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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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13 hours ago, kalos said:


Took my Mrs on the ones in Gib and Madeira and she was not amused 🤣

The one in Madeira was the first cable car I ever went on, been a few others since Mt Teide in Tenerife, Aonach Mòr in Scotland, a couple in the alps, I was going on the one in London, but was closed due to “operational reasons” 

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22 minutes ago, Snow Hill said:

The one in Madeira was the first cable car I ever went on, been a few others since Mt Teide in Tenerife, Aonach Mòr in Scotland, a couple in the alps, I was going on the one in London, but was closed due to “operational reasons” 

The most scary I have been on was the one over Singapore harbour, I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

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Morning Graham and kalos

It’s really chucking it down here - the roads are running like rivers.  I took the dog out first (health warning; there are times when dogs and flats don’t work - this is one!), got back & dropped her home and went straight out again to the market.  So, two missions accomplished with only one (thorough) soaking.  Treated myself to a lovely looking Belgian bun with flaked almond topping to enjoy with my coffee.  It seemed only right to buy something from the poor soggy stall holders 

Mr Eddie is doing a stint at the museum this morning.  I have no plans.  I have been looking at a Caribbean cruise in 2026, with a local flight.  We said we wouldn’t fly again but …. so nice to be able to get away from January weather.  
Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing.  Stay dry and take care if you’re driving

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A grey wet day here in the potteries.  I went out to do the school run but it took extra time because when it rains even more of the little darlings get taken to school by car.  I wish someone could explain the workings of the minds of teenage girls, we only have to deal with one but unlike her brother she doesn't get her school bag ready the night before and then leaves it to the last minute to stroll down stairs asking me to sort out the zipper that she had managed to get stuck on her coat.  They are then both moaning in the car because we are stuck in the queue to get to the drop off point.  The boy gets out of the car and walks the last few yards but her ladyship can't do that because her hair might get wet.  I offered her an umbrella that I keep in the car but that was turned down because she might lose it during the day. 😬😬 

Edited by Josy1953
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Good morning everyone on this very wet and miserable morning. Our dogsdidn’t enjoy going out this morning one little bit especially the Cavalier as she thinks she is a bit of a Princess.


My mum is still in hospital, they want to send her home with carers three times a day but she can’t get to the bathroom by herself which in only about 10 feet across the ward. I think she needs to go into Rehab for a couple of weeks until she becomes more mobile and a bit stronger. She isn’t eating hardly anything yet either and refusing the ensure drinks they want her to have. I have requested the rehab ward, just waiting to hear now.


I am getting a new car on Monday so have to take my mobility scooter to the company fitting the hoist in the new car today.


Have a nice day everyone 



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1 hour ago, Eddie99 said:

He’s not a very obliging chap at all, so they say

Shame isn’t it, when obviously talented people can’t be bothered to be nice people?

We saw him years ago at Liverpool Summer Pops and it’s the only concert I’ve ever walked out of. Zero charisma and seemed to have a proper cob on, as we say here.

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6 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

Good morning everyone on this very wet and miserable morning. Our dogsdidn’t enjoy going out this morning one little bit especially the Cavalier as she thinks she is a bit of a Princess.


My mum is still in hospital, they want to send her home with carers three times a day but she can’t get to the bathroom by herself which in only about 10 feet across the ward. I think she needs to go into Rehab for a couple of weeks until she becomes more mobile and a bit stronger. She isn’t eating hardly anything yet either and refusing the ensure drinks they want her to have. I have requested the rehab ward, just waiting to hear now.


I am getting a new car on Monday so have to take my mobility scooter to the company fitting the hoist in the new car today.


Have a nice day everyone 



Hopefully there won’t be any push back and your Mum can go into rehab (or intermediate care as it’s mostly called these days). What they absolutely can’t do is discharge her as this would be classed as an unsafe discharge, although sometimes you do have to press the point with the care team. I had to do that with my Mum when she was dying and I’ve worked for the NHS for over 20 years!

