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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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3 minutes ago, davekathy said:

Graham, sorry to hear that. Hopefully Kathy doesn't have issues in the future. So are , so good. She does have a pain in the a$$ however. It's call me. 😁

Thank you Dave.

My late mam had both knees replaced.

My brother had a hip replaced so it runs in the family.

I sincerely hope Kathy has no future issues with her knee.

Cheers mate.🍺🍺.


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3 hours ago, bobmacliberty said:


I'm not falling for this again!  Everyone says that San Diego has the best weather in the US.  I brought my family there on a business trip that we turned into a vacation.  Stayed at the Hotel del Coronado where my wife planned to take our daughters to the beach while I was working.  It was the first week in June and it was sorta miserable (compared to our expectations).  Low 60s, mostly overcast, and misty/rainy.  Not at all beach weather.  It's apparently an annual thing called June Gloom.  Nobody told us ahead of time but every time we told this story to someone from San Diego, they always said "Oh yeah, June Gloom".



I definitely respect his commitment to his craft.  He definitely owes a lot to his wife, who probably had to sacrifice some of what was a hugely successful career for her.  But he also owes a lot to his insane eating and exercising routines.  I'm sure that allowed him to do things in his 40s that many couldn't do in their 30s.  I can't fathom doing what he did.


And for those who complained about NE winning all the time, I say this...get better and beat them.  The NFL is not like college football where Bama is almost guaranteed to have the best recruiting class every year (and I say that as a fan of Ohio State...one of only a handful of teams that can get similarly good recruits).  As a Bills fan, I know it's not easy, but there are a lot of NFL rules designed for parity.  And it's critical to have an elite QB.  I think the Patriots and Steelers are going to suffer for the next several/many years.

NE nation is now quite perturbed with his retirement statement issued early today.  He spent 2 of his 22 NFL years in Tampa and 20 of those in NE.  In his original statement he never once mentioned NE, just the glorious 2 years in TB and the fans and teammates.  Bob Kraft issued a statement this afternoon, thanking Tom for those 20 years and what he meant to this region and the team.  Tom has now apparently "updated" his retirement statement as now Kraft is offering him a one day contract to retire as a NE Patriot.  Boston media is blowing up over it, most saying, nope to late, the narcissist has spoken.  Bye bye TB.  So you all think just cruising generates such passionate feelings, LOL


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12 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

52°F and light rain this morning.

I hope everyone has a nice day today.


It was 19 and sunny.My Parkinsons therapy was cancelled today because the Maintenance people at the Medical building put down some kind of salt and people were falling 

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Things are getting back to "normal" today.     I spent most of the morning at my MIL's house meeting with her insurance adjuster and electrician as she is really clueless on any of this kinda stuff.     Thank god she was much nicer today but oh boy yesterday she was screaming at everyone (Firemen included).     

She phoned Eric while he was an eye doc appt. simply saying she needed him to look an outlet that was not working properly in her bedroom.     We went over when done appt. not expecting to find that she had 2 or 3 outlets glowing and a trail of black going up one wall.     Eric immediately shut down the main breaker to the house while I called 911.     As I was getting her fire extinguisher from kitchen a flame shot out of one of the outlets.    

I told her to go outside to wait for firemen.    She argues and argues and refuses to go outside because it is cold.    Eric had to literally scream at her to get her coat on and go to her car.   Otherwise she wasn't moving.  


Fireman came in and knocked down some sheet rock as things were burning behind the wall and other wires were melting.        He told her she would not be able to stay there last night as an electrician would have to come rewire and check everything out before the power would be restored.       


Eric and I walked through the house with the Fire chief who said the cause was space heaters.   We discovered she had 2 space heaters in her bedroom and 3 in her TV room.     


We told him he she never listens and does whatever the hell she wants.    Always been that way.   He picked up 2 of the heaters in front of her and said these are trash! and you should never use any of them.    He told her you have perfectly good heater for your house and should use it!     


