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Would you pay to smoke onboard?


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To the original poster (wow, you got a LOT of comments from the ones who really disagree, didn't you?) YES, YES and YES. I am not a smoker, but my husband enjoys a nice cigar in the evenings. We refuse to sail on the ships who no longer have an indoor cigar lounge. It would be great if there were an area where they are not all crowded in like sardines.( I can't stand unruly children, so I was really sad when they took the smoking areas away in restaurants. I would always choose to set there to be assured I didn't have to deal with the little darlings.)  If/when the cigar lounges are taken from the NCL line, we will sail elsewhere. I have heard Princess has some ships with really nice cigar lounges, and we'd look at the European ships at that point too. It's too bad that there can't be accommodations for everyone to have an enjoyable cruise, smokers and non smokers both.  There is always hope - they have finally made an adults only cruiseline! 🙂


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3 hours ago, DCP said:

To the original poster (wow, you got a LOT of comments from the ones who really disagree, didn't you?) YES, YES and YES. I am not a smoker, but my husband enjoys a nice cigar in the evenings. We refuse to sail on the ships who no longer have an indoor cigar lounge. It would be great if there were an area where they are not all crowded in like sardines.( I can't stand unruly children, so I was really sad when they took the smoking areas away in restaurants. I would always choose to set there to be assured I didn't have to deal with the little darlings.)  If/when the cigar lounges are taken from the NCL line, we will sail elsewhere. I have heard Princess has some ships with really nice cigar lounges, and we'd look at the European ships at that point too. It's too bad that there can't be accommodations for everyone to have an enjoyable cruise, smokers and non smokers both.  There is always hope - they have finally made an adults only cruiseline! 🙂


There has always been "adult" cruises however many people find that offensive as well.

Which by the way is less harmful than 2nd hand smoke.


DW was a smoker for years and now she has shortness of breath (COPD). There are serious consequences from smoking. Giving smokers more places/bigger places to smoke would be counter active to today's trends.

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I am well aware of the consequences of smoking, I buried my father who suffered from Emphysema, and it was a horrible death.  I am getting exhausted from all of the requirements of **today's trends**.  I am also tired of those who try to make others conform to what THEY want. Just reading the comments on this post - I set and shake my head. There is never any room for compromise in some minds anymore. 

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20 hours ago, DCP said:

To the original poster (wow, you got a LOT of comments from the ones who really disagree, didn't you?) YES, YES and YES. I am not a smoker, but my husband enjoys a nice cigar in the evenings. We refuse to sail on the ships who no longer have an indoor cigar lounge. It would be great if there were an area where they are not all crowded in like sardines.( I can't stand unruly children, so I was really sad when they took the smoking areas away in restaurants. I would always choose to set there to be assured I didn't have to deal with the little darlings.)  If/when the cigar lounges are taken from the NCL line, we will sail elsewhere. I have heard Princess has some ships with really nice cigar lounges, and we'd look at the European ships at that point too. It's too bad that there can't be accommodations for everyone to have an enjoyable cruise, smokers and non smokers both.  There is always hope - they have finally made an adults only cruiseline! 🙂



Considering virgin voyages is focusing their line as more health conscious cruise. I wouldn't be surprised if it sails as completely smoke free. Especially since their target age range has lower smoking rates than older. Though a quick Google seems the current policy is very restricted space and a $1000 fine if you smoke anywhere else. 



The problem with giving smokers more area is that smoke is more unruly than children. It goes wherever it wants unless it's boxed in (and even then finds a way out). I don't care if you smoke, I have good friends that smoke, but I certainly care about having to breathe the smoke as it makes me literally sick. It'd be nice if the smoke was self contained to the smoker, but alas it's not and thus is the crux of the problem. 

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1 hour ago, DCP said:

I am also tired of those who try to make others conform to what THEY want.


All that matters is what the cruise line wants. Nothing posted here will change anything. 


"...people should be able to smoke anywhere..." - changes nothing.

"...smoking should be banned everywhere..." - changes nothing. 