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5 minutes ago, lancashire_cruisers said:

Hopefully there won’t be any push back and your Mum can go into rehab (or intermediate care as it’s mostly called these days). What they absolutely can’t do is discharge her as this would be classed as an unsafe discharge, although sometimes you do have to press the point with the care team. I had to do that with my Mum when she was dying and I’ve worked for the NHS for over 20 years!

Thank you for the heads up on that, I appreciate it



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Just now, lancashire_cruisers said:

Hopefully there won’t be any push back and your Mum can go into rehab (or intermediate care as it’s mostly called these days). What they absolutely can’t do is discharge her as this would be classed as an unsafe discharge, although sometimes you do have to press the point with the care team. I had to do that with my Mum when she was dying and I’ve worked for the NHS for over 20 years!

I had the same issue with my mum a couple of years ago. She had been in hospital for a few weeks, not helped by catching Covid whilst she was in there (tested positive but no symptoms). They would not discharge her to go home with carers as was the situation before her hospital stay, because, quite correctly, they said it would be unsafe, but found her a place in a nursing home for respite care. She had always been opposed to nursing / care homes but accepted the nursing home place (not that she had any real choice), and stayed there for over a year. I have to say, having power of attorney for both health and finance was a great help and I recommend anyone with vulnerable or elderly family members to apply for it.

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25 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

Good morning everyone on this very wet and miserable morning. Our dogsdidn’t enjoy going out this morning one little bit especially the Cavalier as she thinks she is a bit of a Princess.


My mum is still in hospital, they want to send her home with carers three times a day but she can’t get to the bathroom by herself which in only about 10 feet across the ward. I think she needs to go into Rehab for a couple of weeks until she becomes more mobile and a bit stronger. She isn’t eating hardly anything yet either and refusing the ensure drinks they want her to have. I have requested the rehab ward, just waiting to hear now.


I am getting a new car on Monday so have to take my mobility scooter to the company fitting the hoist in the new car today.


Have a nice day everyone 



Good luck Michelle.

I agree with you she needs rehab.

I hope she starts eating more soon and drinks the excellent Ensure multi vitamin drinks.

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More tales of woe all round here!  On Monday I had a quick shower before getting ready for the doctors.  Got out to puddles of water and thought crikey you've been a bit messy girl. Mopped it up and started to leave the room then realised more water is appearing at a rapid rate.  Investigation and the water is hot, very hot! I then realised I could hear water still running.  I'm now paddling in it, no sign of stopping it.  Go to the stopcock which is also in the bathroom total panic when it fails to turn in any direction.  There I stand dripping wet wrapped in a towel and alone in the house thinking the end is nigh.  I tried the bath taps - the shower is over the bath - and realised this stopped the flow out from underneath significantly not completely but enough to buy me time to get out our emergency plumbing policy with Ovo and send for help.  Guy listens to the problem says I'll put out an emergency call and plumber will be witn you in an hour. Great ... call the doctor to say can't make 10.10 and they rearranged for 15.10 there's me thinking it will all be over.


No plumber appears in the hour, I've now used every towel and sheet in the house holding back the tide and am frantically trying every local plumber's number for help, of course none available as out on jobs.  Two hours pass, I'm now trying to use a wrench to turn off the stopcock but nothing turns.  I ring my OH who's out at a clients office some hour and a half away in desperation and ask him to come home.  He arrives back at 1.20pm tries the stopcock and agrees its solid.  The bathroom, our only one is tiny so having taken the bath panel off he tries to lie flat (actually impossible) to find a screw to disconnect the taps under the bath.  Reaching in he bangs his head very hard and we then have him laying there stunned with blood gushing out from his head but he tells me he has found the screw and to get him a flatheaded screwdriver from the kitchen which thankfully I find instantly and he is able to turn the water off.  Now we have to get him out and up - I've mentioned before he has chronic fibromyalgia and a major heart condition so manouevre ability is not good at the best of times - which on this occasion turns out to be no mean feat with a slippery flooded floor, very limited space and blood running down under his glasses so he cannot see. Thankfully I get him out after 10 minutes of trying and am able to tend to the wound at least.  