He walked through the house and pointed out some very old extension cords she is using and must get rid of and he also pointed out that she has a microwave in her TV room that is plugged into an extension cord and that is another fire hazard waiting to happen.     Kitchen is about 10 feet away from her TV/Family room.     Fire Chief unplugged the microwave and put it on kitchen counter and told her NO!    


We asked where she got these heaters from as they were not there a couple weeks ago when Eric saw her before our cruise.       She said she had someone order them online for her as it is cheaper to run them then raise the temp on the house thermostat - OMG!     


After some screaming about where she was going to stay for the night we took her a local Holiday Inn.      She's allergic to our cats and hasn't been at our house forever.    


We left there last night hoping the Fire Chief being a bit "harsh" with her will make her understand and listen.     


this morning I picked her up to take her back to the house to meet the various people that were coming out.    She says to me in the car is that fire chief coming back to inspect my house.   I said I don't think so and she said good because I'm not doing what he said .     I said fine blow up your house if you want but don't call us next time.    She went on to say he owes her a wall since he knocked her down her sheetrock.      OMG OMG OMG!!!


Electrician re-wired and was able to restore power after about 3 hours of work this morning and insurance adjuster will send a cleaning company to come out tomorrow then a crew to fix sheetrock and repaint some rooms on first floor.        While the insurance adjuster was there she said I hope I can make some extra cash from this.     OMG OMG!      


By the time the various people working at the house were done and leaving she had moved her microwave and now put her coffee maker in her TV room.     and drum roll please, she had 1 of the space heaters hooked up right next to her sofa.       I told her that is a huge NO NO to have them both plugged into an extension cord and she said I don't care it's where I want them. 


Stubbornness will kill her!   

sorry for the long story but I had to share. 



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7 hours ago, Arzeena said:

Sorry but I have to say this: I do not understand the "annoyance" some of you guys have towards Lenny.

Why does anyone have to ask him? I say why not? It's absolutely OK.

Why does anyone have to bother? Then don't!

We have met Lenny personally and he is one the nicest people ever on CC! No airs, no pretending, no I am better than thou attitude. Yes, there may be moments, but everyone has those moments.

Thank you so very much ,Arzeena.

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If anyone has been to Sydney, the view from our beach umbrella is of Lion Island and Barrenjoey Lighthouse at Palm Beach.  After our swims, we headed to Terrigal Beach, walked around the beachside boardwalk and to the top of The Skillion which has views of Avoca Beach and the incoming stormy weather.






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3 minutes ago, lenquixote66 said:

It was 19 and sunny.My Parkinsons therapy was cancelled today because the Maintenance people at the Medical building put down some kind of salt and people were falling 

Sorry to hear your Parkinson therapy appointment was cancelled today Lenny.

Did they give you a new appointment?.


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5 hours ago, NHProud said:

We all have our little annoying habits . It is best to move on . 


I’m not reporting on the weather in San Diego because our winters hover around 70° and on the bad days it is in the 60°s.   We get 10” of rain during our winters if we do get that.  It can get boring with the ever present blue skies and no humidity.

Then there’s the Pacific to the west , desert to the east , skiing in the mountains in the winter a couple of hours drive away and Los Angeles to the north . 


 Enjoy your snow ! 


A friend who I have known since 1948 left Brooklyn about 40 years ago to live in SanDiego.He told me that it is the most wonderful place in the US to live.Toby and I have been there several times over the years and loved being there.We were surprised a few years ago to find out that my SD friend moved to a town in Oregon known to get more snow than many other parts of the US.I asked why.He replied that their best friends in SD moved there and they followed them.

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10 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Things are getting back to "normal" today.     I spent most of the morning at my MIL's house meeting with her insurance adjuster and electrician as she is really clueless on any of this kinda stuff.     Thank god she was much nicer today but oh boy yesterday she was screaming at everyone (Firemen included).     