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You're worried about second hand smoke, try googling cruise ship pollutants. I would think that based upon the "health" concerns that 2nd hand smoke from cigarettes will cause that no one should be anywhere near a cruise ship. At least with smoking if you know where the areas are you can avoid them. I am a smoker and I agree that all inside smoking should be banned ( I do not smoke in my home or car) but I would gladly pay extra for a nice partitioned area outdoors at the back of the ship (so the smoke blows out to sea) with comfortable seating and maybe a hot tub and bar just for smokers.

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I'm a former smoker, so I understand the mindset of a smoker. There's not a whole lot better than a good cup of coffee and a cigarette. I didn't quit for years, because I thought I wouldn't be able to ever drink a beer again. lol 

So, if I were still a smoker, heck yes I'd pay more to be able to smoke in peace while on a cruise. But, as a former, I'm glad they don't offer the option. 

And yes, we all know the cruise lines don't care about any individual's opinions. But, if we can't talk about it, what's the point of having a message board? 🙄

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It never ceases to amaze me how self-entitled and self-righteous people are, especially when it comes to smoking.  These  are probably the same people who want their kids to get “participation awards”..bahaha.


Grow up people, there is a world around you and more people in that world than just yourself.  I’m sorry to burst your bubbles, but the world DOES NOT revolve around you and your “I’m better than everyone else” opinions.


The OP did not say anything about offending your delicate nasal passages with second hand smoke.  He simply asked if there was a pay area, would you use it/pay for it.  I would like to assume he meant a well ventilated pay area that would not be a bother to other passengers, hence the “dedicated only to smokers” comment.


I for one have grown tired of the flaming and holier than thou comments from nonsmokers.  Answer the question and keep your negative comments to yourselves.  No one asked you for them.


What if someone asked a buffet question and I were to say…”OMG..no way they should have a buffet!  20% of Americans have high BP, and 15% of Americans have diabetes, and 60% are considered obese…..damn I hate fat people…they should get rid of all buffets on cruise ships!! “ 


Just shut up with your inane self-righteous criticisms and answer the questions and be helpful…no one needs your criticism.


And yes, I would use the room for a nice after dinner cigar and cognac….if the mood struck me 😊



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Besides one poster calling Europeans stupid for having a higher percent of smokers than elsewhere - no other non-smoking comment in this thread could be categorized as "flaming and holier than thou". Simply stating you would prefer an entirely non-smoke ship is neither flaming nor holier than thou. 


Meanwhile, in the last few posts from smokers we got someone who doesn't think there could be health concerns with 2nd hand smoke, someone who called all non-smokers self entitled and self-righteous as well as offering quips like "delicate nasal passages". Which most would call flaming comments. 

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22 minutes ago, smplybcause said:

Besides one poster calling Europeans stupid for having a higher percent of smokers than elsewhere - no other non-smoking comment in this thread could be categorized as "flaming and holier than thou". Simply stating you would prefer an entirely non-smoke ship is neither flaming nor holier than thou. 


Meanwhile, in the last few posts from smokers we got someone who doesn't think there could be health concerns with 2nd hand smoke, someone who called all non-smokers self entitled and self-righteous as well as offering quips like "delicate nasal passages". Which most would call flaming comments. 


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At no time did I say there were not health concerns from second hand smoke, I pointed out that folks should be just as concerned about the pollutants the ship is generating as well. I also agreed that there should be no smoking indoors as this can cause others extreme discomfort. The problem with these boards is that people don't read things completely or in context. The whole thread was to be about if you would pay to smoke.. the OP never asked for opinions on whether there should or should not be smoking.

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Y’all are a touchy lot.


I have no dog in this hunt.  I really don’t care if you smoke on your balcony or not, or in the casino, or in a non-smoking area, as long as you don’t blow it anywhere around me.


Get some facts out of the way.  Whether you consider vaping to be the same as cigarette smoking or not, the airlines and the cruise lines consider them one and the same. So, same rules apply.


Smoking or vaping marijuana and its offshoots is still illegal on the Federal level in the U.S., despite what some of the states have done regarding its legality.  Moreover, these ships are mostly not registered in the U.S. (except for the POA).  Marijuana is illegal in the vast majority of the Caribbean, including Jamaica.  