Back to the telephone and Ovo for the missing plumber. 2.20pm ahh yes we have your "claim", I will put the call out.  What? The call out was for an urgent stopcock and major leak.  Errr  yes I'm afraid it's a training issue the adviser didn't put it as urgent.  Cue light blue touchpaper, Megabear in full best furious argument mode!  Whilst demanding urgent action Mr Megabear receives a text, Ovo plumber will arrive between 4.00pm and 8.00pm.  Lots more furious discussion ensues.  I let Mr Megabear take over the conversation and leave for the doctors. 

Arrive home an hour later to find Mr Megabear still discussing the merits or not of an Ovo emergency insurance policy - apparently they'd called him back three times but no plumber in sight.


Plumber eventually makes contact 5.20pm.  He's in Somerset and at least an hour and thirty minutes away.  I ask about the stopcock as he mentions he has to isolate a leak nothing more. Absolutely adamant he isn't doing anything except stopping the leak which of course was already done.  Turns up at 6.45pm, looks under the bath, not covered under the policy, photograph it, gone.  Total times 4 minutes, not looked at the stopcock, zilch.  More irate calls to Ovo, an acceptance they've done it all wrong  new plumber will be there between 9.00am and 1.00pm Tuesday, text received to confirm.  Will confirm 1 hour window Tuesday ... yeh right, ha ha.  1.00pm Tuesday new text received: we have booked your plumber for Wednesday pm between 1.00pm and 6.00pm ....


Meantime Mr Megabear goes to the doctor Tuesday morning to be told he's got a mild concussion, all of his vital signs are raised and he's actually now quite unwell with urgent change of medication etc required.


Customer service calls 5.00pm on Tuesday, sorry we know we've cocked up ...



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2 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

I wish someone could explain the workings of the minds of teenage girls


Oooh the memories Josy!!🤣


I had two of the little devils.  One wasn't too bad but the other never got anything ready then  a cry of "Mum, you'll have to take me"  All the while I was trying to get ready to drive myself to work in London.


I remember all the  moaning and rushing around... the memories of all that chaos are still there.

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8 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I sincerely hope the old saying Things Can Only Get Better will prove true


Best wishes to your husband, and I hope you are continuing to improve too

Thank you. I actually feel better just writing the above rant!  I truthfully think if I wrote a book no one would believe it as my life is like one giant fairytale at the moment.

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23 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

More tales of woe all round here!  On Monday I had a quick shower before getting ready for the doctors.  Got out to puddles of water and thought crikey you've been a bit messy girl. Mopped it up and started to leave the room then realised more water is appearing at a rapid rate.  Investigation and the water is hot, very hot! I then realised I could hear water still running.  I'm now paddling in it, no sign of stopping it.  Go to the stopcock which is also in the bathroom total panic when it fails to turn in any direction.  There I stand dripping wet wrapped in a towel and alone in the house thinking the end is nigh.  I tried the bath taps - the shower is over the bath - and realised this stopped the flow out from underneath significantly not completely but enough to buy me time to get out our emergency plumbing policy with Ovo and send for help.  Guy listens to the problem says I'll put out an emergency call and plumber will be witn you in an hour. Great ... call the doctor to say can't make 10.10 and they rearranged for 15.10 there's me thinking it will all be over.


