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1-2-20 Thursday Weigh-In..New Year New Start..Come Join Us..Everyone Welcome


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New Year New Start for us ALL.....Wishing everyone some weight loss for the cruises they want to take.


Today is the starting weight for 2020 for everyone

Even if you been losing, staying the same or have a gain.

We can have a fresh start for 2020


Some of us have lots of weight to lose, others last 10 pounds

some at goal and want to maintain

Hope we get new people joining us that want to start new in here

I really wish we get back all the  people that were here for awhile and left for different reasons

We want  you ALL to join us in here

You don't have  to say your weight unless you want to. Each week have to just say I lost,

stayed the same or had a gain.  Like I lost 2 lbs this week or I gained 1 lb this week or

I stayed the same


Maybe try new diet ideas that might  help you or not

As we know different diets, some work for you but some don't

but work for others..have to find what works for you the best

Might take a few try's to fine what's best for you

Maybe what your doing now is working then keep doing it


Here's different diets..

What have you tried?..What are you doing now?..Are you going to try something different this year?

Low carb

Count calories





Dieting only no exercise

Exercising only no dieting

Dieting and exercise


We're ALL here for the same reason. to lose weight. wear smaller sizes and mainly to get Healthy 

and stay healthy. Can come in anytime and talk..can ask questions, can give tips or ask for tips

on losing weight. Can talk about anything. Vent about anything. We're here to help each other.


Well here's to 2020 being a good year for ALL of us to lose weight.:classic_smile:




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Happy New Year Belle!


I posted in last week's thread too.  I won't be able to weigh until tomorrow, but definitely expect a gain after the last two weeks of food - but I did consciously choose to enjoy the offerings and pay the consequences 😉 


I'm going to try the Lose It app, plus figure ways to get more cardio - probably  make appointments with myself on the calendar.  For me it's food and exercise.  I'm hesitant to use the term diet, because I want this to be a lifestyle change.  My "plan" of choice this time is primarily whole foods with minimal refined foods.  Knowing myself I don't think any totally restrictive diet will work, but I'm hoping more whole foods will help with inflammation.

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Happy New Year!!! I had a small loss but am not where I wanted to be. I've had some great workouts this past week and am overall feeling healthy. I am liking the way my clothes fit. I am supposed to leave tomorrow for my cruise on Saturday but received a move over offer from Princess. I am waiting for a call back to verify the details. If I accept, I may not be cruising until the 18th or 25th.

Edited by JennyB1977
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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for the words of wisdom & encouragement. I started doing a little Wii Fit again & will start My Fitness Pal way of counting calories now I've remembered my password!! My sister has chosen to do Weight Watchers which sounds good, & I know gets results, but I just don't like the idea of paying for it. She said it's not that expensive & I guess realistically I pay so much more for entertainment like tv & internet but somehow I don't want to pay for something I think can be done on one's own. Anybody else feel this way?


Oh, btw I remained the same, so was surprised at that!

Have a great week & all the best in this new year.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Happy New Year!


@pacruise804 Good for you having a positive outlook. Sometimes it's worth the gains to be present in the family moments and enjoy what's going on around you. To answer your question from last week's thread, we have a nice meal usually on New Year's Day because I have had to work on New Year's Eve the last few years. This year, my husband decided to make his mom's black eyed pea dip, which isn't too bad by itself, but we ate it with a bag of chips for dinner yesterday! We're having our New Year's meal for lunch today instead. 


@JennyB1977 Way to go - I count better fitting clothes a win!


@retiring soon Staying the same over the holidays is awesome!


I'm down 1.8 # from last week. I started walking again, but even at 40+ minutes a day I can't seem to hit 10,000 steps. *sigh* I'm ready for my husband to go back to work so I can really get back into a routine. We binge watch a lot more tv (and snack in front of it) when he's on vacation. 😏 We have less than 40 days until our next cruise, and while my new clothes from our September cruise still fit, they're a little tight. I lost 28 pounds last year before the cruise, but I gained after the cruise and am now 8 pounds above that. I'm back on low carb (threw out the rest of the chips this morning), and will start intermittent fasting again on Monday. This really worked for me last summer, so if I stay on track my September cruise clothes will be perfect, maybe even a little loose, in a few weeks.  