She phoned Eric while he was an eye doc appt. simply saying she needed him to look an outlet that was not working properly in her bedroom.     We went over when done appt. not expecting to find that she had 2 or 3 outlets glowing and a trail of black going up one wall.     Eric immediately shut down the main breaker to the house while I called 911.     As I was getting her fire extinguisher from kitchen a flame shot out of one of the outlets.    

I told her to go outside to wait for firemen.    She argues and argues and refuses to go outside because it is cold.    Eric had to literally scream at her to get her coat on and go to her car.   Otherwise she wasn't moving.  


Fireman came in and knocked down some sheet rock as things were burning behind the wall and other wires were melting.        He told her she would not be able to stay there last night as an electrician would have to come rewire and check everything out before the power would be restored.       


Eric and I walked through the house with the Fire chief who said the cause was space heaters.   We discovered she had 2 space heaters in her bedroom and 3 in her TV room.     


We told him he she never listens and does whatever the hell she wants.    Always been that way.   He picked up 2 of the heaters in front of her and said these are trash! and you should never use any of them.    He told her you have perfectly good heater for your house and should use it!     


He walked through the house and pointed out some very old extension cords she is using and must get rid of and he also pointed out that she has a microwave in her TV room that is plugged into an extension cord and that is another fire hazard waiting to happen.     Kitchen is about 10 feet away from her TV/Family room.     Fire Chief unplugged the microwave and put it on kitchen counter and told her NO!    


We asked where she got these heaters from as they were not there a couple weeks ago when Eric saw her before our cruise.       She said she had someone order them online for her as it is cheaper to run them then raise the temp on the house thermostat - OMG!     


After some screaming about where she was going to stay for the night we took her a local Holiday Inn.      She's allergic to our cats and hasn't been at our house forever.    


We left there last night hoping the Fire Chief being a bit "harsh" with her will make her understand and listen.     


this morning I picked her up to take her back to the house to meet the various people that were coming out.    She says to me in the car is that fire chief coming back to inspect my house.   I said I don't think so and she said good because I'm not doing what he said .     I said fine blow up your house if you want but don't call us next time.    She went on to say he owes her a wall since he knocked her down her sheetrock.      OMG OMG OMG!!!


Electrician re-wired and was able to restore power after about 3 hours of work this morning and insurance adjuster will send a cleaning company to come out tomorrow then a crew to fix sheetrock and repaint some rooms on first floor.        While the insurance adjuster was there she said I hope I can make some extra cash from this.     OMG OMG!      


By the time the various people working at the house were done and leaving she had moved her microwave and now put her coffee maker in her TV room.     and drum roll please, she had 1 of the space heaters hooked up right next to her sofa.       I told her that is a huge NO NO to have them both plugged into an extension cord and she said I don't care it's where I want them. 


Stubbornness will kill her!   

sorry for the long story but I had to share. 



No need to apologize for the long story.  What a crazy day. It sounds like you have a whole lot more patience than I do.  At least you tried your best.  

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12 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Things are getting back to "normal" today.     I spent most of the morning at my MIL's house meeting with her insurance adjuster and electrician as she is really clueless on any of this kinda stuff.     Thank god she was much nicer today but oh boy yesterday she was screaming at everyone (Firemen included).     

She phoned Eric while he was an eye doc appt. simply saying she needed him to look an outlet that was not working properly in her bedroom.     We went over when done appt. not expecting to find that she had 2 or 3 outlets glowing and a trail of black going up one wall.     Eric immediately shut down the main breaker to the house while I called 911.     As I was getting her fire extinguisher from kitchen a flame shot out of one of the outlets.    

I told her to go outside to wait for firemen.    She argues and argues and refuses to go outside because it is cold.    Eric had to literally scream at her to get her coat on and go to her car.   Otherwise she wasn't moving.  


Fireman came in and knocked down some sheet rock as things were burning behind the wall and other wires were melting.        He told her she would not be able to stay there last night as an electrician would have to come rewire and check everything out before the power would be restored.       


