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HAL's Poor Response to Corona Virus


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50 minutes ago, npcl said:

By September 16 it will either have been pretty much resolved by then or be so totally out of control that it does not matter where one it. By out of control I mean that it will be widespread over most of the world like a bad flu season.


maybe. personally, i think it will drag on longer.

not a good thing for making decisions.

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4 minutes ago, Viv0828 said:


maybe. personally, i think it will drag on longer.

not a good thing for making decisions.

It may drag on longer, but by Sept 1 we should have a good idea about spread outside of China, and if it is limited in scope like SARS, MERS, Swine Flu,  or if it has gone Pandemic in which case it will be pretty much everywhere.

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1 hour ago, npcl said:

By September 16 it will either have been pretty much resolved by then or be so totally out of control that it does not matter where one it. By out of control I mean that it will be widespread over most of the world like a bad flu season.


Well, some hopeful news.  Just watched an interview with a Doctor with Infectious Diseases at Lavalle University (Canada) and in conjunction with other research from other infectious disease control centres, they are hopeful they have a vaccine.

They need the live virus of course but they are very hopeful.


Let’s hope that they are as successful with this as they were with insulin and polio. 🤞

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26 minutes ago, kazu said:


Well, some hopeful news.  Just watched an interview with a Doctor with Infectious Diseases at Lavalle University (Canada) and in conjunction with other research from other infectious disease control centres, they are hopeful they have a vaccine.

They need the live virus of course but they are very hopeful.


Let’s hope that they are as successful with this as they were with insulin and polio. 🤞

This is encouraging  news  . Now ,we can pray that it comes successfully to fruition 

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2 hours ago, npcl said:

By September 16 it will either have been pretty much resolved by then or be so totally out of control that it does not matter where one it. By out of control I mean that it will be widespread over most of the world like a bad flu season.


sorry about my answer. i read it as february 16. gotta learn to read better!

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On 1/29/2020 at 7:25 PM, kazu said:


With all due respect, our itinerary later this year is primarily Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.  We think it’s fabulous and looking forward to it.  Japan offers a lot.   


Kazu   MY comment wAS    in re:    the itinerary that is almost all JApan.  The one you speak of is a 'horse of a different color'  Apples and oranges. I don't understand how they can be considered alike.   but for being  close neighbors  As an American, I would skip South Korea.   



On 1/29/2020 at 7:25 PM, kazu said:


It was chosen LONG before this worry came out.  As Canadians, we have no desire to try to visit China at this time.

W ell,  that is terrific  you   are looking forward to it.  

It is such a big trip to go on and would be awful to  not be  thrilled  .It is a very big world we live in and some wish  to see one region while others do not care to visit same places but we  Are All  permittd our own opinion and the freedom to express that opinion ! 



where is Lisa these days?  She could add 'lots' about Japan, I imagine.

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4 minutes ago, sail7seas said:

W ell,  that is terrific  you   are looking forward to it.  

It is such a big trip to go on and would be awful to  not be  thrilled  .It is a very big world we live in and some wish  to see one region while others do not care to visit same places but we  Are All  permittd our own opinion and the freedom to express that opinion ! 



where is Lisa these days?  She could add 'lots' about Japan, I imagine.

Things just got  turned up a notch with the US declaring a medical emergency that prevents non-US citizens that may have the potential to be carrying Corona from entering the US and may quarantine returning US citizens that have visited the province in which Wuhan is located.  Also those visiting China may be subject to monitored self quarantine for 14 days. 


Indicates while risk in the US is still low, there is certainly concern about the ability of this to spread.

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20 hours ago, mcrcruiser said:

This is encouraging  news  . Now ,we can pray that it comes successfully to fruition 



Who is supposedly the  'they'   that may have succes


sfully  created a vacccine?   Certainly hoping it is true  and ready for 'testing' on human persons.


Many esteemed  researchers/scientists world wide are working hard to find  get a safe/useful vaccine  available.   My guess would be maybe in  2020 but I think not until at least next year but probably later.

IF  they are really THAT  close to success,   polish a nobel prize a nd  have  it ready for presentation   It would be well earned and deserved.















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1 hour ago, AllureOfVacation said:

Ports for todays cruise have been changed slightly - please check your emails


This email also contains further important information concerning boarding



What are the changes?



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32 minutes ago, sail7seas said:



What are the changes?


We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation and wish to reassure you that the risk to our guests and crew is low and our medical experts are coordinating closely with global health authorities.

As a precautionary measure, any guest who has traveled from or through mainland China within 14 days of the beginning of this cruise will be denied boarding.
This does not apply to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. If this applies to you or your client, please contact us at 1-800-577-1729 (North America) or your country?s office to provide proof of such travel and we will process a full

refund of all amounts paid to Holland America Line for this voyage.