Work is sporadic for me until the spring (this is engagement season, not wedding season), so I should have more time to focus on moving more. I would like to really make working out a priority so it feels like an essential part of my day by the time wedding season hits in April. In the past working out has been the first thing to go when my kitchen gets busy. Healthy food is the second to go...it's so easy to order a pizza or have hubby pick something up when the kitchen's covered in icing! 🤣 

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I'm back after a few weeks of not weighing myself or doing anything other than go to parties and eat. Now that the 2 lbs of chocolate that we got for Christmas is gone (what were my kids thinking)?, its time to get back at it. I've been in bed with a fever,  sore throat and generally feeling lousy but a great way to rid my body of the excess food.  I gained 2 lbs, about the same weight as those pesky chocolates lol. 


I will be focusing on walking, just got a Fitbit for Christmas and counting calories.  My old Fitbit got accidentally flushed and we couldn't retrieve it 🤭


Glad to be back at it. I already warned my coworkers that the only food I'm bringing to work as a snack for everyone is salad. 

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Most people have seen to done well.  During this holiday season I had the opportunity to go to our local bakery and buy way too many cinnamon rolls and apple danish .... sigh ... they are now all gone, but I am up 0.6#  ... I really need to get motivated!!!  Jan

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Hello everyone,


Happy New Year. 


I stayed the same. I have a goal, lose 7 lbs. by March 12th. I know I can do it but I lose so slowly. 


I "try" to eat healthy. Hubby likes junk though so that's tough.


I always find ways to move more: several trips taking trash to the garage, parking further away at stores, extra daily walk, little more time at the gym. 


Glad everyone is doing well. the gains are minimal and some stayed the same. We should be proud of ourselves. 



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I thought I posted yesterday.

Well I stayed the same barely.   Need to lose some pounds before cruise. Leave in

nineteens days!:classic_ohmy: Not ready..so much to do. Other things going on that gives me

less days to get things done. I've put some stuff off. Plus do you fine it's harder to lose before

going on a cruise because you know your going to be eating? Think it's harder this time because

coming after the holidays with different eating already.


Pac your right, this is a lifestyle. We have to do it for life. So there will be ups and downs. Good

Luck with food and exercise plan.


Jenny glad you had a loss no matter how big or small. Did you get a call back from Princess?

Don't if your cruising tomorrow or later. If don't hear from you..you must be cruising!


Jo glad you stayed the same and didn't have a gain. Good luck on counting calories and exercising.

Good Luck to your sister. I did WW in the past, don't want to pay either, rather spend it on cruises!:classic_laugh:


Mel great job on the loss and the walking. I try to do low carb and some fasting to when I'm being

good. I need to walk more or do more exercise. Are your busy days June thru summer for your cakes?


Jen sorry you were so sick. Seems like a lot of people are this year.  Don't think it's right that chocolate

candy should put weight on us..it's so good.:classic_smile: Good luck on the walking.


Jan that's not a bad gain if eating bakery food. Their gone now, know you'll do good in eating less.


Diana nice you stayed the same. Good luck with your goal of 7 lbs by March. Nice you have a Gym to go to.

Know you can do it.


We had a good week after the holidays like Diana said. Not much weight gains even some loss's.

Let's keep it up and do better with loss's this month. Have 4 days this week to get a pound or 2 off.

At least stay the same if holiday food is still lingering in your life. Then next week really be strict.


Everyone have a Good Weekend..Funwise..Or Workwise ( if you want to get somethings done ) 

and Foodwise.

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2 hours ago, Belle said:

I'm having a snacking weekend.  Dang it!  Do you ever get in that mood?

I get those moods every day lol. 

I have programmed myself to never eat anything after dinner.  It's taken years to do so and sometimes I slip up. 

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Been busy here too.  DD went back to college yesterday, and trying to get back into routines.  


Over 3 miles this morning, strength training will be tomorrow.  Laundry and dishes going plus I plan to clean out the kitchen this week - purge the excess, prep some meals, and really reorganize.


I've done well at cutting back on diet soft drink - still have some but more mindful.  I'm trying to drink more water and get my caffeine from tea when possible.  Lose It has been a success so far - definitely eye opening.


Have a great week all.

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My family all got colds this weekend so we didn't do much of anything. I got winded after walking 20 minutes this morning and had to stop. I ate pretty well yesterday and today though. Even though I probably won't do a lot of walking in the next few days, I think Thursday's weigh in will be good.