Eric and I walked through the house with the Fire chief who said the cause was space heaters.   We discovered she had 2 space heaters in her bedroom and 3 in her TV room.     


We told him he she never listens and does whatever the hell she wants.    Always been that way.   He picked up 2 of the heaters in front of her and said these are trash! and you should never use any of them.    He told her you have perfectly good heater for your house and should use it!     


He walked through the house and pointed out some very old extension cords she is using and must get rid of and he also pointed out that she has a microwave in her TV room that is plugged into an extension cord and that is another fire hazard waiting to happen.     Kitchen is about 10 feet away from her TV/Family room.     Fire Chief unplugged the microwave and put it on kitchen counter and told her NO!    


We asked where she got these heaters from as they were not there a couple weeks ago when Eric saw her before our cruise.       She said she had someone order them online for her as it is cheaper to run them then raise the temp on the house thermostat - OMG!     


After some screaming about where she was going to stay for the night we took her a local Holiday Inn.      She's allergic to our cats and hasn't been at our house forever.    


We left there last night hoping the Fire Chief being a bit "harsh" with her will make her understand and listen.     


this morning I picked her up to take her back to the house to meet the various people that were coming out.    She says to me in the car is that fire chief coming back to inspect my house.   I said I don't think so and she said good because I'm not doing what he said .     I said fine blow up your house if you want but don't call us next time.    She went on to say he owes her a wall since he knocked her down her sheetrock.      OMG OMG OMG!!!


Electrician re-wired and was able to restore power after about 3 hours of work this morning and insurance adjuster will send a cleaning company to come out tomorrow then a crew to fix sheetrock and repaint some rooms on first floor.        While the insurance adjuster was there she said I hope I can make some extra cash from this.     OMG OMG!      


By the time the various people working at the house were done and leaving she had moved her microwave and now put her coffee maker in her TV room.     and drum roll please, she had 1 of the space heaters hooked up right next to her sofa.       I told her that is a huge NO NO to have them both plugged into an extension cord and she said I don't care it's where I want them. 


Stubbornness will kill her!   

sorry for the long story but I had to share. 



She sounds like a nightmare for you Debbie and Eric.

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4 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

My daughter's Plano, TX Senior High School had only 11 and 12th grades. Her senior graduating class had 1,000 students.   Grades 9 and 10 were just called High School.

I am NOT looking forward to Thursday's weather!!


Today will be 70 and Thursday dips to a high of 24.  Our crazy TX weather!


I just hope we don't have a repeat of last February's ice storm.


Hope we don't lose power!!


Stay safe.

In my town on Thursday it will be 52 and raining.Friday it will be 18.Everything that melts from the rain will freeze up again.

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19 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:

Below Deck starting!  

Just watching our recording from last night.  I like all the crew but could do without the drama.  I love Rachel’s humour.  I could go on holiday any day, any time with her.  Just not the really drunk Racheal. 

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17 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Things are getting back to "normal" today.     I spent most of the morning at my MIL's house meeting with her insurance adjuster and electrician as she is really clueless on any of this kinda stuff.     Thank god she was much nicer today but oh boy yesterday she was screaming at everyone (Firemen included).     

She phoned Eric while he was an eye doc appt. simply saying she needed him to look an outlet that was not working properly in her bedroom.     We went over when done appt. not expecting to find that she had 2 or 3 outlets glowing and a trail of black going up one wall.     Eric immediately shut down the main breaker to the house while I called 911.     As I was getting her fire extinguisher from kitchen a flame shot out of one of the outlets.    

I told her to go outside to wait for firemen.    She argues and argues and refuses to go outside because it is cold.    Eric had to literally scream at her to get her coat on and go to her car.   Otherwise she wasn't moving.  


Fireman came in and knocked down some sheet rock as things were burning behind the wall and other wires were melting.        He told her she would not be able to stay there last night as an electrician would have to come rewire and check everything out before the power would be restored.       


