from the US include PR without additional cost as it is a US territory. 
  • They may be points on the map that seem illogical, but those actually minimize back tracking and help you to avoid areas that may have barriers not visible on a 2D map. But changes are constantly being made in any city (such as on our most recent visit there the “Paseo de las Sombrillas” no longer had parasols and foot traffic on that street was blocked) - the map should be at least 99% correct, but be aware recent changes can effect the tour path (and no matter what it should be easy to find your way to the next stop on the tour).
  • If you wish to try to use it offline, these are the directions from Google:

    1    Open the Google Maps app.
    2    Make sure you're connected to the Internet and signed into Google.
    3    Find the map you have saved (in your google drive or google maps app or site).
    4    At the bottom, tap the name or address of the place - tap “MORE ...”
    5    Select “Download offline map”, then Download.


I do hope that the tour will help to make your visit more special as it was created with love for my family to have the best visit possible - the best food, best shopping, and a good sampling of San Juan's most important history and culture.  Happy travels - WEPA!


Changes made from the original version (1.0 😆)
1.  I removed the optional shorter version since it is so easy to leave out the stops or a section of stops to shorten the tour as needed. 
2. Because of the time and effort to trek up the hill beyond the main part of the tour to visit the one of the world’s most famous bars.
3. Based on our last visit, some shopping options were replaced with new ones based on quality.

  Please send a map to captainnellis@hotmail.com   Thank you.

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