No plumber appears in the hour, I've now used every towel and sheet in the house holding back the tide and am frantically trying every local plumber's number for help, of course none available as out on jobs.  Two hours pass, I'm now trying to use a wrench to turn off the stopcock but nothing turns.  I ring my OH who's out at a clients office some hour and a half away in desperation and ask him to come home.  He arrives back at 1.20pm tries the stopcock and agrees its solid.  The bathroom, our only one is tiny so having taken the bath panel off he tries to lie flat (actually impossible) to find a screw to disconnect the taps under the bath.  Reaching in he bangs his head very hard and we then have him laying there stunned with blood gushing out from his head but he tells me he has found the screw and to get him a flatheaded screwdriver from the kitchen which thankfully I find instantly and he is able to turn the water off.  Now we have to get him out and up - I've mentioned before he has chronic fibromyalgia and a major heart condition so manouevre ability is not good at the best of times - which on this occasion turns out to be no mean feat with a slippery flooded floor, very limited space and blood running down under his glasses so he cannot see. Thankfully I get him out after 10 minutes of trying and am able to tend to the wound at least.  


Back to the telephone and Ovo for the missing plumber. 2.20pm ahh yes we have your "claim", I will put the call out.  What? The call out was for an urgent stopcock and major leak.  Errr  yes I'm afraid it's a training issue the adviser didn't put it as urgent.  Cue light blue touchpaper, Megabear in full best furious argument mode!  Whilst demanding urgent action Mr Megabear receives a text, Ovo plumber will arrive between 4.00pm and 8.00pm.  Lots more furious discussion ensues.  I let Mr Megabear take over the conversation and leave for the doctors. 

Arrive home an hour later to find Mr Megabear still discussing the merits or not of an Ovo emergency insurance policy - apparently they'd called him back three times but no plumber in sight.


Plumber eventually makes contact 5.20pm.  He's in Somerset and at least an hour and thirty minutes away.  I ask about the stopcock as he mentions he has to isolate a leak nothing more. Absolutely adamant he isn't doing anything except stopping the leak which of course was already done.  Turns up at 6.45pm, looks under the bath, not covered under the policy, photograph it, gone.  Total times 4 minutes, not looked at the stopcock, zilch.  More irate calls to Ovo, an acceptance they've done it all wrong  new plumber will be there between 9.00am and 1.00pm Tuesday, text received to confirm.  Will confirm 1 hour window Tuesday ... yeh right, ha ha.  1.00pm Tuesday new text received: we have booked your plumber for Wednesday pm between 1.00pm and 6.00pm ....


Meantime Mr Megabear goes to the doctor Tuesday morning to be told he's got a mild concussion, all of his vital signs are raised and he's actually now quite unwell with urgent change of medication etc required.


Customer service calls 5.00pm on Tuesday, sorry we know we've cocked up ...



I'm sorry to hear your story.

Terrible customer service.

I hope your husband is okay.

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Hope things  soon improve for you Megabear.


Long story, short version, nightmares here too regarding morphine patches.  Need to speak to surgery due to me asking questions re heart, monitoring etc .. two days couldn't get through,   It's important I speak to them as have to wean off other controlled drug.  On and on it goes,.  The receptionists take no messages, just say  our lists are full today please go to walk in surgery.   It's not appropriate unless they dish out opiates like sweets.  Daughter and  MP plus another Hospital now involved.  I can do without any more stress so will just sit back and let eloquent daughter deal!!!


where's the chocolate🤣

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4 minutes ago, indiana123 said:

Hope things  soon improve for you Megabear.


Long story, short version, nightmares here too regarding morphine patches.  Need to speak to surgery due to me asking questions re heart, monitoring etc .. two days couldn't get through,   It's important I speak to them as have to wean off other controlled drug.  On and on it goes,.  The receptionists take no messages, just say  our lists are full today please go to walk in surgery.   It's not appropriate unless they dish out opiates like sweets.  Daughter and  MP plus another Hospital now involved.  I can do without any more stress so will just sit back and let eloquent daughter deal!!!


where's the chocolate🤣

The whole systems, no matter what or whom, seem to have gone into complete failure.  It's no wonder we keep reading about the number of people sick due to mental issues and stress.  Even the simplest thing seems to lead to huge problems and anguish.


I do hope it all gets sorted for you soon.  Yes, I agree chocolate is an excellent idea and blow the consequences!

Edited by Megabear2
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