Eric and I walked through the house with the Fire chief who said the cause was space heaters.   We discovered she had 2 space heaters in her bedroom and 3 in her TV room.     


We told him he she never listens and does whatever the hell she wants.    Always been that way.   He picked up 2 of the heaters in front of her and said these are trash! and you should never use any of them.    He told her you have perfectly good heater for your house and should use it!     


He walked through the house and pointed out some very old extension cords she is using and must get rid of and he also pointed out that she has a microwave in her TV room that is plugged into an extension cord and that is another fire hazard waiting to happen.     Kitchen is about 10 feet away from her TV/Family room.     Fire Chief unplugged the microwave and put it on kitchen counter and told her NO!    


We asked where she got these heaters from as they were not there a couple weeks ago when Eric saw her before our cruise.       She said she had someone order them online for her as it is cheaper to run them then raise the temp on the house thermostat - OMG!     


After some screaming about where she was going to stay for the night we took her a local Holiday Inn.      She's allergic to our cats and hasn't been at our house forever.    


We left there last night hoping the Fire Chief being a bit "harsh" with her will make her understand and listen.     


this morning I picked her up to take her back to the house to meet the various people that were coming out.    She says to me in the car is that fire chief coming back to inspect my house.   I said I don't think so and she said good because I'm not doing what he said .     I said fine blow up your house if you want but don't call us next time.    She went on to say he owes her a wall since he knocked her down her sheetrock.      OMG OMG OMG!!!


Electrician re-wired and was able to restore power after about 3 hours of work this morning and insurance adjuster will send a cleaning company to come out tomorrow then a crew to fix sheetrock and repaint some rooms on first floor.        While the insurance adjuster was there she said I hope I can make some extra cash from this.     OMG OMG!      


By the time the various people working at the house were done and leaving she had moved her microwave and now put her coffee maker in her TV room.     and drum roll please, she had 1 of the space heaters hooked up right next to her sofa.       I told her that is a huge NO NO to have them both plugged into an extension cord and she said I don't care it's where I want them. 


Stubbornness will kill her!   

sorry for the long story but I had to share. 



Amazing! She must be related to my aunt, who birthed three girls as stubborn as she was. 
Evidently some people would rather die than back down. 

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22 minutes ago, aussielozzie18 said:

If anyone has been to Sydney, the view from our beach umbrella is of Lion Island and Barrenjoey Lighthouse at Palm Beach.  After our swims, we headed to Terrigal Beach, walked around the beachside boardwalk and to the top of The Skillion which has views of Avoca Beach and the incoming stormy weather.






Absolutely beautiful.

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8 minutes ago, lenquixote66 said:

In my town on Thursday it will be 52 and raining.Friday it will be 18.Everything that melts from the rain will freeze up again.

Saturday night we had a low of 22..Today it’s 72. It will be cold (for Florida) again tonight…expecting 36F. 

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10 hours ago, sgmn said:

Lovely pics Aussielozzie, bringing sunshine into our winter 

What part of Australian are you in and is the beach house nearby?

Hi Sue.  I live in Sydney.  This is Killcare on the Central Coast which is approx 1 - 1 1/2 north of Sydney depending on where you live.  Lots of people live on the Central Coast and commute by train or car into Sydney for work.

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30 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Things are getting back to "normal" today.     I spent most of the morning at my MIL's house meeting with her insurance adjuster and electrician as she is really clueless on any of this kinda stuff.     Thank god she was much nicer today but oh boy yesterday she was screaming at everyone (Firemen included).     

She phoned Eric while he was an eye doc appt. simply saying she needed him to look an outlet that was not working properly in her bedroom.     We went over when done appt. not expecting to find that she had 2 or 3 outlets glowing and a trail of black going up one wall.     Eric immediately shut down the main breaker to the house while I called 911.     As I was getting her fire extinguisher from kitchen a flame shot out of one of the outlets.    