In addition, all guests will be subject to pre-boarding health reporting and screening at cruise check-in, in addition to other precautions being taken.
The above is subject to change based on the interests of health and safety of our guests and crew and any other requirements imposed by local authorities.   


(I copied and pasted HAL's email above since the full post will not pop up in the link)

32 minutes ago, sail7seas said:



Edited by ellbelle
missing info
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49 minutes ago, sail7seas said:



Who is supposedly the  'they'   that may have succes



Canadian physicians at Lavalle University as I posted earlier.



sfully  created a vacccine?   Certainly hoping it is true  and ready for 'testing' on human persons.


Many esteemed  researchers/scientists world wide are working hard to find  get a safe/useful vaccine  available.   My guess would be maybe in  2020 but I think not until at least next year but probably later.

IF  they are really THAT  close to success,   polish a nobel prize a nd  have  it ready for presentation   It would be well earned and deserved.






They need the live virus as I already stated in a previous post but they are very hopeful. Canadian physicians have done a lot for the world - insulin, polio, etc.  I highly doubt they would have made the hopeful statement unless they thought they were on to it.


This is fact based reporting (CBC) and no need to be cynical about it.


You may not have heard about it.  It might may depend on which news stations you watch.


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18 minutes ago, kazu said:



Canadian physicians at Lavalle University as I posted earlier.


They need the live virus as I already stated in a previous post but they are very hopeful. Canadian physicians have done a lot for the world - insulin, polio, etc.  I highly doubt they would have made the hopeful statement unless they thought they were on to it.

Not sure why you are cynical when it is fact based news.  Of course you do need to watch world news to get the info 😉


Kazu, I   believe you did hear what you posted I but IF  it is actually, true, it would be blasted all over  news> I just heard ABC's whole world news report,  NO hint of any such message.  I hope wht you posed is really and no more reporting of Fake News.  I personally am a news hound and hasve heard nothingf and one else has made any commentg. Does that not strike  you as strange as to validiy of your report?             Why is the internet not on fire a bout it?  Why are there no program interruptions sharing this news?  Fake News


Yes, I read your whole post and dismissed  that which I suspect  might be  Fake.


Again, I believe you wrote what you heard reported but I do not believe the report is fully accurate.


It is way too big to merely nod one's head and take  as true until some evidence.  IMO




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20 minutes ago, kazu said:



Canadian physicians at Lavalle University as I posted earlier.


They need the live virus as I already stated in a previous post but they are very hopeful. Canadian physicians have done a lot for the world - insulin, polio, etc.  I highly doubt they would have made the hopeful statement unless they thought they were on to it.

Not sure why you are cynical when it is fact based news.  Of course you do need to watch world news to get the info 😉



If you are talking about Dr. Kobinger, director of the Research Centre on Infectious Diseases at Laval University, and his team, they are working with a US biotech company (Inovio).  They do have some technologies that would allow them to do fast track development, but as of yesterday they were saying that they might be able to get something to phase I trials in 16 weeks. This is similar to other groups working on a vaccine. So I doubt that they or anyone else have a vaccine today.  I suspect that they are confident that they can develop one.  However time lines would still be in the 6 to 12 months range based upon recent work on other viruses.



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10 minutes ago, npcl said:


If you are talking about Dr. Kobinger, director of the Research Centre on Infectious Diseases at Laval University, and his team, they are working with a US biotech company (Inovio)



I am And yes, they are working with an infectious disease unit in Australia and China.  I didn’t hear about the U.S. part on the news in all honestly.  They have used SARS, MER and derivatives in their work.



They do have some technologies that would allow them to do fast track development, but as of yesterday they were saying that they might be able to get something to phase I trials in 16 weeks. This is similar to other groups working on a vaccine.


So I doubt that they or anyone else have a vaccine today


I never said anyone had a vaccine today.  I specifically said they needed the live virus to test it.



.  I suspect that they are confident that they can develop one.  However time lines would still be in the 6 to 12 months range based upon recent work on other viruses.

Are you an infectious disease specialist?  If you are not, you don’t know when the vaccine will be developed.


I’ll just agree to disagree as that is not what I hear on the news and it was an interview with the physician.  He was hopeful that the vaccine would be produced much sooner than 12 months.  He does need the live virus though as I have said several times.  With it, they know.  If it works with the live virus, it will be MUCH sooner than 6 or 12 months.


My DH listened to the interview with me and knows quite a bit about this.  He was impressed and is hopeful.  


I highly doubt a man of his repute would risk sticking his neck out in a public interview if he didn’t have a certain level of confidence.  JMO.


Time will tell.


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Just now, kazu said:



I am And y es, they are working with an infectious disease unit in Australia and China.  I didn’t hear about the U.S. part on the news in all honestly.  They have used SARS, MER and derivatives in their work.



I never said anyone had a vaccine today.  I specifically said they needed the live virus to test it.