If you want to try edibles, or vaping, or rolling a “fat one” to smoke on board, or in a port, be my guest.  Will you get caught?  I have no idea.  But, if you do the penalties on the cruise ship and/or the ports are likely much harsher than those in the U.S.  In addition to, at the very least, being detained and missing the ship if caught in port, you’ll likely to at least garner a hefty fine (if not incarceration) that has to be paid before being allowed to leave.  Get caught on the ship?  It’s not like smuggling Jim Beam on board, where the worst that happens is they confiscate it and give it back at the end of the cruise.  They’ll boot you off at the next port, turn you over to whatever police dept on that port.  And, that money you spent for the fare, the tips, the service charges, etc?  They keep all that.


As far as comparing the Buffet to smoking?  I have never heard of a comparison like that, and can’t really make the connection.


I understand that smokers (of anything) don’t like the restrictions.  But, they’re there.  If you want a vacation where you can smoke anything you want, anywhere you want, a cruise ain’t it. So, maybe find another venue.


Not trying to be hard hearted.  I have heard that nicotine is more addictive than heroine.  And, have talked to more than one person who’s quit smoking cigarettes was the hardest thing they had ever done.  These are strong people I’ve heard this from, too.


So, I empathize.  But, the trend for restricting smoking on board is going to continue and become more restrictive.

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1 hour ago, Scottycruisin said:


Just shut up with your inane self-righteous criticisms and answer the questions and be helpful…no one needs your criticism.





I've been told many times by many people (yes, especially on here)  that sometimes it's a good idea to take your own advice.   😉

Edited by ColeThornton
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3 minutes ago, fireresq15 said:

At no time did I say there were not health concerns from second hand smoke, I pointed out that folks should be just as concerned about the pollutants the ship is generating as well. I also agreed that there should be no smoking indoors as this can cause others extreme discomfort. The problem with these boards is that people don't read things completely or in context. The whole thread was to be about if you would pay to smoke.. the OP never asked for opinions on whether there should or should not be smoking.


1) You put health in quotes - which means you don't agree with the use of the word. Ergo you don't think health is a true concern. 


2) It's an issue of relevancy. A smoke stack 30 ft above me means the smoke will be dispersed to a much greater degree than someone smoking a cigarette 5 feet away from me by the time it gets to me. Also, the components of the smoke varies greatly and the components of cigarette smoke has been proven to cause issues with those with asthma as well as the respiratory system of those without. Whereas, as far as I know, any direct link from cruise pollution is speculation, or nebulous at best.  

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Exactly!  This is the point of my rant.  He is not asking whether or not smoking is good for you, or whether you think it should be allowed, or whether you agree with vapes being the same, or blah blah.  He is asking would you pay for it if it was allowed. 


My comment was to drive home the fact that no one is asking for your opinion on smoking.  He came here and asked a legit question, and got 57 replies about peoples opinions on smoking/second hand smoke, and whatever else.  He was asking people would they pay for it, thats all...not your opinions about is smoking healthy to you or others around you.



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44 minutes ago, Scottycruisin said:

Exactly!  This is the point of my rant.  He is not asking whether or not smoking is good for you, or whether you think it should be allowed, or whether you agree with vapes being the same, or blah blah.  He is asking would you pay for it if it was allowed. 


My comment was to drive home the fact that no one is asking for your opinion on smoking.  He came here and asked a legit question, and got 57 replies about peoples opinions on smoking/second hand smoke, and whatever else.  He was asking people would they pay for it, thats all...not your opinions about is smoking healthy to you or others around you.



And the answer to the question, as has been stated by the vast majority here is “NO”!


Maybe a small minority would (smokers obviously).


You can spin it any way you want.  


The answer is still NO!


Let me ask you a question.  From what I understand, a pack of cigarettes costs $5, if I’ve been reading correctly.  I don’t know how much someone smokes on a given day.....a ½ pack?  A whole pack?  2 Packs?  I dunno.  Obviously an expensive habit.