Belle - April through June and the end of September through November are the wedding seasons in north Texas. A lot of venues here have outdoor ceremony sites, and it's just too hot in July and August. In fact, one of the venues I partner with closes the entire month of August.

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Good Morning To All This Tuesday


Jen good plan but know it's so hard. Great you can not eat after dinner most of the time.


Diana hope your busy weekend was a fun one and not a to much working one.


Pac glad had good visit with DD. Your doing good on exercise and cleaning. Can I hire you?


Mel sorry you and family are sick. Get Well.. You have a nice wedding cake business. Work 6 months off six months.


I'm still not eating as well as I should be this week. Which I should be since leaving on a cruise in 2 weeks and days.

But like Pac not drinking much diet cokes, water and tea instead. Would do good if I didn't go food shopping and

didn't have any food to eat in the house!:classic_laugh:

Edited by Belle
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It's the New Year New Start. Don't care if you gained, if so you need to weigh-in each week. Keep Accountable. 

If you lost (congrats) stayed the same, you need us too. Want to keep on track! We all have our ups and downs...

never can give up.  We all want to lose..be thinner and healthy.


Come In Everyone..The Door Is Open.

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Belle, since I'm in Pennsylvania (the PA of PA Cruise) and I thought you were on the West Coast I don't think it would be practical to hire me 😉 I will offer a free suggestion though of trying to "shop" from your pantry, fridge, and freezer until the cruise - I've always been amazed at how much food we actually have when I do a pantry clean-out or no-shop challenge.  If you aren't sure what to make you could list some of your inventory and maybe we could come up with suggestions.


Four miles in this morning 🙂 

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Pac thank you. I'm not as bad as I sound. Just venting. Just wish I didn't like sweets so much.

Being alone I just shop 2 to 3 weeks. Plenty of the right food here. Just went Friday so won't shop again

before cruise. Making a veggie and turkey soup now. Thanks for your concern.

Gee sorry I can't hire you to clean my house Yes would be a long commute..:classic_smile: Great on the walking!


Mel good job on the walking. Think walking is the best.


Hope everyone else is getting back on track since the Holiday eating. Know it takes awhile.


Enjoy your day!

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6 hours ago, pacruise804 said:

I've always been amazed at how much food we actually have when I do a pantry clean-out or no-shop challenge.  If you aren't sure what to make you could list some of your inventory and maybe we could come up with suggestions.

Love this idea. Maybe it will help me clean out my pantry 

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Unfortunately my pantry staples right now seem to be different types of chips, boxed desserts, etc.  Right now I've been eating left over M&M's from Christmas ... I really need to stop (they are almost gone) .... hopefully DH will eat the rest.  I need to have more motivation!


Belle - question for you ... I believe you have done a lot of west coast cruises (I think) ... I just booked another cruise (we now have 3 in the works) ... this will be a celebrity in September of 2021 -- goes out of LA, does 2 days San Francisco, Monterey, Catalina Island, and & Ensenada ... really looking forward to this cruise (love SF).  Question is I want to go a day early ... do you know of a good place to stay in LA ???  We've done a west coast before, but that one was out of seattle.  Thanks, Jan

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Are you going out of San Pedro or Long Beach?

The best is Crowne Plaza or the Double Tree for San Pedro both have shuttles to the port in San Pedro.

San Pedro is the LA port.  Shuttles use to be free now think it was $5 or $10 now.

Think the Crown has a shuttle to Long Beach too. Double Tree didn't.

I've stayed at both hotels there fine for  nights before the cruise.

Don't really know the Long Beach Hotels.


Usually stay at the Crowne, close to port. Mexican place to eat across the street (tucked in, no noise)

The hotel food isn't that great but could of changed. Can walk to different stores if needed.

Double Tree has a prettier surroundings but far from things if want to eat or shop. Their food was good

last time I was there which has been awhile.


If go to Hotwire or something like that put in 3 stars and either the Crowne or Double Tree will pop up.

for San Pedro.


Hope this helps.

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From what I read ( I searched around ) I'm sure your sailing from San Pedro World Cruise Center.

Pier 91 and 92 terminal building(best)  Pier 93 just tents it's for larger ships like Royal Princess.


Long Beach is Carnivals cruise terminal. 

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