I’ll just agree to disagree as that is not what I hear on the news and it was an interview with the physician.  He was hopeful that the vaccine would be produced much sooner than 12 months.  He does need the live virus though as I have said several times.  With it, they know.  If it works with the live virus, it will be MUCH sooner than 12 months.


My DH listened to the interview with me and knows quite a bit about this.  He was impressed and is hopeful.  


Time will tell.


6 to 12 months is standard development time for a viral vaccine these days.  What you just said is considerably different from what you stated earlier.  Big difference between they have a vaccine and just need a live virus to test it and they need a live virus so that they can develop a virus in less than 12 months.


Modern development technology that has been used for vaccines for Ebola and Zika can develop a vaccine in 12 months or less depending upon the virus once they have a live virus in order to do DNA extraction.  Basically they are at the same starting point as many other teams that are also racing to develop a vaccine.

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1 hour ago, ellbelle said:


We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation and wish to reassure you that the risk to our guests and crew is low and our medical experts are coordinating closely with global health authorities.

As a precautionary measure, any guest who has traveled from or through mainland China within 14 days of the beginning of this cruise will be denied boarding.
This does not apply to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. If this applies to you or your client, please contact us at 1-800-577-1729 (North America) or your country?s office to provide proof of such travel and we will process a full

refund of all amounts paid to Holland America Line for this voyage.

In addition, all guests will be subject to pre-boarding health reporting and screening at cruise check-in, in addition to other precautions being taken.
The above is subject to change based on the interests of health and safety of our guests and crew and any other requirements imposed by local authorities.   


(I copied and pasted HAL's email above since the full post will not pop up in the link)


Thank you, ellbelle,  I appreciate your sharing this info with us.  

I feel bad for those who traveled so far and may be denied boarding.  I wish all who are or will be in the area the very best.  Hope all goes well for them.

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5 minutes ago, kazu said:


I’ll just agree to disagree as that is not what I hear on the news and it was an interview with the physician.  He was hopeful that the vaccine would be produced much sooner than 12 months.  He does need the live virus though as I have said several times.  With it, they know.  If it works with the live virus, it will be MUCH sooner than 6 or 12 months.




I think the problem lies in how we interpret that they will have a vaccine "produced".  It could be that the expert meant that they would have "a vaccine". But that doesn't mean having large quantities available for mass immunization. There are a number of steps that have to be followed. This link summarizes them well. It is not a fast process and there is little that can be done to speed it along.


(I work for a company that develops and manufactures vaccines.)

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12 minutes ago, npcl said:

 What you just said is considerably different from what you stated earlier.  Big difference between they have a vaccine and just need a live virus to test it and they need a live virus so that they can develop a virus in less than 12 months.



Are you having fun twisting my words?  I was addressing you when I said it should be less than 12 moths.  Did you watch the CBC interview with the Doctor.


He thinks they have the vaccine and needs the live virus.  Period.


Not going to get into a discussion or argument.  I’m simply reporting.  I’m not about to make a mountain out of molehill.





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Just now, cruisemom42 said:


I think the problem lies in how we interpret that they will have a vaccine "produced".  It could be that the expert meant that they would have "a vaccine". But that doesn't mean having large quantities available for mass immunization. There are a number of steps that have to be followed. This link summarizes them well. It is not a fast process and there is little that can be done to speed it along.


(I work for a company that develops and manufactures vaccines.)

I think in this case they were saying that they have a technology that will allow them to quickly develop a vaccine once they can get a live virus.  They have done so for others, but all are still in clinical trials and none have yet been licensed.  Amazing things are being done with Synthetic DNA extraction when it comes to viral vaccines, but it is still bleeding edge technology.


Which company do you work for? I spent 10 years working for FDA, and another 10 in Biotech. 



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Just now, kazu said:



Are you having fun twisting my words?  I was addressing you when I said it should be less than 12 moths.  Did you watch the CBC interview with the Doctor.


He thinks they have the vaccine and needs the live virus.  Period.


Not going to get into a discussion or argument.  I’m simply reporting.  I’m not about to make a mountain out of molehill.





Nope did not see the interview, but I did check both medical databases as well as press reports, including the article that I linked that included an interview with the Doctor that heads the team that you referenced.


Nowhere is there any reference to an existing vaccine ready to be tested.  Plenty of information about development platforms, including the one the team at Laval, works with to develop a vaccine once they get a live virus.  

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Would the man in Chicago,  diagnosed and ill  with the virus, possibly be a source for the scientists to get 'live  virus' for their work?


His wife was in  China, came home and infected him I have heard reported.  The latest report I heard was this morning and he was still alive and   Still ill so would  his blood still hav live virus which could  retrieved   viably for their work?




























































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4 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


I'm pretty sure I should not answer that as I am not speaking in an official capacity!


I can understand that. Just wondering if we might know anyone in common.  Especially if you are involved with R&D or Clinical Development.

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