So, if you would add the cost of purchasing cigarettes to your cruise, and another $500 for the privilege of smoking in a designated smoking area, would you?


What would the cost have to be before you say “that’s too much....I won’t pay that”?


Understand that any cruise line will have a hard time getting full fares for a cabin that’s been smoked in (same with most hotels, today).  That’s a financial burden for cleaning (which you never really clean the smell) as well as getting full fare for the cruise line.  They might even charge more than $500.

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On 9/23/2019 at 2:12 AM, DCP said:

To the original poster (wow, you got a LOT of comments from the ones who really disagree, didn't you?) YES, YES and YES. I am not a smoker, but my husband enjoys a nice cigar in the evenings. We refuse to sail on the ships who no longer have an indoor cigar lounge. It would be great if there were an area where they are not all crowded in like sardines.( I can't stand unruly children, so I was really sad when they took the smoking areas away in restaurants. I would always choose to set there to be assured I didn't have to deal with the little darlings.)  If/when the cigar lounges are taken from the NCL line, we will sail elsewhere. I have heard Princess has some ships with really nice cigar lounges, and we'd look at the European ships at that point too. It's too bad that there can't be accommodations for everyone to have an enjoyable cruise, smokers and non smokers both.  There is always hope - they have finally made an adults only cruiseline! 🙂


With the cost of babysitting so prohibitively expensive, more parents are bringing their little darlings to restaurants in the evenings.  Gone are the days, when you could get a neighborhood teenager to babysit for a reasonable price. 

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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

And the answer to the question, as has been stated by the vast majority here is “NO”!


Maybe a small minority would (smokers obviously).


You can spin it any way you want.  


The answer is still NO!


Let me ask you a question.  From what I understand, a pack of cigarettes costs $5, if I’ve been reading correctly.  I don’t know how much someone smokes on a given day.....a ½ pack?  A whole pack?  2 Packs?  I dunno.  Obviously an expensive habit.


So, if you would add the cost of purchasing cigarettes to your cruise, and another $500 for the privilege of smoking in a designated smoking area, would you?


What would the cost have to be before you say “that’s too much....I won’t pay that”?


Understand that any cruise line will have a hard time getting full fares for a cabin that’s been smoked in (same with most hotels, today).  That’s a financial burden for cleaning (which you never really clean the smell) as well as getting full fare for the cruise line.  They might even charge more than $500.

 Aren't all vices expensive. Whether it be smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating.

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24 minutes ago, Oceangal711 said:

 Aren't all vices expensive. Whether it be smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating.

They're specifically talking about smoking in this thread.


But, to answer your question....at the end of my workday, probably 2-3 times/week, I pour myself a bourbon on the rocks.  My "go to" Bourbons are Jefferson Reserve, Basil Hayden, or Russel Reserve.  Sometimes I treat myself with a much more expensive bourbon, but these are my staples.  I probably buy 750 ml of one of these about every 5-4 weeks.  They cost right around $30/bottle.  To me, that's not expensive.


Gambling?  Not sure how much anybody else gambles, but I know how much I spend.  I cruise 2-3x/year.  Those are the only times I gamble.  If I am up or down $200 in any given year, I'd be shocked.


Overeating?  I don't eat out much.  I probably should eat more fruits and veggies, but I eat my fair share.  I like ribeyes and will probably grill one every week.  Coffee, milk, eggs, produce, proteins....all in?  I probably spend $50-$75/week.  But, I'd spend that either way.  We have to eat.


Smoking?  Let's say on average you buy $50/week in cigarettes.  That's every week.  That's $2,600/year.  And, that's a nice cruise in a nice cabin you could have every year if you don't smoke or quit smoking.


Put it another way, if you just stuck that $2,600/yr in the bank, at current interest rates, in 10 years you'd have $35,000 (probably a lot more if you diversified it a little bit).


But, that's not the question asked here.  NCL is NOT going to charge a fee to allow anyone to smoke anywhere outside of the designated smoking areas, and those areas are shrinking.

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