I told her to go outside to wait for firemen.    She argues and argues and refuses to go outside because it is cold.    Eric had to literally scream at her to get her coat on and go to her car.   Otherwise she wasn't moving.  


Fireman came in and knocked down some sheet rock as things were burning behind the wall and other wires were melting.        He told her she would not be able to stay there last night as an electrician would have to come rewire and check everything out before the power would be restored.       


Eric and I walked through the house with the Fire chief who said the cause was space heaters.   We discovered she had 2 space heaters in her bedroom and 3 in her TV room.     


We told him he she never listens and does whatever the hell she wants.    Always been that way.   He picked up 2 of the heaters in front of her and said these are trash! and you should never use any of them.    He told her you have perfectly good heater for your house and should use it!     


He walked through the house and pointed out some very old extension cords she is using and must get rid of and he also pointed out that she has a microwave in her TV room that is plugged into an extension cord and that is another fire hazard waiting to happen.     Kitchen is about 10 feet away from her TV/Family room.     Fire Chief unplugged the microwave and put it on kitchen counter and told her NO!    


We asked where she got these heaters from as they were not there a couple weeks ago when Eric saw her before our cruise.       She said she had someone order them online for her as it is cheaper to run them then raise the temp on the house thermostat - OMG!     


After some screaming about where she was going to stay for the night we took her a local Holiday Inn.      She's allergic to our cats and hasn't been at our house forever.    


We left there last night hoping the Fire Chief being a bit "harsh" with her will make her understand and listen.     


this morning I picked her up to take her back to the house to meet the various people that were coming out.    She says to me in the car is that fire chief coming back to inspect my house.   I said I don't think so and she said good because I'm not doing what he said .     I said fine blow up your house if you want but don't call us next time.    She went on to say he owes her a wall since he knocked her down her sheetrock.      OMG OMG OMG!!!


Electrician re-wired and was able to restore power after about 3 hours of work this morning and insurance adjuster will send a cleaning company to come out tomorrow then a crew to fix sheetrock and repaint some rooms on first floor.        While the insurance adjuster was there she said I hope I can make some extra cash from this.     OMG OMG!      


By the time the various people working at the house were done and leaving she had moved her microwave and now put her coffee maker in her TV room.     and drum roll please, she had 1 of the space heaters hooked up right next to her sofa.       I told her that is a huge NO NO to have them both plugged into an extension cord and she said I don't care it's where I want them. 


Stubbornness will kill her!   

sorry for the long story but I had to share. 



OMG, Debbie!  My MIL is a piece of work but not like this.  It’s crazy that even the fire chief didn’t get thru to her. 

I bet you’re glad you have cats 😉!  

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1 hour ago, NHProud said:

@bobmacliberty  You missed the May gray.  It is presently 63° and the sun is shining. Can’t ask for better than that .  I have vacationed on Amelia Island and it was very nice. 


Greg , thanks for the cooling device suggestion.  




I'm half joking about our June Gloom experience, although it did put a damper on our plans.  If that's the worst of your weather, and it never gets too hot/humid, you really do live in a great place.  NE Florida has a little more "seasons".  It gets in the 90s with high humidity in the summer and often into the 40s (or as Mimi noted, even into the 20s on occasion) during the winter.  We chose this location partly because we (or more accurately Micheline) still wanted a little bit of seasonal change.  The only real weather requirements were no snow and the ability to play golf year round. 😁

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7 minutes ago, aussielozzie18 said:

@Sunshine3601 OMG.  The stories about your MIL.  First the appalling way she has treated you and then this attitude towards her own personal safety and those trying to help her.  What a horrible woman.  Your blood pressure must go through the roof every time you deal with her.  

Thank you.    I worry more about Eric's BP.    When we got home last night after dropping her off at hotel, he sat down and checked his BP it was 211 over 115.    He immediately took an extra BP pill and was down to 140/80 when we got ready for bed.    

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